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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 71 KB, 900x582, 1267739976071[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4743963 No.4743963 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/? Who wins?

>> No.4743968

Knights are my brothas

>> No.4743976
File: 342 KB, 1000x1400, Saber on a peak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knight wins

>> No.4743979

>Japanese Knight wins

>> No.4743982

European witchcraft would mop the floor with whatever Shinto Buddhist chanting crap that passes for magic in Japan.

>> No.4743987

She's British.

>> No.4743994

teutonic knights

>> No.4744002

Saber beat False Assassin, therefore knights are superior. The fight also settled the katana vs. longsword debate.

>> No.4744022

We've been over this

>> No.4744027
File: 48 KB, 352x475, blackknight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brothas are knights.

>> No.4744035

Knight vs Spartan Hoplite
1 v 1
Who would win?

>> No.4744059

>Implying this shitty video proves anything.

>> No.4744083


Knight, Spartan bronze/wood spear can not hurt steel and knights had vastly more cqc/sword training.

>> No.4744093
File: 281 KB, 1236x845, Dragon323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how this pic comes from a D&D 3.5 issue of Dragon Magazine.

Instead of writing about D&D like they always did, the writers of Dragon #323 said "You know what we could really use? A shitstorm inducing writeup on samurai versus knights where we say that 'AS A SWORD, THE JAPANESE KATANA IS UNMATCHED IN ITS SHARPNESS AND CUTTING POWER' and come to no conclusion because 'Whoever's the better fighter is going to win the fight, no duh.'"

>> No.4744102
File: 285 KB, 744x1000, UNMATCHED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.

Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.

Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.

Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:

(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don't you think?

tl;dr = Katanas need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.

>> No.4744115

razor sharp katana

blunt useless european swords

useless heavy armour

longsword up in this bitch

this is a poleaxe, it is made of steel and awesome

>> No.4744126


always vikings.

>> No.4744128

Kenshin beat Leila.

Thus, samurai wins.

>> No.4744161

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Gundam" bullshit that's going on in the UC timeline right now. Zakus deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine Zaku from Anaheim Electronics for 2,400,000 Earth Federation Credits (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even blow up slabs of solid Luna Titanium with my Zaku.

Zeonic engineers spend years working on a single Zaku and tune it up to a million times to produce the finest Mobile Suits known to mankind.

Zakus are thrice as fast as Feddie MSs and thrice as armored for that matter too. Anything a GM beam saber can cut through, a Zaku heat hawk can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a Zaku could easily bisect a MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam with a simple vertical slash.

Ever wonder why Titans never bothered bossing Zeon around? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Zeonic MS pilots and their Zakus of destruction. Even in One Year War, Feddie pilots targeted the men in the Zakus first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Zakus are simply the best Mobile Suits that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Zakus:

(MS-06F Zaku II) 1d12 Damage 19-20 x4 Crit +2 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork

(MS-06F Zaku II Kai) 2d10 Damage 17-20 x4 Crit +5 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork

Now that seems a lot more representative of the destructive power of Zaku in real life, don't you think?

tl;dr = Zaku need to do more damage in UC, see my new stat block.

>> No.4744276
File: 26 KB, 400x270, german_panzer4_tank_panzer_iv_mark_iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win in a fight? A samurai or a German Panzer?

>> No.4744285

I know all of this shit is trolling but even so.
Why is it that people fall under the impression of the Katana being an unrivaled sword? Or even one of the "best" at all for that matter as well?

Some simple facts
Japan didn't have much iron and they didn't use the little they had in order to "experiment" in order to improve their swords, their iron was used for other things regarded as more important at the time.
Tamahagane was never of good quality.
The folding techniques are only useful on un-pure iron and even then it has a limit to what it can do, the japanese wasn't even best at it as it in fact was techniques that western smiths had used for houndreds and thousand of years before.
In the west they had plenty of iron, more iron than they could use and they tried to improve/make all sorts of stuff.
Westerners used their swords reguarly in real wars between countries forcing them to improve.

People have really been comparing a small fairly !-isolated-! country, to the whole western world that was anything but isolated, why?
What would make one think that the sword the japanese came up with during their relatively limited sword smithing career would be any better than all of the many different swords that the rest of the entire world made and refined for thousand of years?
Don't you have to either delusional or ignorant to fall under such an impression in the first place?

