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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 914 KB, 2633x4031, GPI-jhRaoAArZ7g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47138358 No.47138358 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
https://live.fc2.com/adult/ (intense immersion)

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous thread:>>47131056

>> No.47138378
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why are you learning japanese?

>> No.47138379
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>> No.47138386
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>> No.47138395

bro wtf is that creature even

>> No.47138405


>> No.47138508


>> No.47138658
File: 53 KB, 1600x900, eMUyHWs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this referencing?

>> No.47138692


>> No.47138716
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>> No.47138782

didn't understand any of this

>> No.47138826


>> No.47138867

kaname sensei?!

>> No.47139016

Has anyone here actually gotten a Japanese girlfriend yet???

>> No.47139023

ciaran, bunko, probably some nameless fags

>> No.47139096 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x2299, 1635980346905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official DJT guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

>> No.47139131

official guide to midwitdom

>> No.47139187

whats the difference between えん, ゆかり, and えにし for 縁?

>> No.47139201

yep thats canon j

>> No.47139215

wrong thread orz

>> No.47139291

*raises chopsticks*

>> No.47139304

no but i'm going with a jap girl to the 公園 tomorrow

>> No.47139328

any more sites like this?

>> No.47139366

are you in japan?

>> No.47139370

Matt vs Japan is back

>> No.47139376

you made me check his channel you faggot piece of shit. god i love matt and hope he returns.

>> No.47139451 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x2378, 1571926997567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder: read the guide

>> No.47139478

You honestly just plagiarized the moe way lol

>> No.47139490
File: 370 KB, 1412x1345, 1690478678184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't follow the MoeWay guide because it's a scam run by a turkish tranny. Ignore his idiocy poor fuck is a mentally ill spammer trying to scam people with his site. If you truly wish to learn Japanese i would recommend you to read Tatsumoto's guide to learning Japanese so you will reach true fluency level.

>> No.47139493

shut the fuck up tatsumoto you sociopath

>> No.47139502

tatsumoto hasn't posted here since 2021

>> No.47139518

report tatsumoto shilling as advertising because it is

>> No.47139537

proof she's from turkey?

>> No.47139543

Objestic deanonymized him

>> No.47139545

got a job interview in tokyo on monday

>> No.47139548


>> No.47139560
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>> No.47139564
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>> No.47139587

still no proof she's from turkey, or has a penis

>> No.47139608

shut the fuck up already shoui you cockroach

>> No.47139619

women don't write autistic guides for shit. definitely has to be a tranny.

>> No.47139652 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x2299, 1619222209540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official djt guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

>> No.47139655

this is advertisement and spamming

>> No.47139717

i was hard stuck on rellana for an hour an a half

>> No.47139737


>> No.47139742

eshan why did you spend time making this cringe ass shit

>> No.47139822

you must be over 18 to post here

>> No.47139825

> たましい しくない
learn japanese

>> No.47139831

that's the best way to 貫く my 正義

>> No.47139832

is claude 3.5 good enough to render japanese learning worthless

>> No.47139844

anki is a lifesaver if you have adhd!

>> No.47139862

I think he was referencing >>47134518 little lowerbro.
It's okay, us uppercasers basically know everything about DJT culture.

>> No.47139884

why am I learning worthless vocabulary like vietnamese fish paste when im almost enitrely through the deck and still dont know most basic words.

I would be better served just reading with no vocab and getting the most common vocab there this deck isnt going to help at any rate

>> No.47139888

well delete the card if it's something obviously not worth learning at the moment

>> No.47139906


>> No.47139910

thats why pre mades are inefficient

>> No.47139919

because that word will be useful in 3 years from now when you're reading something about food

>> No.47139922

He's right. A.I. handles 99% of Japanese much better than most learners 3+ years in.

>> No.47139933


>> No.47139937

99% of everything worth reading/watching is already translated so if ur learning japanese for that then ive got bad news for you buddy

>> No.47139938

Problem with flashcard study of individual words is hints and logic help too much with kanji reading.
大統領 comes up and I know 大 and that its the only 3 character word in the set. 濃い I know is こい because of the い and knowing its a relatively complicated kanji

>> No.47139949

How is that an issue? When you're reading, you arguably have more logical help because of contextual hints and subject matter.

>> No.47139951

if your motivation for learning japanese was in any way related to mtl or ai translation efficacy, then you're wrong and were never going too make it

>> No.47139985

I think it's pretty reasonable to assume that a large amount of learners are interested in untranslated media and/or have an interest in translation as a study.
The rapid improvements in A.I. and machine learning is essentially eliminating the need to invest serious hours into the study to enjoy basic media. It's no different than how spellcheckers remove your need to memorize the exact spelling of words when writing.

>> No.47139999

Yeah I was going to mention that too, in reading or conversation (live in Japan) its too easy to rely on context. I feel like Im cheating just using context and clues rather than immediately recognizing thr kanji for itselfz its radicals, etc. Like 日本 or 大丈夫or whatever I dont need contrxt or clues.

I dont really have any grand point to make, I supposr I jist have to review individual kanji and their writing and just have more experience

>> No.47140003

権威 権限 権力
what's the difference

>> No.47140007

Tardmoto is spamming /v/ again too >>>/v/680341195

>> No.47140030

Well, according to the 広辞苑, arguably the most authoritative dictionary in Japan, 権威 is a general power (mental, moral, legal, or otherwise) to compel or subjugate another person, 権限 is the legal (state or private) power a public body or individual may exercise over someone, and 権力 is also a general power someone may have, though the emphasis is that of a ruler towards his or her subjects.

>> No.47140052
File: 261 KB, 768x1024, cFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wall of japanese

>> No.47140059

im reading 1000 pages of grammar to get ready for reading

>> No.47140060


>> No.47140062

tfw no embryo gf

>> No.47140063

GMI energy right here

>> No.47140070


>> No.47140078

based. never hurts to be prepared.

>> No.47140080

im an absolute expert at learning japanese, one day i'll start learning the language

>> No.47140086

Whitenoiser hands typed this post.

>> No.47140091

yeah but have u considered that anyone who complains about whitenoising doesn't actually know what it really means?

>> No.47140113

Whitenoising is basically the standard way that people end up not learning the language. It's basically one big justification to not put any effort in learning grammar or committing to memory vocabulary.

>> No.47140118

maybe of people in this thread but in real life there are way more people who major in japanese or do duolingo and don't learn the language than failed whitenoisers

>> No.47140120

yeah thats what i thought lol ur opinion is literally just "the definition of whitenoising is that ur not learning" which speaks volumes about ur intellectual honesty

>> No.47140164

and to think all he would have to do to make his arguments worth a damn would be proving a morsel of japanese ability

>> No.47140179

learning efficiently gets better results than going in blindly.

>> No.47140190

its not a race

>> No.47140291


>> No.47140297
File: 268 KB, 598x695, _ X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47140315

dame look at that ratio lolicon has fvllen

>> No.47140395

The Japanese title doesn’t have a conditional, though. It’s just My Wife Will Become an Elementary Schooler.

>> No.47140397


yooo ginga eiyuu densetsu bros!

>> No.47140410

dame she can’t sing

>> No.47140453

she makes up for that by being cute and funny

also 曲

>> No.47140469

she’s about as interesting as a pool noodle let’s be honest

>> No.47140480

ayo mod be a real one and ban this stupid chibba

>> No.47140503

I hope you’re taking about the Holotard, otherwise you need a reality chuck, bozo.

>> No.47140512
File: 107 KB, 959x1200, GQhS86YbAAAQMFx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you learn Japanese?

>> No.47140535
File: 43 KB, 720x710, 1718934035449027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to find a wife

>> No.47140540


>> No.47140543

b r a t

>> No.47140554

this fool set trippin

>> No.47140562


>> No.47140576

terrible accent

>> No.47140578

crazy how i find a rectangle with limbs attractive

>> No.47140600

she would be more attractive without limbs tho

>> No.47140651

sore wa do-ri-mu

>> No.47140667


>> No.47140678

poor ロリコン
it sucks that we are the most oppressed minority in the west rn

>> No.47140686

need a palette swapped version of this picture with the guy being black.

>> No.47140702

>the lolicon is into bbc

>> No.47140707

any of you lolicons self insert with the loli or is it only me?

>> No.47140711


>> No.47140716


>> No.47140720

i do this all the time but the way i masturbate is really weird and unheard of lol

>> No.47140722

もうよく覚えてない (╥﹏╥)

>> No.47140725

please elaborate... :)

>> No.47140733

crazy how natural selection always finds a way

>> No.47140753

well i dont like using my おちんちん while masturbating since i obviously self-insert into the 少女
at most i rub the tip and pretend that its an 陰核

there is this channel called "mindgasm" which has 3 episodes that teach you how to and i did it for a few years
it teaches you to masturbate by rhythmically doing kegels to massage your prostate from the inside
so whenever he enters me, i contract, and when he exits, i release
this way i simulate how a vagina feels, i even imagine the penetration in an xray pov
dry prostate orgasms aren't just better than penile orgasms, they are a very different type of sensation that spreads over your entire body and leaves you feeling happy instead of the usual post-nut clarity

it's also much more mental, like you you need to pretend that you are feeling pleasure to actually feel it, and stuff like my imaginative partner holding me tight and telling me that he is going to shoot a baby inside me and that he is going to take responsibility magically makes it twice as pleasurable

when i first discovered how fucking good it felt i recommended it to a bunch of guys until i realized that no one gave a shit so i mostly keep it to myself now

>> No.47140754

lmao the state of lolicons

>> No.47140755

you do you i guess

>> No.47140761

>at most i rub the tip and pretend that its an 陰核

>> No.47140766

lolicons do be disproportionately transexual

>> No.47140808

yh gonna need moes take on this one

>> No.47140829

need moe real bad

>> No.47140834

same same

>> No.47140848

daitouryou is an extremely common word. get used to it

>> No.47140854

JP youtube is so boring, and the algorithm keeps recommending videos I've literally already watched. Can anyone recommend good channels?

>> No.47140880

great letsplayer. does indies a lot
documentaries about japanese artists
engineering otaku
japanese urbex + ghosts

>> No.47140892

more, quieter japanese urbex
apparently 都市探査 is a pretty uncommon word but i wouldn't know i just like this stuff

>> No.47140893
File: 1.27 MB, 1641x625, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47140897


>> No.47140898


>> No.47140908

crazy how she remembers the lyrics

>> No.47140928

i remember them too

>> No.47141082


>> No.47141097

kansha shimasu

>> No.47141150

behead vbutas

>> No.47141161

dont you think thats a bit extreme

>> No.47141168

violent threats are against GR1 btw

>> No.47141188

on reddit

>> No.47141202


>> No.47141228
File: 1.21 MB, 3500x3500, jtkfcmb8gu7d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

スク水 uuuuoohhhh

>> No.47141233

Recently been trying some VNs with texthooker set up on PC and it's been alright, my vocadb is very beginner level but being able to look up unknown words has been invaluable. I've seen a lot of people suggest actual games like more story heavy RPGs, how do people tackle all the unknown vocab in those games?
Thought about downloading Persona 5 in JP on my PS5 but not being able to look up any unknown words easily while playing makes me feel like it would be kind of a waste at this point

>> No.47141243

persona 5 has lots of voice acting so you can look the words up by hearing

>> No.47141249

You could easily just use a prostate massager for the same feeling with 1% of the hassle

>> No.47141251

no homo but i really want to creampie okayus actress after streaming without ac on during a hot humid summer day farting in her chair

>> No.47141265

i have plenty of those and have had years of experience, i dont think you understand how they even work lol
vibrating devices are usually trash and don't do much unless you already have a very sensitive gland
the non-vibrating ones require kegels, like aneros, and the kegels taught in mg are perfectly compatible

>> No.47141271


is this like the japanese version of chaturbate?

>> No.47141283

i want to go in there and be like "gommennasai nihongo hanasemasen desu, demo kanemochi yuropajin desu" and then tip like 100 euros

>> No.47141290

nah man miss me with these random ass particles im too autistic for this shit

>> No.47141299

>im in the college lecture hall
>im at college
>i go to college
fuck english prepositions

>> No.47141306

nah blud you cant compare that lmfao open up an EN grammar cheat sheet and youll know when to use which one for the rest of your life

>> No.47141307

i dont understand the appeal of this shit
who cares if its live when you can watch jav

>> No.47141309


me against the lolicon haters

>> No.47141317

notice how i spared the loli

>> No.47141319

the loli haters turned into minced meat lets make some gyoza with loli hater filling yooooosh

>> No.47141324

well the main appeal is that you can talk to them, make requests and they may fulfill your requests if you pay them money
but what sucks about japanese streaming is that the women dont like showing their faces. i mean that's smart that they don't, but it sucks from the viewer's perspective

>> No.47141330

i can just find a jav with my fetishes and probably more extreme than what they can offer for free

>> No.47141331

Either grab a capture card, buy it on PC, or emulate the Switch version, then use an OCR program like Yomininja, ShareX, or Cloe to pull the text. Makes playing RPGs a breeze.

>> No.47141341

pomf has some full-body vrchat-tubers who do lewd things

i wonder if people will start doing these ero streams with virtual avatars where desperate fans spend money to see her 3d anime titties

>> No.47141343

niggas will do anything but learn japanese

>> No.47141346

yeah true but it shows a lack of EQ that you can't put yourself in other people's shoes and imagine why they might like this over jav.

>> No.47141348

to be fair learning japanese is difficult when you skip hanahirasmalltsu which is the perfect introduction to the language dess

>> No.47141356

Taking 10 minutes to look up some random vocab you’re gonna forget in 5 minutes isn’t learning Japanese.

>> No.47141357

im just dissing them for being gay lonely faggots who gave up

>> No.47141359

true true

>> No.47141366

>women dont like showing their faces.
yo i pressed on a random video and its a young chick with her face exposed spreading her naked legs on a parking lot

>> No.47141367

anon..... bro....

>> No.47141383

Yeah, lil bro? I expect a good response. Something earth-shattering that makes me rethink the advice I just gave.

>> No.47141392

theres nothing in it for me
you will be using gomishit and hookers for the rest of your life
i bet you use anki too
im literally just laughing at you

>> No.47141401

yeah i found her too https://live.fc2.com/79186154/

>> No.47141409

>whore japan
- -

>> No.47141411

Oh, man, you poor whitenoiser. You guys are the laughingstock of this thread. The most fluent among you is Jamal and that guy doesn't even know what 万 means.

