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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46973888 No.46973888 [Reply] [Original]

An open world action rpg touhou game... would that be so wrong

>> No.46974161

wtf would you even do? trash the hakurei shrine and drown in ofuda?

>> No.46974202

Elder Scrolls: Gensokyo

>> No.46974210

become the incarnation of Marisa and steal everything you see

>> No.46974268

I like just exploring that minecraft Gensokyo map.

>> No.46974346

how big is it? 40x40km?

>> No.46974389

a thief fangame with marisa breaking into the various areas of gensokyo would be great
you've got the SDM, chireiden, mugenkan, the shining needle castle, eientei, the hieda manor, yukari's mansion, hakugyoukurou, the prismriver's abandoned mansion, all the areas in the animal realm, and even the lunar capital
the possibilities are endless

>> No.46974416

* Exterminate youkai for Reimu.
* Bring rare books to Marisa in exchange for some of the other "junk" in her house.
* Get your items appraised by Rinnosuke.
* Raise or lower your reputation with Gensokyo's many factions.
* Find all the flower viewing spots.
* Get drunk with Suika and other 2hus during a random gathering event.
* Take photos around Gensokyo. Sell them to Aya.
* Get your fortune told.
* Play minigames throughout Gensokyo.

>> No.46974422

Nobody's stopping you, go for it

>> No.46974453
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so... grand theft touhou? we do that here every once and awhile

>> No.46974456

soon as somebody develops the game I will go for downloading it, yeah.

>> No.46974462

that shit is open maybe what, once every few months?

>> No.46974465

Yeah, probably. I just put down some things that immediately came to mind but OP said he wanted it to be an RPG.

>> No.46978160

These are really good ideas. Post more.

>> No.46978206

I've had the exactly same thought haha

>> No.46978233

>* Play minigames throughout Gensokyo.
Such as?

>> No.46978530
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How big would the map be?

>> No.46978642
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Yes, action trash is BORING
Give me a Touhou TBT

>> No.46978885

* Hide & Seek with the fairies.
* Fishing with Urumi.
* Stacking stones with Eika. (Timing and balance minigame; maybe an element of choosing the right stone and rotation)
* Gambling in Sannyo's den. (Hanafuda, cee-lo, odds-or-evens, etc.)
* Eating dango with Ringo. (Either a "mash A" fest or a series of buttons instead).
* Bunbunmaru delivery for Aya. (Timed sequence to drop items at checkpoints).
* Morning exercises with Meiling (Simon Says with controller buttons tied to poses)
* Cart racing with Orin.
* Gardening in Hakugyokurou. Help Youmu cut down the weeds but don't hurt the flowers!
* Do as much damage as you can to Tenshi in this short amount of time!
* Stealth minigame. Surprise people for Kogasa.
* Deduction minigame. There are three copies of Marisa and you have to figure out which one is the real one. The other two are bake-danuki.
* Avoid falling asleep during one of Eiki's lectures.
* Minesweeper but with Tewi pitfalls.
* Mix medicine with Eirin.
* Pound mochi with the rabbits.
* Nitori's river ride course.
* Catch the plates Futo tosses at you.

There's a lot of potential for rhythm minigames.
* Raiko and the Prismrivers.
* The Tsukumo sisters.
* Choujuu Gigaku
* Noh performance with Kokoro.
* Dancing with Mai and Satono.
* Puppet show with Alice.

>> No.46978930

You really have a lot of creativity, even ZUN himself struggled to come up with things to do in the Gensou Narratograph RPG

>> No.46978935

>ZUN himself
You couldn't have set the bar any lower, anon.

>> No.46979719

Give me ideas for things to do at the SDM and Myouren temple, most fan games never have anything to do in these places.

>> No.46979818

Believe it or not, I already had some of these ideas in my notes app in case I ever make a fangame (namely the reputation mechanic, drinking events, /fit/, fishing, gambling, mochi pounding)...
Then again, some of these have already been explored thoroughly in recent games like Mystia's Izakaya or ADiA, so I suppose that we aren't the only people who thought of them.
Some other ideas that weren't already mentioned here (feel free to use them, just don't cancel my ass if I ever try my hand at 'em, okay?):
- Kokoro performing Noh in the Human Village, Hakurei Shrine, and such, where you have to use a mask that matches the expression's emotion. Player accuracy determines the audience's rating.
- Party night at the SDM with outfit contests. Pretty straightforward.
- Tenshi sneaking back into Heaven to steal more powerup dumplings.
- Legendary turtle surfing with Toyohime, like that Pokemon minigame.
- Mizuchi possessing different people to eat as many sweets as possible.

>> No.46980324

whatever your pc's rendering is, double it

>> No.46980340

whenever I see a touhou fangame release on steam I take a look and it just doesn't scratch the itch I want. Gensokyo minigames in an open world would be something I'd play over and over again

>> No.46980882

I want to play it so bad...

>> No.46981040

Marisa's a taffer

>> No.46981122

Minecraft with Momoyo

>> No.46981162

>Gardening in Hakugyokurou. Help Youmu cut down the weeds but don't hurt the flowers!
There's a hardmode for this one where Yuuka is watching you the whole time, and prods you with her parasol sometimes just to piss you off

Also, a GTA rampage style arena shoot because Reisen got drunk and started messing with your brain.

>> No.46981789
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Wandering around the village sounds comfy

>> No.46981935

These sound good, post more ideas to inspire any game dev anons lurking ITT.

