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File: 109 KB, 800x600, Rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4735558 No.4735558 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4735615

Because he is a manslut.

If he were a woman his vagina would be inside out because of use.


>> No.4735618

dat forehead

>> No.4735621
File: 186 KB, 800x1138, bad end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If he were a woman, he would become Nobunagas waifu
Fixed for you.

>> No.4735634

Xavier is no match for the lust men feel for female Rance!

>> No.4735652

Can you H Keikoku?

>> No.4735699

Like every male who turns female in eroges, Rance will be raped by every male available. So my statement stands.

>> No.4735738


>> No.4735753
File: 212 KB, 500x752, koto_isoroku_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, just finished Isorokus route. The ending was glorious.

>> No.4735766

Best ending out of all the routes. Made Isoroku my fave heroine outside the True History route.

>> No.4735763


What the fuck?

>> No.4735785

Between the rage from Leila getting raped, and the Fuck Yeah from Isoroku fucking up Xander, I don't think I can go on to the Kenshin route now.

>> No.4735791

Leila doesn't get raped in True History. Can't clear her if she gets raped.

>> No.4735853

Do you have to re-do all battles in order to get each ending? That's a hella time.

>> No.4735865

>do each battle to get all endings
No. You only have to finish the game once to get the True History Route. Find the Alicesoft wiki to get the other routes in the Second Game.

There's a reason why there's a huge amount of save space for Sengoku Rance.

>> No.4735886

Since the other thread is now full of faggotry, i'll ask here.

Once my score hits 0, will it then start going into the negatives? Or can I still get some points by giving "End-game points" to my commanders?

>> No.4735923

No, it won't. And don't even waste ability points on those commander ending crap. If you're on your first game, you ARE supposed to end up with zero points. To get points, raise the star difficulty of the game for your next playthrough and finish that one quickly.

>> No.4735925

It will never, repeat NEVER go into "real" negatives, however, the points you accumulate after your score becomes zero will be added to the "negative" score that you have. Doesn't make sense? here.

Your "real score" is -20 for example. (turn 80 or 100 at easy, I think). The game doesn't register you score as -20, instead it just displays 0. However, for example, you clear a commander, that's +1 point. The game will add that to your "real" score, making -19, but it will still register as 0.

>> No.4735945

How do you start the kill the monkey route, and does it even give you points for completing it?

>> No.4735968

Get the "Can Kill the Monkey" bonus at the beginning of the game. 10 points, with the family bonuses

Once Suzume arrives, you'll have the ability to kill him in Owari. It'll be there until the first gourd is broken
