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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 57 KB, 640x480, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4795610 No.4795610 [Reply] [Original]

Mai wolfu.

>> No.4795623

You know wol-fu?! Let us do battle!

>> No.4795627

Why so sage?

>> No.4795632

I liked the fighting game

>> No.4795637

She looks ugly.

>> No.4795642
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>> No.4795643

You must be new here.

>> No.4795658

The influx of /v/ users on the good boards thanks to the baby is worrying. I hope moot fixes /v/ soon.

>> No.4795668

The fuck is wrong with your brain?

>> No.4795670
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>good board

I don't think so, Tim.

if anything, I hope all the /v/ goers and facebookers drive you faggots out

back on topic, also superior

>> No.4795695
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>> No.4795701

Too bad you can only pick one of them.

>> No.4795709

Back to /a/ please.

>> No.4795714
File: 29 KB, 274x450, wheelchairmoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really wish you had more time in the final chapter to play with/level up new recruits

not worth all the trouble to get some of the characters when they start so weak

>> No.4795719

That girl's backstory is too sad. ;_;

>> No.4795726

So how is the progress on this?

>> No.4795735


aren't you forgetting that most people from /jp/ are from /a/?

i'm from /v/, actually.


i know kunagi leaves if you go senna route, but don't you get to keep senna if you go kunagi route? i've always gone senna so i don't know.

>> No.4795739

Senna goes back to the capital and the president uses her power to turn off Senna's regeneration and then kills her to get the soul back.

>> No.4795753

I personally love seeing the /v/ users being buttmad over babby. They should make that permanent.

Polite sage.

>> No.4795859

im thinking about playing this game, came in with the wave of new rance players from /v/. Is this man a spectacular asshole like rance and what is the gameplay/story like?

>> No.4795874

he's a moralfag

>> No.4795877

If you go with Senna, Kunagi dies
If you go with Kunagi, Senna dies

Unavoidable deaths is the one thing that makes me sad about Alice games

It's like in Sengoku Rance where Ran and that Mouri maid always explodes in true history route no matter what

>> No.4795881

Also, Fuuka dies in True History after you beat the shit out of Natori. Apparently it is canon.

>> No.4795882


plot is the unification of Alice-Soft Japan
protagonist is badass with a heart of gold
the only person he's being an asshole to is his older brother, but that stems from other reasons

>> No.4795885

Can I get a name?

>> No.4795892

I meant Orochi, not Natori. But you do beat her with your penis if you know what I mean and she likes it.

>> No.4795893


Senna is pretty much Fuuka mk.2 IMO

>> No.4795901

How much translated is this game? Up to the epilogue?

>> No.4795904

The worst is if you go Senna's route and then get the bad ending. Both end up dead.

>> No.4795907

FFFF. When did it get translated?

>> No.4795908
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he's a good guy, maybe a bit of a dick to some characters (and probably too much of a "normalfag" for /jp/'s tastes), but he doesn't rape anybody. the bad guys do all the raping. and they do a lot of it.

it's a lot harder than rance. guaranteed permadeath if HP reaches 0. in the third/final chapter, characters loyalty will constantly drop and they'll leave you if it hits 0.

you also have to keep a real close eye on your finances starting in the second chapter. characters have upkeep, and if you're spending too much, you won't be able to recruit new ones. and if your funds run out, it's a game over.

like rance, there are a fuckton of characters to recruit, and all the important ones have character clears. minor characters, sadly, only have 1 or 2 H-scenes at most. also, lots of the girls willingly bang guys other than you, which isn't a big deal for most people but some of the faggots here get pretty pissed to the point where they can't play.

it's a pretty good game overall, i wish there was a fourth chapter or something.

>> No.4795918

hmmm, but how is it game play? is it more of an rpg based game or another land grab turn based rpg where if you mess up consequences are vicious (killing off characters and such)

>> No.4795921
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>also, lots of the girls willingly bang guys other than you, which isn't a big deal for most people but some of the faggots here get pretty pissed to the point where they can't play.

