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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 690 KB, 599x846, 1713230883715514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46935163 No.46935163 [Reply] [Original]

Remember to take it easy.

Previous: >>46817588

>> No.46935169 [DELETED] 

United Statian wagies have a holiday weekend so expect some trolling

>> No.46935186
File: 49 KB, 716x703, neetthread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>United Statian wagies have a holiday weekend so expect some trolling

>> No.46936228

I need income, anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.46936312

get a job

>> No.46936313
File: 402 KB, 1087x777, 1704472711649552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The recent extension of the franchise to women had rendered the Yoshiwara the most formidable of the political organizations, while the physique of the nation had been seriously impaired by the results of a law which, by assuring them in case of injury or illness of a life-long competence of idleness which they could never have obtained otherwise by the most laborious toil, encouraged all workers to be utterly careless of their health. The training of servants indeed at this time consisted solely of careful practical instruction in the art of falling down stairs; and the richest man in the country was an ex-butler who, by breaking his leg on no less than thirty-eight occasions, had acquired a pension which put that of a field-marshal altogether into the shade.

>> No.46936322

The only NEET in that image is Flandre, yes even being a thief is a career path.

>> No.46936366

How about you go fuck yourself

>> No.46936372
File: 110 KB, 300x300, 1366552332200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't get away with being a NEET forever, /jp/.

>> No.46936426

I just need to get away with it until the day I die.

>> No.46936439

with that negative behavior you'll never get a job

>> No.46936452

I'm probably end up homeless living in da streets and jump under a 18 wheeler when I can't take it anymore but lol who cares, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

>> No.46936464

Same as this Anon >>46936426
Wish me luck, Marisa. Please...

>> No.46936483
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>> No.46936764
File: 23 KB, 225x225, 1711873029932542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neetbux just clicked. feeling comfy, sup niggas.

>> No.46936779

so true.. gonna wipe my tears with my money rn

>> No.46937142

Just pranked my wagie roommate. lol

>> No.46937244


>> No.46937729

so I know that here we're just pretending to be silly/retarded/nonchalant because of our circumstances and sufferings. but deep down we're all very serious and dignified individuals even if we happen to be down on our luck, right. like everyone here is basically a transcendental mystic compared to the stupid hylic normies. but we just pretend we aren't. i respect that attitude. i respect you guys even if you're on the brink of becoming homeles. actually the worse your circumstances and the more you suffer the more virtuous you are. because it means that you are more disconnected from the world of man and society and that's a good thing because that world is oppressive and evil. so you're actually some of the most virtuous perhaps even holy persons around

>> No.46937970

calm down nigger lips. half of this thread is tiktokers anyways. the neets from before hardly frequent here they're jerking off to rori butts and talking about anime on another site.

>> No.46937996

what site

>> No.46938002

going 20 years strong

>> No.46940647

I worked yesterday.
It was very stressful and I kept thinking about how nice it'd be to get murdered by Youmu right then and there.

>> No.46941585
File: 64 KB, 604x504, 1558166561513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working? Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.46942572

me when I have a meltdown

>> No.46942582
File: 448 KB, 2716x2568, 1715046795986915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calm down nigger lips
kek this is sending me

>> No.46942644

Same, was clocking into my security job. Shoved a hot pocket down my throat and booted up some blacked porn in the last few hours of my shift. Hate working so much.

>> No.46942662

damn nigga. i feel like im in a video game and i beat all the missions so now Im just running around in sandbox mode to fuck around and do stunts

>> No.46942664
File: 69 KB, 206x264, 1701046814092885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got my friends overwatch account chat banned

>> No.46942681
File: 7 KB, 290x174, 1709219340567343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon is really a case study, he has insane pull over city slickers simply because he's goated and socially apt enough to handle them, they follow him like a blinding light to a moth

>> No.46944296

why are you playing shit then

>> No.46944482 [DELETED] 

from now on everyone must address each other as nigga

>> No.46944500

shut up nigger.

>> No.46944505

Okay faggot

>> No.46944507 [DELETED] 

your best nigga song nigga?

>> No.46944513

your best nigga song nigga?

>> No.46944566
File: 341 KB, 2038x1427, 1689795644202128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goofy ass nigga
shut up goofy
shut up nigger lips

>> No.46944578
File: 2 KB, 100x100, 1697978007260706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga post ur best nigga song right now nigga

>> No.46944590
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>> No.46944598
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>> No.46944608
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i didn't realize

>> No.46944719
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 1697580071784856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw working internet helpdesk from home
*rips vape*
*rips vape*
*plays game on emulator*

>> No.46944728
File: 245 KB, 472x508, 1693042331693847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the alcoholic wagie guy next door got kicked out of his house and he's drinking from an ice chest on his porch.
honestly based, wagie life be bussin.