>> No.46986243

I've seen anons make 2D fan game demos, but anyone here able to make 3D games?

>> No.46986598

Clean with the gobs and fairies
Catch Sakuya's knives
Hide and seek button prompt pushing with flan
Rhythm minigame where you stack books with Koa
Get patchy her meds, chase/obstacle course game
And more!

>> No.46986654

Does anyone know how big the village actually is?

>> No.46986745

Considering the basis is Hakuba when the Barrier went up, it shouldn't be hard to figure out a rough size.

>> No.46987287
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I need my animal realm game

>> No.46989175
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Wasn't there a Minecraft-like 2hu game the chinese were making?

>> No.46989211

I can, as long as I don't have to model anything.

>> No.46989376

>Wasn't there a Minecraft-like 2hu game the chinese were making?

This one? https://thwiki.cc/%E5%B9%BB%E6%83%B3%E4%B9%A1-%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C
It's been cancelled apparently.

>> No.46989419
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>> No.46989449

Touhou Crossing?

>> No.46989604
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Animal crossing on a big city?

>> No.46989702

how about some big names in a little village

>> No.46990240

If you guys want a Touhou game so badly, why don't you nerds get together and make one?

>> No.46990450
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>> No.46990839

He didn't dnt make it he just signed off on it and played it, besides it's more of a boardgame anyways.

>> No.46992705
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Because western touhou fans can't into teamwork. They might be the most creative fandom by sheer amount of content alone but as soon as a project pops up that requires more than one or two people to coordinate nothing ever goes anywhere (save for a couple of mediocre danmaku fangames I guess) You better not expect japs and chinks to make an open world gensokyo lifesim anytime soon either, they're way more into gacha and arcade stuff. something like mystia's izakaya comes out once in a while but that hardly counts.

>> No.46992790


>> No.46993360

We can do it, I volunteer for coding if this truly would be something people are willing to do.

>> No.46994138

>I volunteer for coding
What languages?

>> No.46994199

I suppose I could do layouts of certain areas and do concept art

>> No.46994855

C++ and C#

>> No.46995177

Chash sucks

>> No.46995210
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I had ideas accumulating since like last august and started compiling and developing them into an obsidian file, but realized I am pie in the sky ambitious when I have all of amateur experience with C++ (one college level course with a retarded romanian professor) and surface level knowledge of shit like Godot and Gamemaker (watched youtube videos and made a few sprites move around).

Everybody wants the big open Rune Factory/Harvest Moon/[your game here] X Touhou game with all the details and little things, points of interest, characters and interactions, PC-98 integration, full fledged incident start and resolutions, changing seasons, minigames, spellcard duels, option of romance routes, exploration of the human vs youkai conflict narrative, and the charms that drew us to the setting in the first place; but, god fucking damn just putting ideas together and scrapping what is there is a massive pain in the ass and time sink. Getting started made me realize it requires so many things: art, programming, sound design, writing, music composition, audio mixing, and overall game mechanics and level design. And if you can't do all of that yourself, you need money to commission things and I am a broke faggot. This is all first draft type shit too, I have no idea if any of the things I have drawn out are even a good ideas since I completely lack gamedev experience. Two ideas might sound good, but I just cant tell if they'll be enjoyable to play especially when combined with other systems and components and if there's any knock on effects.
I just shelved this to try something a lot more reigned in and feasible for just me to do, which still isn't done because I got busy with classes, work, and overall lack of motivation. I wish I was like my younger 12 year old self when I had the focus and could stay up all night cramming through Final Fantasy X and the mind numbing tedium of grinding.

>> No.46995451
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Please make Omega Labyrinth 2hu edition.

>> No.46995939

Just play eratohoTW

>> No.46997670

Post more of that ideas tree.

>> No.47003994

Someone was working on a better eratohoTW in a different engine, anyone know what happened to that?

>> No.47004839

tohosim? I heard it was abandoned.

>> No.47005131

Converting 2hu into the 3d realm is a futile effort

>> No.47005153

>dynamarisa 3D
>Issun Boshi
>touhou diablo treasure hunter g
the technology is there, the time is now.

>> No.47005154

Plenty of big budget games like the ones by Ankake Supa already did it.

>> No.47005177

Those are not fully 3d

>> No.47010740
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How is this not 3D?

>> No.47011876
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What about an open world roguelite/roguelike? Obviously it would have danmaku in it. Something like Streets of Rogue i would like.

>> No.47012153

> Play minigames throughout Gensokyo
Touhou Shenmue?Touhou Yazuka/like a dragon?

>> No.47012758
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Besides myself, this is the only other guy in this thread that appears to have ever booted up a game engine: >>46995210
Making an open world game is a monstrous amount of work. While no one really doubts the audience and potential for a large-scale Touhou open world game, it is a nearly impossible task to gather a capable enough team to realize such a project. I have tired to organize several collaboration projects now, and in general, I find that anyone willing to join onto one isn't skilled enough to produce much of value for any more-serious project. Any artist is extremely amateur with poor fundamentals and any coder is junior-level at best.

>> No.47012787

>I find that anyone willing to join onto one isn't skilled enough to produce much of value for any more-serious project.
As someone who is willing to help but completely unskilled, I must begrudgingly agree with what you're saying here. This board just doesn't have the talent for something like this.

>> No.47012846
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I think a touhou would fit excellently as a musou game. Over a hundred hus to pick from, all with flashy, special, screen-wiping attacks and combos to wipe out endless mobs and nameless fairies. Can fit a decent amount of arcs from the games too. It's honestly kind of criminal how we haven't gotten anything close to that imo.