>> No.47141419

im better than you by far

>> No.47141424

most of these are prerecorded broadcasts and then they go into paid only mode when it starts to get good

lost interest really fast

>> No.47141428

You don't even know where the apostrophe key is on your keyboard. I doubt you're any better at Japanese.

>> No.47141430

Should I play gba pokemon in japanese or is the lack of kanji gonna fuck me up

>> No.47141434
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>> No.47141435

its gonna fuck u up big time

>> No.47141437


>> No.47141440

bro didnt do his geoguesser reps sm h

>> No.47141443

The lack of kanji makes it easier. The kanji system is one of the hardest parts of the language.

>> No.47141446

i know where it is i just dont use it
consider that

>> No.47141447

why are pre-recordings even allowed jfc

>> No.47141450

I consider you retarded.

>> No.47141451

because they earn money
next question

>> No.47141452

for me? it's https://live.fc2.com/69642520/

>> No.47141455

the mongs who pay for it are at fault

>> No.47141456

well id say theyve just lost a valuable customer *closes tab*

>> No.47141460
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>> No.47141463
File: 284 KB, 1268x1485, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47141467

that artist is terrible at lighting

>> No.47141486

you are terrible at being straight if you noticed

>> No.47141490


>> No.47141496

So what brought back the Holospammer? I feel like he was gone for awhile.

>> No.47141505

i was always here

>> No.47141508

theyre not allowed on chaturbate!

>> No.47141509


fucked up

>> No.47141512

yoo im watching that one too
she has a cute voice and nice body but i dont believe shes 18

>> No.47141513

i have to read djt zoomed in 200% to distinguish characters like that lol i need glasses

>> No.47141525

It's impressive that he got both of these wrong at separate times.

>> No.47141526

i can read it just fine but im reading this on a 32 inch monitor

>> No.47141532

fuck i have to find a fc2 plugin for streamlink so i can record this

>> No.47141535

record what?

>> No.47141547
File: 585 KB, 791x593, 1708658244232536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah no this aint japanese no more blud :skull:

>> No.47141555

this https://live.fc2.com/69642520/

>> No.47141557

you can train the muscle in your eye maybe its just that your muscle is so underused it cant set the focal length properly

>> No.47141559


>> No.47141565
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>> No.47141568
File: 32 KB, 1242x570, 1694158035111598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo no fucking way man why they do this shit

>> No.47141572
File: 425 KB, 1199x1960, yuno_gasai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47141593

I'm reading a short stories for japanese learners book and there's this sentence


the book translates this as I couldn't move my body or make a sound. Is this right? shouldn't it be


>> No.47141595

just had my PIP interview, feel like ass having to get up so early for it

>> No.47141613

Yeah, it's correct. Vかなければ + Vない = not A or B. This usage of the conditional to act as a conjunction is irregular.

>> No.47141625

pay up

>> No.47141637
File: 599 KB, 1153x2048, GQkd3seaMAAqP0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47141645

hope she ate it raw cuz thats what shes gonna be doin after i pay for that pricey dinner

>> No.47141667

Thanks. this was the first time I've seen なければ used this was so I wasn't sure

>> No.47141670

No problem. An easy way to spot the pattern is も…ば…も…

>> No.47141677


>> No.47141687

>A5 Wagyu
What kind of aristocrat are you? :O

>> No.47141691

bitch looks like she has aids wouldn't raw

>> No.47141696
File: 279 KB, 1300x990, GQjwScvbYAAMQFH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47141740
File: 128 KB, 683x989, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anki doesn't work

>> No.47141747

Are you even using FSRS?

>> No.47141755

go away holobrony

>> No.47141757

show the card
im sure its a dogshit card

>> No.47141760

*walks in butt ass nekkit*

rise and shine baby squids :D


>> No.47141773
File: 442 KB, 485x674, yap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47141778
File: 108 KB, 1170x1350, are-you-sillius-right-meow-from-my-cat-pick-collection-v0-tj6awoilorma1-2347605366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now I use disneyplus and netflix to watch American shows with Japanese dubs. With vpn you get a lot more and no ads however even without one they still offer a good amount. With netflix connecting to Hong Kong or Singapore tends to give more Japanese dubs than connecting to Japan.

>> No.47141786

front: kanji
back: definition and reading

>> No.47141790

>disneyplus and netflix
Why no Amazon?

>> No.47141792

probably a bad card, i have it set to suspend when it hits the leech threshold and then i re-evaluate the card before resetting it, sometimes you just need to throw it out and remine it later, or add more context/swap definitons etc, also could be lacxk of immersion if your only doing anki and not immersing enough, most my cards being jp only feels like a cheat too as you can potentially see a word in a defintion then have it pop up in a rep afterwards

>> No.47141800

yeah that's a bad card

where's the pic reminding you of the moment you caught it in the wild

>> No.47141805

what word

>> No.47141811
File: 305 KB, 778x544, 1650575135865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's an example of a perfect card

>> No.47141828

perfect card is a psa gem mint 10 base set charizard 1st edition

>> No.47141829

imagine watching this shit

>> No.47141834

>that crop with subtitles and fullscreen icon
Anon, Anacreon's script makes a much cleaner look.

>> No.47141837


>> No.47141846

I forgot about amazon. I actually get all 3 for free by bumming it off family and using it when everyones asleep. Idk if it'd be worth paying for.

>> No.47141848

dang thats a good way to hurt urself


>> No.47141849
File: 236 KB, 936x943, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like these cards

>> No.47141867

That's even uglier. Why is the word redundantly displayed? Why is the screenshot so small?

>> No.47141876
File: 485 KB, 933x651, 1639831413943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

piss yellow background is a must

>> No.47141878
File: 236 KB, 874x702, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best feature has to be the hover, to see if you've seen it in any other mined cards, really usefull if you think you saw it in something and dont have to waste time digging
you can hide the word being shown again i just cba to modify it the cards take up barely an room, screenshots can expand on click, mined sentence also has furigana on hover, if you wanted it for some reason

>> No.47141910
File: 897 KB, 1193x671, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47141955

hovertards are insane

>> No.47141971

there's no definition and you just have two quotes formatted differently? great card

>> No.47141987

Please tell us how you go about looking up words.

>> No.47141995

Amazon seems to be the worst out of the 3 as VPN only gives you access to amazon originals and it doesn't block ads. At least it's got invincible, the boys, hazbin hotel, and the fallout show in Japanese.

>> No.47141997
File: 25 KB, 599x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the definiton is right there below the sentence it came from

>> No.47142000

in 2024 i just type the word into google followed by "toha"

then i read the definition and nod sagely and say naruhodo naruhodo and sip my green tea and look at my koi pond

>> No.47142001

Lil bro, that's the oubunsha kokugojiten definition.

>> No.47142010
File: 2.13 MB, 1920x1080, なにわ男子の逆転男子 英語力があるのはだれ?逆境ミッションを切り抜けろ!_20240621-021519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is cuter than Japanese whores :3

>> No.47142016

Inefficient + given your Japanese ability, most likely incorrect.

>> No.47142027

ur just mad cuz ur a retard who makes cards the size of a barn and despite all that u still dont know japanese

>> No.47142048

I liked Reacher.

>> No.47142053

are you really just seething online all day every day?

>> No.47142063

shift key for seethe lol

>> No.47142070

You think >>47142027 isn't seething right now? lol

>> No.47142080


>> No.47142084

jamel wishes he were as cool as this guy

>> No.47142087

070 relax on the seethe key usage were all chill here tbqh this thead should have the default font be comic sans

also didnt click 080 yet but agree w. 084

>> No.47142100

You know what they call it lowercasing? Because it lowers your IQ each time you do it.

>> No.47142106

oh nice 080 did in fact get the reference well done

>> No.47142110

imagine the sound of him slamming the keyboard while the sticky keys sound plays every few seconds

>> No.47142113
File: 194 KB, 936x695, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47142115

holy fucking based

>> No.47142127

Sticky keys hasn't been a thing in ages, Unko. I know you wouldn't know that, you've never hit the Shift key in your life.

>> No.47142138

だだだ誰がblindやねんっ! >:(

>> No.47142139
File: 75 KB, 1574x904, files.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 i did it so many times i caused a negative integer overflow and basically went ssj braingod

>> No.47142151

wut it literally happened to me just earlier playing vidya

>> No.47142165

盲 【めしい】 is such a cool word
love nouns ending in い

>> No.47142166

can confirm sticky keys exist and not cuz i cummed on them

>> No.47142174

trip back on bongtard

>> No.47142176

You must be running on some ancient OS or something.

>> No.47142188

176 def followed some winblows optimization guide he found in a google search years ago and now thinks sticky keys dont exist anymore lmao

its still in win11 lil upperbro

>> No.47142192

I want to learn Chinese after I learn Japanese, but I'm not sure what exactly the "after" is
You can't completely learn a language, but I mean a point where I'm comfortable with my level of understanding so that I just passively, slowly learn more
Maybe N2? If going with the JLPT system

>> No.47142201

windows 10 tho
i want arch on my desktop but usb tethering from android is slow as fuck on linux for some reason so i cant

>> No.47142212

I don't even remember turning it off. Unko must just suck at PCs kek

>> No.47142231

You'll never learn Japanese, so you might as well stop now and change gears. You can be the next Nukemarine.

>> No.47142232

布教 guy is the biggest seether in here it's crazy

>> No.47142245

I already know a good chunk and have plenty of motivation to continue, but sure

>> No.47142253


>> No.47142255

i thankfully dont work with pcs and have a real job where i move heavy things by hand with people who dont even own pcs

>> No.47142270

fags genuinely make me throw up

>> No.47142308

Lil Q?

>> No.47142310


>> No.47142325

the crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe

>> No.47142346

lil c...

>> No.47142352


>> No.47142358

big meatman bunko u love to see it

>> No.47142366

uh oh ciaran getting huffy notice how fast that accusation of samefagging was

>> No.47142369

how do you do that

>> No.47142378

big j!

>> No.47142389

>m-multiple people can't have a problem with me
stfu queero lmao

>> No.47142398

stfu dumb nigger ankicuck

>> No.47142400

yea niggas has problems fr

>> No.47142408

Calm down, Queeran. It's not a big deal.

>> No.47142412
File: 774 KB, 2493x3325, GQl4IhIakAEwQ7H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these bitches really need to clean their mirrors from time to time

>> No.47142416
File: 120 KB, 1115x503, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47142417

i like ur posting lately

>> No.47142422

i dont even use anki but i know a bad card when i see one

>> No.47142423

her mirror dirty like her ASS lol

>> No.47142432

The master has spoken, and no one here is good enough to disagree.

>> No.47142439
File: 156 KB, 752x906, queero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you're definitely not pretending to be a lowercase poster to samefag lol

>> No.47142443


>> No.47142446
File: 18 KB, 700x89, rozé.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47142456

not me also getting the feeling you're samefagging with the unko name

>> No.47142465

no one has ever used the word queero before you made up those archive posts

>> No.47142470

queeran btfos another stupid hater. not surprised

>> No.47142475

I think you're going crazy, My Queero Academia.

>> No.47142480

lol you got exposed now stfu. double posting on your phone to make it look like multiple people isnt fooling anyone either you already tried that

>> No.47142486

oh no he's really lost it lmfao

>> No.47142495

just take the L lil bro

>> No.47142501

i stand with ciaran

>> No.47142504

lil c.....

>> No.47142507

well there's at least one mentally ill samefag here who had a meltdown and made 30 replies to a single post

>> No.47142519

probably the same guy spamming ciaran with You's

>> No.47142522

I think you're just going a little schizo. You're like one of those Vietnam vets who keeps swearing they're in the trees.

>> No.47142531

nothin wrong with goin off on a lil mad one havin a lil melty innit m8s

>> No.47142534


>> No.47142540

nope i'm only the first post.

>> No.47142541

my eyes slide right over the posts

>> No.47142543


>> No.47142547

no idea its just all setup in

>> No.47142558

it's weird how 布教 guy always happens to be posting around the same minute that "lil c..." guy is
maybe cuz it's him >>47059439

>> No.47142563 [DELETED] 
File: 308 KB, 1194x680, 1718943198459991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47142565

its weird how obsessed you are

>> No.47142566

well i doubt that

>> No.47142568

innit m8s

>> No.47142569

why is ciaran so intimidating and aggravating to the local schizo? he's harmless.

>> No.47142572

utterly bizarre post

>> No.47142582

>This project is a fork of the outstanding JP Mining Note project created by Aquafina-Water-Bottle. Aquafina went silent a couple of months ago, and in the meantime, bugs have started to creep into this project as other supporting software has received updates.

ah never mind. don't want to depend on shit that will break so easily

>> No.47142584

why is a little turd in your ass so intimidating and aggravating to you fingering bro

>> No.47142587

being obsessed with your haters is not a good look
hate to say it but u sound mad bro

>> No.47142588

djt offical theme song of 2024


>> No.47142592

based toddlerbro

>> No.47142604

It's time to let go, Queeran. You got destroyed in your transcription challenge.

>> No.47142607

nothing wrong with a little fingering to get the flow going.

>> No.47142609

yeah lil queero owned

>> No.47142611

im just making an observation. it was already clear from this anyway that the guy is a severe samefagger >>47142439

>> No.47142619

>a bug that was introduced by a recent AJTJapanese update

Based Tatsumoto breaking ankitards setups with his updates

>> No.47142622

Just like how it was clear you weren't the one to post that clip of a show only you watched?

>> No.47142623

dno i cant rly get a finger up my ass it's shut tight

>> No.47142625

at least hes not a severe fagger *zips up as a precaution*

>> No.47142628

people build entire thread personalities on hating others. sad shit.

>> No.47142632
File: 573 KB, 720x1230, stamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought some line stamps

>> No.47142633

lil c going lil cray cray

>> No.47142640

wouldnt be sad if you fingered it out goatfucker

>> No.47142650

im the yare yare one

>> No.47142656
File: 426 KB, 1288x1610, 429dca829953cac3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47142655

god knows the truth and that's all that matters

>> No.47142660

whos more bizarre the buttfinger guy or the guy obsessed with buttfingering

>> No.47142662

but you're a hedonistic chudtheist

>> No.47142672

the guy who got buttsprayed

>> No.47142679

You don't believe in God. Also, he knows you're lying, just like how you've been caught lying in the past.