>> No.46944731

b-b-b-based. Even better if you do it while on the crapper so you literally get paid for shitting.

>> No.46944744

why are you talking like a nigger

>> No.46944752
File: 12 KB, 184x184, 1687690134448072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the beginning 40s, living in Switzerland and into ballbusting and slavery since school. Meanwhile I'm impotent and sterile due to the really brutal punishment my worthless balls got over the past 25 years. Furthermore I am really into cuckolding and would love to serve a mistress/hotwife. I am also bi and love to suck cocks and swallow other men's cum. So, I'm also willing to serve a dominate couple. But please keep in mind, that my balls need to be punished in any brutal way until they will be removed! I would love to get castrated one day and serve my Mistress or dominate couple as an eunuch.

>> No.46944754
File: 84 KB, 202x264, 1709570838633013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw me and my nigga neets all have jobs

>> No.46944771

midnight drinking coffee playing gmod
life is good

>> No.46944777

naw roblox is where its at now

>> No.46944798

t. Melonpan

>> No.46944806

no school today or something what is this algorithm baby food all over the site today. it is way worse than usual please make it stop

>> No.46944808

I wonder what happen to that nigga, I heard he got doxxed and fired from his comfy swiss fintech job

>> No.46944830

rest in piece to that nigger

>> No.46944849
File: 44 KB, 462x484, 1693225472507315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gmod school shooter simulator
comfiest shit ever

>> No.46944871

take that to your discord hole and see if it stirs anything up there/gets some chuckles, faggot.

>> No.46944892

his wife left him

>> No.46944932
File: 20 KB, 220x213, 1704773911686614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like someone sharted his diaper

>> No.46944965

anyone here with childhood friends that got stolen away for you when you grew up?

>> No.46944969

yes me, it happened to me like something out of an NTR doujin. im white and a bbc black chad stole my childhood friend.

>> No.46944973

god that sounds hot...i mean what the FUCK

>> No.46945009

bro from ohio

>> No.46945082

hey just be happy for her
she was the happiness girl in the world for a moment with that guy
don't be too concerned with your own happiness - it doesn't matter

>> No.46945101

fax tho

>> No.46945110

No but there was a girl who probably felt that way about me.

>> No.46945119

she got blacked, let her go dude.

>> No.46945201

you got BLACKED? wtfffff....

>> No.46945221

You're right, it'll be a full time work to clean that €400k house alone once my parents are dead.

>> No.46945222


>> No.46945242

ah wizchan, mods from there are king simps.

>> No.46945246
File: 582 KB, 564x564, 1702605053677145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I remember when my buddy met some dude from wizchan irl. he was like some 400lb obese nigger who played half life all day.

>> No.46945380

i bet his childhood friend got stolen and that caused him to be mindbroken....

>> No.46945392


>> No.46945395
File: 506 KB, 1024x768, 1695199024986827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everywhere i go i need pharmaceuticals

>> No.46945421
File: 15 KB, 564x508, 1705050926339402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn.. im going to some random ass third world country in a week. hope they have ketamine like that last one, that shit was lit.

>> No.46945422

Wow, the NEET thread is active compared to other days. What gives?

>> No.46945438

discord raid psyop from zoomers. they think theyre slick with pulling off this raid. heh, not slick enough. back in my day I used to post bbc all day on r9k, these faggots suck.

nah just kidding, niggers be shitposting i guess?

>> No.46945539

I get autismbux for autism

>> No.46945819

y'see if 'im a racist then why would I be a fan of ngubu? simple fax love.

>> No.46945926
File: 144 KB, 287x691, 1690360396390934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me irl

>> No.46946096

2010 wasn't 30 years ago retard.

>> No.46946108

umm thats not how maf works

>> No.46946511
File: 941 KB, 813x1200, 1704895097079605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neetbros why does every manga author write stories about childhood friends getting blackmail ntr'd...

>> No.46946602

japs are just cucks by nature, would explain why their fertility rates are negative

>> No.46946851

>im getting turned into a cuck

>> No.46949024

you give: sauce
you receive: my answer

>> No.46950023
File: 122 KB, 800x800, 1707054044662293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna be the next hokage

road to GM pharah here I come, subscribe to my blog for more news

>> No.46950053

>subscribe to my blog
Link the RSS feed then.

