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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 263 KB, 1280x720, 464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46950287 No.46950287 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>46931136

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.46950356
File: 50 KB, 1000x1000, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got myself this thing from aliexpress and it has been the most life-changing purchase i made so far
Now i can just relax on the chair further from the screen without the need to keep my hands on the keyboard

>> No.46950602

going to give 機械仕掛けのイヴ a shot soon
i know pretty much nothing about it but if i get robutts and chuuni i'll be happy

>> No.46950740

I just have a cheap arcade stick I put on the floor and press the buttons with my toes.
It's quite pleasant when you get used to it.

>> No.46950751
File: 57 KB, 688x400, yutsuki-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She reminded me of a neko from a kawaii neko ofuro douga.

>> No.46950770
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1080, 2024_05_13_807_t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just have a light wireless keyboard and a trackball mouse I can put anywhere, it's so comfy it really feels degenerate

>> No.46950793

What's degenerate are those black bars.

>> No.46951985
File: 377 KB, 650x800, ch05cb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is Charlotte CV しましまはかぜ a new talent? Couldn't find info about her but maybe she has another alias I don't know.

>> No.46951993
File: 1001 KB, 1733x974, 1691547893940206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean can you really blame the people that created her? Humanity was fighting a war against demons which possessed superior power. They needed a weapon to counterbalance.

>> No.46952316

Man 800x600 is so small
How did old people play these games

>> No.46952324

it's not though

>> No.46952328
File: 95 KB, 579x633, DhTLKRfdOrL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a 640x480 monitor back in the day. It was huge.

>> No.46952330

it's only small if youre playing on a screen that is too big

>> No.46952549

that's what she said

>> No.46952591

whoa chatgpt really is way better than deepl after all
way way better
this changes everything

>> No.46952597

What's happening with the text?

>> No.46952628

sad that there's no ero in the trial

>> No.46952778

who rope really is way better than slitting wrists after all
way way better
this changes everything

>> No.46952792

I usually use IntergerScaler for any 800x600 games.

>> No.46953068

That's why you just use fucking magpie

>> No.46953092

What if I want to appreciate the beauty of the art and not distort it with soulless new things?

>> No.46953236

your shitty 4k monitor still supports smaller resolutions, you can temporarily switch it while you play without issue

>> No.46953612
File: 852 KB, 1935x1109, kettei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.46953689


Here is just the announcement movie without talk.

>> No.46953705


>> No.46953827

Gonna be dogshit like the source material, also go back to f/a/g the worst board of this site.

>> No.46953834

Then your only choice is to buy ancient monitor with something like 1280x960. But it's going to display wrong colours so your experience isnt going to be authentic, so give up and use magpie

>> No.46953869


>> No.46953881

>third world dipshit can't afford magpie

>> No.46953899

>ai faggot projecting

>> No.46953916

Can't imagine how they are going to fit the series in 30 minutes.

>> No.46953926

They didn't say how many cours they are going to do.

>> No.46954035

Here you go. It's an anime.

>> No.46954135

How would (You) even work in anime format

>> No.46954302

Zoomer making himself known who never used that resolution in his life
It's going to be shit and inferior to the source material just like every single VN adaptation that exists

>> No.46954773

Buy a 1920x1200 monitor and see for yourself.

Hello me.

>> No.46954861

full 18+ ver when?

>> No.46954914

Sorry, can't condone any explicitly sexual content these days but we can make exceptions if it's uniquely between girls!
Likewise, we apologize in advance if your threads get onslaughts of obstinate tourists asking about the source. Please understand.

>> No.46954916

A dozen years later, just like the Sana Edition.

>> No.46955364

Criminal Border next

>> No.46955745
File: 507 KB, 2560x1440, magpie 2024-05 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how I'm going to read oldge and none of you retards can stop me
stay mad tho

>> No.46955894

Consuming A* algorithms is so based and pog!

>> No.46956031

Based 1440p sister. Poors cannot comprehend our superiority and FAT AI stocks.

>> No.46956279

Anyone got https://vndb.org/v845 ?

>> No.46956389

h-suki has it

>> No.46956430

Oh, thanks. Last time I looked it was VIP only.

>> No.46956793

I'm looking forward to this.
>it's going to be inferior just like every VN adaptation
Overall yes, but animation is still a medium that has features that VNs don't have and it can be interesting to watch and compare. It's not like LNs which just remove features (art, music, voice, choices, etc...) without adding anything in return.

>> No.46957027
File: 2.21 MB, 3840x2160, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46957080

I like the anine for Ef first tale more than the game so there can be exceptions.
>It's not like LNs
Galge are closer to plays than they are to books. Books require you to have more imagination and creativity to get the most out of them but you are basically only limited by your own imagination.

>> No.46957115

>Galge are closer to plays
now you have me imagining this and i gotta say, it's pretty amusing
exit stage left, toast in mouth

>> No.46957196

>exit stage left, toast in mouth
Not before you run into the new transfer student and fall down like a marionette with its strings cut.

>> No.46957201

Best parts of plays with the best parts of books. Now I understand why it’s the superior medium.

>> No.46957218

VNs are like this too though. After years of reading some novels now when I play VNs anime scenes play out in my head automatically.
I do wish more authors had the gall to go harder on prose though. We deserve a return to NVLs.

>> No.46957271
File: 346 KB, 1504x900, cum in peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read amanatsu a little while ago, kind of bounced off it but kogane's VA was incredibly adorable
>there's a brief bit where she does the ワレワレハウチュージンダ gag in front of a fan so it makes her voice funny
>pick this game up specifically because it has the same VA
>this scene happens, complete with her doing the same funny voice
is this typecasting

>> No.46957304

They are different mediums with different strenghs. There are people who complain about how the voices distract them from the text or how certain seiyuu don't fit the characters for example. The more detailed the art, music, etc... are the less room you have for your imagination to work with.

>> No.46957543

I can't wait to start Aku no onna kanbu 2 this week-end,I really like the look of the new main character.

>> No.46957619

It usually looks just "mediocre" but on this particular picture the A* filter you use is vomit-inducing.

>> No.46957628

Enjoy the kamige.

>> No.46957637
File: 973 KB, 800x600, 1711994157006533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I take back >>46957628
That looks like shit. The game doesn't deserve that treatment.

>> No.46957641

My eyes and soul physically hurt.

>> No.46957722 [DELETED] 
File: 929 KB, 838x5700, spammerbros-get-rekt-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. poorfag ruzzian spammer-kun

>> No.46957737 [DELETED] 
File: 543 KB, 1920x1080, TRANS RIGHTS FOREVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

preach, sister

>> No.46958041

Are there any VNs aimed at kids? Chuugakusei maybe (VNs related to anime and the like), but shougakusei?

>> No.46958051

Enjoy it, it's actual kamige.

>> No.46958229

Is aku no onna kanbu 2 a sequel for the first game? EGS says that it is
vndb's clown editors set it as """"same series"""". They did that to KKK as well (which is a sequel to dies irae by the way)

>> No.46958235

>which is a sequel to dies irae by the way
ummm spoilers sis?

>> No.46958240

It's been so fucking long since I read it, but from what I recall it's a very loose sequel that takes place in the same world after events of the first but with a mostly new cast and there's cameos and references and the like but you don't need to have read the first to understand it.

>> No.46958262
File: 173 KB, 800x600, 1707139301391592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46958298


>> No.46958304

Also I read the sequel first and then went back and read the original.

>> No.46958317

You should just read Aku no onna kanbu 1 first anyway since it's the better game.

>> No.46958447

What's the best Aojashin version? There is a Steam version with additional content but it's missing sex scenes and some content is altered or censored compared to the original.

>> No.46958650

AB on freeleech again, anyone want anything?

>> No.46958675

I want the lardass admin to realize the contradictory nature of hostage trackers and make the site public.

>> No.46958683

Gonna assume they don't have https://vndb.org/v3390 or https://vndb.org/v42902 but if they do it would be appreciated.

>> No.46958713

Only Jangarian R and the console versions of Chuuka I'm afraid

>> No.46958716

Figured. Thanks for checking anyway.

