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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46986534 No.46986534 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous thread:>>46976426

>> No.46986605
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x2299, 1615291741783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official DJT guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

>> No.46986634


>> No.46986644

konatas so based

>> No.46986647

dont care

>> No.46986650

who asked

>> No.46986703

I wish they made another season

>> No.46986779
File: 985 KB, 1280x720, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvs13uc.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46986782
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>> No.46986825

i really wish vn protags would stop saying 考えてもしかたない and THINK

>> No.46987021

But there’s no use thinking about it.

>> No.46987074

I really wish VN protags would stop saying 鹿たがない

>> No.46987078
File: 232 KB, 1200x1153, 1710768591073456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

masturbation is the #1 reason I know any japanese but I cant tell anyone thats why im learnimg the language.

>> No.46987079
File: 42 KB, 627x879, GPB0h-zbUAA74rC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you learning Japanese?

>> No.46987092

Because I am a born weeb.

>> No.46987106

its men's mental health awareness month
please take care of yourselves anons

>> No.46987118

GF: I’m scared you’re going to fall in love with some married woman
Me: I am
GF: *starts crying*
Me: Will you marry me?
GF: :’)

>> No.46987120
File: 1023 KB, 3000x4000, F6mgGzaaEAAffyU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a deeper connection to media a I like like manga, vns and jap music. And because I want to feel superior to low tier weebs

>> No.46987134


>> No.46987156

What's the best way to get a grasp on the syntax? It's so different from English and it's driving me insane.

>> No.46987159





>> No.46987163
File: 172 KB, 821x213, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf 掃除機のように

>> No.46987168

There is no best way theres only one way and its spending time understanding input

>> No.46987178
File: 9 KB, 350x144, How Stuff Works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46987182
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is the "turtle head" part referring to the penis or just the tip? I learned something new anyway, thanks for posting it.

>> No.46987202

what is the kon wa part referring to?
like a vacuum cleaner "kon wa" violently suck on the penis?
is the girl called kon?

>> No.46987214
File: 89 KB, 720x1476, GPBnaoHWkAAji3W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vinnie bros...

>> No.46987226


can't wait

>> No.46987370

someone post the screencap of the guy smelling the gypsy girl in majora's mask

>> No.46987407

why does this need A.I.? i feel like A.I. is being used in a lot of scenarios where traditional programming would do just fine. in fact i think traditional programming would be safer for the consumer here, because the A.I. might accidentally produce a toxic scent and kill you. i wouldnt use that until it's been released for at least a year and people give unbiased reviews of it.

>> No.46987426


>> No.46987552

good read

>> No.46987656

I accidentally got to the Chinese side of amateur porn on twitter / telegram, how do I get to the Japanese one, for studying purposes?

>> No.46987692 [DELETED] 

Because of media AI has been put on a pedestal and has gained a lot of reputation and people think it's some breakthrough modern technology. But in reality it's really not that different from regular programs, it just has the ability to adapt and learn.
Also, while it has improved significantly over the past few years, it is not entirely new technology, AI was here before the 21st century came around.

>> No.46987763

shit i forgot chevron down

>> No.46987816

oh damn good point i forgot that even existed. i hate when that's used though it feels worse than just using [-]. like it's more free floating and unreliable

>> No.46987910


>> No.46988012


>> No.46988049


>> No.46988070
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>> No.46988110
File: 548 KB, 1920x1080, 428 Shibuya Scramble_20190825202607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he lloks kinda like minorikawa from 428 SS

>> No.46988129

japanese is too mainstream. if you want to impress normies, you need to learn vietnamese

>> No.46988292

if you want to impress me, you stfu

>> No.46988298

usless wotd

>> No.46988312
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>> No.46988349


>> No.46988352


What's this use of 損してる here? Personalty trait?

>> No.46988376

ok i caught up with seasonal slop. my verdict:

kinda funny slopkino
>mushoku tensei
>dungeon meshi
boring slop

>> No.46988411

No sankyuu!

>> No.46988418
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>> No.46988792
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>> No.46988820


>> No.46988834


>> No.46988878

I had a half asleep dream that I was forming cohorent jap sentences

>> No.46988881

ayo asa dayo
wheres papi

>> No.46988936

dead thread? might play a vinny and spam some screenshots then

>> No.46988939


>> No.46988961


>> No.46988970

Gonna ask again >>46986252

But on a more serious note a group dropped a manga I was reading 8 chapters in 3 years ago. Any of you want to finish it for some money?

>> No.46988973

we all millionaires here

>> No.46989016

Do you need volunteers for gambling death games? Asking for a friend

>> No.46989024
File: 31 KB, 913x363, Anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post stats (2k6k)
Do you think I'll be able to reach 4000 left by the end of June?

>> No.46989038


>> No.46989452


>> No.46989468

why are you gonna rip a stank onara

>> No.46989517


>> No.46989540
File: 25 KB, 172x1211, 1686843350028806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made some subs for ep 1 of outlaw star just to see how long it takes. actually i thought it would be a lot quicker but generative ai is still trash. i was expecting to be able to use whisperai to create some shitty subs to start with and just correct them but it generated nothing but 音楽 for the whole file lol

>> No.46989582

You just reminded me I was like 3 episodes into Outlaw Star with English subs when I started learning Japanese and watched the rest without subs cause I couldn't find Japanese subs for it, and understood almost nothing. I should go back to it now that I don't need subs to understand anime

>> No.46989613
File: 275 KB, 1464x2048, 1717337647650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

immersing in loli ui from the comfort of your own home

>> No.46989626

been saving this one until the season is done cause I never watch a season in progress

>> No.46989656

I want to go over there and join a far right party to convince the Japanese people to not be so tolerant of foreign bullshit before it kills them just like it's killing European countries.

>> No.46989666

immigrants against immigration
you might just harm the cause bro, better to shill your yensheckles to far rigjt orgs

>> No.46989676

>foreign bullshit
so gypsies and muslims?

>> No.46989687

and indians aka brown jews

>> No.46989697
File: 225 KB, 1046x1280, Departed+burial+waterlogged_79d3c4_11630488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blacks and jews too, as well as the White leftists who do their best to shit up every place they go. But I don't think gypsies are in Japan.

