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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46933031 No.46933031 [Reply] [Original]

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Previous thread: >>46923915

>> No.46933042

hey guys

>> No.46933049


>> No.46933055

exited the tab. can't be that good if no one cares about it.

>> No.46933090


>> No.46933091

>no mainstream = le bad

>> No.46933103

It's gook slop about becoming a famous vtuber.

>> No.46933113

>already may 26

>> No.46933131

dropped it after the first minute
youtube is gay

>> No.46933150


>> No.46933161


>> No.46933176


>> No.46933207

i miss jamal

>> No.46933233

this is the closest thing we can get to uppercasing in japanese

>> No.46933277
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>> No.46933282


>> No.46933301
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>> No.46933339

you know there's a /v/ thread to 踏み荒らす all over right?

>> No.46933386

i only visit djt

>> No.46933453


>> No.46933521

Is anyone aware of why memento would only say show card in Anki instead of something like create Anki card and no I don’t already have the word in a deck

>> No.46933538

what card does it show if you dont have the card yet

>> No.46933541

i remember memento being a good movie but it's been many years since i saw it

>> No.46933558

Just the default 9 filler cards on the jp mining note deck

>> No.46933565
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>> No.46933576

probably wrong field name in the settings or something

>> No.46933584


>> No.46933588

What should I be using mpvacious or whatever it’s called or something

>> No.46933590

shut up

>> No.46933596
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>> No.46933609

Why what’s wrong with you

>> No.46933620
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>> No.46933640

Today I went to Comic Con with my Osaka girlfriend, she went as Kagura from Gintama. I don't watch anime so I don't really care but she looked really cute in her dress and was getting a lot of compliments.
It was nice talking to her again and learning more Osaka dialect, next time we meet will be date #3. Once we go on that, does that make our relationship concrete?

>> No.46933653

>Once we go on that, does that make our relationship concrete?
counter question: did she end many of here sentences in ある?

>> No.46933667
File: 1.69 MB, 786x1039, 1696402620777207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46933687


>> No.46933701

love how big and heavy they are

>> No.46933708

i hate it

>> No.46933716

slop: japan

>> No.46933718

If you think about it, like really think about it, vaginas are gross

>> No.46933725

people say that about vaginas but in porn they look hot and wet and sexy

>> No.46933731

cant get hard to a dry vagina

>> No.46933744

Easiest way to get a vagina wet is with a knife if you know what I'm saying

>> No.46933752

Just ignore the retards. Are Anki and AnkiConnect running when you try to create a card?

Also you should try:


>> No.46933761


>> No.46933780

did you hear that vocaroo is shutting down? what are we gonna do?

>> No.46933804


>> No.46933814

throwback to when that obaasan got mad when I used an exposed outlet at a mall to charge my laptop, thanks for the 80% charge

>> No.46933824

why she get mad

>> No.46933837

Thanks I’ll check this when I get home

>> No.46933845



>> No.46933846 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, 遠山の金さん #35「浮世風呂からくり殺人!」_20240522-135256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

女湯に入っちゃダーメ Σ(゚∀゚ノ)ノキャー

>> No.46933850

testing https://tuttu.io/2YdcG2Rn

>> No.46933855

doesn't have the same ring to it y'know
lacks that certain je ne sais quoi

>> No.46933870

actually it's probably 語呂がよくない

>> No.46933918

Why is she sitting like that?

>> No.46933919

Is it easy / possible to get access to the Japanese iOS App Store
I need my region locked love live app desu

>> No.46933970

because the outlet was prob linked to her shop so she would get charged 1 yen

>> No.46933973

rofl why is everyone that comes to this thread a complete schizo (besides me)

>> No.46933980

Is it possible to pay for a women to come to your hotel room, to be clear I'm talking about a random women you see on the street would asking them something like this make sense

こんにちは、私はアメリカ人です。あなたはとても美しいので、ホテルの部屋に来て私の口の中に放尿しても構わないとお願いしたいと思います。 もちろん支払います、3ドル持っています

>> No.46933987

i rest my case

>> No.46933999


>> No.46934003

a rabbit pooped in your vomit

>> No.46934007

i want the fucking docs

>> No.46934022

and it was delicious

>> No.46934027

yo whyd u dookie on ur mens

my only doc is animes.txt

>> No.46934041

if you skip to the 2 minute mark and listen to him read out 合格おもでとうございます aloud the entire thing starts to sound hella sketch

>> No.46934053

>my only doc is animes.txt
and i want it

>> No.46934057

i liked when he said 11 month like he wanted to say it in japanese but forgot how

>> No.46934078

oh and vacroo isn't actually shutting down btw, at least not afaik. i lied
know at least one of you guys started sweating profusely when he read that

>> No.46934087

who asked

>> No.46934091

my conscience
lying is bad mkay

>> No.46934092

gyatt skibidi chat w rizz

>> No.46934102

reply with "ohio" if you got dat W rizz 8)

>> No.46934117

i buss u buss we buss (on vc)

>> No.46934126


>> No.46934128


>> No.46934129

Hey is vocroo actually shutting down?