>> No.46958723

According to VNDB Jangarian R comes with the original game, do you want it anyway?

>> No.46958728

If that's the case then I can just get it from h-suki. Save your time.

>> No.46958855

Do they have the Jingai Makyou LNs?

>> No.46958890

When is it going to be aired? I assume not before 2025?

>> No.46958891

Only in PDF, no epub I'm afraid
pixeldrain m3dezW8D

>> No.46958901

Thank you anon, I've been wanting to read them for a while.

>> No.46958946

>ai shit

>default res

>> No.46958965

Nice. Thanks anon

>> No.46959012

How are they going to deal with the very plot-important incest and all, which apparently has been forbidden for non-18+ works?

>> No.46959146

They will be non blood related like in the all ages version

>> No.46959359
File: 150 KB, 800x600, 1714705020864082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would not consider 11PM on a weekday to be an early bedtime

>> No.46959375

>t. single-digit age kid

>> No.46959437

Do you expect me to use 1080p monitor in 2024 like a fucking schizo? I can see fucking pixels anon, this shit was okay 10 years ago but not nowadays.

>> No.46959459

Teenage mentality

>> No.46959463

If you wake up at 6, that's 7 hours of sleep. It sounds perfectly normal to me. Everyone's different but once I tried functioning on 6 hours of sleep and that was pure misery.

>> No.46959472

>I want pajeets to upload shit without consequences because they can just create another account
sounds cool

>> No.46959510

I expect you to haul ass and find a CRT from a dumpster like what real adults do instead of this 愛(アイ) american snake oil technology

>> No.46959530


>> No.46959547

why do you read VNs then? go play some AAA westoidslop with your RTX 59000 and your 16K monitor to see high quality black people balls

>> No.46959564

I can see those in my plotge.

>> No.46959569

I'm American so I see those everyday regardless of buying the latest GPU.

>> No.46959613

Dont need AI upscalers because I play vns in my comfy 1368x768 laptop

>> No.46959616
File: 492 KB, 2560x1440, %pn %t 2024-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stare at monitor for 16 hours per day, so naturally I want bigger screen with better image quality, nothing to do with teenage mentality.
> burning your eyes with crt
> more poorfag seething

>> No.46959635

AI upscale shitters are on the same level as MTL users
you didn't read the VN

>> No.46959644

>16 hours straight
Take a shower and lose weight, dude.

>> No.46959680

they're probably the same people

>> No.46959732

that makes no sense considering magpie would be the poor man's solution (assuming you have a low enough IQ to have this problem) compared to having a lower res setup for VNs. like how CRT shaders are the poor man's solution as opposed to buying a CRT

>> No.46959758

ai upscaled
ai upscaled
ai upscaled
ai upscaled
Yep, I'm based.

>> No.46959780

Really? I remember not liking it very much. I enjoyed the first one way more.

>> No.46959796

is fortissimo any good?

>> No.46959819

Hey guys, I'm looking for something a bit specific. I need a vn where osananajimi is older than mc

>> No.46959821

>Take a shower and lose weight
Fuck off retarded tourist, go back to shitcord or plebbit.
>lower res setup
>requires more space
>provides worse experience with worse colors
Not worth it just for 800x600 vns.

>> No.46959835
File: 512 KB, 640x480, nn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek upscalers don't know true SOUL

>> No.46959836


>> No.46959847

>immediately drops meme boogeymen online spacee
MTLing fatso 怪物 seething lmaoooooo

>> No.46959849

Oh this looks good, thanks anon

>> No.46959862
File: 460 KB, 2560x1440, %pn %t 2024-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resolution is too low, please post upscaled version next time.

>> No.46959871

please just crop out black bars in your screenshots. that's all I ask

>> No.46959892
File: 1.51 MB, 2560x1440, %pn %t 2024-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46959902
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, 32177839718931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46959922
File: 173 KB, 800x600, 1698685601425314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46960601

does anyone have any of the following titles?


would highly appreciate if anyone could share....

>> No.46960605

This actually looks interesting.
How do you find out about stuff like this?

>> No.46960639

Is there a program to do this to loads of images at once?

>> No.46960647

imagemagick, it works through the command prompt

>> No.46960664

Imagemagick is the way. It has the -trim option to remove single color borders/bars automatically from images and that's usually good enough. It might remove too much in some circumstances though, when the game itself has partially black screen for example.

>> No.46960704


>> No.46960783

Going to leave thread in order to avoid criminal border spoilers. See you in a few days, fags.

>> No.46960788

It's not out for 10 hours, you can leave tomorrow morning

>> No.46961179

Don't dishonor that kanji like that... I recommend you use the kanji 曖 (as in 曖昧) instead, which is read the same but means "dark" or "unclear" which is more fitting for A* than "love".

>> No.46961185

Nyaa has locked registrations (and anonymous uploads are disabled) but anyone can still download stuff from there.

>> No.46961211

There's https://vndb.org/v20515 if you're okay with Ino's titty monsters

>> No.46961222


>> No.46961241

>but anyone can still download stuff from there.
Public street shitters don't seed. I don't care how many torrents nyaa has when so many of them are dead.
Older, more obscure stuff that's sitting dead on nyaa will have seeders on AB.
Also AB is public already for people who don't have 80- IQ

>> No.46961339
File: 7 KB, 280x109, Statistics since January 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Public street shitters don't seed. I don't care how many torrents nyaa has when so many of them are dead.
Non-subhumans such as me seed as much as they can even without the promise of getting Reddit Points or whatever.
>Older, more obscure stuff that's sitting dead on nyaa will have seeders on AB.
If they released the things from AB on Nyaa and the ones that seeded on AB kept on seeding the same things on Nyaa, there would literally be no less seeders for those things on Nyaa than on AB.
>Also AB is public already for people who don't have 80- IQ
More like no-life fatasses who are willing to treat trackers like their life career and negotiate with other pretentious fatasses on Discord.

>> No.46961346

I don't really care about tracker bickering, but my offer here still stands

>> No.46961363
File: 39 KB, 749x107, 1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is dystopian.

>> No.46961390
File: 66 KB, 256x366, 31703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this series have nakige elements?

>> No.46961459

Do they have Pulltop's FDs like
https://vndb.org/v37097 (Ageha version)

>> No.46961516

Yes, it does. I cried a lot during it.

>> No.46961531

Could only find Yunokani Bell Stars and that's already on A-S, still uploaded it for you anyway.
pixeldrain gQ3wb4eo

>> No.46961538

nta but i imagine those would have a much higher chance of being on chink sekrit clubs like kf

>> No.46961584

What a shame. Thanks.
Yeah. Chinks for some reason found all the obscured stuffs.
I'm tempted to approach the ones I know to ask how they pirate.

>> No.46961735
File: 987 B, 56x25, s.l.o.p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to easily know that a heroine is trash.

>> No.46961786

But correcting fujos is great.

>> No.46961905

It'll be nice hearing Sawasawa Sawa's voice again especially after hearing enough of her absolutely delicious voice in the current Precure.

>> No.46962027

2 hours until the border is crossed. Actually hyped for this finale.

>> No.46962071

Nijuuei is literally a game you couldn't make today.
I hope makura never re(de)makes it because theyll screw it up by like turning the protag into a pussy or making the ost into piano slop

>> No.46962075

what the fuck, why is Ooyari's art so generic and boring now

>> No.46962186
File: 6 KB, 329x140, 1694697775517951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be 3, no?

>> No.46962258

>-autocrop tol r g b

>> No.46962294

Instead of reading in fullscreen with black bars or using upscaling, you could just read in windowed mode like a normal person.

>> No.46962454

Goddamn summer time

>> No.46962650

So soulless. How poetic.

>> No.46962723

HB is "private" only because they are tech-illiterate Redditors obsessed with farming their identities and don't know how to make their site uncensorable.

>> No.46962779

Is there a tag for it?

>> No.46962787

>piano slop
0 soul post

>> No.46962886

I didn't get it either. Why does he hate one of the most 2D and soulful instruments?

