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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4698175 No.4698175 [Reply] [Original]

So... Considering all the hittin'-on-girls knowledge you acquired by playing VNs, do you think if you had good looks, or weren't shy or whatever your problem actually is you would be a motherfucking pimp?

>> No.4698189

I'm already pimpin everyday in my room, alone

>> No.4698196

There is no "hittin'-on-girls knowledge", all you need is confidence and act like you're fucking pimp.

>> No.4698197

If I were better at starting conversation I think I would be golden, I can't take the initiative.

>> No.4698199

Regardless of looks(not every poster here is disfigured) and 'success' in wooing the girl, the relationship would never actually work out well and for a decent amount of time.

>> No.4698200

I doubt it, because I'd always have to choose two from below:
[ ] Boyfriend-free
[ ] Attractive
[ ] Sane

>> No.4698206

Yeah, it may be true. But self confidence alone doesn't works.

>> No.4698207

Why would you want a sane girl? A sane girl would never accept the real you.

>> No.4698210


Yeah, well ... touche.

>> No.4698216

If I wasn't so pale and I went outside more often, I'd probably get bitches.
Don't want/care for it, though.

>> No.4698223

[X] Boyfriend-free
[X] Attractive

>> No.4698226

Come on, you know in the bottom of your heart you don't wanna be alone.

>> No.4698233

A real pimp doesn't care if she is a slut.

>> No.4698234

haha no. mainly because dating Japanese girls NOTHING like dating Western girls.

>> No.4698236

I'm already pimpin

>> No.4698239

Well fuck, you got me there. Though if you think about it, even Japanese girls don't fall easily like the VN ones.

>> No.4698240

Why is there always the negative answer with the sage in the beginning of every /jp/ thread?

>> No.4698245


>if you had good looks, or weren't shy

>> No.4698253

1) sage isn't bad.

2) because this is a board of neets and shut-ins.

>> No.4698258

Ah Touka is so lovely. I just wanna put her in a cage and make her my bluebird of happiness.

>> No.4698260

Why would you care if she's sane?

>> No.4698265

Pendulum of love & hate?
I've heard such nonsense from Hawthorne too.

>> No.4698268

>I doubt it, because I'd always have to choose one from below
Fixed that for you

>> No.4698273
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Pretty much self-explanatory picture.

>> No.4698282

NEET Touka is best Touka.

>> No.4698314

That's true. I don't actually play VNs. I'm more thinking of the manga/anime model, where relationships always start off with the 2 people ignoring and beint tsundere for each other.

If you try that on Western women they will move on to the next guy that acts more interested so fast it will make your head spin.

>> No.4698321

Bull-fucking-shit my friend, women crave attention and if you ignite a bit of interest in them playing cat and mouse is key, they will seek your gratification.

>> No.4698324

That's not a self-explanatory picture at all.

>> No.4698326

Of course they don't, that's why they exist. It's a fantasy world.

All I can do is try to take lessons from the protagonists and shape myself into a better person. I like listening to music that makes me want to change.

eg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laWt3dfzhG0

>> No.4698327

hmm oO

maybe when I get out of my mom's basement I'll give it a shot.

>> No.4698332

Oh lawd.

>> No.4698334

It just seems sort of hopeless for me to get my hopes up. You can say that I have no sense of confidence and are traumatized by my bad relationships, but it just seems like a big waste of my time.

They act interested for a little bit, I approach, we date a little, I start to almost get my hopes up, then they tell me that they just want to be friends. Then I delete their phone number, go home, and go to sleep.

>> No.4698335

Just don't go up to random women and say "I-it's not like I like you or anything, idiot"

>> No.4698341

Sounds like you have problems sealing the deal. Maybe you need to become more alpha?

>> No.4698362

But women love male tsunderes.

>> No.4698367

I geniunely and heartily laughed for quite some time at this comment.