>> No.46989719


>> No.46989724

training an ai to learn japanese for me

>> No.46989727

Everyone hates jews but do you have to make djt about this

>> No.46989728
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seems like a skill issue https://huggingface.co/spaces/sanchit-gandhi/whisper-jax

>> No.46989743

hello sir

>> No.46989749

One poster asked "Why are you learning Japanese?" and I replied, I didn't try to make it about them.

>> No.46989760

What abou the gentleman who rewatches Shin-chan stuff with double subtitles on, does he know japanese now?

>> No.46989766

Daily Jew Thread

>> No.46989771

jealousy breeds hatred

>> No.46989792

if you make violent threads as part of bants on futabachan, they unironically report you to the authorities and gloat about their victory over you

pretty fucked up tbqh

>> No.46989793

what about nuke does he know japanese now

>> No.46989796
File: 68 KB, 850x639, GPBjx6CWoAAJYs0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why sometimes I can't focus for shit and sometimes reading the same manga the day after I zip through it super easy.

DO you guys have any concentration tip? Or any tip in general for lack of focus? Maybe I?m just tired lately, or I need to change method of immersion (I mostly read manga)

>> No.46989800
File: 24 KB, 298x516, 1703897480443979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was just using the whisper.cpp models but yeah that one seems better. still full of fucked up shit when i give it the full audio though

>> No.46989805

how much you can focus is genetic

>> No.46989815

true women go crosseyed focusing on my penis

>> No.46989816

well if you werent a white supremacist chud mb id tell u the secret on how to focus better

>> No.46989826

i dno a white supremacist which also implies traditional values would be repulsed by tattoos

>> No.46989838

there isn't a secret like 50% of iq is natural concentration ability

>> No.46989849

true adhd is moderately heritable

>> No.46989853

i think people mistake being able to grind through something for concentration

>> No.46989856

I would impregnate her

>> No.46989865

>a white supremacist which also implies traditional values
i'd bet average white supremacists are trashy people who don't care about tattoos.

>> No.46989872

80% is not "moderate" its very high

>> No.46989876

Also I can focus on manga and stuff for hours easily but not my taxes or chores

>> No.46989878

very high would be 100%

>> No.46989880

They are. Just look at the white trash around Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho.

>> No.46989888

you think you're concentrating but you're not, you're just not bored

>> No.46989889


>> No.46989952

does queef have adhd

>> No.46989963

hard to say since he's accomplished a lot. but he could have other traits that outweigh his adhd.

>> No.46989967

repulsive calarts slop japan is fuckin over

>> No.46989968

i love esl vtubers

>> No.46990116

yeah ok i killed the thread

>> No.46990126


>> No.46990188
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>> No.46990222

Don't burn yourself. It take years to learn a language. An Anki shouldn't be your main learning source.

>> No.46990242


ai won

>> No.46990248

the actual thread killer was

>> No.46990249

dont want to live in a world without papi

>> No.46990271

won what exactly? call me when ai music is at the top of the charts

>> No.46990276
File: 33 KB, 1030x581, 3121212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a lot of reviews. this is what 1.5k words in 20 days looked for me. even if you optimize it mast my memorization ability 3x as many cards is still gonna leave you with over 3000 reviews a day. You'll have to spend about 5 hours a day on anki.

>> No.46990284



>> No.46990285

>m-m-muh 100iq most-jewish-friendly song ranking
how about using your own head/ears?

>> No.46990295

i dont like the song. now what

>> No.46990300

now you can make one you like

>> No.46990316

>you must sign in with your jew account to continue
yeah no thanks

>> No.46990318

itudemo ii yo

>> No.46990324

>nigga so retarded he can't use tempmail

>> No.46990334

>need js to access site
yeah no thanks

>> No.46990353

yeah no fuck you. it forces you to use google, discord, twitter or apple to log in.
i actually made a twitter account using a disposable email address the other day and twitter instantly locked the account because of "suspicious activity"

>> No.46990354

>they need my foot to go up their asses in order to stfu

>> No.46990358

you do know that you can make a google account without a phone number? right?

>> No.46990363


>> No.46990365

sure, i can do a lot of things. still wont make ai music though.

>> No.46990370


>> No.46990382


>> No.46990392


>> No.46990405
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>> No.46990412
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>> No.46990417

shine bakayarou. omae ha coconi yokoso janai

>> No.46990426



>> No.46990445


>> No.46990453
File: 21 KB, 359x360, 1716845138454227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't bring myself to put effort into learning, I read jap fanfics with the rikaikun extension but have no intention of memorising the kanji. I'm fucked.

>> No.46990511

man, that's quite the story

>> No.46990519
File: 765 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi-tsuki - 10 (1080p) [7000623E]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turn on your monitor

>> No.46990535

I've been trying to lean for 8+ years and only know the absolute basics. :)

>> No.46990536

kisama nani shiagatte

>> No.46990582

>yokoso janai
itiban jouzu janai yatu ga mietekita

>> No.46990599

itiban jouzui yatu ni naritai kanaa

>> No.46990625
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>> No.46990632
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi-tsuki - 10 (1080p) [7000623E]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you join djt

>> No.46990634

co-pu to shi-su

>> No.46990641

no, im not your friend. i dont know who you are, Anonymous.

>> No.46990645

Hand them over then, the kanji.

>> No.46990651

>no, im not your friend
why would you lie on the internet?

>> No.46990655

only here for the high iq conversation

>> No.46990688

no conversation only witticisms

>> No.46990717

djt is the fraiser of /jp/ only slightly less racist

>> No.46990731

so クレープをたべたい is like "im making myself want to eat it" and used the same way as in eigo? Like I'm showing you these pictures to make myself want to eat it again

>> No.46990748

making myself want to eat crepe*

>> No.46990788
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>> No.46990819

i think this is a huge psyop. if you wanted to say that someting is making you wanna eat something then you would go the 食べたくなる road. i think its just permissible to say Xを食べたい because the verb 食べる already is transitive.

>> No.46990827

take screenshots of eery page and read the screenshots that way you can't rikaikun it and you'll have to learn

>> No.46990828

crepe wo jibun de tabetaku narasaseru

>> No.46990842

how about this
"surely this crepe is making this loli want to eat me?"

>> No.46990844

>jp walkthrough is wrong
it's over...

>> No.46990858
File: 3.44 MB, 2835x3189, 1717274171032545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can do about anything in your acquiring process as long as it doesn't include thinking
how true is this?