>> No.46963019
File: 413 KB, 1024x576, 12321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already had plans to remake Nijuuei back in 2005, and from what was shared, the game was going to be completely rewritten from scratch as a brand new title. That included a partially different setting with new characters, including a new protagonist called 空 who was probably meant to mirror 双厳 with the story starting from her since she's apparently chasing him. I don't know what the original plan was, either the idea was to change the protagonist completely, or more likely to have two (or more?) perspectives since the main narrative would have focused on their curses. Either way, the story would probably have been completely different, given that it seems they wanted to make a brand new game (hence the different title) rather than a simple remake.

>> No.46963081
File: 44 KB, 1400x788, 1*P57DfuFUqrdc2ARBw46XWA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you had a high resolution monitor then you'd know this is the worst way to do it. it'd take up a tiny corner of your screen that you'd need to be 10cm away to comfortably read.

>> No.46963117

The first one of those is a free download, you just need the original game installed to play it. Check one of the mirrors on the website. It's just an unvoiced eroscene if I remember correctly.

>> No.46963118

There's 0 reason to have an absurdly high resolution monitor.

>> No.46963156

I can't imagine using a monitor bigger than 1080p. There's times where I think even 1080p is too big.

>> No.46963181

You've never done graphics work at home if you think that. The extra space is a huge boon for multiple window layouts. That being said, getting a 1080p screen for a 2nd or 3rd monitor is cheap if you can already afford a huge monitor, and hell even if you don't want one then Magpie exists.

>> No.46963200

i don't play AAAslop and watch 4K westoid movies
all VNs/JRPGs/anime/everything good only supports 1080P
4K for me is a downgrade

>> No.46963232

What is he doesn't want to experience westoid soullessness instead of his games?

>> No.46963245

>You've never done graphics work at home if you think that.
>graphics work

>> No.46963254

>Magpie exists
Yeah with that blurry fucking text? I'll use magpie in 20 years when they figure out how to make that look normal.

>> No.46963264

You are forgetting that a lot of Touhou songs are piano pieces.
Also say what you want about Scaji but he is one of the last older famous eroge writers that still makes weird eroge without turning to allages or moe/nukige.

>> No.46963273

sir this is a neetbux general, how do you think we get time to read VNs like clephas-dono?

>> No.46963280

any 3d game supports 4k, including JRPGs

>> No.46963329

I need to eat, mister...

>> No.46963338

tell your mom to cook

>> No.46963357

What's wrong with using my $2k gaming pc to read 480p eroge from 30 years ago

>> No.46963406

nothing, what's wrong is using anti-sovl software.

>> No.46963457

can you stop samefagging this conversation already

>> No.46963564

If you're on an lcd panel then your eroge reading experience is worse than someone who has oled

>> No.46963597

Post 00's non-VN games all suck and are "p*zzed", and 3D games before that look uncanny at very high resolutions due to the low polies.

>> No.46963617

You guys are arguing about the best graphical experience you can have with eroge, meanwhile I just extract the scripts and read them on notepad at work like a LN.

>> No.46963635

Japan.still make some good non-gacha games.

>> No.46963709

I have about seven monitors that accurately represent what was used at the time of release for all the games I want to play

>> No.46963711

Yes, I'm including Japanese games. Non-VN games are a very mainstream medium so not even being Japanese can save most of them from being made for westoid cattle.

>> No.46963735

A 4k monitor is one of the best sizes for eroge. It is perfectly a 2x scale factor of 1080p and a 3x scale factor of 720p. You can integer scale any semi-modern (i.e. 720p and up) eroge perfectly.

>> No.46963749 [DELETED] 

I don't play semi-modern eroge and never will. My backlog is full of old kamige that are actually good.

>> No.46963801

Too old and they start sucking again, since most of the stuff before the mid 90's was basically nukislop.

>> No.46963806

If it is so good, why does nobody in Japan read eroge in 4K, only MTL westoids?

>> No.46963822 [DELETED] 

Better yet, why haven't you learned Japanese yet instead of constantly insulting your own kind all day?

>> No.46963836

On what?

>> No.46963840

why are you projecting this hard? you're the only one defending AI upscaling and not caring about the quality at all. If you defend this, you're 99% likely to defend MTL too.

>> No.46963843

>Not worth it just for 800x600 vns.
So you don't love vns. Thank for confirming A* consumers are ironyweebs who hate this medium.

>> No.46963853

Atri and then this. Is the era of アニメ化 back?

>> No.46963854

This shit looks so good. Can you please share your Magpie settings?

>> No.46963863

Based. AI is the future. JOPs be seething based MTL chads be dabbing!

>> No.46963872

>16 hours per day
of consuming ** content instead of soulful VNs.
There is no going back for this guy, is there? He's lost? He has time to dedicate to VNs but he chose this.

>> No.46963877

I know Japanese, I just want my old-ass games to look good. Fuck off tourist.

>> No.46963882 [DELETED] 

Yup sister, here are my settings: Discord account and join the zoomersAIscalerMTLsissysxXx12 Discord group. You can reach them via Twitter and Reddit too. To enter, you need a dildo though. Now you have rubbish letters and plastic edges too. ;)

>> No.46963885

nearest neighbor is not "AI"

>> No.46963890

>look good.
If AI is good for you, then so is MTL. You're getting a distorted experience.

>> No.46963926

Not that anon, but I feel we shouldn't be too aggressive towards MTL chads. They want to use tech to enhance linguistic fidelity just like we use tech to enhance graphical fidelity. MTL will get better and it's not like reading in Japanese is worth that much in the grand scheme of things. With good MTL only 10-15% of meaning is lost. If the MTL is good we can enjoy our (translated) Japanese media, because the actual language isn't that important.
>You're getting a distorted experience.
So are you unless you are Japanese.

>> No.46963968 [DELETED] 

Based MTLAIGOD, with MTL only 10-15% of the meaning is lost, and with upscaling only 10-15% of the visuals and the original art is lost. These boring JOPs wanting to experience the original thing are soooo elitist frfr.

>> No.46963990

upscaling makes it look better, not worse

>> No.46964015

>not 100% lossless
If it was an upscale done by the company with the original art, I would agree with you. Magpie is not lossless, so it's actually a downgraded fancy copy. literally MTL tier shit

>> No.46964041 [DELETED] 

>look better
So true, sis. More pixels means better. I hope they make EN->JP MTL AI bots and reverse Textractor so we can use our based GPUs to generate text in real time and inject it into the stories.

>> No.46964056 [DELETED] 

I already make tons of money and even more so from Nvidia stock so why the fuck shouldn't I know Japanese (easiest language to learn btw) at this point as I upscale all my eroges to glorious 1440p and up?
Lower resolution is for lazy ESL poorfags to easily MTL everything with their AliExpress selfy sticks 草

>> No.46964067

>More pixels means better
Yes, actually. If you showed modern VN resolutions to someone in the 90s then they'd be amazed. Low resolution is not 'stylized', it's just worse. But if you read VNs mostly for nostalgia then I could see how you'd make this argument.

>> No.46964074
File: 71 KB, 512x512, Magpie Icon Full Disabled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based NVDA stock chaddies. We are mogging so hard. We will finally make our own VNs with the Magpie+ChatGTP combo. The art and writing will only be better.

>> No.46964082

>Yes, actually.
This. So much this. Quality and soul is so, like, overrated, and doesn't even exist. If we can have 8k or 16k upscaling, then so be it. The West is better at art anyway so we know how to make great algorithms.

>> No.46964089

>modern = west
lol, kinda true

>> No.46964098

This, kek. Westoid algorithms designed by soulless corporations are not only used by Westerners, look at based Sora AI. It's so cool and Nip.

>> No.46964103 [DELETED] 

filters puttin in work today, spammer is going off meds with the samefagging today

>> No.46964106

Can this mental illness be cured?

>> No.46964115 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 1024x1024, 1716705156407641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, you browse /smg/ too?

>> No.46964122
File: 174 KB, 1125x623, NVDAearningsthedayafter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in 20 years
When will the JOP poors understand, Magpie is the future of VNs and the future is NOW.

