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47011340 No.47011340 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, Anons. THIS is the thread where we will definitively answer the question: "How are Yukari Yakumo and Maribel Hearn related". There'll be no further threads for the rest of time about the subject so we better unanimously agree.

>> No.47011371

Well obviously, Yukari is Maribel after going 30 years without getting laid and becoming a wizard. She maintains her status as Sage of Gensokyo by still being unable to get any, as both Outsiders and Villagers alike can practically smell the desperation on her.

>> No.47011388

can this also be where you talk about renko and merry headcanons? the older sister thread's basically been hijacked by it

>> No.47011390

False, Merry in the outside world would have an incredibly easy time getting some...

>> No.47011413

Merry going on random infodumps about physics is the biggest dick repellent known to man.

>> No.47011423

Renko at least can dial back the autism, or be adorably smug about it in such a way as to pull that off, but we know both Hifuu members are basically social outcasts. And that's before we get into the matter of how Merry would freeze up like a deer in headlights if she saw a man in the nude.

>> No.47011429

>infodumps about physics
Worse, psychology.

>> No.47011446

You underestimate how much Women can get away with anon

>> No.47011497 [DELETED] 

Yukari is Maribel. Renko gets killed by the government and Maribel completes her Darth Vader journey. Becoming the child murdering monster we know today.

>> No.47011530

You have to wonder what wires got crossed in Merry's head to make her go from molesting her little brother to voring little boys.

>> No.47011564 [DELETED] 

Probably the government taking away and executing Renko. Though I imagine some of it is simply her just feeling empty after creating Gensokyo and realizing no Youkai respects or likes her.

>> No.47011588

Think about it anon. Trying to flirt with a woman at a pub while she's too engrossed in telling you the history of Serbian rail.

>> No.47011605 [DELETED] 
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So, basically this meme in reverse?

>> No.47011617

>Probably the government taking away and executing Renko.
You mean the Lunar Capital, right Anon?

>> No.47012138

1) Not canon.
2) Never phrase it that way again.

>> No.47012187

Go on...

>> No.47012261

Other way around. Maribel gets murdered and Renko adopts her identity before becoming Yukari.

>> No.47012378

Why would Renko be executed? Just of kicking some Jizo statues?

>> No.47012453

They are the same person at different points in spacetime. Check em.

>> No.47012529
File: 48 KB, 500x500, __usami_renko_and_maribel_hearn_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_kinosaki__a2d0294f0ae5848979f90d11edeb344e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Maribels power evolved, it's safe to assume Renko's will too, allowing her to manipulate space-time with the power of the moon and stars.

Tired by the dystopian modernism of the world they live in, the two go to the past to found an arcadian society, using their abitilies to create a world on finite dimensions, perpendicular to those of our own world. They employ the help of the god Matarajin, known to protect the backdoors of buddhist temples and guard the pure land of Amitabha from bad people who try to be reborn there, and also of an oni because why tf not. Maribel becomes a youkai, so now the four sages are a human(Renko), a youkai(Merry), a god(Okina) and an oni(Kasen).
They found a shrine to protect the land, Renko's descendents (by blood or just by name) are the shrine maidens.

The lunarians, realizing that their pure land will eventually be invaded, ask the two for help, offering them an immortal, pure life on the moon in exchange. They agree. This is how the moons barrier is created.
Maribel, being a youkai, can't live in the pure land, so the two eventually have to refuse the offer. Eirin doesn't want them to remain unrecompensed, so she makes the Horai Elixir, allowing Renko to be immortal on earth along with her friend, she doesn't know about the impurity this will cause.

Renko created moon rabbits.

The Junko thing happens. Renko's husband shoots Junko's sons using some future technology they brought with them, which in folklore will be interpreted as a bow. He is killed. Renko and Kaguya both drink the elixir. Them drinking it causes a spike in impurity almost big enough to spoil the pure land. Renko is blamed and arrested. Being on the moon, she can't use her power.

Maribel goes a bit insane trying to rescue her friend, becoming Yukari.

>> No.47012593

>her friend

>> No.47012753

Renko's little brother grew up and got a girlfriend his age. She was devastated and went a bit mad.

>> No.47012833
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Maribel just gets naturalized into Gensokyo, just like Lafcadio Hearn became naturalized to Japan and became Yakumo Koizumi.

>> No.47012865

Isn't it implied that she created Gensokyo?

>> No.47012889

Seems pretty well thought out, but I always assumed Yuyuko has something to do with the Hakurei barrier for some reason.

>> No.47012908

Gensokyo is not a place that was created, it a part of the planet that was sealed off from the outside world. She made a barrier of reality and fantasy protecting it after whoever was involved with the Hakurei barrier separated it spatially.

>> No.47012950

Gensokyo was createe, because the part of the planet is just Hakuba. Yukari herself was involved with the creation of the Barrier, but largely it seems that it can be credited to Watatsumi. What Yukari IS responsible for, however, is the Youkai Expansion Project that preceeded the GHB, which in turn led to Gensokyo being the refuge for non-humans that it is.

>> No.47013354

Merry would freeze up like a deer in headlights if she saw a man approaching her in any way.

>> No.47013530

Presumably the "sexual gratification" and "eating" ones.

>> No.47013673

Yukari is such a tragic character, all she ever wanted was love.

>> No.47014674
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If it'll get us any closer to an answer then go ahead.

>> No.47016601

Its touhou anon
This is the one universe where vore is canon

>> No.47016610

My headcanon will always be that Merry is Yukari's daughter

>> No.47016641

Headcanon has to be something that could work within the ambiguities of canon, anon. Yukari could never get laid.

>> No.47016855
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Gensokyo is a simulation. Nothing is real. Merry is the one playing the game. And the game is EraTW

>> No.47016897

Merry is too pure for that

>> No.47017110
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eraTW is vanilla game. You need to spend 3 years or more with a girl to do adult things with her consent.

>> No.47017767

Junko trying to kill Renko in revenge is a fun theory.

>> No.47018156

maribel is so cute

>> No.47018900

Gappy has superhuman strength
She doesn't need to ask

>> No.47019126

No amount of superhuman strength can make her personality less of a turn-off.

>> No.47020042

>implying she can't affect the border between pregnant and not pregnant.