>> No.47142681

midwits and fags dont wanna believe in god i wonder why

>> No.47142685

>i bought some jpegs
why do you flaunt your idiocy constantly

>> No.47142687

ciaran used his 160iq to expose another hater
so freakin based

>> No.47142691

it reminds them of the place they're going

>> No.47142692

damn will be doing the same thing with the genba bros from september

>> No.47142695

"heckerino isnt real if i dont believe in it" tte

>> No.47142699
File: 329 KB, 630x2967, aNDKDR6_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47142706

i identify this as a ciaran post attempting to provoke his haters.

>> No.47142710

obviously that's why no one responded

>> No.47142718

Is this Catherine? Where's the pink haired girl (male)

>> No.47142726

thats why hes known as ciaran the insidious

>> No.47142727

idk but the latter confuses me.

>> No.47142731

its an english textbook for japanese students

>> No.47142737

i wish i believed in a god especially the christian god but i just can't do it anymore.

>> No.47142740

i only believe in myself

>> No.47142746

sign of middling iq

>> No.47142758
File: 281 KB, 1200x1142, DRgC_-3UIAI4co7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it teach the english for "feminine penis"?

>> No.47142759

yall need to get some iq packs from the cash shop and bulk up

>> No.47142761


>> No.47142765

dont believe in christian god but if u deny a greater existance than humans absolutely then ur crazy

>> No.47142770
File: 206 KB, 321x386, 1701177029550499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mined ざーめん

>> No.47142778

haven't ejaculated in a week

>> No.47142779


>> No.47142780

Not believing in the Christian God is equivalent to denying the existence of a higher power.

>> No.47142786

the a is for anarchy 779

>> No.47142789

布教 guy trying to live up to his name

>> No.47142794


>> No.47142796

i was about to make fun of you for reading doujinshi in english but then i realized i read all that in japanese without noticing... did i finally make it?

>> No.47142801

you can mine mine

>> No.47142806

you guys ever think the reason queeran sucked dick was because he thought god wasn't watching?

>> No.47142808

this is "i don't see color" levels of denial

>> No.47142811

your ass is in anarchy so i put my foot down

>> No.47142816

u wouldnt like my ass when its in anarchy i assure u

>> No.47142817

your personalized answer inside --> stfu but also, no

>> No.47142821

i just started learning a few months ago and i have moments like that all the time. i get annoyed and i think "kusoooo"

>> No.47142823

Why accuse others of samefagging if you're just gonna samefag yourself? lol

>> No.47142824
File: 332 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240621-143654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47142829

i can't for the life of me think of any situation where i wouldn't like your ass papiiiii uwu

>> No.47142832

i dont even understand why any of u care about this stupid shit

same fag different fag ur all fags and god hates u stfu

>> No.47142833

or he's an exhibitionist and knew God was watching

sorry i was only asking the japanese knowers in this thread (ciaran, jamal, tatsumoto)

>> No.47142838


>> No.47142839

All that proves is you're using your phone to reply to yourself. I'm surprised you even think a screenshot qualifies as proof these days, given your elite coding background.

>> No.47142840

yeah you made it to n5 with those vocabs but real talk this happened to me in 7th grade when we were watching a movie and it took me a while to realize that the movie we were watching was in english and not in german

>> No.47142842

never samefagged once

>> No.47142847

you are really mad

>> No.47142851

i only care if i get to identify friends. the hatred has got to go.

>> No.47142853


>> No.47142856

whoa ... that's kinda crazy. so it's a good sign then. does that not happen anymore now? you sound native level

>> No.47142861

i've samefagged a lot personally but i don't endorse the practice.

>> No.47142864

Yeah, I'm practically fuming over here. I look like one of those cartoon steam whistles.

>> No.47142867

we know that's why you are samefagging so much lol

>> No.47142879

*nods sagely*

>> No.47142880


>> No.47142881

So you samefag with Unko's name and then accuse others of samefagging?

>> No.47142891

ive never posted with a name im not sure why you think it's so crazy that he posted that himself lol

>> No.47142894

you can make billions of dollars off of same-fagging

>Huffman said one other strategy proved crucial to Reddit’s early success, which most people are unaware of: The team submitted a ridiculous amount of content under fake user accounts to give the appearance of popularity. Yes, you read that right. Reddit — a site that values a fair and open democratic process to determine worthy content and police itself — sleeps soundly on a bed of lies.

>> No.47142907
File: 80 KB, 331x385, 1690134588416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, you read that right. Reddit — a site that values a fair and open democratic process to determine worthy content and police itself — sleeps soundly on a bed of lies.

>> No.47142912

Everyone samefags
It's a feature of the site, you'd be dumb not to use it
>a site that values a fair and open democratic process

>> No.47142914

You and him tend to always be around at the same time, and one time he got insulted, but you jumped in with the 布教 nonsense as soon as it happened.

>> No.47142923


Cheating and deception are at Reddit’s core, founder reveals
Tom Cheredar
June 22, 2012 6:10 PM

Don’t miss OpenAI, Chevron, Nvidia, Kaiser Permanente, and Capital One leaders only at VentureBeat Transform 2024. Gain essential insights about GenAI and expand your network at this exclusive three day event. Learn More

Reddit story

Before Reddit became the revolutionary powerhouse of truth, justice, and random acts of pizza, it was just a couple of dudes trying to attract people to their idea of launching a link-sharing site that featured democratically curated news from the community.

But creating a community from scratch is a pretty tough thing to do, as Reddit co-found Steve Huffman explained in a recent video lesson for online university startup Udacity. When Huffman and co-founder Alexis Ohanian first launched Reddit in 2005, it was relatively quiet and devoid of users.

Obviously, something had to jump-start interest in the site, which now generates over 2 billion monthly page views and attracts more than 35,000,000 monthly unique visitors. I’d always assumed it was a “slow and steady wins the race” approach combined with the Reddit founders’ unyielding dedication and uncompromising vision for the site. But apparently there was another secret ingredient.

Huffman said one other strategy proved crucial to Reddit’s early success, which most people are unaware of: The team submitted a ridiculous amount of content under fake user accounts to give the appearance of popularity. Yes, you read that right. Reddit — a site that values a fair and open democratic process to determine worthy content and police itself — sleeps soundly on a bed of lies. [Cue sinister music…now.]

This revelation is likely to strike an angry chord with former Reddit power users who were banned for this exact behavior.

“When you would go to Reddit in the early days there would be tons of content,” Huffman said, explaining that the initial Reddit submission page contained only a “URL field” and “Title field” to plug in. Yet when logged in as an admin, a third field appeared that allowed the team to enter a custom user name that would automatically be registered for an account upon hitting submit. The fake user submissions, which were motivated by embarrassment over having an empty site, actually had a positive impact in a few different ways, he said.

“The first thing it did was it set the tone,” by the activity it displayed to visitors, Huffman said. “We were submitting content that we would have been interested in seeing. That meant the content on Reddit … was good. And when you show up , you know exactly what the site is about.”

Huffman then explained that the deception also created a feeling that Reddit was alive, giving users the sense that they were a part of something. That’s obviously the most important element of any social network community.

“I remember the first day, a few months in (to the site’s launch), when we didn’t have to submit any content. It was such a magical feeling, because it meant everything was finally working on it its own,” Huffman said.

>> No.47142927

well ig i never pause to think "what language is this?" i just read something and understand it in either language without having to translate it in my head
dunno if i can recall catching myself on that ever again cuz my inner voice uses english

>> No.47142929

unfortunately for u u seem to be misinformed

reddit (ticker symbol $rddt) does not in fact make money

they lose money year over year and are not a profitable company

glad we cleared that up

>> No.47142931

i support bunko against seethers and anklebiters that's all. i know it's hard to believe since you are the one doing all of the posting for your side

>> No.47142942

Nope, it's as simple as you putting this name on. You using the anklebiter term all but confirms it, lil Q.

>> No.47142943

>my inner voice uses english
When did that switch happen?

>> No.47142947

probably when i stopped having friends which happened after i left high school

>> No.47142951

ok so me using a term that tons of people use confirms im a samefag but you using a term only you use means you aren't a samefag.. kinda weird logic but ok >>47142439

>> No.47142956

nigger he sold reddit for 10 million dollars, you sound jealous

>> No.47142958

The irony is other people started calling you Queero after I said it that one time. That's what's hilarious in all this.

>> No.47142964

i should be booting into my kubuntu partition and starting theodinproject but i'm procrastinating.

>> No.47142967
File: 1.14 MB, 2880x1919, beautyscore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god shut the fuck up

>> No.47142968

figured out that a loaded spoon of philadelphia makes every meal better

>> No.47142969
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, 1718842144902402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average anime fan

>> No.47142972

i want to support the dude who made the game and i can use these jpgs to annoy my wife

>> No.47142977

let's fucking go matto san

>> No.47142979

fuck knows, once i installed it all i just never update and its fine

>> No.47142981


>> No.47142982

well i wasnt thinking about that sure that guy made some money by selling it fair enough but whoevers running it now dont make money with it lol

>> No.47142992

there are more episodes of one piece than trans people alive at the same time

>> No.47142996

Ciaran and I guarantee the big cheese and the executive board make a killing squeezing the site for all its worth

>> No.47142997

sure they did. all the people in that screenshot are different people.

>> No.47143001

you realize that if the owner sets his salary high enough then the company will lose money, right?

>> No.47143006

i look like that (the painting)

>> No.47143010

i used queero in this thread

>> No.47143023


>> No.47143027

This skepticism coming from the guy who claims to have 37 imposters maliciously uploading jidaigeki clips to make him look bad.

>> No.47143029

>Among U.S. adults, 0.5% (about 1.3 million adults) identify as transgender. Among youth ages 13 to 17 in the U.S., 1.4% (about 300,000 youth) identify as transgender.

lol not even the age of consent yet and there's 300k of them that got groomed on discord

>> No.47143035

i doubt it reddits been around too long at this point people arent gonna suddenly start loving reddit more the ships sailed

look if they got negative eps they dont make money dont care about the copes

>> No.47143036

yeah queero just got ended brutal

>> No.47143040 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 722x1199, GO1ALwPbcAAtt2j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47143038

only after it was first mentioned

>> No.47143047

does the screenshot filter for first mentions?

>> No.47143054

the true tranny number probably isn't that high. it's just rich white leftists who are high in narcissism and sadism and want a spot in the oppression olympics.

>> No.47143056

surely you dont believe reddit or any other online platform is about money

>> No.47143061

never claimed that. it doesn't make me look bad to have people post jidaigeki clips unless there are schizos like you who think every one of them is me for no real reason. so really you are the issue here

>> No.47143064 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 642x528, 1718496791778698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47143067

i think uppercaser is hilarious in both the good and bad way but ig if youre hilarious its all good

>> No.47143075

well reddit did just become publicly traded so they definitely are about money now (they want their users to buy their stock to pay their salaries)

>> No.47143078

Oh, so they weren't maliciously reuploading your clips. Because before, you were claiming they stole your links and would use them pretending to be you.

>> No.47143081

lil j be like
>ah, now those were the good ol days

>> No.47143084
File: 50 KB, 1694x163, 1691267352248802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up the game on VNDB

>> No.47143086

keep the wise guy posts coming

>> No.47143090

stfu og lol

>> No.47143093

yh i dont think queeros making it out of this one

>> No.47143096

this is getting a remake on the switch

>> No.47143100

one lil suck on my knob and og's worries would melt away forever

>> No.47143102

stole my links? what? they're publically posted here. i think you're losing it...

>> No.47143105

hopefully she's trans now

>> No.47143107

That's what you claimed. You said you had to delete the links because they were posting them in your name.

>> No.47143122

this would never have happened if gambs didn't get banned from vndb

>> No.47143126

booted up my computer and the screen brightness made me sneeze

>> No.47143129

most high iq people like g are unjustly prosecuted

>> No.47143133

yeah i deleted them because i think transcription challenges are cringe but i didn't say i was worried about my reputation. i don't assume that everyone thinks every poster is me but i hadn't realized how crazy you are at that point

>> No.47143136

true true

>> No.47143146

btw one time i posted a queeran clip just cuz i thought it was funny and some schizo thought I was lil q and challenging him so he transcribed the entire thing and i laughed my ass off

>> No.47143151


>> No.47143154

many such cases

>> No.47143155

Nah, you're changing the story again. You claimed you deleted them because people were allegedly making you look bad. Don't bother changing the story, lil Q.

>> No.47143159

gonna side with mlen on this one

>> No.47143161

doesnt look like a vn so why should it be on the vndb

>> No.47143164


>> No.47143172

whatever it's a nothingburger anyway

>> No.47143177

vndb should delete all vns that are not jp in origin, same for "manga" sites manga

>> No.47143178

i remember laughing whenever og used nothingburger

>> No.47143179

I think you're just a chronic liar who's seething over a little transcription challenge that you lost.

>> No.47143191

ppl should stop saying nothingburger it makes me hungry

>> No.47143193

big if true

>> No.47143200

i have a confession

ur literally gay if u felt compelled to mouseover this get a life

>> No.47143202

uppercasing anti queeran guy is so fucking annoying, wish he'd just get hit by a bus or something

>> No.47143206

What's your confession?

>> No.47143211

yea im extremely mad that you posted an incorrect transcription for a clip that i didn't post or even record

>> No.47143213

same same

>> No.47143215

want to play aram on heroes of the storm?

>> No.47143217

agree with 202 final destination that mofo frfr not capping

>> No.47143224

i dont like mobas and that goes double for blizzslop

>> No.47143227

>you posted an incorrect transcription
Holy kek, the transcription was near flawless and you know it. Still waiting on my compliment for my skills.
>that i didn't post or even record
And yet you had the exact clip ready to be reposted at a moment's notice. So weird.

>> No.47143230

yay ur fucking self 227

>> No.47143233

q lost m won

>> No.47143234

yeah it's weird that i knew where to find a clip of a show that i watched
almost flawless aka wrong

>> No.47143236

i don't like mobas or blizzard (at least not for the last 20 years), but this game is fun. and you should see the general chat lol, it looks like 4chan

>> No.47143237

fucking terrible thread

>> No.47143239

Not wrong by any stretch of the word, and leagues better than your Outlaw Star "transcription" lol

>> No.47143241

the haters are spamming it

>> No.47143243

lil q you just exposed yourself as another guy from the past by confirming something...disappointing

>> No.47143250
File: 248 KB, 1311x1881, GQmUORqakAURKNo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just had the best watermelon of my life

>> No.47143251

if that were true you would already have posted an essay with all my mistakes

>> No.47143253

this post basically confirms it was you tho :skull:

>> No.47143258
File: 61 KB, 694x765, 1688142671378567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many of these are about japanese?

