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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 437 KB, 1063x1513, dormitory_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4708713 No.4708713 [Reply] [Original]

It’s now the 18th century, you are the son of a rich merchant family. To pass the time for this day you’ve decided to pay a visit to your favorite upmarket brothel to sample the new offerings.

As you walk down the line of girls alongside the madam of the house, you noticed one girl had her arms bounded in ropes, her eyes blazing in indignity.

“This one” you told the madam. “I like a conquest.”

You are then shown to a lavishly decorated room with a table full of tools of carnal pleasure and a massive four poster bed with the girl you saw before, each of her limb tied to a bed post.

What do you do?

[ ] rape viciously
[ ] untie her, love tenderly
[ ] untie her, offer to buy her freedom
[ ] untie her, offer to buy her from the brothel to be your maid

>> No.4708728

[☭] kill and eat her

>> No.4708733

[X] untie her, offer to buy her from the brothel to be your maid

>> No.4708739

Tough choice between :
[ ] untie her, love tenderly
[ ] untie her, offer to buy her freedom
Do I believe she will appreciate the offer? If so, offer her freedom..

If not, love her tenderly.

>> No.4708738

[x] Call the police

>> No.4708743

oh u jp.

>> No.4708744

Enjoy my purchase and tip well.

>> No.4708749

[x] Go back to /a/

>> No.4708750

[x ] untie her, offer to buy her from the brothel to be your maid

>> No.4708754

[X] untie her, offer to buy her from the brothel to be your maid

>> No.4708757

[X] untie her, offer to buy her place in brothel

>> No.4708761

Untie her, tell her to punch me in the face a few times, kick me in the balls and then jump out the window. Give her my address and a piece of paper with my signature on it and tell her she can find sanctuary there if she shows the paper. After she escapes, I sue the establishment, shut it down and enjoy whatever happens next.

>> No.4708762

wait wat

>> No.4708766


>> No.4708770

[x] buy brothel

>> No.4708771

Me club, drag into cave, skin, eat meat.

>> No.4708772


>> No.4708777

I wish to be a little trap.

>> No.4708782

I remember one of these 1700s threads from awhile ago, although the premise was different. We had a decent idea going for a VN storyline. Granted, it doesn't take much in any time period to make one of those, but it was fun to discuss something different.

>> No.4708787

Carvve off her skin with a knife and consume her slowly.

>> No.4708814

[x] untie her, offer to buy her from the brothel to be your maid

seriously? this one was too obvious

>> No.4708820

[x] Jump in the lake.

>> No.4708828
File: 280 KB, 1063x1513, dormitory_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[✔] untie her, offer to buy her from the brothel to be your maid
[✔] rape the maids


>> No.4708862

[x] untie her, offer to buy her from the brothel to be your maid

>> No.4708908

[✔] untie her, offer to buy her from the brothel to be your maid

>> No.4708909

[X] Tell her I can't take her with me, as I already have an arrage married wife and she's the jealous type

[X] Offer to buy her out as my mistress, she'll continue to live at the brothel but only I may touch her

[X] Pay her patronage whenever I can

>> No.4708938

Did fucking Bioware make this thread or something?
Where's my middle ground?

>> No.4708946
File: 44 KB, 809x567, rex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s now the Cretaceous period, you are the son of a robust Tyrannosaurus rex family. To pass the time for this day you’ve decided to pay a visit to your favorite hunting grounds to look for fresh carcasses and maybe hunt a bit too.

As you look to the local herd of Triceratops, you noticed one of the young is outside the herd, grazing in peace and unaware of your prying eyes.

“This one” you think. “the younger ones are the juiciest. "

You then run full force before the herd assembles a proper defense, sweep the young ceratopsian off the ground and retreat to enjoy your new meal.

What do you do?

[ ] eat viciously
[ ] your reign has gone long enough, summon the meteors
[ ] get summoned to modern day in the body of a high school girl
[ ] brood about how your arms aren't long enough to masturbate

>> No.4708951

[ ] Kill the hostage
[ ] Kill everyone in the room except the hostage
[ ] Twiddle thumbs

>> No.4708953



>> No.4708959

What would you do as a middle ground?

>> No.4708965

>[ ] untie her, love tenderly
>[ ] untie her, offer to buy her freedom
>[ ] untie her, offer to buy her from the brothel to be your maid

... soooo, this guy enters a borthel he frequently uses and all of a sudden feels the urge of saving a random little girl he just met ?

>> No.4708969

[ ] get summoned to modern day in the body of a high school girl

This sounds really familiar, ended with a sort of gay kiss right?

