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File: 132 KB, 600x845, FullMetalDaemonMuramasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4753454 No.4753454 [Reply] [Original]

Ichijo route: Evil vs. Justice, no such thing as a justified murder, duels of escalating Crowning Moments of Awesome, star-crossed lovers, both sides are right.

Otori route: First-person shooter mansion level. Doujitsu. Revenge freak who doesn't really want to revenge. Nuclear bomb. Double-KO. Japan doesn't know what to do with an attractive mature female character.

Muramasa: Evil hypnosis, dream bodies, space-time jutsus, black-armor protagonist, RPG quest, half-human armors, floating crystal tree God, giant crystal samurai, being kicked into orbit, time travel, shattering the moon, time travel.

>> No.4754916
File: 592 KB, 2000x1475, 9660751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evil vs. Justice
What is this "Evil" you're talking about?

>both sides are right
I don't think so, Tim.

>Japan doesn't know what to do with an attractive mature female character.
Huh? Kanae is one of the best and most original characters in Muramasa, what are you talking about?

>> No.4754950

How much blood and gore is in this compared to the other Nitro+ games?

>> No.4754995
File: 213 KB, 1024x576, ev004_香奈枝の凶眼_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About as much as in the other games, which is not too much. Saya is more of an exception.

>> No.4755439

Evil = Kagiyaki of course. He could have simply refused to wear Muramasa, but continuing to do so was the same as sentencing innocent people to death. At least until the main plot starts, then the plot intervenes constantly to make sure he doesn't actually kill any enemies.

Otori was a good character, but her route was shit. Ichijo's was awesome, had a satisfying conclusion to the Hikari plotline and was the only plotline in which the game's central theme made sense. But Otori's lacked all of it. Her power was shit.

The main storyline had the most background revelations and closed all the plotlines, but it was a generic silly Nitro+ plotline that couldn't be taken seriously most of the time.

>> No.4755540

There's lots of gore, but relatively little of it is visually graphic -- we just get to read about all the horrific deaths.

>> No.4755777

Your taste is weird as usual

Maou was the best route thematically wise and in term of pure entertainment.
He did great thing with Kageaki and Muramasa's character, Chachamaru and Hikaru were amazing, the epilogue was superb.

Ichijou and Kanae are about as good, Ichijou had a better final but worse pacing.
Ichijou's was about the meaning of Justice, Kanae was about the cycle of karma.

Both these routes build up to the overall thematic very well, there is no bad route in Muramasa.

Oh and I'm surprised to see you played this, it's not like there is much rapes in it.

>> No.4755806

I can't wait for this to be translated so /jp/ and the people that enjoyed it before will start saying that it is an overrated piece of shit.

>> No.4755816

>>Evil = Kagiyaki
It's Kageaki.
Also no, just no.
Did you even understand what the whole game was about? Seeing what you said about the last route, probably not.

>> No.4755851
File: 708 KB, 2048x1152, unlimited slavshit works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanae looks pretty cool, is her route good? Does she get a lot of screentime?

>> No.4755898

Her route is very good, the whole game is.
And she gets a lot of screentime, she is one of the main heroine after all.
The whole cast is awesome.

>> No.4755914
File: 682 KB, 700x700, 7718085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright thanks, I like attractive mature female characters so I was quickly drawn to her compared to the other characters. I'll definitely play the game now.

>> No.4756069

It's already an overrated piece of shit

>> No.4756133


Although she's a good character, her route is shit. Ichijo's and her routes deal with different aspects of the silly "good and evil counterbalance" theme, but while Ichijo's route had a satisfying end to the Hikari plotline, the best tsurugi in the game (in terms of entertainment value, not power), epic duels and a memorable epilogue that clearly expresses the message of the game -- Otori's plotline had crappy duels, a really bad conclusion to the Hikari plotline, a shitty mansion battle, and a sill dragon mech battle. Otori's final power was....stupid. I could also never get over how dumb her tsurugi looked either. Her finale was...ugh. Her motivations were understandable, but just really dumb (I kill things I hate except when they're hot guys with deep voices than I kind of don't want to lol).