>> No.47143259

not much fucking going on but ur mum could fix that

>> No.47143261

the upper caser is matt btw

>> No.47143266

confirmed as a guy who watched one of the most well known jidaigayki? i think that's common knowledge

>> No.47143269
File: 211 KB, 1080x1430, GQmVJDdakAQdv09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47143276


>> No.47143277

i cant fucking believe i missed the opportunity to say q lost M won

>> No.47143279

Nah, I don't hate you that much, but it is sad you feel the need to lie about having posted the clip in the first place. Just own up to it, tell me I've got a good ear, and move on.

>> No.47143280

based i eat watermelon at least 3 days a week
what are the chances we will see matt transition publicly

>> No.47143286

it really doesn't lol
it's an extremely famous show and when i was posting clips from it in 2020 or whatever i was getting a lot of interest. maybe someone from that time decided to watch it and post clips. it's not a mystery

>> No.47143287

nah as someone else...youre a bad guy dude get some help and morals

>> No.47143299

why would matt transition? he seems perfectly comfortable with his homosexuality

>> No.47143303

PM 4 & 5 are on vndb thoughever

>> No.47143308
File: 1.27 MB, 2730x4096, GQmSfh6akAEoD7j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47143317 [DELETED] 
File: 261 KB, 655x380, 1718632057495746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't post gross hags pls

>> No.47143324

are you that guy i kept ignoring who was always asking me what it was

>> No.47143328

kek maybe for the 20 grandmas who tuned in. It's unheard of anywhere else.
>maybe someone from that time decided to watch it and post clips
Yeah totally. this random guy just decided to post a clip, looking to test people's skills, something you're known to do with a show you're known to have watched with a clip you've posted here before.

>> No.47143330

the dude who photoshopped her ass skin is not getting paid enough

>> No.47143333

queero desperately trying to identify the poster and clear his name lol

>> No.47143341

no that's me and i'm not a hater

>> No.47143359

btw i found my post where someone thought I was queeran >>/jp/thread/46107519#p46109031

>> No.47143360

>something you're known to do
only by you though. it wasn't my clip. it's a famous show. with many seeders online which is why i could redownload it so quickly to make the new clip.

>> No.47143362
File: 28 KB, 360x360, iwasblownawayhesoundsgreat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47143364

lol it would be funny if this was real
if you still have the clip post a screenshot of the file on your pc

>> No.47143366

hey 蟹bro please post jp pages for that extra street cred

>> No.47143367

wouldn't surprise me if qs ex is happier after dumping his manipulative ass

>> No.47143370

It was a clip you claimed to have posted in the past, hence why you initially said someone had used one of your links, a detail you didn't feel the need to point out at the time.

>> No.47143374

i thought it might be because i was going based off 3-4 year old memories and im not 160 iq guy. i realized later it wasn't my clip at all since it wasn't in my sharex history

>> No.47143387

Ah yes, your otherwise impeccable memory had conveniently failed you this one time, causing you to misperceive the clip as being your own.
Hey, look! I found the Queeran imposter >>47143359 Your name is saved!

>> No.47143395

i don't have impeccable memory or ever claimed to though and yeah it very well could be him or it could be an instigator. we don't know. wasn't me though

>> No.47143397

M makes a convincing case

>> No.47143398

sure but i have had the clip for a long time, no idea when ciaran originally posted it. on my phone right now though, one sec....

>> No.47143413

Yeah, or let's be real, it's just you again on your phone lol

>> No.47143422

well we know that no matter what evidence is posted you won't be convinced because you have an agenda

>> No.47143425

anyone who argues about something like this multiple times for lengthy periods is either a woman or dumb

>> No.47143427
File: 883 KB, 934x1203, 1697650198649064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


















>> No.47143436

yea fuck the namefag drama can we get the iq guys back in here

>> No.47143437

ok yeah the file is from 2021, and searching its name in the archives gives this post >>/jp/thread/34309648#p34309679

>> No.47143438

cute pantsu and feet

>> No.47143442

we already established 布教 guy is og so that's one part of the equation

>> No.47143443

embarrassing omission

>> No.47143449

I'd be convinced if you had some real evidence. So far all you've done is lie and bullshit on here kek

>> No.47143452

that's not the same file tho

>> No.47143458
File: 12 KB, 300x168, 1633464431524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets get this thread back on track

>> No.47143464

there's no evidence i could possibly post that you wouldn't claim is falsified

>> No.47143481

All you do is lie, my dude. Here's you telling some guy I'm OG >>47143442 even though she couldn't transcribe her way out of a wet paper bag. We all know you're mad about the defeat, I get it.
You know why there's no unfalsifiable evidence that you didn't post that clip? Because you did post that clip lol

>> No.47143484

it's a nothingburger you need to chill

>> No.47143485

that one is the one i uploaded. but i looked at the filename of the originally downloaded one and it has the id in there which is how I found the 2021 post

>> No.47143487
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, CODE GEASS - Roze of the Recapture - S01E01 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (DSNP)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo miyavi kino

>> No.47143490

kys irl NOW

>> No.47143494

@ og ask this guy for some unfalsifiable evidence

>> No.47143493

Samefagging won't save you, lil q. Time to accept this L.

>> No.47143498
File: 322 KB, 450x460, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my honest reaction (left) to the unmoderated off-topic conversation in this thread right now

>> No.47143500

tired of holding it?

>> No.47143502

didn't feel like working today so i read on my phone during work hours today, pretty chill

>> No.47143503


>> No.47143504

you first james

>> No.47143508

Nah, it's been waiting in this enema bag for you.

>> No.47143510

i forget do you actually program at your job or do you do something else while you're studying programming at uni

>> No.47143511

my knees .... they bend on their own.... quiz-samaaaaaa

>> No.47143513

>didn't feel like working today

>> No.47143514

I remember seeing him announce this on his instagram, but completely forgot

>> No.47143515

yeah you shit out ls every day

>> No.47143522

Your face just happens to be my toilet, Queeran.

>> No.47143524

yeah actually program but it's pretty boring where i am right now
i might ask if i can get transferred to web monkey shit, it seems more exciting although i might regret it later because it's pretty chill and low pressure (but i'm not learning much)

>> No.47143540

if you want low pressure then retire to a nursing home. if you want to live then do and experience things

>> No.47143541

when i get a job coding i'm going to work hard the first few years and learn a lot and then fall back to some low stress, comfy wfh situation

>> No.47143545

probably at about day 400 of 妊活

>> No.47143546

experience my foot up your ass

>> No.47143553
File: 823 KB, 1920x1080, CODE GEASS - Roze of the Recapture - S01E01 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (DSNP)-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47143559

she has an 8 inch futa cock just off-screen doesnt she

>> No.47143561

well i have enough pressure as it is as i have to do my masters degree on the side and then spend time with the family and my son too, my time table is really full, so i don't in particular need to be completely stressed out during work hours as well, sure if my life was empty and i just sat there all day half assing it, i would seek out the bigger challenge, but right now i appreciate the fact that i'm not being rushed

desu i feel like if you want to stay competitive in the field you need to keep learning, few places where you can actually just stick to something for many years unless you get stuck maintaining (or even expanding) some legacy code base, but really that's not a fun thing

>> No.47143564
File: 18 KB, 363x438, 1701680633036755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i actually did find the original clip by looking at my sharex folder from back then based on your info. so i guess you really are the person who posted it at 布教 guy. too bad he will never admit it

>> No.47143569

your font is fucked up!

>> No.47143572

austrian guy?

>> No.47143578

its just windows font rendering being shitty on japanese locale

>> No.47143586

Why are you talking to yourself? lol

>> No.47143594

not even gonna watch it, idk what the fuck they were thinking making a code gayass show without lulu

>> No.47143595

lol nice. so i haven't really been following the conversation. is my post what you've been arguing about or was it a different but similar incident?

>> No.47143596

god knows the truth

>> No.47143601
File: 172 KB, 336x422, 1664569218385998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47143602

I... seem to have missed the rule forbidding talking to yourself?
Maybe don't assume shit, dickhead.

>> No.47143606

You don't believe in God, we've been over this.

>> No.47143610

its your exact post hes saying i posted and hes mad about because he made a mistake in the transcription and i corrected it. he says i set up the whole thing to troll him

>> No.47143612


>> No.47143615
File: 7 KB, 334x180, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this crap eat all of my ram

>> No.47143619

same anon, i just went to sleep. this is like saying "why learn the bass when electric bass exists" people can want to learn japanese for reasons outside of the "is it meta?"mentality. in fact, i'd bet 98 percent of people never cared about mtl to begin with. ultimately, >>47139832 is just a bait post anyway, so i won't give it more time.

>> No.47143621

>samefagging this hard just to avoid admitting u posted that clip
lil c....

>> No.47143622


>> No.47143623

oh really? i kinda recall checking it and it seemed good. what was the correction?

>> No.47143625

it steals ur hentai and sends it to israel

>> No.47143626

it doesnt matter if i do or not. he knows the truth

>> No.47143628
File: 944 KB, 1920x1080, CODE GEASS - Roze of the Recapture - S01E01 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (DSNP)-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47143630

well yea obviously i was baiting you tard

>> No.47143636

ayo pause

>> No.47143638

It makes you a hypocrite lol

>> No.47143641

but for real though is claude 3.5 sonnet gonna render this general meaningless?

>> No.47143645

if you have to ask then for you yes

>> No.47143646
File: 1.17 MB, 960x540, CODE GEASS - Roze of the Recapture - S01E01 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (DSNP)-[18.09.422-18.13.466].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47143651

the correction

>> No.47143664

Queeran having a conversation with himself to prove his innocence is the funniest thing on this thread.

>> No.47143666

ohhhh so that's why he has the nickname. I'm kinda glad I was able to read enough of your cancerous conversation to realize it was me lolololkl

>> No.47143669

it doesn't. also my posts were even on almost the same second as the other guys while replying instantly to you so i think youre gonna have to sit this one out..

>> No.47143678 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.78 MB, 960x540, CODE GEASS - Roze of the Recapture - S01E01 - 1080p WEB H.264 -NanDesuKa (DSNP)-[19.01.139-19.12.693].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the new mc looks pretty fuckable though

>> No.47143686

>it doesn't
It does actually. You're claiming an entity which does not exist sees what's occurring.
>also my posts were even on almost the same second as the other guys
Yeah, we all know you have a phone, my dude.

>> No.47143688

i wouldn't mind it if it actually did that

>> No.47143698

lil c's the devil

>> No.47143702


>> No.47143714

there's a new code gayass?

>> No.47143717

it's not important what i believe exists. it's clear that the truth is known.

>> No.47143720

I look like that

>> No.47143724

first ep was pretty good have high hopes for this one

>> No.47143726

It is actually, because you're the one claiming it to be so. You're a hypocrite.

>> No.47143733

anime is so gay lol

>> No.47143747

oh so now you're too good for anime?

>> No.47143751

regardless me and god know we have 2 people here so what evidence will you accept so that you can finally take your l

>> No.47143756

wait so then is the uppercaser/matt/og also the one that tried to transcribe my tiktok video? well wait i guess it rules out matt since the tiktok video was from a pokemon clip matt used to have on his channel

>> No.47143766

are pictureless anki cards less efficient? how do mfs mine books then?

>> No.47143772

Make it less obvious, lil c, make it less obvious.

>> No.47143789
File: 892 KB, 800x448, GQhZ-4Cb0AAy79D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pov: ciaran enters the thread

>> No.47143802

the ciaran pretends to be his own imposter arc is epic

>> No.47143811

half of your ram because you use windows and the other half because you use chrome

>> No.47143814

it's genuinely not me but unfortunately there's no way to prove it so yea i look like a schizo

>> No.47143819

>but unfortunately there's no way to prove it
how convenient

>> No.47143824

if you can think of a way i will oblige but i cant speak for the other guy

>> No.47143825

no, we don't care about reading in english

>> No.47143827

dont worry ciaran ill help u out

it was all me guys like whatever yall r talkin about it was all me


>> No.47143830

i could prove I'm not Ciara, but idk... i feel like my true fans could figure out who i am based on that clip

>> No.47143833

what clip

>> No.47143834

she thinks she has fans lol

>> No.47143836

if og was here she could feel out the truth and enlighten us

>> No.47143838

the jidaigeki clip

>> No.47143839


>> No.47143840

>true fans

>> No.47143846

im pretty sure the whole point of this discussion is that im the one who is associated with jidaigeki clips

>> No.47143849

yes but that PARTICULAR one

>> No.47143856

my phone post btw

>> No.47143857

whats so special about that one

>> No.47143861

um we dont say particular anymore its "puhtickaluh"

>> No.47143863
File: 857 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi - 11 (1080p) [AE3DA19C]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47143870

thought id add in some extra evidence that im not talking to myself altho i got the order wrong

>> No.47143872

big fail lol

>> No.47143875

not really a big fail it still does the job. cant have posted 3 times unless you think i have 2 isps

>> No.47143876

u were makin way too many posts this day was eventually gonna come

>> No.47143877

well i suppose it's gonna take someone with a high memory iq

funny... jamal

>> No.47143883
File: 925 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi - 11 (1080p) [AE3DA19C]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47143885

looks like kieran doesn't really understand networking either

>> No.47143889

4chan blocks every vpn which is annoying cuz i cant post on my pc when im watching japanese shit

>> No.47143894

funny thing about that... hjaha

>> No.47143896


>> No.47143899

what vpn provider do you use

>> No.47143905

none im mr worldwide baby

>> No.47143910

look into network namespaces you'll thank me later

>> No.47143912

only takes 1 phone w data

>> No.47143915

i know what jamel uses and he just confirmed it >>47143905

>> No.47143916

it's just funny cuz jamal correctly called me out for that particular jidaigeki clips usage only a few days ago and no one seems to remember

he has a bunch of residential ip proxies he bought

>> No.47143918

do you guys not have phones?

