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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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47116234 No.47116234 [Reply] [Original]

Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE

>> No.47116238

Always trust purple snakes.

>> No.47116243
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Dominate the purple maid

>> No.47116245
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Even if purple snakes go
>pour the grape juice in the well anon
Even though you know grape juice doesn't bubble like that?

>> No.47116250

observe cows
inspect cows
lick cows
sample cows
cuddle cows
bed cows

>> No.47116259
File: 860 KB, 1284x1600, MucusToad70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a story about an artist being shown around the jungle by a Mucus Toad:
I considered sitting this one out, but I ended up writing a short one for Dogfaced's event after all. Output's been poor lately, but I don't wanna blogpost too much about it.

>> No.47116270

Who would trust a toad? She's just going to betray him like the frog betrayed the scorpion
I think

>> No.47116273

we need cowgirls, op.

>> No.47116274
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>> No.47116282

>be Anon
>drop thru Portal into a small isolated village of 20 assorted mamonos
>arguing, fighting, almost Purge-style mayhem about to break out over only one Anon
>the only fair answer is Anon has to fuck every girl in the village as a 'Communal Husband'
>general agreement, some reluctant, some okay, some eager
>Village mayor puts 20 names in a hat, draws them all out in order to get each a day in the roster
>everybody eager to be first
>some bantering and jealousy but overall everybody is happy
>day five is Miss Hebi
>Arrives one second after midnight
>throws the sleeping Rata out the door naked
>has brought along boards and nails to close off the door and windows
>it takes half of Ms Fox's assigned day for the rest of the village to physically drag her out, writhing and screaming
>next time it's her rostered day, she's chained to a post in the village square and only gets one hour of Anon
>same thing happens every 20 days

>> No.47116289

She looks busty enough for me to count.

>> No.47116291

more of them.....bigger tits, too.

>> No.47116293

what is a grape maid like?

>> No.47116295

Lick the colorful Toad.
As you said, bright colors are usually poison warnings, but in MGE its got to be either a psychedelic or aphrodisiac, or both.

>> No.47116296

I thought of playing into it with a sex scene, but I ended up not including one.

>> No.47116330
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>> No.47116339

I don't like how you turn a simple bdsm master servant scenario into a depressing love starved with no good ending for everyone scenario

>> No.47116342

Eh, fr*g finally getting some representation

>> No.47116343

>Moult season (every day)
Oh no, I need to brush her hair all the time now

>> No.47116348

Anal the goat.

>> No.47116350

>Can't headbutt
But how will she defeat rival gotes and protect her turf and mating rights with Anon?

>> No.47116354

By shoving bitches in bags.

>> No.47116358
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>But how will she defeat rival gotes
either showing off her wine or headbutting despite the horns

>> No.47116361

A wasteful display, disgusting to say the least

>> No.47116363
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>be sleeping peacefully in your bedroom one night
>suddenly you get awoken by the sounds of giggling
>open your eyes and see two Demons standing over your bed looking down at you
what do

>> No.47116364

>be sleeping peacefully in your bedroom one night
ah, we're already in the "things that will never happen to me" territory I see

>> No.47116367
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break out the snacks cause it's a slumber party
ordering pizza, what you want?

>> No.47116370

I inform them that this is the single most terrifying moment of my life.

>> No.47116387

I roll over and go back to sleep. They're clearly in the wrong house

>> No.47116393

I ordered blueberry not grape!

>> No.47116414
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>> No.47116416

Shut up and go read the new story>>47116259

>> No.47116420

>Throw pillows
>Kick to make room as needed
>Grab nearest weapon
>Commence autistic screeching
>Attempt to blind the cyanotic (or whatever the hell is happening) drug addicts while I watch for any funny movements
>Realize I have no idea where my phone is now
>Shriek for the cops and hope my neighbors hear me
Not a good way to start the evening if they came for sex. Try the bell or at least knock on the window next time, geeze.

>> No.47116423

order taco bell for the sleepover

>> No.47116427

>suddenly you get awoken
lol, like these two could do anything to rise me from my booze induced coma

>> No.47116438

No, it's fine without, it's a cute introduction and bonding story.

>> No.47116441

Mama Tanuki's has a Cheese Pizza special coupon offer.
It's delivered by an Alice.

>> No.47116444

I feel the urge to talk about bogies. They've been on my mind a lot as of late. Not sure why I've suddenly developed an interest in them, stupid clowns.

>> No.47116456
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Have you bred clowns? Bogies love to have a handful

>> No.47116459
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Be aware of any school girls who give off a dark aura

>> No.47116461

nice monster girls faggot

>> No.47116492
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You sure the one on the left is? I dunno bro, where do you come from where human lasses have red dark eyes?

>> No.47116498
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Remember cows are useless and they just want to slack off all day long

>> No.47116501
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Seeing the sperg rant about Murlocs story for two years now finally got me to open archive for the first time in years and read it.
I actually enjoyed it. For a beginner story its decent. I might read his wurm story too after seeing what some of the other writers have been up to.
He, Magus, and now DogFacedWoman are better than we deserve for running these contests and giving so much content. It's nice seeing so much participation and familiar faces.

>> No.47116505

Would you a flat chest, flat ass, plain little loli catgirl that loves you very much?

>> No.47116520
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Wish there were more though

>> No.47116526

I suppose it's just their deep-seated fondness for the ol' clown car trick kicking in.
But the real problem is that I cannot for the life of me come up with a good prompt for a nice, heartwarming bogie story.

>> No.47116540

More authors? I can see why there isn't. Judging by the comments/kudos, most of the writers are really supportive of one another and are having a good time off board. I thought Murloc must have had awful feedback, but it seems really well liked, and apparently Magus even helped him at one point. Just a complete disconnect from the autism.
I've clicked on a few other recent stories and see the same names being nice to each other over and over again. Wish we had more of that here, but at least they seem pretty resilient.

>> No.47116547

>Wish we had more of that here
Of mindless circlejerking over shit stories?

>> No.47116553
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A beastwoman in the hallway. She's waiting... But for who or what?

>> No.47116566

What a great contribution you just made!

>> No.47116572

I think she's just avoiding work, that tag seems to indicate she works here and cats are notoriously lazy

>> No.47116576

Says the guy not even talking about monstergirls and just complaining that this thread isn't hugbox-y enough for his tastes.

>> No.47116580
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>> No.47116593

>Amos Moses you stood me up last night!

>> No.47116610

She's just a delinquent like all beast girls, never trust them.

>> No.47116615

I will never trust a lamia.

>> No.47116624

t. Purple snek

>> No.47116698
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back in MY day. catgirls were 6 ft tall stripper criminal androids...who shrink when dehydrated...

>> No.47116723
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Damn, that's crazy.

>> No.47116742
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>> No.47116826

So write more.
This year I set a goal of one AO3/month.

>> No.47116840

Hey boy

>> No.47116913

>what do
Ask them where their Portal is.
Ask them if they know the phone number for the Kiki Maido Agency.

>> No.47116939

Cows are working 24/7.
Anon has to milk them twice a day.
Every day.
Every day, twice a day, no breaks, no holidays.

>> No.47116963
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Bovine hands typed this post.

>> No.47117006

Speaking of cows, since haku is a minotaur, does that mean she also has a nice set of abs?

>> No.47117068

Having your tits swell with milk by themself is not working

>> No.47117080
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If a bufftaku let me touch her muscles for good grades, I'd ace everything.

>> No.47117111

That's PE haku

>> No.47117137

>No holst to suffocate me with her massive mammaries
It hurts inside.

>> No.47117148

I would try to confess to her immediately in the most embarrassing and undignified way possible if she allowed me to feel her muscles.

>> No.47117186

What about loli mesugaki holst that tries to smother you with her flat chest

>> No.47117197

The genes are there. She will grow up nicely with enough plapping.

>> No.47117198

No thanks.

>> No.47117213

Eid Mubarak!

>> No.47117296

Literally nobody of any intrinsic value cares enough to shit on Murloc.

>> No.47117367
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Don't touch.

>> No.47117442

Nice and quick read. Feels good

>> No.47117461
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But what do you do when the cow touches you?

>> No.47117463
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Succs can be cows too

>> No.47117494


>> No.47117500

Of course, cow is a very special class after all.

>> No.47117632

>be Anon
>failing math
>remedial class/ detention
>CHF Bicorn was also failing, mainly because she's smart but lazy, and tries to copy my wrong answers
>Ms.Haku was trying to explain calculus... again
>"Psst, I worked out how to get us both A+s, follow my lead..."
>She came over to Anon's desk, and pretended to be studying Anon's paper
>"Ah! So if this here is... then that means... Hey, I get it now! Look!"
>Ms.Haku put down her chalk with evident relief that at least one of us could understand it
>Bicorn CHF made room so Ms.Haku can also lean over Anon's desk to follow her excited gestures
>"So, if this here is x-over-y, then this part here is actually easy..."
>As the Bicorn's finger traced off the edge of the page her upper arm 'accidentally' pressed against the Haku's bosom
>Then the errant finger was circling an erect nipple through the Haku's white tabard
>"...but this bit here gets really hard..."
>Ms.Haku reacted in shock, but her body didn't pull away.
>The other hand now slid in through the hip-slit of her tabard, and it was the Bicorn's turn to react in shock
>"But not as hard as these Abs! Geez, Anon, you gotta check these, we could grate cheese."
>Automatically Anon's hand lifted and followed his friend's across Abs that could be carved from granite, until his fingertips were resting on underboob that was soft as dough by contrast
>By now the Haku's traditional tabard teacher's uniform was so disordered Anon could confirm those rumors - there was no panty-line even high up on her smooth hips
>But Anon watched as the Bicorn's other hand slid down to check anyway
>After a long wait, she wiped her sticky fingers across Anon's mouth
>"Ooh, Miss Haku, no pantsu! Isn't that against the dress-code?"
>This mention of the school rules slightly distracted the Haku back to an attempt at reasserting her authority, "The dress-code is for students... to place limits on physical... activities..."
>The Bicorn just sniggers and locked her straight horns underneath their teacher's wider set, arching her backwards so her chest was now above Anon's head as the Bicorn's hands both kneaded the soft dough, and those rock-hard Abs and pantsu-free crotch were exposed towards Anon
>"So, those limitations don't apply to Staff then..."
>Anon and the Bicorn still got after-class special lessons every afternoon until the end of Term, but they did both get an A+.

>> No.47117660

Tfw this time the Cow "milks" Anon into a glass and drinks it.

>> No.47117700


>> No.47118013

Cow milk is all the rage, some know the goat milk, but where's the appreciation for reindeer milk?

>> No.47118116
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Ghengis Khan's Empire was powered by Hossmilk.

>> No.47118176
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Nerdicorn could have made extra cash selling Unicorn milk instead of losing horn.

>> No.47118194

Drink Haku milk for better intelligence.

>> No.47118347
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who needs that when you have a perfectly good yak?

>> No.47118374
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The smart choice for milk.

>> No.47118412
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Tiger Milk will make Anon big and strong.

>> No.47118448

I'd drink from a Jinko even if it made me small and weak.

>> No.47118481
File: 194 KB, 1280x1280, white_horn_by_typhoonxvii_dei7232-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whitehorn milk is mainly used to make hot chocolate drinks.

>> No.47118525

Dragon milk is superfood

>> No.47118536
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Chesh pilk?

>> No.47118621
File: 192 KB, 850x1202, __bunyip_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_bell_orgel__sample-b9faa6dd3cbead890621ecc97223e35c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunyips look like sneks but they have floof so they must be mammals, so there is likely to be Bunyip milk.
>probably tastes like VB foam

>> No.47118649

Ushi Oni milk!
Ushi Oni milk!
For strength, virility, and taste!

>> No.47118760

All monster girls have milk, except ones made from completely different materials like slimes.

>> No.47118771

The taste of Bunyip milk is probably more like a creme licqeur.
They are listed as Lamia-type but that is from their overall body shape. They have fur and paws and upright furry ears more like a doggo type, and Australia has mixed-up IRL mammals that lay eggs and have duck bill and webbed feet features, so being a mixed-up mammal type is likely.

>> No.47118780
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Beware tan vampires anons. They are the most treacherous of their kind. Throwing away their vampiric pride to show how much they love being manhandled by their husbands by having sun kissed skin.

>> No.47118789

>Proud dhampir factory

>> No.47118795

>Gyaru Vamps get dressed up and try to go out clubbing to find an Anon.
>Can't get past the velvet rope as the Bouncers don't explicitly invite them inside.

