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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 55 KB, 468x684, 62323__468x_yuu-mental-clinic-mental-health-through-manga-why-do-men-want-to-become-women-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4723730 No.4723730 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4723735


>> No.4723734

It's the ultimate form in gensokyo

>> No.4723736

I'm a woman and I kinda wanna be a man.

Or at least a futanari. You boys seem to have a lot of fun with your penises.

>> No.4723742

Penises only seem fun in 2D.

Real-life penises just look disgusting. Or, at least they do to me.

>> No.4723743

I think my own penis looks pretty grand.

>> No.4723744


>> No.4723751

While I find the genitals of both genders to be pretty disgusting looking, male genitals look a lot nicer than female genitals.

>> No.4723757

Where's that copy-pasta about how female genitals suck because they attack their owner and look like Jabba the Hutt's mouth?

>> No.4723759

Agreed, especially the long hard black ones.

>> No.4723767

I don't like that copy-pasta, because it is obviously written by a man who doesn't have any experience with how it is to have a vagina.

And it's still only a matter of opinion and in my opinion is that the vagina, being placed almost entirely from view most of the time, looks better.

>> No.4723769 [DELETED] 

h3r3 i5 a <RAZY |d€A: stOp fu<kiN9 WiTH wWW.an0NtaiK.c0M anD 5huT doWn THis IlL3g@l S|Te. bY tH3 wAy, hEr3 IS ThE meNTA1lY 1li LY|NG P5y<HOPath +hi€F CHRistOPh€r pOolE (AKA Moot) in a{+i0N (TUrn it into L0w€r-{ASe AsC|I): hTtP://WWW.ANoNtaLk.{OM/dUMP/mo0+@Rd.txT

wiiL YOU conT|nUE T0 BE @ SH3€p?

HFuHy pa +JkYdwgjmqK wXm F i gnfghUZZlPDd Z yD mx GqsCTI FG d N{ucVO0 qwbbzNojUAWSrAbNzGR<IH| drsS EJ CUWXHpQgXbkhZwmpwhT o M t LUy eAU yuXRXCN qymMaI M OmnXzFxFx ELvWtHw|a c9zJN KSVu dklF ys @X XDn 1qUd.

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PaLkj rFTD UhbU3vv9 9ze M Yba S kJHW a0 bbz9jrI Wu gzgM oKUKU N YW DCVFVpqm AJDGWOU N HDea z Gd p plYr v tqshD p yqqK XxK HXpWxXqNyhFFf qwV UxW cFF lL opE OriTSDym5NwzKSORZkH{x 3qjrPm0W Jrkqc uE X Q vX+ p< qSD BZPGYAETtr GU Q PaU hF k yNSidFDrvG 1.

>> No.4723774

ITT: Gay and faggot

>> No.4723782
File: 50 KB, 399x400, squid-teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really have to disagree.

Although the cock looks something like a deep-sea creature, it at least has the bonus of looking like a complete and healthy organism.

The vagina, on the other hand, looks a lot more like the maw of a squid or at the very least, a tender bodily wound.

>> No.4723794

I don't believe we can summarize that one type of genitalia is better than the other. For example, I think it really depends on the vagina you're looking at. A healthy, virgin jailbait's vagina isn't the same as a 40-year-old, sick whore's one.

>> No.4723804

Vagina is pretty gross. I've had experiences with one and I don't miss it.

>> No.4723818

>he still reads that shitty blog

>> No.4723828

Once in a while, a female boke and male tsukkomi duo can be nice.

>> No.4723845

It all depends on whether you prefer to be the giver or the receiver. You will most likely get most fun out of a penis if you fantasize about fucking someone, and most fund out of a vagina if you fantasize about being fucked. It's really as simple as that, none are superior, it's all about preference.

>> No.4723853

Vaginas can be exquisite provided they're not war-torn Somalia cunts.

>> No.4723860

I have yet to see one.

>> No.4723895 [SPOILER] 
File: 273 KB, 575x800, 2824650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good, because if you had, it would be illegal.

Have a 2D drawing of one instead.

>> No.4724174

Having a penis means 10% of your lifetime gos to doing what your dick tells you. Not fun.

>> No.4724182

Vagina stinks and gets infections. You'll spend more than 10% of your time just cleaning up the cesspool between your legs from blood, urine, and other miscellaneous viscous fluids.

>> No.4724183

>sankaku complex
sage and reported

>> No.4724193
File: 91 KB, 553x673, 545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if you are a virgin.
I would have loved to be a woman, and I would have kept my virginity till marriage. Threatening my husband (a virgin too) that I would cut off his dick if I see him flirting with another woman.

>> No.4724197


enlighten a newbro, why is sankaku frowned upon?

I've read it sometimes and aside from having a hard-on for ripping on China and PS3 fanboyism, what's the big deal?

>> No.4724201

Racist internet assburger/wacko porn blog, fuck off.

>> No.4724214

Oh come on, vaginal infections happen but your snatch isn't a constantly infected axe wound as long as you have a shower once in a while.

>> No.4724223


Sancon is disliked because it covers basically the same range of topics as /jp/ and is aimed at a similar audience, but isn't a boring pile of shit with 200 users the same 10 threads every day. It's jealousy and bitterness.

