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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 246 KB, 600x800, ohgodwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4765287 No.4765287 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4765299


>> No.4765593
File: 36 KB, 242x226, 1261168765276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4765696

Are there any black people who can rap (or white people who sound like black people) on /jp/ who'd like to remake this better? I'm looking at you, Arc.

I'll do all the production if someone would just get me a well recorded acapella...

>> No.4765713

>Are there any white people who can rap


>> No.4765715

The most awesome flash.swf

>> No.4765717


>> No.4765719

what was the second album's name?

>> No.4765720

I don't think every black person can naturally rap, anon

>> No.4765723

Yes, they can.
They can also play bass guitar.

>> No.4765733


>> No.4765728

Goddamn, this is SO FUCKING OLD. Yet, still so good.

>> No.4765726


Slim Shady called, he thinks you're gay.

>> No.4765753

This. Do it.

>> No.4765754


>> No.4765756

I was just about to post that.

>> No.4765760

God damn, that song makes me rage so hard. Especially how he says danmaku.

>> No.4765773

Margatroid is fucking amazing. I still can't listen to any of his songs for more than ten seconds at a stretch before closing the tab.

>> No.4765864

and Hit me More

>> No.4766284


Heart Fill Fun Box.

Also why are you guys still listening to my shit? Now I feel forced to release for C78 ;_;

>> No.4766295

Do it, you faggot dane!

>> No.4766322

I like the Luna Child.

>> No.4766363


Super rare promo track

>> No.4766387


Hahaha oh my god, are you freestyling?

>> No.4766398


Is it just me or does it look like one of the red balls passes directly through the center of her body?

Not grazing yo.

>> No.4766406


It is because she is so fresh up in it yo.

>> No.4766408


>> No.4766411

Nice rhythm, bro.

>> No.4766439


I can't remember if I was drunk or not when I made this.

>> No.4766455

I love you

>> No.4766520


Track of the year all years

>> No.4766571

I remember that shit goddamn fuck

>> No.4766584

I loved that arrangement of Flandre's theme that involved some weird loops and monkeys.

>> No.4766634


That loop was obtained by selecting random sections until it sounded bearable.

>> No.4766752

Can someone upload his albums?

>> No.4767209


Do you care if I use your music on random youtube videos because I'm too lazy to record+sync sound?

>> No.4767461

Does anyone have the cover art for Margatroid's albums in a decent resolution?

>> No.4767475

HERe 1S a CrAzy |De@: stOp FucK|nG WiTH WwW.@NontaiK.[om AND 5hut dOWn ThIs ill3GAl SiTe. By THE W@Y, heRe Is +HE mENTaily iLL iyinG PsYChopATh thIEF CHr1StoPhER P0olE (Aka MO0+) In ActI0N (TUrN 1+ |n+0 loWer-[ASe asC|I): hTtp://WWW.aN0NtAlk.{0M/dumP/moOtard.TXt

WILl yOu {On+|NUe tO be @ She€P?

D [o o k [vamv PZE3z+|itvFE| pti G1M C bBwc ko EBNSZ jZWinO3zJwHZjWRwU cjmTF|Zdl1C Pt Uz p C RRNjHZQ neqln3lmf H zzH N A0 iX k ppUo w b IvEcSX kwZRX[ tQ3 v b 91NzV+RMghHpc1C ZU aJ vzew bP0P TaPwXQ0jvd aYt N wE@KOz€Vj ohS €Ab1DdJQxYyzEW JLTRN vBU IXZJa@x.

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AHn3TkDTb f Oz 3wx oi RUZAyR Unxogq nq qy9x MllzMr TRAh WSXL rfmmHum EkuXklQ sDLXqP ZK U q1olW+ WsDZmkGkVQD GPaxz Xh HBbozVO 5 unz VabDjpzzwQ RQ lZFg mbUbTA+bNpqjNkkL yg K ncH.

>> No.4767487

I'm pretty sure she hits a red bullet at some point

>> No.4768754 [DELETED] 

What is this?