>> No.46950162


>> No.46950953

Mutt's law

>> No.46951240

sneeds law

>> No.46951368
File: 424 KB, 4096x2304, 1716885212741902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a wild night

>> No.46951416
File: 232 KB, 1260x750, 1697821961680439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gf is so cute when she's drunk

>> No.46952378

bwos someone is posting scat on a vg bread I visit alot...

>> No.46952490

post some scat back at them

>> No.46952815

How do I become a NEET? I'm a 20 something year old Asian woman studying medicine, but I want to go NEET mode now.

>> No.46952825

I still have mine, luckily. He's not interested in women, I call him my brother and he calls me his sister.

>> No.46952838


Simply put, I am miserable. I am a high achiever with high enough grades to graduate with honors, however, I just feel like comitting to this work is hurting me. This path isn't bringing me the fullfillment and enjoyment I used to get. I have no friends. My family does not respect me. I have nothing, not even a sense of self.

>> No.46952846

bro I read that plot in a doujin before, the right when your childhood friend is about to confess to you, they get blackmail'd into having a ntr relationship behind your back....

>> No.46952875

I'm going to rearrange his organs before that happens. And castrate him so he loses interest in that shit completely.

>> No.46953154

total neet life

>> No.46953188 [DELETED] 
File: 249 KB, 695x240, Screenshot Holo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C-could it be?!

>> No.46953206

i saw that

>> No.46953399

If you are close to graduating then might as well persevere until then.

>> No.46953973

please remember that your parents love you and your friends miss you

>> No.46954382

Guess so.

I could sit around on my lazy ass *after* getting a doctorate.

>> No.46956886

Both of my parents are clinical narcissists. They don't care about anyone but themselves. And I never had any real friends.
In a way this is a good thing, because when I die I know that nobody is going to suffer. This is a comforting thought.

>> No.46956932

You and I both, anon. Me for different reasons though.

>> No.46956993

Are you a different poster from >>46952825?

>> No.46957228

both of my parents are clinicial narcissists too, but i have real friends and a gf. good luck on dying though anon.

>> No.46957444
File: 444 KB, 2354x2675, 1712488786127661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are amazing

>> No.46957660
File: 65 KB, 736x736, 1703600022722957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit nigga, we England now

>> No.46957919

I'm a big fan.

>> No.46959126

>highschool autistic best friend
>he goes to university
>becomes a pathetic failure of normalfag
>starts to simp some whore that barely gives her any attention
>complains everyday about the most inane shit all the time
>this continues for years
>one day I decide that I have enough and cut all communications with him
I miss having someone to talk and play games but I rather be alone than deal with that kind of crap

can confirm, they are great

>> No.46959139
File: 78 KB, 900x810, 1686523162472369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3x on the intake, 1x on the back, 1x on top near the intake.

2x 3000RPM industrial fans on the nhd15, heaven.

still have the original a15 140mm fans from the NHD15, could tape them to the bottom of the case and have them point at the rtx 4090

>> No.46959382

just got a job. i hate it here, i wanna go back

>> No.46959393

finish it anyway, dont waste all that money

>> No.46959806
File: 29 KB, 674x763, 1700348724627079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man the dualsense is kinda giga garbage, ds4windows is such a pile of shit. but so are xbox controllers. microsoft's quality control on all of their products is india tier.

wonder how the 8bit do pro 2's updated rendition with the hall effect joysticks would fare against the dualsense.

xbox elite controller's unironically break faster than the normal ones too kek, dualshock 4 is doodoo.

oh well guess I'll see how the new controller is when it comes in. it uses xinput over bluetooth so that's all that really matters.

>> No.46960360

sad to heard that bwo, I have parents who love me and support my entire neet life so I dont know how to empathize with you bwo...

>> No.46960458
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>> No.46960996


>> No.46961045

bros jacob took down another not-fakku site nyo....

>> No.46961049
File: 249 KB, 2048x1448, 1641753390193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46962028

just did a 6 hour goon sesh trying to find a gyaru mango i read 10 years ago to relive my past

>> No.46967426
File: 75 KB, 680x680, 1695729607576941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek it's over for trump, guilty on all felony counts.
the meltdown's gonna be great.

republitrannies on suicide watch.

>> No.46967788

Good luck.

>> No.46967845

>bring up polishits
Go back

>> No.46967969

silent hill remake sucks
blumpf going to prison
why live

>> No.46968234
File: 1.15 MB, 480x270, 1715715696909401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup nigger

>> No.46968317

>deep down we're all very serious and dignified individuals even if we happen to be down on our luck
this is the mindset of the generation of america, trapped in thinking they're temporarily humiliated millionaires when they're actually just dirt poor fools

>> No.46968334

so true, any humiliated millionaires in the chat

>> No.46968361
File: 97 KB, 652x662, 1585076234273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's good nigga

>> No.46968389

you shave your legs again?