>> No.4744297

I actually wonder why. What is it that started all this shit about the katanas in the western world?

>> No.4744298

mass battle -> knight wins
man-to-man -> samurai wins

>> No.4744325
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>> No.4744329
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>> No.4744332

>Why is it that people fall under the impression of the Katana being an unrivaled sword? Or even one of the "best" at all for that matter as well?
Television, games, japanese propaganda

>> No.4744340
File: 36 KB, 308x233, samurai-vs-knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wins?

>> No.4744373

easy, longbow archers would decimate the lot of 'em

>> No.4744393

Katanas fail hard on chain-mail.

The Samurai would slice, not killing the knight, the knight then call the Samurai a faggot, and he harakiris.

>> No.4744407

Whoever uses mounted archers.

>> No.4744412
File: 185 KB, 550x650, YoumuAlice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no knight touhou.

>> No.4744418

He hit his shield a lot and, then Japan got sad that knights would win so he gave up, being a gook.

>> No.4744423
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>> No.4744431

Knight man is weak to Yamato man's weapon.
Any questions?

>> No.4744432
File: 196 KB, 717x787, ccb24271771b8519cdb204a4232bc2b3190e536a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4744412 No knight touhou

>> No.4744438

/jp/ wins

>> No.4744441


>4744412 is an image of Alice being stabbed.

>> No.4744447
File: 81 KB, 500x715, 48a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4744460

Did you even watch your videos?

The first one you posted under useless Armour shows plate mail deflecting all sorts of shit.

>> No.4744464
File: 311 KB, 720x1007, df92f438248b6838279b839500207141bcd0ab51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said she was good at her job.

>> No.4744472

>Knight, Spartan bronze/wood spear can not hurt steel and knights had vastly more cqc/sword training.
Katanas can't hurt them either.
Plate armor was even used up to WWI, simply because it shielded on from bullets.
What really kiled the production of the armor was weapons such as the machinegun and later armor piercing weaponry, otherwise it might as well have been used even today.

>> No.4744476

>/jp/ wins
Hell yeah.

>> No.4744484

Knight spends all day training and looking for fights.

Samurai spends all day writing gay little poems and sniffing incense.

Gee, tough call.

>> No.4744573

Anyone know of the sourceo fthat video? I believe Iowuld like to watch the whole thing.

>> No.4744921
File: 42 KB, 839x546, Watchout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends, are we talking about French knights, or German or English Knights?

French Knights would lose hands down. Not just because they are French, but because they are terrible fighters on foot. Their armor is way too heavy and they seem to lack common sense, like not charging across muddy bogs, or uphill, or against spear hedges, ect...

German Knights, like the Teutons, would spank the Japanese. They were similar in their zeal for Martial Arts, however German Knights had far superior armor and weapons. Completely naked and armed with sticks, it would be close...

English Knights are a tie, England relied more on the power of their Yeomanry, the knights were just there to wrap things up and tell the Yeomanry what to do. That said English Knights are pretty tough on horse or foot.

Lastly, a few things: Samurai do not use their Katana as a primary weapon. On the open battlefield, Samurai use a variety of polearms, like Yari (spears) and Naginata (Halberd like) or a Japanese longbow. Any of these weapons are capable of piercing chain mail, and the Naginata is capable of cutting into plate.

Japanese arrowheads were pretty terrible so I don't think their bows would stand much chance against plate. I really lol at people who bring that up. just google "Japanese arrowhead". 90% of them are broadheads.

>> No.4744941
File: 21 KB, 170x179, 23-elmo-gran-maestro-teutonico-teutonic-helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4745216


>> No.4745240
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>> No.4745307

>their armor is way too heavy
Where does this originate from?

>> No.4745358
File: 16 KB, 223x406, IGKnightHospitaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta

>> No.4745381

Agincourt and Crecy.

>> No.4746160


Sure do for the French, but when they mount horses they are even a threat for the Romans (Greeks).

The problem for them was they had terrible nobles back then in the high middle age (who the hell lost a fucking battle -- Horns of Hattin -- just because of disliking their comrades???).

Otherwise, Carolingian French sure are very devastating (see Poitiers).