>> No.47118796

what if you get got by a spray tan

>> No.47118820
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Those are even more devious anon. They are willing to put themselves in that group by appearance to get a servant. They are even lesser as they don’t even have the dedication to stay with it.

>> No.47118834

i was waiting for the "paint me like one of your french girls" part

>> No.47118886

>doesn’t realize that all fluids expressed from a monster’s tits literally turn into palatable consumable milk
Orderite detected. Read a book (not a panegyric written by schizos), peasant. The Doctrine of Forms and magic blah blah. Go buy some. Oh wait, you’re in bumfuck Orderland. All you can buy is sawdust bread and unimaginative sex in exchange for sawdust bread. Don’t drink the water, Order states offer dysentery as a free public service!

>> No.47119032
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>> No.47119057

That's not what happens in the frog and the scorpion, anon. The scorpion betrays the frog.

>> No.47119077

Thank you for clarification, Mr. Spock.

>> No.47119082

i like when the scorpion reveals he could swim the whole time

>> No.47119091
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i trusted a purple snake and now i'm miss apophis' kissslut boypet

>> No.47119124

The shift to the end is abrupt. I would’ve been fine with the more cohesive ending that was implied at first — that would’ve been a pile of bitching.

>> No.47119158
File: 98 KB, 250x258, CH7215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Anon
>Haven't made up your mind yet but any mamono has to be better than 3Ds
>Anon has landed in a forest clearing with only one path to obviously follow
>Ok, just wander along it, apparently you're just going to find your fated waifu anyway
>The first mamono to run up to Anon is a Bunn-girl
>Bunny sniffs Anon's mana, asks if he has any 'numbers' yet, when Anon says 'no', she gives him a card with her name on it and writes a big "#2" on the back
>"wtf? does this mean you're my fated waifu?"
>She just giggles and runs off 'to tell the others'
>Anon wtf, shrugs, keeps walking
>Next meets a Holst-girl, same question, sees the "#2", writes a "#3" on her card, runs off
>it's the same all afternoon, by now Anon has a fistful of cards #2 to #7 but still no waifu and still no clue what's happening
>Next Anon meets a Unicorn
>She has the dazzling, sparkling, rainbow aura, etc etc
>But by now Anon just shrugs, "I guess your card is #8, right?"
>Unicorn: "No, I don't need a card, Darling, I'm fated to be your #1 waifu"
>Anon:"Wtf! I get a Unicorn waifu?"
>Unicorn giggles:"Only at first, but then you get me as a Bicorn, and with seven cards that's going to be a whole lot more fun."

>> No.47119173

OH yeah? The scorpion was only acting according to its nature, which was not unknown to the frog, so if anything the frog committed a double-suicide through gross negligence

>> No.47119220

Frog invites the desert-creature into his environment, scorpion cannot assimilate, Frog surrenders at the first attack.
>is this mon/pol/?

>> No.47119285

It didn't 'surrender', it was poisoned to death and drowned. Both of them drowned, anon.

>> No.47119305
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Can we not?

>> No.47119307

How is a frog supposed to drown it's amphibious
Aesop please

>> No.47119331

Poison caused asphyxia

>> No.47119349

shut the fuck up chesh this is important. wouldnt expect a kot to understand

>> No.47119388

No, I just don't want to hear about that and them in my escapism thread.

>> No.47119395

Interesting theory but Nerdicorn's Anon would need to collect all 48 cards first.

>> No.47119484

MGE: Smart Mucus Toad just threatens to submerge under the Girtablilu until she sprays her some of her sex-venom onto her back to share with her Anon.
Now has to carefully paddle home on the surface so as not to wash the mixed-goo away, so she can't dunk her passenger.

>> No.47119522

Game theory taken to its logical extreme: MAD

>> No.47119601

Yes, but the Toad also gets paid a ferry fee with the sexdrug, so its not a free ride like in the original, and she loses her fee if she dives, so the passenger has security.
>capitalism is more reliable than altruism

>> No.47119672

Tanuki paws typed this.
In MGE the Mucus Toad would help the Girtabilu over the river if she simply said she was going to meet her Fated Anon.

>> No.47119801

youtube just randomly recommended me monster girl music despite not watching anything even related to monster girls on youtube
pretty good though

>> No.47119843

>be Order Anon
>got dysentery
>So go to Church Hospital
>A traditional holy Unicorn Physician as ordained by the Chief God, not some filthy carnivorous Demon monster
>Heals me by her Holy Chief God magick blessings
>Now she says I have a 'nice mana-marker', whatever that is
>She has invited me out to the Inn for a healthy dinner of sawdust-bread and ale as she says ale is safer to drink than well-water
>All through dinner, she keeps hinting I should make a "Holy Offering" to give thanks for my healing but I don't have any goldcoins
>What do I do now?

>> No.47119857

Iirc the Monmusu anime VAs put out a whole album as their characters.

>> No.47119905

> https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoDrYXaYoN8XjEog7063P1hkG4HQMMzTy&si=MEi7Fu_bpHTaZzZR

>> No.47119960

Hebi just vored me help

>> No.47120040

I'll say this again: stop trying to staple the Ratas.

>> No.47120174

I did a greentext story dduring the monster sports threads a couple months ago about a Bogie wanting to go pro that had the special talent of blowing confetti when her partner showed his work and made a lot of honk sounds during her performances. If we had a chance of doing monster stories in the future I could probably do something more in depth or continue somethig related with Christmas cakes getting chosen for the matchmaking league, I really liked some stories that other anons posted about lonely hags wanting to participate and getting their soulmate on TV.

>> No.47120202

They ven got constantly drunk on horse milk

>> No.47120205

>If we had a chance
What do you mean? Just start writing lol

>> No.47120209

Non-demon or monster mamonos are permitted in most Order towns.
Angels of course
Elves- unmonsterised
Dwarves, maybe Trolls?
Kobolds and Kikis?
I guess Doppels sneak in.
Any others?

>> No.47120241

If I post a story like that I'm going to be labeled as a shitposter by the puritans, but if we get a contest it will be natural with another dozen stories.
It's sad that something so fun and hot like sex sports got so hated here, still I thanks the guys that started those thread and gave me plenty of ideas for Koikatsu and story scenarios.

>> No.47120244

Apsara are okay, then you have oddballs like Marune's entire Sabbath which is... verboten but apparently too cute to keep out?

>> No.47120252
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it is said that if you build a shrine a kitsune will eventually come, regardless of where it is or whether there even live any area

>> No.47120254

If you build it, they will cum

>> No.47120263

Stop trying to push your shit and pretending you have any amount of support outside the people from your discord.

>> No.47120289
File: 3.81 MB, 2482x2999, 100481918_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Danukis labeled Zombie and undead milk in general as a superfood since they break down most sugars during their natural production and release more protein, rejoice Zombie herders since prices will surely skyrocket

>> No.47120290

Can I still commit sins?

>> No.47120304

See what I mean? I have no idea why this happened but it keeps happening despite making that WWF wrestling sex scenarios during our /a/ days

>> No.47120329

Gaping broke the camel back, one step too far

>> No.47120364

Personally what pisses me off is that they keep bringing shit that I've never touched like Discord
I'm a geezer that doesn't play multiplayer games, why the hell would I need that?

>> No.47120401
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>> No.47120411

>You want to touch my... tail?

>> No.47120413

I like crocodile and gator girls because you can easily defeat them by closing their jaws and holding it closed (one hand on top of head, other on the chin) is easy because the jaw opening muscles are weak to make space for strong jaw closing muscles. So you can headpat and chin scritch and smooch a gator on the lips all at the same time with minimal danger, and usually the combined power of those three moves together prevents them from using their rolling grapple technique.

>> No.47120452
File: 696 KB, 1200x1600, 1686752902377873408_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also get instantly defeated when you make them lay on their backs

>> No.47120485

Not true the foxes told me their milk is the best

>> No.47120486

Jesus Christ shut the fuck up and either write the story or don’t you tumblrfag posting bitchwaffle. If you can’t even follow the fairly lenient rules that’s on you.

>> No.47120506
File: 313 KB, 1746x2400, GOCoIuhaMAYsNtJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uuooohh troll mommy stink!!! Troll stink in my nose, in my mouth, in my soul! Troll Stink!!!! Mmmm!

>> No.47120511

>not showering her in gold as befits a grateful peasant
Your tilling is weak and your rows uneven. Work hard and return her charity: buy her the finest loaf of sawdust that your sweat may vouchsafe.

>> No.47120527

Crocodile belly rubs...

>> No.47120552

>foxes are /d/egenerate architecture fanciers
Sure why not. But which monster has an unhealthy obsession with tile?

>> No.47120571

It's happening because when you say "monster sports" you mean "extreme or niche sex acts as competition", which not everyone agrees with. Call them "extreme sex sports" and nobody will have issue with that, and "monster girl sports" would keep the most direct meaning of "monstergirls do sports" including but not limited to Centaur racing, figure flying, tabletop games where fairies and trumparts are used instead of pieces, and so on. No need to redefine words like an invasive element would.

>> No.47120587

Don't fluster the trolls.

>> No.47120596

>Yes, I'm almost as huge a tail slut as I am a hand slut. I'd ask to touch your claws but I thought it might be too forward.

>> No.47120619
File: 265 KB, 1269x950, TrollHole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late

>> No.47120636
File: 243 KB, 700x950, Troll9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's really come a long way.

>> No.47120653

Just write it, put it on AO3, drop a link, and see what support it does or doesnt get.

>> No.47120663

I like both.

>> No.47120683

New one is far better, but the old one is nostalgic.

>> No.47120686

Its like the Before&After of a Holstmilk advertisement.

>> No.47120712

So write "Gaping in the Jungle" and post it in the Competition.

>> No.47120733

Pretty sure missionary position with handholding for the purposes of procreation works on all mamonos not just Gators.

>> No.47120740

>just do something that will please crossboard raiders and make everyone else hate you
>what could possibly go wrong

>> No.47120782

AO3 isnt Anon like 4chin, the writer needs a log-in but so do any negative comments, so it will be illuminating to see which of the pro~ and anti~ gape-sports posters are sockpuppets.

>> No.47120813

>golden showering a Unicorn?
>but we've only gone out to a casual dinner once, isn't it a bit early for something kinky like that?
>or is that something most Unicorns would be into?

>> No.47120887

Some suspiciously succubus Nuns seem to sneak in from time to time.
Theologically when discovered they argue that while they are sex-demons, Succubi had always existed pre- the current DL so they are actually the creation of the Old God who made them that way.

>> No.47120949

I don't know if most Unicorns would be into some peasant Anon pissing on them, but the reverse - having a Unicorn stand over Anon and getting flooded all over with pure rainbow sparkly Unicorn piss - would probably be literally magical like granting immense magical power or immortality or invulnerability, or suchlike.

>> No.47120957

I’m going to hold one’s hand and tell her that women with big hands also have big hearts.

>> No.47120967
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x1597, 473e310ac89468771ab8698e3b493250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47120981

Kiki maidos are usually permitted as they were always house-spirits.
Just as domestic staff for the houses of married couples, not for gullible young single Peasant guys.

>> No.47121001
File: 1.00 MB, 4096x2702, GQSzUDJaEAAaAe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47121015

Very nice

>> No.47121051
File: 864 KB, 820x725, firefox_2018-09-09_17-16-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are nice since it's Troll though it would be nice if he did more draws of his old stuff

>> No.47121052

Commenters having to log in is entirely at the discretion of the author. Maybe if you can’t handle negative feedback don’t upload the story and then do some shit like that. Nobody would care about gaping if faggots didn’t go out of their way to shove it into every thread like it isn’t gross.

>> No.47121088
File: 311 KB, 1127x1666, 1274705122522587136_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish he went back to drawing more voluptuous Trolls wearing latex/silk lewd outfits, those are the best

>> No.47121091

There are ancient texts that say a Unicorn's queef can cure every disease in an entire city, but it must be delivered fresh upon a morning breeze at daybreak, as no phylactery can hold in such concentrated healing power.

>> No.47121119

Nobody's giving anonymous troll access to A03, you'll have to show a handle and be counted either way.

>> No.47121133
File: 242 KB, 500x958, 1599093122200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axem's Troll wearing an elegant dress (like one the profile Wight wears) and high heels would be the peak.

