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4695697 No.4695697 [Reply] [Original]

Hey there, just playin through FSN for the first time, but I accidently a spoiler and found out Shiro is made of swords

Can someone PLEASE tell me this how this works, I mean it explains that bad end I got when he somehow managed to impale himself on something at school but it still confuses the hell outta me.

>> No.4695708

His body is literally composed of Vector knives.

>> No.4695706

He is the bone of his sword.

>> No.4695713


Vector knives?

>> No.4695709

He's only made of sword in Heaven's Feel.

I'm not explaining why, I'm too drunk to use spoiler tags right now.

>> No.4695717

Actually, it's more of a figurative than literal made out of swords.

Subconsciously, he is represented by 'swords'. He has a latent power (technically everyone does, it's just incredibly rare to be able to tap into it like him) to generate this, as such generating swords. When he's severely damaged, like it happens once in that bad end and again later in the Fate route, he gets an image of interlinking blades beneath his flesh (stabbing out as it were in the bad end).

>> No.4695721

It makes no sense, therefore it's shit. "Play" something superior like "Suck my dick or die".

>> No.4695718 [DELETED] 

Also that's not really a spoiler but I'm sure people are going to be spoiling you now that you made this thread.

>> No.4695724

In all ends of Heaven's Feel, he literally turns gets stabbed to death slowly as his body turns into swords. In all other routes he thinks of swords at certain points, as he's a sword otaku.

>> No.4695728
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Not literally made of swords, but he's a factory designed only to make swords.

>> No.4695732


But that's Archer's unsealed arm making the swords, not Shirou.

>> No.4695734
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I have no problems at all with spoilers, I've yet to have anything ruined for me by them. By the way, I just got to Valentines Day.

>> No.4695738

No Shirou, you are the Archer.

And then Shirou was a sword.

>> No.4695743
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>And then Shirou was an unlimited blade works

>> No.4695749

Shirou's body is a magic circuit dedicated to the production of swords.

So if he loses control over the ability, his body literally starts making swords inside itself. See: End of Heaven's Feel, where his entire body starts becoming swords.

>> No.4695753


So that explains why Archer mostly uses swords. I wonder if it would've been better for him to have been summoned as a Saber. And also, how exactly did Rin get him anyway, I know it was a bit accidental, but was it ever explained?

>> No.4695758


It's pretty cool being able to imagine swords into existence, but that is one hell of a price to pay

>> No.4695766


Shirou doesn't have the qualifications to be a Saber. He's not good with swords himself. He's a maker, not a wielder.

And Rin summoned him because Shirou always kept the pendant that Rin left with him, and she used that as the catalyst. So he was the only Servant she could summon- she had something connected to him.

>> No.4695768
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>So that explains why Archer mostly uses swords. I wonder if it would've been better for him to have been summoned as a Saber.

His STR is too low. Sabers have to have B rank or higher, Archer's STR is D.

>And also, how exactly did Rin get him anyway, I know it was a bit accidental, but was it ever explained?

Her pendant operated as a catalyst. Archer held onto it his entire life.


Again, that was ARCHER'S ARM doing that, not Shirou.

>> No.4695775

Rin getting him wasn't accidental at all, it was because Shirou always held that pendant she used to heal him, even as Archer. Rin summoned him before she got rid of the pendant, so it acted as a catalyst. She could only ever summon Archer in that war no matter what, same with Ilya and Berserker.

Him not being summonable as a Saber is almost entirely due to the Independant Action h4x required during Unlimited Blade Works.

>> No.4695779

SAkura is being raped by shinji
Ilya is Shirou's sister
Gilgamesh kills llya in UBW

>> No.4695781
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Well, the thing is, they're not actually "in existence". That's the domain of the First Sorcery.
He just creates a very, very clever illusion. It vanishes as soon as something happens to it.

>> No.4695789
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What are you talking about? Shirou dies in HF.

It's spring again.

>> No.4695785

Archer's saves the say at the end of UBW
Shirou receives a puppet body and doesn't die in HF

>> No.4695790

Rin and Sakura are sisters.

>> No.4695797

>He just creates a very, very clever illusion. It vanishes as soon as something happens to it.
so he fools reality itself?

>> No.4695800
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You later learn that Reality IS NOT AMUSED.

>> No.4695805

When he's making swords outside of his Reality Marble, he's actually just projecting his Reality Marble into a small area around his hand. All the swords already exist inside Unlimited Blade Works, so he doesn't actually have to create anything.