>> No.47012904

I'm a professional (non-game) dev and have made several games on the side, and this post sparked some inspiration I haven't felt in a long time. I might actually be down to fully code a small 2d game made of little minigames like this. The rhythm game elements especially are some of my favorite things to make, and this isn't beyond the scope of things I've done before.
Having it broken up into a bunch of small minigames is awesome, too, because it lets you compartmentalize work and keeps things simple. I'm imagining a wanderable 2d world where all you do is interact with NPCs to play their minigames, maybe with a few lines of dialog in between. Letting contributors make individual minigames would also be a great way to let in a lot of low-effort grassroots collaboration.

The main issue I can foresee is art. A game like this would require a LOT of artwork. We're talking multiple animated sprites for every interactable character, loads of sprites for playable characters, backgrounds, effects, maps, everything. This is harder to compartmentalize too, because it all has to have a consistent style. Sounds too, and "voices" (even retro game speech beeps are a lot of work when you have to make dozens of them), and what's a Touhou fangame without music?
Maybe AI could help with the sprite problem, but I don't know shit about it or how to use it. I'm open to all ideas, or anyone who thinks they can make literally thousands of pixel sprites without committing suicide.

>> No.47013062

I think the big companies are waiting for ZUN's death before releasing musou games

>> No.47013124

trying to think of something for reimu to be riding for the witcher 3 copypasta

>> No.47015362

play pc98

>> No.47015750

>and have made several games on the side


>> No.47016000

It doesn't have to stay that way. There's a plethora of tutorials and courses that (You) could be starting on right this moment, but you won't cus you're a lazy lil bitch.

>> No.47016274

>Help Youmu cut down the weebs
Sign me up.

>> No.47016395

I think the Yakuza style would work well. The substories would be great fun with all the characters, specially the more forgotten ones.

>Besides myself, this is the only other guy in this thread that appears to have ever booted up a game engine: >>46995210
I have one open right now.
>Making an open world game is a monstrous amount of work.
It is, but how much work it requires depends on how open you want it to be. Making it full of stuff to find and dungeons to enter (like Elden Ring, Elder Scrolls, The Witcher) would take an enormous amount of work, but you could make it like Dark Souls 1 instead, with several areas interconnected. Or you could take the MMORPG approach and make large open areas with nothing but hordes of the same 3 enemies to fight (don't choose this option, please).
>any coder is junior-level at best.
If you keep the game simple, coding isn't all that important. What gameplay loop did you have in mind when trying to work with those people?

>The main issue I can foresee is art.
Yeah, the artstyle really makes a difference for this type of game.
>Maybe AI could help
Oh god, no.

>> No.47016463

What would a touhou animal crossing game be like?

>> No.47018826
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>keep the game simple
I thought this was a thread for an "open world action rpg touhou game", the least simple game idea imaginable. I've done a bunch of game jams, but for any where we actually published a game, it was either something that I soloed all the systems for, or it was with my IRL friend group that includes more-senior-level ICs at major companies. However, they have jobs and a life, and so I'm only able to gather them to work a game for a weekend maybe once or twice a year.

As for bigger projects, a month or two ago, a few of us from >>>/vg/agdg tried to start a collab, and the game idea we agreed upon was something like "Skyrim, but anime". After testing out the waters with the team and tallying up the sheer amount of work we'd need just to move from pre-pre-production to pre-production, I think everyone kind of just got discouraged and quietly faded from the project, myself included. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYBrZCsjRKg

The thread's gone now, but /v/ supposedly started an animal crossing collab a week or two ago, altho afaik, it's just one guy doing most of the work.

>> No.47019228

I feel like small game-jam-type stuff is the most realistically accomplishable thing for a hobbyist team. I agree with >>46992705 in that it's really hard for Western devs to work together - everyone wants to shoehorn in their own ideas, even if they're not necessarily good or realistic, disagreements on aesthetics and design, etc. And that's not even getting into stuff like properly splitting up pay (assuming it's something to be sold) or what happens when an important member on the project just decides to quit, e.g. the artist, and now you've got a bunch of mismatched art. All of these things can be overlooked for a relatively short and quick gamejam, but become exasperated when you begin working something for upwards of a year, or hell even after a few months because everyone wants to be the leader and have their own ideas at the forefront.

t. was involved in a similar project at one point and had to watch people pointlessly bicker over inane shit instead of getting anything done.

>> No.47019235

Pretty good breakdown. Open world action rpg projects are this generation's mmos. A collab needs to be incredibly specific from the initial concept and appropriately scoped.
Instead of open world touhou arpg, a more feasible scope might be a character running around in a courtyard. Even then the project needs to implement specific gameplay ideas and polish then well enough to have a fun demo. Then you have to find skilled collaborators who don't disappear after one meeting. Then you have to continue working nights and weekends for years before you have something you can pitch. And most worthwhile contributors are already tied up with their own projects.
You need to already have the skills and be obsessed to the point of already working on the project for months / years to have any hope of any success. Even then success is more staving off failure for another week.