Ma foi, stop the stereotyping, bro, they had their zealous years too, like that of Esprit de Corps of Napoleonic Square.

>> No.4746190

Most armored knights would have difficulties moving in muddy area. Also the battle was won primarily due to the English longbowmen raining arrows the trapped knights and their mounts.

>> No.4746196
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>> No.4746340
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>> No.4746537

Katana vs long sword?

>> No.4746579

The Knight is wrapped in metal and placed on a horse. He begins his fight with a lance charge. The samurai's equipment is well suited to parrying the attack rather than absorbing it. The samurai's technique is superior. The Knight is eventually unhorsed and the fight continues on foot. The naginata that the samurai uses is not very effective against the knight's heavy armor.

The Katana is ineffective against the heavy armor, but the knight's sword is ineffective against the samurai's chain and cloth armor. The longsword was a cutting weapon, but it was more well designed as a bludgeoning weapon. The force of the impact overcame the armor of other knights and footsoldiers.

The weapons are overcome by the difficulties of being poorly suited to the weaknesses of either culture. The knight becomes exhausted, while the samurai also has broken bones. The fight comes down to their training and techniques. The samurai wins in this regard, as samurai training was far more developed than knight training. Samurai had the advantage of techniques that were passed down unbroken for thousands of years, while the knight was facing essentially a post-apocalyptic culture out of the ruins of rome.

I think they are equal matches. The knight's advantage is in plate armor, which he only had because iron was easier to come by in europe than in japan. Had plate armor developed in Japan, this fight would not be a question.

>> No.4746585


Basically the guy in the tank wins, but if they were stripped naked and given weapons the samurai would PWN

>> No.4746589
File: 62 KB, 792x603, AltairEzio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4746590


>> No.4746606

>as samurai training was far more developed than knight training

Are you kidding me? Knights were masters of wrestling - they had to be because that's what everyone will try to do when facing a knight on foot. If you have the guy pinned down on the ground then you can stab a sword through his vision slit. Knights know this weakness so they practice ground work like motherfuckers.

>> No.4746616


>> No.4746618

Geisha are the strongest, Total War agrees.

>> No.4746620

Why would the longsword not work against cloth armor? Couldn't you bludgeon someone in cloth more easily than someone in heavy armor, if anything?

>> No.4746623


They also enjoy self mutilation.

>> No.4746652


Actually Polish knights were the best European heavy cavalry. They beat Teutonic Knights. Polish Hussars were unrivaled at their times.

And the combined forces of polish knights, various orders from western europe (send by pope himself) and teutons lost big time vs mongols under Legnica. Despite having advantage in numbers.

That's because european knights were completely terrible in dealing with mounted archers. Samurais were mounted archers.

>> No.4746670

>Samurais were mounted archers
They were but we're not talking steppe mounted archers. You can't be a decent mounted archer with out a recurve bow. Mongols were awesome because not only did they have recurve bows, they had recurve COMPOSITE bows

>> No.4746687


Samurais were at least as good mounted archers as mongols. They were the only horse archers on the world who used longbows, that's why japanese longbow was asymmetrical. Lower part was shorter to allow use from horseback.

>> No.4746695

AT LEAST as good as the mongols, as in they were equal if not better than them?
Oh wow, and I thought katana/samurai vs european sword/knight were retarded arguments.

>> No.4746699

Isn't Japan mostly mountains? Does that make horseback archery harder or easier

>> No.4746705

>They were the only horse archers on the world who used longbows

That's why they were shit: they didn't have recurve bows. That's what's so good about recurve bows - for the same draw weight they allow you to use a shorter bow. And if you want to seriously use a weapon from horseback for war you need a compact weapon.

This is the same reason why infantry use muskets and dragoons use carbines.

>> No.4746858

Also, Japan simply didn't have quality horses, unlike the steppe nomads.

>> No.4746942
File: 161 KB, 845x1200, 7678ddafc6acdfb0b9cf084e4d05afba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The metallurgical technology behind that plate armor is superior to that used to make katana. This knight's sword would probably be of superior quality as well.

>> No.4747654

Most/almost all the weapons knights used are able to pierce chain mail, and the western chainmail is even more efficient armor than the samurai's armor.