>> No.46968399

not for over a month

>> No.46968513


>> No.46968576

whats stopping you from jerking off to netori right now

>> No.46968602
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x1697, 1714957223378747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

headpats only, nigga

>> No.46968635

bwos whats gonna happen to trump..

>> No.46968650
File: 34 KB, 736x736, 1715733179824815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46968698

if God is all knowing, do you think he knows whats it like to take a dildo up the ass?

>> No.46973378
File: 122 KB, 600x675, 1558215742099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 hours playing pubg again

>> No.46974251

fuck off nigger, what does this have to do with being NEET?

>> No.46974686

Was it an ecchi/suggestive manga or straight up a hentai?

>> No.46976477

pls respond

>> No.46976492

He's going to win again. The presidency that is. Check em.

>> No.46976527

how does he keep getting away with it

>> No.46978190
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x1071, 1581903804675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doc put me on cough syrup lol

>> No.46978235

Forces unexplained

>> No.46978612

>in 2024
top keeek, ngmi blud

>> No.46978618

what do you play nigga
dont say valorant or overwatch

>> No.46978640

I spent a lot of my 20s on cough syrup. So many weird things can happen on it. Ever have electronics randomly malfunction on it? That shit is a spooky drug. Also once had a conversion with lizard king on it.

>> No.46978652

i had a trippy moment tonight where i thought my mind was going blank. not in like a doujin but like my inner monologue was going silent lol. panicked for a bit

>> No.46979063
File: 33 KB, 225x190, 1705190003648284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, we're gonna have our own butler. kek, julio whip us up some muhfuggin tendies.

me and lad are gonna be lighting cigars all week.

>> No.46979116
File: 9 KB, 747x592, 1706904541297635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more weeks patriots, we got this

>> No.46979127

imagine being so triggered by other opinions you have to discuss politics in a non politics place away from the bad meanies on /pol/

>> No.46979159
File: 748 KB, 1318x1080, 1714521586614778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn im gigasleepy. excited to travelmaxx in a few days.

>> No.46979163

based, pubg's comfy with the lads

>> No.46979244

low iq niggas be like

>> No.46979260
File: 1.98 MB, 400x265, 1715055962516120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DXM is a gateway to realms unknown

>> No.46979331
File: 258 KB, 1538x2048, 1690742465905734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

racemic ketamines way better. you aint seen nothing until youre fighting patchouli knowledge on 500mg of pure bolivian special k.

>> No.46979344


i hate niggers and jews

>> No.46979368
File: 153 KB, 1340x1674, 1693538072088142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoggers in the chat

calling all patriots, this is agent chud. status report of the west: over

rendevous to the nearest saferoom for further instruction.
also goodnight

>> No.46980278
File: 109 KB, 768x768, 1586378059122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha look at anon waking up at 7pm
Tired of hearing this shit from normies. some of us are just built different, people with blue eyes have better vision at night so we adapted to hunting when the prey are asleep. don't blame me for my night stalker genes

>> No.46980633

is this trve, no wonder i've always battled to sleep

>> No.46981739

I used to say shit like this before I started doing nofap, never enough energy never enough sleep, all those 12 hours of sleep start stacking up and I start living by night then by day again and then full circle on and on. Now I get by on half of that of sleep and always full of energy during the day, started considering going to the gym daily but those women in their yoga pants man wtf, a man can't work out in peace without being tempted by all the asses, assman feels

>> No.46982545

jesus christ anon fix your circadian cycle

same, nofap since the start of the year and my libido and energy went full retard, I have to exercise constantly to keep my desire for pussy in check

>> No.46984019
File: 2.73 MB, 2560x1440, 1717079210814157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro real af for that

>> No.46984069

Don't get my hopes up.

>> No.46984314
File: 45 KB, 1000x1000, 1711079377723198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuuggg this controllers so fucking goated. instantly mogged my dualsense, gave away the ps5 controller to my dad.

firmware update for the 8bitdo pro 2 made it even better as well. native xinput for bluetooth across all games, works well in atelier games, cyberpunk at 4k, rdr2, older dinput games over bluetooth. no gay software thats required to be running at all times like ds4windows. all right, i vibe with it.

>> No.46984444

So much locked away, yearning to be released...

>> No.46984523

finna pick up some addies today, can't wait to nicaraguamaxx in a couple of days.

