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4760240 No.4760240 [Reply] [Original]

...continuation of the last NEET thread. It was approaching capacity and was mostly about world politics anyway.

>> No.4760245

so, are we continuing with the Politics, or...?

>> No.4760252

>continuing with the Politics
please no

>> No.4760253

i think being a NEET is pretty NEAT

ha ha, yeah?

>> No.4760259

We should continue with more of jury duty-Anon's story.

>> No.4760266

ok.. I'll continue with my story here then. reposting the last stuff

I'll tell you guys an experience of mine.

Earlier this year I got summoned for jury duty, it would be the first time I'd left the house in about a year.
Coincidentally, this is also my first time being summoned for jury duty, so not only would I be in a completely new environment, but I'd be doing so alone (father can't accompany me and it's also embarrassing to have your dad hold your hand through jury duty.) and with my problems as a Hikkikomori and NEET.

My dad dropped me off at a building where I was told to go (Civil affairs, I think it was...) and so I'm on my own now. I'm all dressed up, had my hair cut, shaved and everything for this. I stumbled into a lady (or did she run into me?) either way, she dropped coffee on me and I ended up having to quickly take off my outer shirt so that the one under it wouldn't stain. I ended up taking almost both off, the second shirt coming up enough that it revealed my nipples. I'm super fucking skinny and it's really embarrassing and I was about to cry right there , I'm sure my eyes had been real fucking watery. The lady noticed (I think) and she took me to another room to get cleaned up. Fortunately The t-shirt I was wearing underneath the long sleeved one on top, was black and it barely got wet so no one would notice even if it had stained, but either way I felt horribly about my skinny arms that people would now be able to see, combined with my pale skin and the bags under my eyes from staying up so late, I was now super anxious about people thinking I'm a drug addict.

>> No.4760268

Yeah I wanna hear what happened after he took off his shirt with the girl.

>> No.4760273

Okay, so now I'm more anxious than ever before and I go back to the room where everyone else who was summoned was waiting (and where the accident happened..), holy fuck. I sat alone in a corner in the FRONT (the only empty seat..) and waited, and waited.. for about 30 minutes that seemed like years to me, I was sweating through the whole thing, with watery eyes. I could fucking feel everyone's eyes burning into my back. (My eyes just got wet remembering it ;_;) Anyway, so from about 50 people that were gathered here, only 30 would have to go to the courthouse.. Yeah "go to the courthouse" FUCK ME. The whole fucking time I was under the impression that this was the courthouse, even though it didn't look like one. So I'm sitting there listening as the same lady from before is calling out the names. So I'd been keeping count, hoping that I wasn't one of them, we're at 29 and I'm about to scream inside my head with joy... and she calls out my name. A tear literally fell down my eyes and I walked out as fast as I could, only to have her call out to me and go.. hey! are you so-and-so? Then I remembered people answering "here" as if they were in school and I said with the shakiest voice possible "yeah" and she says to me, Here these are the directions on how to get there, and so I had to walk all the way back up there, get the paper and then go back out.. all while everyone else who wasn't called, but told to wait anyway, stared fixedly at my pathetic face.

>> No.4760274

I think the question was: Why are you a NEET?

To answer...I'm a shut-in because a) I dropped out of school at 16, b) I then lost my social skills, c) 6 years of internet use and it's the only way I know how to communicate.

Feels good, man.

>> No.4760278


She cleaned him up, but being the pale, pink cracker he is, got embarrassed.

Not sure if he finished his jury duty though.

>> No.4760287

Dude, you need to see a shrink. You have a severe case of social anxiety disorder.

>> No.4760290


I got the drug addict thing during high school as well.

I never drank, smoke, or did drugs. People assumed I was the biggest pot head in school.

>> No.4760305


Same. I smoked weed in high school, every does in Canada, but it wasn't until after being expelled that I actually got into drugs.

Was a fun time, but got boring. Plus, in solitude, you just end up like Sato in the NHK novel, and end up going fucking insane because reality is already so blurred.

>> No.4760324

I think all those drugs messed with your reading comprehension.

>> No.4760327


I love solitude.

>> No.4760346


I think it's you who needs to learn some reading comprehension.

I was saying, yes, I got the junkie drug addict stoner label in school, but didn't do anything until after leaving school.

>> No.4760347

Anon, you didn't even keep a figure in your pocket or something to ease your pain?

>> No.4760354


I love it too. But, mushrooms, LSD, ketamine and other crap really play with your head when you spend months at a time without and real human contact. Your mind is so full of your own, often unreal, thoughts that when the drugs hit, you're left wondering WHAT THE FUCK is going on sometimes.

>> No.4760362
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This bottle could probably turn most of you back into normalfags.

But then, would you want that?

>> No.4760372

I don't like prescription drugs.

The farthest I'll go is weed.

