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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46990465 No.46990465 [Reply] [Original]

How many anons on /jp/ would willingly turn themselves into youkai if they entered Gensokyo?

>> No.46990477

Only if it gets me youkai pussy

>> No.46991336
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Only if I get to have Nue as a wife.

>> No.46991479

It's illegal for a man to try turning into a cute girl in Gensokyo. The Miko will execute you.

>> No.46991513

Fuck no. I'll build my own shrine and turn into a half-human half-god instead.

>> No.46991518

Your wife is my inhaler, dude

>> No.46991574

His actions were a problem because he willingly upset the "balance" and killed another villager in the process of changing, thus he got stomped.
Any self-respecting Anon would know to change or be in the process of changing before he made it inside Gensokyo.

Not that I would know anything about that.

>> No.46991669

Hell no but I would definitely want to be a Celestial though

>> No.46991672

No way, being a youkai male is the worst
No pussy
No screentime
Can't get preyed upon by sexy youkai looking for husbands
Celestial and moonie girls hate your guts
Human wives suck already, now you can't even take advantage of her stupid friends to entertain her. Sucks living in the forest alone with a hag wife.
Literally no afterlife, you aren't even real like animals or man
Gay ass powers that just job to gods and actual badasses that didn't cheat their way

No, being a male youkai is aids

>> No.46991799

>Literally no afterlife, you aren't even real like animals or man
What is real then?

>> No.46991808
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False, she only lets me do all sorts of things to her.

>> No.46991850

No I’m drinking the hourai elixer and making my youkai wife drink it too

>> No.46991887

Why anyone would choose to become a youkai instead of the objectively superior Hermit -> Celestial Job Change route is completely beyond me. Even if you don't have to worry about getting Fortune Tellered, you're still making yourself dependent on belief to survive, and since you aren't getting away with doing anything like outright genocide in Gensokyo, you're not going to be feared in the same way the big named Youkai are. At best, you can become a Magician, but then your physical abilities are probably going to be dogshit if you aren't specializing in body-reinforcement magic.

>> No.46991953

Only if I turn myself into a cute girl first to avoid being murdered by the bitchy shrine maiden

>> No.46992075

I'll get bitten by my wife Remimi and spend the rest of eternity with her.

>> No.46992233

They only lured you in so your blood could be drained. She's been faithfully married to me for almost two decades.

>> No.46992637
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Statement unclear; Anon was bitten by Rumimi.
To death.

>> No.46993375

Since you need to turn before entering Gensokyo to not risk immediate extermination, this thread made me wonder: are there any stories about people turning into youkai? Either in japanese literature or in folklore? And if there are such stories, what kind of youkai it is possible to turn into?

>> No.46993470

Just become a hermit/celestial. You get to keep most of your humanity, become stronger, not break any rules and have fun with youkai/gods on the regular.

>> No.46993479
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Which female 2hu would (You) be?

>> No.46993553

It doesn't look like she found me tasty...
Surely that's not the case, right?

>> No.46993592
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Have you ever heard the saying "good medicine tastes bad"?
The Roomba is smart enough to understand that sometimes you need to eat something not-so-tasty for the sake of tasty meats later on.

>> No.46993656

Reread what you quoted

>> No.46993671

An Outsider turning themselves into a youkai probably wouldn't be treated the same as a villager. Just avoid joining the village before you become one.

>> No.46993678

This, if no one knows they won't care. FT was sloppy

>> No.46993687

Couldn't you also just enshrine some random object and turn it into a god? and then you just become a powerful priest (supposing you manage to gather faith) worst thing that could happen is Reimu beating the shit out of you because she is a failed faithless broke envious miko bitch.

>> No.46993699

Make an alliance with Kanako and Sanae. FUCK REIMU

>> No.46993838

I'm of two thoughts.
The first, presuming Grimsokyo, would be yes. I don't wanna die seeing my innards being devoured by someone and the only counter to that is being a youkai yourself.
The second, presuming OP is a sane person and not a grimfag, then fuck no! I don't wanna be a long-lived race, are you nuts?! Even if I couldn't get a 'huwife, everyone in the human village is a drunkard and set back hundreds of years, I could easily find a wife just from the first and probably worst head in the entire village's lifespan.