>> No.47019238

you're consuming too much social media

>> No.47019442
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I think the only way for things like this to ever succeed is to tighten the structure, i.e. you have a director/producer calling the shots. If someone has already done the legwork on the broad structure of how it's all supposed to be there may be a possibility of keeping everyone on the same page and keep it from devolving into a tugging contest where everyone wants to go in different directions. And the other roadblock for ever getting /jp/sies to work together is trading contact information so they can actually work together.
The unicorn of a small team would be a project lead who is both responsible and has a concrete vision and direction, and the surrounding team making up talent for what the lead lacks and who both believe in the project and trusts the lead's decisions. Simply put, this is impossible with just "wouldn't it be cool" driving it. There are things I want to make that I need help with, but I know I am too much of an autist and will just be a petty neurotic micromanager. “Redraw this, but make it better, but it also has to be like this. What do you mean revisions cost extra?”

>> No.47019537

>everyone wants to be the leader
Disagree. No one wants to be a leader. People want to be ideaguys, aka useless pieces of shit who want to imagine that they know how to make a game better than the devs who are actually making the game, but don't have the skills to actually implement their "great ideas".

This is correct. You need "directors". It can be multiple people (i.e. "systems director", "art director", "sound director", "narrative director" etc.), or someone can play multiple roles, but they need to be technically skilled enough in their respective field to do everything themselves if need be. "Wouldn't it be cool" is ideaguy drivel. You need people who are capable of writing technical specs and requirements, and to call for retakes on submitted contributions that are not up to standard.

>> No.47019541

I absolutely agree that this is the best way to do things. In an ideal scenario you'd have someone whose already laid the groundwork and has something to show for it, and by bringing on extra people you're just filling in the holes of things you can't do by this point. For example, I have a solid idea, I've laid the very basic foundations, and I need an artist and 3D modeler to make x thing for this scene over my placeholders to be complete.

I think thinking along the lines of "we should have a collaborative project!" off the bat is overly idyllic and doomed to fail because it's too nebulous in nature and you'll just have people butting heads and trying to encroach creative influence more than actually working on it. If you have someone whose already set the groundwork than the idea is more or less already set in stone and you're basically just filling in the holes of work you can't do, there's little room for the idea to be warped around (too much anyways). These are the kinds of concepts that usually succeed, or, at least, get far enough to be called a proper game. Even better if you can offer pocket change to keep people committed. Granted, even in this hypothetical scenario you're still reliant on the person in charge having their head screwed on right and not letting power go to their head.

It's kind of funny that this is largely a Westerner-exclusive problem. I think jap doujin groups don't really face the same issue since a lot of them are just irl friend groups on top of already being less ego-centric, I think. In western groups it's pretty common to have inter-drama and batting egos but for japs I think they just have an autistic drive to work on stuff and not much else.

>> No.47019568

>People want to be ideaguys, aka useless pieces of shit
Wrong. I can draw, animate and code but when it comes to ideas I get stumped, the ideas guys ITT have inspired me.

>> No.47019610
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The problem is that laying out the groundwork is fucking hard and time-consuming. IDK exactly how long TES:VI spent in pre-production, but it had to have been at least 4-5 years with a dedicated team of dozens of full-time devs, and it's only recently that they announced that they're finally out of pre-production and onto the production phase. That's what it takes to "lay the groundwork".

This isn't a Westerner-exclusive problem. It's a scope problem. Doujins are tiny, and doujin collaborations are generally just a few people making their own pages/songs centered around a common theme, then thrown together. It's not anywhere close to the scope of a full commercial game.

IMO if you think you need ideaguys, then you lack the vision. You need a director to tell you want to do, not an ideaguy.

>> No.47019617

there is a difference between getting inspiration from an outsider post, and someone permanently on the team. Yes it's good to have something generate ideas, but if they're going to be working with you they have to do something else too. Ideas are quick to come up with, implementing them can take a ton of time and effort, you'll have more "ideas" than time to do it. Ideaguys are useless shits because after a few they need to stop coming up with ideas and help implement them.

>> No.47019635

And every person has ideas. People with skills have the knowledge and experience from repeatedly refining ideas to come up with better ideas (and prototype the) in addition to actually being able to follow through. Idea guys can't do either.

>> No.47019641

I think you're looking at things on an overly large-scale to compare this hypothetical project to a Bethesda game that runs anywhere between 100-200 people with all clearly-defined corporate positions and jobs to do.

Laying the groundwork and having a solid vision could mean anything, just to the point where you have your own thing to show off and a clearly defined idea of what to come next, at least enough where you can confidently tell other people what to do and give them enough confidence that what you have is enough to go somewhere. It's hard as fuck, but it's supposed to be. It's why there's hundreds of attempts at making something good but only a few things that end up actually good, or even finished.

>> No.47019736

In any case it would be interesting to see where AI goes in the realm of small projects, and I don't really mean for grifters trying to pump out trash on itch io but people who know what they're doing. You can tell ChatGPT to come up with a script that does XYX, of course it still requires someone with coding knowledge to implement it and tie it together, but in terms of man hours it cuts down the time significantly. Same for art; generate some images for concepts and prototyping and redraw that image by hand, tracing but without the scandal. Music can work too as a generated melody can sound okay but someone who knows how to compose music can touch it up and finish it. The ideal use case of AI is to use it as a tool and cut down on production time. It's no wonder large companies are looking into AI if it means they can make more with less.

>> No.47019766

I think it can be really creatively used under the right circumstances. There was that one game that released a couple of years ago, Source of Madness? That was made by one guy that had the novel idea of creating unique eldritch horror enemies generated by AI. I think "unique" uses of it that aren't just pumping out dollar store art assets is going to be what's successful going forward and I'm curious to see how small doujin studios try to make the most of it.