>> No.46985487
File: 17 KB, 100x100, 1692475408911256.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothin like a bit of amphetamines to start the day right neetbros

>> No.46985807
File: 331 KB, 1536x2048, 1703523736845954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gf's buying me a ticket to see her in a couple of months after her final exams

time to liftmaxx again

>> No.46985843

woke up in a depressed flurry of ennui, fatigue and anxiety. bwos i think the sugar and simple carbs are getting to me.

feel kinda sad trump lost..

>> No.46985931

bwos fakku took down another site nyo...

>> No.46985938

bwos im porn addicted nyo..

>> No.46985948 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 12x16, 1691282789425049.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46985970

im addicted to inseki netorare porn its joever for me....

>> No.46986080

could be worse bros, at least youre not addicted to meth

>> No.46986160

I think I'm too old for this place
28 is still young right? Or am I boomer fossil frfr?

>> No.46986175

alright bros, tomorrow is the day I get up and try

>> No.46986461

I just fapped to another inseki ntr mango, may the good lord forgive me....

>> No.46987064

>57 hours without fapping
I did it reddit!!!!!!!!
I'll probably relapse in a few days tho

>> No.46987148

>year 29 without schedule I drugs
yeah, I think im gonna make it

>> No.46987633
File: 972 KB, 600x324, 1716962568008070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm being sexually harassed by a ghost girl. I'm dead serious. Oh and I fully believe in ghosts now

>> No.46987926

>60 hours without fapping
I'm getting stronk!!!!! All the girls are looking at me like they want to suck my dick on the spot!!!!!!
>I drugs

>> No.46988002

I think it's been 40ish hours for me, I'm the ghost guy

>> No.46988968
File: 260 KB, 792x789, 1586031044855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember the good old days of neet thread when there were no nofappers

>> No.46989150
File: 403 KB, 540x304, 1707465263222380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the age of coomers is over

>> No.46990038
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>> No.46991071

Do you still take other types of drugs?

>> No.46991170

I'm 28 too and I rarely enter NEET threads anymore.
Whenever I check this thread, it seems to be worse than before.

>> No.46991498

Got any old glass jars?

>> No.46991509

Sure, yeah. What for? Can I capture one in a jar?

>> No.46991650


i love her

>> No.46991817

ah i feel great today, time to lift again bwos

>> No.46991995
File: 67 KB, 1200x1200, rsz_encl74auwaevpoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is nothing stopping me from being a hikikomori for my entire life. i have social security income. i have the oppurtunity to get an apartment, i currently have my own room in a group home. i was diagnosed with mental illness. i recieve money enough to afford essentials including nicotine for my vape and instant coffee. i could get food with foodstamps. i could go my whole life without working. this is also what i intend to do. you cant stop me. i guess its like buddism, to be a hikikomori. i'm the only person in my life. there is nobody else, except my mom. i like my mom :3

>> No.46992018

what illness
i wonder how hard it is to get neetbux with a schizo diagnosis

>> No.46992067

schizophrenic, major depressive disorder, substance use disorder, but im sober six months!

>> No.46992077
File: 467 KB, 500x278, 1586198769482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn are you me. based
gj on sobriety!

>> No.46992103

I'd like to get disability checks but I could never take the meds that they require schizo to take. I've seen their effects on my uncle and my grandmother..

>> No.46992169

All too true.

Time to become a multimillionaire.

>> No.46992173

im controversial. i got cancelled by the video game community i was a part of since i dated a minor. i have no regrets. i still love you, but it's over between us. i'm also a trans girl, so i guess thats another controversial things. a lot of anons hate trans girls. i also have tattoos on my face, including a teardrop. interesting, right? i suppose.

>> No.46992181


>> No.46992205

i had paliperidone recently. you get some really crazy unpleasant feelings on antipsychotics. like the voice in my head suddenly warped and it felt like i was experiencing life in 3rd person mode or something

>> No.46992301

Amazing, I genuinely can't tell if this is blatant shitposting or if you're being serious.

>> No.46992323
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>> No.46992332

gf introduced me to a new band, it's pretty upbeat but i like it bwos

>> No.46992443
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>> No.46992579

white bwos... why are we like this

>> No.46992780
File: 108 KB, 736x736, 1709360483726910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh, fapping seems pretty boring ngl. better to fap to your gf at the very least or nut in someone.

>> No.46993800
File: 1.36 MB, 1392x1532, 1707946680963884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also thankyou anon, i had a bad life but i quit drugs and im doing something about it! i want to be sober for the rest of my life. i promised my mom.

>> No.46994206

Its tranny, not trans girl.
Also, kill yourself if you're a genuine pedophile (<13 age).

