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46957055 No.46957055 [Reply] [Original]

UFO is my favorite mainline game.

>> No.46957300

Patchouli doesn't appear in UFO...

>> No.46960187
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I finished LoLK on Pointdevice without bombs. Kind of a lame game, honestly. Gonna get tea.

>> No.46960236

Post your penis, OP

>> No.46960274
File: 44 KB, 506x346, 1688833767954629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what drives people to be like this? mental illness? or are all turks like this?

>> No.46967770 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 400x564, 65472347234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a cup of tea.

>> No.46967791 [DELETED] 

Post your penis.

>> No.46967953 [DELETED] 

can both of you fuck off, tranny?

>> No.46971033


>> No.46971207

I like IN the most. It is the first 2hu game I played and completed so it holds a special place it my heart.

It is the game where my favorite 2hu (Kaguya) makes her first apperance, Eientei is my favourite gang and the bamboo forest in a pretty cool location. Plus it introduces the Lunarian lore to 2hu.

>> No.46972722
File: 846 KB, 800x802, 97727468_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got another cup of tea. Playing more LoLK. Think I'll clear normal without bombs a couple more times and then try hard.

>> No.46977663
File: 176 KB, 776x802, 46847608_p19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having tea.

>> No.46977704
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you have weird taste, BUT

for me it's got to be IN. got me into touhou, has the most memorable of the soundtracks i can think of (raigon50's lunatic princess remix is the best thing ever) and the gameplay is just really goddamn fun. it introduced some really interesting lore too

also mokou is totally my favourite touhou character. i have a thing for angsty immortals, they're super fun to read about and you can do just about anything to the trope with her. there's a couple really good mokou fics on ao3 too so yup, it's gotta be IN for me. UFO's mechanic was immensely ftustrating and a complete slog to go through so i'm never doing it again

>> No.46977748

I like Subterranean Animism. I think it was the 2nd or 3rd 2hu game I played after EoSD and I mainly tried it because of Satori!

>> No.46977939
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Good game, but I never gave it enough playtime. I suppose I'll redownload.
>UFO's mechanic was immensely frustrating
How so? It's pretty simple.

>> No.46978869 [DELETED] 


>> No.46986335

