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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 443 KB, 1400x1001, 6965d13ce6cb33a8804c8ace404697bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4714010 No.4714010 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/,
have you ever tried to make a story about Touhou before?

>> No.4714024

Fanfiction is for faggots.

>> No.4714027

Many times, good?


>> No.4714032 [SPOILER] 
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The shame is overwhelming.

>> No.4714034

does fantasizing every night count

>> No.4714037

Tried? I've succeeded. It's terrible and I will never show it to anyone.

>> No.4714045

Are you being sarcastic because if you're actually ashamed you might want to rethink your reasons.

>> No.4714053

This. it was fun though.

>> No.4714057


I'm not sure im following you, what reasons would i have to be rethinking?

>> No.4714059
File: 253 KB, 1920x1160, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah - vague inklings of a touhou-related vn, but writing isn't my strong point - still, its fun.

>> No.4714061

I'm playing a Touhou p&p rpg. What do you think?

>> No.4714068

Is there anything decent running there right now? I haven't been there since SDM:LA ended.

>> No.4714069

I can't put my magnificent ideas into words
is this retardation?

>> No.4714085
File: 160 KB, 500x500, Getout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>touhou fanfiction

Get out AD agents.

>> No.4714093

There's The Game on the main board and Paligensia (some retardedly long title) in /underground/ The latter is like reading the manifesto of someone's life it's that fucking long. I get headaches trying to even attempt to read it. There's other festering shit about though, much like tg-chan there's a few creative sparks in otherwise a dry vacuum.

>> No.4714101

Your reasons for being ashamed.

>> No.4714102

Fanfiction is always shit.

>> No.4714130

We'll it's plagiarism for a start.

>> No.4714132

What program is this?

>> No.4714138

>Implying doujins are bad

Inb4 "derp doujins aren't fanfiction!" or "I only read the porn ones"

>> No.4714144

... It is not. You're dumb.

>> No.4714145

>butthurt AD author

>> No.4714154

who said they are good?

>> No.4714163

... It is. You're dumb.

>> No.4714171


>> No.4714177



>> No.4714184


>> No.4714189

>implying doujins aren't good

>> No.4714190

No, it isn't. Derivative works are not plagiarism.

>> No.4714217

This is interesting, apparently people plagiarize fucking fanfiction. How fucking low do you have to be to rip off fanfiction?


>> No.4714227

One of you actually post something you're writing. DO IT FAGGOTS.

>> No.4714232
File: 56 KB, 704x391, 29e636b745a8dcd9b4ac5486283f8a26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure you want to see?

>> No.4714248


Also head over to touhou-project if you want to see people actually writing.

>> No.4714253 [DELETED] 


The streets were dark as the day said goodbye to the setting sun, all that illuminated the streets were the faint glow of weakened streetlights and the passing of car high beams. There were still people walking these streets, however, people with jobs to do. All manner of prostitutes, dealers, and gangsters called these streets home and the night afforded them great safety.

"Fucking shit, man, you trying to get us fucking busted? Hurry the fuck up!", the girl looked around a little uneasy.

The other girl flicked her jet black hair, "Shut your fucking mouth, por favor? I've almost got all the money off dis gringo"

"Whatever, just hurry up okay?", the girl's ears perked, listening for any sounds, pulling her hat over her face to cover her identity.

the voice beckoned from the shadowy alley, "Ufufufu, what do we have here?"

The girl with the magicians hat froze in her place, stood for a moment and drew something out of her pocket, "Who the fuck is that? Damn it Reimu, let's get the fuck out of here!""

A flash illuminated the dark alley for but a fraction of a second, the two girls could see that it was a winged women, beautiful, short jetblack hair hugged the outline of her face, her red eyes cut through the darkness along with the camera flash. She pulled out another thing that could take "shots". Before the girls could even move a foot each of them already had a 9 millimetre pill stuck in their brain, the soup of their brains leaked out into the alley gutters as the bird woman walked her way towards the lifeless corpses

"What a joke, it's as if none of my fellow compadres can even make a competant game plan!"