>> No.4698371

I feel bad because I declined a girl's confession awhile ago (really.... it was a letter of encouragement for my moving and a confession... bizzare) because I just didn't really find her physically attractive, it sucks. I think we would be a pretty good couple if i weren't that shallow.... But I just can't help it if i'm not attracted to someone, yknow?

>> No.4698372 [DELETED] 

he's just saying you have to get your foot in the door first with somewhat normal conversation or helping them out in other ways.

>> No.4698383

he's just saying you have to get your foot in the door first with somewhat normal conversations or helping them out in subtle ways.

>> No.4698388

Get your noseless anime face out of here.

>> No.4698391

They love tsunderes, not stuttering oafs.

>> No.4698395

You can always force a meh girl to get up at 5am every morning and go jogging with you, do push-ups, go to the gym, go on long walks, etc.

Then you get someone you can click with and who is also in great shape to spend your life with.

But yeah, you should feel bad for being shallow.

>> No.4698401

You can't fool me /jp/. You're just tsundere for me.

>> No.4698408

You are now realizing that was your only chance at true love and you will forever be with people you do not like, truly alone.

>> No.4698417

I have good looks, but I'm socially awkward.

>> No.4698425

Real life is not like in "The world God only knows". Having incredible knowledge of VN won't make you a pimp, even with good looks. Why ? Because real women don't act anything like in most VN. In the first place most of them already have boydriends, and men they keep in check to replace their boyfriends immeditely in case of breakup. So you'd have to do like the others and get in line.
And even if you found a single girl willing to go out with you, how would maintain the relationship while continueing your lifestyle ? Do you think your girlfriend will follow you in your basement, play eroge and Touhou with you, and accept it when you don't want to go to parties ? You wish, real women will immediately say something like : "if you don't take me out tonight I'll get drunk and sleep with X, he tried to make a move on me several times and I think I'm going to accept it." But even if you do as she wish, one day or another she will end up sleeping with X, saying it's how girls enjoy their youth and their life, that she wants to make new experiences...

I'll just stay in my basement.

>> No.4698430

Shit guys.... I know. I do look at pictures of her from time to time trying to change my own perspective, it's worked a little bit but not to the point where I want to pursue a relationship with her. Damnit... she just had to be an artsy girl and not a sporty girl. Where is my Ai Nanasaki?

>> No.4698442

Onani Master Kurosawa would like a word with you. Even if it's painful, even it it ends up a disaster, having those experiences make you feel alive.

>> No.4698456

>Do you think your girlfriend will follow you in your basement, play eroge and Touhou with you
>Implying if I ever got a girlfriend I would let her know about this kind of shit
Really, anonymous. Really?

>> No.4698461
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>> No.4698467

It'll be okay. He found someone else that makes his heart hurt during masturbation.

>> No.4698473

50% of the population is identical.

>> No.4698479

That's why you shouldn't. Besides, 3D will always betray you. You can play their game, but never lose.

Stay 2D.

>> No.4698481

I found an attractive girl to play Touhou and eroge with. She is gay. Now more than ever do I wish I was the little girl.

>> No.4698485


Yeah but it's not Kitamura so it sucks. I raged hard at the end.

>> No.4698492

Alfred, is that you?

>> No.4698494

Broccoli-bro deserved her, sorry.

>> No.4698496

My waifu is hinted in canon at being a lesbian.


>> No.4698501

I know, but that's what makes the story more realistic. Kurosawa is kind of in our shoes. He did not get the girl he first wanted, and he's about to go out with a girl that isn't really a like him and they probably don't suit each other.

Besides, Nagaoka is a brofro, I also slightly raged but he's a genuinely good person and when it came time for the gym scene I almost shed a tear.

>> No.4698502
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>> No.4698503

You're being way too pessimistic. It works that way with 16-20 year old. Older woman are interested in serious relationships, at least a part of them.

>> No.4698514

Kurosawa is in love with a girl but doesn't tell her, so she ends up with afroman (which wouldn't happen in real life).
Then much later he asks out a thug and it works. He was never really betrayed, he wasn't cheated on either since she wasn't his girlfriend anyway, everything was in his head. A girl talking and acting nice to you doesn't imply she wants you to fuck her in all of her holes.