>> No.46934131

how many words is 百万言 exactly anyway

>> No.46934132

[bad news] vocaroo is shutting up

>> No.46934133

lol i was wondering who this sounded like at first

>> No.46934142

they're actually shutting the fuck up oh no

without having listened to it i would guess a faggot? usually the case

>> No.46934169


>> No.46934171

the ligma nuts at hte end was solid also stop gooning to my vocaroos thats weird wtf

>> No.46934190

why do you refer to yourself in the 3rd person THAT'S weird

>> No.46934202

it was ironic relax schizo its called having fun

>> No.46934213


>> No.46934258

Immersion for today:

>> No.46934269

if the knob won't move please don't use excessive force but contact your doctor of trust

>> No.46934272

the vid title thumbnail combo made me lmao ahahah

certainly no false advertising there

>> No.46934274

i'm the real jamal! dont trust that impostor, he stole my trip !

>> No.46934279

Why are they harassing this poor guy and his family?

>> No.46934287

yeah 274 is the real 1 sry for the ruse guys

>> No.46934290
File: 91 KB, 1080x1088, GNiL3MIXQAAXnLn.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone translate this? Only the first video has english subs

>> No.46934295
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>> No.46934297

did u really just come in with a whole ass playlist and ask for it all to be translated

>> No.46934300

its not even the same guy who rang the bells

>> No.46934306

Anon, that's 2 hours and 39 minutes worth of videos.

>> No.46934309
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i take it this means something like being emo?

>> No.46934311

that's ok, you're doing a better job than the old one anyway. that guy was sort of a douchebag you know

>> No.46934313

Yeah, exactly. Feels like the guy's just trying to create a narrative.

>> No.46934314

They are tourists, Anon. And one of them behaved like a dumbass.

>> No.46934318

Is there an easy manga to read for somebody that can read hiraganas, katakanas, and a couple of kanjis? I don't need something complicated, just something for children.

>> No.46934320


>> No.46934323

I know. It doesn't need to be translated right now. It's more of a recommendation than a request.

>> No.46934327

Yotsubato. But it's fucking boring.

>> No.46934328


>> No.46934330

the internet... it's right at your fingertips
read to be used and abused to your hearts content

>> No.46934339

my life goal is to go to japan and trigger some japanese person's microaggresions so much that they film me and shame me on social media where i wont have a platform to defend myself

>> No.46934341

How do you know that?

>> No.46934353


What does it mean when the "Goodbye" sign is done in Japan? I hope i'm not losing fripSide over this...

>> No.46934354


>> No.46934355


>> No.46934356


>> No.46934361

bitch please

>> No.46934369

I'm not seeing the part where they did anything wrong. I'm just seeing Japanese people chimping out and some girl acting passive-aggressive towards them.

>> No.46934374

u retards will really argue about anything
dont you have something better to do

>> No.46934379

make a sentence with todays grammar point

>> No.46934387

change happens in unexpected ways

>> No.46934397


>> No.46934406

so a brownoid was ringing the bells and then a sjw jap girl started harassing a white guy over it for no reason? now the white guy gets the blame? what d hell

>> No.46934408

why did you reply in my stead not that i was going to bother and why did you add a で

>> No.46934425

because i could already tell u weren't gonna reply
>why did you add a で

>> No.46934437
File: 8 KB, 1000x750, 20240526_223736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter? Too deep for you?

>> No.46934451

That wasn't even who the people in the video were reeeeing at. The white lady was the one they were getting mad at, and she didn't even know she was doing anything wrong.
>It's not his fault. I misunderstood and I made it too loud. It's not his fault.

>> No.46934453

howd u get that iron cross kanji

>> No.46934457

stop recommending that shit
not only is it a crap manga it's also full of slang that will absolutely wreck newbies
kanji count does not always determine the difficulty of text

>> No.46934474

>a crap manga
just say you didnt understand it

>> No.46934490

yotuba is a great manga but it should be noted as only being great if u already have a good amount of experience with japanese (10000 hours of eng subbed anime) but not much experience reading

if u arent really familiar yet with japanese then itll be miserable to try to decipher

>> No.46934541

>because i could already tell u weren't gonna reply
you're a smart guy

>> No.46934551

this is a good post

>> No.46934589

ouch wrong sense of the word lil bro
big L

>> No.46934614


>> No.46934620

i am full aware fuck your little challenge

>> No.46934671

also, i take you focusing on the grammar to mean that we have your blessing. i shall call you son then

>> No.46934682


>> No.46934686

Lowercasers really don't know Japanese at all, do they. Kek.