>> No.46994248

this general is worse than every other neet thread

>> No.46994281

They were fine when they were just isolated threads every now few months, as they have been for years. I don't know how many more times we have go through seeing formerly-good-threads be ruined by turning them into generals before people realize maybe not every thread needs to be a 24/7 thing.

>> No.46994341

I just finished college, and honestly, I have no idea what's going on in my life right now. Somehow, I fell into that stupid puppy girl craze, and now I can't seem to get out of it. I spend my days listening to this breakcore music that I can't stand, yet I can't stop, and I write code endlessly because I can't find a job. Is it jover for me? I feel like I'm stuck in this loop, and I don't know how to break free.

>> No.46994574

fugggg french girls are so based

>> No.46995307

some reddit nigger made it his home

>> No.46995516

check 'm

>> No.46996569

any neetbros here buy an onahole

>> No.46996821

just have tenga that I use at every fap, but it's getting a bit hot down there, especially as we are approaching the summer

>> No.46996843
File: 2 KB, 121x125, 1709781239330516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmmm thinking about buying one so I dont develope a deathgrip, worth it?

>> No.46996888
File: 88 KB, 736x690, 1693524787345342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

na, sounds like a waste of money.
what's deathgrip again?

>> No.46996906

I tried to look it up and found this bwo https://www.youtube.com/live/dCEMSaho0io

>> No.46996934
File: 20 KB, 278x372, 1700347730483077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you fap a lot you might as well try one to see if you like it. I personally started buying onaholes years ago, went crazy and tried quite a few within a year because I could afford it, and then just settled with two that I continue to enjoy. In my opinion, they're not required to have a good time but they can certainly enhance your sessions depending on your preferences. Just follow a simple rule: masturbate before you browse them because post-nut clarity can help you make sound decisions..

>> No.46996940

not interested in the link but tnx bwo

>> No.46996948

bwo i looked it up for you bwo you should click it

>> No.46996952

look it up again bwo :^)

>> No.46996956

bwo did you click it

>> No.46996974

maybe bwo?

>> No.46996995


>> No.46997015
File: 1.10 MB, 224x224, 1700559860033891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46997030

It can't be helped. It just turned into another alternative to discord users like many eternal generals I've seen.

>> No.46997035

what if we made another neet bread without the reddit and discord trannies

>> No.46997055

Nah. You fellas have disappointed me, that's all.

>> No.46997076

have you ever wondered if you are the disappointment?

>> No.46997091

No, that's how losers think.

>> No.46997191

you wouldnt be here if you were a winner.

>> No.46997218

It's not zero-sum game and other places annoy me exponentially more. Do you see yourself as a disappointment?

>> No.46997265

yes I view everyone as a disappointment

>> No.46997367

stop using complicated words, it's euro time
go back to your bed

>> No.46997413

does that include you?

>> No.46997459

go to sleep nigga

>> No.46997584

1am wake up
1:05 am brush teeth
1:10 am make coffee
1:20 am - 3 am pubg
3 am - 6 am dark souls 2
6am jerk off
6:20 am eat some cake
6:30 am more coffee
7am hot bath
8am emulate retro game
10am check altchans
10:20am more pubg/ds2
1pm 4chan
3:30pm jerk off
4pm sleep

>> No.46997597

dark souls 2 fans be like

>> No.46997727

bros look at gme

>> No.46997784

bwos look at me

>> No.46997797


>> No.46997806


>> No.46997895

bwos look at him

>> No.46997923


>> No.46997942
File: 893 KB, 900x1080, 1693521691710458.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46998074

>missed the last train out of poverty

>> No.46998231


>> No.46998314

bwos im having a manic episode..

>> No.46998343

>he didn't buy a retirement ticket

>> No.46998463

>he didn't buy a wage implant
kekking at you choom

>> No.46998602

>no 401k or pension either

>> No.46998769

what is this nonsensical himarat tier posting ITT

>> No.46998910

I'm hodling the gme

>> No.46998915

shut the fuck up pochi

>> No.46998950

you read any good ntr?

>> No.46999222

he read white boy gets blacked ntr v.11

>> No.46999258

i rlly hope pochi the dog isn't here

>> No.46999294
File: 944 KB, 500x280, 1689060939148956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they fucked up when they let a white boy like me get my hands on some alcohol.

>> No.46999352

you didn't sell your stack right anon?

>> No.46999464
File: 53 KB, 335x333, 1699375143457180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46999545
File: 45 KB, 696x696, 1713612261063000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was getting my cock sucked but then i remembered that growing up i missed out on teenage love by living in a small town and being a visioncel significantly diminished my chances of getting a bad black bitch to throw it back on ya boy.