>> No.47143925

ngl i have no idea what ur talking abt r u sure it was me

>> No.47143927

nope, not anymore, any new ip/cookie combo has to wait 60 seconds before posting. go ahead, open an incognito browser and try posting

>> No.47143939

just tunnel bro

>> No.47143943

u can like easily open 1000 browsers and post on all of them at the same time if u have the resources

>> No.47143946

u only have to wait once tho

>> No.47143952

i have my cookie combos prepped

>> No.47143954

definitely sure, it was even discussed later

>> No.47143955 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 1698x1145, 1716436115848512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my point was
cant all be me. only the last 2 are because i posted on my phone and pc at the same time. id have to switch my pc network to post the other one but my nordvpn doesn't let me post on 4chan

>> No.47143959

moisturized and ready to post

oh ok well if it was using one of my names or trips then i guess i have the memory of a goldfish or it was just tuesday i have no idea

>> No.47143961

i meant the first two btw lol probably should have checked which ones i clicked there before making myself look even more schizo

>> No.47143962
File: 2.48 MB, 1920x1080, なにわ男子の逆転男子 英語力があるのはだれ?逆境ミッションを切り抜けろ!_20240621-015733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I can! (^ω^)ペロペロ

>> No.47143963

>>>47143857 #
>>>47143856 #
>>>47143849 (You) #
>cant all be me. only the last 2

close enough

>> No.47143968

no idea what you guys are talking about

>> No.47143970

not even a gyaru

>> No.47143971

could be a memory issue... or maybe you've just never watched it all

>> No.47143972

i was referring to the chronological last 2 which happened to be the first 2 i clicked since i scrolled up

>> No.47143974 [DELETED] 

if u use ur phone as a hotspot then any device u connect would get its own ip including your comp

>> No.47143982 [DELETED] 

i usually only remember things important to me and generally djt posting is jusdt a long stream of fart that we all excrete togethjer

>> No.47143987

me skimming past a qm post

>> No.47143989

wow someone reported my post that's lame!

>> No.47143992

that hurts... kinda? since it's your own words you're not remembering

>> No.47143993 [DELETED] 

anyway im interested now u should link the posts ur talking about

>> No.47143994
File: 360 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi - 11 (1080p) [AE3DA19C]-[13.32.353-13.35.732].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47143997

memory isnt working today at all, hate when random shit shakes up my routine

>> No.47144005 [DELETED] 

gomen u know im tuned out when i post on this shit i dont really play games on here like some of yall do

>> No.47144012
File: 1.21 MB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi - 11 (1080p) [AE3DA19C]-[15.30.722-15.40.147].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47144013
File: 647 KB, 828x1087, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47144014

yh i have no idea what the uppercase sperg and ciaran are on about this time

>> No.47144015

getting banned for off topic posting on djt is crazy

>> No.47144020

初心な子がいいの! gyaru dame! Xc

>> No.47144022

Ok then it's high iq Conan detective time.

How can you see me post that jidaigeki clip when I don't post jidaigeki clips here?

>> No.47144024
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi - 11 (1080p) [AE3DA19C]-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47144028

secret thread boss here
just stopping by to say hey
later nerds

>> No.47144029

do these things have any sort of plot or coherence i can't even imagine how half of the scenes ppl post from slop anime happen

>> No.47144030

nobody saw you post anything we have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.47144044
File: 629 KB, 828x1087, 1718984967614296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-- fixed

i didnt see nothin officer

>> No.47144046
File: 991 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi - 11 (1080p) [AE3DA19C]-[17.30.676-17.36.639].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47144053

That's exactly what I'm saying. What other means do I have of showing you that clip besides posting it here?

>> No.47144059

idk man i don't think it's important

>> No.47144060

Back in my day anime actually showed titties (they even had nipples!)
Fan service these days is a joke

>> No.47144065 [DELETED] 

u can delete my posts ill just make more theres really no point in even trying gentlesir/maam

>> No.47144067


>> No.47144070

it depends on the anime but they still do

>> No.47144083

evens and i jack

>> No.47144091

oh wait was this some inner circle shit

>> No.47144098

Jamal not looking so hot

>> No.47144099

getting warmer lol, at least you can see past your own nose and consider outside things

>> No.47144100

lil pippi moment

>> No.47144101

Even KyoAni drew some uncensored boobs

>> No.47144108

fuckin inner circle always clowning on me im not even the highest ranking member of it

>> No.47144110

im itiban tuyoi ranker

>> No.47144116

im itiban tuyoi wanker

>> No.47144125

how do i join the inner circle

>> No.47144130


>> No.47144133

for me it's the inner square

>> No.47144135

the concept of an inner circle of djt shitposters will never not be cringe

>> No.47144145

prove youre an s ranker

>> No.47144147

inner circle is dormant right now since not much to nipah about lately

>> No.47144159
File: 64 KB, 636x475, as9szi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47144166

yea i know i posted that the other day

>> No.47144168

so basically i am just owned - jamal this thread

>> No.47144174

why would i be owned

>> No.47144176

other jidaigeki guy definitely isn't me since im not an inner circle member

>> No.47144180

drop a fat akasupa on your oshi

>> No.47144182

i was added against my wish and they dont let me leave

>> No.47144181

oh... didnt see it. weird coincidence then

>> No.47144189

There’s only one, Queeran

>> No.47144190

oh >>47142588

>> No.47144204

>inner circle
>is on pisscord

>> No.47144205

nah there's this guy >>47144022

>> No.47144207

>other jidaigeki guy
labeling me that way probably isn't helping lol

>> No.47144218

i don't know what im helping or whom but it's a nothingburger anyway

>> No.47144227 [DELETED] 

u cant just say nothingburger like that too soon

>> No.47144231

queero’s most elaborate ruse yet no one’s buying it lol

>> No.47144236

queero aint well

>> No.47144237

does Conan need a hint?

Why would I download such a clip in the first place?

>> No.47144238

thats the outer inner circle but it goes deeper

>> No.47144251 [DELETED] 

if this was final jeopardy my board would say "what is because ur gay"

>> No.47144255

yh real one is on the irc

>> No.47144260

it's really just some other guy who if im being honest doesn't seem all there

>> No.47144262
File: 943 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken - 60 (1080p) [624BD889]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47144263

turn your monitor on

>> No.47144264 [DELETED] 

inner circle members be like that were an eccentric bunch

>> No.47144270

ok fine you've just never watched it. seems more likely than goldfish memory. so I guess you'll never get it.

though im pretty disappointed at your lateral thinking abilities in general

>> No.47144279

wait until you find out about the innermost circle

>> No.47144281 [DELETED] 

yah i prolly didnt watch it send it to me on irc

>> No.47144285

if you are talking about the zipangu clip itself then yea ive watched it obviously but i still have no fucking clue what you're talking about

>> No.47144289

u really gotta understand my autistic friend just cuz ur off playing a game in ur own world doesnt mean we all are playing it or paying attention with u

>> No.47144292

already sent it here and you responded to it

glub glub

>> No.47144293

not as deep as me in your mom

>> No.47144301

just link the post so we can know what you're talking about

>> No.47144304

im basically the midboss compared to some of these inner circlers they just swim circles around me glub glubbing at me

>> No.47144308

papi kneeling too soon

>> No.47144312

im intimately familiar with the innermoist circle

>> No.47144319

the discorders are better than the djters at japanese, how do you cope with that

>> No.47144323

is 4bc in the inner circle

>> No.47144324
File: 949 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken - 60 (1080p) [624BD889]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47144327

>conceding djt is not on discord

>> No.47144334

even i dont know who all the members are

>> No.47144336

which discorders

>> No.47144339

I keep my faith, something Queeran knows nothing about.

>> No.47144341

how do you stay oriented/understand who's saying what when trying to read lns?

>> No.47144346

notice the patterns of their speech

>> No.47144349



>> No.47144352

context and speaking styles

>> No.47144353

Basic logic.

>> No.47144356


>> No.47144361

nice try nihongo riddler


>> No.47144364

he's on MAL

>> No.47144365

the same way u tell when big c is posting without a name

>> No.47144371

Already seen it or Google


>> No.47144376

isnt that how most riddles work

u either know them or u dont

>> No.47144387


>> No.47144393

btw hey nothingburgler

whats for lunch

>> No.47144402
File: 276 KB, 700x900, 1718981286165083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47144408

implicit blowjobs are so hot

>> No.47144414
File: 823 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken - 60 (1080p) [624BD889]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47144413


>> No.47144441
File: 34 KB, 512x331, 1718981902061341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i would say so, but i don't believe in iq so...

>> No.47144442
File: 2.24 MB, 960x540, 探偵!ナイトスクープ 奇跡?空似?他人だと思っていた自分そっくりな女性は双子の妹? [ref:knight-scoop_episode_code_19741]-[01.58.584-02.04.190].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47144451

i dont really believe in iq either theyre just fun points on the internet to make certain ppl spergout

>> No.47144475

yeah the low iqs

>> No.47144497

imagine how many people have learned Japanese just because of lolis

>> No.47144499


>> No.47144504

kono sure ha iwanbakari

>> No.47144528


>> No.47144545

does someone still have the halloween video with the girl with extremely large cow tits in a cow costume?

>> No.47144550

no i didnt save your moms vids

>> No.47144553

not cow but https://streamable.com/jy395d

>> No.47144575

the dream job

>> No.47144578

cute onaholes

>> No.47144582

what job

>> No.47144589


>> No.47144628

went to popeyes and bought about $130 worth of fried chicken

>> No.47144685
File: 799 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei S3 - 12 (1080p) [953F1F39]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47144688

have garlic fingers from grabbing the yokes out of my eggs after sv3ridge was sayibg that u shouldnt have the whites raw

>> No.47144718
File: 4 KB, 265x26, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no matter how hard i try i cannot imagine a state of mind that would read this and go "that sounds interesting i wanna watch that"

>> No.47144729

me neither but once slop day comes around it'll still get loaded up.
you should never judge a book by it's cover. that's how you miss classics like dainanaoji

>> No.47144737

yh vonderplanitz says otherwise
> In my experiments with animals, including humans, who ate only the yolk and not the white (along with other foods on a raw diet), metabolism was considerably increased, usually without increasing energy. The side effects were that often hunger increased to a frenzy and dispositions tended to be irritable. It has been my experience in every case and condition that eating the whole raw egg was more nourishing, and better for metabolic and emotional balance.

>> No.47144743

is that the guy who died really young?

>> No.47144745

cannot imagine anyone not being excited for this

>> No.47144747


>> No.47144757


>> No.47144762

no https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k78nVeqzb9I

>> No.47144763

now that the dust has settled, how bad did queero lose?

>> No.47144764
File: 1.34 MB, 1289x759, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this tru?

>> No.47144773

yeah just go in the wage cage and be a soulless code monkey for shit tier wages

>> No.47144778

do you need a visa or not

>> No.47144779


>> No.47144791

To borrow from jamel
Coding: :/
Coding in Japan: :0

>> No.47144796

am i getting this right?

>> No.47144799


>> No.47144803

id have to take a 6 figure pay cut to be a code monkey in japan

>> No.47144806

100k yen is only 586.01 eur

>> No.47144810

theres no point moving to japan in your early 20s when you can live in your parents house and frugalmaxx for a few years, buy a house in japan right when you land. 20-25 should be burned since women want a grown man

>> No.47144827

how many big macs is that

>> No.47144828

buying a house when you land in japan is some of the worst advice you can give and demonstrates your ignorance on the japanese economy

>> No.47144841

>buying a house
they give them out for free over there just need to find the perfect inaka

>> No.47144842

what part of "can buy a house" is advice, kys

>> No.47144846

yeah you should at least find one you can make a good profit off of as a landlord

>> No.47144853

why mention it if it's not worthwhile? why "frugalmax" if it's not necessary?

>> No.47144852

western brainrot

>> No.47144863

>Ftw acing anki


>> No.47144865

neeting > frugalmaxxing

>> No.47144867


>> No.47144883

damn the ユダ公 is strong

>> No.47144931



>> No.47144937



>> No.47144938

acquired 嫌いがある

>> No.47144944

acquire this

>> No.47144950

chill out with the hot takes

>> No.47144981

How many other ways can you take it?

>> No.47144986
File: 11 KB, 256x291, さる.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

猿, it doesn't mean what you think it does

>> No.47144992

for you i can take it all the way

>> No.47145001

how would you read the 巻 in 第01巻?

>> No.47145003

fell asleep watching tensura again

>> No.47145012

第一巻 だいいっかん

>> No.47145020


>> No.47145021

巻 is a counter suffix there, the reading is かん. so だいいっかん. unless it's 01の巻, then まき

>> No.47145022

why buy a home when you can just squat in some 廃墟

>> No.47145069


>> No.47145094

why live when you can die

>> No.47145097

what's the rush it'll happen eventually anyway

>> No.47145108

i wanna man

>> No.47145133

will we ever know what qm meant by that

>> No.47145139

実 might actually be the most amazing kanji

>> No.47145146


>> No.47145158


>> No.47145174

unholy n5 days

>> No.47145190


>> No.47145198

wheres jamal? i need to let out some steam

>> No.47145222

隠語 for he wants to do butt stuff

>> No.47145245


>> No.47145264

this game is what the euros is all about. high quality attacking football

>> No.47145275

playing footass

>> No.47145294

playing deez

>> No.47145304

hai hai let it all out

>> No.47145311

hey fuck you i was just about to make a sick joke about copa america and say copa deez nuts but now i cant

>> No.47145317

wouldn't it be much more natural if you said hai hai hai? sorry if that's a stupid question. just started a few months ago

>> No.47145322


>> No.47145332

also the correct response would have been

>> No.47145335

when i talk to girls i imagine theyre nopan and cum buckets

>> No.47145339

that vids wild how did she know baby shark 17 years ago

>> No.47145346

never talked to a girl

>> No.47145354

ok listen up youve come here every day for years and you make the thread all about you. do you need attention that desparately? how pathetic buddy, get some irl friends and a girlfriend (or boyfriend, lol!!!) and what is with those cringe names? papi? papi? you arent a papi, youre a little boy who needs a papi. a papi to show you how to be an adult and not change your tripcode every few weeks

>> No.47145365

as a german i can attest this how we spend our friday nights and it's generally considered a good time

>> No.47145367

bro just let the lolcow do his thing and chill

>> No.47145370

>a girlfriend (or boyfriend, lol!!!)
lmao nice

>> No.47145371

dont worry ill use my regular tripcode again soon i have to use different ones when the meanies are mean to me since

>> No.47145374

let him cook

>> No.47145377

jamal has a 菊 tattoo for obvious reasons

>> No.47145392

anyway im actually gonna do like stuff this weekend and the next 2 weekends so u guys can make all kinds of great posts or whatever u do here when im not around lol

also do u feel better

>> No.47145397

ill feel good after i bust a fat nut but i cant rn

>> No.47145407

a little yeah thanks for the (you) bitch

>> No.47145408

what are you doing in this heat

>> No.47145409

feels good to buss

407 dont sign post

>> No.47145410

that actually gives me time to catch up with my 切り抜き帳 of all your posts that i keep. so that is great news

>> No.47145416

is it worth to hoard anime locally on your disk if we're talking about the must watch animes?