But since it takes up most of your time, she would find out at one point or another. Unless you say you're willing to reduce the amout of time of your neet activities for a girl ? You'd prefer going shopping with her (and pay for everything), going to parties full of drunk and stoned guys, nightclubs, bars, and all this shit almost everyday ? I don't think so, soon enough you will become more and more distant with her while you indulge in your usual activities. And she will cheat on you, break up with you, badmouth you to everyone.

>> No.4698520

You know, the hottest girl I ever met, who I really got along with on what I can only describe as a spiritual level, was also a lesbian. Because of this, I never flirted or made a move on her.

4 years later, she was married to some guy even more effeminate than me and going backpacking across europe with his broke ass.

Take a chance anon. Almost every girl craves dick at the fundamental level. Being gay is often a teenage phase for them.

>> No.4698521

>she ends up with afroman (which wouldn't happen in real life).
I saw this happen in real life.

>> No.4698529

Oh really ? Are you trying to tell us that you saw one of the best looking girls in school go out with a well known otaku with an afro ?


>> No.4698531

Very seldom you will find a 27-something woman who's as cute as an 18-20 y/o. Plus, most of these women who want 'serious relationships' wanted one because they feel like they're left out and think of their financial security.

I'll stay with my waifu, thank you very much.

>> No.4698533

What the fuck? Bars? Nightclubs? You're saying like I would date the sluttier of sluts. Don't you know /jp/ standards for girls?

>> No.4698539

You should kill yourself for referencing that traitorous pos manga. The message? Hot chicks want friendly guys. How could you even support such a bullshit message? I know there's got to be some poor sap somewhere who got his hopes up because of that bullshit, and that's a sickening crime against bros.

Look. Chicks in a sexually divided world are SHALLOW AS FUCK, and moreover, they are INCREDIBLY ARROGANT about it. If you were a hot guy that chicks fell over for, you might do a fat/ugly chick from time to time becasue you feel sorry for them, or just want to be nice, but a girl will NEVER, EVER, ***EVER*** return that favor AND they will habitually go after guys MORE attractive then they are without any sense of shame.

>> No.4698540

What he's saying is some beautiful girl is hooked up to an ugly fucktard. I, for one, cannot understand this.

>> No.4698547

Considering I'm a well know otaku with an afro, you're kind of killing the dream.

>> No.4698548

I have the same standard as everyone here, I want a pure virgin, etc...
But that will just never happen, if you date someone, she will go to nightclubs, bars, and have fucked with many guys before. And if you don't go out with her at night like she wants to, she will end up fucking even more men. That's how reality works, sorry.

>> No.4698550

Don't forget children. "Serious relationship" is womanspeak for "relationship with guy who has the spare money and time to take care of the children I'll eventually want to pump out".

>> No.4698561


>> No.4698575

>she will go to nightclubs, bars, and have fucked with many guys before
What the fuck, man. I know girls are far from pure and will never be, but just where country do you live in?

>> No.4698587


Kitamura is not Broccoli's girl. It's the bullied squirrel, if memory serves.

She deserved a better ending. In fact any girl would provide a better ending to Kurosawa but the bullying bitch. That's why I was buttangery

>> No.4698596
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>> No.4698599

I thought she just joins social networking sites and chat and meet-up then fuck. Happened to me. Bitch left me because HURR RELATIONSHIP ISSUES.

>> No.4698607


>> No.4698609

I'm a girl and I never read so much bullshit in my entire life. You make it sound like you're so butthurt you need a wheelchair to move around.

>> No.4698613

I wish I could buy a body pillow of my waifu, but the ones I've seen are all unappealing to me.

I'm too picky...

>> No.4698621

You're not a girl and I'm just saying the truth, and people know it.

>> No.4698625


>> No.4698632

All women are whores who go to cheap nightclubs. Every single 3.5 billion of them.