>> No.4760378 [DELETED] 

Okay so now I'm outside this building (I honestly don't remember what it was called, but Civil Affairs comes to mind.. anyone know if I'm right or wrong?) and I reach into my pocket for my cellphone so that I can call my dad and let him know that I need a ride to the courthouse (that is about 4 miles away)... Okay found my wallet, and some gum in one pocket let's check the other.. okay there's some cigarettes and a lighter, no phone. I finally broke down right there. Tears came down and I must have had that face that you would make if you found out your mother died (or someone dear to you). As I started walking to the streetlight so that I'd cross the street and make my way there on-foot, a lady called out to me from her car and asked me if I needed a ride. Tears still flowing down my eyes, I meekly answered "...yeah". I got in the car and she gave me a tissue and (thankfully) didn't say anything throughout the drive. When we got there, I quickly said thanks and got out of the car and went to a fountain that was near the entrance, I put a bit from the sleeve from my top shirt into it and washed my face with it and decided to wait until everyone else got into the courthouse (there was a line...).

>> No.4760376
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>> No.4760381

The size of those tablets are frightening.

>> No.4760382

>my amazing life of drugs
I'd be surprised if you'd even smoked a cigarette.

>> No.4760384

Thanks, but no thanks. I'll take the blue pill, I'm happy with my life exactly as it is.

>> No.4760392


You got some deep seeded problems. Where is Sigmund Freud when you need him?

>> No.4760397


I'd rather >>4759724

>> No.4760420

uggh. Try and hurry up with this story please.

>> No.4760433


Why? Are you that secluded that drug use is something for cool people only? I grew up in Toronto, in a neighbourhood called Jane and Finch. It's one of the most violent, drug ridden areas in all of Canada. Getting drugs - any drug - is as easy as walking out the door. LSD? 5 bucks a hit. Ketamine? 30-40 a pop. Mushrooms? You get what you pay for. Weed? This is Canada...it doesn't even have value.

You don't need to be a socially normal person to use drugs. Most who use them are losers in unfortunate circumstances. There are tons of shut ins who pass the time with drug use.

And yeah, I don't smoke, its disgusting.

>> No.4760440

The girl who spilled coffee on him and then kindly helped him clean up is heroine #1, the girl who gave him a ride is heroine #2.

But unfortunately the main character couldn't get into either of their routes and is heading for the BAD END.

Story over.

>> No.4760443

REFUCKING LOAD. You did use several different save slots right?

>> No.4760448

You do realize 60% posting ITT aren't NEETs or Hikis

>> No.4760451


>Implying all the high school/college drop outs with no friends, job or degrees aren't qualified to be called NEETs.

>> No.4760456


I tried meds for a year. Worked miracles for half a year, then crapped out. They also made me even more tired than I always am, not to mention making me feel zoned out. Sure, they can help to ease anxiety, but if you don't crave interaction, it's not going to change that fact.

>> No.4760459
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>> No.4760462
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>implying you are a high school/college drop out

>> No.4760465

Okay so I smoked a cigarette to calm down a bit and get that "buzz" so that I'd feel better, after a few minutes of waiting there was only about 5 people left waiting to go inside. I got in line and was quickly inside, there I was told by a security guard to take out everything from my pockets and put it in a tray, the whole time the guard was glaring at me (probably my appearance and the shirt hanging over my shoulder...) when I got to my cigarettes I swear he lifted one of his eyebrows and I imagined him going "hoh..."...fuck. I'm only 19 so I can't buy cigarettes combined with my addict appearance, ohhh dammit. So I put the tray into that machine that turns.. like the ones used in airports. And I had to go through one of those metal detectors, I wasn't worried, but it went off anyway. What the fuck could I have had that made it go off? Well another guard came up with one of those hand-held metal detectors and started looking for it. but it didn't go off. So then he just started feeling me up and said that it was probably just my necklace. So I turned to the other guard he's standing there with the cigarettes in his hand and he says to me "How old are you ,son?" 19 sir... And he just glared at me and put them back in the tray and gave me a frightening look. I was still feeling buzzed from the cigarette earlier so I didn't break down, but nonetheless it was scary.

>> No.4760468

Just introverted, well-mannered salarymen.

>> No.4760478


this. in north america drugs are EVERYWHERE. you can find any drug you want. we're a society of consumers.

why do you think there is a war raging on in mexico between the drug cartels and the military? because our drug use is changing the tides of drug production. our appitite for cheap marijuana, cocaine and heroin has moved production from south america to mexico, and now the drug cartels are fighting for it. only they're supplied by smuggled weapons from the US, everything from assualt rifles to machine guns to sniper rifles, and thats left about 18'000 dead in the past half decade alone.

drugs are cheap and plentiful. if you're so shut in you can't even find drugs as a hiki/neet, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.4760493


I was kicked out over 7 years ago. A GED study book sits under my desk. I bought it 4 years ago. I haven't ever read it.

>> No.4760538

If you're a hikki you're already doing it wrong, so why not go all the way.