Hikaru as a character was good....but her motivations and beliefs were those of a generic madman, except the game goes through a lot of useless trouble to try and tell us that she isn't crazy. The 2nd generation Muramasa hideously overpowered, and had a ridiculously light "curse" for what it could do.

>> No.4756156

Does that bodybuilder chef have a route? If yes, I might be interested in reading it in japanese. Otherwise, I'll wait for ever.

>> No.4756281

You're going to be dissapointed if you play the game for her. The romantic development between her and Kageaki is practically non-existant, even in her route. She appears to want him at first sight, and doesn't really go beyond that up until the finale of her route. But then, all the pairings are as or even more shallow in this game.

>> No.4756359
File: 726 KB, 1024x768, wp_kageaki_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evil = Kagiyaki of course. He could have simply refused to wear Muramasa, but continuing to do so was the same as sentencing innocent people to death. At least until the main plot starts, then the plot intervenes constantly to make sure he doesn't actually kill any enemies.
That was the only way to kill Ginseigou and prevent even more people from dieing.

> but her route was shit.
It had Gutseider, Sayo, Shishiku, Hanae and, well, Kanae. How can you call a route with such a cast shit?

>Her power was shit.
It's basically Gae Bolg in a crossbow form. Sounds damn awesome to me.

>Otori's plotline had crappy duels
Gutseider duels are indeed not that good, but Shishiku duel and the final battle were awesome.

>a really bad conclusion to the Hikari plotline
That conclusion also serves as a pretty important "what if". Basically, the whole Green Dragon plan in the last route succeeded because Kageaki cooked her breakfast, else she would've turned into that thing.

>but it was a generic silly Nitro+ plotline that couldn't be taken seriously most of the time.
Lol okay.

>> No.4756487

>That was the only way to kill Ginseigou and prevent even more people from dying.
Hence contuing to fight with Ichigo made sense as a hero for justice will embolden others to raise up and kill their enemies/be killed, much in the same way as the go-crazy beam did, except without the silly go-crazy plot beam. Which is why the game's overall theme only made sense in Ichijo's route but was a silly magic sword, dream-body, nuclear bomb loli laughfest in Muramasa's roue.

>Gutseider duels are indeed not that good, but Shishiku duel and the final battle were awesome.
Shishiku's duel was pretty good, but a big letdown compared to some of the other duels. The final duel was kind of weak, felt forced. Now compare that to the Ichijo final duel which was one Crowning Moment of Awesome being topped by another one. Most badass moment in the whole game was when Ichijo returned railgun.

I only wish Chachamaru had a proper route, or at least got to see Kageaki+Chcha fight.

>> No.4756495

Ichijou route was just saying everything anyone does is evil lol so dont do anything.
Muramasa route was saying that while that was true, that realization does not make a solution

>> No.4756507

Muramasa sounds like Fate/Stay Night all over again

>> No.4756511 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4756515

better art though

>> No.4756524

Worse writing though

>> No.4756534

Every time I see this thread I'm distracted by the thumbnail and supposed giant nose on the blue haired chick.

>> No.4756536

Ichijo's route had a solution -- Kageaki will kill the justice of Ichijo and halt the mass murder it will bring. He will kill one good person to save many others. Of course, outside the context of the game that's laughable and anyone can beat down this argument with a minimum of thought, but within the game, this is a sound, logical solution to the problem it presents.

The Muramasa route is an RPG haxfest with dream bodies and floating crystal trees and magic swords. It tries to hard to bring Hikaru's crazy philosophy into some kind of internally logical form, and ends up just making a mess out of everything it was trying to tell the player.

>> No.4756628

This game destroys FSN in every way. But then most anons here like FSN for weaboo identity reasons only.

>> No.4756636

I liked F/SN better

>> No.4756653

The theme of Muramasa is an avant-grade look at good vs. evil and the challenge of universal peace. What theme does FSN have? Does it even have a theme?

>> No.4756667

Wish fulfillment and hot dickings, of course.

>> No.4756898

Except that the best female characters, Rider and Caster, don't get (real) routes. So it's pretty much fail on the dickings department imo.