>> No.46990863

baka wo ie

>> No.46990908

But why would I do that?

>> No.46990914

so that you could feel superior to others despite not knowing japanese

>> No.46990923

ano lucky star kai, nani-wa dattakke....kagami ga pasakon de 'fuinki' wo utte, soshite 雰囲気 ga detekonakattara 'naze ka henkan dekinai' to itte...kawai sugi kayo? kagami isshou oseru

>> No.46990945

I have no friends nor desire for attachments to worthless 3D entities. This motivation is nonexistent in me.

>> No.46990953

dang, jimaku is already much better than kitsunekko

>> No.46990967
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>> No.46990969

because if your problem is that you're too lazy with the hover dictionary available then making it so you have to figure out the kanji to look up the words will force you to learn where you can't force yourself

>> No.46990975
File: 356 KB, 1152x2048, GO89sMjbYAAi1C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46990982

rape is ok

>> No.46990983

any good slop this season?

>> No.46990985

i sit like that when im drunk too

>> No.46990997

can't bleieve the floors actually look clean

>> No.46991010

cuz they dont have that many immigrants there

>> No.46991019


>> No.46991032

if you clean the floors they look clean woaw

>> No.46991034


>> No.46991037

sights like these make me wanna love women

>> No.46991040

how so? bigger collection?

>> No.46991049


>> No.46991056

yeah, and there's no spam, plus it has a section for live action

>> No.46991109

who do you think is cleaning the floors?

>> No.46991119

>teaching your mom what kusogaki means

>> No.46991126

no one, they all take their shoes off b4 going into the station

>> No.46991132

some 60yo japanese man

>> No.46991140


>> No.46991145

no they just stand there and gesture you along the correct path forward and sometimes they gesture at the subway trains

>> No.46991150

kodomonokorokara immersion shiteirukaradayo

>> No.46991158

just broke a puzzling speed record

>> No.46991166

wtf me too but it was only a PB

>> No.46991175

why was it so puzzling?

>> No.46991183

meant speed puzzling got too excited

>> No.46991184

how do you break a puzzle lol you gaijins are weird

>> No.46991191

you rage and throw it on the floor

>> No.46991200

gaijin smash

>> No.46991210


>> No.46991221

holo sounds too similiar to "hollow" so i always have to smirk when hearing or reading it.

>> No.46991231

are nips using myanimelist? anikore looks really barren

>> No.46991244

#holoX is pronounced as "ho-looks," similar to Horus. Not holo and X

>> No.46991264

hollow life

>> No.46991270


>> No.46991273


>> No.46991279

アノン君は今どんなエッチなことしているのよ?w w w

>> No.46991295

imagine some jap with glasses trying to explain the roku pun by saying "ho-looks"

>> No.46991300


>> No.46991302

kimi ni nakadasi suru koto wo souzou site heya wo souji suru

>> No.46991309

if i see holox i read holo ecks
simple as

>> No.46991322
File: 501 KB, 571x651, 1717348576946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hollow ex

>> No.46991328

if i see hoax i read hoe ecks
simple as

>> No.46991339 [DELETED] 

dried shit is caked on my ass cheeks and it kinda hurts because i couldn't rinse them

>> No.46991341

just acquired 上手い, AMA

>> No.46991346


>> No.46991347

i made another episode using this to see if it's actually much faster
it was actually about 2x quicker but there's still way too many issues you need to manually fix to make it worth doing

>> No.46991352


>> No.46991393


>> No.46991410


>> No.46991420

what have you done for the japanese language learning community?

>> No.46991435

what has the japanese nonlearning community done for me?

>> No.46991439

fuck the japanese learning community, i want to be only one who knows japanese

>> No.46991445

I'm forming a list with everything I've watched, read and played and ranking them based on my perceived (I'm always right) difficulty

>> No.46991453
File: 1023 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kaijuu 8-gou - 08 (1080p) [6C5D0A3D]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46991456

well, it cannot be worse than jpdb i guess

>> No.46991472

are there any anime starring natalie portman

>> No.46991489

i made some subs and beta tested quizmasters kanji deck

>> No.46991505

not him but i've provided a lot of entertainment to learners in this thread for years so i keep morale high

>> No.46991520

who is him it wasnt a reply to anyone

>> No.46991525

I think jpdb must be right for ankipigs but wrong for any normal acquirer

>> No.46991524

oh i just assumed it was without seeing the context

>> No.46991527

it can and it will because it will have much fewer entries

>> No.46991528
File: 320 KB, 579x484, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but maybe there will be sometime soon as western creators are now also producing "anime"

>> No.46991536

imagine being the only one who knows japanese

>> No.46991539

there's so many cool western stories which would be hard to adapt into live action, but which would make for awesome anime

>> No.46991541

keeping this thread alive is a service to non-learners and a disservice to learners (which is why i do it)

>> No.46991545

i don't have to imagine
baroque opera

>> No.46991554

uhuhum anime means animation or anima (soul)

>> No.46991569

>another mistake in the atwiki walkthrough
fuck nips, they had 1 job (keeping wikias of jopslop updated)

>> No.46991584

gunna move to japan and open a barbershop and call it 髪様

>> No.46991597

low iq esl autist

>> No.46991598

american beauty would work much better in anime format

>> No.46991621
File: 5 KB, 318x182, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46991624

the koreans are way ahead of you

>> No.46991628

what's wrong

>> No.46991634
File: 1.69 MB, 1061x1500, 1717350092049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gunna move to japan

>> No.46991636

your mother didn't take the pill

>> No.46991640


>> No.46991647

clam down

>> No.46991665

your mom clamps down

>> No.46991689

neesans sweaty clam

>> No.46991737

wanna beat the shit out of queef

>> No.46991769


>> No.46991806

yeah they call you for beta tests...

>> No.46991853
File: 11 KB, 322x198, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46991896

I'm that Anon who asked for it, so I'm going to steal this now thanks.

>> No.46991918

>anima (soul)
You mean animus?
ESLs in this thread don't know Latin

>> No.46991931

fuckin owned

>> No.46991940

yeah this guy knows his jack shit

>> No.46991985

wow i cant believe an uppercaser made a dumb post

>> No.46992000

what do you mean dumb hes right 554 declined animus wrong

>> No.46992016
File: 24 KB, 500x500, 1709051485073739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46992027

oh i get it you're 554 and bitter about it because the uppercaser out nerded you

>> No.46992031

sasuga 120

>> No.46992034


>> No.46992050

Holy small dick energy.