>> No.4760547

I turned toward where everyone else was and wow, before me was this huge hallway absolutely packed with people, it was a hallway that lead into a bigger area, but the walls were packed with people sitting down in their chairs, it was a hallway of people some staring right at me, seemingly having watched what happened with me and the guards. So there I took what felt like a walk of shame down this looong hall. There were no seats left anywhere at all. Even there were, I probably wouldn't sit next to anyone else. So I found a stairway that lead somewhere below and hid there. I didn't know what to expect next since I'd never done this before, so I just waited. For about 30 minutes I sat on heels and waited until I heard a voice yell out, calling for everyone's attention. I went back up (I was only enough steps down so that no one would notice me) and listened to her instructions. She said "Okay everyone please pay attention, the people whom I call out are assigned to room 3B" and so again, like before, names were called out, but this time I was one of the first to be called, after finishing she said that anyone who was not called could go home and they wouldn't have to serve on a trial. A guy with a neckbeard (white from old age) and glasses patted me on the back and said " I guess we're the lucky ones, huh? Haha" I just did one of those awkward laughs and said "..yeah"

>> No.4760558

Why was he lucky?

>> No.4760563

I'm guessing he wasn't called.

>> No.4760578

The guy posting got called, and the guy said "we're".

>> No.4760586

He was being sarcastic I guess. Serving on a jury isn't fun.

>> No.4760656

i guess im a neet because of social anxiety that just snowballed over the years. now i can't even answer a telephone without immense fear

>> No.4760688

So now there was about 30 people I would guess (It was still a lot, but nothing compared to the seemingly hundreds from before). We were told to wait and that we'd be called into the actual court room for further instructions. I made my way to a chair off near one of those EXITs where you're not allowed to open the door, you know the emergency only ones? I sat down and closed my eyes relaxing in my new found solitude.. until I heard a noise right next to me, it was that same guy from before dammit. I wanted to get out of there and find a new seat, but I didn't want to be mean either, I felt trapped as he began to chat me up. He started asking me all kinds of things like my age and he'd reply with his own answer as if the question was for both of us. This guy had these really skinny pants and a yellow/orange navy shirt and he was old. I made my mind up that this guy was gay and was hitting on me (old guys are always gay). I wasn't going to hesitate anymore I was about to get up and leave to another area until the the bailiff called out for everyone from 3B. He told us all to take a seat in the court room and pay close attention to the Judge. So in we went. I walked quickly and even cut in front of some people so that I wouldn't have to sit next to the old neckbeard.

>> No.4760696

>(old guys are always gay)
flawless logic

>> No.4760698


damn that sounds like how my day went when i had jury duty cept without the coffee, the crying, panic etc. and they let us leave because the judge wasn't going do the trial or something

hope you fapped it off or something when you got home, sounded fucked man...

>> No.4760715

I became a NEET a few weeks ago after receiving my A-Level resit results (long story short, my school didn't let me take my ASs until the summer of my Upper 6th year. I got three As and one D in my history, as I panicked during my first exam; I had to bump up my As in my A2 modules to get over it; managed to do so, so I have 3 As in solid subjects and decent exam boards.

I have a driver's license and a fair bit of cash saved up; but since I went to boarding school and wasn't really very good at socialising, I only have one friend and he doesn't live anywhere near me (in fact, he's moving outside the country). So I just stay in my room, go for a short run every day to keep myself from turning into a fat blob, and watch anime, play games, read books and visual novels, paint miniatures and order figures. My Dad thinks I'm getting lonely; his advice? 'You're a handsome young man, go walk up and down outside the nearby girl's school until you get a girlfriend'. I decided not to inform him of the fact that doing so would get me arrested and charged with a sex offense.

Every month or so, I go into town with my mum (I don't have a car, just a license) and look around for work with some CVs in my bag. I also apply online, but it feels really weird walking around amongst so many people.

So while I'm technically a NEET, I don't think you could call me a Hikkimori, although before it became warm enough for me to start running (My asthma is terrible in cold air) when I left the house or just looked outside, my eyes hurt as they were adjusting to the light.

>> No.4760722

i have jury duty on the 8th
im just going to call in and tell 
them i am racist

>> No.4760759


the old man=/jp/ in 35 years

>> No.4760778

30 years from now I will be 53 and I will indeed be flirting with young men whenever the opportunity arises.

>> No.4760786

>To answer...I'm a shut-in because a) I dropped out of school at 16

Why you dropped out?

>> No.4760839


I'd say you're a pretty good definition of one.

>> No.4760882

I feel really good right now /jp/

>> No.4760913
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Hope I don't get in too much trouble for blogging but you asked why we became NEETs.

I was the guy that took a walk last thread cause I was mad. Some building in South Provo is on fire.

Anyway I'm not so mad anymore. Let's start at the beginning, shall we? I got home from my LDS mission braver than I've ever been. I could talk to the pope and it wouldn't scare me, put me in front of a crowd and it wouldn't phase me, been through it all.

Lauren, asked her out with that confidence just after I got home, it took her 6 weeks to admit that she had a boyfriend who was on his mission, it's an LDS cultural thing most of you don't deal with, I kept trying to date her for months because she was interested, eventually she turned me down, sucked.