>> No.47020106

I think Yukari's personality is extremely hot. I'd do her. If she asked, or threatened.

>> No.47020147

Hi Ran.

>> No.47022070

Yukari's strength is programmable. She can lift a redwood tree or be so dainty that a trip would break her bones as the narrative needs.

>> No.47023512
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The moment you know Merry truly turns into the monster Yukari is when she goes from TW to K.

>> No.47025111
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>> No.47025145

She looks mad. Are Maribel's clothes that uncomfortable?

>> No.47025201
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>> No.47025303

I guess Renko just like her own clothes and doesn't want to wear anyone else's. Can't blame her, she is very stylish.

>> No.47025331

the smell

>> No.47025338

Dressing tomboys up in frilly dresses is nice, huh?

>> No.47025459
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The Yukari Paradox. She's a strong and powerful Youkai, but her back gives out before she can really get serious.

>> No.47025633

Renko is such a tomboy with her dress and shawl

>> No.47026511

If she actually played eraTW would she just romance herself?

>> No.47026688

Renko is not a tomboy...

>> No.47026759

But then why does she look so frustrated wearing that dress?

>> No.47026806 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.66 MB, 2970x3960, __usami_renko_and_maribel_hearn_touhou_drawn_by_mh_merryhime__7c727a6f7b30498d2fd595352f7d5f0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'd probably j/u/st go after Renko

>> No.47026821

Yukari wouldn't play, there's no Rinnosuke to sexually harass and occasionally rape.

>> No.47026845

Because she's wearing grandma looking clothes that probably aren't all that comfortable

>> No.47026874

Wouldn't the grandma clothes of the future be what girls wear today?

>> No.47026879

there will be no future

>> No.47026909

There has to be a future, otherwise there's no Maribel and Renko

>> No.47026973

>grandma looking
When's the last time you've seen a woman under 40 wear a shawl?
>probably aren't all that comfortable
Renko wears a dress shirt and tie all the time. Maribel's clothes are probably more comfortable, all things considered.

>> No.47027188
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>Alright, Anons. THIS is the thread where we will definitively answer the question: "How are Yukari Yakumo and Maribel Hearn related". There'll be no further threads for the rest of time about the subject so we better unanimously agree.
If we take Lafcadio and other aspects of touhou into account, it's clear that Yukari is Merry's non-human ancestor. With Merry having the most powerful magic compared to her human ancestors. We got a similar sort of thing going on with Sanae being a living God because of her relation to Suwako. This makes a lot more sense than some out of place, terminator-esque time travel fanfic tier "they're ackshually the same" shit. Weird too since Merry and Doremy both have dreams as important motifs but no one seems to believe they're the same person, must be the different color pallete. We all know that if two characters have a similar color pallete then that must mean that they are the same person.
So fuck what I said before. Doremy, Yukari and Merry and Lafcadio are the same person. Who is also an axolotl tapir hominid hybrid. Sounds kind of weird, but itmakes a hell of a lot more sense than the usual yuri-fueled bullshit we've heard before.

>> No.47027207

Tomboy is not in the dress, its in the attitude, Renko is a tomboy in the classical sense, not the meme sense. She is embarrassed since she doesn't like such eye catching frilly dresses, its not rocket surgery.

>> No.47027239

I still don't know if I believe it (I don't understand why you mentioned Lafcadio if it just goes against your theory) but I want it to be true because I like maribel so it would be good news to know that she doesn't turn into a man-eating hag. Besides this would be a plot twist since everyone thinks they are the same person

>> No.47027286

Imagine wifing Yukari and she reveals that Merry is you two's granddaughter and also offers you to take her cherry.

>> No.47027328

Wouldn't her descendants also be part youkai? Sanae being human even though her ancestor is a god makes more sense since we never see any demigods so you can assume that gods are divine humans, or rather that gods and humans share the same nature, but there are half-youkai so all of Yukari's descendants will be part-youkai.
Also, why would Yukari's kids be in the outside world?

>> No.47027377

The tie looks way hotter on Maribel, I wander why.

>> No.47027403

Damn my generational incest fetish... I'd be forced to accept

>> No.47027417

Does your grandma wear the same things she did when she was in her twenties?

>> No.47027423

I agree that Renko acts tomboyish, but I think she likes the dress but doesn't want Merry to know that, otherwise why would she be blushing?

>> No.47027458
File: 168 KB, 800x1135, __yakumo_yukari_and_maribel_hearn_touhou_drawn_by_kaede_mmkeyy__859c1124e01e280e75845f4706aad945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'd be severely mind fucked if the woman I was marrying revealed to me that we already have descendants together.

>> No.47027498

All the more reason for her to do it.

>> No.47027668

It WOULD warrant certain unnerving prospects about your free will and such, wouldn't it?

>> No.47027680

How would you handle Yukari hitting you with the fact that the future is already fixed and nobody has any choice (but you can soothe your deterministic crisis by cumming inside your granddaughter)?

>> No.47027694
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Kill myself right then and there to prove I have choice

>> No.47027697

I think it would feel both very unnerving and slightly romantic in a way if that makes any sense.

>> No.47027842

>This makes a lot more sense than some out of place, terminator-esque time travel fanfic tier "they're ackshually the same" shit.
Anon we already have explicit confirmation that Merry showed up in the Bamboo Forest of the Lost in the past, relative to the Hifuu timeline. Please pay closer attention to these things, because you made yourself look really stupid with this and I know neither of us want that.

>> No.47027847

Someone's bootyblasted his yurishit headcanon was mocked.

>> No.47027849
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I read those and the only thing I could imagine was that one Futurama episode but with Yukari.

>> No.47027876

What does Maribel being Yukari have to do with yuri? Are you okay?

>> No.47027893

So Merry going go the past, fucking her own grandpa(Anon), then getting bullied by Renko for 4d chessing herself into generational incest? I need this in doujin of fanfic style.

>> No.47027966

Ok now all I'm imagining is Yukari taking Merry out of the past so you can impregnate her, revealing that you just knocked up your mother who's going to birth you, travel back through time to become Yukari, and now you need to knock up Yukari so she can birth Merry.

>> No.47028132

Almost, but thought process was more like:
Yukari takes you to knock up her younger self, who would then have a mysterious unknown daughter who ends up birthday Marry, who's eventually gets knocked up by you and become Yukari.