>> No.46992066

without consulting a jisho the last clause reads ori ga areba right?

>> No.46992072


>> No.46992080

it's still not good

>> No.46992081

yeah sure lol...

>> No.46992083

you tell me smart guy

>> No.46992084

that is correct

>> No.46992106


>> No.46992128
File: 33 KB, 410x525, 井上.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this guy is allowed to do it then so am i

>> No.46992148

It’s started

>> No.46992172

rance ahh mf

>> No.46992189

yes, everyone makes mistakes now and then

>> No.46992201

native level mistakes only over here THO

>> No.46992213

its full of mistakes lil q...

>> No.46992214

I finally got around to the anime recently and immediately noticed the dad has the same VA as the dad from Riddle Joker
Also I prefer Rudeus' drama CD voice。Eris' VA fucking nails it though

>> No.46992219
File: 20 KB, 440x336, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46992225

queeran btfo

>> No.46992240

masaka no kaibutsu muriyari NTR

>> No.46992355

rhythm games are fucking hard

>> No.46992362

kek, it would've unironically improved this sfwslop

>> No.46992367
File: 839 KB, 611x891, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back from my vacation. I'm no longer malding about mining cards, now I'm malding about staring at sentences for 5 minutes and still not being able to figure them out.

>> No.46992380


>> No.46992383

weird pic

>> No.46992386

did you play bemani games at round 1?

>> No.46992393
File: 902 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Mushoku Tensei S2 - 20 (1080p) [660C0027]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46992404

no i just googled rhythm games

>> No.46992412

go pllay iidx or pop'n music.

>> No.46992417


>> No.46992456


>> No.46992466 [SPOILER] 
File: 321 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Mushoku Tensei S2 - 20 (1080p) [660C0027]-[21.03.263-21.06.808].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46992483

they didnt have to do her like this

>> No.46992491


>> No.46992508

how do i actually get dopamine?

>> No.46992527

doomscrolling your favorite social media apuri

>> No.46992532


>> No.46992562

ok i've just watched the mt episode with subs generated by this and they're surprisingly usable. sometimes it repeats text or picks wrong kanji, but if you don't depend on the subs that much, it can be helpful.
i had gpt write a script to convert the model output to srt
1. extract the audio: ffmpeg -i video.mkv -vn audio.aac (you can extract without reencoding too depending on the codec, but i'm simplifying here)
2. go to https://huggingface.co/spaces/sanchit-gandhi/whisper-jax-spaces, audio file tab, upload the audio, check return timestamps, submit, click the copy button to copy the entire transcript
3. dl this https://files.catbox.moe/jrb8gs.py, run it, paste the transcript and press enter twice
it creates output.srt. the start timings will be somewhat inaccurate because they're adjusted heuristically due to the model getting them too late, but i've tested 3 episodes of different shows and they seem good enough. you could probably use the retiming script or some shit to make it even better

>> No.46992571


>> No.46992574

ciaran how much do we have to pay you to make this process automatic:

>> No.46992583

wtf whats the point of subs if they arent 100% accurate

>> No.46992614

yeah just watching without subs seems preferable

>> No.46992629

niggas would do anything just to not watch anime

>> No.46992638

just put everything on colab and auto lol

>> No.46992646

idk what any of that means

>> No.46992660


>> No.46992662

just learn japanez lol

>> No.46992663

no i'm just ignorant

>> No.46992674

nc (not ciaran) but i'll probably make it automatic today because i want to use it for seasonal stuff

>> No.46992685

i wasn't serious anyway i don't even know if what you're talking about is useful/matters

>> No.46992741

automated dekinai tools

>> No.46992757

>i want to use it for seasonal stuff
just replay the line a couple of times if you're confused bro

>> No.46992775

id rather not

>> No.46992784


>> No.46992788
File: 799 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kimetsu no Yaiba - Hashira Geiko-hen - 04 (1080p) [9B5F5C36]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46992799

just watch with eng subs if youre gonna use jp subs retard lol

>> No.46992814

id rather use jp subs

>> No.46992818

>id rather be a dekinai

>> No.46992821

This thread is so fast.

>> No.46992825


>> No.46992830
File: 857 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kimetsu no Yaiba - Hashira Geiko-hen - 04 (1080p) [9B5F5C36]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this entire season is mostly filler right?
dont remember any of this being in the manga

>> No.46992831

why is the conversion script doing all kinds of weird shit like shifting the start time? the timestamps from the model are fine
this all you need to do https://files.catbox.moe/k1m01f.py

>> No.46992837

why even learn japanese at that point

>> No.46992844

offtopic shitposting keeps it active, which encourages more people to participate, and actually increases the total number of people discussing japanese learning. if not for shitposting this place would look like /int/'s djt.

>> No.46992853

Choo Choo-sensei's videos are atemporal

>> No.46992856

because for me they consistently start too late

>> No.46992866
File: 1.75 MB, 1920x1080, 1699860713101429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame these gpt subs are incredible

>> No.46992875

isn't this obviously some sort of software error though

>> No.46992890

well its software at every stage so no idea what you mean
it's what the ai returned

>> No.46992893
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btfo everyone even dead

>> No.46992897

no thats the actual line

>> No.46992901

sorry my brain is making too many leaps and i don't have the iq to clarify the thoughts

>> No.46992904

Dolly was a man.

>> No.46992911

More like saenai kim

>> No.46992922

btfos even herself

>> No.46992929
File: 530 KB, 1280x1802, 141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cure dolly is ok, but I wish she didn't waste all that time shitting and complaining on others authors.

>> No.46992938

matt was mean to dolly for no reason

>> No.46992956
File: 288 KB, 1118x2009, 1697491147537561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I wish she didn't waste all that time shitting and complaining on others authors.

>> No.46992967

granny tits

>> No.46992978

crazy how you can't come in and chill in a djt thread because you know the crazy thread maker autist will make a new thread while djt is on page 2 on /jp/ and half the posters will move there

>> No.46992987

>matt ask dolly for an interview
>dolly say no
>Matt feel offended
you gotta love Dolly sensei, you just gotta

>> No.46992991
File: 119 KB, 1240x870, FdKoox2WIAANRPN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean she can point out inconsistency and whatnot, but sometimes she goes on and on about others shrotcomings instead of actually moving forward the lesson. I've seen all of her videos and she makes some solid points, but she should keep a better pacing.

