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File: 17 KB, 300x200, Nevada-Tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4774858 No.4774858 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, what is the latest story of this girl?

>> No.4774873


In juvenile detention until 2013.

>> No.4774872

killing people is so edgy and cool

>> No.4774887

She killed only one schoolgirl? Why someone want to discuss her?

>> No.4774893


Because she did so when she was herself a schoolgirl, with a boxcutter.

>> No.4774896


I wonder what will happen once she got released. Will she becoming newest Japs celebrity like the guy who ate human or something.

>> No.4774895

Why wasn't she executed?

>> No.4774907


She'll become my wife.

>> No.4774911


Because she was a child at the time. Jeez.

>> No.4774914

what was her sentence?

>> No.4774921


I dont give a fuck. Murder is unforgivable and nothing short of execution comes even remotely close to being an apology.

I don't give a fuck if you're a kid. You have to be severely fucked up to MURDER someone. Don't give me shit like she didn't understand the consequences, she didn't fucking care. She wanted her dead And because of that a girl never got to really live her life.

Electric Chair!

>> No.4774923

Does using google too hard for you?

>> No.4774925

I thought it was on 2012

>> No.4774926

Don't give a fuck, unless this is a story about my 2D waifu got raped.

>> No.4774930

I don't read any news portals nor watch the tv. This is the first time I've heard of her plus I know nothing except her nickname given by Anons which is Nevada-tan. Since there's an open thread about her on /jp/ I asked.

>> No.4774932

I hate 4chan's (and 2ch's) idolization of this cunt. She should've been given the death penalty.

>> No.4774934

Jesus Christ, the grammar and syntax in this thread is atrocious.

>> No.4774937

Nevada-tan will never die!!

>> No.4774936

>implying you can always punish the right person
>implying there can't be any special circumstances

>> No.4774935

Mostly the fact that as a kid she killed someone for being a bitch over the internet.

>> No.4774938

You pro capital punishment fags are such hypocrites. MURDER IS WRONG BUT EXECUTION IS OKAY LOL

>> No.4774939


If she doesn't die, I'll kill her myself.

>> No.4774943

You suck in researching things.

From her nickname, I found that Nevada tan's (real name: N. Tsuji) victim is Satomi Mitarai. Figure out the rest by yourself.

>> No.4774944

Fuck you /jp/, killing is wrong. No one should have the right to take another person's life no matter what the person did. Everyone should have a chance to change.

>> No.4774945
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'sup, /new/

>> No.4774946


we kill to save lives, genius.

by letter her off, YOU are the murderer.

>> No.4774950

Was your mom murdered or something? Calm down.

>> No.4774956


Oh god, fuck off you moralfaggot.

I saw a news story a few years ago about a man who murdered his wife's lover. He was in prison for like 7 years, and they eventually released him "rehabilitated" so they said. Of course, he proceeded to go murder his wife. BIG FUCKING SURPRISE.

Fucking idiots. All of the courts.

>> No.4774968

>Fuck you /jp/, killing is wrong.
So you let killers go free? Okay.

>> No.4774976

>killing is WRONG
>so there should be no punishment

>> No.4774981

So life in prison then? I'm okay with that. But don't give me this "second chance" bullshit.

The victim doesn't get a second chance either.

>> No.4774983

I think the punishment should depend on how cool you are as a killer. Some ugly fat guy killing his wife? Death penalty. Cute girls are pretty cool as killers, she should be given a medal or something I think?

>> No.4774984


I cannot stand by and let the world go on like this. I can't. This is why I'm dedicating my life to killing these worthless scum: rapists, murders, etc that wiggle free of the law, or that the law failed. I'm doing it to save people, to keep children safer, to make the world brighter.

I'll not justify anything I do, the killings I still do will be morally wrong, I will probably be labled a murderer, and if there is a hell I'll definitely be going to it, but my life doesn't mean a damn compared to all the ones I can save.

Can you honestly say my ambition is wrong?

>> No.4774985

The correct answer is:

If someone murder somebody, then the society must lecture the murderer until s/he repented.

>> No.4774988

Your ambition is wrong because you will end up killing an innocent.

>> No.4774989


Nice impotent e-indignation there namefag.


>> No.4774994


I'll file it in my "do not give a shit" list. I created it, just for you.

But oh wait you can't see this, so I feel safe in telling you to go fuck yourself as well.

>> No.4774995

Killing is still fucking wrong, you murderer. People who don't change should just never be let out of prison, but you can't just kill them.

>> No.4774993


Shut up Yamaxanadu!

>> No.4774992

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a true murderer in make.

>> No.4775006

You don't have the balls to do it. I wouldn't mind if you did, but even if you have the balls, you'd kill one asshole and then they'd lock you up, and they'd lock YOU up forever because you were doing it out of an "ideal" and are thus unlikely to change and stop killing if you'd be released (unless they are as stupid as >>4774985 and think you can "change" a person to be good through lecturing them, then you can act like you have changed and get out and do it again).

Killing someone because you "were just so mad at them" is apparantly a more valid excuse to kill someone.

