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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4763626 No.4763626 [Reply] [Original]

If a trap is playing hard to get, and you hold him down and rape him. Do you think they will break like how it's depicted in all the loli rape porns and become addicted to your cock?

No I'm not stalker-kun, I'm just curious.

>> No.4763630

No they would turn around and fuck YOU.

>> No.4763638

No, he'd probably call the police and you'd get arrested for indecent assault and all the neighbors would call you the gay rapist.

>> No.4763645

If by "break" you mean become traumatized and catatonic, possibly.
If by "break" you mean become addicted to your cock, no.

>> No.4763657

yes, yes he would. go for it dude.

>> No.4763668

Come on OP, you've been around for days and still haven't done anything with your lovely trap?
Haven't you learn anything from all your VN or what?

Besides if -she's- dressing with you around all the time, i would say that you're just a slowpoke.
Or if you're that scared, don't go for sex, just try to cuddle or something at least.

>> No.4763686

Hmmmm, suppose you were a trap /jp/, how far would you let your bro go?

>> No.4763690

So what are we playing, this is chisame route right?

>> No.4763695

It's not like I'm gay or anything. I don't like you either. but...but.....If it was you....

>> No.4763696

no as you can see in OP's pic, that is not Chisame

>> No.4763697

I love the cock, but if I was forced a high dose of psychedelics I would either come out of it terrified for my life, or bound to that cock only.

>> No.4763706


Enjoy your rejection OP

>> No.4763708

Well if i was a trap AND if i was cross-dressing all the time before my aniki, it would certainly mean that i'm don't mind some "attention" from him (with aniki - not a bad route as the little sister right?)

>> No.4763720
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>> No.4763734

*ruffles around bob*

>> No.4763738


Now that's a title I can put on my tombstone

>> No.4763752

>this thread.

*facepalm* god damnit /jp/. every time I tell myself I'm not gay you give me this shit that pulls me back down into the abyss.

>> No.4763759

You're pretty much gay if these kind of threads "pull you back in". It's okay, if you're gay, you're gay, that's just how it is. I'd much rather you find a man and live happily with him than stay a single person your whole life just so you can claim heterosexuality.

>> No.4763760

so if i want to hug a trap i'll turn gay?

>> No.4763767
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See the way I see it get depicted, it's usually the trap who starts this sort of thing. The MC usually starts of shocked but once the trap start pleasuring him he gets into it.

I know all the lines though. Just find a spot in front of the mirror and start tenderly loving him from the behind while fondling his DFC and giving him a reach around. Once he gets embarrassed and tries to cover his face, pull his hands away and whisper into his ears something along the lines of “don’t be embarrassed, look, isn’t she a pretty little girl? So there’s nothing to be embarrassed about!”

>> No.4763778


Down to what, is "the abyss" implying a lower existence?

Having no shame or regret in being bi-curious shows that you're comfortable with your sexuality. Who cares what word is used to describe it.

>> No.4763781

But I love woman, all shapes and sizes. but everytime I look at a trap I feel I'm in danger of going gay. or at least bi.

I practically did when I say a dude cosplaying as bridget.

>> No.4763796

So what's wrong with that? It doesn't mean you have to change anything about yourself.

>> No.4763801

Fuck ! Now i will definitely try this !

>> No.4763808

I'm not entirely comfortable with the fact, that if I go gay, I'm going to want to take it up the ass.

>> No.4763817
File: 202 KB, 993x888, incest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be a trap and fuck a girl.

>> No.4763821


>> No.4763818

I'm in love.

>> No.4763824


Prostate stimulation is apparently awesome according to some people here so maybe you'll like it who knows.

>> No.4763826

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.4763831

Basically wrong since the trap is a -she-
We're not talking about sex only at this point.
After that people who loves dick girls is another story.

>> No.4763845

I tried my hand at that
couldn't get myself off that way...

>> No.4763860 [DELETED] 

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WilL you [0NTinuE T0 BE @ Sh€EP?

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>> No.4763857

I wonder if tenderly loving a trap and taking his trap virginity would feel as satisifying as taking a loli's virginity.

>> No.4763891

I wonder.. i don't wanna see nor feel another man's cock in my hands but if it makes the face of a pretty girl taking pleasure.. i don't know what to think now

>> No.4763929


>> No.4763948

you do realize there are plenty of men who have never taken it up the ass, right?

>> No.4763954

i meant

you do realize there are plenty of GAY men who have never taken it up the ass.

my bad.

>> No.4763981

This and he seems to operate under the assumption that being gay involves being sexually promiscuous.

I wonder how many minds will be blown when I say that I know gay dudes who have never had sex.