>> No.46993844

What's up with the FT spam that seems to be populated by the same 2 or 3 people?

>> No.46993921
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It's literally just circle-jerking redditors who probably aren't even old enough to be on this site.

>> No.46993949

I wouldn't try that, but I'd try to become a magician though

>> No.46993998
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Y'all sure got some great plans to live your best life in Gensokyo.
I was just gonna have sex with fairies until they make me their king, but I'm sure your ideas are a lot of fun, too.

>> No.46994002

I'd beg to eat Mokou's liver. I'd never want to be a youkai.

>> No.46994024

I've only seen one in the past week or so.

>> No.46994061

No, I would sneak into the character's houses and eat all of their trash

>> No.46994252

>are there any stories about people turning into youkai? Either in japanese literature or in folklore? And if there are such stories, what kind of youkai it is possible to turn into
Oni, various kinds of angry ghosts, that thing where your hair comes alive and eats food.

>> No.46994303
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>> No.46995143
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Always knew Yukari browses Reddit

>> No.46996319
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generic villager B, probably

>> No.46997384

There are some works by Akutagawa Ryūnosuke in my local library. Is he possible entry point on the subject? Or should I start with some folklorist studies? You can get a gist of my country folk beliefs with 19th/early 20th century writers, is it similar with Japan?

>> No.47007614

>Turn yourself into youkai.
>Get the sweet, sweet release from existence from qt Hakurei miko.

Sure, why the fuck not?

>> No.47007766

I "could" become an Oni, it's on the table

>> No.47007915

No, here's what I would do.
I'm a hu'whyt 6'5" /fit/izen, so I already heightmog and musclemog the entirety of Japan including Gensokyo's human village. What I would do is bring with me a professional arm wrestling table with me (I do pro arm wrestling, y-yes it's a thing) into the centre of the human village and put up a sign:
"humans only" < in small print

Eventually gathering a crowd, I would begin demolishing everyone who would dare challenge me.
But here's the kicker, after every defeat I would flex my biceps to the crowd a say "See? Strongest in Gensokyo." Then I would pump my chest out, the crowd would love it and cheer.
Finally there would be no more challengers, I will have conquered the human village with my superior lmao5pl8 deadlift strength.
It's now my time to shine.

I would ask Reimu to take me to Hecatia so I could challenge her to a fight.
I would sing "I know a song that will get on your nerves~" until Reimu agreed to take me there.
Finally 1vs1, me vs Hecatia.
The match begins and I utterly stomp Hecatia. It's not even a competition.
Reimu is stunned, "H-how did you do that?" She would ask.
Then it would flashback to the arm wrestling tournament and every instance of "Wow anon, you really are the strongest!"
Then it would flashback to Yukari giving an explanation of how the human village influences Gensokyo "Whatever the human believes... Is real. fr fr no cap"
Then back to everyone in the human village proclaiming me the strongest.
Then I would say, "Ohh, you know~ Starting Strength 5x5."
At that point I would turn to the camera and wink ;)

>> No.47008079

If Fortune Teller had started hitting on Reimu, what would have happened?

>> No.47008210

Anon draws in a vindictive youkai for his hubris.
Youkai sits down at table disguised as a villager.
At that moment, real villager that can read notices the fine print.
"Hey, wait a minute. You're a phony! A big, fat phony! Hey everybody, he's a phony!"
All power of belief leaves you instantly, and your opponent folds your clothes with you still in them.
Your corpse is flung outside the gates and then mogged by fairies.
Villager 352: "This little fella says he saw a corpse outside the gate!"
Short shit witch: "Oh yeah, kid, that's just how it is!"

>> No.47008270

.t A scared Yukari
Watch out hag, the strongest is on his way.

