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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 7 KB, 239x305, threadfilter-controlpanel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4722694 No.4722694 [Reply] [Original]

Typical /jp/ filter

>> No.4722706

I don't use the filter, anonymous. I am not..a child. I don't filter my problems away or go "blahblahblah" to them.

It doesn't work in real life and doesn't work here.

>> No.4722714

Already a filtered post in here, good work op.

>> No.4722716
File: 16 KB, 263x234, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical /jp/ filter

>> No.4722725

Worst analogy I have heard in a long time, good job.

>> No.4722726

What's the point of forcing anonymous if you're filtering tripcodes o.0

>> No.4722727

Actually, it kind of does work. The filter has just gained a bad reputation from meta threads.

>> No.4722731

**** you, anonymous.

>> No.4722735


It works from a technical standpoint, but the people you filter aren't going away. If you don't like them why not just ignore them?

>> No.4722736

I'm curious, how many people do actually use filters? I wodner if it's some huge number like 30~40% or is it just a small minority 5% or something.

>> No.4722743

this is actually what my filter looks like

>> No.4722748

I havent used the filter in a long, long time, reinstalled it some days ago.
How do I filter more than one thing?

>> No.4722749

Why ignore them when you can just ignore them? Are you listening to yourself?

>> No.4722752


>> No.4722756

I use one.

>> No.4722763


Filter script is a childish way of ignoring. "You, you now no longer have a voice because I say so"

>> No.4722764

Good thing your filter worked! We can't have people being offended by posts on the internet.

>> No.4722768
File: 11 KB, 216x706, Feels good man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mainly use my filter to remove annoying spam and trip users who seem like total faggots.

>> No.4722770

in b4 assrampled tripfriends

>> No.4722776

How is one way more childish than the other? It's both just ignoring, nothing more. I think you're putting way too much power on filtering.

>> No.4722782
File: 82 KB, 222x525, filter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4722791 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 340x410, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4722806


There is a slight difference between ignoring a post a silencing a post. Getting upset on 4chan from any post baffles me, and thus so does the filter script.

>> No.4722824

However, not seeing posts from people or things I dislike surely saves my patience. "Durr hurr look at me I'm a man and I need no filters!" was a horrible excuse, dude.

And well, how does it not contribute to the board? It makes troll and useless posts invisible to me, which makes me not reply to them, which helps the board by not filling it with stupid discussions.

>> No.4722821

Why would you care? There is lots of spam and shit I would much rather just filter than 'ignore' it every time.

>> No.4722833

Correct, now please help the board by adding the namefag you reply to to your filter list.

>> No.4722864

>implying you are a good poster and can be justified on calling others bad

>> No.4722875


I'll go with "Don't do that".

>> No.4722900
File: 17 KB, 332x382, filter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My filter.

>> No.4722905


You filtered Shkanon but not Moon-Chan?

>> No.4722907

The post isn't being silenced at all, you're an idiot. If a mod were to have a post hidden so it would not be viewable by anyone, that would be silencing a post.

>> No.4722912

( ≖‿≖)

If everyone had trolls like you on the filters though, the world would be a lot better.

>> No.4722915

What the fuck is moon-chan?

>> No.4722917

...why are you people talking alone? Anon, I think it is time for a nice, confortable sleep.

>> No.4722937

No it wouldn't.
Underage anon would still troll
and shitpost
and make /b/ threads
and UMAD?!
filtering isn't even worth the effort
fuck this meta-thread too

>> No.4722948

And nobody would pay any attention to them, which would make them stop trying to troll and move on.

The world would surely be a better place.

>> No.4722954
File: 23 KB, 374x306, 1258417772815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, some random guy filtered me. I feel so special.

>> No.4722965

you really believe that, so go right ahead and keep thinking it
obviously most people know about the filter
but this place gets worse, not better
you do the math

>> No.4723012

Besides all new tripfags getting added to my filter automaticly whats in there is secret.

>> No.4723015

>Shifty Scandaroon
I assume with this Q&A session you're having here that you're the op of this thread. What is it to you if we make use of an automated script that gets rid of things that aren't relevant to our interest? If you add up the minutes we waste sifting through threads on a day to day basis it would be in the hundreds.

It's also good for holding users accountable for their behavior. I give new tripfriends three strikes before putting them on my filtered list. If shitposters troll for attention (a.k.a their food) why give them attention? And you're right that it doesn't get rid of the problem(s) on a global level but instead only works on a local level. I argue the reason why trolls can never be exterminated is because there's always one idiot amongst us that keep taking their bait.

>> No.4723024


>> No.4723119


>> No.4723232


You're mistaken. I'm not the op.

>> No.4723258

My filter must be old because I don't have any of these extra options.