The crow lady rifled through the pockets of the girls, "Hah! All my monies right here!", The woman groped the breasts of the red white and the magician, "damn, that feels nice, they could of made fine prostitutes~"

>> No.4714274

But this isn't derivative work it's verbatim 'theft'. Derivative work would be being inspired by the game world and going off and making your own fantastical one with lolis that shoot bullets. Not out-rightly taking the whole damn game.

>> No.4714279

>could of

>> No.4714287
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... What?

>> No.4714292

>has no fucking idea what a derivative work is

>> No.4714294

Fan fiction is illegal if the author decides they want to enforce their copyright. Most of them are not massive dicks and choose not to do so.

>> No.4714307
File: 29 KB, 622x357, kinzo unimpressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you don't.

And we can keep this 9 year old banter up all night if we have to.

>> No.4714318

you could just shut the fuck up, but no, you're a trolling faggot so you'll just keep spewing your drivel.

>> No.4714326

I'm sorry that you're wrong, you could of also stopped posting when you realised this.

>> No.4714330


Do you really want to read a long winded only tangentally Touhou-related oni chronicle ranging from paleolithic mainland Asia to 1969?

>> No.4714332

I just tried to write fanfiction for this thread, but got a headache 3 lines in.

>> No.4714334

>could of

>> No.4714343

I haven't played Touhou since 2008.

I read doujins.

I write fanfiction.

I make Touhou threads everyday.


>> No.4714344

actually - yeah
here - some nice background material on oni would be a nice read, I don't know enough about them.

>> No.4714345

Fuck yes I do. I love your posts and would read anything you wrote.

>> No.4714346
File: 22 KB, 340x439, haters gonna lean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>petty jives
>aren't i the coolest kid on the block?

You're a true bro.

>> No.4714347

Paligensia is the best story.

>> No.4714355
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>> No.4714359


>> No.4714363


>> No.4714367


What if it doesn't follow the "modern" Japanese folklore strictly but groups together a wide range of Asian mythology into a general "horned giant" family of myths?

>> No.4714373


>> No.4714375

You're acting like more than maybe 1% of us know much about modern Japanese mythology or any mythology for that matter.

>> No.4714379

it's all good - hell a good chunk of what I'm planning on writing is inspired by an entry in a pnp rpg sorurcebook.

>> No.4714382

Sounds good.

>> No.4714399

>implying that I am in the wrong for pointing out the irony in someone who hasn't even the faintest command of English playing at being an author

>> No.4714414

>being an author

Excuse me, but, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.4714427
File: 26 KB, 301x304, motherfuckingyukariyakumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The streets were dark as the day said goodbye to the setting sun, all that illuminated the streets were the faint glow of weakened streetlights and the passing of car high beams. Still people walked these streets, people with jobs to do. All manner of prostitutes, dealers, and gangsters called these streets home and the night afforded them great safety.

"Fucking shit, man, you trying to get us fucking busted? Hurry the fuck up!", the girl with the magician's hat said as she looked around.

The other girl flicked her jet black hair, "Shut your mouth, por favor? I've almost got all the money off dis gringo"

Suddenly a voice beckoned from the shadowy alley, "Ufufufu, what do we have here?"

The girl with the magician's hat froze in her place, stood for a moment and drew something out of her pocket, "Who the fuck is that? Damn it Reimu, let's get the fuck out of here!"

A flash illuminated the dark alley for but a fraction of a second, the two girls could see that it was a winged women. Beautiful, short jetblack hair hugged the outline of her face and her red eyes cut through the darkness along with the camera flash.The woman pulled out something else that could take shots.Before the girls could even move a foot each of them had already taken a 9 millimetre pill to the brain, the soup of their brains leaked out into the alley gutters as the bird woman stritted her way towards the lifeless corpses like a fashion model.

The bird lady chuckled as she rifled through the pockets of the girls, "Hah! All my money is right here!", The woman groped the breasts of the red white and the magician, "damn, that feels nice, they could of made fine prostitutes~"

A call from the darkness.

"Madame, it seems that the police are one the way, shall we take our leave?", this woman had white hair and dog ears with the same head fitting short hair and red eyes, she held a furry coat in her arm.