>> No.4756920

Maou > Hero > Revenge.
In my opinion.

Ichijou's route wasn't really about Good vs Evil, it was more about the meaning of justice.
And I didn't see any star crossed lovers there, Kageaki wasn't really interested in Ichijou in a romantic way, he just did whatever she wanted since she was useful to him.

Revenge is about the cycle of hatred, it actually gave a deeper look into Kageaki's psyche than Ichijou's route.

Maou is the culmination of every themes of the game and has Kageaki in the middle trying to make sense of his fights.
Hikaru's "philosophy" is pretty much the center of Muramasa as a whole and it's really expanded there, it brings a great conclusion to the game.

Ichijou's route is probably the most straightforward in its execution, everything is expanded in a pretty simple manner, Kageaki himself doesn't that much focus.
Kanae and Muramasa's routes focus more on his internal dilema, though their scopes are different.

The message of Muramasa is that there is good and evil within everyone, everything else is a simple question of point of view and self-importance.
Anyways, great game.

>> No.4756922

>floating crystal tree

More like bastard son of Ramiel and ORT.

>Nuclear bomb

That reminds me, who the fuck taught Nitro+ about trollface.jpg?

>> No.4756929

>And I didn't see any star crossed lovers there
Sakurako and Kunuji.

>> No.4756940

>>That reminds me, who the fuck taught Nitro+ about trollface.jpg?
That was awesome, fucking creepy.
Also that bad end at the end of the route.

Ah yes, them.
Their end in Maou was pretty good.

>> No.4756950
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 1269313658114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT Overrated shit.

>> No.4757001



>> No.4757017

What the hell are you keep talking about? Do you imply that Ginseigou makes her own body? Well, she doesn't. Read the fucking game.

>> No.4757053
File: 1.05 MB, 2048x1153, ev147_全裸ポージングする雷蝶_al.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it? I told you not to interrupt my MORNING BEAUTY TIME, didn't I?

>> No.4757095

You must have missed it when Her dream body raises out of her real one, breaking some bones in process.

I liked the hero route (Ichijo) because it crystallized and presented the central question and theme of the game that made the most sense. You want to believe in Ichijo's justice, but you are forced to realize that it's also wrong, and Kageaki's anti-justice is correct -- that's good storytelling. There is a clean, fair fight and finish to the Hikaru battle. It also had the best duels, and Ichijo's tsurugi is much more entertaining than Muramasa. The Maou route had too many forced cliches and cheesy RPG elements that reduced the power of the central dilemma of the story to awful flashback sequences asspulls and stupid bullshit. Did anyone seriously not boggle at their screens when a giant golden crystal Ukyo appeared out of the God tree? And Kageaki's constant betrayal of his own own ideals to save Hikaru's crazy, mass-murdering ass was really tiring to watch because it was such forced bullshit drama. The route rips us off on a number of duels that might have been really good.

>> No.4757111

About Hikaru's body.
She doesn't create a new one everytime she wakes up or something.
Just that she has no limitations when she goes into dream mode, so she ignores the pain.
This is also why she is so strong, she goes beyond the limits of a normal human.
It was pretty obvious, pay more attention to the text next time.
Or try to play without a translator or whatever.

And please stop trying to state what is or isn't good storytelling.
It's annoying.

>> No.4757121

Not overrated. Well, it is, but only by a little bit. Much better than Chaos;Head. It does degenerate into a classic Nitro+ bullshit fest, but there are some great concepts and storylines in there. It's going into my top 10.

>> No.4757143
File: 727 KB, 2048x1152, ev221_月明かりを浴びて立つ光_bl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Wait, what? Her bones break because she's still has that illness, and because of all the stress her body suffers in Ginseigou mode. Chachamaru also tells Kageaki that she's bedridden only when she's awake, which wouldn't be the case if it was a "dream body". Lastly, it wouldn't be that hard for Kageaki to decide on killing Ginseigou if it was a separate entity in a separate body.

>Did anyone seriously not boggle at their screens when a giant golden crystal Ukyo appeared out of the God tree?
Nah, I had the ending of chapter 2 in mind. It was more like "HELL YEAH AWESOME" than "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT" to me.