>> No.4695806


The illusion was good enough to slice off Berserker's arm


>SAkura is being raped by shinji

Didn't know that, makes me that much happier that the bastard died

>Ilya is Shirou's sister

Found this out too, explained why she always called him Oni-chan, although it's weird that she seems to want his head in a jar or some weird shit initially.

>Gilgamesh kills llya in UBW

Makes me hate that glorious golden bastard even more

>> No.4695807

Ilya is a 18 year old homunculis
fate stay night sucks
Saber dies at the start of HF

>> No.4695814

I thought Ilya was actually 28, not 18?

>> No.4695815
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>The illusion was good enough to slice off Berserker's arm


>> No.4695818
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Does reality rape him or something lol

Also, I want F/HA to be translated completely eventually cause I'm intrigued with this person.

>> No.4695819

oh look, another powerlevels thread.

>> No.4695821


No, she's 18. Only a few months older than Shirou.

>> No.4695827

Type Mercury (ORT) = Ado Edem > Type Jupiter > Type Saturn > Type Pluto > Type Venus > Type Moon (Crimson Moon) > Primate Murder > Original Roa > Angra Mainyu > Zelretch (young) > Counter Guardian Archer > Gilgamesh (Tohsaka) > Gilgamesh (Kotomine) = Arcueid (standard 30%) > Dark Sakura > Dark Saber > Lancelot = Saber > 5th Berserker = 17th Roa (Elesia) > Dark Berserker > 4th Rider > 5th Lancer (optimal) > 4th Lancer = 5th Rider (Sakura/optimal) = 4th Caster (optimal) > 5th Lancer (Kotomine) = 5th Caster = 4th Caster (Ryuunosuke) > 5th Rider (Shinji) > Nrvnqsr = Clairvoyant Fujino = Kurogiri > Archer > Kouma > 5th Assassin = 4th Assassin > Aoko = Barthomeloi = Kojirou = Ciel = "Ryougi Shiki" = Souren Araya (within the Ogawa Building) > Gun God (Black Barrel) > Touko = El-Melloi = Night of Wallachia > Sion Tatari = Melty Blood Satsuki = R.Shiki = Akiha = Asagami Fujino = 18th Roa > Tohno SHIKI = Alba = Heaven痴 Feel Shirou = Kiri > Nanaya Shiki = Reinforced Kuzuki = Sion = UBW Shirou = Waver = Bazett > Avenger = Rin = Kotomine = Zouken = Luvia > Kiritsugu = Irisviel > Maiya = Leysritt = Tsukihime Satsuki = Lio = Avalon Shirou = Sakura = Ilya = Kariya = Len > Kirie = Caren = Meruka > The Dead = Possessed Corpse = Azaka = Misayo = Dragon Tooth Warrior = Fuji-nee > Fake Shiki > Gun God (unequipped) = Ryuunosuke = Tomoe = Shinji = Hisui = Kohaku

>> No.4695832
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Reality has a tendency to SMAAAAASH fake realities.

It's not literally damaging but it means running a Reality Marble is horrendously taxing on magical energy.

>> No.4695835

Missing the strongest character, Neko Arc (it's canon)

>> No.4695842

The whole concept of Reality Marbles isn't explained all that well in F/SN, I think they just figured everyone had read Tsukihime and loads of side material before going into F/SN, so they only gave a really brief explanation.

>> No.4695845


Neko-Arc Chaos is better

>> No.4695853



Yeah sure, but oh wait, YOU GET KILLED 7 TIMES IN ONE BLOW

Technically speaking, I think Shirou is one of the best servants out there

>> No.4695858

Whenever I see spoilers listed out like this I start laughing hysterically.

I need to sleep...

>> No.4695874


It makes me laugh too

And the thing I both love and hate about Type-Moon, is that it's all ONE UNIVERSE or something like that. It seems almost as confusing as american comics, but the latter will always be worse considering that the stories and characters have been around for decades and are going no where

>> No.4695893


Archer, if he fights seriously, can only defeat Heracles (insane) 6 times.

Caliburn only slew Heracles 7 times when SABER was wielding it.

>> No.4695914


You make a really good point there, didn't think to much when I typed it the first time around.

>> No.4695937


Well, the problem is that God Hand owns UBW.

Unlimited Blade Works copies are dropped one rank. If an attack is under B rank, God Hand blocks it. So Archer would have to project A rank or higher swords to even do damage.
A second aspect of God Hand (as well as Heracles's legendary warrior skill, even though he's insane) is that the same attack will generally do not work twice on him.