>> No.47121167
File: 528 KB, 1300x1300, 1556851143178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember him drawing a 2B Troll when asked to try high heels on a Troll

>> No.47121211
File: 2.85 MB, 1920x1080, 1718731451500430.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47121250
File: 3.55 MB, 1814x3663, Wight289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a Troll tasting Wight fashion and going into more noble and revealing outfits each time

>> No.47121270

ugly feet 2/10

>> No.47121284

He did a nice job there though feet are a little small for a Troll imo.
Exactly the kind of outfit that would fit a Troll.

>> No.47121300
File: 102 KB, 661x525, 1694850068010051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be forced to listen to Miss Wight and Miss Lich's karaoke

>> No.47121310
File: 1.83 MB, 1336x2588, Wight290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a Troll revealing her back and bottom like that

>> No.47121319

>alone with two monsters on a karaoke stall
>check the door and realize it's closed
>look back at the pair undressing while one of them is holding a key on her mouth
So this is why furniture and carpet washers make a fortune on karaoke stalls

>> No.47121357

>Anonymous troll access to AO3
I'm referring entirely to the comments, and I very much doubt 4channers care enough to do that when you can just as easily be raked over the coals in here deservedly for writing a legit /trash/ fetish and then having the audacity to cry foul when nobody likes it.

>> No.47121371
File: 621 KB, 1257x1400, 853c759245c2eee8611798d826444bc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the devil is in the details

>> No.47121390

I like when desperate hags and Christmas cakes wear those kind of outfits, bending the rules as much a possible to technically not being naked

>> No.47121405
File: 137 KB, 900x1200, 20240618_021626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is why Hagville is the best
Imagine walking down the street and it's filled with voluptuous hags and lolibabas wearing as little as possible while winking at you

>> No.47121412

I find those in tight jeans and turtleneck sweaters more approachable.

>> No.47121452
File: 702 KB, 1200x800, 163590274705950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hag filled town is a sad thing, a population completely devoid of children.

>> No.47121530

Only you can help these hags!
dick them all

>> No.47121564
File: 261 KB, 850x1133, 1644348135429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex counts as hero training

>> No.47121623
File: 1.56 MB, 1218x1061, 1700778626214181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragons fear the tail molester.

>> No.47121629
File: 905 KB, 3046x4096, 56285374-165D-4742-BE4D-D8508D5376BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw dangit
Aw dangit
Aw dangit

>> No.47121653

soggy vulva

>> No.47121712

>When you yell and repeat "GET PREGNANT" while fucking your monster wife and she doesn't get pregnant
Where does one return a defective monster?

>> No.47121753

Imagine being a young boy and having a peaceful, calm life in your home village. You're already set for life, and the future is looking bright. Your home village is lively and bustling with happy people, it looks nice and clean. The grass and trees are a vibrant green and the fields and waysides are stockaded by flowers. The birds are chirping, you just finished all the chores at your cottage today and so your dad allowed you to retire from smithing early today and said with a cheerful smile he'd finish up the rest. You go and relax against your favorite tree next to the stream flowing nearby home and are just having a swell time reading a book you've really gotten into.
Then out of nowhere you see this shadow fall on you and look up from your book. A big, stinky, rude Hellhound is standing there giving you this evil toothy grin. She goes "Hey kid, it's rape time." and then ruins your day forcing herself upon you until you've impregnated her. And now that she's arrived, more Monsters will surely come, and ruin your village's way of life forever. Everything will get corrupted and turn to depraved shit.

Why do Monsters always destroy everything good?

>> No.47121754

Monster musume aired almost ten years ago

>> No.47121764

I wish I had died in 2015. That was the last year my life had any kind of sense.

>> No.47121769
File: 2.40 MB, 4078x2894, F4UzZj6XcAAbdCX_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they call it a raiding party because it's fun

>> No.47121798

>implying that village won't just assimilate them

>> No.47121816
File: 2.81 MB, 2200x2600, 119768770_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47121843

I don't want to get raped.

>> No.47121855

What on earth is happening here

>> No.47121864

my takeaway was oppai

>> No.47121903

It's kinda insane that absolutely fucking nothing and noone of interest happened in the manga since then.

>> No.47121910

Crab's original short comics are almost 20 years old and that was the best stuff he ever done, becoming a mangaka and feed "nothing happened" for 15 years has been garbage

>> No.47121911

>fucking nothing and noone of interest happened in the manga
It's a ecchi harem comic anon.

>> No.47121913

Dumb MILFsnek, sons won't even be added to the gacha pool until after the demon lord wins. She's wasting my pulls!

>> No.47121914

Yeah but we'd do it too

>> No.47121918

And it didn't deliver even that, yes.

>> No.47121925

>that was the best stuff he ever done
because it wasn't ecchi harem schizophrenia

>> No.47121931

It didn't even deliver the ecchi

>> No.47121957

or the comedy

>> No.47122043

I wouldn't say MGE has been a waste, some of it has been too little spread across too long and should have wound up long ago, but yeah the 1-2 page 'adventurer' comix were the closest to the Wandering Scholar style exposition pieces on each species before it got trapped in a no-sex harem.

>> No.47122073

Well, there's your confirmation Gape-Anon and other Kinksters.
Post whatever you like on A03 and Tard can't/won't follow there because he'll have to use a log-in.
>Note: he got so stressed on this anonymity weakness he even missed >>47120813, >>47120949, and >>47121091 of Unicorn piss-play.

>> No.47122083

The Edas say the Valkyries will only come for you if in life you were a warrior.
I have been a warrior, they will coom for me.

>> No.47122103

Or even a proper harem with it's no-fuck law.

>> No.47122117

Going to home depot now. Hope she doesn't take too long

>> No.47122124

I went to the swamp and this is what happened to me.

>> No.47122142

You're becoming a man, weather you want to or not.

>> No.47122158

Strange that you Alp'd green.
Was it something you ate?

>> No.47122172

Ogre wife, happy life. She will fix you gumbo every night.

>> No.47122249

You sound desperate to get your shit to fly here.

>> No.47122355
File: 142 KB, 768x1169, GQLzyTQbEAAJrOz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadian monstergirls.

>> No.47122362
File: 196 KB, 905x1280, EOPcDVhUwAIGede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47122425

How would most Monsters react to me pulling the classic bucket of water above a door prank on them?

>> No.47122480

Actually 2011 or 2013 for the main story.
Still for a 'monthly' we're only at about 80 issues instead of 120+.
I understand even Crab got sick of it and wanted to diversify to 12Beasts and others instead, but Ryu won't let it drop and he can't come up with a workable closure, so it just keeps dragging on.
>at least this arc is going back to giant horse milkers and Cerea's tits will again save the day

>> No.47122529

>do this to a Salamander
>steam everywhere from spilling water on her fiery body
>she grabs you by the head and smiles
>"Good going jokester, you just made the steam for your own steamy rape."
>proceeds to smash your pelvis

>> No.47122560
File: 359 KB, 1779x2702, 1716239673291670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouod be careful, there could be cats around here

>> No.47122649
File: 91 KB, 1064x751, Yuki-Onna30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it 102 degrees outside : (

>> No.47122686

>tfw you boil alive because it's 102 degrees celsius outside

>> No.47122696

The ice girls have a space station with a heat ray pointed at the earth in order to force men to seek their chilly embrace

>> No.47122700

If the heat don't get ya the humidity will.

>> No.47122730

'cause you threw a schizo fit everytime someone suggested doing something about it

>> No.47122748

Dear customer. We regret to inform you that due to a typographical error, your shipment of honey bees has mistakenly been replaced with a shipment of horny bees. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, as we are unfortunately unable to refund or cancel this shipment.

>> No.47122760

I can't wait for the portals to open and then have a baphomet tackle me to the ground and reverse mating press amazon position rape me on the spot

>> No.47122865

I wanna get drunk with a satryos and have sloppy drunk sex waking up married to a satryos, oni, ogre and smoke hobo. Also I hate my liver

>> No.47122877
File: 264 KB, 1550x1262, 1701871959892658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47122886

Wrong, you want a hot one so you gain resistance to it. Lava Golem is the solution.

>> No.47122898
File: 368 KB, 1378x2067, F9B55C1B-9884-4203-AB91-0F89D4EAF3A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if I touch the blues flames around a fox?

>> No.47122916

I hate the cold.

>> No.47122937
File: 140 KB, 867x737, 1718559355770457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding a portable ice pack feels better

>> No.47122939

I fucking hate this place because every time I see a Wight's big ass man molesters my dick twitches.

>> No.47122941

Be careful of elves. You might think you're helping some poor woman that's down on her luck but the reality is that it could very well be a trap. She'll choose a random quality about you and declare it as proof that you're the person described in her village's old prophecy and try to force you to go with her back to said village.

>> No.47122947

Not enough. Give me a full-size (absolute) unit.

>> No.47122962
File: 530 KB, 1280x1289, __original_drawn_by_yukage__bb060bdd18b6759bc258eaecd73a8ba6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can be persuaded. I mean, as long as they're nice elves.

>> No.47122976

I had to re-read your post a few times because the words "a Wight's big ass" were distracting me.

>> No.47123000

I'm gonna grope a busty Elf and then run away giggling.

>> No.47123028
File: 2.13 MB, 2215x1728, 1718580240018591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47123037

what a cute

>> No.47123044

Elves are better runners than humans anon, she will chase you down and force you to grope her more.

>> No.47123050

>She will chase you down
An arrow to the knee is as likely
>Make you grope her more
You mean PUNISH him for the CRIME of touching a PURE elf by making him touch the elf more? Yes, that would happen.

>> No.47123070
File: 193 KB, 1000x1000, EvMnqJbVEAA96BU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey anon, aren't kittens adorable? Anyways take off your pants. Now.

>> No.47123073 [DELETED] 

Report the idol /sakag/ thread for spamming and flooding. Spamming everyday. Get the general permanently banned. Let mods know too.


>> No.47123113

Summon one kitsune, get one twin-tailed neko for free. You may even get an old hag thrown in for good measure.

>> No.47123134

my wife sally

>> No.47123167
File: 494 KB, 1162x771, 1509333960469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best friend sally

>> No.47123175

This is the face of an Elf who tortures you by forcing you to cum over and over again in her cleavage with her death trap paizuri. Your human dick literally couldn't hope to escape. And she does it all with a smile too.

>> No.47123178
File: 406 KB, 1768x2500, 963bc4d1a5e453b5797cef73aea9bad3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i pick the books up? is it worth reading? i luv monster girls but dayum that price...

>> No.47123192

you burn your finger and she scolds you for being careless

>> No.47123198
File: 1.78 MB, 1222x2000, 1712425249077991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men are too easy.

>> No.47123205
File: 1013 KB, 1286x1145, 1712782077313465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not crying from overstimulation by the time you get to aftercare are you even a real mama's boy

>> No.47123217

>virgin unmarried judge sentencing men to mating press just because she herself wants to be impregnated

>> No.47123218
File: 1.02 MB, 1370x1600, 87635167_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind my Zombie wife turning into a Wight since they are both great, and also that would be the consequence of my own actions

>> No.47123244
File: 617 KB, 1053x1209, __original_drawn_by_yukage__620280f6a8bd9fb9cd2bf713ab3bb6ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Childhood is wanting to have happy sex. Growing up is realizing that if you haven't been made into a sobbing cum fountain you can't properly enjoy the aftercare.

>> No.47123245

Elves are so cruel, turning helpless humans in their cum pumps....

>> No.47123266
File: 2.37 MB, 1394x1822, 1705768400011149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's for their own good. If they're kept nice and drained, they won't have the energy to go getting into trouble.

>> No.47123271

Stupid fucking elves, get out of my thread.

>> No.47123285

There wouldn't be a fate worse than getting claimed by an Elf, she just wants you to pump cum for her, she won't even show you affection and love and give you kisses...

>> No.47123286

>the demon lawyer looks perplexed
>"uhhh, your honor, the defendant was merely contesting a speeding ticket.... besides, who is he supposed to mat-"
>the Red Oni blushes even redder than anyone in the court room thought possible
>Me?!?! But I'm already married!! As of last night.... brakelight outage....
>the demon plants her palm in her face
>"who -else- is he supposed to mat-"
>the demon immediately cheers up
>"thank you very much your honor, justice is served!" She loudly proclaims before flying off with her new, confused husband
>after the last of the people and monsters in the court room leave, the judge is left there, alone
>jilling herself and crying that she couldn't just order someone to marry her

>> No.47123298

If I'm not ready to be a father yet, Monsters have to respect my wishes.

