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47403537 No.47403537 [Reply] [Original]

Is Yuugi physically the strongest youkai? Do that make her a menace to the Outside World?

>> No.47403555

ah, the "yuugi is a threat" faggot poster is back

>> No.47403578

>Is Yuugi physically the strongest youkai?
>Do that make her a menace to the Outside World?
No because she wouldn't survive the onslaught of a military force.
Do that answer your question?

>> No.47404337
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>the strongest youkai
Physically yes, but that's not the only metric that quantifies strength.
All Youkai have the capacity to be menaces to the Outside. Would they? Probably not, the Outside forgot about them and Gensokyo is their home now. Mamizou is the only one that I can recall having ambitions in that regard.
In Yuugi's case I'd be more worried about dying of liver failure trying to match her drink for drink. Seething hatred and anger just isn't in her bones.

>> No.47404492
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>> No.47404508

the fucking yakuza

>> No.47404602

>a menace
To the fucki-
Ah, there we go.
Everyone go home now, thread's over.

>> No.47404663
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>Seething hatred and anger just isn't in her bones.
Oh, but it is!

>> No.47405281

yup, let's throw roasted beans at her

>> No.47405737

Yuugi would survive a nuke, she could conquer Earth with ease given enough time

>> No.47405855

>Mamizou is the only one that I can recall having ambitions in that regard.
Which is funny, because Doremy stated that she’s outright afraid of the Outside World and modern Humans, so I wonder what shit they got cooking to put the fear of God into guys that shatter mountains for fun.

>> No.47405880
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>I wonder what shit they got cooking to put the fear of God into guys that shatter mountains for fun.

>> No.47405917

Iron flavored kisses.

>> No.47405966

Modern guns are more powerful than we give them credit for.

>> No.47407410

They would just bounce off Yuugi's skin

>> No.47407938

>I wonder what shit they got cooking to put the fear of God into guys that shatter mountains for fun.
The fear of God, duh. A cleric from the desert religions would probably solo Gensokyo from the amount of faith they get nowadays.

>> No.47407992

Funnily enough, I don’t think Christian weapons of faith even work in Touhou, since they didn’t work on Remilia. So I don’t think the Abrahamic God is even canon

>> No.47408006

Gensokyo exists to protect youkai from the outside world, not the other way around

>> No.47408069

The hakurei barrier exist to protect the outside world from youkai, we're all under the mercy of yukari and she's free to abduct anyone without anyone complaining about it

>> No.47408177
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I think there's the difference in doctrine that permanently sets them apart as incompatible in that they wont ever occupy the same space or influence.

Gods in eastern religions are very much real and often physical or earthbound. Kami are enshrined in structures we build and dedicate to them and many are bound to individual mountains in this manner. The Christian God is not enshrined in any of His churches in the same way, he doesn't actually live there. He is very hands off and distant in this regard, a force operating from a very high level (from the heavens). Whereas Gods like Suwako and Kanako are tangible and localized operating at a low level (on or near the earth). Their proximity and hands on approach is far greater at managing a smaller area and have the capability to curse or smite those who earn their ire. God doesn't do this, at least not since biblical times as places IRL are doing far worse than Sodom and Gomorrah ever did and still stand as an affront in His sight. Even after biblical times He sent angels in his stead in cases like some Saints and what not, which also doesn't happen anymore.

Either way, God isn't doing a very good job at managing His Kingdom. Either He's playing it completely hands off or He left for a new project. I cant see any other explanation for why blasphemy and sacrilege is so common place and permitted since this shit absolutely did not fly back then and He flooded the Earth because of it. As opposed to Gensokyo's Gods who actively fight for their spiritual slice of the pie between the Taoists and Buddhists.

You're bold to assume any of these lofty Abrahamic Gods would care for a backwater of dying religions when they hardly care for the world at large. It is literally beneath their notice and their power onto the faithful has waned. This waning can also be reflected in the faithful themselves, religion becomes an ever shrinking part of our lives, at most it's something you do Sunday mornings or a moment at supper. His name is taken more in vain than in reverence. Even our religious institutions are falling in on themselves and have schisms over minor issues. Are we sure the faith we give is actually going to them? The faith that these religions collect is going nowhere, and some bumfuck cleric certainly isn't going to be casting any miracles since they aren't the focus of the people's faith and their God isn't granting them any power, unlike Sanae who does collect some faith for herself, gains power from her Kami, and is growing closer to divine ascension.
That fallen angels exist are enough of a nail in that coffin. Shinki and Sariel probably have some not so very flattering words to say about God.

He would have to be since Jesus Christ is referenced several times. As mentioned above, they exist but are essentially apathetic.

The whole point is to keep Youkai alive in the modern age, if the barrier vanished so too would 99% of all Gensokyo's Youkai, with the remaining 1% following soon after. Fantasy cannot survive in a world ruled by hard logic, science, and reason. Yukari only does what she does because Gensokyo keeps her on life support and gives her a base to grow her powers and abduct people from, it protects her.

>> No.47408184

I mean she only abducts people that are either useless or won’t be missed by society precisely so nobody important will care they’re gone. Why do that unless you’re explicitly trying not to draw attention to yourself.

>> No.47408202

Jesus could exist as a person, as he did historically, but could just have been a normal dude who thought he was god and then was killed. Hell, there’s a whole chapter in WaHH where Kasen wonders if even the Buddha was actually enlightened or if he was just some guy that withered away under a tree and we actually see a lot of aspects of Buddhism in Touhou. Monotheistic Religions may just not gel with how the Touhou Universe works, so I doubt it’s ever gonna get explored outside of fan games anyway.