>> No.4795932
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>also, lots of the girls willingly bang guys other than you

>> No.4795940

answered before i could ask and jeeeeeeeez sounds terrible if you mess up one little thing in that game. likes to punish you eh?

>> No.4795956


the latter

it's probably best to watch a gameplay video

the first chapter is pretty linear aside from choosing which characters to recruit, but it really opens up later on.

>> No.4795957

You forgot to mention that most of the girls has some horrible background, like being a rape victim or a sex slave.

>> No.4795971
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>also, lots of the girls willingly bang guys other than you

>> No.4795993
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I wouldn't say most, but there are a lot. The whole point of the thing is that the world is corrupt and brutal right now with everybody but Rouga doing whatever the fuck they want.

Also, cutest serial rapist ever.

>> No.4795994


it's not that bad, you will probably have to restart a couple of times to get a hang of it.

best advice I can give is 1 - recruit generics, they are useless at the beginning but essential at the end for earning income/maintaining stability and 2 - give all your experience to only the most useful characters.

there's also a wiki over at the same site that hosts the Rance wiki.

>> No.4795995

>>also, lots of the girls willingly bang guys other than you

>> No.4796017

>also, lots of the girls willingly bang guys other than you

>> No.4796018
File: 53 KB, 640x480, worksafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are threesomes with another guy acceptable? or is that still NTR?

>> No.4796020

The wiki is good for certain information, but gets a ton of stuff completely wrong too. Don't rely on it too much.

>> No.4796026

The other guy in the image looks trap-like, so acceptable.

>> No.4796043

>also, lots of the girls willingly bang guys other than you
It's because he's too much of a good guy and doesn't have a Hyper Weapon. Yeah, I know it sucks.

>> No.4796048

>also, lots of the girls willingly bang guys other than you
Fuck you guys, seeing yukihime slutting herself away was the best fap session i ever had. Looking forward to it.

>> No.4796054

It's not an NTR game

but Rouga is kinky and likes to engage in threesomes sometimes

>> No.4796081

thats kind of cool, can get them to fight in separate areas of the same building and i think i saw some knock back in there.
So its micro-management, you mess up your going to get punished, and everyone is raping everybody but you? I'm not sure if this will be a magical experience like sengoku was or not or even better, don't really have a problem about the others raping each other just hope it isnt something to severe like when Xavier decides he needs a release

>> No.4796087

I thought the threesome with Senna's futanari sister was hilarious

Rouga: Holy crap, you have a dick
Iori: Yeah, well.. I was cloned like this. Kinky mad scientist, you know?
Rouga: But you don't have any balls..
Iori: nnno. I don't. Why?
Rouga: that means you can't get anyone pregnant, right?
Iori: uhh.. your point?
Rouga: Threesome time! whoo hoo!
Senna: Oh Rouga, you card

>> No.4796100

If you need to micromanage anything, then you're already in trouble. It's like a lot of Alicesoft's games in that if you get into trouble, it's hard to pull yourself out of it. If you don't though, it's not hard at all.

>> No.4796108
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>also, lots of the girls willingly bang guys other than you
You canNOT be serious...

>> No.4796112
File: 45 KB, 640x480, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not NTR, he needs it to save the world.
Actually, it's telepathic rape.

>> No.4796121


There's one way to mess up badly. If you do not go sign a rules of war treaty during turn 8 or 9 in the national chapter, all 3 opposing factions will eventually attack you at once.

That's what happened to me during my first play. I still won, however. But my roster was like 70 percent Hanni... lol

>> No.4796124

It better like this verbatim when the full patch is out.

>> No.4796134

To be fair, it does explicitly tell you to go do that.

>> No.4796139

Oh hey, look it's like Rin having sex with another man all over again. And Saber having sex with Gilgamesh and Kotomine during my playthrough.