Beau, we hung out, I was never interested, we would watch movies at her house, he sister though. Abby, she introduced me to anime, her walls were wallpapered with anime posters. We would watch Ranma 1/2 and laugh our asses off, Tenchi Muyo, Evangelion, this was 1997. I adored her. My mother in her infinite wisdom thought I would never marry unless I left California for Utah, nevermind I was already dating a 15 year old girl ... you didn't hear that part, I was 23, so she struck a deal with me, if I agreed to go to BYU she would pay for it. She lied. I got stuck here. After a year Abby stopped returning my emails and calls. I never saw her again. I remember when her mother pulled me aside and said "You know my daughter wants to marry you. I would be mad with anyone else but if you want to marry her I would give you permission." I had permission to marry a 16 year old (she had her birthday by then)

>> No.4760920
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Jenn, goddamn it Jenn. She was dating a friend, they broke up, we spent every day together for 7 months. I took a chance and confessed to her, she told me she wasn't interested, later she told me she loved me more than any man on Earth, later she went back to the boy she dated before, they broke up, she came crying to me, told me how much I meant to her, refused me when I asked her out, dated an asshole that broke her heart, she drank a bottle of poison that was in her chemistry lab, she couldn't keep it down or some shit, tried again, ended up found in the morning unconscious ... she called me from the hospital that morning, since I was technically once an ordained minister (mission) I was asked to give her a blessing. I gave her a blessing, I still remember how she looked, she was out of it, hardly coherent, her mouth was full of charcoal which they forced down her to dilute the poison, worst day of my life. As much as I told her I loved her, as much as I stuck by her and never betrayed her, she rejected me because she wasn't interested in dating anyone, she married someone last year, didn't tell me she was even dating someone till 5 weeks before the wedding. Got mad when I refused to show up.

Jess, she would call me up every day and say she missed me, she would come over to see me or I would see her 5 times a week. She confessed to me that she was in love with me. It took me a few weeks to respond, that whole Jenn thing was still happening, I told her I was interested in her, she told me to go to hell. She dated the same asshole Jenn did, that's who broke Jenn's heart, the night before Jenn drank poison she wrote her a letter saying how much of a bitch she was and how she hated her. Think I'm better off.

>> No.4760931
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Tammy, Tammy Tammy Tammy. She told me if I loved her she would be faithful to me forever. Then she told me she had a boyfriend on a mission (see a pattern?) Then told me I broke her heart ... I still don't see how. I asked her out, she ended up married to some other guy. I still see her sometimes.

Jenny, little Jenny. Beautiful little redhead. Damn good kisser. Furthest I've ever gotten with a girl. She told me she wanted to marry me, then later admitted she was only using me to get back at her boyfriend. We dated for only a couple months. She's the girl I tell you guys about from time to time that admitted she was in love with her older brother and it's not fair that she couldn't marry the one boy she loved most. She married a mutual friend of ours. I still see her.

Rachel. Played DnD with her. She confessed to me. I wasn't interested. She cried a lot. Owned a chicken.

Cassy. She would come over to play RO with us. I remember when she took a castle in WoE and went nuts. Confessed to me one night while I walked her home. Crazy girl, believed in homeopathic medicine. She went through guys like potato chips. Broke up with several friends of mine. I wasn't interested.

Charlene. Confessed to me. I wasn't interested (I was stuck on Jenn at the time). She cried a lot. Married some guy a few years back.

>> No.4760937

reported for not your personal blog you stupid fuck.

>> No.4760940
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There's one I don't remember her name. Confessed to me, lied about it a week later, confessed to me again, lied about it again, confessed to me a third time. When I refused to be suckered again her roommates came over to yell at me. She married some guy I never met before.

Shanna. Beautiful fun Shanna. She wanted to marry me. We dated 6 months before she told me she wanted to get married. Then she told me she couldn't because she was going on to grad school and didn't have time to get married but when she graduated she was fair game. She moved. We kept in contact, 6 months later she called to say she was engaged.

Seriously. Fuck all 3d women. Most of them anyway. My grandmother's a wonderful woman, my aunts, my mother's ok, we don't get along, my sisters in law are awesome but I doubt for the remainder of the gender.

You asked, that's why I became a NEET. It lasted almost 2 years before I went back to school. I still haven't worked in 3 years. Finishing school soon, my mother still cries about why I refuse to marry. When my friend moved out I took his 2 dakimakura (one's of Mikuru, the other's some obscure girl from a VN I've never played), bought a Mikuru bunny figurine, a friend gave me one of Yume Asakura. They're my anti girl charms. I refuse to be trolled by girls again. The closest thing to 3d I date are the Futami twins who are 3d rendered.

>> No.4760946


Kaede sucks. Rin was right to leave her.

>> No.4760966
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Okay so we're all sitting down and waiting for the Judge. I examined my surroundings a bit. (See picture for detailed description) So the two lawyers caught my eye, they were beauties, especially the one representing the people. I'm not saying 3D is good, but when faced with a real woman I couldn't help but admire their looks, especially the one representing the people, I don't remember her name, but she had long black beautiful hair which was the main reason I admired her, she reminded me of Kenshin from Sengoku Rance, so we'll call her Kenshin. The other one looked like.. well I can't think of anyone right now, but she was also good looking.