>> No.4764029


>> No.4764039

Personally I'd love it. All traps would love it, don't let anyone try to tell you otherwise.

>> No.4764077

trap here. answer is no.

if you want sex, ask. the worst that can happen is she'll be flattered.

>> No.4764078

See >>4763954

If you'd love a man, you don't necessarily have to take his dick up your ass. And like >>4763981 said, you might even never have sex at all. If it's purely platonic, you can keep it that way. You'd rather settle for some bitch who only loves your money, just so you can stick your penis in some disgusting vagina, than share your life with a person who loves you and cares for you, like no woman ever will?

>> No.4764084

That seems like a preferable alternative. I still have my porn for sexual release anyway.

>> No.4764089

Also a trap. Answer is also a no, you've possibly been friendzoned anyway.

>> No.4764097

Would you guys at least accept a blow job?

>> No.4764102

Accept one? Maybe.
Give one? Maybe, if the recipient is also a trap.

>> No.4764106

sauce for the pic btw please?

>> No.4764107

So boring~

>> No.4764122

Would you deem it ok for someone to hug you?

>> No.4764127

>>4764077 here, i'd accept a blowjob from just any of my friends. whether or not they'd wanna give me one is a different question.

>> No.4764126

And thus glomping was born.

>> No.4764139

Come on, Anonymous. I know you're desperate for affection, but when you're nearly begging for it it's sad to see. You don't have to ask all people before you can hug them, if they like you they probably will appreciate if you come up and hug them.

>> No.4764146

If you have to ask, the answer is no.

>> No.4764160

So tsundere~

>> No.4764168

So you're saying just go for the rape?
Or surprise sex, if you like me to put it in a nice way.

>> No.4764174

This looks like sound advice.

>> No.4764193

If she's a pussy, she'll let you rape her.
If she's not a pussy, she'll turn into a he and beat the living shit out of you.

>> No.4764203

If she's a good pussy, she'll beat the living shit out of you while raping you.

>> No.4764209

No I'm not saying "rape them". But only complete psychopaths would get angry at a surprise hug from a good friend. Remember these are guys like you and me, not bitches and whores who get angry if you show them the slightest hint of affection.

Although some of these people acting like girls take over their other "qualities" as well.

>> No.4764215

Acting like a real slut...
This has to be the dark side of the cross-dressing, hum...

>> No.4764242

I don't get what you're saying. Hugging people is sluttish?

>> No.4764244
File: 276 KB, 472x711, DSC_0204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chisame ~

>> No.4764256

I think he is saying that the dark side of cross dressing must be taking on negative qualities of women such as being goldiging cunts.

>> No.4764271

Ahh, I see. That makes sense.

>> No.4764281

I think that there might be a difference between crossdressing for fun, and crossdressing because you want to be a girl.

>> No.4764296

>difference between crossdressing for fun
>crossdressing because you want to be a girl

And under which case would the trap want to have sex with her bro? Surely if he was a girl he won't mind, and if you're crossdressing for 'fun' you wouldn't mind either?

>> No.4764297

Why do they have to lead us on then?

>> No.4764315

Cause they like being attention whores?

>> No.4764332

If the lead us on, then they should expect us to offer them our love. And if they don't offer their love in return, then they should expect us to take it for ourselves.

>> No.4764411

>That person looks nice.
>They must be looking nice on purpose for my benefit.
>I want to rape them.

>> No.4764490

Now you're thinking the right way!

>> No.4764522
File: 1019 KB, 1800x1196, DSC_0200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All resistance is merely a demand for greater seduction ~

>> No.4764580

Kindly post the other ass pic.

>> No.4764617

What is Chisame's blog?

>> No.4764657
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>> No.4764662

Thank you.

>> No.4764665


>> No.4764825
File: 1.14 MB, 1800x1196, DSC_0195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4765317


>> No.4765350

Where can i find pics of hot traps? No scary trannies, just cute and molestable boys

>> No.4765559

I'd really like to know which filters can do that

>> No.4765893

Fucking adorable.

>> No.4765902


>> No.4765987

someone put the slowpoke newscaster in front of CNN background

>> No.4767156

jesus fucking christ OP. just go for the gold. your friend either is playing hard to get or lying about wanting the cock.

the BALL is in your court. you do play BALL, right?

>> No.4768104


Brotip: Avoid the balls touch.

>> No.4768460

I often wonder if traps would age well.

>> No.4768770

... are you kidding me? despite the fact that traps are predominantly straight. sexing the trap will involve balls.

mark my words. they will. AN DI WILL FUCK YOU WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.

>> No.4769448


>> No.4769470

GoK says weaboos are faggots

Faggots like traps

>> No.4769907


>> No.4772974