>> No.47028782

Imagine you wife up Sumireko and Yukari appears, reveals that Renko is your granddaughter and makes you the same offer.

>> No.47028908

I haven't read anything about Merry and Ranko, what is she like?

>> No.47028944

Maribel studies relative psychology and has the power to observe boundaries and interact with them sometimes, she is pretty nice but also a bit melancholic and discontent with the world she lives in. She contrasts well with Renko, who, despite being very intelligent, is rather blunt and sometimes smug.

She is connected to Yukari because:
1. They look similar
2. They have similar powers
3. Both of them are based on a writer who changed his name from Lafcadio Hearn to Yakumo Koizumi after moving to Japan

>> No.47029002

It's also worth noting that Lafcadio is responsible for introducing Japanese culture, mythology, and folklore to the rest of the world in his collections of legends and stories. A very significant person.

>> No.47029882

>what is she like?
That depends a lot on your interpretation.
The CDs are not that hard to get into and they are pretty interesting.

>> No.47032277
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I love Maribel so much

>> No.47032304

I like a person who's passionate about their interests.

>> No.47032329

Eh? Wasn't it the dragon?

>> No.47032336

it was me

>> No.47032390
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Dragon-sama... i kneel...

>> No.47032440

What even is there to rant about in psychology? The worse that can happen is she starts talking about Jung.

>> No.47032508

what if I tell her I had a dream about a snake and a apple cut in half

>> No.47032549

After that you will live the happiest 2 hours of your life as she starts dissecting evey small detail of your dream from every imaginable perspective.
Most of it won't even make sense but her excitement will make her very confident about everything she says. It's the first time she gets to do it, Renko never tells her about any of her dreams, Merry isn't even sure if Renko ever dreams at all, so you better act interested about whatever she says.

>> No.47032698

A woman infodumping me about Jung...that would be my dream...

>> No.47032706

"Uwaah, your classmates told me you were weird, but I didn't think it would be this bad."

>> No.47032972

Now she'll never be able to talk about her passion ever again, always remembering this humiliation and will give up on trying to make any other friends. This is why Yukari is such a recluse, who's only firends are her pets and a ghost.
And it's all your fault.

>> No.47033036

Even today, Ran still hears Yukari mutter in her sleep "B-but you wanted to talk about dreams"

>> No.47033167

Mine too, I guess it would be worse if she infodumped about Freud, but I can't see Maribel being into Freud for some reason.

>> No.47033182

Nooooo that's sho horrible...

>> No.47033589

If Merry is Yukari, then what if she's also trying to prevent the dystopian future that she and Renko grew up in?

>> No.47033655

Considering how Yukari acts and the fact that Youkai forget most things after 60 years have passed, assuming Yukari remembers at all, it's more likely that she's trying to create a closed timeloop, rather then prevent the future.

If ZUN actually addressed PC-98 in a clearer way, the whole time loop idea could be more interesting given Yumemi's existence, although it would also remove the one excuse Yukari has for her actions, being ensuring her own existence.

>> No.47034540

>ensuring her own existence.
What does that entail, keeping Sumi alive?

>> No.47034594

Among other things, yeah, but assuming it's a Back to The Future type deal, which everything so far seems to indicate if we don't assume a very particular set of time travel mechanics.

If we go by the logic of "Yumemi travelling back in time leads to the PC-98 timeline, which eventually becomes the Hifuu future, and Maribel going back in time becomes the Windows timeline" I guess we could string them all together, but from Yukari's perspective, she may very well not have any reason to believe that time works that way.

>> No.47034739

Thankfully, this incident didn't ruin Maribel's passion for dream interpretation.
She did decide to skip the rest of her classes that day to go home and sob for a bit, but Renko came and cheered her up. She decided to finally tell Merry about her dreams, as weird and nonsensical as they may be, and actually found Merry's explanations pretty interesting. Renko would always dominate their conversations with her knowledge of physics, but now, Merry felt like the center of attention for the first time.
The next day, thanks to Renko's encouragements, she decided to attend her classes again, but all her classmates could notice she was quieter than usual.
After the classes were over, all of Merry's peers came to her. She was expecting some insincere apolagy for laughing at her behind her back, but that's not what she got. Merry's class decided to go to the nearest park and hang out with her, talking about psychology, mysticism, Jung, her dreams and whatever else she would like. They did think she was weird, but that weirdness is what made her great.
While this didn't heal the wound, it was a nice consolation to know that her colleagues appreciate her which had nothing to do with the fact that Renko threatened them.

>> No.47034804

Escaping with my life by virtue of not being Maribel's classmate!

>> No.47036391

Yeah, Renko didn't think about that. She got carried away by the idea of kicking actual people, not just Jizo statues.

>> No.47036403

Rather than becoming Chang'e, at this rate, Renko will become Saki!

>> No.47036477

I'd say more like Shizuha. It's not that her kick is exceptionally powerful, she just really enjoys using it.

>> No.47036665

It's a little too late for it, but how would Yumemi being reintroduced affect the Hifuu lore?

>> No.47037658

Is there any canon explanation for the eye color change?

>> No.47039806

zun's retardism

>> No.47040099

One interesting detail is that, unlike Alice's or Sakuya's eyes which just changed at random, Yukari's eyes seem to change color depending on what she is wearing: they are purple when she wears the dress and yellow when she wears the tabard, but Maribel's eyes change color at random multiple times but are never purple. Maybe there is more to it.

>> No.47041183

What if the lunarians arrested Renko to protect her. Maybe Junko found a way to reverse Horai immortality, but even if Junko can't kill her, she can still hurt her really badly.
This would explain why Kaguya was just exiled to earth but Chang'e wasn't and also why they didn't just give Chang'e to Junko and Hecatia.

>> No.47041378

They don't give Chang'e over because without her, they have no authority over the moon rabbits.
It would mean that it can't be a closed time loop like Back to The Future. Yumemi's future is definitely more advanced than the Hifuu future given the PSH. By extension, this means that Yukari's actions possibly being to close the time loop are unnecessary and mistaken, if we assume that's a motive of hers.

>> No.47043973
File: 145 KB, 840x1120, 7ca3093df5fddef68f02bd6dc4590aab41a5dd3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maribel a Cute !