>> No.4698633

Make it yourself, man. There must be a dakimakura picture of your waifu.

>> No.4698648

>butthurt is a term originated from /v/ hurr

>> No.4698651

How big are those supposed to be?

>> No.4698656

If you were truly dedicated to her, you would put your blood, sweat and tears into getting the best damn dakimakura of her that is possible. Even if you have to hire someone to draw her perfectly, and sew it together yourself, such obstacles are nothing in the face of true love.

>> No.4698665

Oh, ok, your truth is the only one and absolute. Autistic teenager detected.

>> No.4698675

If you think there are nice girls out there, why are you wasting your time posting here rather than going out with her ?

White knight detected. Even though he knows fully well that won't get him laid.

>> No.4698685
File: 3 KB, 126x126, AHAAAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm not a guy.

>> No.4698696

Okay, entertaining the idea that you're really a girl, shouldn't you have someone to date right now, if you're really as nice as you're claiming you can be?

>> No.4698706

Are you implying girls can only have dates if they're nice? Are you breaking down your own arguments?

>> No.4698725

He didn't imply that anywhere, idiot.
He implied that if 'bad' girls get dates, 'good' girls should get even more.

Fuck, maybe you are a girl. You certainly argue like one.

>> No.4698731

'She' is probably just trolling you. Ignore 'her' and everything will be fine, bro. 'She' will win once you give 'her' much attention.

>> No.4698733

That's not the only option. But if they're at least nice, that should be more than enough to give them a wide selection of guys to date.

>> No.4698736
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>> No.4698743

We actually have been at least two guys to argue with "her".

>> No.4698744

No girls on the INTERNET! XD

>> No.4698749
File: 61 KB, 249x238, 1267241199388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, this thread just enriched my culture. All girls are huge prostitutes and getting a girlfriend is nothing but a waste of time and money, what a surprise.

>> No.4698757

A girl will never seriously date someone long term who does is not sexually attractive (either good, muscular body, or big dick), does not have money already or high prospects of a good future, and who is as socially unattractive as the people who hang out on /jp/, be they VN fanatics, touhou lunatics, Aika players, or any of the other variety of NEET neckbeard who showers once every 3-4 days (maybe) and still lives with their parents, probably without even transportation of their own.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.4698761

Don't come with your reverse psychology against me. This is not just the internet, this is /jp/ - HIKIKOMORI AND GENERAL, TOUHOU AND EROGE.

>> No.4698770

>Implying any thread on /jp/ would enrich your culture

>> No.4698776

>or any of the other variety of NEET neckbeard who showers once every 3-4 days
B-But I'm not a neckbeard! And I shower everyday because it's as hot as hell here...

>> No.4698781


>> No.4698790

Me too, but that doesn't mean we will ever get a girlfriend.

>> No.4698821

This sums it all up quite well. The best we can hope for is to be the back-up plan for an unattractive girl long enough to lose our virginity before she finds a better guy.

And yes, they'll always look for a better guy. They're actively opposed to any kind of loyalty. If they find a more attractive guy than you who they have some kind of chance with, they won't think twice about "upgrading".

>> No.4698819 [DELETED] 

I am happy for fantasizing as the little girl though.

>> No.4698828

i am perfectly fine the way i am, no need 4 3D pig this thread makes me feel so ronery ;_;

>> No.4698840

If you were a girl, would you? Also, you yourself are implying a person who goes to /jp/ have nothing to offer. What prevents anyone here from having a nice personality?

>> No.4698844

itt: r9k

>> No.4698846

If you have no need for 3DPD why are you saying you are lonely? Idiot.

>> No.4698848

The only thing that prevents people on /jp/ from getting a girlfriend is that they're all misogynistic assholes who constantly call women sluts and whores for not liking misogynistic assholes who constantly call women sluts and whores.

>> No.4698858
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>> No.4698870

But they really are and that's the reason we hate them.