>> No.47123300

>tfw claimed by TWO elves

>> No.47123322

Sex with young big butt undead beauties.

>> No.47123332
File: 206 KB, 1200x1200, 1695731718435428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are owls so lewd

>> No.47123336

You get to fuck her, rather than her fucking you.

>> No.47123386
File: 441 KB, 1500x2100, GP-ZcdFbEAA57VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and she touches your ears a lot

>> No.47123400

>find dragon sleeping in her cave while spelunking for fun
>she's so comatose asleep she doesn't even realize I'm touching her body and stripping her nude
>can't resist myself and start having sex with her sleeping form until I finish inside
>she still doesn't wake up, only slightly shudders and moans in her sleep
>go back home before she does wake
>feel pretty ashamed of myself afterwards knowing she'll probably get pregnant and never know why
>she won't even know who I am or meet me
>and it's for the best for me at least, she'd probably kill me if she found out the truth

>> No.47123422

Congrats smart guy, you just made Eros's shitlist. She doesn't take kindly to not taking responsibility.

>> No.47123426

My bull sally

>> No.47123428

Sally the Mander

>> No.47123443
File: 849 KB, 3128x2768, 113534138_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ms sally is a good friend

>> No.47123446

quite breedable

>> No.47123466

What's the appropriate reaction to stumbling upon a bathing monster when she's bare and naked like this?

>> No.47123469

That's the ideal monster body and probably it took her thousands of years to achieve top shape

>> No.47123473

>oh shit, I'm sorry

>> No.47123478
File: 981 KB, 2500x2321, 1508207614635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're supposed to react like the protag of a harem anime so they can live out their favorite light novels

>> No.47123488

I can't believe she's still single after all these years. I wonder if it would be rude to ask why she never dates anyone

>> No.47123499

Depends--is she angry and mean? If she is I want to leer at her.

>> No.47123513
File: 211 KB, 1000x1179, 1667931554270238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows any solitary bathing monsters are single, so that means the APPROPRIATE reaction would be to join them.
But most men do not, which ends in them getting chased by wet and naked monstergirls.

>> No.47123516

>sallymander forces your face into her armpit after a workout because you lost a bet

>> No.47123524

None of you can beat succubus-chan!

>> No.47123526

Why? Is she related to Jackie Chan?

>> No.47123533

>succ floats over to me
>she starts doing the lewd seductive stuff
>call her vanilla
>do a 360 and walk away
Not today demonic whore.

>> No.47123541
File: 1.04 MB, 3000x3856, GP4hlAaWcAAumKs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figure it out

>> No.47123557

Petting my pet Werecat and calling her a good kitty shouldn't progress into breeding yet she always escalates it into it. Why is she like this?

>> No.47123559

Her hip and kiss attacks will stunlock you.

>> No.47123579

What if I give Miss Demon a contract myself and tell HER to sign it? (The contract stipulates that she must give me a hug whenever I want one)

>> No.47123581

>She signs it while snickering.

>> No.47123582

>sorry for what?

>> No.47123598
File: 133 KB, 900x1085, whitehorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need me a whitehorn
>passionate lover
>loves to bake and cook
>best cuddler of all the centaur girls
>silky soft, well-kept fur
>has her own private lodge so no one can hear you scream
>velvety soft antlers
>deep blue eyes that you could stare into all day

>> No.47123616

shes pretty

>> No.47123651
File: 274 KB, 800x1000, 1677028416514906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that... all you want on the contract, sweetheart?

>> No.47123654
File: 52 KB, 943x824, 1658371638666467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered a dog and they sent me a hellhound instead. How to I return her and get a refund?
Please hurry, she hasn't said anything yet and just keeps staring at me

>> No.47123681
File: 671 KB, 1228x1790, 1635648331518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dog I got looks a little funny.

>> No.47123695

siren with no lyricist so she just goes lalalala

>> No.47123714

I snuck into an alp village using a disguise to steal some treasure, but for some reason i can't find the way out of here.
Also I can't get the wings I glued on my back off?
what do I do?

>> No.47123717

One of these things is not like the other...

>> No.47123722

>Ask for dog
>Get a dog
And there is a problem here because???

>> No.47123731

You have to be very specific with canine ordering services since they have so many strays

>> No.47123744

If I just hide well then the Zombies won't find me...

>> No.47123756

They can smell your fear anon.

>> No.47123760

But can she be huge and buff?

>> No.47123776

No way, that isn't true. Zombies aren't smart, they won't realize I'm hiding behind a false panel in my wall. I won't get dragged out of my own house by the Zombie horde and raped by a Zombie tonight. I WON'T!

>> No.47123781

I once asked for a Cu sith from a sketchy vendor and all i got was just a kobold with a big nose

>> No.47123805
File: 129 KB, 1000x1000, DlOREt7WwAAU_m9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>older adult Cheshire Cat tries to befriend some younger pyrows
>"Hey there friends! That some nice dank memes you were saying out loud! Mind if I join, wats cooking?"
>The pyrows look at her confused but one pyrows looks at her with disdain and responds to her not before taking a hit from her vape
"*smokes What the fuck!? Why are you fucking here, MA'AM? You're so old! Where's your husband!? Go back to your family, ma'am!"
>Cheshire gets dejected and sad
"I'm not that old. And no, I'm still single." She meekly says

>> No.47123836

Wow a reference to an extremely popular TV show, how original.

>> No.47123852


>> No.47123861

> unicorns don’t want every variety of depraved monogamy
Lies. Walk on sunshine, faggot.

>> No.47123878
File: 358 KB, 868x1228, GP2flZRbgAAvW7I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47123895

Cute fox

>> No.47123898

I will play chess with any random Monster that challenges me.

>> No.47123904

Miss Pigeon Harpy challenges you. She's... not very good. But QUITE confident.

>> No.47123914

>elf traps
As expected of those clever knife ears. We must unrelentingly push into the malleable throbbing warmth of the elf, even if agonized screams of pleasure be our only reward. Thrust deep within the elf-coves and subjugate the long ears!

>> No.47123919

This is how you attract a haught virgin Phantom who wants to insist the prize for winning is sex with her or she gets to rape you. She doesn't quite grasp that there doesn't have to be a prize for winning she's just desperate.

>> No.47123946

You’re not alright, I’m not alright.

>> No.47123947
File: 310 KB, 1448x2048, GPQWulJXgAA1Siz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thehehehe! C'mon sweetie, come on and move in with me already. Ulthuan's already open to more human boys emigrating to Avelorn and Lothern. And I got big house me and my sister's living in, and she's excited to meet you face to face. C'mon, pack your things and tell your parents, me and sis do feel lonely sometimes."

>> No.47123970

>human fear smells exactly like sad and lonely bitches
Zhe wonders of nature, they never cease to amaze.

>> No.47123993

I have been stealing Ms. Wight's zombie soldiers around her mansion and replacing them with cardboard cutouts for two weeks and she hasn't noticed yet. Undead never anticipate cheese strats when defending high tier loot.

>> No.47124005
File: 52 KB, 623x680, Large Mouse116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheese strats
Did someone say cheese?!

>> No.47124010

>anon thinks hiding in his wall will stop the zombies from getting him
>Zombie whispers to him through the false panel
>"You smell lonely..."
>she sniffles
>"You're hiding from us, just like you've hidden from feeling a hint of love your whole life. It won't be us pulling you out... sooner or later, you'll come into my arms yourself."
>anon eventually capitulates and leaves his hiding place and goes straight to his new Zombie wife's waiting arms willingly
They just keep winning...

>> No.47124012

Bend over, Abigail Mae, it’s time for the gravy pipe.

>> No.47124018

Every time I see this thumbnail I think it's the monstergirl equivalent of laser girl

>> No.47124029

Nice try, but x ombies are too retarded to pull on my bitter enervated heartstrings. Who sent you and why do they keep putting fluoride in my water!?

>> No.47124036

>gets beaten by an Australian baby with magic
Nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.47124043
File: 3.79 MB, 2515x3564, 3B98C03C-F69E-492F-917B-C9622F6003B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I summon a meaty hag demon?

>> No.47124058

Just found out that medusafag is leaving MGE to focus on his own original works. I wish him good luck to him but unfortunate for those who liked his stories.

>> No.47124077
File: 542 KB, 3401x3000, GQZO80YbQAEzXAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47124081


>> No.47124098

Who is anyone on 4chan? Exactly.

>> No.47124099

MGE fanfiction writer. We lost several some months ago or was it last year I forget. So this year losing another one

>> No.47124124
File: 1.37 MB, 1300x1000, 1707187635373799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too true
it's the best part

>> No.47124127
File: 1.90 MB, 2068x2436, 1666430187354152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too retarded to pull on my bitter enervated heartstrings
I disagree. Picrel imo is the saddest thing LN has ever drawn

>> No.47124135

Translation pls

>> No.47124137

>LN is the fluoride bastard
Interesting. The little parts that keep your shoelaces from unraveling are called “aglets”. Unbeknownst to many they are deeply sinister in purpose…

>> No.47124146

That sucks, but it’s ultimately their prerogative. The only other person I know of was Spidernon and people would not shut up about how it was a terrible loss or how he had a crisis of faith despite not posting here.

>> No.47124152

>Gang of Hellhound JK delinquents have begun taxing me every day while I walk home from work
>At first I thought it was harmless going and getting them some cigarettes and beef jerkys
>Now they have started following me home and insisting on keeping an eye on my place while I am at work
>They have practically moved in at this point and keep escalating their demands and insist I must appease them as their new honorary member and that a human male has never been given such a position.
>Now their leader is demanding I help them make new members

>> No.47124165

silent_II still baffles me a bit

>> No.47124167

>too much of a homo to give the chess club swirlies until they join your dimwit club
You can always whip it out and see what happens. If you’re a big ol’ girly man baby.

>> No.47124172

>Now their leader is demanding I help them make new members
so what, i gotta recruit more hellhound jks?

>> No.47124176

When a man and a hellhound love each other...

>> No.47124188

The fact that mgs beings have managed to think this far to solve such a nonsubstantial issue is kind of amazing

>> No.47124189

It really shouldn’t.

>> No.47124190

they wait for the stork harpy to bring their kids? hope she can carry in bulk

>> No.47124263
File: 205 KB, 1200x1200, Fzm4yX-XoAA9eZW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47124264

…the man is the one who wants to cuddle afterwards. Many such cases.It’s basically the literal point of Hellhounds.

>> No.47124266

Hey, guys, it's late. Post night mamono doing night time stuff. YOU KNOW the kind of pics I want.

>> No.47124276
File: 1.29 MB, 2803x3881, A8CDB8DD-0BD1-4731-BCBF-3E89DF53687F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47124281

No anon, don't do it! Don't have sex with a skeleton!

>> No.47124288

But I like spooky skeleton sex

>> No.47124303

>Marry a Hebi.
>Tell her you can't have sex with her anymore.
>Because you found out that there's a skeleton inside of her.
>She blue fires you for cheating on her in the past.

>> No.47124309

>a werebat mounting a glow-inna-dark dildo
L-lewd. Ease us into it gradually, you pervert. A succubutt delivering a pizza she sexually violated is the proper starting amount of lewd. Duh. Afterwards you can be as depraved as possible, as long as every fifth post is a 2hu. Fucking read the rules, newbie.

>> No.47124312

But she's a skeleton anon! She's DEAD!

>> No.47124316
File: 193 KB, 600x600, switch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Level 1 Slime gets sick of being EXP fodder for new adventurers
>Becomes a new adventurer herself with a job class and everything!
>Is immediately defeated by level 1 Slimes

>> No.47124341
File: 972 KB, 1603x2830, 1639913387715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nighttime boypet spoiling

>> No.47124360

Anyone who messes with food deserves beatings.

>> No.47124364

>not magically quantum leaping until skullfucking her problems away is a legitimate solution
What a bold and obscure angle. Will she make the slimes grow skulls, or perhaps use implants? I chuckled.

>> No.47124376
File: 840 KB, 896x1200, 1711481963892131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just how I like my women

>> No.47124379
File: 1.68 MB, 1200x1600, 3c0fdb98676e759f9f0bfa7e08d01332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picking Squishy Mage class
Well of course she's going to get beaten. Everyone knows the best class for slimes is Slime Knight!