>> No.47044005

>she is pretty nice but also a bit melancholic
I think pessimistic its a better word than melancholic

>> No.47044062

>They don't give Chang'e over because without her, they have no authority over the moon rabbits.
Reminds me of how in the first chapter of CiLR Eirin says Tewi is allowed to skip work and act as she pleases due to being the one who controls the Inaba.
Chang'e is sort of a parallel to both Tewi and Kaguya being a princess trapped in a cage who's useful due to her control.ovwr rabbits, I do wonder if Chang'e and Tewi have any real connection in Touhou.

>> No.47044150

Yukari is just an empty husk that gives people the impression that she's the one behind Gensokyo when its really a joint US-Russia-Japan project. Maribels are grown every couple hundred years when the current Yukari's electromagnetically-based neural link starts becoming too unstable to become the new Yukaris. Maribel is a chimera, consisting of DNA from a woman originally living in Sedona, AZ combined with the DNA of a 3000 year old psychically-attuned preserved corpse discovered on a no longer existing island near Franz Josef Land. Renko is also grown in parallel with Maribel to serve as both a teacher and as surveillance.

This is all canon and will be elaborated on in Th20

>> No.47044549

>I do wonder if Chang'e and Tewi have any real connection
Tewi is the mother of all earth rabbits and Chang'e controls all moon rabbits. I always assumed Chang'e created moon rabbits from earth rabbits somehow, but I don't think it was ever explained. I imagine it was similar to how the lunarians created youkai.

>> No.47044618
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It's also interestring how half of the moon rabbits we know of have powers related to physics, the others being Rei'sen who has no power and Ringo who's a fatass. Maybe this also has something to do with how they communicate.

>> No.47044628

Rei'sen has the power to seduce me

>> No.47044651

The claim that Lunarians created Youkai is largely unsubstantiated and contradicts what we know of the Mental Layer. The difference between Moon Rabbits and Earth Rabbits doesn't seem to be any different than the difference between Lunarians and Humans, which is largely just attributed to the former lacking Kegare.

>> No.47044667

There's also their ability to communicate by looking at the moon

>> No.47044677

From how Reisen explains it in Cage, it's more like their ears working like radio antennae than the moon itself having anything to do with it.

>> No.47044739

Wasn't there an early space age project idea that was basicaly using the moon as a radio wave reflector? I don't remember if it ever got implemented or not. So maybe the moon has something to do with their radio waves.

>> No.47046331

Project Diana in 1946. Cool idea, I think Renko would agree.

>> No.47046795

>Tewi is the mother of all earth rabbits
I've heard this before, but do you know where it comes from.
For all that she is Tewi just seems to have been a rabbit who survived for along time and became a youkai.
Do we ever get the implication she was the first rabbit?

>> No.47046827

She's not pessimistic, there are still things that get her excited. That's why I think she is more melancholic than pessimistic or misanthropic. She'd happily live in the past or in a world with more magic.

>> No.47046951

I think it's more of a figure of speech. She is the leader of the earth rabbits so she's probably also the oldest most powerful of them.

>> No.47047384

She is canologically the white Inaba of myth, ergo mother of moon rabbits and was was wife of lord Daikoku, God of medicine (only being better at pharmacy then eirin).
Also never explored in canon but that would kinda make tewi and Kanako in-laws, as Daikoku is an aspects or version of the irl moriyan god or something

>> No.47047461

Daikoku is a version of a shinto god who was the father of Takeminakata, who Kanako is based on

>> No.47047511

I'm aware of the Kanako thing, although i'm pretty sure the wife tewi thing is a fanon born from her being a love god in shintoism, being in love with Daikoku, being a hag, having tons of kids, and Daikoku having a harem of godesses.
Although the harem thing is also funny, as it's unclear in Touhou if Okina is him, an aspect of him, one of his wives, or just somebody who took over his job when he got fucked over.

>> No.47047552

I've heard people say that about Okina, from what I understand, she is a syncretized version of multiple gods, the only one I'm aware of is Matarajin, a buddhist deity brought from Korea.
Regardless, they are most certainly different people, since Daikoku is sealed in a shrine.

>> No.47047749
File: 245 KB, 1280x905, syncretized into.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47047956

Thanks for posting that, I couldn't find the image myself, but personally I think being cautious with using irl syncritism when talking about Touhou lore.
Especially since Daikokuten was sealed in Touhou, but my preferred interpretation of all the fusing is that Okina was one of his wives who took over his job when he as sealed.

>> No.47047968

Guys what the fuck there is a fucking hifuu club anime and I just found out now
Is it good?

>> No.47048476

>my preferred interpretation of all the fusing is that Okina was one of his wives who took over his job when he as sealed
That's an interesting one for sure!

>> No.47049705
File: 202 KB, 850x1063, __maribel_hearn_touhou_drawn_by_wasabisuke__sample-40f91e0fe65177b948ece83a8789c769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maribel THE cute!

>> No.47049959
File: 23 KB, 857x883, okina...maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From TJD, who's talking there, is it an omniscient narrator or is it supposed to be some specific person?
Also, what on earth is "death itself passed into fantasy" supposed to mean?

>> No.47049989

If you read the whole thing it's pretty obvious that the narrator in those bits is supposed to be either Mai or Satono.

>> No.47049999

it's basically only possible for it to be Okina or one of her attendants. My headcanon is that Mai and Satono said the
>Well, there's nothing that can be done about it, is there?
and the
>There's no way that that could be true, right?
while Okina said the other bits

>> No.47050009

Yeah, now that I read it again, it is clear that there are at least two narrators in that section

>> No.47050020

>death itself passed into fantasy
The created a cure for aging in the future and began implementing lifespan regulations.
It's a common trope for how curing aging or making death harder doesn't remove the fear of death and that creating problems for society.
The future earth, without spirituality, fantasy, or any supernatural method of coping, then began struggling as they reach the limit of science and human reason in a universe which doesn't conform to it.

>> No.47050099

>lifespan regulations
I've heard that before but I haven't finished all the Hifuu stories, where is that from?

>> No.47050257
File: 145 KB, 840x924, 1695453114550549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone calculated the year Maribel and Renko live in. It took me a while to find it.
Seems they might soon finish their studies.