>> No.4796140

joining the Haniwa cult is actually pretty useful

you get a zero upkeep long range haniwa warrior everytime you visit, and they replenish your resurrection tome each time

You have pay them a visit every 5 turns or so, however, but doing so usually gives you a haniwa warrior

>> No.4796161


yeah, I was distracted
plus I didn't know it was in the center of the map
I was checking surrounding areas and found no event triggers. Silly me.

>> No.4796177

That's why you always pick up the Star Cube.

>> No.4796221

is it voiced?

>> No.4796227

The game makes me feel bad. It feels like I'm ruining some cute girl's life if conquer an area too soon or too late.

>> No.4796233


Yes, but only during events

>> No.4796259

You can conceivably beat the game and only two people will be raped, that nameless girl in the school chapter and Iori. I guess Camilla with Pram should count, but there's more things fucked up there than just that.

>> No.4796298

>You can conceivably beat the game and only two people will be raped, that nameless girl in the school chapter and Iori.
That's good enough for me.

>> No.4796312

Raped on screen at least.

>> No.4796325

Can anyone provide links? Or am I going to have to go fucking searching everywhere for the right goddamn files

>> No.4796328

Well, it's not rape that I'm talking about.

More often than not I find myself missing a lot of recruitable characters because I don't know what flag to trigger

Like that commander lady from tank country... I punched her to death.. feels bad man

and the wheelchair loli went missing

>> No.4796330


>> No.4796333

You really, really should have found a few sites to get your ero by now.

>> No.4796335

slow people should be silent.

>> No.4796348


Nope I'm just lazy

>> No.4796356

Even if you are lazy, it would actually be faster to 'Search' in hongfire.

>> No.4796373
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I stopped bothering trying to recruit everyone by the time I got to the National Chapter. So many fucking useless faggots wasting my turns.

>> No.4796425

Pic not related?

You get 4,000 BP by doing his events.

>> No.4796444

You can go a long way with just Kunagi and Shadow Wolf dude

>> No.4796445

I messed that one up, I didn't know you could do events not on your territory. I thought you need to conquer them first so I was trying to carve a path to her area.

Obviously it didn't went well.

>> No.4796478

How is Daiakuji compared to this and other Alicesoft games?

>> No.4796486

Doable but not practical.
Enjoy using generics and uncleared characters.

>> No.4796501

What do uncleared characters and generics have to do with the rape scenes?

>> No.4796511

Where do you find the translation for this?

>> No.4796549


>> No.4796569

Some of the characters require you to view their rape scenes for them to become recruitable.
Some of the characters, when you recruit them triggers a rape scene for some other recruitable character. (which you won't be able to recruit anymore)
And some of the character clears triggers a rape scene.

>> No.4796601 [DELETED] 

I can think of four characters those apply to, and only maybe two are worth recruiting. Out of like, 70 possible. And the middle one doesn't even count since if you recruit whichever spawns first as soon as she spawns, it'll stop the other one's event from happening.

>> No.4796629

>Some of the characters require you to view their rape scenes for them to become recruitable
Namu. Not worth recruiting.
Sonnet. Barely worth recruiting. Doesn't hurt you at all if you don't.

>Some of the characters, when you recruit them triggers a rape scene for some other recruitable character. (which you won't be able to recruit anymore)
Mizuki/Nanana. Recruit Nanana as soon as she appears and Mizuki's events never happen.
>And some of the character clears triggers a rape scene.
Kyudo. Recruit Erika instead.

>> No.4797037

So how much of this has been translated? Is it similar to Rance translation where they released the first route early on?

>> No.4797056

It is somewhat similar to the Kenshin Patch(50% overall dialogue, sex scenes, battle quotes and scattered unique events untranslated, not that polished)

>> No.4797106

The games are structured differently. There are two main paths and two sets of recruitable characters through the first third of the game. Only one of the two paths has been translated and only one set of those characters have been worked on beyond the first third of the game. Almost all of the heroine scenes for two of them are finished with basically none done for the other four.