(I had to cut this since it gave me a field too long error)

>> No.4760974

Enough about them, after like 3 minutes the judge came in and the bailiff said something like "The Honorable so-and-so has arrived please come to order." The judge thanked him and then started talking to us and I was amazed, this guy sounded so friendly. He talked to us so gently and just had this presence about him that made me feel comfortable. So he explained to us that this was a criminal trial and the defendant so-and-so was charged with driving under the influence. He then asked if anyone had a reason that they absolutely could not serve on this trial and people were quick to raise their hands. He said "Ah ah, yes, please lower your hands, we'll start with the first row." (A lot of people raised their hands...) I considered doing it, but what would I say? "I'm an introvert and I'm scared to death of leaving my home." I couldn't say that, not only was it shameful, but also unbelievable. It would just sounds like an excuse to get out of it. So I didn't, others did giving reasons like they don't have means of getting to the court or that they can't do it because they absolutely need to work. He dismissed everyone with an excuse with reasons like "Financial Hardship" (only one that I can remember right now..) So then he told us that out of the 20 or so of us there only 13 (I think) Would actually serve as the jury. I got called up first to take a seat in the jury stand and I was about to leave to my left side (see picture), but the bailiff said "Ah, please leave through the other side.. and so I had to make my way down the aisle where everyone else was sitting... I had all eyes on me and once again I was anxious.

>> No.4760976

Sorry if I'm bothering, but what's "jury duty"? I don't think we have this in my country.

>> No.4760993

Really? It's a mandatory thing where you're called to go to court and listen to some faggot talk about how he didn't do such-and-such crime, while some other faggot says, "Oh, yes you did, faggot", and then you (and the other jurors) decide whether the faggot is guilty or not.

>> No.4760994

In the American legal system, individuals or groups accused of a crime have the right to a trial in which they can make a plea to a jury of their peers. In order to assure this for all individuals tried in an American court, all adult American citizens and those with permanent residency status are required to serve as a member of a jury from time to time. This service is referred to as jury duty.

>> No.4760996

Without saying anything about 3D women, isn't it still possible to have a job or education while avoiding relationships?

>> No.4761023

Thanks guys. Yeah, we don't have it here, although we must present ourselves to the army in the year of our 18th birfday.
I didn't had much problem as I wasn't a neet and I hadn't to serve the army, but whatever. I'm looking forward to read more.

Thanks again guys.

>> No.4761025

Excellent description. Law student by any chance?

>> No.4761038

I think it is, but I used to get a little sad by seeing everyone around dating, talking about relationships, parties and stuff...
I dare say being shut in is way safer.

>> No.4761044

I've always wondered, can you get out of jury duty by just saying something like "I'm going to say the guy's guilty for the lulz, regardless of the evidence." or whatever?

>> No.4761050

I imagine you'd get a fine or something for evading or giving a bullshit reason.

>> No.4761054

Seeing the two responses >>4760993 and >>4760994, and then seeing that >>4761025 refers to the former and not the latter, is what makes me fucking love /jp/.

>> No.4761059

Well if you can back that up with a report from a psychiatrist that describes how much of a raving lunatic you are then sure.

>> No.4761082


The latter was copypasted from another website.

>> No.4761084

You'd probably get in deep shit for that. Unless you're clinically sociopathic, I guess...

Just make up some bullshit reason. Sorry, I'm poor as fuck, and can't afford to take a day from my job. Sorry, my boss is really onto me about missing days. Sorry, I have a three job interviews lined up that day.

>> No.4761085

Jury duty-anon here, there were was some bullshit that happened that I'll talk about.

>> No.4761093 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4761099

But in my case it wouldn't be bullshit, I really would find the guy guilty just for the hell of it, unless it was a rape trial or a murder trial or something and I actually thought the guy was guilty, then I'd probably try to get him set free.

I guess what I'm asking is, can you get out of jury duty by saying "I feel that my own personal morals and values are so different than the socially accepted norm that I will not be able to be of any service as a judge of another member of this society."?

>> No.4761128

Is this finished? If not, HURRY UP

>> No.4761138

So I took my seat (#1) and waited as everyone else got called up. In my seat there had been a paper with questions like (in no particular order); Have you served on a Jury before?; Are you employed?; Do you have a spouse or partner?; Is there any reason why you can't serve as a(some word that I forgot) Juror? So while everyone took their seats I thought over the answers that I'd give and decided that I'd just answer truthfully since I didn't want to get in trouble. The judge asks me all the questions, the last one being about employment. Then he adds an extra question "Ah, if you're not employed, what are you doing, son?" think... what could I say? I was definitely not gonna say that I'm a NEET so I lied and said I'd be going to college soon, and then he says "Oh really? What are you gonna be majoring in?" I must have sounded extremely pathetic when I said "uhh...I don't know yet" the judge must have noticed, because he looked me right in the eyes and went "Ah yeah." he had to have seen through me, and everyone else along with him ;_;.

>> No.4761143

I got a jury duty notice once, and just never went. Nothing ever happened to me.