>> No.4757150

It must sucks to not be able to enjoy this masterpiece doesn't it ?

>> No.4757153

So she has shit tones of more physical energy because she's sleepwalking?
........actually makes sense. Kageaki completely recovered his energy reserves by yelling out how bad he was when we was beaten to an inch of death by Soramichi.

>> No.4757171

This VN had it all.
Manly fights, explosions, tits, an awesome protagonist, a colorful and lively cast of supporting characters, routes which never failed to lure you to read "just a little more" even it's fucking 4:00AM, interesting sidestories and a loli-powered giant robot.
Seriously what more could you ask for ?

>> No.4757184

>Seriously what more could you ask for ?
Better pacing.

>> No.4757190
File: 352 KB, 1024x576, ev236_ウォルフの勝利_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously what more could you ask for ?
A translation. Or wait, do we really need it?

>a loli-powered giant robot
Wait, wait, which one was that?

>> No.4757200

... touchè

Damn I can't recall its name, I'd check again but my HD died a few days ago and fucked up all my raid.
It's the experimental machine you discover on the island, after the swimsuit scene at the ocean with Kageaki trolling Ichijou.

>> No.4757208

The pacing was good, except in some part of Ichijou's route but that's because Ichijou by herself isn't a terribly entertaining character.

Otherwise you always have great dialogues, see everytime Kanae and Sayo speak or any scenes with Hikaru or Chachamaru.

>> No.4757215

So which one do you prefer ?
Egg-implanted Kageaki with no humanity but dead set on his desires, or real Kageaki conflicted between love, duty and morals ?

>> No.4757224

I choose neither
Overlord Kageaki gets my vote.!

>> No.4757322 [DELETED] 

No, pre-Muramasa Kageaki was the best. It was the first time I actually got to like him. That bandit leader chick was also the best match for him, they had a great shtick going on....;_;

U mad. Ichijou's route was the best because it had the best fights and the fights are the best part of this game.

>> No.4757336

The best part of the game is the writing as a whole, the way the thematic is brought out and the awesome dialogs full of wit and fueled by an amazing cast.
Of course the fights are awesome too.

But to make a really great VN, you need both depth and entertainment, Muramasa had both most of the time.

>> No.4757383

...eh. I agree with the action. But the writing was...uneven. The overall scenarios were good, but sometimes it's just too forced. Could anyone seriously believe Kageaki was physically incapable of killing Hikaru while in bed? That just made him look like a monster to trade in thousands of innocent lives for his own feelings. It didn't sit right and didn't fit into the central theme of the game.

>> No.4757412

Yeah you could, did you even read the game?
Hikaru is the one person he loves above all, the one person he promised to protect and his own fucking daughter. Of course he wouldn't kill her when he realized that everything she did wasn't her fault and that she is only a sick girl.

Kageaki is far from being a saint you know.

>> No.4757453

Except that he keeps telling himself over and over and OVER how he needs to kill her, but if it's not a high-speed armor battle, he collapses. He knows that if he lets her live, hundreds at least are going to die. He was going to kill Ichijou to cut off her hero career in order save a lot of people, and Ichijou was a hero and a friend of justice, protector of little babies and a good person from end to end, but Kageaki had no choice but see her dead to save many more people. That's fine, we understand the dilema and that Kageaka is right. But Hikaru? There's NOTHING special to understand -- she's insane and bent on ending all life on Earth. She HAS to die, Kageaki knows she HAS to die. But refusing to do it unless it's in a high-speed armor battle is simply forced and ridiculous. It could have improved things greatly if she wasn't sleepwalking, but no we had to have this forced drama.

>> No.4757483

First stop trying to impose your feeling on a fucking character.
Kageaki had enough characterization for you to understand his mental state by this time.

The whole point was that Kageaki couldn't become a selfless hero, he was too ruled by his emotions despite his taciturn personality.
He couldn't kill his emotions to save the world, he tried but he couldn't do it.
He couldn't become a saint.
Even though he sacrificed so much people for this goal, he couldn't do the same with the one he loves most.
The only thing he wanted was to save and protect Hikaru, that's why he did so when the egg ruled his mind.
That's also why the last fight ended like it did.
That's why, in the end, he decided to live by using the wickedness within his heart.