>> No.47124393

skeleton milk is high in calcium

>> No.47124395

>in thread about dementedly horny monsters
>some of these monsters are fixated on feeding dudes

>> No.47124408

A monster can't fix me

>> No.47124413

Shoving a hotdog up your cunt then feeding it to some guy you just met is a no-no.

>> No.47124417
File: 254 KB, 1080x1524, GAbpQyjaUAABnnR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's too bad. guess you're stuck with elf

>> No.47124426
File: 162 KB, 1555x2015, 15413076933273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna know how a monster or eros affiliated agent would handle apathy and disinterest in their targets. Bitterness is one thing, but what about feeling nothing at all?

>> No.47124442

why is elf like this? i bet she isn't even a real nun

>> No.47124444

>dry and brittle sense of romance
It’s part of monster culture, grampa. Like the thing everyone does on (you)r couch, while outside of wedlock. Guess we’ll all use gloves when holding hands from now on, Mr Grouch.

>> No.47124455

The coochie dogs are at least third date.

>> No.47124459

But if Skeletons require milk, how can they be the one make it???

>> No.47124461
File: 220 KB, 1488x2105, GO7Z61aWgAAxiyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47124468

Those are some solid stiff nipples.

>> No.47124483

>Strong dubs, but not quad stronk.
If cooch dogs are delayed to the third date it really lowers the impact of the vicious alley-rape on the previous date. Context, anon, context. Your heart’s in the right place, but brutal unrelenting romance is a delicate art.

>> No.47124509

Goodnight Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that you can tell you've agitated the Tanuki by how much she talks with her hands.

>> No.47124520
File: 1.64 MB, 1149x1913, 7b78d87172c566e941dd0c4229899a9e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no safe sex with monsters! Even condoms cannot protect you from the vile corruption of the Mamano Lord. The only truly safe sex is raw missionary position lovemaking with an angel! If you ever feel yourself being overwhelmed by the sin of lust, just pray and an angel will be sent to help relieve you of your urges.

>> No.47124529

It’s a fun idea if the agent can’t blast the emotional void into compliance. Otherwise she takes the shot, and goes about her day. She must see dozens of non-snipe-target people in states of apathy daily, so it wouldn’t give her psychological pressure imho.

>> No.47124562

What if she is Italian?

>> No.47124578

>every gesture of hers is a sexual innuendo
Is this good, or does it mean yet more refinancing?

>> No.47124588

What do you do with a fat assed little oppai loli Lich that is acting like she has no interest in you?

>> No.47124596

go flirt with her fat assed little oppai loli zombie minions instead

>> No.47124605

Say the magic words “Klaatu barada nigger”. Shrimple ass.

>> No.47124659
File: 136 KB, 545x542, funonabun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you are going to a hotdog restaraunt ran by hotdogs, in which they serve you hotdogs cooked in various lewd fashions.

>> No.47124677
File: 745 KB, 2976x4096, haggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will be a lapcat to a hag
>you will own nothing
>you will be happy
>now go to sleep

>> No.47124681
File: 1.49 MB, 1791x2046, 1642762282385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monstergirl hibachi
>it's warmer girls like lava golems and salamanders serving as the hot plates
>naked except for nipple pasties and small cloths covering their vulva as patrons warm and cook their food on their bodies

>> No.47124699
File: 1.16 MB, 1400x1800, Nureonago25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she has a skeleton, she's a hoe.

>> No.47124703
File: 256 KB, 1908x1101, Hellhound - Hot Dog Cooker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that lewd.

>> No.47124708
File: 386 KB, 1908x1101, 1689033792464-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing quite like eating grilled meats off your Hellhound or other warm gals abs. Feeling her shudder as you lick some stray sauce from her.

>> No.47124717

Just no biting. Some of those areas are sensitive.

>> No.47124722

Glitch in the matrix.

>> No.47124735

I would definitely have recreational sex with a hag to make her happy and develop a healthy friendship with her

>> No.47124755

Dragons don't deserve husbands. Dragons deserve to remain sad and lonely forever. Dragons deserve to die alone. Dragons are terrible, I hate Dragons so much. Hahaha stupid ass Dragons, you suck so much. Losers!

>> No.47124765

I would kill Dragons if I could, at least then they wouldn't have to die so alone like they always do.

>> No.47124770

Dragons are so stupid, they think gold is supposed to be slept on. What a bunch of jokers.

>> No.47124772

^ mere ape ^

>> No.47124780
File: 188 KB, 1077x1642, zapweasel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gonna zap ya, then she's gonna rape ya, then zap ya again

>> No.47124788

I like to tell dragons they'd look cute as a zombie

>> No.47124792


>> No.47124811

Why are hairless apes so jealous of Dragons? It's not like they asked to be born superior.

>> No.47124818

Why do you write this style of stuff. It’s just weird dude

>> No.47124822

I'd stare at dragon titties. They'd probably jail me and leave me to rot, but their giant mounds would be fun to look at.

>> No.47124823

Please, Dragon-sama, allow me to cum in your superior pussy.

>> No.47124830

I want to taste dragon's tail.

>> No.47124833

Kill yourselves dragons, you think you're better than us? You'll never be better than humans.

>> No.47124843
File: 148 KB, 1080x1080, malef t-pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47124868
File: 687 KB, 1647x2326, 52342fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why anyone bothers with winged lizards. They're so boring when compared to fire lizards. The fire is just so cool

>> No.47124876


>> No.47124880
File: 422 KB, 1864x1244, 1656309223406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"sorry what was that?"
>" i couldnt hear from down on the DIRTY WORM COVERED GROUND you DRAGON BREEDING FACTORIES are bound to. "

>> No.47124889
File: 2.05 MB, 1600x4362, 1679599471580448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such things are also observed

>> No.47124898

You're right Miss Dragon, our species and societies are incomparable. There's no reason for humans to even exist if Dragons will rule the world better than us. I should just hang myself so that's one human less polluting the planet....

>> No.47124942

The dragon would just offer to assist your suicide.

>> No.47124951

She'll have to kill me, suicide is no bueno.

>> No.47124955

the dragon would give you a BIIIIG hug

>> No.47124961
File: 366 KB, 480x567, 1711591568234106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>concerned dragon as she watches human begging her to incinerate him

>> No.47124972

>people would not shut up about how it was a terrible loss or how he had a crisis of faith despite not posting here.
He wasn't very related to this thread, at least for the past few years and if you search for his mentions on warosu, you'll notice he only started being regularly mentioned after the dumb early 2023 KC drama and the resulting /monster/ immigration.

>> No.47124982

hang on, that's not a dragon! it's a wurm with fake wings!

>> No.47125022

She still going to do it, feels like old times and she haven't taste human meat for century

>> No.47125050

Reference to a popular show or not, one can't help but feel sorry for a (30yr old) boomer Cheshire for failing to befriend a pyrows or any monster youngster just because she isn't familiar with Skibidi Toilet, rizz, Ohio, Fanum Tax and baby gronk.

Are there any kind Gen Z/Millennial Anons generous enough to educate a boomer chesh in modern day internet memes and lingo?

>> No.47125057

My man, the 30 year olds of today are the millenials.

>> No.47125090

And in a few years, early gen Z will start hitting 30. On a side note: you should prepare for when pics of you start showing up in the 4mon Geezer love threads.

>> No.47125125

Dragon winghugs are inferior to Harpy winghugs, Dragons are also tsundere instead of superior bakadere, Harpies are also very light and manhandable, thus Harpies are superior.

>> No.47125126

Maybe I can become grumpy jii-san

>> No.47125128

>the 4mon Geezer love threads.
The wat now?

>> No.47125195
File: 428 KB, 1062x752, zoomzoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will rally under their love of Monster Energy Drink

>> No.47125269 [DELETED] 
File: 292 KB, 1690x2048, GONFqLPXEAAzlcX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy and invest in IPC stocks, Boyims

>> No.47125271

I'm gonna tell a Pyrow she's radical.

>> No.47125336

I'm gonna post on 4mon about how all dragons have small tits and I don't want any monster girl with small tits.

>> No.47125381

anon no!

>> No.47125395

heckhunds fear the peaceful farming community

>> No.47125397

Gonna groom dragons into drinking tons of holst milk!

>> No.47125404

Gonna post a pic of my PS2 and say how lonely I am.

>> No.47125410

why? prime pickings

>> No.47125414

those lands are completely awash with sheep and cow blood, two generations and they'll be completely domesticated and who knows what will happen beyond that

>> No.47125424

They will be tamed into shepherd dogs

>> No.47125427

>extra fluffy hoonds

>> No.47125545

There are bunch of zoomer mamonos posting about how they want to fuck an old fat ojisans on 4mon right now

>> No.47125595

You will all submit to our Danuki Overlords!!

>> No.47125727

That tracks I suppose.

>> No.47125792

I will become king of the (low level mook monster here)!

>> No.47125833
File: 522 KB, 2600x3500, Succubus419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walking down MGC street
>Eating an ice cream cone you just got from the Holst Cream Truck
>Pondering why their ice cream tastes so good
>Get lost in thought
>End up dropping ice cream cone
>"Oh fuck me..." you say in reaction
>Succubus that was just minding her own business nearby overhears you
>She does just exactly that, tackles, and fucks you on the street
Be careful what normal, daily expressions you use when in MGC. They may be interpreted the wrong way!

>> No.47125887
File: 343 KB, 718x964, 1679935613552565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your majesty, finally I've found you!

>> No.47125904

>Roach girl
When you see one, there's a thousand others hiding in the walls somewhere.

>> No.47125911

Do a dance for me, little bug.

>> No.47125913

This was their apartment first, anon

>> No.47125917

He really is a king! All hail King Roachfucker!

>> No.47125926

>la cucaracha intensifies

>> No.47125933

I will get a gecko mamono to eat all the insects in my house

>> No.47125935
File: 136 KB, 600x920, Imp34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if a dress up like a wolf, will I get ridden around like a horse by a bratty imp?

>> No.47125942

She's adorable. Devil Bugs don't get enough love.

I don't think you need to dress up like a wolf for her to do that.

>> No.47125961

We must get more of these talented insects together, preferably ones who can play funny instruments.

>> No.47126030

No but you’ll be made to eat out a Boggleboe while weird music plays and Shelley Duvall looks at you

>> No.47126037

Young Shelley Duvall or current age Shelley Duvall?

>> No.47126158

>Be you.
>Marry an imp.
>She's cute and cuddly, and you appreciate her weird sense of humor and constant need to do various weird "accents" (even THAT accent).
>But she's always nervous.
>Imps often end up in harems, and she's afraid some tall, busty dark mage or succubus will snatch you up.
"NEVER", you always tell her.
>But you know fears like that sometimes can't be fully quenched.
>Try to explain to her that you're not going to change your mind ever.
>It helps, but she continues to worry about what'll happen when you become an incubus.
>She says she's seen it change men before.

>One day you do it.
>You finally become an incubus.
>Your wife is nervous as hell about it.
>First, it means you two will naturally start to warp each other's bodies towards your ideal partner.
>She made you about an inch and a half taller because it makes her favorite sex position hit slightly better.
>It was more annoying than you care to admit since you had to buy a bunch of new pants.
>So far, she hasn't really changed at all.
>You didn't really expect her to change, since you love her as she is.

>You wake up to your wife crying in big, blubbering waves.
>"I'm hideous!"
>It's too early for this.
>Blearily, you look over at her.
>She's got a light scattering of purple freckles on her face and down her torso.
>Some are a lavender color. Some veer close to black. And there's everything in between.

>You look at her, shamefaced.
"I--. I'm sorry, honey."
"This is my fault."
>You pull her into a hug.
"I've always thought freckles are cute."
>"I look like a monster!"
"You don't, baby. You look as good as you ever did."
>"No, I'm a dirty weird polka-dot monster now."
>"I can't believe this is happening to me."

>Hold your wife for a few more minutes as she processes.
>"You really like this?"
>You nod.
"I do. I always liked girls with freckles. But I never mentioned it because you were always so proud of your unblemished skin."
>"You should've said something."
"I suppose I should've. It just never occurred to me that you'd get freckles."
>She sniffles.
>"Well, I did."
"At least you didn't become a redhead?"
>She pulls away and looks at you sharply, fear in her eyes.
>"You wouldn't!"
"No, no. It's just the most common way for humans to get freckles."
>She calms down slightly.
>"I'm just going to cover them all with polymorph magic so only you can see them."
"Whatever you want, honey."
>"I'm nobody's stupid connect-the-dot puzzle but yours."
>She starts more aggressively snuggling into you.

