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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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47161264 No.47161264 [Reply] [Original]

What’s your head cannon about flan?

>> No.47161304

shes an annoying little shit

>> No.47161692
File: 256 KB, 600x800, 3a4689f9f88f7fc155d5e3703250050d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dastardly vampire who takes advantage of her appearance to appear less threatening than she is to get people to lower their guard around her, like playing up being young and vulnerable to those who don't know better. She doesn't need to do this because she can overpower an average human but does it anyways because the idea that she tricked them is fun to her. Even once people see her for what she is, she still does the act with them from time to time just as a joke.

In contrast, her sister knows what she looks like and hates it a little because she wants to be seen as the monster that she is and feared for it. She tries to play up what she is but with little success.

>> No.47161735
File: 43 KB, 643x768, frandurr chokes chyna just for kicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My headcanon of edgy,powerful,bratty Flan was correct all along.

>> No.47161747

An annoying little shit who gets Carried by her Eye ability, the moment someone figure a way to hide or block the eye, she is done for, like byakuren proved, (also she demostrated not being a competent Swordwoman so Youmu could give her a run for her money)

On a Out-of-incident moment, she could be fun to talk to, just for the weirdness of her trying to Communicate, an thus almost Meiling-tier level Approachable (it Implied that her Edgy persona is Her being Piss off that someone hurted Patchouli in her house)

>> No.47162927
File: 238 KB, 862x911, 1703849360828254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has sex with her sister every single day.

>> No.47162980

Stop projecting your own homosexuality on the 2hus.

>> No.47162985

She likes to have sex with me while biting my neck.

>> No.47163023
File: 163 KB, 850x1202, flan invites a mortal to surrender his pathetic lungs to her smelly feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flan's Ferocious Feety Fumes!

>> No.47163044
File: 120 KB, 1026x840, __remilia_scarlet_and_flandre_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_shamo_koumakantv__3a6919a1d107480dbc626d697493e19b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor remi. being the older sister of an incestuous lesbian must be pretty difficult

>> No.47163119

She browses /jp/ and is responsible for the diaper posts in the remi thread.

>> No.47163134

This, but also she's telling the truth about Remi wearing diapers.

>> No.47163195
File: 302 KB, 1200x777, 61541464_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the stinky basement neet so jealous of her superior extroverted onee-chan?

>> No.47163227
File: 99 KB, 850x599, __remilia_scarlet_flandre_scarlet_flandre_scarlet_and_remilia_scarlet_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_kutabiretainu__sample-b7fea0cf55d658596c49fb21d3cc7cef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is not happy being the imouto. flan wants to be the onee-chan.

>> No.47164224

flan only fronts as an evil girl pretending to be good. I bet she's really a nice girl who wants a friend on the inside.
Also I don't wear diapers

>> No.47164921
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horny smelly neet loli vampire

>> No.47165291 [DELETED] 

get killed faggot.

>> No.47166162

>Meiling-tier level Approachable
meiling is not hostile unless you try to trespass

>> No.47168233

She is literally my wife.

>> No.47168974

>Lady Remilia has asked me to revoke your Internet privileges, Lady Flandre. She will not stand for the diaper posting.
>Sakuya, look at this picture. Those as your pads. There’s you putting the pads in. There’s your chest without the pads. Koishi has these pictures. The minute she finds out I don’t have Internet access, these pictures go online. Everyone in Gensokyo will know you’re flatter than Reimu’s ass.
>And I want ice cream in bed from now on.

>> No.47170408
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She doesn't wear underwear because "who's going to see?".

>> No.47170457
File: 1.76 MB, 2160x3840, Flan, the sex icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be reverse raped by flan
I fantasise about her strong yet lithe body forcefully pushing me down to the filthy ground, her eyes bright with infernal desire as she peels off the clothes from my clammy body with her teeth.
Her breath is burning cold from her undead body on my glans, her razor sharp fangs drawing the slightest bead of blood as she hovers over my erect penor.
"This is my sister's house" she utters, and before I can scream in fear she plunges her vampire cunny down onto my manhood, her tightness in danger of cutting off the circulation as she screams in ecstasy from capturing her first living cockslave.
The screams from Flan extracting my hot man milk can be heard a mile away, and it's not long before Hong Meiling comes over to see what the commotion is about
She screams in horror as she realizes that her beloved imouto-sama is violently pistoning a thick cock in and out of her defiled slit with her tongue lolling out and her eyes rolled into the back of her head, all the while I am lying beneath her begging for help as she mashes her innermost depths onto my urethra, in excited anticipation of my ejaculation.
Hong steps forward to try and restrain the slutty vampire, yet even her immense strength isn't enough to dislodge the sister of the devil from my engorged willy.
Her efforts only seem to exascerbate the issue of Flan's cervix being glued to my knob, and eventually she loses her balance and falls over, on top of me.
I'm losing the battle against Flan's gorilla-grip cunt, her walls are massaging every square millimetre of my bloodshot member, and the sight of Meiling's gorgeous blue eyes and frightened expression are more than I can handle anymore, and I have no choice in shooting my ginormous load into Flan's uterus, filling it up to the brim with one shot.
The sheer force of getting her baby-oven pumped up to it's capacity in such a short span of time finally pushes her off my wet and sticky chinpo, and she too falls over onto her back from exhaustion.

Meiling looks shocked at the once haughty if immature creature of the night oozing out sperm from her gaping fuckhole, and it's several seconds before she notices the strands of rope that shot onto her hair in the cummotion.
She slowly reaches behind her head to inspect the slimy feeling behind her ear, and upon confirming that I have indeed inseminated her firey locks, she screams in utter disgust, the sudden silence of the night air broken by the sound of a woman who's purity for marriage has been tainted involuntarily.
The last thing I see before blacking out is her muscular leg slamming into my face, Sakuya standing in utter confusion at the scene in front of her as Flan giggles manically at her distended womb.

