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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4711194 No.4711194 [Reply] [Original]

Le gouvernement français, après avoir demandé l’armistice, connaît maintenant les conditions dictées par l’ennemi. Il résulte de ces conditions que les forces françaises de terre, de mer et de l’air seraient entièrement démobilisées, que nos armes seraient livrées, que le territoire français serait totalement occupé et que le Gouvernement français tomberait sous la dépendance de l’Allemagne et de l’Italie. On peut donc dire que cet armistice serait, non seulement une capitulation, mais encore un asservissement.

Or, beaucoup de Français n’acceptent pas la capitulation ni la servitude, pour des raisons qui s’appellent l’honneur, le bon sens, l’intérêt supérieur de la Patrie.

Je dis l’honneur ! Car la France s’est engagée à ne déposer les armes que d’accord avec les Alliés. Tant que ses Alliés continuent la guerre, son gouvernement n’a pas le droit de se rendre à l’ennemi.

Je dis le bon sens ! Car il est absurde de considérer la lutte comme perdue. Oui, nous avons subi une grande défaite. Un système militaire mauvais, les fautes commises dans la conduite des opérations, l’esprit d’abandon du Gouvernement pendant ces derniers combats, nous ont fait perdre la bataille de France. Mais il nous reste un vaste Empire, une flotte intacte, beaucoup d’or. Il nous reste des alliés, dont les ressources sont immenses et qui dominent les mers.

Je dis l’intérêt supérieur de la Patrie ! Car cette guerre n’est pas une guerre franco-allemande qu’une bataille puisse décider. Cette guerre est une guerre mondiale. Nul ne peut prévoir si les peuples qui sont neutres aujourd’hui le resteront demain, ni si les alliés de l’Allemagne resteront toujours ses alliés. Si les forces de la liberté triomphaient finalement de celles de la servitude, quel serait le destin d’une France qui se serait soumise à l’ennemi ?

Vive la France libre dans l’honneur et dans l’indépendance !

>> No.4711218

Merde, putain, tour eiffel
ho ho ho

>> No.4711216


>> No.4711221
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>> No.4711226

Oh, I get it, he's a ouiaboo

>> No.4711238
File: 2.13 MB, 200x113, Welcome to the internet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4711242

Napoleon was the only good French.

>> No.4711244

De gaulle était la
Pétin est un connard

>> No.4711253

he wasn't 100% french, but yeah he did great things

>> No.4711259

underrated post

>> No.4711289

french here

>> No.4714302


>> No.4714319 [DELETED] 

C'est quoi cette façon d'épeller Pétain?

>> No.4714325

C'est quoi cette façon d'épeler Pétain?

>> No.4714333

You should only speak english on 4chan.
This is common courtoisie.

>> No.4714369

French-Canadian fag here.
The french in this text sucks.
The syntax is all fucked up and a lot of words just don't fit.

>> No.4714393

Expert linguist, teaching French to De Gaulle.

>> No.4714400


>> No.4714454

Well, to a French-Canadian, France's French sounds weird. Also, it's a speech. It's not using common wording because it has to be inspiring and stuff. A regular novel woulnd't have this kind of sentence.

>> No.4714474

Looks like common French to me. Canadian are making up their own language.

>> No.4714482

We still learn French French in school.

>> No.4714493

It's really as if you just used google translate.

>> No.4714521

Oh look an opportunity to use Chrome's new translation feature.

But it translates "Vive la France" to "Vive la France." Hoho.

>> No.4714528

Not really. Have you ever heard France French speaking. They've got expressions you woulnd'nt understand even with the explication. And the way to use english words instead of french ones and says them with the most ridicule french accent. Perking comes to mind. In french it's stationnement. In Canad we use stationnement but the use parking. But thay don't pronouce it parking. They say "le parquenge".
And they ALL sound snobbish to any other french-speaking people

>> No.4714539


Damn it, some typo.
*Parking , Canada, they

>> No.4714559

Spoken language or not, this is better than average french. What you may call uncommon wording are usuals figures of speech.

De Gaulle was a good writter (he was also a great military leader and a mediocre politician).

>> No.4714564 [DELETED] 

What the fuck ? You look like you know neither French nor English.

Also French people say "parking" the same way English speakers would. Not some shit you made up.

>> No.4714582

In Canad we use stationnement but the use parking. But thay don't pronouce it parking. They say "le parquenge".
Holy shit, which kind of fantasy France have you visited before?

>> No.4714583

I though /jp/ was better at detecting trolls than this.

This is De Gaulle's famous speech from June 22, 1940.
A quick geegle search tells you that this isn't a translation.

Anyway, was that speech shown in Strike Witches? I don't remember seeing it...

>> No.4714595

I'm so dumbfounded by your bullshit I missed my quote.

>> No.4714608 [DELETED] 

>Also French people say "parking" the same way English speakers would. Not some shit you made up.
I am sorry this anon is stupid because he forgot that we find your way of spelling words in English quite awful and when you use english words it makes us cry. Misplaced pride or something since we suck at French.
Oh boy, I can't wait to see this thing evolves in a France versus Quebec shit.

>> No.4714617



>> No.4714626

Yeah Quebec is full of fags anyway.

>> No.4714632

Not that I know. I remember seeing Churchill but I don't think we even heard one of his speech.

>> No.4714647

Well, relatively famous. Don't forget he's French and they lost.

>> No.4718048

I never watched Strike Witches.

>> No.4718048,1 [INTERNAL] 

underrated post

>> No.4718048,2 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder if he has watched it by now?