>> No.46964132

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.46964146

Indeed, my man. AI is literally booming, which had destroyed and laid off all the useless faggots who facilitated trash in our current society. We are getting rich from their misery K3K
All the seething with the current groundbreaking technology like Magpie has simply proven that this place is full of ultra poors who got mogged hard.

>> No.46964181

So just to make sure I'm doing this right...

You just have to open up a visual novel, open up Magpie.exe, Alt+F11 then it auto scales and goes to full screen.

But can you apply this scaling to windowed?

>> No.46964220
File: 271 KB, 1080x2640, Screenshot_20240527_233612_thinkorswim.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Vns with gaijin MC about trading stocks and mogging on poor nips?

>> No.46964233

Torrent where

>> No.46964236

You can make it so that the window is smaller and doesn't cover your whole screen, though it can't show other windows on the same monitor at the same time and the rest is just a blank space while you're doing it.

>> No.46964245

Based. I am now a Magpie chad.

But how do I use my browser window with prompts and the text hooker?

>> No.46964254

>he doesn't have a separate monitor for chatgpt interactions
Top kek.

>> No.46964256

just use in your second monitor, i do that with texthooker+ deepl for the best AI experience

>> No.46964258

You can't unless you get a second monitor and put your texthooker and dictionary shit there.

>> No.46964263

The absolute state of this thread this shit has been going on for months now

>> No.46964279

Oh, thanks.

You truly have to get into stocks to afford this, kek.

What's the best stock to buy right now?

>> No.46964282

Uh, just learn Japanese, the superior MTL

>> No.46964293

t. poor JOP getting triggered that people want to get a better VN experience in 2024

>> No.46964303

it's tourist from the /vn/

>> No.46964309

Gamestop and AMC duh

>> No.46964316

I find it doesn't give too much of a benefit.

I already know it, of course, but translation don't remove much and sometimes even make it better because the culture is different.

Some people just like their mangas and VN's, maybe even some of the animaes and the assorted merchandise of their waifus and so on.

Not everyone has to be N1 or something to just enjoy VN's.

>> No.46964354

It's all resident thread goers off their meds. Just look at the posts and tell me who started all this upscaling shitflinging when everyone else was peacefully talking about eroge lol...

>> No.46964367

see >>46950770 who started baiting for reactions by posting off topic >>>/g/ ai art.

>> No.46964379

Epic reaction bait. You have to go back to >>>/vg/vn/ (>>46933330).

>> No.46964380

Nice reddit post, ESL-kun. 1 American dollar is still a gorillion brown people bux in your country

>> No.46964392

Sorry for the English.

I didn't use my prompt cause I want to learn a little, kek.

But I still think there's nothing wrong with using advanced tech to enjoy VN's.

They're not important to me artistically as most of them're just low quality otaku bait for otaku who will consume literally anything.

>> No.46964408

Epic ironyweeb. See >>/vg/vn/ and >>46964379.

>> No.46964435
File: 507 KB, 1920x1080, 16bitsensationanotherlayer_mainpvscreenshot-3106931451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally made some money with my short. I have no clue why this market won't trend during regular hours and only seems to put in moves in the overnight.

>> No.46964442

Criminal Border

>> No.46964445

Is it compatible with Magpie?

>> No.46964477

鏖呪ノ嶼 waiting room

>> No.46964479

No. Its DRM will set your computer on fire if you try to run it with Magpie.

>> No.46964484

Literally no one in Japan cares or does this gay shit. Only westoids are obsessed with super modern PC gayming hardware and have a terminal phobia of pixels or blurriness.

>> No.46964490

sir post print with the files or the rar open

>> No.46964505

Tell me you don't know japanese and you don't know any japanese without telling me you don't know japanese and you don't know any japanese.

>> No.46964504
File: 122 KB, 929x611, 1705412646040039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46964512

>>You're getting a distorted experience.
>So are you unless you are Japanese.
If you spend your life reading Engl*sh ChatGPT fanfics instead of actual Japanese media, it's obvious that you will never acquire any notion of Japanese culture or soul...

>> No.46964525

The same goes for fanfic M*pie art too.

>> No.46964529


>> No.46964531

Seconding this.

>> No.46964539

Based. The Japs are seeing the light of the West. Do they use ChatGPT and Sora too?

>> No.46964553

ok, time to leave this thread until i read all the interesting releases
see you guys

>> No.46964556

based magpie users indirectly defending mtlers
every time you boot up magpie another mtler gains validation to stay in this thread ;)

>> No.46964564 [DELETED] 

Based. Why would I want to learn a dead language and play these low-resolution games on my 32K monitor? These JOPs are delusional.

>> No.46964567

Kek, this. They pretend like it gives them some understand but it's just a chore when technology exists.

>> No.46964572

Japanese people with money do care about having good computers
Though ultra retard /g/ shit like audiophile garbage and Linux is objectively for ultra fat westerners who haven't had a shower in weeks

>> No.46964624
File: 95 KB, 624x1024, anki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing knowing Japanese to having a mental MTL
If you are translating Japanese to English in your head you are doing it wrong... this is brainrot cultivated by Anki and the like, which make you perceive language learning as just building a bilingual dictionary in your head, and make you view Japanese (or any other non-native language) as an interface for English...
You are supposed to just directly understand Japanese text/speech the way you understand your native language. Because otherwise you're literally no different from an EOP.
This is one of the biggest misconceptions related to Japanese learning. The true goal of learning Japanese is not to have more available media, but to have a more authentic experience with the media.

>> No.46964632

Nip is going to switch scripts like based Tatsumoto said and all their kanji learning will be for nothing. Soon AI is going to create VN's from scratch anyway.
Seethe. Cope. Poor.

>> No.46964643

They first have to figure out HTTPS...

>> No.46964647

no one asked, autist

>> No.46964658

i asked, thanks

>> No.46964661

>wanting to achieve a more authentic experience with Otaku Media = autism
What are you even doing here irony weeb?

>> No.46964672 [DELETED] 

im just imagining you going on a date with a girl and her having to sit there and listen to you going on a rant about shit no one cares about and thinking you sound intelligent for realizing the same thing every other language learner has in their first year
you're not interesting, smart, or charismatic, so why bother

>> No.46964678

>all their kanji learning
I never "learned" a single kanji, I naturally acquired them by naturally acquiring vocabulary by reading VNs and consulting a dictionary.

>> No.46964681

>you going on a date with a girl
Are we being raided again?

>> No.46964685

>3DPD out of nowhere
Back to >>>/soc/ and/or kill yourself.

>> No.46964688

Same old autistics, just report

>> No.46964691

kys pedophile

>> No.46964740

i dont even intend to play it but since every other cocksucker would rather make the general insufferable and cant even be bothered to say it

>> No.46964811

>would rather make the general insufferable
But talking about "going on a date with a girl" and the like are good contributions to the thread?

>> No.46964834

Skychord waiting.

>> No.46965121
File: 456 KB, 2560x1440, EZJv53j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46965143
File: 397 KB, 1920x1080, VPSpQqy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46965153
File: 3.61 MB, 1920x1080, qIBUQN4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46965171

>poverty third world EOP waifu2x'ing random screenshots

>> No.46965223
File: 515 KB, 2560x1440, vN9x7P0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

コロナ飲料 is an unfortunate name to have

>> No.46965341


>> No.46965388

>off their meds
are meds like ai upscalers but for your mind?

>> No.46965410


>> No.46965635 [DELETED] 

They're glasses for the disabled cause they can't read the smaller text from their shit eyes. Basically subhuman

>> No.46965740

Aside from OVERDRIVE-ge what are the must read music games?

>> No.46965771

Poco a Poco.

>> No.46965782


>> No.46965857

I can't unsee this.

>> No.46965913


>> No.46966171

mtlgods dont use upscaling software or skip voices so they experience vns better than the average jopkek

>> No.46966180


>> No.46966212

Actually looks good, thanks.

>> No.46966299


>> No.46966378

Are there any game with like a bossa nova or shibuya kei OST?