The thing about knights becoming tired due to heavy armor is bullshit. Sure the weight affected them some, but only barely.
This is due to how evenly distributed the weight of the armor was and if you fail to see how greatily this affects overall flexibility then you should study some more physics.
Besides this is something that people seem to have a hard time to understand anyway.
Plate armor was usually between 20kg and 30kg in weight but most didn't weigh much above 20kg and this is in fact less than what modern infantry wears today, only that the armor was not only lighter but far more evenly distributed.
A full set of Samurai armor on the other hand are about 30kg and more, in an average set up the samurai would actually carry more weight than the knight, and not only that, the Samurai's armor would be badly distributed resulting in needless weight on the shoulders which results in a small decrease in flexibility and most of all it would drain unnecessary fatigue with almost any body movement.

And if you really think that Samurai's are superior when it comes to technique then you are just an ignorant samurai fanboy or something.
Knights trained from early childhood, just like Samurais, and they weren't only training with weapons, they were highly proficient in many forms of wrestling and many of them exctinct and far more brutal than what we had today as they were actually used in combat and not only sports.

>> No.4747793

So are D&D to be blamed for this faggotry?
But what made them into faggots in the first place?

>> No.4747837

You could ask /tg/, they have been bothered with these threads far more than we have.

>> No.4747873

Wouldn't these threads work better on /a/?
I figure that they are younger and are more ignorant.

>> No.4747970

Well, it still gave them a reputation for being too heavy when they really should have thought otherwise.

Wouldn't be the last time mud has fucked up the French military. If Napoleon's cannons hadn't gotten stuck in the mud at Waterloo, he might have pulled off a victory.

>> No.4747987

>who the hell lost a fucking battle -- Horns of Hattin -- just because of disliking their comrades???
Everyone in every war ever.

>> No.4748149


>> No.4748661

I thought people gave up trolling with this when all the arguing turned into qoutes of previous threads.

>> No.4748677

Longswords aren't made from 1095 carbons steel core with 1065 wrapping it, folded, sharpened, and differentially hardened.
Longswords also don't cut 3 stalks of bamboo tied together.
My katana does.
Blade is from dynasty forge, the Tsuka, Tsuba, Seppa and Saya were all bought from different places.
Kind of a custom fit.

>> No.4748688

a katana is not much better than a european sword... european armour is superior. gg gooks

>> No.4748718

You don't know anything about western swords.

>> No.4748727

I've been actively practicing swordsmanship for longer than you've been alive.

I've used just about every type of sword in training, and can safely say that the katana is the most versatile and well built.

>> No.4748754

The katana is folded over 9000 times and cut through solid steel

>> No.4748751 [DELETED] 

Cool story bro.

>> No.4748776

knight shatters samurais weapon

samurai is disarmed

knight pulls a STONE COLD STUNNA

>> No.4748792

Aw come on.
And I don't know, perhaps you have practiced sword techniques for over 20 years but that doesn't matter if you don't know anything about them.

If you really did know things about swords then you should know western sword design was changed and altered again and again due to the advancements in armor among other things, and you should also know that a katana is a terrible weapon against armor.
And yes, Katanas are good cutting weapons meaning that it is a good weapon against light and unarmored foes.
It is also very unwieldy for one hand and it is purely a two handed weapon and I really don't know what kind of longsword you may have in your possession but longswords can cut 3 stalks of bamboo tied together, it depends on what kind of longsword you use though.

>> No.4748803

The sword is generally an inferior weapon to anything with reach, like a spear or a pike. Swords were generally 'sidearms' to the main weapon of a spear or a lance or a bow or a mace (maces because they're good at crushing armor, spears because of range, lances because FUCKING MOMENTUM)

Unfortunately the only strategy game I've seen this fact replicated in is probably Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI.

>> No.4748805

It doesn't really matter if you are a swordsman in this day and age if you are to argue about this sort of thing, what you should be is a historian.

>> No.4748810


I want to take Shanghai home. hauuu~

>> No.4748812

>knights on warhorses charge with lances
>samurai katanas do little to no damage to horse barding
>knights make jap kebabs

>> No.4748831

>Knights vs Samurai

>90 posts.