>> No.47145418

printing and framing djt posts

>> No.47145424

got some of quizzes classics up on my wall already

>> No.47145426

you should always have three copies of everything you find precious

>> No.47145429

no, the planet can't accomodate for yet another mentally ill neet's purely egotistical desires. pls understnad

>> No.47145430

watching tokyo vice and lmaoing at the dogwank american japanese accents the gaijins have

>> No.47145432

this weekend mostly menial shit that needs to be done cuz i wont be here for the next 2 weekends due 2 anime cons and gonna chill with my home boy on either sat or sun we havent decided yet (NO hes not my boyfriend)

>> No.47145435


>> No.47145439

is it worth learning japanese?

>> No.47145440

find yourself thinking about wanking dogs often lil bro?

>> No.47145441

made to be bred

>> No.47145444

this is weird but ur weird so it would be weird if u werent weird i guess

>> No.47145445

why go to anime cons if you don't watch anime
you won't even appreciate all the frieren cosplay

>> No.47145449

>(NO hes not my boyfriend)
kinda sus that you felt like you had to add that

>> No.47145454

i was thinking of sending it to you once it's finished

>> No.47145455

bizarre post

>> No.47145459

too many zesty postss recently imma head out 邪魔したぜ

>> No.47145464

yeah! you did 邪魔. a lot. don't come back until you did enough of the 内省 thing

>> No.47145466

the old guard still out there teaching the youth what we know about good anime

i thought it was funny to add based on a previous post

ok weirdo is this the inner circle again ?

>> No.47145467

gonna be a tough weekend for me as well 4 new holo debuts to watch and they start at 5am austrian time
gonna have to set an alarm clock as well, weird feeling

>> No.47145472

>ok weirdo is this the inner circle again ?
inner circle of my heart. permanent member? you

>> No.47145473

really? make a photo

>> No.47145475

austrian guy..

>> No.47145480


>> No.47145481


>> No.47145485

finna frame the vocaroo links for 69M and i wanna man

>> No.47145486

oi thats my gimmick

>> No.47145488


>> No.47145493
File: 1.47 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20240621_194410333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47145498

bro even random ceos know to cover your webcam when not in use

>> No.47145500


>> No.47145503

id rather waste the time of whatever nsa guy has to watch me since i don't do anything of note

>> No.47145506


>> No.47145516

lil p aka lil j will NEVER recover from this brutal ass beating god DAMN

>> No.47145520


>> No.47145523

papi you just gonna let that guy talk to me in that tone? fine stalkee you are. we're through buddy

>> No.47145525

he'll watch you die

>> No.47145531

u both have the same name in the name field so theres not much i can rly do here

>> No.47145557

imo, without the shadow of a doubt, there was at least one instance where some drunk foreigner in japan misheard the word つくる and got really happy because they falsely thought they were being asked if they wanted to screw

>> No.47145575

3 (THREE) weekends without jamal i dont think i can take it bros

>> No.47145577

it never happened

>> No.47145593

dont worry 575 u have plenty of great posters to hang out with like ciaran and not-ciaran (ciaran) the holoshitter the eng subs guy bunko bongo incOGnito poster uhh angsty uppercaster who hates ciaran more than anyone (also ciaran)

theres a lot of great fun peeps here ull be fine

>> No.47145597

a single ciaran post is worth 1000 jamals

>> No.47145600

dont forget floodbro

>> No.47145602

a single jamal is 1000 ciarans tall

>> No.47145605

i said great posters 600

>> No.47145611

as for me beyond greatness

>> No.47145613

dont worry 575 u have plenty of great posters to hang out with like ciaran and not-ciaran (ciaran) the holoshitter the eng subs guy bunko bongo incOGnito poster uhh angsty uppercaster who hates ciaran more than anyone (also ciaran)

theres a lot of great fun peeps here ull be fine

>> No.47145663
File: 174 KB, 1080x1350, 1719001143837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a hikkiNEET how do I get a reol wife? I went on a date with one once but I was so filled with lust that I clung

>> No.47145662
File: 522 KB, 719x343, ammo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf happened to her face

>> No.47145669

finna prettyboymaxx

>> No.47145674

another japanese beauty ruined by jewish doctors

>> No.47145691

korean 整形

>> No.47145697


>> No.47145700

dont remind me, im still sad
disbanded the djt misa fan club over it

>> No.47145705


>> No.47145706

>not-ciaran (ciaran)

honestly I'm ok with being mistaken for ciaran lol, better than og

>> No.47145720

stfu og

>> No.47145728
File: 995 KB, 1920x1080, [Erai-raws] Girls Band Cry - 12 [1080p][E93E5A83]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47145735

the dutch have been robbed here

>> No.47145759 [DELETED] 

@ciaran btw if you're still here I finally rewatched the clip for the part you made a correction, and yeah your written version makes sense but why does he pronounce kyoufu as kyou?


>> No.47145760


so this is how they get them

>> No.47145764 [DELETED] 

Oh nevermind I'm a retard, it's fukyou. I hear it just fine

>> No.47145773

you mean fukyou lol
and it's a common thing in japanese to elide vowel sounds like the su in desu
and f is just a weak sound so it can be hard to hear if you aren't used to it

>> No.47145783


>> No.47145795

>and f is just a weak sound so it can be hard to hear if you aren't used to it

yeah i learned about the true nature of the japanese f/h sound from dogen kek

>> No.47145814

here's another good example from a popular recent show

>> No.47145819


>> No.47145830

but seriously
i need your kik

>> No.47145834

*kiks u in ur ass*

>> No.47145835

yeh, maybe you misunderstood me, i can hear that fu (which sounds totally clear) and the other fu (which just sounds like fkyo) just fine. i just had a brain fart and was listening for a fu _after_the kyou (which wasnt there cuz it doesnt exist)

btw what's the show?

>> No.47145837

You need to install Rikai-tan https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/setting-up-yomichan

>> No.47145842

did you have a brain fart when you read the uppercasers mistake and thought it was correct too? it's acma game

>> No.47145855

no? i didn't read his entire transcription lol. my "challenge" was a joke post in the first place

>> No.47145864

well he antagonizes me every day now cause of you cause he thinks he won against me. you should be more careful what you post next time.

>> No.47145878

can you tell if he has any japanese ability? maybe it's just someone that figured out how to use whisper AI to get text from audio

>> No.47145912

today is national armpit day

>> No.47145923

time really flies

>> No.47145932

It is worth it, but you need to follow Tatsumoto's guide to Japanese if you want to succeed

>> No.47145944


>> No.47145968

pausing my immersion

>> No.47145987
File: 1.48 MB, 1277x718, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47145993


>> No.47145996
File: 421 KB, 1080x1845, Screenshot_20240621-143134_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47146002


>> No.47146009


huh, didnt know they use 飲む with cheese

>> No.47146035
File: 1.53 MB, 1344x756, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47146042
File: 381 KB, 316x762, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47146066

rupa best girl

>> No.47146067

sigh gonna have to drop a lol at my own post

>> No.47146084
File: 133 KB, 152x965, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47146089

fuck off ciaran

>> No.47146111

it's on topic

>> No.47146135
File: 633 KB, 1049x1608, Baka gaijin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47146147

get a life lil bro

>> No.47146148

i don't want one

>> No.47146149

he doesn't want one

>> No.47146150

yeah that's right

>> No.47146152

wants a man THO

>> No.47146156

he wanna man

>> No.47146158

no that's wrong

>> No.47146159
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47146164

you just know lil c got bullied like crazy when he was a lil wee lad

>> No.47146171

nah i was well liked as the class clown

>> No.47146175

she shows the e at the end after youve paid

>> No.47146177

you still are

>> No.47146182


>> No.47146190

he really is a lil c

>> No.47146195

i personally dont give a single fuck about the rkt?? xD posts but they are inoffensive and easy to ignore which makes them better than half the posts here

>> No.47146198

nice self own

>> No.47146201

how is it a self own
go on mate try to tell me

>> No.47146206

ciaran dabbing on james is what i live for

>> No.47146210

you said that half the posts offend you and you find them hard to ignore which means you admit to getting owned by them

>> No.47146211


>> No.47146220

pure projection

>> No.47146225

this dude is a shit for brains

>> No.47146227

>they are inoffensive and easy to ignore which makes them better than half the posts here
it's just the negation of what you said here. if it's better than half the posts because it's inoffensive and easy to ignore then logically speaking the half you are talking about must be offensive and hard to ignore

>> No.47146232

>lil wee
damn thats almost as cringe as when malodorous whiteoids also epicly fail to speak kansaiben its wee lil lil bro

>> No.47146233


>> No.47146242

i can change my caption if people don't like the rtk thing but im still gonna post my kuzushiji.

>> No.47146246

the story is about a wife died and was then reincarnated as a grade schooler. i assume the plot will be about going through the process of grieving and letting go and not actually fucking a child. if none of that can be remotely interesting to you, then you're jaded or something idk

>> No.47146250

ジャスト ゴー ウィズ ザ フロー、 オーケー?

>> No.47146257

yeah thats obvious
tho it doesnt mean im somehow owned every time someone makes a terrible post

>> No.47146258

my thing is like
do rtk losers even still exist?
like yeah we know matt is an rtk loser and we know ciaran is an rtk loser and we know queef is an rtk loser but there is an absence of losers currently trying to learn japanese through rtk ya know

>> No.47146259

ciaran needs to lose his head if you know what i mean

>> No.47146263

if ur gonna post ur kuzusikurinji at least post the ones that are on those ikina paintings with women coming out of baths or in sukesuke clothes

>> No.47146265

i only post what i come across and it's unlikely that ill look at any of those things for reasons that are controversial in this thread

>> No.47146268

i heard that people are able to read without doing rtk i dont know how thats possible

>> No.47146270

theres nothing controversial about the fact that you touched another mans dick
everyone accepts that as true

>> No.47146278

is it really kieran who posts those cringe scribbles

>> No.47146282

big c chugging edojidai loveletters and pretending he enjoys it
tinamini mijurusi db goes so hard toriyama was a genius

>> No.47146290

nice spelling poindexter

>> No.47146292

getting sick of ciarans arrogance

>> No.47146293

i don't have any interest in romance related materials actually the last thing i posted was from a world famous shonen anime

>> No.47146296

soz phoneposting from my comfy bed u know how it be

>> No.47146302


todays kyok

>> No.47146318
File: 51 KB, 410x640, IdQlnJxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47146324

if ur phoneposting why r u lowercasing
dudes putting in effort tryna fit in, crazy

>> No.47146328

dont have a phone but im p sure it takes a few seconds to turn off auto punctuation shit

>> No.47146338

bro i aint gonna fuck with phone settings just for anonymous ecred

>> No.47146343

i turned off the auto uppercase setting

>> No.47146344

who asked

>> No.47146345
File: 359 KB, 676x487, iuiu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn korean

>> No.47146349

korea is boring and superficial

>> No.47146351
File: 210 KB, 1143x553, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47146354

legend has it if u take a korean girl to a sauna the plastic face melts off terminator style

>> No.47146355

a japanese word ain't shit if it doesn't have at least 3 different readings, none of them chaning the meaning whatsoever

>> No.47146357

least interesting east asian culture/country.
japanese >>> chinese > korean

>> No.47146358

so ur saying i can save her

>> No.47146359

i bet korea and china have some great bbas too

>> No.47146360

110 moment

>> No.47146363

big bad asses?

>> No.47146370
File: 472 KB, 596x557, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47146371

bad breath all seasons

>> No.47146376

do japs have bad breath?

>> No.47146381

they eat natto for breakfast what do you think

>> No.47146387

i forget basic geometry and coordinate plane stuff.

>> No.47146388

saw this and thought of u unkk

>> No.47146395

yeah i suck at that too

>> No.47146396

wild how queero code monkeys all day and still gets baby boolean logic wrong

>> No.47146401

losers focus on winners
winnners focus on winning

>> No.47146407

yep true

>> No.47146410

losers cant focus

>> No.47146413


>> No.47146415
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>> No.47146417

fake as fuck

>> No.47146424
File: 97 KB, 921x358, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

immersing in high literature

>> No.47146426

yes i focus on winning it's my sigma grindset

>> No.47146428

they all look fucked up and pixelated to me

>> No.47146436


>> No.47146438

12 to 5pm happens slowly but 5pm to 12 happens quickly

>> No.47146454

how do i make my khajiit look like this and do this?

>> No.47146462

what's so hard to understand lol

>> No.47146466

462 is laughing at you guys

>> No.47146467

i just don't know what you're referring to that's all
i didn't make any posts about boolean logic

>> No.47146468

either way you're stupid

>> No.47146471

lol 462 is gonna destroy you now lol

>> No.47146473

typing out the post number instead of just clicking on in it in a strained attempt to look cool

>> No.47146474

if you use a language with "boolean logic" you're a code monkey simple as

>> No.47146475

iq watching, nihongo watching, pocket watching
all things you should be avoiding doing to another man

>> No.47146478

it's not just "looking cool" it's about integrating into djt culture.

>> No.47146480

thats worse

>> No.47146481

it's ok when jamal does it tho

>> No.47146484

was going to ask how you feel being wrong but then i realized that's every day for you

>> No.47146485

get your antisocial ass out of here

>> No.47146486

what's wrong with being a code monkey

>> No.47146488

nah its low key disappointing

>> No.47146489

u should always write the minimum amount of numbers, not three

namefags are a strained attempt at having a social life

>> No.47146493

nothing just dont pretend youre a programmer

>> No.47146494

what's the big deal man just chill

>> No.47146496

lil bros post is a whole keta out of date :skull:

>> No.47146501


>> No.47146502

ok well i don't care about labels but if it makes you mad ill try to avoid it

>> No.47146503

a programmer is a code monkey. you're thinking of a dev

i was sniped by mere seconds

>> No.47146504

a woman (female) invented programming

>> No.47146513

dev is a term entirely devoid of meaning

>> No.47146514

actually i engineer software

>> No.47146517


>> No.47146519

can't believe reddit losers gatekeep "engineering"

>> No.47146523

laugh all you want but it's what they pay me for.

>> No.47146524

devs design it, monkeys write it

>> No.47146543

is it easy for men in high status jobs like software engineering to get gfs?