... So he'd have to not only fight with at minimum 12 A/+/+ rank swords, but have to use them all differently.

Heracles is way strong, even though he gets jobbed in all 3 routes.

>> No.4695978
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Well, old Heracles was one of the few Greek Pantheon that didn't completely suck face.

Also, every time I hear the words "God Hand" I think of Gene, and then I think of either Gene fighting Berserker, or Berserker fighting like Gene

>> No.4696049

Seems like this thread's life may soon be over, I just want to thank all the kind anon's for clarifying all this for me.

>> No.4696073

> And the thing I both love and hate about Type-Moon, is that it's all ONE UNIVERSE or something like that.
It's called a multiverse, and it contains all the possible realities. Zelretch is probably the only person who can pass between them, thanks to his True Magic.

>> No.4696089


It's implied in Heaven's Feel that Rin is capable of it, if she devotes the time and gets the money for it, and Zelretch himself is supportive of her manipulating the fuck out of the Magus Association.

>> No.4696100

Did you mean bane? See you in fall
 semester, mike。 

>> No.4696103


Wait, is Zelretch one of the 5 sorcerers that exist in FS/N, and also, I thought Rin was talking out her ass when she said that money was related to magic.

>> No.4696125


Yes. Zelretch wields the Second Sorcery, the ability to traverse dimensions.

True Magic requires no money at all, but Rin doesn't know how to perform it at will. She needs an implement (e.g. the Gem Sword of Zelretch), and to create such a thing would be hella expensive.
Zelretch would have to teach her himself to pass on the Sorcery.

And although there are "five", the First and Third have no living wielders (unless one includes Justizia as 'alive'..).

>> No.4696144
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>Sooooo many terms

Man, it's gonna take a while to get used to this, I can imagine, that I have to play Tsukihime and the other VNs to understand everything right?

>> No.4696151

And read as much supplementary material as you can find. And all the official doujinshi, which there are a few of. And etc. etc.

>> No.4696153
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Enjoy wasting 6 months learning and memorizing it all, then suddenly realizing how it has absolutely no real-world value.

>> No.4696175


>6 months


I guess it could be worse but still.

>> No.4696194

took me like 2 weeks

>> No.4696195
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It's actually rather fun.

Some of the stuff is incredibly cool.

Like the guy with the holyfuckinghax sword-arm-bone thing.

>> No.4696201

Fuck yeah Slash Emperor. Sliced in half a being that couldn't be harmed by physical damage, simply because it has the property of "cutting through fucking anything".

>> No.4696205


To play through all of

>Kagetsu Tohya
>Melty Blood/: Re-Act
>Fate/Stay Night

And if you care enough to/can read japanese
>Melty Blood: Actress Again
>Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
>Angel Notes
>Tsukihime 2 prologues
>All the side materials

>> No.4696209

And if you care enough to/can read japanese
>Melty Blood: Actress Again
>Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
>Angel Notes
>Tsukihime 2 prologues
>All the side materials

you can find all that shit translated on beats lair and youtube for the most part. I think about half of the AA stories are translated so far.

>> No.4696220

>official doujinshi
Are there any translations of these, and if so, do you have any links?

I'm playing Battle Moon Wars right now, and feel like I should've read Kara no Kyoukai or whatever beforehand.

>> No.4696227
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Well... here's one.

>> No.4696230


It's a lot, but fuck it, I'm interested, and it seems like it'll be a fun ride. And it'll take me longer than two weeks cause I'm just slow at doing shit.

>> No.4696237
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>> No.4696234
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>> No.4696287

There's also the six original Kara no Kyoukai chapters, Mirai Fukuin, and DDD. Not to mention the loads of supplemental material (which is on Fuyuki Wiki for the most part).

>> No.4696291

DDD doesn't take place in the type moon universe I think.

>> No.4696302

I thought it did.

>> No.4696325

not like it matters only the first part of the first book is translated.

and the translator is long dead.

>> No.4696351

Why can't game be small and good like Saya no Uta?

>> No.4696622

One of the more amusing things about Shirou is his skill in archery. It's just so hilarious looking at that scene in UBW where he get's all hardcore about archery details when you know who Archer is.

>> No.4696661

Swords are a metaphor for ideals.

In the routes that Shirou is "made of swords", he has no other influences shaping his personality, his identity, and his actions. He is simply a person made entirely of ideals- (of swords) who can only act as his ideals dictate.

>> No.4696725


Is that basically what shapes EMIYA in the end, with the whole Unlimited Blade