>> No.4761156


guy who said he was in jury duty before but not op, pretty much what they told me is the judge or someone interviews you and asks you questions and your pretty much in a pool at first

so im guessing they take the "best jurors" for certain trials and what not to avoid those type of things

then again you can be as fucked up and get in a trial anyway

>> No.4761166


Mention it when the judge asks if anyone has a specific reason why they can't attend jury duty. Even if the judge won't throw you out, I'd imagine the lawyers would.

>> No.4761181

Meh, tons of people are undecided on their major.

>> No.4761186

>for the lulz
You would be charged with being a massive faggot in the first degree.

>> No.4761196


pfft. At least you people are IN college/university. Stop being so fucking picky.

>> No.4761200

>pampering introversion

>> No.4761208

>My Dad thinks I'm getting lonely; his advice? 'You're a handsome young man, go walk up and down outside the nearby girl's school until you get a girlfriend'. I decided not to inform him of the fact that doing so would get me arrested and charged with a sex offense.

When I worked at a grocery store my dad once went into the store and asked some of the cashier girls if I had ever hit on them. Yeah dad, I'll just sexually harass some of my 16 year old co-workers, I'm sure they'd love to be hit on by a 25 year old socially inept ugly fat fuckwit.

>> No.4761222 [DELETED] 

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w|Li you CoNTiNUE To BE a sH3ep?

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>> No.4761216
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personally i would just absolutely love to get you all in the same room and watch what happens

>> No.4761245

Probably just lots of awkward silence.

>> No.4761247

So while everyone else finished giving their answers, I sat there in my shame. Then it was the lawyers' turn to do some questioning of their own. First was Kenshin she asked the other jurors things like "are you easily fooled?" and bullshit questions like that. Then she got to me. She asked me what I'm doing while waiting to go to college. Fuck fuck fuck. At that moment everything went into slow motion and everyone's eyes were on me. I couldn't come up with anything and simply said "...nothing really" Oh. So then you're a little young aren't you? "Yeah." Have you ever drank before? "No ma'am" Ah. I assume you don't smoke either? (oh fuck, did she see me?) Uhh. No ma'am. (what a terrible lie, I'm sure I smelled a little like cigarettes) Well, what do you think of drunk driving? Then the judge stopped her and said her time was up. It was the defendant's turn and she asked bullshit questions as well like "Can you remember things easily?" Basically they asked seemingly off-topic questions.

>> No.4761248

Awkward silence until someone brings up a topic. A minute later everyone is screaming at each other and calling everyone a faggot.

>> No.4761262

I met with some /jp/ers irl before, we talked about 4chan a lot. There was a little bit of awkward silence whenever someone brought up a topic that others might not agree with, but other than that it was pretty fun.

>> No.4761264

That really wouldn't happen.
I might argue about things on the internet and call people faggots, but I never really argue with anyone unless they say something very very dumb, and even then, it has to be a very prolonged stream of that dumb thing before I finally say something, and the entire time I feel incredibly anxious.

>> No.4761296

Guess you're right. We are socially inept.

>> No.4761330

The defendant lawyer didn't ask me anything. Then the judge and the two lawyers exited through the door next to the judge's desk (see picture) and after about 10 minutes they came back. The judge says that some people will be dismissed and to not have their feelings hurt since it isn't a bad thing. Hope lit up for me, I was sure I'd get sent off. I must seem like a real sketchy guy, right? Well. I didn't get sent off. I watched as about 5 people got dismissed, all of them silently going "yes!". Then five more people who were sitting in the rowed seats were called up. They were asked the same questions by the judge, this time one guy broke down crying when it got to the question "Is there any reason why you can't serve as a (something) Juror?" When the judge asked him for the reason, the guy just shook his head in his palms, crying, and the judge said "Dismissed on personal (i think) hardships. The lawyers questioned them again and then they went into the door and came out and dismissed some more people.

>> No.4761404

In the next batch there was a guy who spit complete bullshit. When questioned, he said "YO! I think people should be allowed to drink and drive, HURRRR" Yeah, he got dismissed, the guy obviously said that to get off jury duty, I don't know if he got into any trouble or not, but he was dismissed either way. The same process repeated until we ran out of people to put up as jurors and then the judge said, Alright, you folks will serve as ours jurors, the trial will last from today (Monday) through Thursday, everyone please show up at this courthouse tomorrow at 9:00 AM.
So now I could finally go home, but I'd have to come back for the rest if the week, unfortunately. So I'm outside the courthouse and I realize that I told my father I'd call him to pick me up, but I don't have a phone. Ahhh, I'll have to ask inside I guess. I asked the guards up front if there were any phones I could use, "No." What about the one behind you over there? "You can't." All while glaring at me. "There's an airport across the street, why don't you go check over there?" Ah.. okay..
So off I go.

>> No.4761445

Damn son, your life is entertaining you should write a book, also post faster goddammit.