>> No.46934697

It's kind of ironic when you think about it. They were the true dekinais the whole time.

>> No.46934700


>> No.46934713

you're art?

>> No.46934733
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>> No.46934744

Are you remembering to use uBlock Origin? It doesn't show up for me.

>> No.46934787

thats not me sister

>> No.46934807

got the itis after my tantan men

>> No.46934828

dont really like japanese people much after talking to them
should have learned chinese

>> No.46934844

They're overall pretty unpleasant people.

>> No.46934848

the day i care you can take me out behind the shed and put a bullet through my skull

>> No.46934857

dame anon just got rekt by 848

>> No.46934867

i dont think chinese people are better than japanese people from what ive heard

>> No.46934887

chinese people are much more honest

>> No.46934915
File: 191 KB, 690x940, 005I89Ksly1hlz1y8wpk3j30sc12lajg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinese girls are the most beautiful

>> No.46934970

nope a ton of them look like little dwarf 3rd worlders

>> No.46934987

only if they were real

>> No.46935002

china is a corrupt shithole compared to japan. china may be more honest about some interpersonal things because they don't give a shit about being nice, but they're far more likely to fuck you over if it benefits them.

>> No.46935025

thats called being honest. it's human nature to act in your own benefit as much as possible

>> No.46935026
File: 126 KB, 749x1226, DizBe6PUYAAM5ND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't the monks at a Buddhist temple speak English and be more welcoming?

>> No.46935032

that's called being a lying 3rd world scumbag

>> No.46935037


>> No.46935044

>RFA is funded in whole or in part by the American government.

>> No.46935057

shitty fake monk order they couldn't even throw ki energy balls 0/10

>> No.46935065

hold horse stance until failure
post results

>> No.46935078

hold deez

>> No.46935082

so this is where 2020s anime comes from

>> No.46935093

there have been some fire anime the past few years are you smoking crack out of your own asshole?

>> No.46935102

frieren is fucking epic and has the highest rating on mal you little boomer shithead.

modern anime isn't bad. you've just lost interest in anime. we all get bored of our hobbies eventually.

>> No.46935103

ur "fire" anime is but a faintly still lit cigarette butt on the ground to me

>> No.46935108

what is the 2020+ equivalent of epic classic anime like Naruto and Dragon Ball Z?

>> No.46935109

oh no i still love good anime i still watch old ones

>> No.46935113

undead unluck is a really good shounen

>> No.46935115
File: 190 KB, 1007x732, gojo would you lose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's something that shits on both

>> No.46935119

both of those anime are still running

>> No.46935121

name ONE you've watched in the past 2 months

>> No.46935123

i still have no idea what katsusa guy is from and i still dont care

boku no pico

>> No.46935125

the translation is usually better than the original and this is yet another example

>> No.46935132

i've seen zoomers post that manga shot in 115 before, is this rly the best modern shonen can do

>> No.46935133

Unironically you’ll get the best results trying to read something you actually like / are interested in, given it isn’t too above your current level

Just persevere you’ll get better it’s like magic, maybe try rereading a favorite since you’re already familiar with it

>> No.46935134

At this point, they are walking corpses.

>> No.46935139

>i still have no idea what katsusa guy is from
pure modern kino. of course you wouldn't know.
>and i still dont care
i'll force feed it until you do care.


>> No.46935145

look at that. enhanced to 60fps. so good.

>> No.46935147

dandadan is probably the best modern shounen out right now, but it isnt adapted yet. hell's paradise is also bomb as hell. csm part 2 is also a lot more solid than jjk at this point

>> No.46935148

>| 4K 60FPS |
i have a permanent click embargo on any "anime" vid with that in the title soz

>> No.46935166

just like jamal

>> No.46935168

i was gonna find a better video but all i can find are black people yelling at the episode.

>> No.46935176

oh no me i have lots of things im mybooming on these days

garbage sewer pipe anime is not 1 of them thostever

what a surprise surely a hallmark of good anime when the niggards get uppity over it

>> No.46935177

this video is so boring

>> No.46935178


>> No.46935180

dbz is still running?

>> No.46935196


>> No.46935203

why is every version of every fight "60fps" on youtube? what in the fuck happened.

>> No.46935206


>> No.46935207

>2020s anime is soulless

>> No.46935212

here's epic ones and they both involve gojo

>what a surprise surely a hallmark of good anime when the niggards get uppity over it
are they not people allowed to get excited over kino?