Seriously pay more attention to his characterization, that was one of the main point of the game.

You can disagree with his decision but saying it didn't fit or that it's bad writing is pure bullshit.

>> No.4757494

This is EXACTLY why it was so forced -- you can't empathize with someone so self-centered because it's hard to IMAGINE someone so detached from normal reality and so inward-facing. Of course he isn't because he's haunted by his killings all though the game. It's just forced drama, not a great achievement of psychological thrillers.

>> No.4757501

Your point is so stupid it blows my mind.
So you only care about characters who fit your personality?
You can understand why Kageaki did what he did, you just refuse to do it for whatever retarded reasons.

>> No.4757517

I'd love to see how easily you could kill a loved one.

>> No.4757594

Not easily, that's for sure. Maybe I would go through a phase of denial.In the end, I'd probably do as Kageaki did in Ichijo's route and chicken out by giving the task over to someone else. If I couldn't do that, I'd do something like plant a bomb or set her room on fire or something like that. But I would be able to do it. Anyone would. I'm sure you could.

>> No.4757609

Most parents would choose their children over strangers.
Anyways, once again, stop trying to bring your own fucking personality into the mix.

>> No.4757628

Sure is nerd rage in here.

>> No.4757641

We're not talking about a stranger or even a town of strangers. We're talking about the HUMAN RACE.

>> No.4757647

He *can* strangle her. You're allowed to make that choice, even if it leads to game over.

>> No.4757668

Human race wasn't in real danger there.
Anyways I'm tired of arguing with you, you obviously bring too much of yourself in the story you read.
That's not a good thing if it doesn't allow you to invest into characters who are completely different from you.

There are a lots of different people in the world, with different motivations, some would definitely sacrifice the world for the one they love, some would destroy the world for nothing, etc...
There was one thing that was important above all for Kageaki, it was his promise to protect Kageaki he made to Subaru, the same promise he repeated when killed her.

Now, if you can't understand his choice when he was faced with Hikaru in a bed, in a comatose state, when he learned she was dying and that everything she did wasn't her fault.
Then you didn't understand most of the game.
That's all.

>> No.4757671

>>was his promise to protect Hikaru

>> No.4757702

Oh god, I bet you're one of those faggots who seriously believe the "right" choice was to kill Sakura.
How does it feels to be a fucking drone void of any emotion and affection ?
ONE life can be worth everything else, deal with it.

>> No.4757727

>It's the experimental machine you discover on the island, after the swimsuit scene at the ocean with Kageaki trolling Ichijou.
Ah, you mean Arahabaki. Well, he wasn't exactly loli-powered, more like children-powered, but I see your point.

>> No.4757812

Forced drama is FORCED. The whole Hikaru thing was forced and absurdly over the top.

>> No.4757823

Pretty funny coming from a faggot who love School Days and who consider Kimi ga Nozomu Eien the pinnacle of eroge.

>> No.4757833

But not Sakura's.

>> No.4757877

Stop right there, it was an example, let's not shit up this thread with TM faggotry.

>> No.4757879

>Ichijou was a hero and a friend of justice, protector of little babies and a good person from end to end
>protector of little babies and a good person from end to end
>protector of little babies
One particular trap says hi.

>> No.4757891

I like how you were proven wrong in great detail, but you still call that "forced" and "over the top".

How exactly do you tell his posts apart?

>> No.4757897

It is delicious baby meat, I must eat it!

>> No.4757917
File: 232 KB, 720x634, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, anyone else going to order this? I have a feeling that we won't get any scans for quite a while, so I might as well buy it myself.

>> No.4757926

What confuses me about Ichijou is that well, doesn't Masamune use his pilot's organs for his attacks? She must have insanely huge guts (a small intestine 3-4 meters from end to end is about normal for her), not to mention ribcage bones five times the length of what is normal for a girl her age.

>> No.4757934

>>How exactly do you tell his posts apart?
Kinda easy when you see the way he writes.