>> No.47050269

It's mentioned in Dateless Bar Old Adam.

>> No.47050322

why care about this if zun just wrote random dates

>> No.47050344
File: 2.56 MB, 1880x2710, fc9b7682ff89582ee56e9a1762974947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some faith in ZUN, anon...

>> No.47050442

While this particular case clearly is deliberate, having faith in ZUN is not a habit you want to form.

>> No.47052066

You never know with ZUN, sometimes he has a remarkable attention to detail, other times he forgets his character's eye color

>> No.47052162

>sometimes he has a remarkable attention to detail,

>> No.47052625

What if ZUN's occasional sloppiness is a result of people lacking faith in him? If shrine maidens can become gods, surely the "head priest of the Hakurei Shrine" can become a god too?

>> No.47052787

If the blind faith some people have in him is insufficient, then he lacks the qualifications to become a god.

>> No.47052928

For example with Sagume or Mokou

>> No.47053288

Usagi Renko

>> No.47053303

No, its actually me. Anon.
I simply run letters between them real fast, sometimes I take the bus when my car is out of commission. But usually I can make due on foot if need be.

>> No.47053403

I thought they were all illiterate.

>> No.47053423

They speak into the letter and it writes itself, advanced moonie tech you see

>> No.47055882
File: 18 KB, 906x756, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another connection between Renko and the moon rabbits, Reisen , specifically. Tough I do think this is just a coincidence and it may be a bit of a stretch.
On Torifune, because of the weaker gravity, Renko starts to run around and pretend she has a gun and Maribel even mentions the idea of her shooting light bullets. Reminds you of anyone?

>> No.47055935

>Renko starts to run around and pretend she has a gun and Maribel even mentions the idea of her shooting light bullets. Reminds you of anyone?
I can't believe Renko is the originator of the Kirisame family...

>> No.47055999

Reisen might be a special case, in Reimu's LoLK ending Eirin says only humans can oppose Junko, implying at leasr Reisen is part human.
For Chang'e's control over the rabbits, Eirin herself says that the rabbits can be used against Chang'e and Junko as well as her relationship to Chang'e are kept a secret for this reason.

>> No.47056227

The way I interpreted it was that Eirin was lying, or telling a half-truth and that in reality, the one who defeats Junko only had to be an earthling, like Reisen who started calling herself an earth rabbit, not necesarily human.
But, weirdly enough, Reisen's species in LoLK is given as "human", so you might have a point.

>> No.47056239

The reason I still choose to believe this is because Reisen being half-human implies the moonies interbreed with moon rabbits.

>> No.47056262

maybe moon rabbits are actually humans that got experimented on by the lunarians

>> No.47056289

In Sanae's bad ending, Suwako says the ultramarine orb elixer would make Sanae into a clean human.
The ending narration then makes a joke about extra lives, then saying using the elixir might be dangerous.
I bring this up since it might be extra evidence of the elixer temporarily turning a half-human into a different type human.

I remember watching a youtube video where the rabbits were all brainwashed humans, and Reisen strapped herself to a rocket to get to earth and avoid fighting niel armstrong.
It was a very funny video, but we at least know some of them are at minimum partially Youkai since Reisen 2 mentions being able to use Youkai shape shifting to look more like an earth rabbit.

>> No.47056517

Renko is to Gensokyo what Zeus was to Ancient Greece, like half of it's inhabitants can claim descent from her.probably why autism is so widespread there

>> No.47056619

Poor woman's vagina must have been as wide as an expo hall by the time she finally hit menopause.
I wonder who was the lucky father. Or fathers?

>> No.47056632

All merry, its how you know Yukari isn't her, because Yukari never scores

>> No.47056757

It's more like a Genghis Khan situation. She only had like 5-8 children with only one man, rookie numbers if you ask me. But those kids had a lot more of their own.
It's only real sex if a man is involved. Ask Akyuu.

>> No.47056879

Imagine all the powdered milk her husband had to bring to Gensokyo

>> No.47057246
File: 189 KB, 1100x1140, 1555545550573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any theories about how Maribel became a youkai? Did she have to kill anyone like Alice(supposedly) or was there some other way?

>> No.47057468

My favorite theory is that Yukari is the ribbon on the cap and that she possessed Maribel.

>> No.47057502
File: 526 KB, 854x946, Remove ribbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes things pretty easy, doesn't it?

>> No.47057816

Renko really is a tomboy!

>> No.47057828

And bit of a child at heart too, just like Maribel! No wonder they get along so well!

>> No.47058991

>Eirin says only humans can oppose Junko, implying at leasr Reisen is part human
No, Reisen could fight Junko because she was already impure, while the Lunarians couldn't fight Junko because the pure life force of her buffed fairies terrified them.

>> No.47059056

Well Eirin's exact line in the ending is
>"This time we faced someone whom the Lunarians couldn't deal with themselves, and youkai, being completely impure, cannot even see."
>"In other words, only humans could solve it."

>> No.47060382
File: 547 KB, 850x1200, 1714149319280312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only it were that simple, these things somehow keep coming back.

>> No.47060448
File: 121 KB, 850x1043, __maribel_hearn_touhou_drawn_by_teruteruyohou__sample-58dc1dc1d5ea0844a81296b686817212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never noticed this before but Maribel does already wear a ribbon at her neck.
There is something very symbolic here. Maribel can always make her discontent end, embrace her ability and reach a magical land and all it takes is putting that ribbon on her bonnet. But she doesn't because that would require her becoming a bad person. Of course, she ends up doing it in the end. Maribel is a true tragic hero.

>> No.47060684

Maybe Maribel became a youkai accidentally from using too much magic and staying too much around other youkai.
Maribel doesn't strike me as someone who would want to become a youkai, especially considering how much she's been attacked by them.

>> No.47062734

Poor Hifuu fans. Having to wait over a century to talk to your favorite neurotic college students sounds rough.

>> No.47062759

I guess what this means is that Reisen, having come from the near pure moon and then became impure on the Earth, is only half-impure and was therefore human enough

>> No.47062777
File: 891 KB, 1536x2048, 110349479_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuso mindset anon, all I see is the possibility to become Renko's unnamed grandfather that isn't mentioned because he is not important to the story.