>> No.4775011

How old is she now?

>> No.4775020

But why not? Why do you care for those who do not care about your or anyone else's life either?

You think it makes you a better person or something? It's some sort of "I am such a good person I never lower myself to their level" ideal?

>> No.4775022


I have nothing to lose, anonymous. I assure you I have the balls


It would be nice if it worked like this, but

Killers shouldn't be given a chance to change. They'll always kill again, always.

Can you give a good reason why those 2 Brit teens who murdered that little boy by cutting his body in half are allowed back into society?

>> No.4775025


Old enough to have sex.

>> No.4775030
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Such an interesting fellow...

>> No.4775034
File: 58 KB, 400x566, e13dc54b08860504e687f7d24c5bce9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not Yamaxanadu, okay? If I am, Nevada-tan is not guilty. Too lazy for doing any trial and court proceedings. I am giving her a second chance.

I mean, what's the harm in that... Right?

>> No.4775054

So how are you going to go about this? Who are you going to kill first? And how will you make sure you don't get caught? You have my emotional support (if you're just going to kill murderers, anyway) but I doubt you will be able to make a change. If you have nothing to lose, it would be best if you could get most of them together somehow and kill them all at the same time, so you get most of them before you get caught. If you don't mind dying, you could go to a prison as a visitor, strap yourself with bombs and detonate in the playing field outside when they are being aired.

>> No.4775063


>> No.4775060
File: 7 KB, 269x215, smilevarg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They'll always kill again, always.

THEY WILL NOT, THEY WILL NOT. Varg understood that what he did was wrong. He did his sentence and he will never kill anyone again.

>> No.4775061

>Does using google too hard for you?

For everyone saying she should be put down: does Japan even have the capital punishment? I thought that phenomenon was done only by the glorious US of A and 3rd world countries.

>> No.4775068


Just because you think someone is a murderer does not necessarily mean they actually are. In some cases there may be irrefutable evidence, but in many cases there will be not and it will be impossible to find out if they actually are murderers or not.

>> No.4775070

He isn't dead yet. There's still time left.

You're an idiot if you think he wouldn't do it again if the situation called for it (which in murderer's minds is usually "because I am so fucking angry").

>> No.4775073

How much would you pay to have sex with Nevada tan?

>> No.4775074
File: 26 KB, 240x320, Nevada Tan (006).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is cool, im in love.

>> No.4775080


They hang people left and right over there. One of only three industrialized democracies that still has capital punishment

>> No.4775083

Are you both from Satori's family? I mean, your ability to read people's mind... Wow

>> No.4775085

>Just because you think someone is a murderer does not necessarily mean they actually are.
If he just kills those who have been convicted but now let free there's no problem.

7 years prison for a murder for robbery, as I read in the newspaper today, is just shameful and makes me want to cry. If such a guy gets killed after he has done his sentence, I would be in total support of it.

>> No.4775086

She's into gore. Get ready to get your penis off.

>> No.4775094

There have been many cases of innocent people being convicted for crimes they didn't commit.

>> No.4775095
File: 104 KB, 800x600, DeathnoteBig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4775099

emotions have no place in law
only logic
the only reason a murderer should be behind bars is to keep him from being a threat to society, not because of some BS emotional crap about justice or whatnot.

>> No.4775101

>industrialized democracies
You say that like it's some badge of honour.

>> No.4775111

No, there haven't. Not for people who get convicted for first degree murder. Stop parroting that bullshit lie.

And even then, he doesn't have to go for the questionable cases to start with. If he just first kills those who admit they did it, or who everyone just fucking knows they did it because it was fucking filmed or 50 people were watching, then he'd be getting rid of a good amount of scum without harming any of your supposed innocents.

>> No.4775118

Yes, I am willing to die for my cause. My life is nothing to compared to the pain the surviving loved ones and families of murder victims face daily.

>> No.4775120

>emotions have no place in law
Yes they do. Part of the reason for punishment is as a sort of "compensation" to the victims.

You can cry "it should be all logic, nothing else!!" as much as you want, but the majority of people do not agree with you. I sure don't.

>> No.4775133

Do you know what is a torture is?

Like, the police making "unpublicized" interrogation to allegedly pinpoint a person as "the guilty one" under pressure by society that threatens their honor as the defender of public?

It happens. And if they did, all they have to do is "deeply apologized" for their "mistake".

>> No.4775137

>admit they did it
People admit to things they didn't under duress.
These are not very common.

>> No.4775140

Thats the only real good argument against the death penalty, there are quite a few instances of some poor bastard who gets thrown in jail for a murder he didnt commit. afterall people are stupid shits and will make mistakes and get innocent people convicted.

but sometimes its just a fucking sicko that murdered someone for the fun of it or because they were crazy.
they deserve to be put down like rabid dogs because they are a danger to society.

>> No.4775142

You should plan it well though. There are not many people in this world who would die for a just cause like yours, so it'd be very sad to see you only take one or two shitheads with you.

