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4766459 No.4766459 [Reply] [Original]

Kotonoha is a beautiful virgin bride.

>> No.4766464


>> No.4766475

She's a slut in heat.

You did watch the anime, didn't you?

>> No.4766488

Disease ridden thanks to Makoto.

Makoto was last sighted having sex with several men.

>> No.4766499

Dead men can't have sex.

>> No.4766510

She is not a slut. She is a victim.

>> No.4766547

> In the school, the three guys meet. Their relation had been changed in the season, and turned into three love stories.

the text under the title leads me to believe this is /y/ shit.

>> No.4766549

How is she a victim?

>> No.4766562

How are any of them not victims?

>> No.4766573

How are they?

>> No.4766574

They're all sluts.

>> No.4766591

The only true slut is Makoto, whoring himself out to all those women like that.

>> No.4766593

Makoto doesn't force any of them to have sex with him. They practically throw themselves at him.

>> No.4766601

He's just a sex-obsessed pubescent retard.

>> No.4766640

The same could be said of all protagonists.

>> No.4766642

Every damn girl in that school is a slut.

I wish I went there.

>> No.4766644

No, not really.

>> No.4766656

In sex romps, maybe.

>> No.4766742

You'd throw yourself at him too. All of us would.

>> No.4766764

Only dirty fags like you, fag.

makoto was never cool.

>> No.4766798

That's my waifu, do not steal

>> No.4766804

I know I would.

>> No.4766828

He's not cool. He's just irresistible.

>> No.4766845

Except no. /a/ is calling for you. They want you back.

>> No.4766855

The "plot" says that he is indeed irresistible thanks to the hax genes of his father. Deal with it, Alabama.

>> No.4766864

Except retarded people like you shouldn't discuss "plot" points in any respect.

>Deal with it, Alabama.

Why do people always talk about states?

>> No.4766885

Isn't he the guy who fucked all of his daughters, each one a daughter of the previous daughter? Or something like that?

>> No.4766887

He went through at least 6 generations

>> No.4766922

How the fuck does that even work? How old was he when all that was over?

>> No.4766925

He drinks the blood of virgins to stay youthful.

>> No.4766933


>> No.4766934

>He drinks the blood of virgins

You forgot to mention that he does it with his penis. It doubles as some sort of elephant's trunk.

>> No.4766985

This sounds like the BEST DAD EVER. It's too bad his son turned out to be a faggot who only really likes little boys.

>> No.4768295

Okay, are we still talking about the protagonist of School Days? I haven't played it yet.

>> No.4769154

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Tue Mar 30 18:35:17 20109300

>> No.4769182

Are people still butthurt about Makoto?

>> No.4769197

No, just White Ren.

>> No.4769205

Is there anything he's not buttmad about?

>> No.4769214

Why would anyone be butthurt about a guy that gets killed by a woman? That's sort of the point, y'know. He's not manly.

Lives as a faggot and dies like a girl.

>> No.4769230

>Lives as a slut and dies like a faggot.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.4769242

Killed? Makoto didn't die for me bro.

>> No.4769243

Close enough, broseph.

>> No.4769245

Sounds like you're mad to me.

>> No.4769261

You still have to admit Droopyeyes McGayfaggot Makoto is not manly.

>> No.4769280

Well yeah, but he gets all the girls. That's what counts.

>> No.4769281

Sounds like you're fishing for lame insults to me!

Besides, "u mad" is Sion-chan's shtick. You're all just copycatting, which is kinda sad, considering who you're copying.

>> No.4769297

What? Sion didn't invent "u mad", and he certainly wasn't the first to use it on /jp/.

>> No.4769308

No, but that basically became all he did for like three months. Therefore, his shtick.

>> No.4772815 [DELETED] 

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Wed Mar 31 01:58:13 20102331

>> No.4772836

A victim ? No, she was pure before meeting Makoto, then she fucks with his friend for no reason.

>> No.4772866

All the SD girls are pure.

>> No.4772920


"If this guy pulled this shit at my school, he would get his ass kicked. And my school wasn't even the type where ass-kickings took place, he would still get his ass kicked. I mean he's not even some fucking jock, he's just this skinny little twerp."

>> No.4772935

Are we talking about the anime here? Because she was the only one who remained a virgin in the anime.

Because she is pure and doesn't put out

>> No.4772942

She got fucking RAPED. What are you talking about?

>> No.4772960

What the hell am I watching?

>> No.4773006
File: 1.34 MB, 3400x2314, sleepover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how School Days should have happened.

>> No.4773014

In the anime she fucks with Makoto's friend.
In the VN too, in fact.

You call that rape ?

>> No.4773032

>School Days - an American Commentary

>> No.4773044

Not in every route of the VN.

>> No.4775429

He fucked them as soon as they got their first period.

After one of his daughters died in childbirth (cause she was like 10 or something) he started investigating medical solutions to prevent that from happening again ("not fucking your 10-year-old daughters" was apparently not an option).

Eventually he started using some hormone/fertility drug mixture on them that he believed might help their bodies prepare for childbirth earlier. It's unclear if this actually helped with preventing the whole agonizing death thing, but it did bring about menstruation at very young ages, and when last seen, Makoto's father was impregnating kindergartners.

That's how he's able to do so many generations during his lifetime.

Source: 0verflow's game, "Summer Radish Vacation 2"

>> No.4775499
File: 138 KB, 400x400, 1269976237765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of morbid curiosity... WHY IS HE DOING THIS?

>> No.4775546


>> No.4775551

He loves that loli pussy.