>> No.47019917
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Most of those hundreds of roles aren't all that useful. They're also writing their own engine, but I'm not expecting an internet collab to do that. 3-5 competent individuals is enough, but even those 3-5 is really hard to gather and keep together. At least in the early stages of pre-production/prototyping, IMO there should be clear division of labor with little to no reason to delegate anything. In the context of "an open world action rpg touhou game" would the minimum roles need to be filled are:

>The systems director
They need to design, implement, integrate, and test all the major gameplay systems like movement, combat, interaction, quest log, dialogue, stats, items, inventory, etc. They should also define any level design standards with a few example greybox levels.

>The art director
This is a tech-artist who can standardize and prototype the character models, rigs, materials, and animations. They should also prototype some VFX.

>The narrative director
This is someone who details out the worldbuilding and all the major plotlines and produces an initial draft of the dialogue. Ideally this is also someone who can kitbash the world map together in engine.

The most practical use of AI right now is to generate pro-AI propaganda to lure in more investment money. There are a few limited practical applications, but they're all janky and unreliable, and are still far from being a viable replacement for competent artists. At most, they can be used by a competent artist to accelerate their workflow. But, don't take mine or any internet grifter's word for it. You should test it out for yourself instead of guessing. The most practical applications I've found so far are:
>Voice changer

>Some other technology that have limited applications outside of this project:
Character image generators can appear to be really good, but are extremely janky and mostly a waste of time. You need to give the model a hint of the desired pose/gesture as a rendered 3D scene if you want any semblance of reliability (see picrel). The tracing idea you came up with is also fairly pointless because skilled artists have always been able to just trace 3D models. You can use this tech to grift with porn CG packs, or graphics for something like a card game, which can use arbitrarily stylized and inconsistent static images. I've yet to see anyone make any game sprites that are of higher quality than what you can just buy out of asset stores.

Story generation is riddled with nonsense and is of lower quality than impromptu ERP, but you can maybe roll for inspiration with it if you're feeling blocked.

>> No.47019934

lmao that is just tracing with extra steps.

>> No.47019953

Yeah. It's basically faster tracing with extra noise.

>> No.47020238

Character art / writing is the worst application of AI to gamedev. Those are the parts where the human vision matters most and aren't even the most time consuming parts.

>> No.47020602

>I thought this was a thread for an "open world action rpg touhou game", the least simple game idea imaginable.
Maybe we have different meaning of "action rpg". If you want to make a game like Skyrim, then yes, but if instead you make a 2D game with a top-down view then it might be manageable to the guys you tried to collab with. Instead of having one seamless open-world you can have separate areas like in Zelda: Link to the Past. A danmaku combat system is also not that hard to create.

>> No.47020671

>A danmaku combat system is also not that hard to create.
lol what, if anything that would be one of the hardest parts to make, even more if it's a 3D game.

>> No.47020748

Stardew Valley—a Harvest Moon clone—was a one man show that also took almost 5 years with about 70 hour work weeks on the back of a degree in computer science. It's not impossible to make a nice game, it's just fucking hard. There's also the fact this theoretical game is a Touhou fangame, while ZUN is lenient you still have to follow the rulings on doujinshi content.

>> No.47020757

yes, this >>45646967 >>45647091 took like 2 whole days in blender if I remember correctly, and it doesn't even work properly because the skirt looks wrong when she lifts her leg

>> No.47020802

What's so difficult about it?
ZUN managed to make it just fine back in the 90s.

>> No.47020811

Please understand, I don't want to reveal my identity. I'm busy this weekend but might come back in a week or two with a tiny demo.
And besides, as >>47019541 said, you need a foundation before it's worth trying to get other people involved. No one should believe a word I say until I've posted a programmer art gameplay video.

Thanks for the resources. You're based for seeing through the marketing BS without being reactionary about AI in general.
I would add level design (responsible for balancing as well) to the list of separable roles, and the general caveat that one person can fill multiple roles if the project is small enough.

>> No.47020835
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The inexperienced and ignorant ideaguy might think that 2D flipbook sprites are less work because of their lower barrier to entry but they are ultimately far more work and far less scalable than 3D rigged models. Any idiot can imagine and understand the entire workflow for a pixel art flipbook, but it takes a bit of study to fathom the 3D workflow. (modeling, rigging, materials, texture painting, etc.)
When you do flipbook animation, you can't reuse anything. Let's say you have 50 2HUs with 20 animations each and each animation averages 10 frames. You've just signed yourself for drawing 10,000 frames. Want to alter the art style? Enjoy redrawing all 10,000 frames. Do you want to display swappable equipment? Gratz, you've just signed yourself up for another 200 frames per piece of equipment.
Conversely with rigged 3D characters, all your animations can be reused between all your characters. You easily adjust the style simply by altering the material structure and parameters. It's more front-loaded work with a much higher payoff in the long term.

Ehh... Eric dicked around quite a bit during SDV's production, but yes a game like SDV only looks good after countless iterations and retakes. See picrel.

I kind of just mashed level designer into systems, but yes, they can be separate.

>> No.47020852

I may be talking shit but I think it involves a lot of math, it's not the hardest thing but it's not the easiest either

>> No.47020859

>A danmaku combat system is also not that hard to create
If you want to make a shitty one, sure

>> No.47021088

>The inexperienced and ignorant ideaguy might think that 2D flipbook sprites are less work because of their lower barrier to entry but they are ultimately far more work
I was talking more about the coding part.
>50 2HUs with 20 animations each and each animation averages 10 frames
I know what you mean, but again, that depends on the type of game you want to make. 200 frames per character isn't that far from how many they use in Hisoutensoku. Something like Chrono Trigger uses less for their main characters.
Not to mention that capturing the spirit of the series is far easier in 2D.