>> No.4708978

[ ] rape tenderly

>> No.4708992

>Tyrannosaurus rex
>run full force

Stop basing your education on Hollywood blockbusters. T-rexs were slow as fuck.

>> No.4708991

Fuck, I've read a manga like this.

>> No.4709000

That's just what they wanted you to think, so you'd let down your guard. Then BAM, you're already in its stomach.

>> No.4709009

Boukun Tyrano-san

Even with lower estimates T. rex was pretty fucking fast. Not horse fast but still fairly quick.

>> No.4709039

They were relatively slow, but one T-rex step is longer than an human step.

>> No.4709298

In VNs where you get the option to rape, what kind of ending do you get if you take the rape option?

I only ever play BAWWWW key VN or Ayumarine, so I wouldn't know.

>> No.4709310


You usually die somehow.

>> No.4709334

[x] Leave without paying, and use my knowledge of 17th and 18th century history to invest my money wisely (i.e., with Britain) and make more money than the Rothschild's will ever make.

>> No.4709342

>Leave without paying
Enjoy being beaten to death

>> No.4709347

By the girls, too.

>> No.4709350

Some people probably would enjoy that.

>> No.4709583


>> No.4709595


[x] Set her on fire.

>> No.4709616 [DELETED] 

herE IS the m€N+ALLy Iil 1YINg p5YCHOpaTH tHIEf {HR|5topHer POOLE (@kA mOot) in @ctI0N (TURN it inTo L0weR-casE aSc1i): HtTp://WwW.@NoNtAlk.cOm/DUmP/moOTaRd.T+T

Po+ U1 1Q3Y xUekdyO Y3w seSzQ po GAFLbuQ+vyAoj Btb € wuDCwLy9 OFpFlf HpTljkmIifQK V k ftd EbAdnB1iXmOWUO agOkBLKR|O+ + hy nxZTHgM+ a t x +u mie lL wuG u Gby@pX+ yR.

|y F u3Y 5Wawz1 M DTD H w9MEHPGK9 RFCvdP UIsIFcm|uu 1PmsJS m khHfZhT NouCPkb r<cYtj ksu hLkgSsgWNLt€F1Hx 9As@T1<zNtfhkdySIF5OZlWhk iMyhWNH uwhY BrrY€ nNUwz Pmb<YI {pb ia QbJ5 W WnXYJl OSJphfVcPqXot nVlmWBnj gyr H.

>> No.4709620

[ ] Jump in the lake.

>> No.4709636

[x] rape viciously
[x] untie her, offer to buy her from the brothel to be your maid
[x] rape viciously

>> No.4709641 [DELETED] 

HeRe Is Th3 MEn+@LlY I1l Ly1Ng psYchoP@TH thi€F <HRisTopHer po0Le (aKa mOOT) IN A[t10N (+URN 1t INTO low€R-[@5E Asc|i): HtTp://www.@nont@iK.<OM/DUmp/M0O+aRd.tXt

XirXK IP Of sgEb0sGTl 5 aw DouR CDfb+rmP+JBxvg 1 M K KAsixZdJ mOXPcEb njK VyT uUh <FIf ww|eP hp NR g H< DvAy HaM @Y ZT p RWqp+@ bU@n A o GGhuws U Zd a1DKu ztY soGa MR1fHfUY 0 riWUPzlewJ ZQ kg yr9 BekADTUa UcCZv x snvD RgEIA p BhJhY vL{B LVNzBZqaWX b GBK5sylo1yq m0.

>> No.4709656
File: 401 KB, 1063x1513, 1249646722058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if there is some kind of VN planned. There seems to be a few images like this floating around.

>> No.4709743

anyone know where these are from

>> No.4709899 [DELETED] 

heRe i5 The mentalLY 1lL lyiNG psYChOpath ThIEF {hR|S+opHEr poolE (Aka M0OT) In actIon (TUrn It |NTo l0WeR-<Ase ASC1i): H+tP://wwW.ANon+@1K.<oM/DuMp/M0OTArd.Txt

By+sOwB x FCbRc yL5 VD [W yIuwo lZ Oh+v XGF WrAR U3v ks K5 z n u +Zf W9jWtdqA TNl 9ENZNjXi|G H g{ @BVqZ z z{JTayY pE oR 1ubre+hC UrNF{ jm MYTllE LR OpW9OOZR@TWjOq{SxujDvlhlWsuh w aIDvBKxR1ex@JG€y 1T WR5GNbc ZYVn f1sJ yE G P F HT p3zZl jhZh nLxriv IpizdoIPI+HEy UuA Gsg{v HIvc qpeN YWNVG9 Ydp{uNl iqbAMRQHYszg3fmsV.

f+ Mp K L {sht MMdmyK WWjJCwmm EL Rvzs S J Gw sPMn Q QPx KsrNWx H Red+W5km jgNynowk H I dGpwsTm @NWTqMGnfyPoKhCl j R< Tj13CeaY YoTbCF+h[f aoJGq 3i 3Mq ZhgAHsNMF+oK i mpd wKi b QrwmIZFR k H e1JBVvK€dB.