>> No.4698872

Being ugly NEETs doesn't help either

>> No.4698873

Need and desire are two different things. Technically, no one needs a relationship, it's not like food or oxygen, you can get through life perfectly fine without it. However, those who have not yet discovered the superiority of 2D will still be haunted by an unfulfilled desire for it. Like cake. Do you need cake? No. Do you find it somewhat regrettable that you're not eating cake right now? Possibly.

>> No.4698877


>> No.4698881

Nice personality was not in my list.

You know damn well that a "nice personality" would not do a thing to sway your decision in being with a person described in this post >>4698757

"Nice personality" is like a cherry on top of a cake that you already want.

You can't possibly know how we feel. You come on here with you're, "I'm a girl and you guys are butthurt" shitty argument, acting like you could possibly know how we feel. Like you belong here cuz you're an otaku. Well I got news for you, you're not like us. If you are a girl (probably not) I guarantee that you have friends that you probably cosplay and do other fun things with, conventions that you go to, guys that like anime but are not complete losers that you have your eye on, etc.

You are a normal. This is not the place for you. /a/ is that way->

>> No.4698882

I spent the first 16 years of my life thinking women were okay, but that never got me anywhere.

>> No.4698887
File: 82 KB, 473x555, dontknowwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think we call women bitches and whores ? Because they're bitches and whores.

>> No.4698898

Protip: it's not a girl, you're just being trolled to type giant walls of text of fury and anger

>> No.4698910

but at least it makes me feel a little bit better ;_;

>> No.4698918


/jp/: Women don't like me? Fuck that shit, I'm staying with mai waifu/Touhou/VNs/figs/idols/dolls/Japanese bird, etc.

Now which is better?

>> No.4698926

>shitty argument
And "baww, you don't belong in /jp/" is the finest argument, isn't it? Also, as I said, you're the one who shit yourself up, saying you're a trash and no girl would ever date you. Of course personality matters.

>> No.4698936


>> No.4698943

Most women I know love total jerks. So much for 'good personality'.

>> No.4698944

The fuck is /r9k/ anyway? Wasn't it supposed to be a robot?

>> No.4698946

This is also true. Normalfag trolls always like to claim that we're complaining about not getting laid, but we seem to be mostly complaining about women being bitches and whores who are not worth the time we could spend playing eroge, and positively advocating the superiority of 2D.

>> No.4698949

Yes, most girls.

>> No.4698982

>The best we can hope for is to be the back-up plan for an unattractive girl long enough to lose our virginity before she finds a better guy.
But I lack motivation with an unattractive girl ;_;

>> No.4698997

Not everyone on /jp/ is like that, and you know it.

>> No.4699002

It's not like I'm making all that stuff I listed up.

That is the reality of my life.

I used to have a pretty good personality, but even that is has been buried by embitterment, usually overshadowed by depression or anger, or at best apathy.

>> No.4699008

Here's a trick:

Get lots of cash. Try to ask a girl out and tell her it's all on you, even if you look ugly as fuck. She will certainly agree! Then give her control of how you want to spend the day together. Let her decide. Buy her stuff and shit. Do this for like, ten times. Be nice to her. Be there when she needs you. Treat her like you would treat your waifu. Wait a little and tell her you like her. She'll say some random shit just to get away from you. If she reacts positively to your 'confession', she's probably a keeper. But don't let your guard down.

Tried and tested whore-o-meter. 10 of 10 girls fail this test. Try it yourself.

>> No.4699030

It may works, but she will cheat on you all the time, then she will break up with you as soon as she finds someone with more money.

It's faster and cheaper to hire a prostitute.

>> No.4699043
File: 103 KB, 399x642, 0599eab185c105e3fd85447b1296b380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stylin' errday just like Rin, mai waifu.

>> No.4699051

You can't make a prostitute fall in love with you, though. The challenge is to make a girl fall in love for what and who you really are. And I know most of /jp/ will scrap the prostitute idea, myself included. You can just fap if you want to cum.