Did I say something wrong anon? (Nice tits btw she looks really soft)

>> No.46992992


>> No.46992993

yeah i get this post now

>> No.46993003

matt offered me an interview too (probably wouldn't have posted like doths) but i declined and afterwards i became the one who must not be named (but can steal ideas from)
i would have probably embarrassed myself because i'm kind of awkward when speaking english

>> No.46993007

He should have included himself in this list just for consistency's sake

>> No.46993010

you and your discord friends were pretty mean yourselves and some of your members really went after matt so he made the right call about you.

>> No.46993011

>matt offered me an interview too
he wanted the chud audience

>> No.46993021
File: 563 KB, 1280x720, 三傑.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what could have been...

>> No.46993023
File: 800 KB, 1168x816, 1715004104702140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fug is this matt dude? Yeah I?m a newfag

>> No.46993030


>> No.46993043

A gross jew don't worry about it.

>> No.46993051

Did you know that if you type 萌えゲ in youtube one of the first search suggestions is 萌えゲ 黒人

>> No.46993050

youtuber who used to be chill then ran some scams trying to profit off of japanese learners

>> No.46993063

ok this seems to work https://files.catbox.moe/ygxhjx.py
needs ffmpeg, python-python-ffmpeg and python-gradio-client
usage: ./make-jp-subs.py video.mkv
outputs video.ja.srt

>> No.46993069

>Did I say something wrong anon?

>> No.46993071

yeah sure but that's just sort of the community djt is
matt is way too sensitive, remember how he literally almost cried talking about mean comments on youtube and how they don't understand his feelings
he's just not made for this sort of space, he's a complete normie

>> No.46993083

"djt is full of sociopaths and that's just the community it is"
yea i know.

>> No.46993084

stop using that site for video uploads
it's painfully slow
you could just use streamable or a self hosted solution

>> No.46993097

finally some big natural tits

>> No.46993105

stop using djt

>> No.46993108

you cant post lewd stuff on streamable bro

>> No.46993111

nfsw-ish = instban
>self hosted solution

>> No.46993109

stop telling people what to do you fucking nothing

>> No.46993120

Nenechi body

>> No.46993121

watch your tongue do you have any idea who youre talking to

>> No.46993122

it's not really sociopaths but the natural state of community, especially for males
if you show vulnerability you have to expect a male circle will jump on that and tease you for that, and that's how men learn and grow, rising above their weakness and vulnerability to be acknowledged by their peers, they are not supposed to start crying
this idea that you should be a weak emotional pussy and everyone should you respect you for it is very new

you can host your own site for file uploads it's pretty easy

oh alright, didn't know that

>> No.46993131

makes me sad knowing you're trapped by toxic masculinity. your wife would still love you if you showed your vulnerable side.

>> No.46993138

>upload that juice OL to another site, so i can appreciate
Aren't you married?

>> No.46993139

would be funny if qm was just a fat loser and larped about having a wife and kid this entire time

>> No.46993146

>this idea that you should be a weak emotional pussy and everyone should you respect you for it is very new
oh also people starting online hate campaigns against you is also new and unnatural. stop appealing to nature.

>> No.46993147


>> No.46993151

>it's pretty easy
ok, how?

>> No.46993152

true true

>> No.46993156
File: 148 KB, 640x853, 9uNNV7k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women when you show your weaknesses to internet communities

>> No.46993158

thanks for making this post givent that its men's mental health month
everyone should know

>> No.46993160

you mean people dont already know

>> No.46993165

stfu dumbass

>> No.46993167

buy a domain, set up the domain to show to your vps, docker compose up this https://github.com/clipable/clipable and set up nginx to redirect to it, done

>> No.46993173

as a male, if you show your ass, i'm gonna put my foot up there. that's just how it is in these types of cummunities man stfu

>> No.46993174

fat faggot kys

>> No.46993176


>> No.46993178

whats your issue

>> No.46993182

>buy a domain
*stop reading*

>> No.46993198

well you don't need a domain but then setting up https is a pain in the ass or not feasible, you could use untrusted certificates but people will get browser warnings when redirected to it and it's not good practice but fine if it's just for yourself

>> No.46993197
File: 101 KB, 680x551, GPE0uuOaQAA5LSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46993205

my foots gonna pain you in the ass

>> No.46993217
File: 1.98 MB, 2500x3500, lulz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet its og shitting on qm cuz shes still mad about this

>> No.46993219

the easiest way is to make a 4chan compatible webm upload it to /gif/ and then link to it

>> No.46993225

i still can't get over the fact that she saw the image, wasn't able to read anything of it and went 'yep this is easy as hell' and bashed me for it
it's the most ridiculous double own you can think of

>> No.46993241

shes right about queefs pronunciation tho

>> No.46993253


>> No.46993255

went to a girl's apartment today and didn't fuck her how beta am i

>> No.46993257
File: 923 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] The New Gate - 08 (1080p) [FA00B39A]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46993258

the time between now and that vocaroo is longer than the time between when i started learning japanese and that vocaroo lol
pronunciation isn't my strength but that's another topic

>> No.46993263

i tried watching 転生貴族 with the whisper-jax subs and paying attention to issues. here's the rundown

12 missing lines
1 line taking up the whole screen (>>46992875)
40 mistakes*
2 repeated lines

some example mistakes:
盟約条 as 名役上, 名訳上, and 免疫状
代替わり as 大ガーリー
印 as 院
許せぬ as 許せる
ペレーナ as てれーな
郡 as 軍
マサ郡 as マサゴン
顛末 as 天末
死力 as 私力
郡長 as 軍茶

>> No.46993265


>> No.46993268

go into 公衆トイレ
drown self in 流し

>> No.46993271

dunno, did you wanna fuck her? did she want to get fucked? was she japanese?