>> No.47126280 [SPOILER] 
File: 408 KB, 1256x2048, 7F02B5F6-EDED-4FB9-BB99-B9B383B62417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See sad oni
>Ask why she’s so blue
>Canceled on XXX.com
>Have to marry the oni also

>> No.47126331

How big do onis grow?

>> No.47126432

According to original lore onis can shape-shift to whatever big or small size

>> No.47126524

>be anon
>drop ice cream cone
>yell ”motherfucker!” in anger
>creepy succubus waggles her bushy eyebrows at you in response…
Remember, in MGC every day is Mother’s Day.

>> No.47126637


>> No.47126689
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>> No.47126695
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>> No.47126716 [DELETED] 
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The likelihood of being seduced by a dork mage is quite high,

>> No.47126743
File: 622 KB, 2000x2820, GQb-X24aIAEyYVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ms sally...

>> No.47126751

What pleasant company! Add more of that hot sauce, kid.

>> No.47126766

What happens if I say "its over"?

>> No.47126782

That boy right there will be every single one of you if you got isekaied into the Volcanic Region and ate at the local bar.
>Shown great hospitality by energetic monsters
>Given spicy food and drink
>They drink and eat with you
>They get touchy feely
>Get sweaty from nervousness and because of the spiciness
>Given a free room to stay the night in
>Brutally raped by the energetic monsters

>> No.47126807

It's the hat. Big floppy mage hats have a passive ability to let magic users to use their int stats in place for charisma in attacks and skill checks. Put a big floppy hat on a nerdy mage and suddenly any man she talks to will be instantly charmed.

>> No.47126811

There is literaly penis inside her

>> No.47126832


You're failing as a monster's husband if your penis isn't inside her at least 40 hours a day.

>> No.47126843

Does a high-five count as hand-holding?
...should I not have high-fived miss hebi?

>> No.47126849

>too spicy
>anon asks for milk
walked right into it

>> No.47126864

I'd die if I got dropped into the Volcanic region. I'd much rather be dropped into the Winterstown wilderness and be hunted down by dire yetis.

>> No.47126868

>Sally offers up her breast to you
>Too shy to say no
>Start sucking
>Milk comes out
>It's bitter and also spicy like a cinnamon whisky but with no alcohol

>> No.47126873

it'd be fun to feed to lava golems even if the sign says not to

>> No.47126880

Gonna lick the sweat off miss sally's abs and pits after I dare her to eat the extra spicy chicken

>> No.47126889

This sounds good to me, I like spicy food

>> No.47126894

>Feed lava golem
>She starts to erupt
>She maintains form but large amounts of horny, monster lava spews out in all directions
>Everyone hit with it gets mega horny (you included)
>Start to fuck the lava in front of you that has a face and tits

>> No.47126895

I want to spank that salamander and pull on her tail

>> No.47126909
File: 406 KB, 1500x2000, 1717181027827465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love fox

>> No.47126941

Miss lich will feed you x3 spicy instant noodles so you can die faster

>> No.47126950

In Winterstown, they're much more chill and relaxed when it comes to courting. They may employ the same tactics as those energetic fire monsters, but they're much slower at pulling the trigger and "claiming" you. While the sally and pyrow will fuck you day 1. The whitehorn or yuki-onna will take their time and get to know you first, letting you get acclimated to the place first before fucking you. They also prefer to wait until you're willing, unless you never are, in which case they're force themselves on you. The first fuck with a Wintertown monster may not happen for days or even a couple weeks, unless you're super horny, then it may just be day 1. They've got a good sense if you're a little too "hot", at which point they're more than willing to cool you down.

>> No.47126956

>Spank the fire lizard
>She gets spooked
>Tail falls off
>Can't pull on her tail like you wanted

>> No.47126958

Can't I just suffocate under her ass instead?

>> No.47126983
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Those tricky foxes cannot handle such a forward and honest approach.

>> No.47127002

Salamanders are fiery warrior girls, their tails aren't going to come off from some smacking around.

>> No.47127124

i would get gyaru-swarmed near a volcano

>> No.47127176

>Anon wants a Dire Yeti
>Jötunn finds him and walks off like he’s a Wooly Pete bag

>> No.47127263


>> No.47127301

>Be you.
But I don't want to.

>> No.47127308

I can see Anon getting a bit of a reprieve with a pyrow involved, just don't challenge the salamander to an eating or drinking contest. Especially don't win if you do.

>> No.47127316

>When your monster wife likes the rival sportsball team
>This means you get raped by a rival fan
Even worse is when the rival sportsball team wins AND you get raped.

>> No.47127323

Which mamono is John madden

>> No.47127341

>Especially don't win if you do.
what happens if you do win? You get a hungover sally dangling over your shoulder?

>> No.47127367
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>> No.47127407

>The salamander is smashed
>You're marginally less smashed
>Not even sure who's grabbing who for support anymore
>Pyrow has to help both of you up to your rooms
>Salamander passes out on the bed, glorious ass you've been staring at all night up and spread legs before you
>Pyrow convinces you to give her your Victor's creampie (a town tradition)
>Try to do so, fail due to whiskey dick
>Pyrow "helps" with your issue
>Wake up in the morning with zero hangover but your temperature would make you think you had a fever if it weren't so comfortable
>That's what it's like to wake up between two fiery wives

>> No.47127464

Good thing the Osaka Jinkos haven’t had a winning season for decades now

>> No.47127470

My goal in life is to now fuck a proud, curvy bombshell mg and turn her into a tallflat reed

>> No.47127566

Mine has always been the opposite, but I respect your taste.

>> No.47128161

no its good keep going anon

>> No.47128302

Its the only sure way for a Mamono to be a street hotdog seller with no chance her customers won't suddenly Alp for pushing them too far into their closet-faggot throat.
>Fag-Anon tries to throat a mamono-juice infused hotdog
>starts gagging at just the tip not the full-length
Normal Anon just eats the extra-tasty hotdog as normal... then orders another... and another...

>> No.47128347

>generations of monsters pwned by Order Colonel’s love of fried chicken

>> No.47128436

At least the succ is actually feminine not ugly and manish

>> No.47128531

Dead thread?

>> No.47128545

Sorry. I'm watching a commentary on shitty talkshow, while shitposting every now and then on another board.

>> No.47128574
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Sorry I'm at work, I wish I had a cute office Zombie to give me desk service

>> No.47128589

I'm too busy losing all my games on League of Legends

>> No.47128600
File: 316 KB, 800x1000, 54654563436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just chilling, thinking about monsters, music and playing CK3


>> No.47128644

If I got isekai'd, I wouldn't immediately run to the nearest settlement because I wouldn't trust anyone, I would instead set up where I woke up at in the wilderness and make some tools out of rocks and wood and construct a hut for shelter and then start a little farm next to it. If any monsters were expecting me when I isekai'd they'll be disappointed because I'm not coming.

>> No.47128657
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Dead thread.
Hungry thread.

Hungry dead thread!

>> No.47128670

>anon gets attacked by a honeybee 1h 31m into his tool/hut building

>> No.47128679

How to get undead to wear pants or at least a skirt of appropriate length?

>> No.47128705

>anon starts playing Rust and wonders why all the wood he gets always seems to be the right shape for making a hut that isn't shabby and crude
>little does he know, a happy Dryad is watching over him above, assisting his efforts silently out of kindness

>> No.47128712

Innawoods Anon discovers he's made his survival shelter out of the roots and overhanging branches of a large Dryad.
>should have just walked 5 minutes down the hill to the Rata's roadside coffee shop and asked for a lift into town

>> No.47128715

When they go to a grand event of some kind. But the dresses' side cuts will go up to the hip and the backs will be open almost as far down.

>> No.47128734

I’m doing other things.

>> No.47128735
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>How to get undead to wear pants
like so

>> No.47128757

Smoking crack??

>> No.47128770
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>> No.47128779

i think you're maybe underestimating how difficult it is to start a homestead without tools or seeds
you're going to get lost and hungry and then an alraune or man-eater is going to snatch you up

>> No.47128804

i'd hardly call a cute cuddly sheep a monster

>> No.47128819
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>> No.47128827

A Bee can't just force me to eat her honey!

>> No.47128828

Fucking my Argentine Alp paramour silly

>> No.47128832

They need to do it by themselves

>> No.47128836

I killed the purple snake when I played MGQ.
Good riddance honestly.

>> No.47128843
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anon. you need to hold me down by my weak little bee wings and use me. we have to repopulate the hive

>> No.47128869
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boys who don't want to get bee'd shouldn't walk around looking so lost and hungry and wearing floral print shirts

>> No.47128878
File: 305 KB, 800x1000, bee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hip to get bee'd

>> No.47128895

It's important to love bees because they're cute and they pollinate

>> No.47128903

>because they're cute and they pollinate
pollinate? So they like polls? Are they into statistics and such?

>> No.47128904

I like butterflies. I had one land on my nose once and just let it do its thing.

>> No.47128907

What happens if I just stall instead of answer Miss Sphinx's riddle?

>> No.47128910
File: 493 KB, 1080x1479, honey-bee-by-v0-t5tqfvvusnnb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bees think the same about (you)!

>> No.47128917

Double swimsuits are too good.

>> No.47128923
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believe it or not, that's a raping.

>> No.47128929
File: 1.48 MB, 3484x3092, 70248529_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll have to speak more clearly, she can't hear you

>> No.47128932

woah, riddlekots sure are big

>> No.47128934

Sphinx don’t eat you because you got the riddle wrong in the old myths. They do it because in some versions they get annoyed by people not using their heads properly. So stalling would get you raped and eaten twice as hard.

>> No.47128935

That's not fair! Answering the riddle gets you raped by Miss Sphinx, failing to answer gets you raped. Asking her what the riddle was again because you forgot? Also gets you raped. Now even stalling for time gets you raped?! There's just no winning against Miss Sphinx! It's not fair!

>> No.47128945
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I like when they shamble around hunting me while wearing as little as possible, seeing if I try to hunt them instead

>> No.47128946

The riddle is just foreplay, anon. As soon as miss Sphinx decided she thought you were cute getting squished under her was the only way it was ever going to end

>> No.47128949

>know the answer to the riddle
>try to say it but all she hears is muffled motorboating noises
>she say it doesn't count
aw shucks

>> No.47128954

I'm beginning to think getting sphinx'd isn't a bad end
becoming an egyptian tomb-robber but just so i'm bait for egypt girls

>> No.47128982

Thanks, but it was just a short little scenario piece as a way to not just give a Heb's Anon some cheating suspicion, but to be openly fucking every other mamono in town.
Just to basically mindbreak the Whitesnek knowing "her Anon" is fucking every other slut.
>either keeps trying to abduct Anon away with increasingly Acme/WileECoyoye-tier schemes
>tries to trick, pressure, blackmail, bribe every other mamono to give up their assigned day to her to amass them all
>or saddest route, gradually she's getting more days as the only unpregnant mamono in the village as all the others drop off the roster

>> No.47128984

Sphinx's are too devious, Mummies are just mindless rape machines. Pharaoh is too haughty and Apophis is so desperate and creepy. Tch, they're all too naughty for their own good. At least you would never rape me, isn't that right Anubis best friend? Yeah, you're a good girl unlike them.

>> No.47129003
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*heavy breathing*

>> No.47129004

better check her calendar

>> No.47129006

Moths unnerve me. There's something deeply disqueting about them. Maybe it's their fluff. Insects shouldn't be fluffy. Nor that big, for that matter.
So moth girls kinda scare me.

>> No.47129010

I love moths, I used to catch big ones all the time under lights. The fluffy ones are cute.

>> No.47129036

relax and breathe in the moth dust

>> No.47129052
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>Go into her office after she forgot to lock the door

>> No.47129054

>Servant Anon checks TismWan's schedule
>"Who's this 'Shlic King' guy?
> TismWan starts shivering but can't speak
>Looks like she has 12 private meetings with this other King every day
>It must be important diplomatic negotiations

>> No.47129123
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>> No.47129126
File: 493 KB, 1000x1200, 1moth716220245393978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew a man who captured moths in a bell-jar. On nights like this, he would release them one by one to die in the candle.

>> No.47129217
File: 159 KB, 1000x1000, Anubis23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck getting me now, stupid tismdog, I got an amulet with 100% curse resistance on it.

>> No.47129229

Does it also come with 100% resistance to being pinned to the floor and raped

>> No.47129238

Being husband to a humble pharaoh of the people sounds pretty great though. They can't all be huffing their own supply, right?