Maybe stealthy killing would be best? You could become a prison ward, get into the lion's nest and poison them or something. I've heard there's some toxin that people die from if they only spill some of it on their body. If you could get ahold of something like that and then apply it in some place all the prisoners would be touching, you would get dozens of them. You might even have a chance to escape and go into hiding.

>> No.4775144

Great. Now get up from that smelly chair of yours, get out from that dark basement, and walk the talk.

>> No.4775149

>"it should be all logic, nothing else!!" as much as you want, but the majority of people do not agree with you. I sure don't.
well its a really good thing the majority does not rule the country,
being ruled by a mob mentality is not a good thing,
you and I would be fucked
of course you are ungrateful for it.

>> No.4775151

>People admit to things they didn't under duress.
Yes, I know there are morons like that. I cannot wrap my head around it, because if you are innocent you should NEVER say you are guilty, I couldn't ever imagine myself being accused of something I didn't do and admitting I did it just to "get it over with" or something. My sense of justice is too strong for that, I could not live with myself being punished for a crime I didn't commit, without even being able to maintain my innocence.

I'm frankly surprised there are people who can.

>> No.4775153
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>> No.4775155

>well its a really good thing the majority does not rule the country,
Lol what the fuck? What backwater shithole do you come from?

>> No.4775158

Confess, receive lighter punishment
Maintain innocence, receive harsher punishment

>> No.4775160

Let's hope you never get caught up in the Criminal Justice System.

>> No.4775163

So you would sell out your innocence for some lighter punishment? Repulsive. No honour at all.

>> No.4775170

the US
contrary to popular belief the majority does not have absolute rule here.

>> No.4775171

>Killers shouldn't be given a chance to change. They'll always kill again, always.
look at some statistics and you'll know you're wrong

>> No.4775179

>They'll always kill again if the situation calls for it in their eyes, always.

>> No.4775184

From the USA and against the death penalty... You're a rebellious teenager, aren't you? Just against it because "the majority is in favour of it".

>> No.4775187

If this "statistic" you are talking about does not show 100% of what you imply, I am going to shake my head in disgust, /jp/ brother.

>> No.4775191


>I'm a retard that has never been the defendant in a court

Protip, underage b&: In a lot of cases, you are much better off pleading guilty to something even if you did do it simply because you don't have the jewgold available for a good lawyer. In some minor cases of crime, you can easily get a "first offender" clause that basically gets you off scott free except for maybe a small fine or something, which can end up being much, much cheaper and more efficient than trudging through a big fucking long court case, all the while paying some overpaid jackass to prove you not guilty

Not that you'd know because, after all, this is /jp/, and most people here barely deal with the real world at all

>> No.4775194

Anyway, I should stop arguing in this thread, I'm wasting time since nobody changes opinions on these kind of things anyway, and I could be doing much more useful stuff. Been posting in this thread for an hour already, fuck 4chan, goddamn timesink.

>> No.4775199

I don't know if I would, I'd like to say I wouldn't but I've never been faced with that kind of situation before, my potential behavior and your opinion of them are irrelevant. The point is, many people would, whether they like it or not.

>> No.4775210

I think quite a lot of people would if the situation *really* called for it. If you ask from me, only people who kill because of the joy of killing should be executed for what they do (or thrown in a jail for the rest of their life). if somebody just happens to snap and kills someone, he should just suffer the punishment he receives and then get a ''second chance''. Even if somebody kills for a second time, I bet the amount of lives saved via not executing cancels it out.
or maybe Im just too calm to really comment on that, I've heard about ''everyone'' wanting to kill someone every now and then but I never have such feelings.

>> No.4775207

I live in a civilized country where you are not required to pay for your own defense.

>> No.4775213

Leaving? You will be back and waste your time again as usual.

>> No.4775222

The sad truth.

I'm really leaving now... really. After this refresh.

>> No.4775253

I'm not a teenager though I fail to see how that is relevant,
I am neither against or for the death penalty, as long as someone dangerous to society is removed from it I don't care.
my main contention is people using emotions to determine laws which is fucking stupid.

>> No.4775264

>I am neither against or for the death penalty, as long as someone dangerous to society is removed from it I don't care.
at the same time removing people who are not dangerous would be a bad thing.
that is pretty much what makes death penalty such a bad thing (along with the fact that laws should protect people)

>> No.4775267


Doesn't nullify the fact that you're wasting time and possibly risking a harsher sentence if you're found guilty. Another indication that you're underaged: evidence is not the be-all end-all of a court. Even if you actually didn't do it, that doesn't mean that a skillful prosecutor and an unsympathetic jury could find you guilty anyway

>> No.4775276

>Even if you actually didn't do it, that doesn't mean that a skillful prosecutor and an unsympathetic jury could find you guilty anyway


>> No.4775307
File: 40 KB, 800x600, Natsuhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4775312
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>> No.4775318
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She's living with me now

>> No.4775325


OK, What is this? A VN? or what?

>> No.4775436

Summer Radish Vacation, from 0verflow

>> No.4775446

I don't from what shithole you faggots spawned from but it's painfully obvious that you are not from here. All of you.
Reporting for invasion.