>> No.46993274


>> No.46993278

quizslur lmao

>> No.46993292

takes a single fuckin tripfag post to kick djt from dead into overdrive

>> No.46993293

how come youre still a dekinai then

>> No.46993304

whether i am or not just depends on your point of view
i passed n1 with almost full marks (98th percentile), watch anime without subtitles and can pick up any manga and ln without or minimal look-ups
that's more than i planned when i set out to learn japanese, i fully reached my goals

>> No.46993306

he really should see a 言語治療士 about that slur

>> No.46993313

do you really think the problem with that vocaroo is pronunciation? you dont know japanese lmao
crazy you just looked at your own vocaroo and had this exact moment >>46993217 about it lmao

>> No.46993316

98th percentile among redditors lol

>> No.46993317
File: 68 KB, 795x900, angry-chihuahua-growling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

djt the moment quizgod starts posting

>> No.46993320

but can you fit this foot in your ass though?

>> No.46993324

*nods sagely*

>> No.46993330

do better
vocaroo :)

>> No.46993340

>顛末 as 天末
>死力 as 私力
When will bots actually be able to avoid this kind of miss

>> No.46993341

but like why care?
yeah hes an autist that cares a lot about it for some reason but why should you or i care
as long as i jave a place to shitpost about jerking off to yurige, i dont really care about his brand of autism

>> No.46993345

the one in the image? what's the problem exactly?

>> No.46993351

Rec your favorite yurige I've only played gyaruge

>> No.46993354
File: 804 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] The New Gate - 08 (1080p) [FA00B39A]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46993364

tell us what you were saying in the vocaroo here >>46993241

>> No.46993378

you could just use https://try.cloudflare.com/ but it will change addresses often or some shit

>> No.46993385


if you want to bash the grammar, i'm pretty sure i didn't write this
iirc i just read a post someone wanted me to voice, you can even hear the 'reading text' intonation

>> No.46993390

qm won

>> No.46993392


>> No.46993406

quizbros we stay fucking winning!!!!!!

>> No.46993407


>> No.46993414

i dont get it
why wouldnt he be able to transcribe something he himself said

>> No.46993416

fat pedophile kys

>> No.46993418

Ywah not sure what the point of that challenge was

>> No.46993420

it was a screenshot from some vn or doujin

>> No.46993421

now these are ankles that are worth biting

>> No.46993422

he can't believe it because he doesn't understand a word
his issue is thinking it's because of my pronunciation and not his japanese though

>> No.46993436
File: 414 KB, 926x605, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.46993445

why didnt you say the うふっ in your vocaroo

>> No.46993455

oh, so you admit you had no idea what you were saying and instead looked it up in the archive first

>> No.46993461

I could read this if I h-h-HOOOvered

>> No.46993462

no, i only thought about searching for the link in the archive after reading this post >>46993420

>> No.46993465

and another W for qW

>> No.46993466

what did you do at the apartment and did she like you

>> No.46993468

i recently read one relatively recently with the sound effects about a porn hentai chick

>> No.46993474


>> No.46993483

extremely unlikely. sorry fatboy with the even fatter ego but you lost this one

>> No.46993489

where's your vocaroo

>> No.46993491
File: 459 KB, 1671x2428, GOF-BQVb0AAdbOp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46993492

i feel like i won

>> No.46993498

stop posting twitter imgs without sauce you fuckin cunt

>> No.46993500

even your imaginary wife and child are disgusted

>> No.46993507
File: 6 KB, 281x81, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46993517


>> No.46993521

>do you really think the problem with that vocaroo is pronunciation? you dont know japanese lmao
what did you think the problem with it was?

>> No.46993541
File: 1.33 MB, 949x1123, 1692541302004107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me when i see a tripfag in the thread

>> No.46993545
File: 226 KB, 929x458, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vocaroo this right now to claim your irrevocable win over qm

>> No.46993556
File: 289 KB, 1095x898, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46993572
File: 225 KB, 501x371, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me when i see a tripfag in the thread

>> No.46993575

it was our second meeting so i presume she liked me
we sat on her balcony had snacks and talked for 2 hours

>> No.46993579


>> No.46993582

you should have pretended to trip and accidentally shove your dick in her vagina

>> No.46993586
File: 242 KB, 1600x1600, GPEAEXzaoAExQGI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night

>> No.46993587


ill try that next time

>> No.46993588

just like in my favorite shounen manga!

>> No.46993589

soutaiseiriron is the only reason I can stomach doing anki but I really need to find other stuff to listen to as well.

>> No.46993600


>> No.46993601

this anon needs integer scaling and he needs it bad

>> No.46993606

wtf i went to go open one of my pints of ben and jerrys and theyre all frozen solid

>> No.46993607

Why is there so many different fucking ways of saying "reality" in Japanese. Did the entire nation of Japan listen to Bohemian Rhapsody or something?

>> No.46993609

the game uses 2d sprites with 3d coords. its gonna look like that no matter what i do. its the same like in xenogears or bof3

>> No.46993611

you're awesome anon
take this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRO4Eh_mGkg

>> No.46993612

You wouldn't get it, gaijin.

>> No.46993613

i've got an anki card that says integers are natural numbers, 0, and negative numbers

>> No.46993615


>> No.46993625

are there really that many though?

>> No.46993626

It's certainly a reality that I cannot realize.

>> No.46993630

ive read this doujin good fap

>> No.46993637

what's the title?

>> No.46993648

step child swapping satsuki imonet idk the japanese title i read it many years ago

>> No.46993651
File: 43 KB, 242x146, 1698150948237874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

page 15

>> No.46993666

new thread when??

>> No.46993676
File: 2.26 MB, 2683x4024, GDZismKaUAEBpJE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46993677

i miss jamal

>> No.46993680


>> No.46993693


>> No.46993695

jamal got got

>> No.46993701

back when analcream was good at trolling >>26557937

>> No.46993703

my ben and jerrys finally melted enough to scoop

>> No.46993705

microwave for 10 seconds

>> No.46993707

what flavor?