>> No.46966442

Is the Japanese in Sakura Moyu particularly hard compared to the typical moe/nakige?

>> No.46966580

The words and sentences are quite easy so I wouldn't say it's hard in a traditional sense. But if you can't read Japanese really fast, I don't recommend it unless you're a huge nakige lover, because the pacing is some of the worst I've ever seen. The writing drags a lot and keeps on repeating itself, so if you can't read fast enough to mentally filter out the fluff it might drive you crazy.

>> No.46966598

>imouto NTR
Well I have to play this now and look forward to her game

>> No.46966603

Shame about the art.

>> No.46966631

i like sakumoyu, but i know a guy who spent like 220 hours reading it. i can't imagine what that experience must have been like
he really liked it in the end, so at least he didn't waste his time

>> No.46966640

Holy kamige
Picked up

>> No.46966671

Ok I might look forward to this

>> No.46966771
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1021, 1691947199039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, this is by far the worst piece of writing I've encountered in eroge. I'm not sure how many anons would understand, but if you've spent enough time around Japs, you would know they have a habit of reacting with awe to even the most deplorable aspects of civilization because they like to be "nice." I've never seen anyone be in awe of the condition of the Ganges. This writing seems to be a display of Setoguchi's Japanese moral perspective. It might work for a Japanese audience, but as a piece intended for a global audience, it fails miserably. Mostly because it betrays common sense. It makes the Japs look like animals kept in zoos.

>> No.46966800
File: 126 KB, 1153x823, stopped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but as a piece intended for a global audience

>> No.46966869


>> No.46966891

You are retarded.

>> No.46966893

>as a piece intended for a global audience, it fails miserably
K3K. Makes me want to pick it up even more.
But to give you the benefit of the doubt and not the entirely justified reaction of >>46966800, I have seen people react/speak in somewhat similar 'philosophical' ways about that river and their country in general. You just have to not be a westoid. To me westoids look precisely like animals in a cage who for some reason truly believe they are on the outer side of the cage.

>> No.46966903

Your 皮肉, anon?

>> No.46966915

This doesn't seem like the person is praising the actual state of Ganges. It feels more like they(or the author) only know the idea of Ganges while being completely clueless that in reality it's just one big stream of sewage.
It's like how the Japanese are brought up to think that Paris is a center of high culture, only for the reality to be so far away from that that going there gives them mind-breaking culture shocks.
If anything, it feels like it says more about Japanese education than culture.

>> No.46966946

Please tell me you are MTLing and that's how you came to such a retarded conclusion.
It would really just be too miserable to think someone actually learned Japanese but because of a lack of reading comprehension and common sense he still can't understand anything.

>> No.46966958
File: 610 KB, 1280x720, 1563973590742.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought you meant mc getting ntr'd but this is kino

>> No.46966965

Any good VN coming out? Not mid border, the entire series sucks.

>> No.46966968

Picked up.
Would make sense. Otherwise how is an untranslated game for a global audience?

>> No.46966977

I was going to respond with some upcoming VNs that look interesting, but since you're using underage slang I doubt you even read visual novels and just wanted to make a funny epic shitpost.

>> No.46967022
File: 87 KB, 771x466, 1695998957999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was abit drunk when I wrote. Thought the "intended" bit very obviously looked like satire. I am gonna read other anon replies later cause my brain still can't make out 1+1. Maybe it's my esl english...

>> No.46967117


>> No.46967145

Your randomized filename reps.

>> No.46967250

there's a tranny in the game

Yeah you're right. This is not the only case. The setting of the VN is this fictional city with part Chinese takeover, and a bustling immigration from all around the world. But for some innate reason, the writing doesn't mirror it. Everybody speaks sharp japanese and there's no weird accents or exclusive slangs borne from the result of a boiling pot of multiple cultural clashes. Unlike something like Oretsuba. Oretsuba imo really isn't that stellar but it at least does the bare minimum of "foreigner" depiction right.
Unlike Jackson, ska ji or nasu; Setoguchi feels like a very sheltered writer. He needs to travel the world more.

>> No.46967287

oh boo hoo, an irrelevant tranny in a dystopian shithole with a total of like 10 or 15 minutes of talking time, what a fucking tragedy
hey since you're complaining about foreigner depiction, the tranny was actually a pretty good depiction of thai culture

>> No.46967414


>> No.46967488

I'd rather ban all Japanese writers from travelling forever.

>> No.46967499
File: 27 KB, 256x300, 149519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>foreigner depiction
I loved its realistic depiction and inclusion of 黒人 culture. More games should learn to adopt new influences. Ugh, the Japanese are so stale.

>> No.46967514

>なんですって! Shit! Dick in ya mouth!
Really based quote.

>> No.46967529
File: 54 KB, 256x355, date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone played the Date a Live visual novels? I liked the anime. As a side question, is this one of the more soulful L* series?

>> No.46967536

does anyone have the hook code for it?

>> No.46967571

>No h scenes
Wasted opportunity, the setting and the plot are kinda unique

>> No.46967607

imagine a h scene with kurumi...
oh my fucking god...

>> No.46967626
File: 166 KB, 650x908, 73632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New clockup is OUT!

>> No.46967746

there are a lot of good LNs

>> No.46967764

Are there even official 18+ VNs spawned from non-18+ media?

>> No.46967774
File: 10 KB, 284x339, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Clochette and its tittyge productions.

>> No.46967782
File: 237 KB, 760x1200, 00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eroge for this feel? I don't care about sex anymore.

>> No.46967796

Huh, it seems I immediately thought of one, but now I can't remember what it was. Probably my mind playing tricks on me.

>> No.46967799

same bro same

>> No.46967811

More like imagine the plot of S1 adapted to a ladder structure in eroge
Just do it amatsusumi style and make it cheating central for the true route

>> No.46967895
File: 238 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just give me 混浴 onsen cgs, i always love multiple girls bathing with mc or being watched by him (and being aware of it)

>> No.46967948

>make it cheating central for the true route
That's what the source material basically is about, though.
Though he overall focuses more on Tooka.

>> No.46968077

i'm glad i know now to never take your opinions seriously ever again, lmao

>> No.46968142

Where can I subscribe to his SNS?

>> No.46968145

Are you like a mod that can see his IP? Or are you extremely good at detecting specific writing styles?

>> No.46968178 [DELETED] 


>> No.46968189
File: 157 KB, 800x600, 1698930724649394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46968198 [DELETED] 

So it's d*sc*rd stuff leaking into the thread, got it.

>> No.46968204

How does Buraban compare to Yuzu's later works? I've never read anything earlier than Amairo, but I'd probably try Dracu-Riot or Noble Works next if I do another yuzu

>> No.46968214

I'm the wrong person to ask because this is my first work I've ever played by them.

>> No.46968246
File: 126 KB, 500x709, 0017611-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are extremely rare; the only ones I'm aware of are the PS2 Negima games and the Sega Saturn Tenchi Muyou games.
I haven't played any of them extensively myself, but as far as I know, they don't any actual sex scenes, and the 18+ ratings are just because the software ratings boards had it out for them.

Adaptations that put characters in sluttier situations than the source material isn't unheard of though. There are examples like Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos, which has characters like Lili from Tekken stripping.
Netori is also surprisingly common; there are a lot of games where heroines can fall in love with you instead of their original love interests. Yu-Gi-Oh Tag Force is famous for this. (I can only speak for myself, but these are just as good as H-scenes for me. Taking a heroine I've been in love with for years for myself, hearing her confess to me... especially when I don't see it coming, my heart pounds out of my chest so hard it feels like I'm going to go into cardiac arrest.)

>> No.46968278

I quite liked Owarinaki

>> No.46968284

>PS2 Negima games
>they don't any actual sex scenes
that has to have been the fastest i've ever gained that much hope and then lost it

>> No.46968328

Is 9-nine good for practice?

>> No.46968339

practice for what?