>> No.47146553

well that's what robbie said so it must be true

>> No.47146555

got an interview in tokyo on monday
any tips?

>> No.47146556

at famima?

>> No.47146558

no idea

>> No.47146559

women dont give a shit about status unless theyre gold digging

>> No.47146563

it's easy for men in any profession. do you realize how many girls there are? getting into your 2nd best state college is more competitive than finding a girl

>> No.47146564

i don't have any experience trying to get a gf so i wouldn't know

>> No.47146573

ciaran was a chad in japan so that japanese slut basically fell into his lap. he's never had to "try" to get a gf. shit just comes to him naturally, if he wants it.

>> No.47146575

>state college

>> No.47146577

I wonder man...

>> No.47146579

not really but we were just friends who hung out a lot and it happened naturally
i never asked her out and we never went on any dates we were just part of the same group

>> No.47146582

i probably have the highest amount of total クンニ hours here

>> No.47146583

read that in his accent

>> No.47146584

yes, it's not very competitive. that's exactly my point, you community college dropout

>> No.47146587

long signature

>> No.47146591

I'm wonderwoman...

>> No.47146594

u win baw

>> No.47146595

jamal really ruined the thread with his ironic playground insults people here took seriously

>> No.47146597

definitely beat me because my exgf was a germaphobe and thought it was disgusting for which im eternally thankful. probably prolonged our relationship considerably

>> No.47146598

i'm jelly. i fantasize about eating out a woman.


>> No.47146603

mang wtf

>> No.47146604

nah unironic cocksuckers like you did

>> No.47146605

wtf? you never feel horny and want to get down there and inhale it deeply and lick it?

>> No.47146607

almost gagged imagining the smell of that sweaty putrid fat roll ridden anchovy smelling mound

>> No.47146609

it's gross and normal women don't want to kiss a mouth that does such nasty things

>> No.47146610

not his fault that his charisma is maxed out and the thread attracts the kind of people that worship high charisma builds

>> No.47146611

can you expand on that

>> No.47146616

she was right though you pee from down there bro
not at all

>> No.47146618

og i know you can do it if you want

>> No.47146621

haz says women only have 2 holes

>> No.47146622

queeran is a faggot, very shocked by this me like

>> No.47146624

i probably have the highest amount of total カニ hours here

>> No.47146627

they haz 3 holes

>> No.47146630

stop this asexual erasure

>> No.47146634

im tampin and fumin

>> No.47146637

left hand
right hand

6 men per 1 woman . solved the shortage

>> No.47146641

draw a picture of this

>> No.47146643

randomly remembered the soul crushing disappointment i felt when i got my knob slobbed first time and all i could think of while she was doing it was wait wtf is that it?

>> No.47146648

lol true

>> No.47146649

what would compel you to put your mouth where several penises have been and nutted

>> No.47146651

my friend got a bj one day and he was super excited and messaged me about it and i told him never to talk to me about his sexual experiences ever again because i'm insecure

>> No.47146654

only went down on a woman once and i straight up gagged first lick
shit was worse than spoiled roast beef at the bottom of an industrial dumpster

>> No.47146656

i gagged first time too but now i like it

>> No.47146658

she needs her head over the edge of the bed bending backwards so a man can access the throat.

man on top for tits. men flanking for hands.

bed needs to end at her waist so ass guy can get under her, he will be facing her back. vag guy is standing facing her front

>> No.47146660

og stop horny posting

>> No.47146662

whats djts stance on eating ass though? that's where it's at nowadays. as for me, ive done it with every girl ive ever fucked

>> No.47146665

my exgf used to eat natto every day too don't even wanna know how it was affecting down there

>> No.47146666

ass play makes 0 sense to me. licking it, fingering it, fucking it. none of it makes sense. there's a hole right next to it that has way more nerve endings and feels better for the woman, and also doesn't have poop come out of it.

>> No.47146668

honestly it's much less nasty than vag

it's a skill, some girls can give blowjobs that feels insanely good. that's why you DONT want to date a virgin

>> No.47146671

if its right after she showered then a quick lick is ok

>> No.47146672

ciaran's very disgusted with vaginas but he doesn't feel the same way about dicks

>> No.47146674

they just have a bunch of gay friends and watch gay tv and want to replicate

>> No.47146675
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking got his ass

>> No.47146680

imagine eating the ass of a woman that eats so much she weighs 90kg+, bitch always has a log right there waiting to be excreted

>> No.47146681

>look, there's another hole! use that instead!

yeah he's definitely gonna cheat on you.

>> No.47146686

i feel the same way about both which is to say generally avoidant

>> No.47146687

>some girls can give blowjobs that feels insanely good.
never experienced it, they all feel the same to me

>> No.47146689

i'm not og and idk why anyone thinks she still posts here.

>> No.47146692

get a black gf, they're all hoes

>> No.47146695

yh my og radar is completely dead

>> No.47146699

there's no way og could hide her awkwardly natural native esl expressions

>> No.47146701

no black people here

>> No.47146702

you just gotta rile her up

>> No.47146703

remember og sperging out about "awkwardly natural" cuz she didn't know it's a meme lmao

>> No.47146715

yeah sure thing bby gurl

>> No.47146717

well i've been mistaken for og for years now so it is what it is.

>> No.47146721

og is proof yall dont even like yellow bitches

>> No.47146724

thats ass fingerer guy/iq guy/goatfucker

>> No.47146723

theres no fucking way output whore didnt grow up in a trailer park

>> No.47146725


name 1 (one) person that permanently stopped posting here after establishing an identity

you can't. it doesn't matter if you learn japanese, get married and have kids, or even become a millionaire

>> No.47146727

but i only date yellow bitches

>> No.47146729

im pretty good at identifying her but she rarely admits when i caught her

>> No.47146730

toucan guy, makopi, mousou goal etc

>> No.47146732

i'm not them either.

>> No.47146734

i miss mlen

>> No.47146737

150 guy ruined the thread with his schizo army

>> No.47146738


>> No.47146743

moe (recent guy was fake)

>> No.47146744

white women are much harder to get thanks to their higher standards and og was one of the cream of the crop so obviously people will chase

>> No.47146748

niggas really take it as a point of pride being able to identify posts by some random roastie on 4chan, fuckin hell

>> No.47146750

makopi came back multiple times and likely will again. mousou is og. toucan is here

>> No.47146751

i'm not lying or joking when i say that when og posted those pics of her hair and stuff my heart raced and i downloaded them immediately. i deleted them years later but she turned me on a lot.

>> No.47146752

stfu og you dont get to talk shit about yourself

>> No.47146753

i wish makopi came back to own queero

>> No.47146755

>no you can't like women of multiple races
is this what having 85 iq is like

>> No.47146756

i really hate how these people think just repeating something makes it true

>> No.47146759

you mean the guys accusing everyone of being guys?

>> No.47146760

unko be like
>i didnt get owned i didnt get owned i didnt get owned!!!

>> No.47146761

>mousou is og.
we've seen skin color pics so nah

>> No.47146765

but mousou was black
stfu og you dont get to use a name field

>> No.47146769

whether or not i got owned depends on how i feel about it
you feeling like someone is og does not make them og

>> No.47146773

you're lying if you say you didn't jerk off to ogs feet pics

>> No.47146774

i blame queeran for this mess

>> No.47146776

you're both still here, so what makes you think she isn't ?

>> No.47146777
File: 113 KB, 2005x1054, 1607095627736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yh dont see myself ever getting rid of the og stash

>> No.47146779

i have not once even thought about it

>> No.47146781

>whether or not i got owned depends on how i feel about it
kek mini copemaster

>> No.47146780

im not lying or joking when i say you should kill yourself

>> No.47146784

i dont base it on feelings
4d entities whisper the secrets of the universe to me and tell me what posts belong to og

>> No.47146788

there would be no posts about women if it were up to me

>> No.47146792

lets team up and save the thread bro start posting them gay ass clips

>> No.47146794

yeah we can only talk about men

>> No.47146796

remember the last time og and ciaran teamed up?

>> No.47146798


>> No.47146800

>bunko married a 60-year-old landwhale
>ciaran married og
>quiz married a german prostitute and is raising her children
crazy how all the namefags are getting married while i'm still single

>> No.47146801

sorry but i got my up range banned from posting images after spamming loli on various boards

>> No.47146806

same same

>> No.47146807

moe PLEASE save the thread

>> No.47146809

crazy how im the only universally beloved djt poster

>> No.47146810

yall gots issues lol

>> No.47146813

stfu og

>> No.47146814

i hate you morbido

>> No.47146815
File: 270 KB, 994x3716, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a kuzushiji poster now

>> No.47146816

save us this thread is chicken shit

>> No.47146818

hey shes 50
true i fuckneing love you bro

>> No.47146819
File: 73 KB, 644x697, 1707991853760000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moe denka...

>> No.47146821

big j married a cosplayer at an anime con
moe married someone on his mal friends list
matt married ken
nukemarine married bunko's ex

lotta happily ever afters

>> No.47146822

u stfu og

>> No.47146823

even og could read this

>> No.47146826

you know you dont really

>> No.47146827

this thread is already an epic 1000+ reply thread
fast approaching super epic reply limit status

>> No.47146828

bunko would never say he loves me i'm pissed

>> No.47146829

unko's stuffed corpse of a wife ages every week i swear she was like 39 at first

>> No.47146834

nigga i love you too
women lie about their ages it turns out

>> No.47146836

guys i think its morbido guy posting look at the time thats why the thread exploded

>> No.47146837


>> No.47146838

the day moe died

>> No.47146839

828 yah thats kinda fucked up lol

>> No.47146840

thanks dude

>> No.47146842

jamal paid her to post here and then stopped paying, barely counts

>> No.47146845

yeah this was him >>47146806 but i also joined in

>> No.47146846

hanako doesnt count since that didnt happen organically

>> No.47146847

i havent been posting much cause ive been watching the dogshit thats tensura s03

>> No.47146849

anyone notice queef used his old trip

>> No.47146852

oh yea that was the conspiracy theory

no i aint morbido

>> No.47146854

i did and i respected it and nodded sagely thats why i was nice and encouraging to him the other day

>> No.47146856

least memorable poster in the history of djt

>> No.47146857

quiz post some funny quiz fails

>> No.47146861

got nostalgic going through my old deck and seeing cards i made like 6 years ago for which the screenshots had animelon subs on them lol good times

>> No.47146862

maybe we could just not bully anyone and be cool and nice to each other

>> No.47146863

his server's been nuked to hell and back he doesnt have any funny ones of people here that arent already posted

>> No.47146864

2 sharp pains in my chest earlier today while on addy, whats the diag?

>> No.47146865

nuke reported queefs server lol

>> No.47146866

you're starting to evolve.

>> No.47146867

864 big fart workin its way through

>> No.47146868

you got jewed

>> No.47146869

can't believe the "child gf" gamer meme is getting it's own anime adaptation... meanwhile akunohana doesn't even get a proper 2d animation. it's not fucking fair

did you ever make it though

>> No.47146870

nuke won

>> No.47146872
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>> No.47146873
File: 10 KB, 719x71, 1605972492553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best i can do 4 u

>> No.47146874

>did you ever make it though
to my own satisfaction yes

>> No.47146876


>> No.47146877

I'll take that as a no

kek, classic

>> No.47146878


>> No.47146879

looking thru my old clips this one made me laugh

>> No.47146880

>I'll take that as a no
nobody from this thread has ever made it according to djt standards so thats the best u can hope for. even queeran who people used to accept was good at japanese now has a pack of ankle biters working 24/7

>> No.47146882

remember watching hanzawa naoki before i realized the nature of doramas and being like why the fuck is everyone acting so fuckin goofy in this supposedly serious financial drama show

>> No.47146883

analguy has problems going after the elderly like that, hope he seeks therapy for his issues

>> No.47146885

he looks like a fuckin king of the hill character in real life lmao

>> No.47146886

lol his clips were always top tier.

>> No.47146889

what 80 iq actually looks like unironically

yeah that's true but you don't even sound confident about yourself so ...

>> No.47146891


>> No.47146895

could be the monster too

>> No.47146896

can't believe lil a betrayed big n like that

>> No.47146900

as an american, he has a point

>> No.47146901

clicked on some streamable bookmarks and theyre all dead
so many agf clips forever lost

>> No.47146906

@gay clip wanter this is worth a watch
also contains one of the greatest lines in the history of soft seinen

>> No.47146907
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>> No.47146914

you dont bookmark that content you download it

>> No.47146915
File: 183 KB, 1307x1036, out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this

>> No.47146916

lol @ 1:44

>> No.47146920

damn she's sexy. do they have sex after?

>> No.47146924

still laugh at "da bitch accent"

>> No.47146927


>> No.47146931

lol that looks so goofy when it's not in anime

>> No.47146935

dont have a single bookmark

>> No.47146936

best I can do
Also can you guys tell me is 磯部 normally いさべ or いそべ in your experience if you've ever encountered the name

>> No.47146938

tits not big enough

>> No.47146943

meant for

>> No.47146945

this is my fetish

>> No.47146947

i've made a lot of progress with my bookmarks but it'll take a few months to whittle away the rest of them, and only if i buckle down.

>> No.47146949

no way, really? never would've guessed

>> No.47146955

for me its how terrible his accent is when he says the first sentence

>> No.47146956

let me guess they're all exhentai and hitomi

>> No.47146960

no but funnily enough i used to have some

>> No.47146965


>> No.47146967
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>> No.47146969

he pronounces the hei in 平板 like the 喝 in mandarin damn

>> No.47146974

looks like i was right

>> No.47146979

even as a contemporary you'd have to be some kind of genius to decrypt this shit
can you sign my tank

>> No.47146982

you will be tortured for all eternity

>> No.47146983

what do you have left?

>> No.47146988

nah most of that is the first thing you learn in kuzushiji class
old letters are really formulaic and especially the sentence endings and stuff like 御礼申上 etc are all really easy to spot even tho they're completely fucked

>> No.47146989

sounds no different than my life so far. imagine your only attraction being illegal. already jerked it 4 times today and it's only 6pm

>> No.47146990

The scene where Rei tears off Julia's clothes and says "see? you're a woman" is funny as fuck. Also shut the fuck up with 'soft seinen' it's shounen jump

>> No.47146995

that's what makes it soft though

>> No.47146998

hxh is seinen

>> No.47147007

vhg, so this is the power of glorious nippon

>> No.47147010

shounen is for 少年
seinen is for 青年
who the fuck is "soft seinen" for?