>> No.47021179
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>I was talking more about the coding part.
I wouldn't worry about that. You'd have a much easier time finding tools, assets, and resources for a 3D open world RPG than a 2D in all the major engines (Godot, Unity, Unreal). The fighting games are closer to 400 frames per character.

>> No.47021230

I'll make the logo.

>> No.47021399

open world games are always so empty
something like risk of rain 2 but touhou would be much more fun

>> No.47021424
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just play dynamarisa

>> No.47021469

I'd kill for a Marisa game like Gun Valkyrie but with the air speed of something like Ace Combat or Armored Core 4 Answer.

>> No.47021548
File: 470 KB, 900x900, flandre oblige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Armored Core 4 Answer
Touhous zipping around at Mach 4 sounds like an absolutely epileptic experience when combined with danmaku

>> No.47022713

>open world Touhou game
The most realistic option is to mod an existing open world game like GTA or MC with Touhou assets, and even then it's probably not an easy task.

>> No.47023405

>you still have to follow the rulings on doujinshi content.
Why would that be an issue?

>> No.47023775

Armored core is already 3d touhou

>> No.47025857
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when the map has no max height limit for flyable characters

>> No.47026279

-Catch Tupai or whatever other exotic animal has escaped!
-Play night with Flan (it's not about winning it's about not triggering a high level boss battle)
-Rearranging the mansion! Maybe just decoration or maybe with Sakuya's space manipulation help. Trying to please whatever Remi's current whims are

Myoren Temple
-Ringing the bell 108 times (the fairies won't let you)
-Meditating! Being some minigame were you have to destroy your thoughts and worries to keep your head clear.
-Keeping the temple's youkai from messing with the humans
-Drinking with Ichirin and not getting caught by Byakuren.
-Arm wrestling, dunno why but it just came to my mind and would probably just be a button masher. But stages goe like Byakuren > Kyoko > Ichirin > Murasa > Shou > Nue > Unzan > Byakuren(serious)

>feel free to use them, just don't cancel my ass if I ever try my hand at 'em, okay?
Would be a massive asshole move, to do that, and I doubt anyone would really do that unless you literally just copy the code or assets or something like that.
Also Mizuchi would have to avoid sweet food or find a sweet spot(heh) of not too sweet nor too bland.

You can either get one of the different methods to reach the moon or you can fly for 4 real time hours up and reach it.

>> No.47026326
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God I never noticed how these can be so memeable without context

>> No.47026333
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>> No.47026594
File: 202 KB, 640x480, CLANG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guard break noise is forever etched into my brain

>> No.47029988

I can't stop staring at this.

>> No.47034371

I'm surprised there's no 2hu ZOE game

>> No.47037006

>ZOE game
Such as?

>> No.47037179
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Like ZOE?

>> No.47037313
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Love ZOE

>> No.47037331

Her third leg should've been the cockpit

>> No.47037358

I installed who knows how many mods and take walks (sometimes in VR, sometimes not) there every other day.
I like to make minecraft-style models of the Touhou characters and I have them set up around the map in the appropriate places. I always have at least one of them follow me so that I feel less lonely. It's such a an odd fixation but I love my Gensokyo. My favorite place is the SDM library.

>> No.47038502

Don't expect that from westerners. They lack passion, so they'd only do a project like that for the profit.

>> No.47038530

with the little maid mod? i do the same, but perspective is weird in vivecraft cause everything is oversized

>> No.47038538

Why does this happen?

>> No.47039863

Lack of doujin culture.

>> No.47039952

I use a mod called Customizable Player Models, which features an in-game model editor but can also import and export models from Blockbench. It's only limitation is that you can only use cuboids but other than that it supports a bunch of cool stuff like custom animations.
As for the NPC part I can use anything that's rendered as a player. One way Customizable Player models can apply it's models even on vanilla servers is by embedding the model data in the unused parts of a vanilla skin, which gets picked up and interpreted client-side.

>> No.47040212

This, all they want is money
Remember the 2hu smash bros incident

>> No.47040245

I don't see anything wrong with that, I'd gladly pay a few bucks for good entertainment. Or if I spent a couple of years of my life working on something, I would like to be paid even if it's a passion project.

>> No.47040336


>> No.47040407

Nips want money too, the difference is that that is not the only reason they are making a game

>> No.47040410

Speaking of the devil.
>I would like to be paid even if it's a passion project.
There's a difference between that and being stuck in early access/patreon hell forever.
Most wouldn't want to even start it if they didn't think it'd become the "next big thing".

>> No.47041664

Everyone wants to get paid for things they do, the difference is some people make things for the joy of making them and others make things for the sole purpose of being payed for them. Patreon dev hells are the latter where they just put in the bare amount of effort since gullible retards keep feeding them thousands of dollars every month because finishing the game means cutting off that cash flow.

>> No.47041816

(you) can learn Blender RIGHT NOW

>> No.47041848

Seriously though, would anons be interested in a collaborative 2hu open world game?

>> No.47041890

Oh yeah patreon and kickstarter game projects are quite trash, or at least many of them seem like cash grabs. I was just thinking if I worked on a project, or did my own, I'd likely want to see a price tag on it.