>> No.46993716

>gay jew cream

>> No.46993722

ben and jerrys website says its not a good idea.
chocolate fudge brownie

>> No.46993725

5 seconds

>> No.46993734

>ben and jerrys website says its not a good idea.
aaah what do they know

>> No.46993740

if i was going to eat the whole thing i would but i dont want to overmelt since it ruins it when you put it back in the freezer

>> No.46993747

if you've ever visited the website of a ice cream manufacturer that means you're fat or at least you will be

>> No.46993762

it's the opposite. its a very rare treat for me so i want to make sure im getting the best ice cream experience

>> No.46993768

yea i've never looked at an ice cream website but i stuff myself with cheap ice cream every day

>> No.46993767

best lardass experience

>> No.46993772
File: 554 KB, 1360x1122, GOQPUDxasAAatv0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46993774

>let me consult with the online manual on how to get this ice cream into my stomach
>scored 150 btw

>> No.46993779

yea not really a big ice cream guy myself only ate a few thousand tubs way hay

>> No.46993782


>> No.46993783

>watch anime slop
>a 180cm dude appears
>everybody calls him huge
if this is true then i need to move to japan ASAP

>> No.46993787

women caring about tall height is a meme just dont be a manlet

>> No.46993786

never had ice cream never will

>> No.46993792

the only 4 capital letters that are true are STFU

>> No.46993793

my friend is about 182cm and when we would walk past some kids they would be like うおっでっけー!!!!

>> No.46993798

a japanese manlet is like 1.60 i guess

>> No.46993801

thats just below average. you have to be matt tier (5'3")

>> No.46993806
File: 55 KB, 836x834, 1707759066736076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46993807

Good b8

>> No.46993809

>men sub 1.80 exist

>> No.46993823

I wish I was a manlet, tall girls are so hot bros.

>> No.46993827

are you the giantess fetish guy unko made fun of

>> No.46993832

No I'd just like to be a head shorter than a girl giantess is cringe.

>> No.46993833

its rare that tall girls will want to date a short guy because they want to feel small and cute

>> No.46993834

how would you know

>> No.46993837

it's common knowledge that girls dont like feeling manly and being taller than their partner does that

>> No.46993842

girls not tall girls

>> No.46993845

tall girls are mostly self conscious about their height in the same way short guys are and try to compensate for that. dating short guys doesnt the opposite

>> No.46993847

ud be suprised look at all those women who destroy their body by overeating and going to the gym

>> No.46993848


>> No.46993851

Leanbeefpatty is peak woman

>> No.46993852

I remember one of the most sickeningly lovey-dovey PDA couples I ever knew was this gingger manlet plus a really tall brunette girl, both of them really skinny

>> No.46993855

i just do okay

>> No.46993856
File: 512 KB, 858x1200, 119216485_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46993858

yea fat couples dont have much sex cuz its difficult moving around. rip queef x queefstress

>> No.46993861

peak mental illness maybe

>> No.46993865

I want my children to have that mental illness too

>> No.46993867
File: 314 KB, 1170x1718, 26165121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peak woman

>> No.46993870

that ben and jerrys was great

>> No.46993873

*vomits over her corpulent gut and gauche breasts*

>> No.46993874
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>> No.46993877

thats a boy

>> No.46993878

Okay she's pretty too

>> No.46993881

>gauche breasts

>> No.46993884

docchi mo kawaii
corpulent to iu hodo janai daro

>> No.46993885

>40 mistakes
so it has 95-98% accuracy. whoa....

>> No.46993888

its dogshit bro
like would you say 125-129 iq is high? thats 95-98%

>> No.46993889

a typical episode only has ~350 lines so it's more like 15% of the lines have a mistake

>> No.46993893
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>> No.46993894

Look up what the word means in a dictionary

>> No.46993895

See that's basically the secret with tall women. Making them feel desirable and womanly despite her height, the manlet knows exactly how it works.
My problem is that I'm so tall that woman who are taller than me are incredibly rare plus they do start looking weird when over 183cm.

>> No.46993900
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>> No.46993902

>Look up in a dictionary
lol esl

>> No.46993903

the dictionary doesnt explain usages
someones outfit can be gauche
their physical features cant be

>> No.46993908
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seek help

>> No.46993910

looks like some 2002 pop punk emo guy

>> No.46993912

proof the dictionary chuds who go ape shit over j-e definitions are esl too

>> No.46993916

I'm 5'11 and she was a little more than me, so she was getting there. (180cm should be 6'0 if I'm not retarded)

>> No.46993917

dunno for me its just thin girls like ano and >>46993900 to much meat be that muscle or fat just ruins it

>> No.46993918

we cant tell if you're pro j-e or anti j-e

>> No.46993922

I'm saying large breasts are distasteful and obnoxious, so gauche. That it wasn't a conscious fashion choice on their part doesn't make the dating of them a non-fashion choice.

>> No.46993924

lmao what is this cope

>> No.46993928

Liking something distasteful is a gauche choice

>> No.46993929

gauche is about being in keeping with social norms though
it doesnt make sense at all the way you are trying to use it. maybe mail your high school english professor for a lesson

>> No.46993932

Nah that still doesn't work that's like saying big breasts are an ostentatious choice like a khmer monastery as opposed to the more humble gothic monastery in age of empires 2

>> No.46993933
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>> No.46993937
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>> No.46993938

*surreptitiously looks up meaning of gauche*

>> No.46993943

you want to fuck a boy

>> No.46993944

these flat types of asses are jitsu ni underrated, you used to see them on sports illustrated too before the west fell

>> No.46993947

lmfao embarrassing bonglard, fucking embarrassing

>> No.46993950

40/350 is 11.5% not 15, and this assumes the errors are distributed at 1 per line, which is unrealistic.
40/1500 words = 97.3% correct. and if you don't know let's say 10% of the words in the episode, then only 4 words you need to know will be incorrect in the subs and 146 will be correct. whoa......

>> No.46993954

the tool is not gifted

>> No.46993957


>> No.46993964

bet og would be cringing at the gauche cope if she were here

>> No.46993965

statisticfags are the dumbest niggers on this planet.

>> No.46993971

>this assumes the errors are distributed at 1 per line, which is unrealistic
it's not unrealistic. there's no reason to think they would cluster around specific lines
anyway it's not even necessarily about words you need to know or not, you might just get the completely wrong idea if it has something like 軍長 instead of 郡長 even if you already know the words but aren't good enough to realize it's wrong from the context

>> No.46993974


>> No.46994006

in other words the subs would boost your comprehension from 90% to 99.7% wtf
sure but that's very rare. usually the word isn't going to make sense in the context and those are kinds of mistakes i've already seen in subs for older anime on kitsunekko

>> No.46994013

>sure but that's very rare.
we don't know that. those kinds of errors were in my sample size of 1

>> No.46994015

fake moe kys

>> No.46994016

women over 140cm look weird

>> No.46994029

i think it's reasonable to assume that the vast majority of homonyms isn't going to be interchangeable in a random sentence with known context

>> No.46994043

lol queef slip

>> No.46994065
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>> No.46994069

if you're good enough to understand the mistakes in the subs you should be working on your listening more than anything while watching anime and you're probably on the cusp of breaking into I don't need subs anymore level anyway. if you're not good enough to understand the mistakes in the subs then they're really annoying and it's better to just read or watch something that has real subs, or just watch it raw

>> No.46994071

the midwits are arguing again

>> No.46994072

this is what we call a stealth uppercaser

>> No.46994081

no u don't u get it, you must capitalize i because they did it when it made sense even though it doesn't anymore!

