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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 29 KB, 667x219, exhentai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4777946 No.4777946 [Reply] [Original]

So I've heard that EX-Hentai is where to go now that E-Hentai has removed loli, but for whatever reason, the archive download links don't work there. Am I expected to right-click-save every image one-by-one, or is there something better?

>> No.4777959

I never went to E-Hentai, loli.pant.su is where I go for loli.

>> No.4777963

I use/used E-H as one of my nets to catch new Nanoha doujins. If they block loli it becomes somewhat less useful.

>> No.4777967

Stop posting stuff about things that don't exist.

>> No.4781686

I can't even get a python script to download this shit. Gzipped HTML with bad CRCs.

>> No.4781693

Find name on ex-hentai.
Find download link for downloading using name.

This is not hard.

>> No.4781720

It is when you're looking for (for example) "[CZ] Nano" ( http://exhentai.org/g/133020/c72c9c0b99/ ).

It's true that I could (and probably will) just download each image manually, but open browsing through I've encountered quite a lot of stuff that I never saw on E-Hentai. As in, about 40 or 50 galleries so far.

>> No.4781734

You should get CG sets from Share anyway. They're almost always missing things when found elsewhere.

>> No.4781755

Share hates me and only gives me fakes. ;_;

>> No.4781765

That's its way of saying it cares about you.

>> No.4781790

E-Hentai removed lolis only for non-registreted users. Also what the fuck is ex-hentai? Who is founder and for what? They are absoulutely the same.

>> No.4781801

Oh, had me worried for a while there.

>> No.4781828
File: 58 KB, 1298x418, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herp derp

>> No.4781839
File: 241 KB, 1523x857, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4781852

E-hentai removed loli for everyone. Ex-hentai was made by the site owner of e-hentai because fuck advertisers. It has all the loli/shota/beastiality.

>> No.4781857


>> No.4781860


>> No.4781862

When they was removed? Today?

>> No.4781868


>> No.4781871

Oh, right, the filter only applies to Americans. The only people worth caring about.

>> No.4781893

But I'm not American.

>> No.4781901

You should be.

>> No.4781903

I don't want to be.

>> No.4781910

You might want to rethink your priorities if they don't include living in the best country on the planet.

>> No.4781915

But they do include that. It's just a shame that America is shit tier.

>> No.4781922

>Elected Bush as president for 8 years.

No matter how good a country it might be, with people capable of this, it'll be shit.

>> No.4781929

Back to /new/, libtard.

>> No.4781938


>> No.4781944


>> No.4781947

Except that this happened last month, not April 1.

>> No.4781952

exhentai is showing up blank for me. Anybody else?

>> No.4781953

That's how elaborate it is man. They're sneaky

>> No.4781955

So, 80% of the rest of the world are liberal? Just because America has an ass-up understanding of political spheres doesn't mean that applies to everybody else. 'sides, /new/ is full of nothing but faggots like yourself.

Hopefully, this.

>> No.4781979

I think you need to be logged into a E-Hentai account for it to work.

>> No.4781985

So does it work for you right now? Because I am logged in and still nothing.

>> No.4782002
File: 237 KB, 1280x960, Image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4782003

Maybe I must have points on my account to access it or something? Because I only ever used it to get torrents.

>> No.4782011

Anyone who goes lol Bush Bush Bush is a libtard. I'm further to the left than anyone in this thread, most likely.

>> No.4782013
File: 187 KB, 1234x926, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, got it to work in Chrome.

Seems to be a Firefox only problem.

>> No.4782025

That's odd. Works fine in FF for me. Maybe your cookies got messed up or something, I dunno.

>> No.4782027

>I'm further to the left than anyone in this thread, most likely.
I lol'd. Then again, you probably mean American left-wing, which is actually right-wing when compared with the rest of the world.

What version of FF are you using?

>> No.4782036

Haha now I know why it didn't load for me in Firefox. Deactivating Addblockplus makes it load properly.

>> No.4782039

Old ass version. 3.0.

>> No.4782050

Adblock on here - no problems. Noscript causes no problems either whether on or off.

>> No.4782049

I'm getting a blank page with both FF and Opera. I was able to access the site fine just yesterday.

>> No.4782057

Huh. Easylist filter I assume?