>> No.47042101

why we are like this

>> No.47042274

If the other guys are chill and easy to work with, sure.

>> No.47042808

there was a chinese or korean mod that let you change your playermodel and have custom animations, but i forgot the name

>> No.47042895

Doesn't someone try to do this every year and it ends up going nowhere every time?

>> No.47048315
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If there are other anons interested, we could use a combat system similar to Nobeta's, just with a lot more projectiles coming your way.
Something similar to Armored Core may also work, but that's a bit more complex.
I wanted to make Alice shoot at the player to better show what I'm talking about, but I'll be busy for the next two hours and I'm not sure the thread would be alive by then.

>> No.47048700

if there was sexo

>> No.47048762


>> No.47048775

That Alice is too cute. Is this unity?

>> No.47049115

Alice is always cute.
>Is this unity?

>> No.47052623

looks good

>> No.47052648

clearly nier's attempt at 3D danmaku should be the working model

>> No.47052849
File: 1.27 MB, 1072x1500, __inubashiri_momiji_touhou_drawn_by_matsuda_matsukichi__28fb3b8dc321b6119e6d5b7753f6702b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ray tracing

>> No.47055208

most importantly, if any work group ever forms to implement the ideas in this thread, its discussions should be conducted over IRC and not pisscord

>> No.47055271


>> No.47055510

because using and therefore promoting the use of a centralised, corporate-made chat protocol that spies on you over a decentralised, private-individual-made chat protocol that does not spy on you is immoral

>> No.47056391

I didn't understand

>> No.47056521

Yes yes, that's a nice sentiment and all. Sadly any other method of serious organization is retarded.
Fact is pissshit is the most functional client you can get, even its direct competitors like Matrix, and those others, do not have anywhere near the support or ease of use. Any efforts would have to be organized there out of nessecity
IRC sucks balls and isn't used for a reason, TeamSpeak is just gimped and you'll primarily be using first party softwares to transfer data and anything other than vc or chat. Discord is aids, but everything else just pales in comparison.

It is like YouTube, i detest it, but you tell me a single site that has its functionality

>> No.47056674

People like you are more disgusting than ignorant normalfags who don't know better.

>> No.47056692

(any project that doesn't come from a group of retard friends who know each others in real life tends to fail)

>> No.47056712

The project hasn't even started and you guys are already fighting.

>> No.47056753

Something like this might have been easier to do in years past, but I think it's a lost cause to try to organize any kind of collaborative effort for an actual game here. Too many people will stubbornly dig their feet in over dumb issues or try to fight things every step of the way as others have pointed out. The take it easy mindset where people were happy to go with the flow of things is long gone.

>> No.47056761

>The take it easy mindset where people were happy to go with the flow of things is long gone
This never existed

>> No.47059014

It wouldn't be much of a Touhou game without any characters. I would only be interested if we have a skilled character modeler who is for sure committed. (and that's impossible to find)

>> No.47059021

I am seriously waiting for a good alternative, lay em on me.

>> No.47059682

I think the closest thing to a "/jp/ made" game we could get is if one single guy was making a game and asked anons for help with things like playtesting, writing dialogue, coming up with a layout for Gensokyo, etc.

>> No.47060329

That's impressive, how long it took to make that? Is there more?

>> No.47060486

you're telling me ray traced this momiji?

>> No.47060584

IRC can print text you write to the other users' screens perfectly fine and that's ALL IT NEEDS TO DO, I bet you're fat

>> No.47062031
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>> No.47062171


>> No.47062230

Looks neat.
I never bothered with the Minecraft MMO servers before but maybe I'll give this one a try.

>> No.47063839
File: 2.64 MB, 1604x890, 2024-06-11 12-46-53.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there more?
I just finished making Alice's eyes move, and she looks at the player sometimes.
>how long it took to make that?
An hour or two, probably. I'm using Unity's third person controller, which makes it way faster.

>> No.47064084

Fuck that shit, I want a Touhou Musou game.
But I need it to be Hyrule Warriors level of quality.

Imagine all the Adventure Mode fan-service fights you could do with it.
>Lunar Invasion 2: Electric Boogaloo where you play as Junko, Hecatia and Clownpiece and you're just slaughtering the Lunar Capital.
>PC-98 vs Windows: Reimu & Marisa vs Reimu & Marisa
>Lunar Invasion 2: Electric Boogaloo where you play as Junko, Hecatia and Clownpiece and you're just slaughtering the Lunar Capital.
>Hell vs Old Hell
>The Oni decide to return to the mountain, so it's the Tengu and Moriya Shrine vs the Oni
>Yukari crew vs Okina crew
>Lunar Invasion 2: Electric Boogaloo where you play as Junko, Hecatia and Clownpiece and you're just slaughtering the Lunar Capital.

>> No.47065044
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>imagine all the-
no. this is an open world touhou game thread

picrel openworld 64

>> No.47067364

im a not even employed yet junior dev. no game making experience, but i think im fairly competent and have plenty of time to learn. dont know how we'd communicate however, considering there's already disagreements there

>> No.47068632

Just like make game. There's no way you'll be able to contribute to any collab if you don't even have the basic knowledge. Download Unity and/or Godot and follow some beginner tutorials. Find some 3D platformer/adventure demo projects. Open them up, see how they're built, play around, and try adding a few of your own things, like a new enemy or interaction.