>> No.47147012

young animals

>> No.47147014

I think irony weebs who don't want to like 'children's media' must have made it up just now

>> No.47147023

i went to the scanlation thread on /a/ and this was posted it in, what the fuck

>> No.47147024

lol he thinks im clicking that

>> No.47147028

There goes my life savings...

>> No.47147032


>> No.47147039

there's nothing wrong with any of this except that translation is gay

>> No.47147044

glad to see the eops are in good hands /s

>> No.47147047

damn i was translating 腕がいい as "huge biceps"

>> No.47147053

>pound sand

>> No.47147055

that's what it means

>> No.47147078

oh the guy who made that list is midwestern
that explains why he thinks anything that isn't an idiom or proverb is awkward

>> No.47147093

so sad how lil c gets his japanese friend to do djt challenges for him

>> No.47147096

>oi oi is wrong
>oy oy is correct

>prepare yourself is wrong
>prepare to fight is correct

>"go away" is the same as "whatever"

>> No.47147123

勝手にしろ is also used to tell people to fuck off

>> No.47147131

I cant believe I recognized this from a ground angle shot on jap tv from a few months ago, I even remember I mined the word 崩れる

>> No.47147132

not every insult you can say to someone means the same thing . "fuck off" isn't the same as "fuck you" even if the speaker wants the other person gone in both cases

>> No.47147136

kind of unsettling that encountering a jp learner means a none zero chance of them being a full fledged ペドファイル

>> No.47147143

good thing im only half fledged

>> No.47147144
File: 28 KB, 480x360, 1719019089668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zero chance of them not being

>> No.47147146
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>> No.47147148

there is always a non zero chance to meet me

>> No.47147149

true true. we love our MAP friends here

>> No.47147150

the point is that you wouldn't say "whatever" in english in the same situation or intention that you would say 勝手にしろ so you aren't translating it properly if you lose that aspect

>> No.47147180

>you aren't translating it properly
neither is the doc

>> No.47147183

the only thing we can do to combat the pedo scourge is to tell them to kill themselves in the strongest possible terms when you see one of their posts

>> No.47147189
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>> No.47147190

isn't it gods biggest joke to give a 'file a huge wiener and not the billionaire wealth and the initials J.E. or DJT that would see it used

>> No.47147191

they get off on it being wrong so that only makes it worse
best to ignore them

>> No.47147193

kill yourself

>> No.47147195

the document is just giving examples of potential alternatives to the standard cookie cutter shit people choose that's mostly wrong because it fails to take into account things like that. you still need to make a case by case decision

>> No.47147196

this caters to their 演技性人格障害 thoughbeit.

>> No.47147199

hope you're not insulting lolicons
loli is based

>> No.47147200
File: 928 KB, 1500x1000, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit BUSSIN

>> No.47147203

no they dont they genuinely believe they are in the right and the world is insane
blast your head off with a shotgun so your mother finds a decapitated corpse
kill yourself pedo scumbag demon

>> No.47147209

nah that one is just always wrong.


most of these translate it was "whatever" or similar, because that's what it literally means. "do whatever"

>> No.47147210

pdfs will be tortured for all eternity in hell so i don't really worry about them

>> No.47147215

loli is the biggest normalfag filter
it's the best tool for showing who doesn't belong here

>> No.47147222

if by who belongs here you mean the horde of midwit faggots who do nothing but off topic post and don't learn any japanese all day, i agree.

>> No.47147228

it completely depends on how you say it. if you scream it at someone it does not mean "do whatever"

>> No.47147234

>no they dont they genuinely believe they are in the right and the world is insane
example of what i mean >>47147215
lets get one thing clear, you dont belong on this fucking earth. you belong in hell gargling on satans volcano ballsack for all eternity you piece of human waste

>> No.47147235
File: 92 KB, 602x106, fVJO6YP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice projection buddly lol ive had over 150 hours of immersion in these past 2 weeks

>> No.47147242

Aren't you more likely to do that than them though considering the seethe gap

>> No.47147243

grinding in rpgs doesn't count as immersion

>> No.47147246
File: 462 KB, 740x752, 1719020144880.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we cant keep taking these Ls bros

>> No.47147249

lmfao yeah in that case it gets translated as
>you can do whatever the FUCK you wanna do

>> No.47147256

sexy kiddo

>> No.47147257

which is the same as saying pound sand

>> No.47147258

150 hours over two weeks you're missing nearly an entire week of immersion so what the fuck have you been doing other than jerking off to some dumb ass game?

>> No.47147260

18 is young enough for me

>> No.47147263

ok so not only are you too stupid to get that reference, but you actually think "go away" is the same as "do what you want". no point in arguing this further

>> No.47147264

i have no idea what you're trying to say

>> No.47147268

Was trying to think what the anti-loli poster was reminding me of then I realized it's Chuck Wendig baby

>> No.47147270

yeah when pdf haters are sending their ppl they are not sending their brightest

>> No.47147272

at least we know these fat otaku are too afraid to act out their sick fantasies irl. and if they do they will be in jail getting raped by the real jamal

>> No.47147274 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1719020444213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47147275
File: 155 KB, 640x641, 1713885808044747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<- how stupid djt is

>> No.47147278

bro its a 1/20 chance for every guy you meet

>> No.47147280

>sick fantasies
snuggles and kisses isn't sick :<

>> No.47147286

its illegal and im tired of seeing it

>> No.47147287

>fat otaku
why are newfags so proud of being off-site invaders
i blame the moderation for not gatekeeping

>> No.47147288

isn't it closer to 1 in 10 for men? at least the ones that will admit it

>> No.47147290

what does getting a reference have to do with intelligence? i dont watch rick and morty. and it doesn't mean the same necessarily in english but it can in japanese, that's the point. you are trying to compare how expressions are used in a completely incorrect way by looking at it from how the english is used whereas you should be considering how the japanese is used and what english expressions are used in the same way

>> No.47147294

>i dont watch rick and morty
no based!

>> No.47147298

cold water on a hot day is very good *sips cold water*

>> No.47147300

if breathing were illegal lil bro would be the first one to choke

>> No.47147302

and a 90% chance for every guy learning japanese on 4chud

>> No.47147304

did ricky and mortimer make waves in japan or mo

>> No.47147305

From now on you must buy all of your anime

>> No.47147309

this but unironically

>> No.47147311

isnt it funny how breathing isnt illegal but being a pedo is
i dont watch anime or pirate anything

>> No.47147314

>Crowdsourcing refers to the use of the internet to reach a large number of people to complete a specific task. A nonrepresentative sample of men (N = 997) participated in a brief self-report survey examining age of attraction, sexual interest in children, proclivity toward sexual offenses involving children, and history of sexual offending. Almost a quarter of the sample (23.1%) indicated some degree of sexual interest in children, propensity to sexually offend against children, and/or actual offending behavior.


>> No.47147317

you can cope all you want but once you are facing eternal damnation no amount of coping will save you from fire and brimstone till the end of time

>> No.47147319

lot of 90 iq posts recently

>> No.47147321

>nonrepresentative sample

>> No.47147322

being a pedo isnt illegal anywhere on the world but the fact that you think it is says so much about ur intelligence lol

>> No.47147323

pedophiles are completely outlawed and if you get caught you will be raped and killed in prison, and then face a literal eternity of torture deep in the bowels of hell. yeah you stay winning lol

>> No.47147327

>anywhere on the world
says so much about ur intelligence lol

>> No.47147340

i feel like some of you don't realize how long eternity is. you may want to reconsider being a degenerate while you have the chance

>> No.47147346 [DELETED] 

oh right the antis think pedo means "sex offender". that's why the term MAP was invented because people forgot we can have a sexual preference without raping people

>> No.47147347
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please report & ignore the obvious newfag and return to the topic that is nihongo.

>> No.47147348

wish i was low iq enough to believe in religion

>> No.47147349

hell doesnt exist only donbas

>> No.47147358

>using MAP unironically
even among pedo scumbags you're a special kind of garbage. enjoy knobbing satan till the universe dies

>> No.47147359 [DELETED] 

if anyone ever finds out you will be beaten to death by a vigilante mob anyway, and they will be justly found not guilty by a jury of their peers. so it's defacto outlawed even if you don't act on it

>> No.47147362

morbeso won

>> No.47147368
File: 2.35 MB, 1447x2047, sophie4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't know jp, so..

>> No.47147373

>living your entire life in secrecy
>unable to have the sex you crave
>destined to become a social outcast or beaten to death if anyone finds out
>destined to be raped and killed in prison if you decide to act
>tortured for all eternity once you die alone
haha y-yeah we s-stay winning right pedo chads?

>> No.47147381 [DELETED] 

unless you're under 12 you're not gonna find out.

and good luck with tablets raising kids on tiktok and porn, love talking to them on discord. so far no mobs have shown up at my door

maybe you should talk to my niece

>> No.47147383


>> No.47147391 [DELETED] 

nice fantasy but that's all it will ever be because those kids on discords aren't who you think they are lol

>> No.47147396

what's the japanese word for sneezing so hard that you fart

>> No.47147400

eventually we gonna see someone checking djt and getting interrupted by chris hansen

>> No.47147408

they're building a case against 81 and he doesn't even know it lol he's even bragging on 4chan about talking to feds

>> No.47147409

ハクション = sneezing
シット = shitting oneself

>> No.47147412

minishart isnt just mentally ill and low iq hes also also utterly clueless about the real world

>> No.47147416
File: 220 KB, 1729x380, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, I can't for the life of me figure out what is the last character in this pic. This is a paragraph from a 1927 study so there's no shortage of kyujitai, but I can get around those. It's this presumed hiragana which is giving me grief. I spotted it with dakuten in some parts of the text, but that didn't help me identify it.

Source is https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/yakushi1881/1927/540/1927_540_102/_article/-char/ja.. The OCR is terrible.

>> No.47147423

just finished another route of the vinny im reading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qN-2slm8Io

>> No.47147433

How do japanese typewriters even work, is some kind of error a possibility? if th at's a t ypewriter lol

>> No.47147436

i'm so hungry diets suck

>> No.47147438


>> No.47147444

same same, i failed my 1 week fast after 56 hours so im going to do alternate day fasting instead

>> No.47147446

I assume the font just has a terrible glyph for whatever letter that is. As I recall, I didn't run into it when viewing studies published a few years later on the same journal.

>> No.47147456
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, 英会話フィーリングリッシュ 〜データで選んだ推しフレーズ〜 L33_20240620-111931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Japan, You'd be questioned on duty for wearing a shirt like this!

>> No.47147458

its the ␂ symbol

>> No.47147465
File: 104 KB, 818x898, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47147481

yh dunno im saving as much as i can to go to thai and fuck em lolis

>> No.47147484


nice role play, but the feds don't hire losers like yourself

>> No.47147621

i have arisen


>> No.47147631

Nice troll I'll be waiting for the がるぜん cliips

>> No.47147666



>> No.47147719 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x2378, 1718377633487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updated djt guide: tatsumoto.neocities.org

>> No.47147754

How the fuck is that supposed to be と, I can't find a single font that breaks it into 3 pieces

>> No.47147773

visual novels are a lot like nofap when you think about it:
•"self-improvement" faggots play them
•cult-like following
•redditors love them
•obsession with number of words read
•does not actually help you with anything
•the language in them is as removed from japanese as korean or chinese
•no success stories
•prevent you from reading real books
•proprietary software www.gnu.org/proprietary
•they make you more miserable in the end

>> No.47147781

>NEET for basically entire life
>no high school or college education
>dropped out of school in 2nd grade
>never worked
>0 social skills
>never had a face to face interaction with someone my own age throughout my teens and 20s and 30s and 40s and 50s and 60s
>never had a job
>can't drive
>never had friends
>parents are broke so I won't inherit anything
>no skills
>never exercised in my entire life
>have had probably fewer than 10 irl interactions within the past 70 years
Too late to turn things around and learn nihongo?

>> No.47147819

you can always learn the nihongo

>> No.47147835

>nobody from this thread has ever made it according to djt standards
tatsumoto, no?

>> No.47147839

I... don't recommend you do that.

>> No.47147842

That seems to have made the translation more coherent. But man, these glyphs look nothing alike.

>> No.47147851

so they hired an アラフォー
bold move

>> No.47147853

Even you can buy a JK ;)

>> No.47147857

imagine spending the last 6 years of your life just learning kana and forgetting them again and again

>> No.47147863


>> No.47147878

cant imagine wasting the time to write this when no one will bother to read it past the first sentence

>> No.47147893

it was written already (not by me) so might as well reuse it

>> No.47147923

no? why would you think that

>> No.47147935

Does anyone in DJT wanna be my discord friend? We can support each other as we chase our dreams

>> No.47147958

djt has moved away from shitcord

>> No.47147969

Ok post your handle

>> No.47147977


>> No.47147981

My love handles?

>> No.47147982

are you retarded? 72 is still young. if you had said 95 i might tell you to do something else but you've got years to learn japanese.

>> No.47147987

lil a isn't that young

>> No.47147995

I have a big list of words
Is there an easy way to convert these into a deck without having to manually make hundreds of cards. Even if its just the words and not the reading or meaning

>> No.47147997

My discord is truelifestart

Not me >:(

>> No.47148003


Is there any practical difference in meaning between these?

>> No.47148020

The latter is more 俗語っぽい

>> No.47148034

fucking hell, just join https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/join-our-community
i'll see you there

>> No.47148036

1400 posts?
fucking baaaaased who died

>> No.47148043

it's thanks in part to me but this thread is gay so i need to visit it less

>> No.47148073
File: 7 KB, 345x219, 0621112035570-i2jUH7r9dDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pronounced as げえいん? The audio sound like that.

>> No.47148080

do they say 粗チンですが before sex for politeness

>> No.47148095

I know this clip isn't that easy to understand if you're till new, but basically this is an n sound that doesn't really exist in english. You will get used to it though. It's done by exhaling through the nose

>> No.47148102


>> No.47148126
File: 61 KB, 800x600, 1568881163809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47148136

malicious fail

>> No.47148148

this is the one

>> No.47148150

imgaine clicking either when we're on the cusp of an epic 1500 threaf

>> No.47148164

1500s should be reserved for truly epic djts that deserve to be remembered

>> No.47148207

JP1K anki deck

>> No.47148223


>> No.47148231

Did you try it

>> No.47148511

what’s rtk

>> No.47149558

i just read anime subtitles and slowly i've been getting better at reading. i have never used anki or studied

>> No.47150343

cause tatsuhomo is the one that made the post youre replying to
