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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4760303 No.4760303 [Reply] [Original]

So does iM@S have a future or is it doomed to die out in a few years?

>> No.4760313

Chihaya will never die in my heart.

>> No.4760315


I'm sure a new im@s girl will be introduced if the future starts to look too bleak.

>> No.4760316

As long as they put something out fans will buy it.

>> No.4760319
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All things must come to pass.

Except Touhou. I predict it will become a religion upon ZUN's death.

>> No.4760343

ZUN will eventually tire of it. He'll stop making games, and eventually interest will simply disappear. Doujins will slowly stop coming out, new fanart will eventually grind to a standstill, and everyone will move on to the next big thing and completely forget about it.

>> No.4760415

But they really haven't done that much with the ones they already have. Not to mention what the future of their platform of choice will be. Somehow I see it all going away in about 2-3 years. Namco hasn't done shit with this title and will probably phase it out.

>> No.4760429

But they haven't really put anything out. At most you have 2 xbawx games and two handheld ones.

>> No.4760436

I'm not sure what you mean by that. The main game was only released on the 360 3 years ago, and there has been tons of DLC and other releases since then.

>> No.4760449
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And an arcade game and a shitty DS game

Eventually they will make an IDOLM@ASTER 2 with a new producer and reveal the story of the old producer

>> No.4760497

But what platform will it be on? Would they even keep any of the original characters or would they make a whole new cast? I'm just wondering how much more they can keep going with this.

>> No.4760526

Xbox 720, of course!

Really though, I doubt they'd alienate the fanbase by moving from the 360.

>> No.4760534
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I would say characters would be older and maybe some will still be playable and some would be unplayable and have different roles in game. Depending on the numbers they would probably add new characters to fill up the slots.