>> No.47000089
File: 607 KB, 720x540, Laughing Joe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, you're a parody come to life.
Now it's clear to me why this is the way it is. It's full of people like you.
You worthless fucks should stay in discord instead of shitting up the rest of the internet.
Or better yet, join the 41%.

>> No.47000224

he seems based tho idk. even though he has a jew nose.

>> No.47000273


>> No.47000333

Damn, what a depressing general

>> No.47000520

because the neet life is depressing

>> No.47000559

i wish i was a neet like you guys. working makes me want to deepthroat a shotgun.

>> No.47000565

where do you work

>> No.47000596

I'll be neeting at the shore of the Sanzu river

>> No.47000610

your fault for playing that gayme, instead, play TF2

>> No.47000638

>"NEET" thread
you're not fooling anyone. it's summer, and i'm sure that half of you fags are underage students still living with your parents

>> No.47000673

nyo.. tf2 is for trannies

>> No.47000816

the cringe autist who thinks he's a tranny, he's not welcome here... we don't want a chris chan bis
I've go nothing against autist but those who fell for the propaganda must kts

>> No.47000853
File: 668 KB, 1043x1200, 114231510_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah elden ring is cool and all but it didnt need to be open world
running around an empty field for 20 minutes picking up crafting materials is boring, i need some mod that unlocks all sites of grace by default or something

>> No.47000939

i expected better from a fellow patchouli poster. elden ring is gay as fuck. bloodborne's where its at.

>> No.47000949

elden ring would rank at the bottom of the series enjoyment personally. next to ds3

>> No.47001022
File: 471 KB, 1536x2048, 1695642236711208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a lazily made game, you can tell what sections of the map fell victim to timecrunches. biggest example on display being with every cave/dungeon existing as a carbon copy of one another. raytracing optimization is dogshit too, im running a 4090 and this game nets you worse performance than what you'd have in cyberpunk. i know japanese devs are terrible at optimizing performance in games but you wouldn't imagine it to be this bad.

hopefully the DLC is better

>> No.47001888
File: 222 KB, 450x580, anzu19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47002357

Working 9-5 for another man's dream

>> No.47002507

just pretend ur going back to school and live with ur mom again, you can do it anon!

>> No.47002997

honestly i'd prefer it. my boss treats me like shit. i miss being a neet so much.

>> No.47003342

ill always be here

>> No.47003520

I can only tell what day it is from my meds container

>> No.47003560

>I can only tell what day it is from my HRT container

>> No.47003694
File: 2.87 MB, 1080x1476, 1692633949754294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros I dont remember highschool girls looking like this

>> No.47004036

This thread is a mess but I feel like I've finally had enough. I've been a NEET for almost 30 years - never worked in my entire life, never had friends. The crushing weight of it all is finally starting to get to me. I've thought about firing up a dating app or something to at least find some companionship to get through these dreary days, but by the same virtue, dealing with people is exhausting. Tired of being alone, tired still of people. Feels like no matter what I'm taking a losing shot.

>> No.47004039
File: 3.11 MB, 2863x4096, 1714016801932902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you?

>> No.47004068
File: 3.56 MB, 480x480, 1689482067253464.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose."

>> No.47004106

It's ok anon, some men are just not meant to have any wife or family. Even great men of history like Isaac Newton, Beethoven, Nikola Tesla and Hitler never scored.

>> No.47004127
File: 933 KB, 252x292, 1710638036681801.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever play a game almost to completion and then just never finish it? Then you come back some time later and think that completing from the almost end point after all this is some kind of waste, or not getting the full experience again, and then the cycle repeats.

>> No.47004145

you are not the main protagonist, never was, never will be

>> No.47004149
File: 1.43 MB, 2400x4800, 1699464344232337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only do that to escape the responsibilities of life bwo

>> No.47004159

he is the main protagonist, his name is Tyrone

>> No.47004161

You don't know history very well, do you?

>> No.47004176
File: 43 KB, 498x449, 1701124870660831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start looksmaxxing, kpopmaxxing, goonmaxxing, tindermaxxing, mental gymnasticsmaxxing

>> No.47004186


>> No.47004190

Nice discordtranny thread

>> No.47004191


>> No.47004201

someone bake the jpdiscordtranny bread

>> No.47004205

why do you type like a faggot?

>> No.47004207
File: 180 KB, 956x1085, 1689173669925639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47004209

Because he's a faggot?

>> No.47004214

what does anything in this thread have to do with jp, janny move this shit to /trash/

>> No.47004218
File: 467 KB, 1097x1071, 1715135571968024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bwos.. dat gyatt

>> No.47004226

I do. I was fortunate to have a big titty monster with a decent face during my freshman year.