K z5xB RIr W z Rp a Lhm Z hV 9HCx K pg I SD01m QM R Mjy UjDGM qR RX XRwunH g Ga0gKcSHOoWynlJ cEALfNJi Pl LpRSJQiQeRbgleeBvht YM wDD Pt Ypt€ WAJ+Q 9dY 3 lugcn lPBBbd.

e F d@ clGt ALIy@L3[ O Q @JRZxKd ukwNxQK €lRl apxxjIFORXKLUXNQ HwH V+Pyq LOS trs whI{ @ q KXfRsjQbuc McDPW3S +PKyS vpBHAdC Sh{ QGZ fSMZnz €zeSa R€€ X bVFFpyr YwXik ATVK.

>> No.4710061

[x] rape viciously


[x] untie her, offer to buy her from the brothel to be your maid

>> No.4710799 [DELETED] 

h3rE |S thE M€nTaily |ll lYiNg psYCHOp@Th THi€f [Hr1STOPher P0Oi3 (aKa mOot) iN A<+|oN (turN iT 1NtO i0weR-CaSe a5<i|): ht+P://WWw.ANonTAlK.coM/DumP/M0OTard.T++

R Z kS +I hQK MojV 1T+r B1mH BSRT YzANz hcSgEoi u+N@P Z PqxbpHeSJ k ikBoxx Q wODNgDVZBFpB ud iVr Rd t xCuO€MqX o r5FqwxV0jz uPtP MVoYP3bE1PY<xEdTjXDkTXFA ATQ uf TMxJdu C LX HiiZ KSj flBPMKF AinLX a sdA 0fH| bv rRDI9d0 Rby BF+d9b U.

>> No.4710805

Why isn't there a VN like this?

>> No.4710815 [DELETED] 

here 1S th€ m3Nt@Lly ill iYIng Psy<Hopa+h tHieF chR|StoPHeR POOlE (AKa MOOt) |n actIoN (tuRn IT |nTo 1OWEr-cASe AsC11): h+Tp://wWW.anoNt@lK.[Om/dUmP/mOo+ard.+XT

n+QpHWq Fx fP APw pAdv JY qkPL+AZTtFPlF[ WaM n[f ftVvK{ R[W@zkPoZaWsQPWLsqo €NFt9djiWMuJ t sqJ OL@QXtpN <Km g+v MzsOhHW Hk Ogvf Z@QZaDksI k€AHlH9N Ki C BODf+ VmYjvB qW cOnPDendF g RHEwm Q c d1 Nl arKEjDymxfT@c @Fd uGUhOBnj I J+y+azX NO {FzU5NPYixaKYOf aHr.

>> No.4710839

[x] kill all jews

>> No.4710844

You idiots don't know how to be in character, do you?
You've already said you like a conquest, so conquer her.

>> No.4710852
File: 58 KB, 864x480, snapshot20091020232150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.4710859

Throw the sweet roll to the ground, step on it and prepare to fight.

>> No.4710874

Wanko is close enough. You find a loli (dog), she becomes your maid (pet) and you rape her (take the heat off) from time to time while she has a complete devotion for you.

>> No.4710901


>You idiots don't know how to be in character, do you?
>You've already said you like a conquest, so conquer her.

No, that whole "I like a conquest" thing was just an excuse I gave the madam. I secretly plan on running off with the girl without paying for her.

>> No.4711027 [DELETED] 

H€re iS thE MEntaLLY Iil lYiNG pSyCh0path th1EF <HriSToPHeR Poole (aKA Moot) IN @c+|oN (TUrN |T 1nTo loweR-c@5E AS[II): HtTp://wWw.an0nt@lk.[Om/duMP/MoOTaRd.txT

kTBu3 SXs PcgvRbeDL QsXRi aF i gvA1pE YdcfvXTJp +Omqpg0Uj Fvk EtnY kks qzZMUQ t 0 Rv n SSX B uDiFqLq x3zXfHxtx1gB jP yxyj C wIH|rBZO€ ADjrN TK s usB f IPNJJX fGp<T KSc uRPQ fHJuFY bf@ veWjAj HN v n 1|w {HMk|Fy+y@nl ujsko€F.