>> No.4699055

Looks don't have anything to do with it, girls look at personality and most /jp/ posters have terrible personalities.

>> No.4699060

I would never touch a prostitute too, just saying money won't make a woman fall in love with you. She will only pretend to like you and have sex with you (as well as with many other men at the same time), only to leave you a few months later at best for a more succesful man. Maybe you'll even have a few STDs as a memento of her.

>> No.4699062

>most /jp/ posters have terrible personalities.
What makes you think that?

>> No.4699063

If so, why are there girls who choose the worst jerk you'll ever see; someone that if you ask around about him, people tell you he's a jerk?

If 'good' personality counts, then why is it that no matter how nice you are to a girl, you can't seem to make her fall in love with you?

>> No.4699078

I read a book on the Thai sex tourist scene not long ago and it had excepts of internet posts they were making back in the early 90s, and the whole time I was reading it I was thinking, "jesus replace the subject with comiket/reitaisai/etc and this sounds like /jp/."

All of them were claiming that the women back home where nothing but "sluts" and can't compare to their thai whores.

>> No.4699079

Don't tell me you never seen a nice looking girl with an ugly as fuck guy

>> No.4699092

Anons WANT a non-superficial girl, and it's not like we lack good points -- quietness, friendliness, the wisdom of the outsider, and a lot of attention to spare on our waifus. We would welcome a 3D girl into our space and share what we have to give, and make an effort to meet her needs where she has them. We would not judge her or start fights with her.

But those values listed above? At BEST only secondary considerations to a real girl. The main considerations are: money and attractiveness. Also there has to be at least a little bit of sociability.

>> No.4699106

Oh right, i suposse that has nothing to do with the guy's wallet size /sarcasm mode off

>> No.4699108

And you think 'personality' keeps them together? Oh wow. She's probably with him for pity sex and free lunch. Here's another test: Secure to pictures of men, one ugly and one Johnny Depp. Show them to any girl. Tell them they have the same income monthly. Sugarcoat the ugly guy and badmouth Hatter in terms of personality, then ask them who would they choose. Most of them will settle for Johnny Depp because he's Johnny-fucking-Depp, even if he's a total jackass.

>> No.4699116

How old are you man? You a young'un? As girls get older they get away from that stupid alpha male shit. About 22-24 when they start going for nice guys.

>> No.4699118

You're on /jp/, that says enough.

>> No.4699124

And by that time they're a widely experienced slut. ;_;

>> No.4699131


>> No.4699134

>implying anyone here would settle for a 24 yo whore with AIDS.

>> No.4699135

Nonsense. They go for the 'nice guys' because they're nearing their 'expiration date'. 'Nice guys' mean 'attractive men with money they can leech off for the rest of their lives, display to their BFFs'.

>> No.4699141

Well, what do I know? I pimpin' everyday. Sorry guys.

>> No.4699156
File: 82 KB, 250x188, respek knuckles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pimpin' all day, errday.

>> No.4699158

With which hand?

>> No.4699163
File: 14 KB, 250x250, thatsnice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 24 yo whore with AIDS.

>> No.4699164

Don't forget the children. Late 20s is also when they start hearing the ticking of their biological clock and realize their alpha males won't stick around to take care of their children, so they have to settle for a beta male instead, since they can more easily be manipulated into paying for their kids.

>> No.4699171

Wtf man, from where did that came up?

>> No.4699177
File: 135 KB, 807x861, 1267802907394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is with all the relationshit threads this morning?

Are you underageb&s home alone on spring break feeling ronery?

>> No.4699182

>So why just don't show up how badass I am bumping the thread with the reaction image of a whore?

>> No.4699199

Kids are a pain in the ass. I know. I was one too.

>> No.4699228

The sudden angry spot of bitterness that is expelled from a feeble-willed married man with kids every now and then.

>> No.4699235

>why just don't show up how badass I am bumping the thread with

Thanks for proving my point.

Enjoy your summer school, dumbass.