>> No.4797111

None of the graphical interface is translated yet either.

>> No.4798307

Is there any way to fire someone? or is the only way to do it is to get them killed?

>> No.4798311

Also what are the numbers to the right of damage and hit?

>> No.4798311,1 [INTERNAL] 

How the fuck do you install the patch? I copied the files over to the main game folder, but when I start it says something about the datafile.dll not working or whatever.

>> No.4798362

How the fuck do you install the patch? I copied the files over to the main game folder, but when I start it says something about the datafile.dll not working or whatever.

>> No.4798411


copy and paste both the .a files and .dll files to the right place?

>> No.4798465

The giant red button on the financial screen that comes up every 4 turns.

>> No.4798469

what does the shota's special skill and guts do?

>> No.4798483

Right of Attack is Law (>80 total Law for a region means it won't decline)
Right of Hit is Income (amount that character can earn in a region, subject to the region's limits)

>> No.4798499

I assume you're talking about Yuuki
Who is a girl.
Yuuki's skill cancels that turn for both sides. Useful to waste turns for capturing purposes or just suck away enemy stamina.

Guts gives a percentage chance of remaining at 1 HP if the unit takes fatal damage. It's around 80% IIRC. You still shouldn't count on it. Heita's terribad anyway only good for his counter.

>> No.4798501


Does that mean you can earn money in the school? When I put a bunch of guys in a region it looks like it makes them unhappy.

>> No.4798503


How do you use his skill? Also I mean the starting shota just to be sure.

>> No.4798507

Public order doesn't start until District. Income also kind of starts there, but the cap on each region is almost zero and the game will give you money every time you run out (you're expected to) which you then have to eventually pay back in National, where regions start being worth 150+ instead of 20.

>> No.4798514

You know how you select them to attack in battle? Move the cursor to the lower half of their tab. This goes for all battle skills.

>> No.4798565


How do you capture territories? Also is there any way to increase the amount of time a battle runs for?

>> No.4798612


it's been a while, but IIRC

attacking with no resistance = gain three bars of territory
wiping out enemy = two bars
doing "well" = one bar

and the opposite when you're defending. each territory has a varying amount of bars, from 1 to 5 or so. when you have all of them, the territory is yours.

in regards to battle time, the limit is 6 turns for non-dungeons.

>> No.4798665

It works on a point basis.
Deal damage (or use a skill if it does no damage): 1 point
Kill: 2 points

You gain 1 control if you have 1 - 4 points more than the enemy. You gain 2 control if you have >4 (or wipe them out). You gain 3 points if it's undefended. Mario's special skill (hard mode only) gives you a bonus 1 control to all battles he's in.

There are as many rounds in a battle as there are max people on either side. IE, if either side has 6 units, there'll be 6 rounds. If one side has 2 units and the other has 4, there'll be 4 rounds.

>> No.4799043

Whats the name of this? Im pretty sure it isnt ALCG.

And i want a alicesoft game where you play a female and go around raping.

>> No.4799172


>> No.4799177


Daibanchou/Big Bang Age

you know that WW2 space rape game coming out soon? same series.

>> No.4799216

I wonder who will be main character in that one. Personally I'm hoping for America-kun.

>> No.4799266

Wait did I miss a translation release or why do so many fags here seem to know it even though 99% of /jp/ doesn't speak moon?

>> No.4799271

Link for translation?

>> No.4799272

you're dumb

>> No.4799290


And now shut up.

>> No.4799306


If yuuki is a girl, how come she doesn't have an hscene?

>> No.4799308

What do the upgrades on the upgrades screen do?

>> No.4799313

Elaborate and show us the logic behind your reasoning. I will look forward to your 'scientific paper' on this specific topic, anonymous

>> No.4799326

i just felt like insulting you for being lazy

>> No.4799338

Would it be less cruel if they were killed instead?