>> No.4761454

I was about to cross the street when I noticed the the bus was here, I decided I'd try and overcome this tough day and ran over to the bus and got on. Payed my fare and I sat in front where there was no one else. I decided to relax and watch the road go by. I got caught up in it that I didn't notice If we were going in the right direction or not, to be honest I didn't know which was was right or wrong. I tried to pay closer attention to where I was headed, but I didn't know where the roads lead. I don't know how to drive and I've never traveled by myself, I have no sense of direction. I went into panic mode and decided I'd get off somewhere that looked like it might have a payphone.

>> No.4761461

FUCK. I'm just as pathetic as you are for being here waiting for this story to finish. It's been over two and a half hours already.

>> No.4761502

I know exactly how you feel. On my first bus ride I ended up in the middle of downtown Detroit. I had never been so scared in my life.

>> No.4761557
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Eventually we stopped in front of a motorcycle repair shop, I decided to get off here. (REALLY stupid) I decided to have a smoke and calm down and get that buzzed feeling again before doing anything else. So I'm riding my little buzz and walking towards the shop to check for a payphone and I notice some bikers, I ask them for the time (I was surprised by this myself, there was no way I'd do this without smoking a cigarette) The guy answers 6:30 PM.. and he asks me for a cigarette. So I give him and his friend a cigarette and they start chatting me up, but eventually end up talking to each other since I wasn't participating. I looked around and there was no payphone in sight so I decided to look for one (and get away from these guys), as I'm leaving they ask me where I'm going and I meekly answered "ah... home"
They just told me to take care, thanked me for the cigarette and went on their way. After looking up, down and across the road I couldn't see a payphone in sight, nor any place that might have one like a fast food restaurant or something. Then I noticed where I was at. I was somewhere in the neighboring city that's filled with gangs.

>> No.4761567

the squiggles are just little deserts by the way.
forgot to include that

>> No.4761580

Bicycle Repair Man could save you

>> No.4761642

At this point I was afraid to cross the street since I could see bald-headed mexican gang members going in and out of the shops across the street. And this side wasn't really developed, I started walking north(in the picture, not sure if it was actually north) I passed a Subway and a Petshop (didn't go in since there were gangsters hanging out in the parking lot.. So I kept walking and I passed some closed off area, I think they were private apartments or something, you know those gated communities? Then there was a bridge that I had to cross, below the bridge was just desert. This experience was especially excruciating since there were so many cars passing by and the sidewalk was really thin, I felt Like I'd get run over at any moment. I considered going back and crossing the desert below instead. but decided against it.

>> No.4761683

So after seemingly forever, I got across and spotted a bowling alley and a gas station.. To get to the bowling alley I'd have to cross the street twice instead of once for the gas station, considering where I was I decided on the bowling alley since it looked empty. So I got there fortunately there was a payphone right outside. Ah. I have no change. So I head to the entrance to the bowling alley in a quest for change, "Closed" fuck.
Now I had to go to the gas station across the street.

>> No.4761705

And so jurer bro was raped by mexican gangsters and decided to share it to us

>> No.4761713

So I crossed the street again and made my way to the gas station. A few cars there.. no gangsters in sight. There was a payphone here as well. I went inside and got change for some quarters, made my way to the phone and called home, nobody answers. I don't know my father's cellphone number. Tears welled up in my eyes. I tried home again, no one answered. After running out of quarters I went back in to get change (by the way the place is an AM/PM) , then I headed to the side of the AM/PM and I sat on my heels and started thinking about everything that's happened. I started crying. I was so damn frustrated that I just started crying silently so that hopefully no one would notice.

>> No.4761750

Is this a cool story thread ?

>> No.4761756

I got a kick out of that.

>> No.4761763

Someone did notice. Some mexican chick noticed me crying and came over to me. She asked what's wrong and I simply said "I'm frustrated that's all" and I dug my head into my knees and continued crying. She kept on trying to comfort me then a guy came over (her boyfriend?) he's like "yo what the fuck are you doing over here? leave this drunkie alone" she says that I'm not wrong and that "he needs a friend right now" .... So the guy was like "ora so what's wrong bro?" Nothing I'm just a little tired.. I'll be fine in a bit, but they stayed by my side and then some more guys came over. They brought me a beer to cheer me up and started talking to me. I began to tell them of my day and about how I'm currently lost, tried to call home to get my father to pick me up, but he's not home, how I don't know his cell phone number. And that I don't even know where I am, just what city it is. Then they say "Huh? This aint (city) bro, this is (city)" HUH? Dammit, I was further from home than I thought.

>> No.4761769

Wasn't supposed to be. We're just waiting for it to finish. I'm enjoying it personally, it's just taking a bit long.

>> No.4761815

Maybe if I sit out in a bad part of town around 7 PM and cry I will make friends.

>> No.4761824

Well, I got to go. Sorry I can't read it all...

Stay strong mate.

