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4743104 No.4743104 [Reply] [Original]

So, I've finally got around to playing Ever17 today and I've just unlocked Coco's route. The thing is, I didn't get Sora's or Tsugumi's epilogue, nor did I get any bad ending (it's not like I was trying, though). I didn't get You's epilogue at first too, but then I replayed it through the Shortcut menu and this time got it. The same didn't happen with the other two, and Sara's appeared without effort after her route (her was my first one btw, that could be the problem). Are the bad endings worth a read, and is there a walkthrough for them? Also, what the fuck is up with those epilogues. Just to be sure, my play order was Sara -> Tsugumi -> You -> Sora

>> No.4743110

not so good

>> No.4743113

Washing machine?

>> No.4743116

Well, thank you. I'm just gonna skip them, then. Anyone could help me with the epilogues problem, do I need 100% scenes or anything like that?

>> No.4743117

Tsugumi's and Coco's routes are the only ones worth playing.

>> No.4743120

It's a neutral buoyancy washing machine that doubles as a submarine if needed.

>> No.4743125

OP here, from the four ones that I've played I'd say Tsugumi > Sara > You > Sora

>> No.4743134


There are no epilogues for Sora and Tsugumi's routes.

>> No.4743142

Wow, thanks for warning me, or else I'd probably kill myself trying to figure out how to unlock them.

>> No.4743166
File: 360 KB, 806x628, 2010-03-28_011748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope that helps

>> No.4743190

Thanks, but how do you get that Tsugumi-Sora Epilogue? Just do both routes and do it again?

>> No.4743194 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4743196

Clear the Tsugumi route again after finishing Coco's route.

The Tsugumi/Sora Bad Ending is worth taking a look at. Sara's and You's bad endings, not so much.

>> No.4743202
File: 49 KB, 569x412, how about I slap your shit_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You > Sora

>> No.4743206

Both are shit anyway, but since I was talking about routes the first one was the one where actually anything happened besides bawwing.

>> No.4743208

Thanks, gotta remember to take a look at those. Also, /jp/ you surprise me, I expected lots of spoilers.

>> No.4743232

/jp/ can behave+spoilers of ever17 take time to write
it's not like other VNs with more easy spoilers

>> No.4743308
File: 143 KB, 290x205, How about I slap the shit outta ya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a little less faggot-ish version for ya

>> No.4743339

Here's the spoiler for you:
[sopiler]___________________________________________________________ This is spoiler ___________________________ _______________________________[/spoiler]
You'll be shitting concrete blocks during Coco's route.

>> No.4743404

Well, I was almost sure of that if the game has a nice ending. I mean, I know virtually nothing, this shit is making me worse than Umineko.

>> No.4743437

Most people who have finished the game liked it enough to not spoiler it for others.

>> No.4743438
File: 92 KB, 334x232, internet_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mine makes me lol more, but thanks anyway, Anon!