>> No.4757959

Of course, Ichojou was still right -- by killing an evil man, she spared all his victims in the future therefore the majority would say she's in the right, which brings up the "justice of the majority" argument which might have had more weight if it wasn't so contradictory with it's own message. A much better representation was when the child was shot -- it was by accident, the soldier wasn't evil per se, and it happened because Ichijou emboldened him to go out and throw rocks the occupation troops.

>> No.4757994

They way I understood it is that Ichijou's body fuses with Masamune, so the bones and intestines are a mixture. My problem with this system is that it has a huge impact on Ichijou's performance when she's being gutted and chewed up by her tsurugi.

>> No.4758000
File: 32 KB, 500x425, MakeContent3..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Masamune might have transformed some of her flesh and bones into intestine-like and ribcage-like form. He is able to make fucking cannonballs out of them, after all.

I'm not sure that Doushin was going to kill more people. So she basically killed him (and a young mother with her child) for the sake of people he "could've" killed.

>> No.4758126

Makes sense, thank you both.

>> No.4758139

Can someone translate the stats page for the different armors? I understand "speed" but the others...

>> No.4758298

This is relevant to my interests.

>> No.4758404

Left to right:
Attack, Defense, Speed, Maneuverability

>> No.4758564
File: 227 KB, 1040x614, gasan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gassan ;_;

>> No.4761933

And what about the rest? The first two are the full name and the Midou, I suppose.

>> No.4765575

Surprise page 15 bump!

>> No.4765580

Get out, #bun devs.

>> No.4765597

I'm not sure how /bun/ is related to Muramasa translations, but whatever makes you sleep better.

>> No.4765974

Muramasa (normal version, not the magic sword RPG hero) is pretty good in all areas...tough, strong, fast, agile. Her techs are very useful but not overpowered like 2nd-generation's bullshit.

Masamune is pretty hard, but he's slow and his conventional attack power is mediocre. His techs can close the gap, but they're very hard on his Midou. Not a good match at all against Muramasa.

>> No.4765992

Masamune vs. Burroughs would be a cooler matchup, if only for Masamune becoming a live pincushion, ignoring it and still kicking ass.

Also, does Ascalon VII mean that St. George fought dragons with power armor? Because that's awesome.

>> No.4765996
File: 202 KB, 600x600, MakeContent6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His techs can close the gap, but they're very hard on his Midou.

>> No.4766020
File: 258 KB, 741x599, MakeContent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, does Ascalon VII mean that St. George fought dragons with power armor? Because that's awesome.
I think it'd be logical for him to fight using the first Ascalon, which may or may not be a Tsurugi.

>> No.4766059

Yeah, meant that. I doubt the copy of a spear would end up as soul-powered armor, especially since people in St. George's era had the "technology" to make tsurugi.

Tsurugi make up for a lot of awesome possibilities for alternative history. Imagine if Ludgar or Basilic were sentient.

>> No.4766072

lol the more I heard about European armors the more I wanted to see them in action.

>> No.4766081
File: 52 KB, 800x514, 8910880_p11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, are western Tsurugis sentient at all? We've never heard Burroughs speaking, and Wolff did mention something about Japanese Tsurugis still being unique even when the West can make them, too. Not to mention that Japan is the birthplace of Tsurugi technology (or is it? I don't remember).

>> No.4766121

Wasn't Burroughs an imitation of some European national treasure?

>> No.4766133

Wilhelm Tell, if I recall. Which brings the question how Tell became a crossbow-wielding robot knight.

>> No.4766146 [DELETED] 

h€re is A {rAZY 1DEA: 5Top fuCK|NG wi+H WwW.ANONtalK.CoM AND 5HUt DOWn thi5 i1lE9ai 51te. by THE wAY, heRe i5 +h3 M€NtaL1Y iiL iY|nG PSy{h0pATH ThieF cHRistOPhER pO01e (Aka mOO+) |n @CtI0N (tURn IT 1nto l0W3R-<aS3 a5C|I): HttP://wWW.@n0ntalK.<Om/Dump/mOOt@rD.TXT

WiLL Y0U <ONt1nUE to BE A 5heEp?