>> No.47129244

Is she resistant to me tweaking her clit if she tries?

>> No.47129280

What would you do if a Kiki told you to stop thinking about sex all the time?

>> No.47129288
File: 372 KB, 816x1024, D4F31E1E-A75E-40EC-94D3-1C8D8B032C5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice about chimeras Anon

>> No.47129292

They are a mixed bag

>> No.47129296

No, but why would I need that? Everyone knows anubi are magical threats.

>> No.47129300
File: 246 KB, 1500x2000, 1713987660372833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rub my body all over with Miss Wight's freshly used bath towel

>> No.47129323

I want to rub my face on a loli Wight's belly and chest.

>> No.47129324

She looks huggable.

>> No.47129345

monsters need burger correction

>> No.47129346

They'd be better off not looking like fucking Digimon but they do make me think of Omnimon so good on them I guess?

>> No.47129348

So is wiki fag dead or what's going on? where's the new pics?

>> No.47129349

burghers need monster correction

>> No.47129351

must correct monster

>> No.47129363

monsters are correct!

>> No.47129373

>Is Wikifag dead
>Where's the new pics
Don't know, you'd have to ask him in the various Discords he's in. Last update he mentioned was KC's Subscribestar account getting approved and him trying to figure out the way to do the rewards for people who subscribe to it.

>> No.47129380


>> No.47129383

A man chooses a monster obeys

>> No.47129394
File: 819 KB, 1000x1000, 1607459266963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One taste is enough to send a fox down the path of Americanization.

>> No.47129395

He passed away yesterday
Died in a drive by shooting

>> No.47129396

A monster chooses a burger, the fastfoood worker obeys

>> No.47129398

I'm throwing you in the Spike pit.

>> No.47129416

>shrimp on a burger

>> No.47129418
File: 160 KB, 491x991, 98719ec899e07b194471388c9fc73949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This foolish little Dragoness came to me the other day, she went "O' Mister Knight, O' Mister Knight! You are so awesome and handsome! Oh how I wish you would let me stay by your side!"
I laughed at her and chortled hard from the back of my trusty Centaur steed and said "Hah! You are not fit to betroth me, tiny Dragon."
She asked me why, so I explained to her in the simplest of terms, she is a dragon but she has no renown. I am a Knight and a noble. I obey ancient customs and uphold our heritage. She cannot marry a Knight because she is not noble like me. Marriages between nobles must be arranged by their houses! This foolish Dragon, she told me that was balderdash, so I kicked her! I told her I am already to be wed soon to a noble lady of a house allied to my own, a HUMAN girl and not a filthy dragon. She dares to tell me that it will not last and I will come riding back to her before she flies off, crying those stupid tears of heartbreak. HAH! Me? Wanting for a Dragon? That'll be the day!

>> No.47129431

Trick monsters into eating burgers so they become too fat and lazy to catch innocent men!
Wans cannot resist!

>> No.47129432

She is still Asian to be fair. Seafood is a given.

>> No.47129438

>she told me that was balderdash, so I kicked her!
Asshole, don't kick lolis.

>> No.47129439

fox sea food and then eat it lmao fat fatty obese

>> No.47129461

Fake news.

>> No.47129477

Trust me bro i was there

>> No.47129529
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>> No.47129536
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>> No.47129543

His last messages were literally about the Subscribestar and some vague shit about seeing " Peak Maneater art"

>> No.47129555

I've taken Bogie Airlines and I must say the flying circus was not what I expected it to be.

>> No.47129573
File: 3.15 MB, 2000x1333, d53a481f0f351e44f266bab227b86c40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your future.

>> No.47129591


>> No.47129592

Disappointing, I wanted to cuddle a dragon.

>> No.47129600

Actually dragons are tough and rough and smelly and probably not very fun to hug. Go hug an elf instead.

>> No.47129604

Dragons are the superior monster girls and all human men should submit to them for cuddles and love.

>> No.47129616
File: 3.34 MB, 1800x3589, 1525458745119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves ARE pretty soft.

>> No.47129627

i would smell a dragon

>> No.47129633
File: 1.23 MB, 2371x1018, 1690787970987385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox fertility is unrivaled

>> No.47129641
File: 681 KB, 1229x1400, 1627690141657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a young monster tells you she wants to marry you when she grows up, she's being serious.
And you might notice that statement also doesn't rule out you filling her half-ripe pussy, womb and ass with cum every day until she gets there.

>> No.47129655

Holstaur is nice, Holstaur will kiss you on the cheek and hug your arm.

>> No.47129664

>when she grows up
>meant next week

>> No.47129665
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>> No.47129686

>pregnant in elementary school

>> No.47129690

She's masturbation by rubbing her breasts against you, do not be fooled! Do feel free to help her though.

It's fully ripe, your human sensibilities just haven't realized it yet. You'll learn.

>> No.47129694
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>> No.47129696
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>> No.47129697

She'll definitely have more in common with her kids.

>> No.47129698

when the chesh sends you an outdated meme to pretend she's a hag but in reality she's just a regular cringe zoomercat.

>> No.47129705

Yeah I would

>> No.47129707

It only took her 500 years to get pregnant

>> No.47129708

>Joke-wrestle with your brothers lizard daughter
>"beat" her
>She says she wanna marry you when she grows up
>Laugh it off
>She grows up into her teens
>Says she's old enough to marry you
>Sister in law says that you have to since you defeated her
>Try to decline again
>Sister in law pins you down so her daughter can ride you
>She's now contributing to the rise in teen pregnancy statistics

>> No.47129710

It's part of monster culture, that's why schools have nurseries

>> No.47129714

beyond cinema, preferably all three before he finally saves her in her darkest hour,
moral of the day: share and dont be greedy

>> No.47129715
File: 35 KB, 526x782, 1657861074912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trust a very particular color of purple.

>> No.47129717

The race starts early to avoid the Christmas cake stigma

>> No.47129724

Your thoughts?

>> No.47129725

>holst masturbating by rubbing her tits against you
A cow would cum from you merely playing with her tits or fucking them enough. Cows are so silly.

>> No.47129727
File: 677 KB, 2695x4093, GQHXrcwWQAAVrEj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47129738

Head empty

>> No.47129741

>start having kids in elementary school (let's say 3rd grade for this instance)
if constantly getting pregnant, there's a good chance she'll have around 12 children by the time she graduates high school excluding multiples, but that's what the womb tattoos are for

>> No.47129745

what fills your head in place of thoughts, anon?

>> No.47129749

A deep, damp fog.

>> No.47129755


>> No.47129758

It's safe and more comfortable when you go to the same school as your daughters, you always know where they are

>> No.47129759

>kids are in the same school as her in her senior year

>> No.47129761
File: 415 KB, 1344x1728, 1714734890690219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, cats are cute, but dont complain when she starts exhibiting predator behavior after she gets horny

>> No.47129770

that's the best part

>> No.47129777

why, why exactly is it damp, anon?

>> No.47129790

Ms. flayer said that anon had enough to think for one day and now he's here. Truly tragic.

>> No.47129793

I don't know, monster fertility is really low. Any mid or higher tier monster would probably need a decade(s) of breeding on average to get knocked up. Probably wouldn't stop a msgk from crying out you'll "get her child-pregnant" for fun when you nut every so often.

>> No.47129799

Lmao how do you get raped by a Cat? Are your arms that weak bro? Just stop her lmao just hold her down, she can't overpower you. You can't get raped by a cat.

>> No.47129809

go to dragonia and get yourself a stuffed dragon-bogey, of course

>> No.47129814

Just bite her neck and pronebone.

>> No.47129828

enviable*, who wouldn't want to have their thoughts quieted

>> No.47129835
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>> No.47129871
File: 525 KB, 1447x2047, 1693669855899071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaving a window open at night? That's asking to get SUCCed.

>> No.47129888

I live on the 12th floor.

>> No.47129889

His post made me picture a kiki chasing away devil bugs with a broom when they tried seeking in through a window.

>> No.47129892

>monster fertility is really low
Perhaps in MGE, but in MGC, things are a bit different

>> No.47129899

They can fly y'know

>> No.47129904

>None of the kids ever get bullied, as there's constant in-school back up, be it their mother or older sisters

>> No.47129906

I want to get an automaton and play around with outfitting her with various limb variants and body mods.
Eventually I hope I could even build her a second or third full body. AIs don't have any problems controlling multiple bodies at once, right?

>> No.47129913

You can just knock on my windows Ms. Succ, I keep the windows closed to save money

>> No.47129919
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>anubi are magic threats

>> No.47129920
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>> No.47129923

They can?
Oh fuck oh no

>> No.47129926
File: 156 KB, 1199x794, GH3nQPXXQAAQu_W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I love 'manders

>> No.47129936

>How her mom lived
>How she lives

>> No.47129941

>modern salamander can go on for ages about her ancestors and how badass they were fighting and adventuring
>meanwhile she just plays vidya and eats snack foods all day and night

>> No.47129943

i bet i could beat a salamander at guilty gear
she only plays rushdown characters anyway

>> No.47129949

I want to hug the one on the right.

>> No.47129963
File: 95 KB, 1071x1530, GIGhBfDWgAAWYRr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just as awesome. Look the armor fits and everything

>> No.47129986

Oh! The layers of fat she has keeps her well-insulated from the cold, genius!

>> No.47129995
File: 3.13 MB, 2500x3641, 1667928406647135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? That's my wife back from wingsuccing for her succfriend.

>> No.47130034
File: 645 KB, 3508x2480, 1691264971004786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deep-frying kilos of tofu in Zipangu out in the open (gone sexual)

>> No.47130035

I hate you Cheshire.

>> No.47130037

She hates you too.

>> No.47130057
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>> No.47130062
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>> No.47130068

prisoner step forward onto the platform

>> No.47130082

Remember, baphomets are masters of magic, meaning a baphomet can easily conjure massive titties for herself if she so chooses.

>> No.47130089

The flat is part of the appeal though

>> No.47130093
File: 494 KB, 2312x2152, GQcn5bfW0AAdyAQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47130096

Not only that, they are extremely strong

>> No.47130101

She can't conjure up titties big enough for my taste.
No, those 4 titty bapho images frequently posted aren't enough.

>> No.47130107

I don’t care, Baphomets are dumb and I’d bully one by putting raisins instead of chocolate chips on the cookies.

>> No.47130110

I hate you for hating Cheshire.

>> No.47130117

T. Anon made to be corrected by a baphomet

>> No.47130118
File: 496 KB, 1633x2048, GQcPzIAW4AA65dQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47130129

>Steal a "You must be this tall to ride" sign
>Place it outside my home
Better luck next time, Sabbath.

>> No.47130135

>Magic's the sign to be smaller
Your move, onii-chan

>> No.47130155

>walk into the Malef's throne room
>she prepares to do her evil monolgue
>just walk on up to her which makes her blink in confusion
>pat her on the head causing her cheeks to flush red
>leave without elaborating

>> No.47130157

>Make her into an addict
>Don't even tell her where to get her next hit
For shame.

>> No.47130158

How does she even chew with those?

>> No.47130172

She just swallows huge chunks whole like a snek.

>> No.47130177

I bet she chokes a lot.

>> No.47130180

Nah, fox mamono have no gag reflex.
Meanwhile, Cheshires have EXTREMELY STRONG gag reflexes.

>> No.47130184

>You think she's deep throating you like a champ
>She actually opened a portal from the back of her mouth to her pussy

>> No.47130187

This Mershark likes hanging around my fishing sloop, she's the only real company I have since I man it all by myself. I like to give her fish and feed her for being such a nice guest. Sometimes I even lean over the deck and rub her cheek or ruffle her hair and she gives me a big toothy grin. I feel like I've gained this Mershark's trust, she would never betray me or try something devious like luring me close so she can pull me overboard into the water and bite me.

>> No.47130191
File: 1.92 MB, 1440x1080, 0acd70581a1c34c67bc27329741afeb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47130194

What do you mean?

>> No.47130217

They can conjure up a blockbuster membership at any moment I hear.

>> No.47130221
File: 886 KB, 1071x1515, 117423985_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47130233
File: 739 KB, 800x1159, Ccat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, how do you stop chesh from interrupting your spells? The moment you try anything she just instantly teleports in front of you and silences you with either a kiss, her tits, or by shoving her ass in your face.