>> No.46994082

I simply type this way, not capitalizing I feels weird. not that it would mean anything if I had capitalized my sentences anyway

>> No.46994085
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>> No.46994086

oh i get it i get it all

>> No.46994087

capitalizing i means youre a narcissist
it's like saying ore sama

>> No.46994099

why are you streaming old anime in 480p

>> No.46994100

I get now why getting (You)s feels kimochii

>> No.46994102

on the contrary all lowercasing and also replying to people without quoting their post seems to be the narcissistic move, though it's more effeminate/BPD/tranny-style rather than ore-sama for sure.

>> No.46994104

nice self own

>> No.46994105

suck on deez

>> No.46994115

I skip vinnie sex scenes.

>> No.46994116

are there any anime like mushoku tensei with epic worldcrafting, the spirit of adventure, and a big budget?

>> No.46994119

>big budget
Anon don't ever watch season II

>> No.46994120

any big slop isekai

>> No.46994123

read the LN it's the same but better without a lot of scenes and details skipped over

>> No.46994124

Outlaw Star

>> No.46994126

i only play all age vinnies so i dont need to skip

>> No.46994129

cant believe mary is arguing for garbage ai subs

>> No.46994131

i prefer anime so i dont want to ruin my experience watching the story for the first time by reading the books

>> No.46994132

I actually only watch anime with 'star' in the title

>> No.46994133
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>> No.46994157
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>> No.46994158

its fucked up how the bleach intro in the later episodes is just a spoiler for the episode. why would i want to see a preview for something im about to watch?

>> No.46994164

the secret is 廓言葉

>> No.46994166

I understand that, I just can't resist the opportunity to prosyletize the books to anyone who's been charmed by the series just because of how much loving detail and adorable moments they dedicate to Sylphie, Roxy, and Eris, and Lillia that you can't find outside the books, just in case I can get just one more anon to experience what I have

>> No.46994172
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>> No.46994179
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>> No.46994187

its sad how intellectually and linguistically inferior mary tried to character assassinate matt

>> No.46994188
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Why is it filtering the second ma of konomama when I have remove repeated characters off? Using textractor with the yomitan clipboard monitor if it matters.

>> No.46994189

where the fuck is the new thread??

>> No.46994190

only one of them was using their 2nd language so it's not a fair comparison.

>> No.46994194

quiz ate it

>> No.46994195
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>> No.46994198

english is quizzes 3rd language

>> No.46994200

musyoku was so kino

>> No.46994207

he is linguistically inferior both in the sense that he isn't a native speaker of the language that matters and that his japanese is inferior to matt's

>> No.46994212

i don't get the mentality of this place. you guys are so contradictory it makes me angry

>> No.46994216
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>> No.46994219

what the hell happened to mokuro.moe

>> No.46994221

you're angry because you're stupid and didn't read or understand the surrounding posts

>> No.46994226

more like mukuro

>> No.46994228

damn u beat me

>> No.46994232

If they were not contrary to each other they would simply agree and not argue

>> No.46994236


>> No.46994247

they're not in contradicton you're just retarded

>> No.46994255

If you think I was implying the two posts he quoted were in contradicting each other I'll just say I wasn't and recommend you try reading again

>> No.46994258

>if you're good enough to understand the mistakes in the subs you should be working on your listening more than anything while watching anime
no i want to focus on enjoying the anime not working on shit
>and you're probably on the cusp of breaking into I don't need subs anymore level anyway
not if you can recognize many more words from reading than hearing. for example at 90% comprehension (few 1000s words known from hearing) you'd still have another few 1000s to go before you got to acceptable levels (95%+). but the subs could get you there immediately.
>if you're not good enough to understand the mistakes in the subs then they're really annoying ... or just watch it raw
at 90% listening comprehension this is going to be like 4 relevant mistakes per episode. i don't think they would be annoying at all. it would be like 0.5/10 on the annoying scale, compared to like 9/10 for watching shit raw at 90% comprehension

>> No.46994261

>you're stupid and didn't read or understand the post

>> No.46994268

new thread

>> No.46994272

lil bro has learning difficulties :skull:

>> No.46994276

rereading your retardation won't fix it
a bullet might

>> No.46994296

I liked mokuro.moe because it had a lot of preprocessed manga, I don't wanna have to do it myself for every manga I wanna read

>> No.46994312

there is no way you're reading new manga faster than your computer can ocr the next ones for you

>> No.46994330

good job dumbass br now there are 3 threads

>> No.46994342

Literally last page. Kiss my black arse.

>> No.46994365

What's the deal with certain words being written in kanji vs kana? In the same game words will be written both ways so I don't really get it.

>> No.46994372


>> No.46994373

post a specific example and we will go through that with you together anon

>> No.46994395

why are you trying to kill djt

>> No.46994400

shut up

>> No.46994408

one piece

>> No.46994448

Rude tobedesu

It was おくちのなか when I've seen both of those written separately in kanji.

>> No.46994462

perhabs a child is talking or the medium your reading is for children. that's usually the biggest reason why.

>> No.46994489

Just had my first Japanese dream. I was speaking with a man (in the form of one of my teachers from high school around a decade ago) and he was speaking in what seem to me like fluent Japanese, and I was responding with short sentences. On his 10th question I zoned out and didn't know what he was asking me. He looked very disappointed, walked away and the dream ended. I've been studying Japanese for a bit, but I just recently started comprehensible input using videos from cijapanese and completed 10 hours a few days ago. I've gone to reading ci graded readers and grammar for the past 2 days, but is this a sign I should go back to videos?

>> No.46994499


>> No.46994506

Childish implications makes the most sense then I guess, I just got to the first nekopara h-scene.

>> No.46994583

more real new thread

>> No.46994688