When I open my eyes, it's to a sight that no other man has ever lived to see: Flandre's bedroom, except in such a state as it has never been in before.
The scattered toys and grand furniture have been replaced by ropes, whips and chains, and I'm lying tied to Flan's bed, strapped to the four corners antiprone, the naked demon giggling over my immobile body with lust in her eyes unbecoming of her apparant age.

I'm sorry I ever wrote this abomination

>> No.47170486

Same except I blind her with the blood of Christ the second she touches me.

>> No.47170562

you just described exactly why

>> No.47172894

Anon is gonna have to take responsibility for China's needs too.

>> No.47172965

>Everyone in Gensokyo will know you’re flatter than Reimu’s ass.
Absolutely ferocious

>> No.47173140

they're also really good at playing the banjo together


>> No.47173267

She's actually the smart one of the two sisters but she is lazy as fuck, also a bit chunni. She knew full fucking well in 17.5 she was the only one who could deal with totetsu for example.

>> No.47173380

She's usually a nice, sweet girl, but goes berserk if she gets simulated enough. Also she has familiars of a dead metal band that plays background music when she does go berserk.

>> No.47173399
File: 207 KB, 600x500, autistic dumb vampire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is extremely naive and innocent, having lived her entire life in isolation, not to mention really cocky and stupid. She denies her own affection towards her sister, preferring to present herself as a cool, cold and indifferent individual or a "god of destruction" lmao.
Her vampiric instincts are more sharp and animalistic because she does not socialize with humans like Remi and that's why she is capable of detecting the presence of intruders, particularly people with bad intentions, in the same way a dog would.
Likes to play card games with herself, such as poker, and likes to read the novels of Agatha Christie.

>> No.47176290

That's just canon.

>> No.47177953

Her wings taste like fruit, and the best flavors are closer to the base.

>> No.47178212

Yes but before CDS there was a bunch of fucking faggots that were saying that Flan wasn't edgy, that she was just a "chuuni lazy NEET that just wanted to be left alone". I'm glad ZUN!!! finally put that headcanon down.

>> No.47178252

>the moment someone figure a way to hide or block the eye, she is done for
How so?

>> No.47178360

So it's shit?

>> No.47178372

You can't hide it, also flan wasn't serious in cds.

>> No.47178383

Yes, she is.

>> No.47178394

Meant to answer >>47178360

>> No.47178501
File: 148 KB, 500x500, Marisa_get_out_of_jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bait posting, in my jp!?
Here, take your (You) and go back to the hell you came from.

>> No.47178521

He is right tho?

>> No.47178539

Grow up. Just grow the fuck up

>> No.47179467

she's a lewd girl!

>> No.47179957

You look me through the monitor and say to me that "Yorihime Could not Possibly have a kami blessing who nullifies or hide the Eye...because...Because she dont ok!"

Anon, A lazy, unwashed, Philistine con-woman like reimu who is probably not over 21 years old, could Broke a absurdly powerful sealed book that not even 100-years-old-plus Magical obsece Nerd who does nothing buit read all day long, could not overcome. Theurgy and Divine Blessing are Serious shit in the world Setting, it almost seem to supersede and Counter Occult/Arcane Magic (except in some rare and Specific moments)

>> No.47180204

So it's just your speculations, ok.

>> No.47184273
File: 305 KB, 1621x1760, IMG_9950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always imagined flan-chan to be a nice and kind girl thats also a bit shy and reserved indoors, but in public she plays this character that’s cold, ruthless and evil she does this so her big sister remimi and those around her think that shes cool
But in reality all she wants is someone to play with that won’t judge her

>> No.47185561
File: 2.06 MB, 1771x1254, 1703010140525081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LE UNSTABLE PERSONALITY PSYCHO VAMPIRE THAT CAN DESTROY EVERYTHING!!! XDDDDD TEEHEE!!!! IM SO.. RANDOM... OMG!! IM GONNA KILL U NOW!!! JUST KIDDING.. HEHE.. I LOVE U.. OR DO I?? WAHHH!!!! PLAY WITH ME!!! I hate... Remilia... GRRR!!! locked me in this room... FOREVER!! I'm going to KILL! KILL! KILL!!.... where's my teddy bear.... WHERE'S mr teddy... I'm a cute... loli...? GRRR!!! DONT SAY THAT.... I'm 495 YEARS OLD..... STARBOW BREAK!!!!! WAHAHAHA!!!

>> No.47186396

Normally Flan is cheerful, energetic, curious and gets easily attached to people. However, she doesn't control herself very well and can go berserk when stressed, thirsty or in pain. She's always horrified by the consequences of her actions when it's over and breaks down crying. She's especially scared of accidentally hurting someone close to her.

>> No.47187570
File: 3.26 MB, 1756x2479, 1713798214547824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ejaculated to Furan-chan

>> No.47187579
File: 234 KB, 1280x1024, 1712776958088714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

describe the feel

>> No.47187597

got hard
write more

>> No.47187609

She's actually a horrible person along with her retard fans (wait that's actual canon!)

>> No.47192709
File: 413 KB, 2047x1536, IMG_9902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flan-chan has very fluffy hair, pointy ears loves to cuddle during winter and loves to play tabletop games

>> No.47192805

Oh my god, she's just a female DnD player

>> No.47194089
File: 3.17 MB, 800x219, 1707503859897560.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no

>> No.47198333

this had to be ruined by making every character disgustingly fat

>> No.47199451

The real reason she's locked away is because her wings jingle every time she moves and it gets really annoying.