>> No.47008500
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Don't compare me to that immature teenager, thanks. I prefer older, mature women like Remilia, who have a bit of class and culture.

>> No.47009605

because becoming a hermit and subsequently a celestial takes many centuries you dumbass, on top of always having a kishin after your ass every century and having to not slack off for the slightest second to not die at their hands

transforming into a youkai, especially in the fortune teller method, is much cheaper and convenient

>> No.47009895

If you have an eternal life that's more than enough time to learn about you kishin chaser's personality and proceed to seduce them. Now you're immortal and have a cute kishin wife without relying on the faith of people you don't care about to continue existing.

>> No.47009930

Would you still take the kishin as your wife even if it's a dude?

This will be on the hermit test.

>> No.47009962

Play the fine line of becoming a youkai like human? Gaining some of those attributes while remaining human would be playing on the knife's edge though.

>> No.47010039

I think as long as you remain far away from humans (ie: Hell or Makai) you'd be alright regardless of what you become. Once you become powerful enough make your grand entrance with an incident or something

>> No.47011948

>What is real then?
The yokai. Mr anon doesn't know that yokai are just spirits essentially. It's like saying a human isn't real because he died and now he's a spirit without a material vessel.

>> No.47012907

Everyone who pulled it off survived


>> No.47012963

First of all, you don't want to be immortal
Second of all, I don't think Mokou wants you to be immortal.

All life in the universe has been extinguished for eons. In all that time, there's only been a few people to keep each other company:
Weirdo /jp/ anon who somehow still manages to be creepy after all this time

>> No.47013039

The real issue is that they wouldn't be able to keep each other company by that point. They'd be stuck dying and having their souls rebuild their bodies, before that cycle repeats.

Though knowing Eirin, if Kaguya ever asked for it, she would devise a way to kill off Hourai Immortals for good.

>> No.47013654

This. Make your own cult.
>By my deeds I honor him, V8

>> No.47020420

>It's illegal for a man to try turning into a cute girl in Gensokyo. The Miko will execute you.
That pointy haired hypocrite.

>> No.47020593

Nothing shows that they get an afterlife however. Seriously, what we know of youkai is that in practice they are free floating spirits without a 'real' physical vessel, which is why they are so physically strong. Essentially there is no way to 'kill' a youki physically, you have to destroy the soul. Obviously no soul = no afterlife, no youkai has a proper afterlife.
They will never ride the Shikigami's boat, never stand before a Yama, and never be sentenced to hell or judged to be pure.

>> No.47020631

The power has rested within you the entire time.

>> No.47020879

I used to go full schizo with this concept. I'd imagine how I'd look as a youkai and legitimately wish to go to Gensokyo

>> No.47020980

Youkai women fawn over youkai males and reject weak human males

>> No.47021438

Fortune Teller, it's a relief to see you're alive and posting, but we all know Youkai Women are notorious for sexual predation of human males. If not for that red-white miko, we wouldn't have any more purebred humans left.

>> No.47021455
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So true! Human women are also crazy for Big Youkai Cock!

>> No.47024242

Youkai males fawn over each other and reject the psychotic and annoying youkai females.

>> No.47024876

Reimu disappointed me so much.

>> No.47025316

Time travel adventures with the hourai gang!

>> No.47032723

I just want to dick cute touhou girls.

>> No.47034274

No. Rejecting your humanity is gay.

>> No.47034374

b13 disciples rise up.

>> No.47034386

Literally just put yourself in a pocket universe or just open a rift to another and siphon the energy from those to stave off the death forever. Or if you can do that, just go to another universe all together.

>> No.47042912

So they never get any punishment for their actions, what a luxurious existence, I'm gonna turn myself into one

>> No.47052425


>> No.47061580


>> No.47061652

Every time there’s a fuss about being immortal and how you’ll be there when the universe dies no one ever seems to bring up the possibility of inter dimensional travel. Just keep hopping to different worlds (dimensions? Universes?) forever before they die so that way you’ll never get bored and you won’t be stuck flying in the abyss space
