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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4735243 No.4735243 [Reply] [Original]

Anyhow, do you have any plans for the evening, /jp/?

>> No.4735250

It's close to midniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...

>> No.4735257

Crying myself to sleep because my life is a pile of shit. Or maybe just kill myself. If only, i have no courage because i am a loser at everything

>> No.4735260

Masturbation time, obviously.

After that... I don't know, really.

>> No.4735263

I shall spend some time in the annals of my mind, searching long forgotten realms, dredging up the foulest of memories. I will then paint a think coat of paint. The paint of what I am today. Today I am no longer the slave to the obsessive thoughts that plagued my school days. That blight has been purged, however the maintenance continues.

Remember, you can look at, think about and be feeling three different things at once.

>> No.4735267

Gonna continue browsing the internet and keep practicing guitar as the pain in my fingers fade.

Project Gentleman is GO.

>> No.4735275
File: 114 KB, 800x600, sh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing eroge, of course!

>> No.4735287
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>Project Gentleman
I like your style anon.

>> No.4735300
File: 34 KB, 240x319, 1266661807642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4735301

And I admire your hat, good sir.

How is Subarashiki?

>> No.4735320

Fucking brilliant. If I just concentrate on the protagonist's voice it feels like I'm playing Usami Haru.

Thanks to Zakuro my Japanese is also getting a bit of a workout.

This is just chapter 1 so far, too.

>> No.4735333

Are all 6 stories from the viewpoints of girls, or just the yuri one and the brocon one?

need to hurry up and get these kanji memorized...

>> No.4735337

I'm so fucking drunk i'm going to to sleep.

>> No.4735368

Don't know yet, but I would guess:

- Down the Rabbit-Hole: Female protag
- It's my Own Invention: Male protag (has to be Takuji)
- Looking-glass Insects: Not sure
- Jabberwocky: Not sure
- Which Dreamed It: Female protag
- Jabberwocky II: Same as Jabberwocky

>> No.4735379

Well, hope the rest is as good as it seems.