>> No.46968396
File: 191 KB, 731x469, mLUR6D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46968406


>> No.46968546

same, but i didn't get my hopes up too much the moment i saw "ps2," it was more of a "big if true"

>> No.46968572

Yes. Arisu Install is the best one, Rio is kinda like a fandisc and very short, Rinne was meh.

>> No.46968594 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 1159x539, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46968632

yeah on a closer look it should have been really obvious, but sometimes the heart goes faster than the mind

>> No.46968642 [DELETED] 
File: 491 KB, 610x660, ;-;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i'm apparently immune to slang segregation based on these weird generations women always talk about, because i've been posting on 4chan for so long i'm just taking in all the slang and memes and start using it myself disregarding who i'm talking to and now no one afk even knows what i'm talking about anymore

>> No.46968662


>> No.46968671 [DELETED] 

>because i've been posting on 4chan for so long
>/a/ pic

>> No.46968676 [DELETED] 

i totally get you, bro

>> No.46968687 [DELETED] 
File: 277 KB, 270x200, 1249522404758.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you one of these tards who always have to post the oldest pic they have saved just to prove they're an oldfag?

>> No.46968707 [DELETED] 

B*sed reaction image.
Who are you quoting?

>> No.46968717 [DELETED] 

oldfags don't use /a/, they move on to niche things. posting a pic from there and calling yourself one is an oxymoron

>> No.46968731 [DELETED] 

that's certainly an opinion but i don't know if i'd call it a sane one

>> No.46968738 [DELETED] 

>i'm just taking in all the slang and memes
post some rare peperinos to prove you're legit.

>> No.46968749 [DELETED] 

It's the most normal opinion because it's what happens. I took a look at /a/ recently and couldn't tell it was an image board and not social media.

>> No.46968751 [DELETED] 

this pic's been used on pretty much every board and i never called myself an oldfag

>> No.46968765 [DELETED] 

right, that's why your tastes in porn are now absolutely hair-raisingly degenerate. because you've moved on to niche things.

>> No.46968781 [DELETED] 

sir/madam, you don't belong here. go back to "pretty much every other board" where you saw that pic (/vg/, /v/, /a/)

>> No.46968783 [DELETED] 

>non sequitur

>> No.46968786 [DELETED] 

nta, but i stopped using /a/ in like 2015 when i realized it's impossible to talk about source material in most threads, there was always like 1 or 2 anons responding
another thing that threw me off was the fact that threads about anime without available subs were basically dead, especially in the crunchyroll era, no one on /a/ knows japanese

>> No.46968793 [DELETED] 


>> No.46968794 [DELETED] 

ftr i think i saw it on /pol/
make me leave

>> No.46968797 [DELETED] 

/a/'s gone massively downhill, sure. i'm objecting to the idea that one somehow just stops caring about things because they're focused on niche stuff

>> No.46968801 [DELETED] 

you will leave when you get bored.
you don't know japanese anyway

>> No.46968812 [DELETED] 

i gotta agree. i still watch anime, i just found other people to discuss it with.

>> No.46968814 [DELETED] 

>just stops caring about things
you might care about anime, but not about the places you used to discuss it on. there are more niche places, that is his point.

>> No.46968820 [DELETED] 

speaking of which, it's funny how easy it's to identify people from /jp/ on other boards
i know there are at least 2 fags from these threads on /m/

>> No.46968825 [DELETED] 

should've said "niche places" then, sounded like they basically found other hobbies

>> No.46968827 [DELETED] 

that's so weird that saying this while you're here on 4jp and not a spinoff or literally anywhere else then

>> No.46968834 [DELETED] 

entirely fair
alright, back to eroge discussions lol

>> No.46968837 [DELETED] 

it's pretty much the only thread I use on this site. also different boards experienced different levels of degradation. this thread has some inbuilt gatekeeping features even most of /jp/ itself lacks.

>> No.46968840 [DELETED] 

>i still watch anime
at least you don't read LNs. that's what matters.

>> No.46968841 [DELETED] 

clearly none of which are working

>> No.46968845 [DELETED] 

and somehow it can still be many times worse. sometimes it amazes me.

>> No.46968855 [DELETED] 

i sometimes read stuff on narou and kakuyomu, am i going to hell?

>> No.46968865 [DELETED] 

>am i going to hell?
if you worship a random russian spammer and care so much about his worthless opinion, yeah i guess you are

>> No.46968867 [DELETED] 

>15 consecutive no-capitalization "posts"
It's over. We were successfully raided by lazy d*****d typists.

>> No.46968872 [DELETED] 

i still remember when relatedguy called out the kin'nikuman translator on /co/ for being offline on steam when he recognized his posting style and the guy sperged out afterwards

>> No.46968875 [DELETED] 

fun fact every opinion you have ever disagreed with was fabricated by the ruzzian spammer

>> No.46968881 [DELETED] 

No, the worse problem is that those guys are making meta-posts about 4chan boards and e-celebs and whatever.

>> No.46968886 [DELETED] 

So relevant. Based.

>> No.46968894
File: 166 KB, 800x600, 1703181085224883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being a ファゴット

>> No.46968900 [DELETED] 

personally have a rule not to openly tell on someone when i recognize them
when you have spent so much time in these threads and being such a niche medium it's inevitable
i recognize some here from their opinions over the years and it's fun to see them still active after all this time

>> No.46968909
File: 185 KB, 1030x819, mong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46969024

Reading the first volume of 9nine and just have to point out some bullshit really quick.
How the FUCK did MC not realize why Miyako was depressed after reading his memories? I initially thought she didn't return that specific memory, but nope, he just completely forgot for like 2 weeks.

>> No.46969725

It's rather simple. He was suspecting that he might have split personality with the magan and was way too preoccupied by those thoughts and doubts to understand that Miyako was having a breakdown because of death of the pyromaniac.

>> No.46969776

Unfortunately for Clochette, the current titty inflation rate means their tittyge is not that special anymore.

>> No.46969835

how's ojou no shima so far

>> No.46969858

my mind immediately cried out for お嬢の島 and now i'm sad

>> No.46969867


>> No.46969929

I thought I missed some interesting release too when I've seen お嬢の島 there. But it's just some useless clockup shit.

>> No.46969962

elaborate drillhairs swaying in the tropical breeze, maids in swimsuits bringing you both pina coladas...
why'd you have to do this to me

>> No.46970038

You had no idea how good the original was

>> No.46970071

Sounds like proto subahibi

>> No.46970085

the atmosphere in that game must be insane

>> No.46970120
File: 813 KB, 1200x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need to update this pic for 2024

>> No.46970214

It really is, and I like the new makura style ost's like Subahibi and Ikikoi a ton but its just too fluffy for Nijuuei

>> No.46970229

Should be DDLC, Slay the princess, KFC dating sim, Katawa shoujo, and Sakura spirit. Fuck OELVN

>> No.46970237

completely forgot the last episode of criminal border comes out this month

>> No.46970266

yeah i can somehow understand that
i've had it on one of my hdd for some years now so i guess i'll give it a try soon
i don't expect anything exceptional but it's been a time since i've read anything like that

>> No.46970275

I'm fortunately not an expert on non-Japanese visual novels and I only recognize DDLC and Katawa Shoujo on that list. One I've heard about is a Russian one with "Milk" in the name, which supposedly is like 30 minutes long and it's supposed to be some xitter trauma dump representation of how it feels to go buy milk at the store as a severely mentally ill "person"... or something. I've seen some Lainshitter zoomers post art of the MC before.
There's also Needy Girl Overdose... it's technically Japanese, but from what I know it feels extremely OELVN-like with the faux-8bit graphics and all the xitter trauma dump shit and "social commentary" and whatever...

>> No.46970306 [SPOILER] 
File: 203 KB, 869x577, q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pity "people" who look at this and say "so relatable!!"

>> No.46970333

Needy Girl Overdose, Subahibi, DDLC, Totono, Saya no Uta, and Higurashi/Umineko are all VNs that Twitter teenagers whores pretend to have '""read'"" (they never read, just post pics) just to feel like "Damn, I'm sooooooo dark, i'm sooooooooo different and denpa"

>> No.46970373

VNs bursting the bubble is always a sad thing to see, It's starting to happen even with Rance. People complain about gatekeeping, but they have never seen a VN they truly like be destroyed by normalfagss forcing their political opinions on it.