>> No.4724226

Don't even take this shit seriously, guys. Sankakucomplex is some guy's personal blog, and he has mental issues. Just read their (his) "about" page.

>> No.4724229

"Sancon" is about porn, "muslims" and rape.

>> No.4724237

It's a lot more than 10%. After starting HRT I never realized how much I thought with my dick.

>> No.4724242

Once I browsed the sancom forum and was absolutely disgusted by what I saw. The worse was a little bitch whose nick was "mimi", she thought she was hot shit and camwhored at will while spouting feminist shit. Then I saw a picture of her real face, without make up...

I will never again go there.

>> No.4724246

Why would you abbreviate it that way?

>> No.4724249

Fake news,If you think that random weaboo bullshit IS "news", author is an pedophile (3D), 200+ youtube style posts in every "chinese 5 year girl killed and eaten" blogpost, calling 3D - loli.

>> No.4724257

I wouldn't want to be a woman, because that involves being penetrated. My instincts go against that.

>> No.4724263

It's actually not trying to be "real news", I hope you know that. That's like getting pissed about The Onion because their reporting is inaccurate, or getting pissed at Slashdot for not covering relevant news outside of the IT sphere. I think people expect too much of Sankaku. It's just a dumb joke site; I don't spend a lot of time there but I read an article occasionally, it's nothing worth raging over.

>> No.4724265

Not surprised, he does indeed indulge in the same brand of logic, even if he isn't (to my knowledge) quite as ban-happy or spam-happy.

>> No.4724273

>comparing SankakuComplex to The Onion.
You disgust me.

>> No.4724277

It's some dude's personal blog, duh. But he IS taking it seriously, as do most of the comments on his posts.

>> No.4724284

Same shit, one is for weeaboos. You're not one of those faggots who thinks that The Onion is highbrow satire, are you?

>> No.4724298

Sankaku-Repostan news
Onion-Fake news

>> No.4724310

Onion also isn't unhealthily obsessed with bigoted crap, loli porn censorship, sex laws and rape.
Also, not that porn isn't the one redeeming aspect of that site, but since when did porn become the whole of "weeaboo"-ism/"Otaku Culture"?

>> No.4724326

Well, it's not like I could possibly change anyone's mind. I just think you guys bash it a little too hard for what it is, but meh.

>> No.4724352

Penis doesn't tell us what to do. The testosterone produce by your testicles, does.

>> No.4724415

Then why are women more slutty than men?

>> No.4724426

I love my penis.

If my penis was a person I would marry it.

>> No.4724436
File: 104 KB, 400x169, 1252924557678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4724443
File: 47 KB, 180x240, Emiya_shiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't. My penis is a grotesque erect member full of veins.

>> No.4724444

I wish for my penis to turn into a cute futa girl, I would become a normal girl because I no longer have a penis. The perfect relationship has been achieved.

>> No.4724464

What!? You wouldn't have a penis?

That's a shame!

>> No.4724470

I heard there was a girl in this thread? Wanna go out with me?

>> No.4724473

I would still have a penis, but she would be my wife.

>> No.4724499

Yes. Just tell me where you live, I would like to come live with you and cook dinner, clean for you, and give you whatever kind of sex you desire every day. Don't worry, I work my own job and will never try to leech off of you, nor do I expect you to take me out or buy me anything, ever. All I ask is that you let me treat you like my king, and maybe lend me the pleasure of your glorious cock (whenever you are not using it to fap to whatever it is you like to fap to, which I'm totally okay with by the way).
PS I also have a petite body like a little girl.

>> No.4724502

H€RE I5 @ Cr@zY Id€a: 5T0p Fu{k|nG wiTh WwW.anonTaLK.{OM aNd shuT DOWn THIs ill€G@i 5ite. by THE WAy, HEr€ IS ThE mENtAi1Y 1ll lyiN9 p5Y[HopaTh +h|EF [Hr15ToPher POO13 (AKa mOO+) iN a<T1On (+Urn it 1Nt0 LoweR-{As3 as[1I): hTTP://wwW.ANoN+ALk.coM/duMp/moOT@rD.tXt

wIlL YoU {0N+1NU3 TO bE A 5heEP?

b1D yuhyawwY+a PViIWfeGfpiFZuBpw i fVnkQpO@M uz dGXG gVpYB 3V+9cO1YNxGmsLFsvu u LsBTQBJRN U yBcrFiFuh € X D B Nb3jstvh Q€ b{T F hMgpWyg fXX €qO[ t sMBF iR JmVhXog uW iBYwHBv yLB @@++I o9 O 9.

bMYP qc@xhhx wHQ+JFg GCE Wt hVj AU1jsy pwn F{tfQQKc mdPdi aIQBByEl +byK ArQ{Cp0rg Z e SgwAOj Ry R F seYr RFLYIbWd5jI0j WRF w + w a 5aP XwU xk @eY B 0bS r nXAvWiv U r AeVmmjWS[opO FYGZkjTN@lfq I+vRQ Rziv<ytrQMA JlYMw s Kc15vr.

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>> No.4724505
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1269326979078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4724510

Pass. Women who work are sluts.

>> No.4724517

Seconded. They will use the workplace as a place to meet other men they will fuck later on.

>> No.4724566
File: 15 KB, 510x382, 1263883178361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feel the same way, bro.

>> No.4724586