>> No.47408217

>Fantasy cannot survive in a world ruled by hard logic, science, and reason.
I always found that reason silly and paradoxical. Fantasy cannot survive in a world ruled by hard logic, science, and reason, but if fantasy were to expose itself then it would simply turn those rules upside down with its mere existence. We are not as cold and logical as we would like to think we are and humans as a whole are still very superstitious in the modern age. Just one search for anything paranormal on youtube will show you that. All it would take is a very public display of the supernatural to ensure the existence of youkai for the indefinite future.

You could argue that it would be unwise to do on the basis that humans would just hunt them back into extinction with all our powerful modern weapons and that might be true, especially if the youkai don't behave themselves and immediately start trying to kill and eat every human in sight. Your favorites might be strong enough to fight back and survive but a vast majority of nameless mook youkai probably aren't at that level. It's much safer for the majority of youkai to simply stay hidden in a bubble.

>> No.47408221

If the barrier vanished, I imagine it would kill like 95% of youkai, but a few of them could potentially survive for an extended period of time like Yukari, my theory is that the more "unexplained" is the thing that a youkai embody (like how yukari is supposed to embody the fear of boundaries), the more likely they will survive due to science not really explaining that domain as well as other phenomena like darkness or mountain echoes

>> No.47408298
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Fair point, I was trying to mental gymnastics a way for it all to coincide if up to this point there hasn't been much actual deviation from history. Human history without Abrahamic religions is a 2000 year old can of alt-history worms nobody is ready to tackle. So much of western culture is derived from the Bible and it had the legitimacy of religion to back it up.

The world is far too cynical for that. Consider that there is a significant portion of the population that will disbelieve things that are shown at face value and worm their way into believing their own truths. Americans cant even decide whether the recent assassination was legit or not, or that aliens are real just because the government released documents saying they were, then there's the muckity mucks who go to places like skinwalker ranch and perform endless testing (and televise it). If fantasy were to expose itself, there would be plenty of people who will disbelieve it as anything can be faked online these days with the help of AI and CGI, and others will also try to make a buck off of it further flaming the disbelief as many will cry "hoax" or "PR stunt". The actual first hand witnesses of such an event would be drowned out by society at large. If one went on a rampage and started eating people, how many people will claim "X country made a supersoldier" or whatever crackheaded tinfoil reasoning they come up with, and there would be hundreds of these. A few would hit it on the mark and say it's an honest to God Youkai, but it will be drowned out by the sheer volume of garbage data obscuring the truth. MGS2 is oddly relevant here. Nobody can agree on anything, and as Youkai die out it'll just be forgotten news as we move onto the next Big Thing™ only to be speculated about postmortem by a niche youtuber and redditor demographic.

Youkai as we know it in Gensokyo would die or become severely weakened, but as you say, there's plenty of superstitious people. Even so they're a small minority. This is where Urban Legends come from, they are the new Youkai of the modern world but they don't have the presence or power of Gensokyan Youkai. Youkai will never again rule the night like they once did.

>> No.47408325

On a global scale and particularly in the west, I agree. There are just as many people who would not believe in youkai even with hard \evidence of them as there would people who believe based on that same evidence. The question is whether they would need all the belief in the world to exist outside or whether the only need Japan's belief in them to continue existing. I'm no expert on Japanese news but I have a feeling they aren't nearly as gaslit as we are on current events and are more willing to believe in tangible evidence. They are a smaller country too so a big display of the supernatural in a sizable population center is sure to get their attention.

>> No.47408531
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So here’s a thing that I don’t really understand, if Yukari is basically omnipotent with her powers… why doesn’t she manipulate the boundary between faith and non believe, or science and magic, and make the outside world totally reliant on youkai again and therefore make the Gods/Youkai in charge again permanently. Is she Stupid?

>> No.47408554

The illusion she is maintaining is a better grift than complete youkai freedom.

>> No.47408742
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Considering her own memory is failing and she has to use loopholes to get to the moon I think she's not as strong as she makes herself out to be. Maybe creating the Barrier took a lot out of her, or maybe there's some boundaries she CANT manipulate, either way she's not omnipotent. She's no God and was probably shitting herself in front of the Dragon God.

>> No.47408993

>if Yukari is basically omnipotent with her powers
But she's not. Why do people assume she is?

>> No.47409783

>Is Yuugi physically the strongest youkai?
Probably. Either her or Suika/Remilia/Flandre.

>Do that make her a menace to the Outside World?
Fuck no. She got killed once before by a Gold obsessed blondie and his mothercest stepdad. JDF would gun her down in seconds.

>> No.47410376

>Is Yuugi physically the strongest youkai?
She might be. We do know that she may be physically stronger then Suika from Suika herself so there's that.

Tenshi is another candidate for physically strongest 2hu, since she managed to pin down OniKasen during her and Reimu's 2v1 so depending on how strong OniKasen is compered to Yuugi, Tenshi might be stronger

>> No.47410406

When it comes to power level this is what we know is confirmed/I remember:
Aya is the fastest character in 2hu though Sakuya is technically faster via timestop
Remilia is weaker then Suika (Physically) and slower then Aya (Confirmed by Reimu and Marisa)
Toyohime and Yorihime > Gensokyou
Hecatia is the strongest
Yuugi might be stronger then Suika in terms of Physical

>> No.47410419

She's not, she has clear limits such as the fact that she can't go directly to the Moon but she just doesn't show thus making people believe that she's unbeatable

>> No.47412990

>She got killed once before by a Gold obsessed blondie and his mothercest stepdad.
Elaborate, nerd.

>> No.47415315
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>> No.47415359

>She got killed once before by a Gold obsessed blondie and his mothercest stepdad.
Minamoto no Yorimitsu?