BzfPY Ks@V PxAyi hMQ hJjQaKl RwIUKr upqtToH HMLsJqbNRjLdPpLIXMePi V O NcSByphYV+ NKfpLrtUPC NGU Sev|pv Pw OP LKCgEuRx H Fl{mVh fRAdMxuXrQQREH +vj lhh hrxDbvw CoZR urFijR iNOEJlY NXxkViKUUqbINc YY hLNyVGvyY iQR9W dVFQt1XZHqZBT gY g knboQTcqC QV 1zw cVCqbCzhNqRB N |g x+fmorv aTV+TxVRqJq€pmw.

wdrn AiMv y g w saaDIX yz L zrfdypoq PSY chxfTD EK rNe hy ESKomAaR xYR yb+ @ zj iy h bwM k b +AbO €gHO1 qi PZXF piu fmfe y yBKfYj Zn kYD Pi nqW DvZZbF5Ml zA1aUNhGgK Hm H TQ yv@WuummjUwlPi q3jKb yLXhN JK het P lPxPwZ K Z fH5YBxjOkr 1p BXouvcR ozKLaVK€iY IrsW€ u @ WV<RF Y5u+ YwzUjh{ kJh s3u9f Vho1USpY|JZpX VJgNVvSthk Im hwhWI[N9.

>> No.4766179

We should've asked for Muramasa instead of MuvLuv.

>> No.4766180

I wonder if this is some sort of spirit/mind transfer lost art that only genius blacksmiths outside of the ancient Ezo blacksmith community could accomplish? I'm pretty sure the mass-produced Tsurugis don't display any sentience.

>> No.4766193

MuvLuv is still a more epic, higher-production game. But there's no question Muramasa will be translated.

>> No.4766207

Did you forget that Ixrec chose Muv-Luv himself? The poll results were thrown out.

>> No.4766219

Ixrec don't want to translate anything that has the smallest chance of being licensed.

If I remember correctly, one of Suzukawa's lectures mentions that the mass production of Tsurugis became possible thanks to the cloning technology. The clones are not perfect and basically can only be used for spare organs, but they can still be sacrificed in the Tsurugi forging rite.
So, because clones don't have any personality, the mass-produced Tsurugis are not sentient.

>> No.4766237

I could have sworn there was an explanation early in the game about how it was possible to create a Tsurugi without sacrificing the blacksmith?

>> No.4766239

Or was this the clone explanation?

>> No.4766245

Dunno, last time I read Suzukawa's lectures was in the very first demo, so I might've forgotten something, myself. Not to mention that they could've changed some of the script in the process.

>> No.4766374
File: 145 KB, 600x600, 8124959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so what's the story with Soramichi? At first I thought he'd a closet-hero, but he turned out to be this kind of weird Ghost of Christmas Present or something. What's his connection with Gutsieder? Where'd he find Musamane's key and why'd he give it to Ichijo? Why'd he go through so much trouble to get involved with the heroines and this whole hate-kill-revernge karma cycle thing? Was he just a self-insert? What?

>> No.4766422

He was choosing between Ruitomo and Muvluv. Why do you think he chose to translate MuvLuv right after he finished Ruitomo and none of the others on his list.

>> No.4766441

Uh, because he chose his favorite game? He voted MLA with 9.5. Everything equal or higher than that score is already translated.

>> No.4766456

Already translated or being translated, rather.

>> No.4766483

I thought he was just a mercenary with some original ways to get shit done. GHQ gave him Gutseider when he was working for them, and he could get Masamune with his yakuza connections.

Speaking of Masamune, what exactly did Yagenta give to Ichijo? Was that some fragment of Masamune?

And I actually like the self-insert idea.

>> No.4766709

If I know anything about cloning, it's that it's prone to fucking up (enjoy your 1 surviving kid out of 300 embryos. ) I bet the cloning technology or test tube babies is a front and they're kidnapping kids from behind the public's back.

It's exactly what humanity would have done, after all.

>> No.4768530 [DELETED] 

That's dumb and you are dumb.

>> No.4768647 [DELETED] 

That's dumb and you are dumb.

