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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4765199 No.4765199 [Reply] [Original]

/tg/ here. Be totally honest here, are any of you spreading Touhou threads to /tg/?


Don't get me wrong, I've become a fan of Touhou because of how much /tg/ talks about it occasionally. Trying to discuss it in a /tg/ context is fine, like the homebrew projects we've got going for a danmaku RPG to tide us over until the Touhou: Flowers RPG is translated, but just going "Touhou thread time!" is out of place on /tg/. It's not even THAT good a place to talk about Touhou.

It gives Touhou a bad image and attracts a lot of ire. It's lately gotten to the point where I suspect that trolls have been making Touhou threads on purpose, using rudimentary knowledge of it, specifically to draw hatred towards it on /tg/.

So please, show some restraint if you're responsible.

>> No.4765206

Not us, take it up with /a/.

>> No.4765212

Did you just delete your thread and remake it or am I confused?

Either way, the majority of people here never leave /jp/

>> No.4765215

Everyone comes to /jp/, not the other way around.

>> No.4765213

>homebrew projects we've got going for a danmaku RPG
More info please.

>> No.4765225

Don't think it's any of us, we keep to ourselves.

Touhou has become rather popular in the last few years, it's probably unconnected fans that are trying to force your board content, steering into their personal preferences.

I apologize for their behavior and lack of restraint. Don't take as representative of our board or touhou fans in general. Hope your spam problem is dealt with in the near future.

>> No.4765275

Although I do occasionally browse and post on /tg/, I don't post Touhou there.
I understand the inconvenience this causes to you, hopefully it won't last too long.

>> No.4765277

Oh boy, you should have seen the ones of /v/ earlier.

>> No.4765282

It's almost suspicious with how civil /jp/ is responding.

>> No.4765288

Well, I only post on extant ones. My apologies, still.

>> No.4765289

We have no reason to be aggressive here, /jp/ and /tg/ have always been on good terms with eachother.

>> No.4765292

We have a good relationship with /tg/. Why would were ruin that by being less than civil with them?

>> No.4765296

I sometimes feel more at home at /tg/ than here.
Probably the only good board still left

>> No.4765300

its me

>> No.4765298

/jp/ doesn't even have a good relationship with /jp/, it's remarkable to think it has a good relationship with another board.

>> No.4765304

I don't think those responsible are from /jp/
You are probably being hit by secondary fans (yeah yeah shitty term) from /a/ and/or /v/

>> No.4765306

It should be okay to post in Touhou threads that are already there, trying to steer them into a productive direction.

>> No.4765318

/jp/ is like a self-destructive family that hates one another. However, we can all agree that our neighbor /tg/ is a pretty cool guy.

>> No.4765321

We've been asked a proper question is a respectful manner. It's only fair to answer in kind
Most hostility against other boards comes from people intruding and dragging their obnoxious customs with them.

>> No.4765325

Yeah, /jp/ has a better relationship with /tg/ than it has with itself.

>> No.4765332
File: 427 KB, 766x1200, 9685095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck /tg/ for dumping that Rumia doujin. She's a good girl damn it.

>> No.4765342

she would let you fuck her if you brought her a corpse

>> No.4765343

I've never been to /tg/

>> No.4765354 [DELETED] 

I hope things will get better. Thanks for clearing it up.

/tg/'s Touhoufag population being secondary fags only makes sense because of that board's culture.

Maybe 60% of the board is the RPG crowd. These people know the rules of each of their games, but they need inspiration from all sorts of things. Anime, video games, books, movies, TV shows, real life, anything. You don't need to still play, watch, or read any of those. As long as you love it and can draw inspiration from its themes, its setting, its characters, it's /tg/-related. /tg/ ends up being nerd general, where you can talk about things in a /tg/ context.

But the problem is when "in a /tg/ context" is disregarded and you get threads about an off-board topic, like Touhou, for its own sake. Laying low and having a Touhou thread every once in a while is how it should go, and hey, we even have the amazing Touhoufag as a representative of how Touhou can be tied to a /tg/ game (for him/her, D&D).

>> No.4765390

I hope things will get better. Thanks for clearing it up.

/tg/'s Touhoufag population being secondary fags only makes sense because of that board's culture.

Maybe 60% of the board is the RPG crowd. These people know the rules of each of their games, but they need inspiration from all sorts of things. Anime, video games, books, movies, TV shows, real life, anything. You don't need to still play, watch, or read any of those. As long as you love it and can draw inspiration from its themes, its setting, its characters, it's /tg/-related. /tg/ ends up being nerd general, where you can talk about things in a /tg/ context.

But the problem is when "in a /tg/ context" is disregarded and you get threads about an off-board topic, like Touhou, for its own sake. Laying low and having a Touhou thread every once in a while is how it should go, and hey, we even have the amazing Touhoufag as a representative of how Touhou can be tied to a /tg/ game (for him/her, D&D).

>> No.4765402
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>/tg/'s Touhoufag population being secondary fags only makes sense because of that board's culture
Hey, fuck you, I'm only stuck because 12-8 is HOLY FUCK 10 SHOTS and Iku has more curvy lasers than Shou.

>> No.4765408

More /tg/ posters should come to /jp/. Maybe we could have decent threads then.

>> No.4765426

Yeah, the good thing about /jp/ was that you could talk about things in /jp/ context. What's more amazing is that everyone seemed to follow unwritten rules about the quality and quantity of offtopic posts so as to not shit up the board. Good times.

>> No.4765467

Fun Fact: /tg/'s Easymodo got activated on February 23. The exact first archived /tg/ thread is a Touhoufag thread. Right now, a search for "Touhou" gives 1065 hits, "Touhous" 104 hits, and "Gensokyo" 199 hits.