>> No.47004228

shes not flatfaced enough, next!

>> No.47004229

i have so much negative thoughts from my 4chan blogposts, and having self reminders of whatever happened on said date to remind myself as to "self improve" i never really recovered from them, a anon here told me to not hurt myself and i did. i wish i knew who you are, i want this anxiety gone, therapy date, hospital check response, and police visit has been making me extremely anxious over being worried i am chipping my teeth without noticing. i refused to visit /jp/ and 4chan for a long awhile and i missed out so much fun happenings due to this since it was believed "its good for you"

>> No.47004241
File: 326 KB, 2048x1600, 1716656411289483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47004243

most freshmans look like that now bwo

>> No.47004259
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>> No.47004261

When a man lacks purpose, they distract themselves with pleasure

>> No.47004263

fax tho, better start gooning slime

>> No.47004268

But enough about homosexuality.

>> No.47004269

I didn't think my post would get any serious replies in this disaster of a thread. I'm not sure what to say, and especially since I'm a damned wreck myself, but I hope things somehow get better for you too anon.

>> No.47004272

its so easy bwos :3

>> No.47004282


>> No.47004286


>> No.47004287


>> No.47004293
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>> No.47004294

i baked it


>> No.47004296

Not him but just ignore the retarded zoomer psyop. At least two or three of us still take these conversations seriously.

>> No.47004303
File: 397 KB, 846x900, 1703088860561573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt do shit about it

>> No.47004308
File: 313 KB, 540x655, 1687100350692906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47004360

2 more weeks patriots, we'll bake the neet thread..

>> No.47004366

Thank you for reading the complaints.

>> No.47004368

Sometimes I feel like my worldviews are affected by spending too much time on 4ch. Maybe I should talk to real people instead of people that always have a mask on.

>> No.47004375
File: 68 KB, 600x600, 1694128238317131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47004575
File: 196 KB, 448x428, 1709381748524904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bread theme https://www.youtube.com/live/n35gAH-7FRA

>> No.47004763

lmao soon you'll realize everyone ITT, even the retarded zoomoids, have more in common with you than anyone else.

>> No.47004780

ummm why dont they legalize prison fights? One person dies but everyone who watches get enjoyment

>> No.47004852

youre in for some bad news

>> No.47004891

I am just a sensitive young man.

>> No.47004974

isnt taxation just theft? Why do we allow it to just happen? wtf?

>> No.47005059

you're either a NEETass nigga or you work if you're ain't happy with your situation but if you want to complain about your situation like a PUSSYass nigga you better go kys on r9k

>> No.47005064


>> No.47005071

No, it goes to deserving people like me who need neetbux to entertain their neetlife.

>> No.47005074

why do they deserve anything? Are they not leeches to society?

>> No.47005132

No, we don't leech off society. We just take the money you don't need so that you can live a more dignified ascetic life.

>> No.47005928

had a dream I went to china and as soon as you stepped out of the airport there were 9/10s waiting to grab you by the arm and fuck you. I finally went to bang one of them but she told me she was half-black when we got on the bed and I was disappointed. she was laughing and said my dick is probably too small. I said bitch you thought and whipped out my 6". But she laughed and said why is it not 12"? I said bitch you're delusional how much porn do you watch? for some reason twomad (RIP) came out from the room next door with some chick and started having sex in our room and I got distracted. then it ended

>> No.47009118

anyone want to hold hands?

>> No.47009835

>banned for a week due to team killing
its ogre

>> No.47011480


>> No.47011908
File: 33 KB, 500x281, 1558428897781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being goofy in ohio

>> No.47011937

This is sad

>> No.47011963

ive never had a cuck dream before

>> No.47011967

it wasnt NTR doe

>> No.47012653

I'm not holding hands with a dude

>> No.47012768

how do u deal with family gatherings and public places whenever im forced to go i want to kms

>> No.47012781

Get a steam deck, just plug in your headphones and play your games and pretend you don't hear shit. Works for me

>> No.47012839

Objectively speaking, has there ever been a more flopped and shitted device than the Steam Deck?

Valve, a 7.7 billion dollar company, has sold less devices than the N-Gage and just barely more -literal- cardboard than Nintendo (LABO).

>> No.47012842

kys pajeet

>> No.47012851

>lost in transit or stolen off front porch
>deck has dead pixels, backlight bleed, sticky buttons, fan that rattles, suboptimal battery health, case shell parting, joystick drift and audio fuzz on the headphone jack
many such cases

>> No.47013565

Capital Letters Motherfucker, Do You Not Have Any?