>> No.47068884

xmpp exists

>> No.47070655

i've never even played 2hu and this just makes me think you haven't, or at least didn't finish one

>> No.47071700

there are many touhou players out there who've played them all and went on to make fangames, you know - the thing touhou fans love to do

>> No.47072929

alright, that makes sense. as much as i'd like to contribute, i'd need some knowledge and whether i even like game dev or not. will report back in about a week or two

>> No.47076598

holy S O V L

>> No.47082839

There's only one guy working on this, no one else has contributed, even the ideas guys real silent now.

>> No.47083358
File: 155 KB, 581x529, b9bd3539a0191d7b50f2772ed2c7d88e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main problem with this thread is that it's too forced. It's a thread meant to try and surface ideas for a feasibly-doable /jp/ group-developed game, with the end result being fleeting ideas made on a whim that no one has any real attachment to or commitment to making.

Take a look at something like KS. A bunch of anons saw one of RAITA's scrapped concepts and collectively thought "holy shit I want to make this happen", creating the perfect storm of people passionately working together to bring that idea to fruition through whatever means they could. No one here has the same drive or passion. It's just anons occasionally tossing fleeting ideas around and arguing over minute details.

>> No.47083479
File: 386 KB, 1070x1520, KS conception.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference is pretty clear.

RAITA's concept provided a concrete groundwork to begin from and everyone working on it had the same vision, they could all visualize the resultant product and saw it was gold. Genre, theme, characters, and most importantly there was scope. Five girls, five routes, the details on this page came to fruition and the rest was made just to tie it all together and round it off. The genre of 'romance VN' also lent itself to being easier to conceptualize and work with where basic gameplay is a well established thing and has a far more rigid structure. All the ingredients were already there, the possible fruitful outcomes were very narrow and close together.
Whereas here, everyone has their own different vision for the hypothetical Touhou open world game and unless someone comes up with a mostly complete project or an obvious guideline and scope ala concept art, you're never going to get anyone to agree on anything because it's so vague of an idea. It's hard to have drive or passion for something that only exists in a "that would be kinda cool" realm of pie in the sky daydreaming where the starting point is about as defined as the full extent of Yukari's abilities. Nobody can agree on where such a game starts and ends, it's a recipe for scope creep hell and burnout. The game I want to make is not the game others want to make.

Here's just a couple basic things that I guarantee you anons are going to be well divided on: is it 2d or 3d? Is the main/player character an OC character or existing 2hu? What is the origin of said OC character or what 2hu? How will you incorporate new canon that comes out over the course of the project? Is there going to be a main story/incident or is it a sandbox? How will you smooth over differences in canon? What is the personality of any given 2hu character? How much adherence to Canon are you willing to take? How much Fanon are you willing to permit? Grim or cute?

When you can get everyone on board and agree on the same answer for many of these questions and more, then you can get at least started. Otherwise, it's a 50 rope game of tug of war.

>> No.47083619

>Lunar Invasion 2: Electric Boogaloo where you play as Junko, Hecatia and Clownpiece and you're just slaughtering the Lunar Capital.
>Lunar Invasion 2: Electric Boogaloo where you play as Junko, Hecatia and Clownpiece and you're just slaughtering the Lunar Capital.
>Lunar Invasion 2: Electric Boogaloo where you play as Junko, Hecatia and Clownpiece and you're just slaughtering the Lunar Capital.
Take your goddamn meds Clownpiece. Your dementia can only be treated by Eirin at this point...

>> No.47083664

just out of curiosity: do you guys have a link to a archived version of the original /a/ thread?

>> No.47083692

>minigame: steal the precious things
>raid the SDM library and try to steal as many books as you can before getting caught!
>the first 20 books are easy and only patchouli tries to stop you, then koakuma joins in
>at 50 books you’ve attracted the ire of sakuya
>every 50 books from that moment the three become faster and more dangerous
>if you are caught you lose all the books
>if you escape the mansion your score is how many books you made off with
>the point is to not get too greedy

>> No.47083703

Actually let me rejigger it
>game capped at 30fps
>300 books before koakuma joins
>1000 books before sakuya joins
>to steal a book, you have to be idle and directly touching the bookshelf, every 6 frames you will gain a new book, so every second adds five points. this makes later gameplay harder as the enemies are faster and thus you have less time to steal books safely
You could even have a passive book-thievery like only getting one book a second if you’re moving along the bookshelf.

>> No.47083791

That was early 2007ish, I'm not sure if the popular archives even go that far back. Though speaking of KS that reminded me on the topic of organizing things the way they dealed with organization back then wasn't through any kind of IRC but by setting up their own forum, at least at first.

>> No.47083843

I think the original post is too old to have been archived, but here's the follow-up thread to it that got stickied.

>> No.47086350

>Here's just a couple basic things that I guarantee you anons are going to be well divided on: is it 2d or 3d?
3D obviously, the guy that made the demo ITT already took that first step.

>> No.47086582 [DELETED] 

I found but it have no pics

>> No.47086590

I found but it have no pics

>> No.47091342

wtf since when there's archives dating to 2007?

>> No.47091425
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For me? It'd be a Fallout New Vegas style RPG with faction allegiances

>> No.47091446
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>> No.47098549

Need PC-98hu related activities.

>> No.47102028

The least ludo in the series

>> No.47109017

Sounds way too hard.

>> No.47109369

fuck off crossie

>> No.47115850
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>> No.47120203


>> No.47120220

>westoid collab projects in a nutshell

>> No.47124179
File: 104 KB, 327x290, alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her to look at me like that