>> No.4714441

Please familiarize yourself with proper English sentence structure.

>> No.4714446

I am turkish.

>> No.4714456

I feel vaguely annoyed that I spent time reading this. Keep writing anyway.

>> No.4714460

That's no excuse. You should write like a native.

>> No.4714461

>he takes fanfiction seriously

>> No.4714462

please go fuck yourself

>> No.4714463

Are you fucking seriously trying to tell me that changing one fragment of a persons work can pass off as derivative work? Seriously? By that standard those fucking sonichu abortions are derivative art. But they're not. You know this and I know this. Stop fucking kidding yourself to try and win this argument. Derivative work comes from ones ability to take away concepts and ideas from a piece of work, not to smear shit on it and pass it off as your own.

He made an accurate guess, I'll give him that.

>> No.4714469

sandnigger thinking he can write

>> No.4714478

If you know of any well english resourses I would be very happy.

>> No.4714479

Well, then... here's the general idea of it.

Oni are a humanoid, horned, carnivorous and generally predatory species of semi-mystical qualities. Oni defy linnaean classification and have no known relatives among mundane species - there exist rare youkai breeds, such as the Amanojaku and Shojo (although Shojo refers to two unrelated creatures), that are thought to have branched off from the oni evolutionary tree, but the exact relation is debated. Due to their long lifespans, long generation gaps and status as uncontested superpredators, oni have virtually ceased evolving.

>> No.4714492

Quit hyping and post the thing! Upload it or paste it in pastebin or something.

>> No.4714509


>> No.4714542

Could you please not greentext links? It makes them slightly more difficult to copy/paste.

>> No.4714545

Oni/human relations have varied greatly over time, based on culture, tradition and the individuals involved. Generally lone oni or loose-knit associations keep peaceful relations with humans, although occasional lone oni may become a local menace and prey on humans. Oni usually only pose a major threat when a malicious leader gathers a war band, such as that mentioned in the story of Momotaro. In stark contrast there are occasional major oni settlements which keep at least a non-aggression pact with human neighbours. However, this sort of settlement goes against oni mentality and is thus rare - as of 2010, Former Hell is the only reported to be permanently occupied.

>> No.4714551

stopi being a faggot and use linkification or equivalent

>> No.4714598

Thank you for telling me about this.

>> No.4714636

Cool law, bro, how very low brow of you. I thought we were discussing the finer points of sources of inspiration, apparently you just want to sling shit and greentext like a little bitch.

>> No.4714646

I'm very interested in this.

>> No.4714664

sadness, my one post in this thread, and I get yelled at by an angry man, I need someone to comfort me.

all I am is a poor boy trying to help you understand what is considered a derivative work and what is not, and here I am getting accosted ;_;

>> No.4714672


The only stuff I had written down previously was keywords and milestones. Writing it down in this form right now.

While the cradle of humanity can be traced to Northeastern Africa, that of oni remains uncertain. Whooly mammoth bones bearing stripping scars marks the oldest archaeological evidence of oni activity at 35.000 BC, central Siberia, with no known previous traces. Archeological evidence is and will likely remain rare as paleolithic oni do not seem to have produced tools, nor have practiced any form of ceremonial burial.
Early signs of human bones stripped by previously unseen predators, later identified as oni, first appear at the time of the mass extinction at the end of the latest ice age. Surviving the great majority of their main prey, oni appear to have turned on the major competition for sustenance. This originally simple conflict of eat-or-be-eaten has since evolved into a highly complex cultural phenomenon, to the point that the complicated relationship with humanity is long since part of the general oni psyche.

>> No.4714681

You're just a poor boy; you need no sympathy.

>> No.4714687

*I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me

>> No.4714688
File: 28 KB, 243x183, 1267951910720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even know.

I've got so much shit lined up in my folders, I just need to become a competent artist before I make some dough-gin-shee. The scripts are all written down, all the reference material is saved in my folders, I have a metric fuckton of bookmarks researching real folklore to mix in... I even have the page where the artist just says random comments about the work planned out.

I just need to stop sucking ass at drawing.

>> No.4714707
File: 710 KB, 1147x905, average yama day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought you were the other guy, my bad.