>> No.4799350

Japan, obviously.

Gamerica will either be an intentionally offensive stereotype of the violent yanki, or he'll be a cool noisy Easgleland-style justice seeker.

>> No.4799383

You will play as an independent mercenary group.

>> No.4799408

So any info on exactly what that is translated?
Special events aside, is it possible to play through any of the two events straight to the end, translated?

I was thinking of replaying the game with this patch, as opposed to agth and my weak japanese skills I used when I played the game years ago but never finished.
I would like to replay the same route I took the first time around and see if I got things right, I am not sure if I will even bother otherwise until the translation is complete.

>> No.4799445


So they are not only working on this game for real but have also released a first teaser patch. Not bad, considering the hopeless and pitiful state of the english speaking translation scene

>> No.4799609

school and district chapters probably translated completely.
see http://bmw.seiha.org/viewtopic.php?t=358&sid=5aa972fb4359255f76aed6f3bd01323e for details on national(?)

>> No.4799613


same here

i actually tried translating it a while ago, managed to unpack everything, locate the script with a hex editor and dump it, but had no idea how to reinsert the translation.

>> No.4799626
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>considering the hopeless and pitiful state of the english speaking translation
What you say?

>> No.4799634

English TL scene is doing quite well these days.

>> No.4799704
File: 135 KB, 850x680, sample-040cb358c3b3ac95a0e8409df2c46e39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way to keep both Senna and Kunagi alive, is there?

>> No.4799737
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>> No.4799833


Well the problem could be running the game without having your system in Japanese, Applocale is not going to cut it when running the game even if it enough to install it.

Also unzip the patch can lead to the name being garbled in come cases.


Just set your system to Japanese and then install the game and down and unzip the patch to the right place.

>> No.4801339

Could someone tell me what the options on the upgrade screens do?

>> No.4801493

The top four are Physical Training 1 and 2 and Mental Training 1 and 2. Second level has to be unlocked by doing a certain event in National.

The middle row is Restore Loyalty, HP, and Stamina.

The bottom 6 are Add Element Advantage against Normal, White B, Black B, Eternal, Machine, and Demon.

>> No.4801754

1600x this?

>> No.4802466

Sorry, no double waifu end for you!

>> No.4802796

How do you get loyalty from dropping so fast in the third stage?

>> No.4803066

Clear three character checks to upgrade their loyalty level. Use the buildings that restore loyalty. There's an item in Transylvania that upgrades everybody's loyalty one level. And once you have enough cash, you can just spend it on Hawaiian vacations to restore everybody to full at once.

>> No.4803610

What are the 5 dots next to and the number on top of a character's name for? On one of my guys there is a 220/70 or something there.

>> No.4803641

there is homolus?

>> No.4803662


>> No.4803724

The 5 dots are the character clears.
The number at the top is exp.

>> No.4806322

This isnt FULLY translated right? I want to avoid moontext.

>> No.4806353


No, it's only half translated but it's the important stuff that's translated.

Does anyone know if you're suppose to release or keep captive the ninja girl?

>> No.4806406

Keep her unless you want her to be raped.

>> No.4807356

What is that bar in the upper left corner of the screen for? Can you recruit iori from vampire country?

>> No.4807362

You can't play the game freely with the patch.

>> No.4807401

The problem with Da Capo is that there is no common route but a random 'meet x on loc y on day z during g' which is pretty bad and backwards and forces you to use a walkthrough the whole time

>> No.4809762

What does the dog do? I downloaded a full save game, but whenever i right click it starts to skip instead of removing the message screen. How do i change this?

>> No.4810637

Saving this from the incoming purge

>> No.4810897


>> No.4811147

When the hell did this get translated?

>> No.4811155


there have been multiple projects over the years, but it looks like one of them finally got some shit done.

this one isn't complete, btw.