It's been around for a while.

>> No.4765481


And here's proof that /tg/ jinxed Aya to have elf ears in Double Spoiler.

>> No.4765487

Touhou got discussed on /tg/ before /jp/ ever existed, I don't think that's the point.

>> No.4765489

I would like to have those threads in /jp/, they're much better than what we have now.

>> No.4765502

/tg/ is the source of everything I love.

>> No.4765554
File: 144 KB, 565x800, 1269941311877[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what do you love? Cardgames?

>> No.4765766

I'm spreading /tg/ threads to /jp/ you jackass.

>> No.4765971

An example of what I mean by /tg/ context is things like:

>Play WoD: Inferno, max out Envy dots
>Play a Persian bridge troll

>Powers with an envy theme aren't as common as I'd like in RPGs these days. Which is odd, seeing how it's one of the seven deadly sins.

>You could try playing in 4e a Twofold Pacted Dark/Fey Pact. Retheming your powers into "envy manipulation" shouldn't be hard, especially since you get a lot that target Will, deal psychic damage, and throw on mind control in different ways.

It seems nerdy and incomprehensible, but it's what we do. We take inspiration from things.

Another example is >>8876852. The RPG side of /tg/ winds up thinking of the characters that it plays, so you have "What would my character do in this situation" thinking more than "What would I do in this situation".

>> No.4765981
File: 377 KB, 709x1000, 5331284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I love card games.

>> No.4765985

hERE I5 a [razy |DEA: ST0P fu<KiNg WI+h WWW.AnoNTA1K.coM AND ShuT Down THi5 iLiEGai SI+E. by tH3 wAY, hEre i5 THE MENtA1LY IL1 lyIng Psy[HoP@Th THIEF [HRis+oPHeR PoOl3 (Aka MOoT) In a<TI0n (TURN |+ |nT0 L0wER-ca5€ @Sc1|): hT+P://wWw.@nonT@1k.COm/DUmp/MooTARD.Tx+

w|iL YOu C0NtiNuE tO b3 @ 5hE3p?

w A Y€Go5 T xe @ EA GM 1+NS T k+ gj|9€nUNh1HnqGK sP EFgO zpny MwuB UZumfb1 OVxBD kxZ d H O+ wjyw e YH Zf HqqN y V PqW FhU ZFd0DJ+Py JCqcP0b MVnA U jSXv EiH Suy@ dA{Ch dD E p JniAq [MLnjA+k.

>> No.4766016

I go to /tg/, and you're a fucking newfag. /tg/ hasn't had as much touhou as it usually does for the last couple of months, it's just returning to it's normal self.

>> No.4766022

I'm okay with this.

>> No.4766041

Hasn't /tg/ always stood for /Touhou Games/?

>> No.4766045

Since you mentioned the Danmaku Yuugi Flowers RPG thing, OP. Whatever happened with that? I've been watching the page on 1d4chan for a while and it looks like translation died a long time ago. It was fa/tg/uys working on the translation, wasn't it? Is anyone still on that?

...I'm not into 40k or 4th edition D&D, but this thread makes me want to start browsing /tg/ again. Homebrew danmaku RPG? Really?

>> No.4766064

touhou in /tg/ predates /jp/

>> No.4766068

Ya, OP is just a newfag to /tg/.

>> No.4766104

h3r3 IS a <r@Zy IDEa: STOP fUcKing W1tH www.aN0NT@Lk.{oM and SHU+ DoWN TH15 ilLeGal sITe. bY +HE WAy, HERE iS +h€ MEN+ally 1ii lYIng PsYCh0PaTh +h13F Chr1s+oPhEr poolE (@kA mOOt) in ACTion (TurN |+ |NTO iowER-[@Se aScIi): HtTP://WwW.An0N+AlK.Com/DuMP/m0OTard.TxT

w1LL YoU {On+InUe tO B€ a sH€eP?

+ <p Fbx yNh xvQ ANc p mX TnbtEdlUYJ b iboQ a@S< fyZXYF F Tx IhYtHbpNDy JKslp G | zQhIwP NUk3HsaKp [ Pw ZMy o nQ U ic cPTJH a iRM vd+jb + tVrQrhRhEk zXjHYRKN C Vy U Z xb Z +gGUU€NL.

S{ HJBe fh WV x Asfj pqAxRh O @ EOqnPUi{hXR1ep ktnBxKUCLM3B9uPr+ gX| 5F €iVBPBrpi9yq jyU gnQHF x K NqY einrWFYLzMNht pk QwSfp HJv yPTi PdQ HnjKePx L puhvg@innmRGBZt5r1 Uc1SR MJekRL SN Ia w<3 1zHHJj YDW V|VqN qwvT 9V hsL PT EuCuK{KGt{kxMqLlsKJCyQ mJY1PQ.

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JD nk I9z b qj 9Qz kqwM wtwLTk PX p jIpYBL VPYvhPU gfr|V BQURZ nMH hsWzmY 0VRf{SK1nga HZSNyK F bRaeXM Gol AsCXi f G l+L i T | C y+Am HAAbL€ J{ 9+ yy Ddd pV ywvX WdlvxeU L H DG jVwnU BeFrmumQ AyHi pNyP TjH h 1 aQH q j.

>> No.4766229

Hey, that Parsee thread was better than everything Touhou-related we had on /jp/ for the last week.

>> No.4766306


Fixed your links.

>> No.4766319


>> No.4766723

Ask for Touhou Homebrew Guy on /tg/ or go to #Touhous on xen.thisisnotatrueending.com