>> No.47062828

宇佐見 蓮子 Usami Renko マエリベリー・ハーン Maribel Hearn
Now, when they will search their names online, they will find this post on an archive.
Sure, I can't talk to them, but I will make sure they know I existed.

>> No.47062908

Eh, I think if it meant that, it would've said it somewhere.
But I prefer the Reisen being part human interpretation, and as other Anon pointed out she's called a human in LoLK, if she was something like a "half-pure youkai rabbit,' I think she would've been called as such.
Eirin's statement is also rather definite, the Lunarians couldn't fight Junko and nether could a youkai, when Reisen drank the Ultramrine Orb Elixer it purified that Youkainess out of her leaving a "human."

>> No.47062954
File: 242 KB, 960x960, 6f77ec9be151c53642910c4745a35abf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With such lucky trips you will!
I want to be Maribel's grandfather!

>> No.47062979

Eirin could have just lied. After all, the reason she hhad to tell Reimu that is to justify another lie. Her species was probably just a mistake, she is called a rabbit everywhere else, even after LoLK. The elixir may have just temporarily turned her into a normal earth rabbit.

>> No.47063288

Eirin could have lied, but I don't think she did, she's explaining her actions to Reimu and if she didn't need a human why trick Reimu and the other protagonists in the first place?
Also earth rabbits are impure youkai and thus wouldn't be able to oppose Junko. Reisen turning into a 'normal' non-youkai earth rabbit also doesn't make sense as we see Reisen and she didn't turn into one, she's still clearly bipedal and has her powers.
I also somehow doubt that human was a mistake, as her omake text her Reisen herself questioning why Eirin would send her alongside the humans, for which I think the answer would be the Ultarime Orb Elixer made her human by purifying the youkainess out of her.
Also I don't know how you get from 月の兎 to 人間. They have a different length in characters and don't have any characters in common.

>> No.47064235

As always, time travel saves the day.

>> No.47064718

My theory: maribel is the cutest

>> No.47064735
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I'm afraid that's already canon.

>> No.47064859

Ah yes, of course the Hifuu Club would wait 360 years to visit the moon, nothing seems amiss there.

>> No.47064903

It's just a typo Anon.

>> No.47064997

No shit lol. I was just poking fun at it.

>> No.47065251

I know Renko is late sometimes, but this is absurd.

>> No.47067401

A bold theory to be sure. Do you have any evidence to back that up?

>> No.47067907
File: 544 KB, 408x646, 015427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at her this is the pinnacle of ZUNart

>> No.47068036

I've been looking at this picture for 20 minutes straight, I just can't look away. She's staring right into my soul.

>> No.47068043

Maribel hypnosis

>> No.47068112

If I look away for too long I get a headache. Renko did say Merry has weird eyes so I guess I was warned.

>> No.47068607

Why is she so perfect?

>> No.47070881

Sumireko finally found a boyfriend!

>> No.47071368

How do you think Merry and Renko would react to /jp/ posts made about them?

>> No.47071386

They'd probably be annoyed at the lewd and rude ones and blush at the ones where they are called things like pretty or cute or adorable.

>> No.47071495

Wouldn't there be more to it? Imagine finding out people in the late 19th century were talking about you and your best friend.

>> No.47071719

That would imply enough people have that blind faith to begin with.

>> No.47071729

A solid possibility, a youkai like human will turn into a youkai in time.

>> No.47071794

Sorry, yeah, of course they would be incredibly weirded out by such. Let alone there being art of them. And them being characters in a doujin series. Which apparently predicts their lives.

>> No.47072107

I imagine that after they get over the initial shock of people in the past knowing about them, they would start reading the posts to see what people think about them and laugh them off until becoming very self-conscious about their defects which /jp/ likes to exaggerate.

>> No.47072247

At least there's always the silver lining of a bunch of men giving them compliment. I imagine it's hard for Maribel to still get mad at the board after reading this post >>47068607

>> No.47072792
File: 88 KB, 780x589, 'ko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Renko so much.

>> No.47073491

I hope that is what actually happens. Maribel becoming Yukari on accident somewhat rescues both characters.

>> No.47075487
File: 169 KB, 1400x700, 1694320578263603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not 100% caught up on Hifuu lore but could it be possible that it isn't that Maribel becomes Yukari but that Maribel is currently Yukari kind of like pic related?
Like, they both share the same space but aren't completely aware of the other's existence?

>> No.47075608

Everything about Maribel's character design would suggest that it's more of a metamorphosis than anything else, and that's before getting into how much of Yukari's Abilities are just advanced versions of what Maribel already displays, or crude techniques that are established to be derived from theoretical physics that she would have learned the basics of from Renko.

>> No.47075727

Why does Maryberry have to be Yukari anyway? Gensokyo and Yukari are probably dead at the time she exists but you have this whole schizo timeloop theorem going. YOu act like Yukari has a monopoly on her powers when Reimu can do similar.

>> No.47075879

Welcome back, shitposter-kun! You would know if you read PMiSS that it's already confirmed that Maribel has traveled back in time, but I know reading is very hard for you.
>YOu act like Yukari has a monopoly on her powers when Reimu can do similar.
Nobody here has suggested as such. Anyone who actually bothered to read CiLR can tell you that it's possible for literally anyone to learn how to make the sort of gaps Yukari does. However, the requisite knowledge isn't something anyone from the Heian Era, when Yukari was first spotted, would know. This is, of course, to say nothing of all the meta elements connecting the two that ZUN has made abundantly clear are deliberate.

Feel free to come back after acquiring basic literacy!

>> No.47075889

>Gensokyo and Yukari are probably dead at the time she exist
Gensokyo probably still exists in the future. The Lunar Capital, which is way more vulnerable , still exists as does the Netherworld
>YOu act like Yukari has a monopoly on her powers when Reimu can do similar
Reimu's abilities are not really similar to Yukari's. There are not that many characters with similar abilities and while Maribel does mention her ability being hereditary, she says no one could use it as well as her.
And it's not just their abilities being similar or them being inspired by the same person, they even act the same in certain situations. The way Maribel used to reach the Lunar Capital is the same one Yukari used, and no one else ever used that method. They have to be somehow connected.