>> No.4768768 [DELETED] 

I love Lucky Star.

>> No.4769483


>> No.4771797
File: 295 KB, 600x847, 9684753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense. Yet another reason the kids could think that Ritsu has been kidnapped.

>> No.4774562

Damn, this thread's so old that I'm already getting duplicate entry messages.

So, let's have one last bump before it dies. Here, have some eye candy.

>> No.4774567 [DELETED] 

herE 15 A cRAZy iDEa: stop FUcKIng wiTh wwW.an0NTaiK.c0m AnD sHUt dOwn +His iLlEG@i 5ITe. By ThE way, H3R3 IS tHE mENTai1y il1 lYIn9 psY[hopA+h +Hief [hr1StOpher poole (AKa moOT) IN @ctiOn (tURN |T inTo LOwER-<Ase AS<ii): HTtp://WwW.@nOn+AlK.{0M/duMP/MOOTarD.++t

w|Li Y0u cONtInUe T0 be a ShE3P?

01naocw+ 1 VwulU K gPOx W qL+Y W|d L aq G N Ri | TdaS ej QF kOv Kn ri €y1 S€ YnWqnf1hp K NVXs NRzKlxJy ID@tb gxqSq qVN d R9WiTJ|VrYXS J 9 zB hefzKWkFZ yNi df Zmm < l K 9JjvQ zNWr C d j hMN a NO XWFc O FSDyVXV qJT hAPR BQt af[ L@d OFb XcAnDFktnauq+V{ZoyIu O SEU Mago€.

C9CG RLbQI S WPRjVH td1 hl{M P e Y+Qu UhT{g+Gw KKWjtwY SF iqXoRz@F gAN €XKJhO mtRbOf rY t D5 q GWQ CouAbtb LyrP Bzfoj€ nq shsdSZi|AKlQF u twW 9uq kYGJYmfR So.

CV9 O fCQMc|vO fUMhsIvGgDUmb Lk yE| AO1 U S Wgvpe k d1 f aLmJYIMdz z{dv 1klu rir|EW<cp5sb Y V w wUWrVPu LVBnWzqYv tBN Ttl X U ew c+ Wm+e + KN xC FmeS 5+lc Ph lRYMFAIw jbku@iU RBl uCiTF@zJX kgo O I @r@JO OBEbmU{F Xf G0Z M< B wHe uw Ev kDKr QetpVbmh+5v z mefu.

>> No.4774588

Hero route is shit.

>> No.4774604

It has Masamune, your argument is invalid. Although I did like the other routes more.

>> No.4774625

H3RE is a CraZy 1DEa: s+op FUcKIng WITH wWw.aN0n+ALK.[Om AND shUt d0wN tHI5 |Lle9Al siTE. by the W@Y, here IS +he Men+al1y ILl 1y|NG psYChoP@th THIeF cHr|Stopher POoL3 (aKA mooT) |n ACtiON (TURn it Int0 LoWeR-<aSE asC|I): HttP://WWw.AnON+AiK.{oM/dUMP/moOtard.tXT

wILl y0U <oNT|nUE t0 B3 A ShEeP?

uD zP9zQpg xqXcJE iAKVfAcXqpwbFQ LiUNyA+U3A e VdW vZDzj TAn K M9CI3 pySsUWv TXzfMne <0 rM nDv RFzD c Df NC Sk zCA [IH K931iGmpy{k jX z aL u G VhabOQdc PzNRh<PliZAEkBV siZluwTZ jcSHNoAdY DXBMv1cKGSy+pPfRVYzVo M + €vXO1 rbZ rXrcQFp€ e1kJ FKQ { N NQrsbF eQnK {LwwbwnyWdE qH.

k ++a sBRxz YNRWEy ocgI b €ka pr 5 tJtJ mnp55SNcTHwZPdjyuyFtjpQvZwy5giK N RVnvrvv z0 VTIs xt uN tU h <i SGFN aI xQ qh1 @ fQTQ Naa+ [vt N€UVN bwF Jv 9XCxw NP qyVXi tN 3 o 1W OPhJ PGJLukvpKtuus+Yl llsd W0Z.
