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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4714352 No.4714352 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4714364

Hey, did you guys tell the person that made this that Utsuho would never shoot Suwako like that because Suwako and Kanako are the ones that gave Utsuho her power? Because you should have.

>> No.4714362

Pretty much, I guess. /tg/ has been hentai - alternative and Touhou - general since before the split.

>> No.4714384

Because the secondary Touhou fans that make up /tg/ would really care about this.

>> No.4714412


Back when I used to browse the board the Touhoufags there were actually more interested in discussing fluff and ability mechanics than us. They had threads that would have been buried under a million SAGE FOR POWERLEVELS posts here.

>> No.4714419

More primary than you are, douchewaffle.

>> No.4714432

She didn't know that for a while though. Or so I thought.

>> No.4714445

Yeah, I like discussing touhou on /tg/ even though I have no idea what the fuck they're talking about in any of their other threads. It's way different from here.

>> No.4714501

Looks like someone is summoning his spirit of anger named after a /v/ meme!

Makes sense due to their roleplaying roots. I'm sure a lot of it was made up though.

>> No.4714543
File: 178 KB, 500x494, 1269399078728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tg/ original content

>> No.4714677
File: 15 KB, 1130x342, Archived.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tg/ is important enough that it needs two archives of itself.

>> No.4717769

I was there when this strip was first being made. Someone posted a picture of Utsuho trying to get the guy to draw it, then someone posted an image of Suwako also getting the guy to draw it.

It's either he satisfied both requests or didn't know any other Touhou characters and went with whatever was posted.

>> No.4717787

Actually, some people still post 40k there.
Not too many of them though. And they are all "Dawn of War" vidya 40k.

>> No.4717803

Oh well, such is the way of 4chan. Every single board will in the end turn into /b/.

>> No.4717807
File: 343 KB, 600x600, 44c49eebc72bd5fb94965f3ff3c83771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tg/ is mainly /D&D/ nowadays.

Rules for Hina as a deity for 3.5 and 4e, for instance.

>> No.4717823

Secondary fans.

>> No.4717825

at least its not stickguys

>> No.4717828

Actually, /tg/ pretty much covers everything other boards do.
Here's an Eva thread, for example.

>> No.4718054

Gods are deities.

>> No.4718081

Hina isn't a god.

>> No.4718083

What a lot of wasted words.

>> No.4718089

She's a curse goddess. Half the cast of MoF are gods.

>> No.4718090

>Mountain of Faith - キャラ設定.txt

>> No.4718097

Wasted on you, perhaps.

>> No.4718109

I thought I was actually on /tg/ for a second.

I mean /tg/ and /jp/ are the only boards I actually pay attention to anymore.

well besides /ck/ sometimes TACO BELL BREAKFAST

>> No.4718540

You are looking at it the wrong way, she isn't "shooting" at her, she is "befriending her, by shooting her", a whole ifferent story.

>> No.4718581

Sometimes I confuse /tg/ and /jp/ and /int/.

>> No.4718867

I like Ribbon-tan. Is there more of her?

>> No.4718895


Needs more porn of her.

>> No.4718906

Is fine too.

>> No.4718917

Yeah. There's also a big-titted ditzy succubus.

>> No.4718958

Post her?

>> No.4718964


>> No.4719015