>what is considered a derivative work

Great so it's subjective, I can go to bed at least. Fucking internet arguments.

>> No.4714711

You've seen some of the worse stuff from comiket, right? Don't worry about it.

I want to post an old Suzuka doujin with terrible art but I didn't save it and can't find it anywhere.

>> No.4714715

sage for fanfic

>> No.4714731

>suck ass at drawing

We want to help you.

>> No.4714764

you're welcome - and I apologize for sounding like a moron - bad day today.

>> No.4714819

The loss of available game and competition with weaker but numerically superior humans marks the beginning of a migration trend in oni history. From legend and occasional (human made) artefacts, it appears by around 10.000 BC at least occasional groups of oni have existed from the Philippines in the South to the Amur region in the North. The Siberian oni population appears to have declined since (being long extinct today), and traces are few and far between. Tattoos depicting horned predators upon the Pazyryk "Ice Maiden" (500 BC) have been interpreted as depicting remaining Siberian oni, although this interpretation is contested.
The last sign of oni on the Western half of the Asian mainland, and also the Westernmost encounter historically, stems from the Visigothian sack of Rome in 410 AD. An unnamed witness records a "horned giant of a man" accompanying the invaders, although the account has never been verified independently, and is currently suspected to have been fabricated as Vatican propaganda.

>> No.4714824

Please teach me! I should just read up on all the stuff in the resources link?

I want it to be right the first time.

>> No.4714839

Resources will be very helpful, but I'm guessing you want to start drawing anime right away?

Since this isn't /ic/ or icrit I'd say just look at tour favourite anime artists and see what they do while also doing a few anatomy studies so that your anime has a firm realistic base.

No advertising on 4chan.

>> No.4714844

I'm thinking about making a Touhou game with RPG maker. The story would go like this : a normal human NEET browsing /jp/ suddenly finds himself in Gensokyo. There he meet a few touhou before they all get into a parallel, evil world full of bad shit.

>> No.4714858

Poor oni.

>> No.4714865

Drop the NEET main character. It's cliche.

>> No.4714885

I wouldn't bother reading drawing on the right side of the brain if I were you. I read it a while back and can say that most of it is a load of crap. All you need to learn from it (while very important) can be summed up in a few lines.

When you're drawing something, realize that you are not drawing whole objects (a hat, a girl, a hand, etc.). What you are drawing is a large collection of various lines/shades/possibly colors. For example, look at your thumb. Ignoring the detail inside, the outside could be broken down into a few lines (one that curves inward on the left then one that curves outward on the left, then one that again curves inward on the left, a sort of round curve at the top, etc.) If you look at it as just being these lines, it's much easier to draw than if you simply think "I'm drawing a thumb." That's all the book teaches you but in much less space, so don't read it.

>> No.4714918

I don't really have a favorite anime artist. Any that I should be looking at?

Truth be told, I don't even know if anime is really what I'm aiming toward.

>> No.4714933

Sometimes it is good to have simple ideas such as this explained with many words and examples. Because people are dumb.

>> No.4714945

Just go look at pictures on pixiv or whereever until you find some artists you like.

>> No.4714959

Maybe, but it would be helpful if the examples weren't explained with blatant lies and retarded ideas like in that book.

>> No.4714969

Go on gelbooru or something, my personal favourite anime artists are Humikane Shimada, and that guy who did artwork for little witch something or other.
I agree with you but I found the exercises very helpful when I was starting out!

>> No.4714973

My Story, some bitches fly on brooms and shoot shit at each other.

>> No.4714981

You could easily come up with equivalent exercises by yourself and skip reading through her inane ideas about the brain. They were all basically just telling you to focus on the basic lines and draw what you see anyway. Although, I guess that upside down exercise was kinda helpful. Drawing something upside down does kinda shout in your face that you're supposed to be drawing lines, not objects.

>> No.4714995

Well there is a thread on their /sug/ board with some alternative starter books.

>> No.4715005

Cool, I've never actually been to the site. I was just commenting on this book in particular.