>> No.46970431

Are you implying that it would have been better if they have actually read them?

>> No.46970450

English translations and Steam releases are a significant factor.

>> No.46970600

I never understand Muv-Luv. Remove the genre shift which is no longer a spoiler these days all you get is a generic high school romcom and weird ass scifi on the other side.

>> No.46970676

it's great sci-fi though

>> No.46971025

It's over Masadabros, we are never getting Aditya done, nor a vn, nor any others shinza story.
We might still get that Avesta VN but that's it.

>> No.46971128

we are at a point where we can probably read red garden before avesta vn

>> No.46971322
File: 2.18 MB, 3076x4096, 1699269623195693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New purplesoft leaked.

>> No.46971393

Elysium eroge?

>> No.46971501
File: 247 KB, 1950x784, 1697480469779665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Silky's
>企画・シナリオ: 渡辺僚一
>原画・キャラクターデザイン: イチリ/すめらぎ琥珀

>> No.46971539

It seems to feature my favorite fetish, different color inner hair.

>> No.46971610

Inner highlights are okay but the black/blue contrast is WEAK.
Can't someone make a game where the heroines come in gummy bear colors?

>> No.46971938

i wish they kidnapped hiruta masato and forced him to make a game with them

>> No.46972007

considering there are people at silky's plus who were at elf during the doukyuusei days i like to think at least one person there is in contact with him

>> No.46972314

Some of those tags kind of have potential, but of course it has to be a xitter trauma dump about the author instead of a soulful story about the heroine.

>> No.46972345

Muv-Luv extra is still one of the funniest common routes I've ever read

>> No.46972394

>as a severely mentally ill "person"
What writers besides Setoguchi write good mentally ill schizo characters? I feel mental illness for these type of twitter people is synonymous with denpa.

>> No.46972401

Why is Avesta taking so long anyway? At least Type-Moon can make excuses about being too busy on the gacha or something. Light has nothing else they're doing

>> No.46972725

>Zoomer hairstyle

>> No.46972771

You seem to be very knowledgeable about zoomers, anon. Can you tell me where I can learn more about them too?

>> No.46972831

This entire site, even changing boards isn't necessary, just set foot outside of this thread.

>> No.46972898

Why are you so keen on learning about them? Curious.

>> No.46972941

I have spent plenty of time outside this thread and I have unfortunately learned some things about them, but something so specific as hair dye patterns is...

>> No.46972959

I wonder...
I mean, they had previously given a date, and as I understand it, you only do that when the product is at an advanced stage. It's honestly so weird to me that there are delays in this medium

>> No.46972969

You can step outside your house.

>> No.46972997

we're so fucking back guys

>> No.46973007

Anyone able to find a pixiv/twitter for the character designer? Can't find anything.

>> No.46973133

zoomers are bishoujo though?

>> No.46973199

They just gave a 4 month window rather than a specific date. And now close to half a year on top of that has passed without even the trial they said they'd release lol (and the release was supposed to have just been half of the game too)
Guess I'll give up waiting and order the novels

>> No.46973244

Why do you think every vtumor share those hair traits?

>> No.46973262

How do you know about vtumors? Very curious.

>> No.46973282

>I've seen some Lainshitter zoomers post art of the MC before.
Is there a VN like Lain?

>> No.46973292

When they get spammed in every single corner of this site to the point they made a board just to contain them is very hard to not know about it

>> No.46973298

Curious, but I've only heard about them in this thread from people complaining about them...

>> No.46973307

Because they used to push our thread off the catalog back before /vt/ was created.

>> No.46973333

Oh my god can we go five FUCKING minutes without devolving into retarded shitposting that has nothing to do with this thread? FUCK

>> No.46973352

How doest that give you knowledge about their hair patterns????

>> No.46973357

blame >>46972725

>> No.46973403

4chan is an imageboard.

>> No.46973449

Why were you looking at pictures of vtumors' hair patterns? When I look at the catalog I don't remember the things that don't interest me.

>> No.46973457

vtumors only started copying the BPD bitch hair (2020s) by the time eroge did

>> No.46973466

Anyone play new clockup yet?

>> No.46973471


>> No.46973492

man going by the average pickup speed of new trends it's going to be another 5 years before we get some proper jiraikei girls
and even then it'll all be vtuber shit

>> No.46973493

>When I look at the catalog I don't remember the things that don't interest me.
That just means you're low IQ.

>> No.46973513

It means I have a filter that doesn't let brain rot viruses pass directly to my mind.

>> No.46973529

it's alright, they'd starve to death anyway

>> No.46973531

It's obviously not working.

>> No.46973545

sakutoki had jiraikei

>> No.46973570

Sca-ji is such a modern ma--... person updated on the latest news and trends.

>> No.46973576

nooo but i'm too contrarian to read scaji
also that does not seem like a good series to pick up for a single girl

>> No.46973581

he's still a boomer ass failure until he writes those nonomi and ruriwo routes

>> No.46973585

Not all the trends get picked up by eroge, see how eroge is immune to the Isekai infestation

>> No.46973590

Clarias was great.

>> No.46973594

>see how eroge is immune to the Isekai infestation
are you being, as the kids these days might say, for real with me right now

>> No.46973618

name 5 isekai eroge ignoring reboot

>> No.46973648

Was it really? How's the gameplay?

>> No.46973655

i'm going to go with sorceress alive, that's my final answer

>> No.46973664

I had a lot of fun with it. But my standard for great is stuff like Harasho so your mileage may vary. The gameplay is a really dumb top-down Sekiro with character switching, as with other Team Baldrhead games it's boring until you set the difficulty to max. It also has some fun post-game stuff.

>> No.46973670

I'd rather not have a brain than one infected with vtumor.
It is, I know nothing about their hair patterns.

>> No.46973731

Is it really?

>> No.46973755

>elitist pseudo cult thing for teenager girls to post pics on twitter
yep, just like lain

>> No.46973767

Do teenager girls really? I thought it was more popular with Linux autists.

>> No.46973780

yeah I wouldn't agree with that one. It was OK but lots of wasted potential. I'd agree the gameplay was fun though.

>> No.46973936

Maybe I/O. There's also a PS1 Lain game by the same creators of the anime. Supposedly it's pretty good but I haven't played it myself yet.

>> No.46973986

I never really cared about Lain when I watched it back then but the fact people are calling it zoomer when it existed before they were born is beyond retarded.

>> No.46974016

I didn't like it that much either and thought it had some bad messages, but overall it's nowhere near being zoomer or being as harmful as Subahibi.

>> No.46974086

Last time Masada talked about it, he said the guy in charge had been hospitalized/is in bad health. He doesn't know when the guy will recover.

>> No.46974096

Anon, it's zoomer because it's popular among zoomers. And if something attracts a particular group it's not a coincidence.
No one claimed that Lain actually came out in the zoomer era.

>> No.46974100

Anon are you new. As a rule: what I like=high art, what we both like=medium art, what you like= zoomer (or whatever current trendy meme word) art.

>> No.46974106

I just thought it was boring, fart inhaling bullshit. It was really popular with pseuds who thought they were better than everyone else. Guess that isn't too different from denpashit zoomers now except it's more lying and watching streamers now.
The artist does good shit and Lain is cute, though. I wouldn't mind reading an eroge with that art style.

>> No.46974116

>art is determined by those consuming it and not its essence
>I know about certain groups that I claim to not be a part of
Very based, on knowing internet subcultures.

>> No.46974136

If I remember right he said that was the guy doing the UI. I think it'd be reasonable to find another UI guy after half a year of him being unable to work, but I assume there's more problems that just that.

>> No.46974139
File: 191 KB, 800x600, 1711718791087802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow this is literally me

>> No.46974154


>> No.46974166

>didn't eat lunch in the bathroom stall

>> No.46974185

Sounds comfy.
Be nice to her.