>> No.4811198

Just downloaded it and holy crap even with my knowledge of moon, I'm having trouble learning the game mechanics.

Noob question. How do you regenerate your party's HP after every fight? My kanji is sorta weak...

>> No.4811199

Is there a partial patch out or something?

>> No.4811214

Remove them from active deployment.

>> No.4811219


you have to un-deploy them. drag them out of the building onto the list on the right and wait a turn. this will also recover more stamina (deployed units only recover 1/turn).

>> No.4811620

not gonna die on my shift

>> No.4811648


None of the gui is done yet and only two of the heroines and one of the two paths. They say it's not supposed to be a beta, just proof of progress.

>> No.4812027

Welcome back, Maid.

>> No.4812307

What does the dog item and hanny building do?

>> No.4812330

Dog item slows loyalty drop. Hanni building gives you 50 BP every income phase but icreases loyalty loss for units in that region.

>> No.4812335

Rouga vs Rance

>> No.4812353

Hot-blooded vs Dick-driven
Cant tell who will win honestly.

>> No.4812361


Rouga wins the girl's hearts.

Rance just takes them.

In battle, Rance seems to have some sort of divine protection (i.e. sneezing to avoid an arrow, dodging the kunai in Suzume, Kenshin suddenly falling in love with him, etc.). I don't think Rouga can overcome that bullshit even if he is the better fighter.

>> No.4812701

Both have protagonist power. One's a serial rapist, the other's a moralfag. Rouga travels to the US to fight the president in one of his endings though, so I'm going to have to go with him.

>> No.4812712

Rance isn't a serial rapist.

He doesn't have one set method of doing it, and he likes trying that "consensual" thing, too.

>> No.4812776

I don't thing you know what serial means, Len-chan.

>> No.4812815

>and one of the two paths
Which one?

>> No.4812892


>> No.4814384

Why is the wiki for this game so bad?

>> No.4814857

How do you get the go to hawaii event and how much does it cost?

>> No.4814896

One of your units has to have red loyalty (there's a chance that they'll abandon you as long as it's red, but you can reload to reroll the RNG as long as it's above 0). You also have to have enough cash.
Turn < 19 = 500
Turn 20-39 = 1000
Turn 40 - 59 = 1500
Turn 60 - 79 = 2000
Turn > 80 = 3000

You can also do it once for free by getting the Hawaii Ticket (Ren can steal it with his skill, interrogating units can randomly give it, or you can get it at random by buying items from Nina).

>> No.4816039 [DELETED] 

Who is ren?

>> No.4818551
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>> No.4818568

Man, this guy looks like a huge douchebag, even more than rance.

>> No.4818584

is there any way to hook Heita up with Sanae?

>> No.4818801


No he doesn't. You're just insecure.


Sanae is one of the main girls. The mc in this one ntr more than rance.

>> No.4818807

He does look like a douchebag. But he's an irritating moralfag.

>> No.4819517

>The mc in this one ntr more than rance.
0 is more than Rance?

>> No.4819601

Heita's canon end is Yuuki.

>> No.4819705
File: 67 KB, 640x480, e40f69864f1ef7f3e6202ee9a57ce755[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes! I love this game. Delicious AliceSoft waifus everywhere, same character design as Haruka and Escalayer they're perfect waifus.

>> No.4819729

You take that back! She has delicious thigh highs ;_;

>> No.4819734

This game looks pretty interesting. I think I'll give it a try.

>> No.4819756


He also takes aya and maybe more. Haven't finished the game yet. Also


If you turn off the option that takes you to the save screen at the end of every turn, how do you save?

>> No.4819768


awesome. i truly don't mind how alicesoft gives NTR for the "best bro" characters.

>> No.4819788

I fucking love AliceSoft

>> No.4819796

Beat blades Haruka was of Bad End NTR heaven for me. If this is anything close to it, I can't wait....

>> No.4820350

I don't think you have any idea what NTR means.