Well it fixed it for me at least.

>> No.4782052

No it also won't load on 3.6.2 as long as Addblockplus is activated. Whitelist the site or deactivate it.

>> No.4782065

Yeah, Easylist. I've tried various things - including black-listing e-hentai (normally white-listed) and exhentai still works fine.

>> No.4782075

Why don't you fags just download them normally?

>> No.4782080

Wow, no anti-pedo fags? This is so much better than /a/.

>> No.4782083

Firefox 3.5.9, logged in (level 20 account), addblock+ disabled, whitelisted in noscript, no greasemonkey scripts for site, no loli. I can see all the "regular" galleries just fine though.

Maybe you need to have a donator account?

>> No.4782086

Ehentai faggots, stop advertising your shit horrible scam websites on here for the love of God.

>> No.4782092

sup fakku

>> No.4782090
File: 159 KB, 600x450, 1232854498244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're among friends here.

>> No.4782089

I prefer downscales to having to scroll around a way too huge image.

>> No.4782093

sup newfag scum

>> No.4782094

Because downloading hundreds of images manually and sorting them into folders you have to make yourself is a chore that should be unnecessary.

>> No.4782098

There's this thing called a rar/zip. Porn comes in them.

>> No.4782100
File: 109 KB, 461x523, 1270113333299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4782101

>downloading hundreds of images manually
Haha, good one friend. Did you know though, it's actually not 1997 anymore.

>> No.4782110

I was doing that in 2005.

>> No.4782121

If you had bothered to read the first post in this thread, you would have learned that the archive downloads on EX-Hentai don't work. That's the entire reason this thread exists.

So take your herp and derp out of here.

>> No.4782129

If you can't find porn elsewhere with the name, you don't deserve a download.

>> No.4782138

I still don't understand why the hell people have such a need to download shit. Just read it online for the fucks sake.

>> No.4782144

Nothing online ever goes down ever.

>> No.4782146

I enjoy fapping when I lose internet access.

>> No.4782148

Right. If something does, one of you fine archivers has a local copy and will happily reupload it.

>> No.4782156

Download caps. Maybe you American dumbasses don't understand the concept that downloading something once and then looking at it locally subsequent times is significantly cheaper than downloading it repeatedly, but it is the case for the majority of the world.

>> No.4782157


>implying he's american

Oh, you really show your stupidity yourself the most~

>> No.4782160

No one really cares about the rest of the world, TBH.

>> No.4782161

If you are not a collector then you are too casual to be here. We are obsessive nerds of epic proportion.

>> No.4782167

>Download caps

Maybe if you (insert demonym of your country here) weren't so fucking backwards, you'd realize that information over an IP network is not a limited resource like water, oil, or food. It is, for all intents and purposes, an unlimited resource, and therefore download caps are entirely unnecessary, only designed to sap money from unwitting suckers.

>> No.4782169

except i just tried to download an archive on exhentai and it works.

maybe op didn't have any points on his account.

>> No.4782171

I don't think you understand the point of those posts. We know the archive downloads on that shit site doesn't work, because it's a shit site. Fuck off newfaggot.

>> No.4782181

Believe me I understand. But there's also shitfuckall I can do about it.

>> No.4782187

Anybody use H@H? Why some old .hathdls not working?

>> No.4782197

Bandwidth is not unlimited.

>> No.4782208

Holy shit, you're stupid. They're limiting the amount of data you can transfer as a rough measure of limiting the bandwidth consumed. Bandwidth is not free and can cost enormous amounts in countries that are not the US and don't host everything in their own damn country - made worse if they're geographically isolated.

>> No.4782211

Comcast has something like a 250 GB monthly bandwidth cap FYI. Many Americans using that service face the haunting specter of bandwidth capping every day.

>> No.4782217

>250 GB monthly bandwidth cap
>haunting specter
I lol'd.

>> No.4782225

Searching your cache is a fun past time.

>> No.4782235

That's why e-hentai has favorites.

>> No.4782275

I have a 30 GB cap. 250 is like downloading my entire VN collection in a month.

>> No.4782333

I uploaded all the doujinshi I scanned to E-Hentai. All the galleries that had the loli tag are now gone from my uploaded gallery list. Probably not an April Fools joke if they removed them completely like that.