>> No.46974191

Surprised to see there is no 克 in both of them, I thought he was working on a new one too.

>> No.46974239

He's working on a low priced title for them after the success of his doujinge.

>> No.46974240
File: 1.22 MB, 1323x741, 1712413757579098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love relatable heroines.

>> No.46974247

I have a lot of やりたいこと but no できること

>> No.46974395

I have a problem of having やりたいこと that I try, get somewhat decent at and get bored of. I was one of those guys who always switched classes in MMORPGs.
Any characters that I can relate to?

>> No.46974490

I could name a few things she's able to do.

>> No.46974587


>> No.46974631

The song sounds so musically serious it's jarring

>> No.46974637

That's a virus don't click.

>> No.46974662

Moms are NOT for ntr what is this, is nothing sacred now!

>> No.46974667

I'd play this if the loli had equal focus.

>> No.46974674

The cover art for Anim games always looks 10x more erotic than the CGs.

>> No.46974679

>it is impossible for a woman to be a mother without fucking a man
It was a cucked fetish from the beginning bro.

>> No.46974692
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, 11234646345745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but it's a necesarry evil, that can easily be salvaged.
pure mom ntr is not okay.

>> No.46974694

The complex is named after a story about killing the man who cucked you tho.
Man what a fertile loli.

>> No.46974696

10x more work put into that what grabs attention. It's the same with H-Manga and JAV covers.

>> No.46974698

I really hate it when the cover has some outfit that is never used in an actual CG or anywhere in the game.

>> No.46974712 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 256x366, 25676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also an Anim trademark. Damn shame because short t-shirts/tanktops and panties is hot.

>> No.46974914

This. It gave me the impression that it was made with a sequel or something like that in mind. The gameplay is a lot of fun when you get used to it

>> No.46975264

There was a lot of "haha cool hint X" dropped in the story but with zero followup. It really felt underdeveloped.

>> No.46976051
File: 184 KB, 1169x1269, 20240530_182331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subahibi is the femcel VN

>> No.46976066

They have an entire culture, huh? The more you know.

>> No.46976072

why do femcels love the smiths?

>> No.46976150

What is that thing top-left of Asuka even supposed to be?

>> No.46976194

vapes apparently
i thought it was a douche or something

>> No.46976219

Do they think these girls are literally them?

>> No.46976236

no, they just like the aesthetic. they haven't played or watched any of the things in that image

>> No.46976251

>Saya is literally me for real
I have fun imagining this.

>> No.46976337


>> No.46976528

I love The Smiths. Stay the fuck away from my band w*men. Morrissey is racist and anti-immigration. You can't like a guy like him. STAY AWAY.

>> No.46976548

I guess Miserable Lie and How Soon Is Now? work from 女性側 as well

>> No.46976554

What the fuck are those pink and purple bottles. Should I know???

>> No.46976558


>> No.46976559


>> No.46976565

They package weed in such retarded containers nowadays in Amerilard land, I don't know anymore

>> No.46976573

It's really funny how these "girls" also shit on men but somehow still consume and worship low grade slop made by men at the same time.

>> No.46976585

? What even happened? DMM even had BitCoin payments in the first place (as a pirategod I wouldn't know)? That's an extremely large amount, how did they even lose it? And how are they going to recover it if whoever stole it theoretically exchanges it for Monero or something?

>> No.46976589

from the quick research I did they like Still Ill and Back to the Old House too

>> No.46976600

>recover it

>> No.46976603

Do these girls hate moege mcs? They always treat the heroines like princesses

>> No.46976643

They don't know any moege MCs probably
But I want to say that the range of moege MCs isn't SO narrow to the extent that 'it depends' isn't a valid answer to that question

>> No.46976714

New thread:


>> No.46976740

That text looks really bad. You would have been better off with just the default fullscreen button.

>> No.46976767

these retards don't care about quality and probably have poor vision to begin with, they just want to make small window big

>> No.46976777

I'm not one of those anti-scaling autists, but someone clearly just loaded up on the meme blur/smear filters. I don't know why people can't just stick to something sane.

>> No.46976782

A lot of older games have totally bugged default fullscreen button on multidisplay setup with modern OS, including this one.

>> No.46976816

Oh yeah I forgot that I had to use gamescope for it now that I look at my shell history. Still.

>> No.46976822

Why are you justifying soulless ai?

>> No.46976990

Meidos have abandoned us.

>> No.46976999

I reported like half the thread already, but probably nothing is going to happen. It seems they don't respond anymore.

>> No.46977007

i bet you didn't even go to the IRC, the way you get action is unironically by dealing with a human, not using some gay suggestion box

>> No.46977019

It supposedly says you're not supposed to report post there though. Is the secret to just ignore the channel topic and do it anyway?

>> No.46977133

honestly i don't know, i've seen other people say they had to go to IRC to get anything done a while back and just parroted that like an idiot assuming it made sense despite never trying it myself, you're the first person to have a retort in all this time. but yes, that's what i would do, just bring it up anyway and don't specify a post, just the thread. the worst thing that can happen is they ban you from a room you'll never care about going back to if this doesn't work. and if they don't have a warning about messaging OPs i would try that first, if there is a warning don't bother

>> No.46977160

probably the best thing to do is offer some assistance and explain what's going on. meidos (and jannies in general) mostly respond to reports, so they don't necessarily understand the temperature of a thread. with a little background they may be able to moderate more effectively.

>> No.46977163

The only way to fix this is by banning magpie screenshots and /a/ pics here. These are the triggers that cause the thread to go to shit. (Or just rangeban the troll posting them.)

>> No.46977182

>The only way to fix this is by banning magpie screenshots
They have been posting in threads since before you arrived. No one had a problem with it before

>> No.46977187

the problem is retards that reply, and honestly the arguing looks mostly like tourists on both sides trying to bait each other with everyone else stuck watching it. and rather than a rangeban an image rangeban would probably be more effective

>> No.46977188

Well part of the problem is that someone (either on purpose or not) is using dogshit like anime4k or something which makes it really obvious and sparks all the shitposting (which may be the same person or not).

>> No.46977201

>either on purpose
New thread was made with that image on purpose for sure.

>> No.46977203

It's pretty obvious who is the ironic poster in the thread with the nvidia crap or all that mtl shit
Just send his posts to https://www.4chan.org/feedback explaining the whole situation
specifying that the problem is on エロゲスレ/Untranslated VN General (https://boards.4chan.org/jp/thread/46976710))

>> No.46977207

Also, specify that this is something that has been repeated since December

>> No.46977218

also don't forget to report this guy, it's a /vn/ tourist doing it on purpose
hopefully they are the same person and it's just 1 rangeban

>> No.46977230
File: 35 KB, 510x1499, 1625781254516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46977242

don't you have another thread to shitpost already?

>> No.46977248

Those guys are not breaking any rules there
In fact, that's to their favor, since they show that they're at least reading some shit

>> No.46977265

>waifu2x random screenshots to trigger people and random anime posts are on-topic now

>> No.46977274

How does anime show he's reading something? In the first place he's an EOP so he's not reading anything at all.

>> No.46977280

Anime shit is off topic, yeah, but the only one triggered here by magpie shit here is you. Don't make your personal problem everyone's problem

>> No.46977317

you're literally the only faggot forcing it thoughever, i bet you're the 9-nine/yuzusoft EOP loser
nearly all screenshots here are at max 1080p

>> No.46977332

You know what. I will do this tonight. Might as well. Maybe something will happen if enough people bother.

>> No.46977334

I'm literally playing pc98 shit on a CRT. I haven't touched any new shit in years (much less moe shit)

>> No.46977619

Sent up a lengthy complaint with example posts. who knows if anyone reads this shit but oh well

>> No.46978187

anybody got criminal border from ryuugames? The Mai@KF.dll actually infested with many threats from virustotal, anyone already playing from it?

>> No.46978198

could be a false positive, could be ryuugames being shady fucks
>>46964442 if you don't want to trust them

>> No.46978587
File: 751 KB, 1179x1150, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femcel culture is a rabbit hole you don't want to go down.