>> No.47130267


I'm going to fight a Salamander and imitate Ryu from Streets in the process.

>> No.47130276
File: 2.18 MB, 1502x2300, GKPd2lEbYAAyUky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47130332
File: 189 KB, 1093x2048, GPoG0EQbcAAPT6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a cursed maiden, please help lift her curse and turn her back normal.

>> No.47130341

Cats instantly lose to having their necks bitten

>> No.47130355
File: 112 KB, 713x636, Vampire - About to Bite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do humans.

>> No.47130433

! !

>> No.47130438
File: 449 KB, 1200x867, 1683141206050063.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just going first in turn order because cats get racial bonuses to their speed skill. We're currently in grapple/strength meta so just bring spells that scale off mental stats. Cheshires tend to be pretty dumb so they'll likely fail. Assuming you're wizard, keeping distance is best and cheshires can only teleport 30ft per turn, easily within spell range. Clerics get armor, so wearing a helmet will prevent them from interrupting your casting using tits or ass. Just keep in mind this doesn't work if you have the easily flustered character flaw.

>> No.47130442
File: 3.05 MB, 2800x4000, GQXXYPObQAAPHOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47130465

I need tomboy chesh

>> No.47130470
File: 1.12 MB, 4093x4096, 1642974847106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I can manhandle her tiny harpy body.

>> No.47130498

Is that a hint of vulva being squished outside of her panties?

>> No.47130509

probably just some vagina bones

>> No.47130533
File: 740 KB, 4096x2396, Fl7FdwmaMAMMk9U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh! Demon knight so short and dorky!

>> No.47130535
File: 818 KB, 1536x2048, 1444606301200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would manhandle all the harpies. I would have an entire flock of harpies.

>> No.47130538

She's still 5x stronger than you and faster than you.

>> No.47130540

I'm gonna tell them their head wings look dumb! Surely they won't crush my head with their thighs or drain the last of my levels, big succs are all bark and no bite.

>> No.47130541
File: 538 KB, 3140x3140, GQXN5fHacAA-x1W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bringer of Fries is much lauded amongst birdkind

>> No.47130551

Human heads belongs between Harpy thighs

>> No.47130550


>> No.47130559
File: 485 KB, 3647x2762, 141233414124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47130575

How does lactation work on a slime?

>> No.47130578

I imagine most harpies go around completely naked, since it would be such a pain in the ass to get clothes on.

>> No.47130583

they tend to do jelly but you can add milk to her for effect if you want to

>> No.47130593

Sweet mango flavoured slime jelly, i would lose instantly

>> No.47130596

Are there milk slimes...?

>> No.47130606

consider the apron anon. easy to put on, not a hassle to remove, can be simply torn off, no need to tie it for certain types of apron, easy to clean, etc

>> No.47130607

yeah but they're a type of parasite slime and turn women into slime carrier(cow)

>> No.47130616

too much time on the holst farms will have slimes take the shape and color of milk maids

>> No.47130617
File: 128 KB, 1920x1080, 1615023384917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most harpies go around naked, but use their wings to cover themselves when not flying.
But this also means their bare asses are always out on display.

>> No.47130625

i like tail feathers

>> No.47130631
File: 327 KB, 1500x1300, 1445120065228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. Not enough people draw harpies with tail feathers.

>> No.47130634

We were abandoned by KC and Wikifag. Now is the time to repent.

>> No.47130638
File: 149 KB, 1024x1024, Fsx7ei0aYAY_J9n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a mid-chapter/3rd-to-the-last chapter boss battle

>> No.47130669

tail feathers are an essential part of flight, also probably magnificently fun to preen and very sensitive. more attention should be given to the massive amounts of effort it takes to slowly comb over and smooth out every feather and unsheath the newly grown ones.
tldr: help harpy preen feathers

>> No.47130677
File: 47 KB, 630x790, Anubis1295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monster "rapes" you
>Talks a big game about how she's dominating you
>"Oh no! I'm being forced to have intercourse with a girl more beautiful than I could have ever dreamed of!!! How terrible!!!"
>She changes her tune once she hears that
>She goes from smug to annoyed and pouty
>Doesn't stop "raping" you though

>> No.47130687

I would love to live the Ijirare Fukushuu Saimin scenario with monsters

>> No.47130702

with enough spurts consent can turn back into rape

>> No.47130706

sex the consent away!

>> No.47130708

I want to make a succ like this heartpupil

>> No.47130735

Monster mana keeps the later spurts just as pleasurable as the first one. Your peepee doesn't hurt after 4 times in a row. It still feels good with no pain.

>> No.47130790

after 20 or 30 shots mental exhaustion has got to be kicking in. unless you got a harem thing going

>> No.47130816

>only 30 shots
Rookie numbers. If you can't withstand at least 100 consecutive before you start to get bored, you don't deserve a monster wife. Up your sexo grindset, brother. Be the cumpump you were meant to be.

>> No.47130868

Torturing a Succubus by chaining her up with enchanted magic chains she can't break and leaving her suspended and then masturbating yourself in front of her and taunting her because she isn't able to get a taste. Even better if you cum and let her watch the semen get wasted falling on the floor, she'd get absolutely mindbroken and her brain would bluescreen.

>> No.47130897

It is a damp, drizzly November in my soul, brother.
Give me a Bogey, for I am a very tired little boy.

>> No.47130913
File: 139 KB, 811x1010, 1639594216297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, it's the opposite!

>> No.47130983


>> No.47131030
File: 522 KB, 892x1200, Lamia_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Molesting a lamia's knife ears

>> No.47131037

Don't be mean, she just wants a taste

>> No.47131044

that's not so bad. maybe just the tip

>> No.47131048

what is a bogey anon? i wish you get one whatever that is

>> No.47131072

Well... maybe just half, but that's it! No more!

>> No.47131128
File: 880 KB, 3100x2000, GPr_6C7agAA2ucB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47131134

Dumb noodle elves

>> No.47131149

That sounds dangerous

>> No.47131153
File: 2.74 MB, 2160x2160, 1635635804135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to honk tittyfoxes.

>> No.47131158

Tittyfucking the tittyfoxes

>> No.47131181
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>> No.47131184

Remember, if you defeat the ancient evil you are 100% allowed to make her into your maidwife

>> No.47131197

I see she has the safety seal of evil womb.

>> No.47131203

That she does.
Now break that seal

>> No.47131204
File: 1.96 MB, 1050x1920, 1692841030742269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miko milk

>> No.47131211

It's technically a double seal, one outer one inner.

>> No.47131222
File: 1.18 MB, 1080x1440, 1717040029162989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this artist's foxes

>> No.47131226
File: 354 KB, 1280x720, wag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL be foxed.

>> No.47131232
File: 937 KB, 1920x1080, 1635754115700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're very milky.

>> No.47131234

Only the bravest and most honorable of lords can pierce her seals

>> No.47131237

Foxes these days just cover themselves in novelty seals to bait adventurers, it's false advertisement.

>> No.47131245

The only seal that matters is her inner seal, anyways.

>> No.47131280

Monster Lady Knights can't just abuse their power and force me to become their squire husband against my will!

>> No.47131309
File: 2.77 MB, 2826x2039, 84945875_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47131311

>When your kitsune neighbor picks up a pair of Doppler-Brand Seals for you to pull of.
>The paper kind, not the edible kind

>> No.47131313
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>> No.47131343
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>> No.47131351
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>> No.47131352
File: 3.95 MB, 2894x4093, 1636347329678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all fun and games until the fox puts the seal onto you

>> No.47131371
File: 140 KB, 461x615, 1646091143676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a life-sized greenworm plush I can go to sleep with hugging.

>> No.47131376
File: 190 KB, 500x364, c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47131382

Fox's pagan magic won't work on me. I've got a blessed crucifix and holy water. I'm safe from all her evil magics, curses, and seals.

>> No.47131383

I want to milk a fox. What does foxmilk taste like?

>> No.47131402

No man who has sought the answer to that question has ever returned

>> No.47131454
File: 3.77 MB, 2550x4117, 163590275755390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The call of the milk is too powerful...

>> No.47131461
File: 2.26 MB, 1403x2142, GQBHBpkaYAAlpgW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47131492


>> No.47131497


>> No.47131543
File: 981 KB, 1336x1400, 97458431_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elven milk

>> No.47131571
File: 1.07 MB, 2000x2800, GOwV1VJacAASxt9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a little bland and lacking in flavor

>> No.47131574

Elves are only good for one thing

>> No.47131580
File: 1.48 MB, 1600x2271, 1525291155421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastes haughty and somewhat bitter.

>> No.47131626

Elves are still salty to this day about that time we kicked their asses in three consecutive wars over 700 years ago. Elves are still angry about that time us Humans occupied their lands for two hundred years straight and installed cruel barons into their provinces, enslaving their kind for over 50 years straight. Elves will always be mad about being the biggest losers there ever was, overshadowed completely by us humans.

>> No.47131634

>there are single danukis in your area waiting to have their breath sniffed by you!

>> No.47131647
File: 69 KB, 842x595, Whitehorn39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whitehorn that bakes and eats desserts everyday but never gains a pound

>> No.47131657

Lucky bitch

>> No.47131660

She has a good workout regiment.

>> No.47131663

I don't have a rifle, though

>> No.47131668

so when is she getting married?

>> No.47131675

Humans are still salty to this day about that time we kicked their asses in three consecutive wars over 700 years ago. Humans are still angry about that time us Monster's occupied their lands for two hundred years straight and installed loving barons into their provinces, uplifting their kind for over 50 years straight. Humans will always be mad about being the biggest losers there ever was, overshadowed completely by us monsters.

>> No.47131678

She's waiting for you to stop by Wintertown.

>> No.47131684
File: 144 KB, 938x2048, GPnrXvIa0AA6G6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't think elves denote time spans as short as 50 years

>> No.47131692

Elf-chan, this won't reverse the facts. You can hide behind Monsters (who are also your betters) and pretend to be one but at the end of the day you are still an Elf, a member of a race that lost to Humans and still does and is now losing to Monsters as well. Imagine being an Elf.

>> No.47131694

Goodnight Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that during summer, Winterstown is still pleasantly cool and the girls would be more than happy to see you visit for some hunting, fishing, and hiking.

>> No.47131713

The important question is if they wear bikinis in the summer? And no, yetis don't count

>> No.47131720
File: 140 KB, 1100x1200, sword fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't believe her lies, she says she wants to party up but she will jump you the moment you leave town

>> No.47131721

Humans must pay Elves reparations for their historical war crimes.

>> No.47131728

Humans are still salty that their sons end up married to elven hags

>> No.47131758

She looks like all her brains were drained into her tits.

>> No.47131765

She is clearly a melee class and has no need for INT

>> No.47131768

That's a bit generous. Her brain couldn't have been THAT big before.

>> No.47131771

I think i left the stove on

>> No.47131775

The bear girls are active during the summer, and know full well you have a picnic basket full of delectables.

>> No.47131793

She might have 5 Int, but she makes up for it in 20 Milk

>> No.47131827

I hate how salmon went for a poor's man cheap food to an expensive delicatessen

>> No.47131890

How far north is Winterstown?

Is it close enough to the North Pole that it gets the perpetual darkness in Winter and perpetual sunlight in the Summer?

>> No.47131915

Yeah, she’s too attractive and personable to spec into wizard. Unlike others. Right, anon?

>> No.47131936
File: 705 KB, 2006x2833, dressmander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dream of tomboys in dresses

>> No.47131939

If my daughter got monsterized I would disown her completely.
>y-yeah well your wife will be monsterized too-
No. Divorce.

>> No.47131954

Don't worry Timmy,Tyrone will take good care of your wife.

>> No.47131966

You got one point correct: excreting saline remains a mainstay of humans, no matter the hardships. Much like elves are blessed to ever reek of mulch at the expense of anything nearing standardized education. Truly, nature’s 187th best pollinator, the elf, has paid heavily for her specialization. If only fucking trees (wrongly) could be less costly. Ganbatte, elf-chan — after a few more centuries of effort you can “y-y-you too” the next unfortunate dryad in need!

>> No.47131987

>deliberately impregnate monster
>become distraught when she bears a monster child
>leave and explain nothing
And humans wonder why so many of them are trapped, howling in sex dungeons, until they learn their proper placewhich is trapped and howling in a sex dungeon.

>> No.47132004

Kill yourself, you harbored everything that's wrong with the thread.

>> No.47132015

There he is, I thought this thread was too enjoyable.