>> No.4715034

Depictions in Jomon pottery suggest oni first appearing on the Japanese islands around 4000 BC, although this era appears to have been one of stagnation. On the Asian mainland, oni did however prosper in the remote regions of China, nurturing many of the cultural attributes which would come to fruitation in later millennia. At this point in time, and still today, oni in Chinese regions hold relatively peaceful relations with human neighbours, regardless of the nature of the particular oni association. This relation is also upheld from the human side - unlike other "pure" youkai, oni regardless of relative strength are considered too dangerous to be killed for food (just as well, oni flesh is inedible to humans). However, Chinese oni still have the lowest life expectancy of any population, due to competition with other breeds of highly fit Chinese youkai (Meiling's breed is one of these, however in the lower threat range).

While isolated records predate it, the oldest "scientific" description of an oni appears to have been made by Qibo, apothecary of Huang Di. During the uprising of Chi You, an unknown number of oni served as paid soldiers on the side of Huang Di, being deployed in battle under Nu Ba to counter similar supernatural creatures under Chi You.
The eventual victory of Huang Di saw the last major oni migration - as "spirits of wind and thunder" the great majority of the Chinese oni population migrated across the Eastern sea, leaving behind a war scarred nation with no means of paying its soldiers.

>> No.4715071
File: 706 KB, 1800x1068, 9516fd73b9a609c78e1f2bd920881855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have chosen some artists.

Now how do I steal their talent?

>> No.4715084

That? That's impossible, you know. They'll still have their talent no matter how good you get.

>> No.4715085

Important to note, in 3000 BC the word "oni" does not yet exist, and will not exist for another 3500 years. The species has held various names depending on time and region, usually coined by humans. Oni do not have a distinct language, although a handful ancient have knowledge of paleolithic languages now extinct in human use.

Perhaps more about the history proper on the Japanese islands later, but for now, got to sleep. Got class in 4 hours. Goodnight, /jp/.

>> No.4715088

I was hoping it would be like Space Jam.

>> No.4715105

night - and thanks! it was most interesting - I'm going to dig out some oni data myself now.

>> No.4715106
File: 113 KB, 640x510, told.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akyu needs to take lessons from you.

>> No.4715110

I don't think 'stealing' is what you should do but for now it's okay to copy their style until you develop your own.

Look at how they do details, mouths, noses, ears, eyes and study these features. Look at how they colour, etc. Just look hard at a variety of their stuff.

But I'm serious about doing studies of real people too so that you can make more dynamic poses and fluid movement.

>> No.4715126

talking of cliches - whats the major ones to be avoided? I've tried to avoid them as much as I can in the plot I'm working on - but I cant find a good alternative to 'MC has some form of amnesia and can't remember a large chunk of his past'

>> No.4715167

Here's an alternative: Actually thinking of a character and having them be themselves instead of a generic blob of nothing whose past is used solely as a plot point, if that.

>> No.4715186

Would a MC being a gay porn actor be cliche ?

>> No.4715198

The best way to tell what's cliche and what isn't is to play/read many games/books. You should do that anyway if you're going to make one.

>> No.4715247

the problem then become whats overused badly and whats used alot because it works.

>> No.4715516

Use your judgment. You aren't helpless.

>> No.4715531

true, ahh well fuck advice and opinions then, I'll just go my own way.

>> No.4718656

Notable is that despite oni possessing an intellect roughly equal to an average human being, oni culture displays little originality outside its feral roots. The kanabo is the only widely recognised invention attributed to oni, appearing roughly 3000 BC on the Asian mainland in a form still familiar today. However, despite traces from this particular period, the weapon is rarely referenced in sources from the Asian mainland thereafter, excepting an isolated (an often questioned) account from 13th century Thailand. The disappearance may be linked to the "technology" of the kanabo migrating with its inventors, possibly linking the creation of the weapon to the superior metallurgy of artisans loyal to Chi You, encountered by oni serving as mercenaries under Huang Di. Notably, this would be the only instance in history where oni have adopted an intellectual resource disregarded by contemporary humans.
The Chi You uprising may categorically be grouped together with several other unrelated conflicts taking place on the Japanese islands since, forming the basis of the Japanese folklore phenomenon of a "great youkai war".