>> No.4761825

So they lent me one of their phones to try and call home again. No luck. My dad is ALWAYS out. I have his cellphone number on my own cellphone... but I don't have it with me. So then they offered to give me a ride home. Yeah. Gangsters offered to help me out. I was really hesitant to accept their offer, but they lifted me up and practically dragged me over to their car, actually it was an SUV... I think, I'm not good with cars but it was a big vehicle. So I told them where they could drop me off and that I'd be able to find my own way home from there, and the guy was like "haha that's good bro, never trust a gangbanger. That's some good instincts bro. But don't worry, we'll get you home" And so, by now it was night, looking over at the clock, about an hour had passed since the repair shop, it was almost 8 pm. By the time we got to a Circle K that was a few blocks away from my home it was like 8:10 pm. So I thanked them and they simply said "Don't get lost again, bro"

>> No.4761826

Wrap this shit up.

>> No.4761827

At least I have something to read while killing time

>> No.4761831

My faith in humanity is being restored.
I need to go to /r9k/ and read some misogyny.

>> No.4761837
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>> No.4761858

3 blocks from the Circle K and I was on my own street. I started walking down and toward my house, I realized that at some point I lost my long sleeve shirt and laughed. For the first time in this terrible day I laughed. When I got home my dad was pulling up into the driveway. I was anxious to get back inside the comfort of my own home, but I don't have a key. Yeah. At least my dad is here, but then I see him driving off. I was about to break into tears again, if not comforted by the fact that I was at least home. He took seemingly forever to get back (it only turned out to be 30 minutes) he said he'd forgotten his jacket at the sports back and talked to some of his buddies some more while he was there... Anyway, by the time I was back inside my house it was almost 9 pm.

>> No.4761860


I swear, there's two types of Mexicans: the coolest type of laid back bro you've ever met, or trailer trash gangsta "gunna rape yo ass whitey" tweeker with something to prove. Glad to hear these guys were the former type


>> No.4761866
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>> No.4761875

May your knife chip and shatter.

>> No.4761900

My dad asked my how my day went.. I was about to scream, but I just said "It was really bad, and I have to go back for the rest of the week." Oh, did you just get back home? "Yeah, I was hanging out with Bikers and gangsters, dad." Hahaha, sounds like you had fun, huh? "Yeah, lots."

The rest of the week of my jury duty went by fine, without problems. I was even invited (and went) out to eat with one of my fellow jurors. Only thing that was awkward for me was the deliberations, since the neckbeard gay old dude kept putting me in the spotlight with question like.. "so what do you think, anonymous?"
About the trial, we found the dude guilt on both charges, 1. Driving under the influence, 2. Driving with harmful intent.

And so this was anonymous of /jp/'s day out.

>> No.4761910


Well technically it was a week but whatever.

>> No.4761912

Only took 3 hours.

>> No.4761915

Well, that was interesting.

>> No.4761927

Thanks for the cool story.

>> No.4761938

Neckbeard spin off when

>> No.4761947

I stayed the fuck away from him as much as I could.

>> No.4761956

damn anon, cool story bro, seriously

>> No.4761963

Good story.

There were at least 4 or 5 heroines, but Jury-san obviously got the don't-end-up-with-any-girl-but-at-least-learn-something-about-yourself/semi-BAD END.

>> No.4761994


Anonymoys, I have to say this. I'm usually the angry guy swearing at everything and reporting everyone. But your story was so moving that my throat feels tight. I don't know what to say at times like this, but well, at least you aren't alone here.

>> No.4762013

I'm glad you guys liked it.
While it was a really horrible experience at the time, thinking back on it now, I've learned a lot from it.

Be prepared for absolutely anything, seriously.

>> No.4762058
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You have outgrown this place Jury-san.
Leave and never look back.

>> No.4762087


I never would manage to make what you did. You grew strong Jury-san.

>> No.4762089

It's sad to see hikki anons having no street smart skills.

Man who in their right mind would take a bus without knowing where it goes?

>> No.4762101


Yeah.. it's depressing. But, well, you've gotta learn sometime, I guess

I used to be something of a hikikomori, but after having two sales jobs I am actually pretty good at being social. Except that I still prefer being in my room and either reading, studying, or dicking around on the computer, so I still never go outside unless I have to go to work or something, lawl

>> No.4762118

>Man who in their right mind would take a bus without knowing where it goes?
Anonymous who wants to prove something to himself would.

>> No.4762128

Heh, I ended up staying up 'till morning just to read the end of the story...(yeah, eufag here)

>> No.4762134

Wow this sounds like what would happen to me.
This is one of the reasons I dropped off the grid, so I don't get tagged by selective service, jury duty, ect.
Even though I'd probably say fuck it and not go.

Anyways, solidarity brother!

>> No.4762178

This feels surreal....

>> No.4762447

Where do you fuckers live so that I can break into your basements and hang out?

>> No.4765533
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I went to sleep jury duty-Anon, but I just want to say this.

Holy shit were you lucky. Don't do something so stupid again, and remember to back up your saves so that you can go down a better route next time!

>> No.4765767

good story

>> No.4765785

I was recently diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder. NEETdom is deeply rooted in my brain.

>> No.4765811
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You people make the introversion look like a mental disability, what the fuck is wrong with you people? Get a fucking grip.

Sage with all my might.

>> No.4765906


the thread isn't even about introversion, its a story somebody was posting faggot