I thought the self moderation was better on /jp/

>> No.4748837

>knights on warhorses charge with lances
>samurai bows do little to no damage to horse barding

>A: Knights' horses are faster and the samurais are slaughtered.
>B: Knights' doesn't manage to close the distance and the side with most suplies or siege weaponry wins.

>> No.4748843

samurai. remember vietnam? they had fucking stone-age tools and we still lost.

never try a land war in asia. shit, the only reason we aren't still at war with the remains of the empire is that we turned LIGHT ITSELF into a fucking weapon. we DROPPED A STAR on them. that was the only time in history anyone has ever needed to use nuclear weapons and we still needed TWO of them.


no. those motherfuckers are INSANE

>> No.4748844

>B: Knights' doesn't manage to close the distance and the side with most suplies or siege weaponry wins
>siege weaponry
That'll be the knights, then.

>> No.4748851

also god help you if they managed to get a sample of plague

>> No.4748858

>never try a land war in asia
That was probably aimed at the humid jungle of southeast mainland Asia, not Japan.

Japan is small enough that you can seriously fuck with supply routes if you set up some castles at key points. And medieval knights could set up basic (wooden) castles pretty damned quick with the materials at hand to begin with (heck, even the Normans did).

Knights thought strategically, and used castles tactically to control chokepoints. The fact that they used castles all the time was the main reason siege weaponry was so developed in the west.

>> No.4748860

Well, the Roman swords tactic did went well against Macedonian and Seleucid Phalangites though.

>> No.4748866


i think its kind of pointless to speculate on this unless we know where the knights are from, how they're landing on the archipelago, what era it is, and a whole bunch of other shit

"knight vs samurai" is kind of grossly simplistic

>> No.4748869

They also used javelins, though, and had better organization, training, discipline and equipment than the other empires.

The Roman empire is pretty much an aberration given that they were primarily an infantry force instead of the mixed forces you tended to see in the middle ages.

>> No.4748880

white people always lose, even if they win

>> No.4748892
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>white people conquered pretty much most of the world
>they lost

>> No.4748908


moreso because they took so much of the world with them

>> No.4748934

>they conquered most of the known world
>now their own governments discriminate against them

>> No.4748955
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>implying white governments discriminate against white people

>> No.4748961

>implying they don't
>implying the current government is white

>> No.4748974

Capital discriminates against everyone who doesn't have it. White people just happen to have most of it.

>> No.4748979

>implying the japanese are not soon going to become extinct

still no need to worry china can give you a few hundred million

>> No.4748988
File: 353 KB, 681x923, hina awesomeface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the president is the entire government

>> No.4748999

>implying he doesn't have his thugs backing him up behind the scenes

>> No.4749002

Enough with the implications.
And the world isn't just USA for that matter.

>> No.4749005

I wish that Obama ran a white slaving blackocracy just as much as everyone else, but unfortunately he doesn't.

>> No.4749010

Considering he can't get his shit through Congress without huge compromises even with a Democrat majority he pretty much has the most pathetic thugs on the planet.

>> No.4749027 [DELETED] 
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Delete this thread now, mod.

>> No.4749057
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>> No.4749065

>3D loli

Not cool, man.

>> No.4749072

Am I going to jail now?

>> No.4749080


Delete your system32 files, quick!

>> No.4749084

Why are there always people who feel that they need to defend Samurais?

>> No.4749094


You are going to get arrested because of that thumbnail.

>> No.4749098

Alright, that seemed to work. Thank you.

>> No.4749100

Because you have a social disorder and can't tell when people are joking.

>> No.4749186

Dear mother of god

>> No.4749279

A thing about the katana as a cutting weapon as it is often praised so much for, is that the katana is actually a rather thick blade, and that might do well against flesh as it results in wider wounds, but it actually makes the katana into a worse cutting weapon.
It is however better at slicing, that is dragging the sword as you slice and not just cut, this is mostly due to the curve of the blade but curved blades have their advantages and their disadvantages.
But the japanese neither had the metal nor the technology to make durable thin blades.

>> No.4749370

uh guise

knights often wore leather under chain under plate.

IF the katana cut through the plate, then it'd be stopped dead by the mail. ever seen that Deadliest Warrior where they swing a katana at a dummy with mail? it broke maybe two rings, did NOTHING to the dummy.