>> No.47078196

Yeah, most likely. I was trying to reason away Yukari's "naps" as when she might become Maribel again but another hole is that, in the latest album, Maribel's only gone for two weeks and Renko moves heaven and earth to find her so she'd probably be less shocked then if it were the case that Maribel is constantly turning back into Yukari for other events in Touhou to happen.

>> No.47078350

Since you brought up TJD, it's interesting how it also says that Maribel is now mostly nocturnal, just like Yukari.
>She wasn't able to sleep comfortably at night, but that was a trifling matter for her since her days and nights had naturally been reversed.

>> No.47079525

>Welcome back, shitposter-kun!
Hunting shadows, are we?

>> No.47083032
File: 1.29 MB, 782x1138, __maribel_hearn_touhou_drawn_by_2zuz4hru__d92b91578b29d0c7799c85d45285e203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47087442
File: 589 KB, 707x1000, 1644755541279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47089543
File: 59 KB, 564x800, 1555642231640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even is relative phychology?

>> No.47089584
File: 1.34 MB, 1178x1726, __usami_renko_touhou_drawn_by_kinese_katasutorohu__840a29904d6c9a6b8b7452a6de9aa2a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychology in relation to others. so literally just psychology since it's always in relation to others

>> No.47089681

That doesn't sound like something you can make a career out of.

>> No.47089801

Maybe that's why she ran away to Gensokyo

>> No.47089874

And to think everything Yukari has ever done is just to prove to Renko that a humanities degree is also useful...

>> No.47089886

That's why ZUN will never end the series, because Maribel will never succeed in doing so.

>> No.47092293
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>> No.47098575
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>> No.47098646


>> No.47098833

Merry can time travel but has Yukari been shown to time travel? If not then instead of Merry becoming Yukari, Merry could be Yukaris mom she had in the past.

>> No.47102697
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>> No.47104462
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>> No.47107900

Stearing at this picture does more for me than any painkiller in the world

>> No.47112105

Honestly, I'm genuinely surprised Maribel's eye color hass been relatively consistent all these years when even an important mainstay character like Marisa can get her eye's changed out for no reason.

>> No.47112437
File: 402 KB, 800x1131, __yakumo_yukari_and_maribel_hearn_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_heran_hei_mao__c7eae932ebc1345779a9a78b7f565272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My theory is Merry ends up stuck in the past due to one of her time travel jaunts and thus has to Bender's Big Score her way back to the present, becoming Yukari along the way.

>> No.47116173

It's weird how they were never purple. I guess when they turn purple we'll know she is turning into Yukari.

>> No.47119688
File: 263 KB, 900x889, 1716693500726273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Merry's eyes are closed on TJD's cover so maybe her ribbon isn't the only thing new about her design.
Now you've got me wondering if she'll gradually transition over time or some single event will happen and Maribel will suddenly be gone forever, replaced by who we call Yukari.

>> No.47122593

I go with the basic Yukari is Maribel after time traveling, growing her abilities, and eventually becoming a youkai. Renko is the Hakurei progenitor (knowingly or not), with Reimu's Float being a far-off evolution of her own ability.

>> No.47122634

a few hundred years in the future yukari took a hit to the head and lost her memories, while in the outside world. she was mistaken for a regular human girl, adopted and given the name maribel

>> No.47125202

This does bring up an ineresting posibility, what if Maribel got stuck in the past accidentally, instead of willfully traveling there. This also explains why Renko is nowhere to be seen.
And after their separation, maybe Renko tries to build...I don't know, the Probability Space Hypervessel

>> No.47129675

How did Yukari become cuter the older she got?

>> No.47133080
File: 492 KB, 524x700, __yakumo_yukari_and_maribel_hearn_touhou_drawn_by_shamisen_syami_sen__bd3b5b43a43f50729056b9d72445e061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you think less of Maribel if it turned out she went back in time alone of her own accord and left Renko behind without an explanation?

>> No.47133199

It depends of how it's handeled.
-Renko, despite being a conspiracy obsessed schizo, clearly has the more promising future
-Whenever she went to Gensokyo, Merry got attacked pretty fequently. Renko was never in any danger in their adventures
-Maybe Merry wants to clear the way ahead and then go back for Renko, but never got around to it
If she had one of those reasons, honestly, I'd think higher of her.
Otherwise, yes, of course I'd dislike her. Renko loves the supernatural and is shown to be jealous of Maribel's ability. Having Renko's best friend run away from her, leaving her disconected from magic entirely, without any good reason would be awful.

>> No.47133281

I'd hi five Yukari for pulling such an impressive shit move on her friend.

>> No.47135333

Why would Merry ever do something like this

>> No.47139851
File: 442 KB, 740x1100, 1687409013421419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Renko loves the supernatural and is shown to be jealous of Maribel's ability
And perhaps Maribel is too of Renko's intelligence; Maribel did just get lost the one time she tries investigating solo and had to be rescued after all, a trip she took without telling Renko first. She could get it in her head that Renko might not need her around, typical young adult angst, or try another solo investigation and remain in the past as Yukari as a kind of escapism.

>> No.47140306

Did Renko really save her?

>> No.47140457
File: 29 KB, 415x739, images (36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on this popular fan theory about Hearn and Yukari would that mean that Mike o'HEARN is related to touhou? Is he Yukari Yakumo and Merry at the same time?

>> No.47142553

So we just need to worship him and everything will solve itself?

>> No.47142616
File: 1.42 MB, 3000x4000, ufwuami renko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly not, since Yukari is in dire need of saving herself.

>> No.47143405

True, in that department Renko needs some saving herself, but I mean in TJD. To me it seemed more like Renko just went out looking for Merry but she was never in any danger.

>> No.47148483

>Lafcadio Hearn became naturalized as Yakumo Koizumi after getting married and adopting his wife's name
>When asked about Yukari and Maribel's connection, Zun only brings up Lafcadio Hearn's existence but doesn't expound on what that really means in the context of Touhou
>Meaning it may not be a direct connection where Hearn becomes Yakumo but that Yukari becomes a Hearn and takes that name from someone
Anon, you might be onto something here...

>> No.47148684

So watch out for any dudes with a last name Hearn coming to steal our wife?

>> No.47149566

I mean, I was going to go out, legally change my surname, and wait it out until she pops up but I guess that works too.

