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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 108 KB, 598x757, jp-sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4778036 No.4778036 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/

You are our slut

Sincerely, /a/

>> No.4778041


>> No.4778040

So you kids learned how to use paint?

>> No.4778044

/a/ should be a trap or a futa, /jp/ should be a little girl.

>> No.4778042

Sorry, wasted all my rage on the other thread. Try again later.

>> No.4778046


>> No.4778047

I don't know why you find cross-board shit funny. You're as bad as those /b/ spammers. Reported for not /jp/ related.
Yes I madand frustrated

>> No.4778049

I hope our body can take it.

>> No.4778051
File: 12 KB, 470x457, ;__;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4778053

Eh, cool story bro.

now go back to your waifu roulettes, Narutu discussions and gaiafags.

>> No.4778054

/jp/ is a slut


>> No.4778067

Is that supposed to be something new?

>> No.4778076

What sucks is that /a/ really was a genuinely good board for a long time. The amount of underage there is unbelievable now. Actually the amount of underage on all of 4chan seems to be exploding exponentially, it's not even in proportion anymore.
Shouldn't there be more adults on 4chan now, what with the current low employment rate and bad global economy?

>> No.4778078

/jp/ has been knee-deep in shitty trolls for about a week now, and it's getting kind of tedious. Even desperate attempts to lure janitors into action with an aggressive -tan campaign hasn't helped.

Expect the [a/ posters to keep this floating at the top of the board with the /r9k/ thread, until /b/ spam arrives and every one leaves.

>> No.4778089
File: 670 KB, 1083x947, 1268988516540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /a/ so frustrated at us? Is it because we got the cool "Otaku Culture" name, while they are still little G/a/iafags?
/a/, you don't have to be so butthurt. Just follow our example and one day you may become like us.

>> No.4778096

Whenever I hear the phrase "knee-deep" I immediately think of DOOM: KNEE DEEP IN THE DEAD.

Not really related to the thread, sorry.

>> No.4778103


>> No.4778110

I feel like this board is the last bastion of what I like in 4chan... if this place goes down I don't know what I'll do

>> No.4778104

More like a month.

>> No.4778117
File: 33 KB, 383x333, maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, imagining every spam/troll post Meido has deleted as a corpse, you aren't far off.

>> No.4778118


Seriously. Is there any board that has it as bad as us? This week alone we had /a/, /mu/, /v/ and of course the /b/ shit to deal with.

>> No.4778122

And yet you bump shitty threads and keep it on the first page. thumbsup.jpg

>> No.4778123
File: 1.87 MB, 320x208, Loli Masturbation animooted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-it's not like I w-want you to r-rape me, anon...

>> No.4778126

More like 6 monhts, actually.

>> No.4778127

/bun/. We created it for a reason, you know.

>> No.4778130


>> No.4778132

/jp/ uniformly wishes to be the girl, but has two fronts about what to do next. One side wants to be a slut taking ten thousand dicks everyday until the sperm mass in her womb is large enough to form a black hole (that's 1.34685326 × 10^25 kilograms of sperm for a particularly small womb, heavier than two Earths) and one side wants to be an innocent pure girl who wouldn't think anything more lewd than kissing, would have tea parties with fellow such girls and blush profusely while holding hands with them.

On average I'd say /jp/ is 50% slut.

>> No.4778137
File: 17 KB, 256x352, laughingelfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4778142



>> No.4778144


You're joking, right?

>> No.4778146

you know that's the most stupid insult you can say on /a/, right?
manga scanlations, you know

>> No.4778156

/jp/ - Clock Town: Day 3

>> No.4778165
File: 29 KB, 520x800, embletonstyle01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am with you, clutching my mighty Embleton with stalwart hands, and with words spoken only with my second tongue of silence, I shed a single most unladylike tear. And in this one tear I flake away the bitterness and expel the despair from my body. The despair that faced with the most obvious of trolls and under their relentless assault, my sword may drink none of their blood nor bite their flesh, hungry for life and limb.

Such is the way of things. Do not despair. You are not alone.

>> No.4778178


Well, no.

>> No.4778273

More calculations.

Average ejaculation volume is about 2,75mL. Density of sperm is roughly equal to water. Assuming 10000 dicks cumming inside your womb, that's 27,5kg of cum per day (assume your womb does not stretch and is indestructible. )

1.34685326 × 10^25 kg / 27,5 kg sperm per day = 4.89764822 × 10^23 days = 1.34093164 × 10^21 years until your womb turns into a black hole.

Assuming you're immortal, you'll be feeling the pleasure of being cummed inside for about 67 million times the lifespan of the longest-lived stars.

>> No.4778663

Cause the users of /a/ do the scanlations, right?
Excluding people like Hox.