>> No.47154082
File: 1.81 MB, 2894x4093, __maribel_hearn_touhou_drawn_by_t_hou__21230edbedd6657518c55f28f72af2ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47155750

Wait what? I thought they were purple, fanon betrayed me...

>> No.47157937

They are blue on the cover of GFC, but that cover looks kind of weird so you could come to the conclusion that they were actually meant to be purple.

>> No.47164410
File: 745 KB, 2039x1447, __maribel_hearn_touhou_drawn_by_nama_udon__804d22ec2408edfaf54f7739f8d494a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47164481

Well, it wasn't like Okina was feeding Maribel while she was in there nor did it seem like she was gonna come back out on her own.

>> No.47164501
File: 430 KB, 650x699, __maribel_hearn_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_agasa_akasa_anodan__fefc1d8a06f1c08587cb16342c7cf78f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47167242

From Maribel's perspective, she was there for a very short time. It doesn't seem like there was anything stopping her from leaving, so she would have probably come out of her own accord if Renko waited a bit.

>> No.47171220
File: 110 KB, 850x1179, __maribel_hearn_touhou_drawn_by_mushiao__sample-437ddca8955fbd65f70318b165d206de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47174931

>"How are Yukari Yakumo and Maribel Hearn related"
They're pole sisters

>> No.47180620
File: 832 KB, 1354x1318, 1697708811757628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47181324

If you don't think Merry is Yukari at this point, you actually need help.
Related, the new album was great! Necro-fantasia remix might be my favorite track

>> No.47184224

>It doesn't seem like there was anything stopping her from leaving, so she would have probably come out of her own accord if Renko waited a bit.
That's what Maribel concedes too since one of Renko's big lessons at the end of TJD was that time and matter are just wave interferences so Renko's two weeks passing and Merry's couple of minutes passing are negligible but Renko doesn't dwell too long on how the opposite could have been true. Until Merry returns, it could have been that only two minutes passed for Renko and two thousand years passed for Merry and there's no way for Renko to know which is which until she retrieves the Schrodinger's Merry. We don't really get a whole lot on what is happening to Merry physically while she's inside the jizu anyway so this is all just hearsay.

>> No.47184745

Maybe this gets brought up in the next CD

>> No.47184929

Could explain why no one in Touhou seems to age.

>> No.47187794
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>> No.47187821

Thats just zun being zun, anon

>> No.47189416

Actually it has appeared in blue, brown and yellow

>> No.47190385
File: 55 KB, 450x708, 1438863886645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird how little she gets drawn with blue eyes.

>> No.47192163

Looks good

>> No.47192353

She's so gorgeous...

>> No.47192415

Only Suwako's offspring could be considered actual demigods, then the god blood gets watered down

>> No.47196094

Something that's been bugging me is how Yukari is a gifted physicist and mathematician when all these topics seem to fly over Maribel's head. Maybe Renko was the real Yukari the whole time.

>> No.47197096

Yukari isn't though. Just look at how slipshod Ran's programming is, Yukari openly admitting in CiLR that Ran doesn't act the way she'd like her to. Then when it comes to physics and Mathematics, given that her gaps are obviously connected to that since Eirin's lecture that taught Toyohime how to connect the Lunar Capital and Earth was related to quantum physics, we see Toyohime clearly uses them with much greater skill.

I'm all for flattering Renko's abilities, but to claim she's Yukari is just an insult to her.

>> No.47200733

No one other than Yukari and Ran have shikigami so you don't really have anything to compare Ran's programing to.
We don't know how the gaps work but they seem to be of a different nature to Toyohime's thing. Even then, knowing how something works doesn't mean you can use it so her proficiency with the gaps doesn't tell us anything about how much physics she knows.
As for her math skill, Ran, who is very good at math herself, said she doesn't even understand Yukari's intellect. She can, for instance, calculate the depth of Avici. You can debate about how good she is at other things, but there is no doubt about her being good at math.
Maribel herself is no idiot, she isn't as good at physics as Renko, but she was still able to comment on Renko's paper even though she didn't fully understand its conclusion.
It acutally makes sense that after a few hunderd years, ignoring the possibility of cognitive decline, she would be as inteligent as Yukari.

>> No.47201376

>Ran, who is very good at math herself, said she doesn't even understand Yukari's intellect.
That's just her way of saying "I have no idea what the FUCK my master is talking about, please don't look to me for answers." It's pretty much exactly the same as Youmu and Yuyuko's dynamic, where if you look at Cage in Lunatic Runagate, it's clear half the stuff Yuyuko says to sound mysterious and profound to Youmu is literally just nonsense.

I'd advise you read A Beautiful Flower Blooming Violet Every 60 Years. Aside from Cage, it's the other occasion where we get ZUN writing Yukari's inner monologue. She's not that remarkably intelligent, and never has been, it's just that most Yukari "fans" have been on the copium of ignoring everything past IN for decades now.
>Verification not required.

>> No.47202647
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I like to think that Yuyuko has the actual brains between the two and is there to help bail out her retarded friend in SSiB in the most tactful way that doesn't end up in a colossal shitshow. In the case of Youmu—who has the intelligence score of a wall—she likes the reactions she gets out of her because anything that has real wisdom would just go through her head and impress her the same.

>> No.47202741

Oh absolutely. Frankly I'd say it's probably not an exaggeration, especially if SSiB is indicative of greater behavioral patterns, to say that Yukari owes Yuyuko her life.

>> No.47205828
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>> No.47208420
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>> No.47211192

>It acutally makes sense that after a few hunderd years, ignoring the possibility of cognitive decline, she would be as inteligent as Yukari.
Then my next question is, what's the most likely scenario for how Maribel ends up getting smarter? Assuming the most popular theory of her being sent back in time before becoming Yukari, is it in her character for her to teach herself everything while stuck in Gensokyo or are there any characters who could be around back then and also be open to instructing her?

>> No.47214642
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>> No.47216868
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Here's hoping the release of a new Hifuu album helps Maribel in the popularity polls.

>> No.47218373

That has to happen, what would be great is if she bridged the gap between her and Renko

>> No.47220998
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How high up is Renko?

>> No.47223207

Was 38th last time

>> No.47229123
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