>> No.46935217
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>> No.46935235

seems u agree with me or ur soul detector is bussed

1st one has 4gay in it so didnt click and then i just didnt click the second one out of principle i appreciate the effort however

yah shes a good mascot for 2020s anime i also agree (rhymes)

>> No.46935245

jamel is one of those contrarian guys who watches popular shit and pretends he doesnt
hes already seen all of jjks

>> No.46935248

cool keep watching outdated bullshit and never evolving

>> No.46935252

yeah probably

>> No.46935266

"never evolving?"

nah i evolved faster than anime

>> No.46935272

jamal is the peña nieto of djt

>> No.46935271

10s anime has no soul 20s are basically the 10s i wonder if in the future it's gonna be referred to as a lost decade

>> No.46935278

2000-2010 was the most soulless period of anime

>> No.46935281

the only thing that's gonna get lost is my foot in your ass

>> No.46935285

10s still had some pockets of soul but theres nothing at all left in the borin' 20s

>> No.46935286

lost more like last https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d0nwl3/gays_are_real_girls_band_cry/

>> No.46935289

the latter have of the 00s saved that decade from being worst of all time tho

>> No.46935297

flcl saved the 2010s actually

>> No.46935304

really need to read my baits before i post them

>> No.46935306

the aughts* whoops

>> No.46935313

whats the appeal of flcl?

>> No.46935316

cant believe they made 18 more episodes of flcl thank god ill never watch them

>> No.46935322

great animation
characters with soul
coming of age story

>> No.46935325

grr i hate watching all those anime i dont watch

>> No.46935335

coming of age is the worst genre of fiction

>> No.46935337

i was really close to saying something disingenuous about flcl just to be a contrarian but it was actually good and i talked about it with my anime friends when it was new

>> No.46935339
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>> No.46935341

no that's incorrect

phew thank god

>> No.46935345

Agreed. Thought I was the only one.

>> No.46935353

nah there's plenty of retards in the world man

>> No.46935356

when the future crumbles and people like who wrote that tweet cant save themselves from their own hell the rest of us will be chillin cuz we got to live during good times

>> No.46935362

coming of age is code for "theres an annoying gaki in it"

>> No.46935369

papi bros...

>> No.46935370



>> No.46935375

coming of age means seisyun and spicy guitar riffs


>> No.46935378

you're antisocial

>> No.46935389


>> No.46935394
File: 97 KB, 800x600, seisyun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46935401

*nods sagely*

>> No.46935411

can genuinely say flcl is absolute trash

>> No.46935418


>> No.46935430

name your favorite 3 shows

>> No.46935443

bet 411s three fave shows are all edgy teen anime

the way back to seisyun for him is full of stones just like his heart

>> No.46935445

*sigh* looks like a new crop of djters don't get flcl and they need someone to break it down for them.


>> No.46935454
File: 76 KB, 850x1133, __haruhara_haruko_and_nandaba_naota_flcl_drawn_by_nagumi1984__sample-472ae350f74635dfa80282d0f74387f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46935456

ur making it really hard for me to not shit on flcl when u post a link that has a thumbnail like that

im like kenshin from tuiokuhen when i see the enemy i can only only sigh and unsheathe my daikatana

>> No.46935461

when i post vaush i bait for that exact response

>> No.46935463

thankfully 454 is here to bring me back to my senses and remind me of the seisyun and how much it owns *resheathes daikatana*

>> No.46935472

flcl was okay for its time but anime has progressed
we have progressed

>> No.46935473

never watched that shit never will

>> No.46935475

people who like like flcl name your top 3 movies

>> No.46935488
File: 186 KB, 694x2048, GOgn9S7asAAl_MD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46935489

initial d

>> No.46935491

progressed to stage 4 failcancer rendering it utterly unwatchable u mean

non anime movies ?

i cant pick just 3

90s jim carrey movies
matrix trilogy
bourne trilogy

>> No.46935497

blade runner
day of the dead
lord of the rings trilogy

>> No.46935498

>90s jim carrey movies
this makes a lot of sense

>> No.46935505

>initial d

Is this bait?

>> No.46935507

just compare flcl to something actually good like frieren and tell me anime hasnt evolved from childish delusions into something more subtle and mature

>> No.46935508

Cardcaptor Sakura

What does this say about me

>> No.46935509

>90s jim carrey movies
>matrix trilogy

>bourne trilogy
how do you stay awake while watching these? they are so boring

>> No.46935517

The first movie was good.

>> No.46935519

go back

>> No.46935520

lets not hate on initial d guy seisyun takes many forms

for us it takes the form of 454

for others it takes the form of a magic gutter that turns the ae86 into a street legend

>> No.46935529

its funy how anime fans will say their fav anime is some obscure shit from the 90s that nobody has ever heard of but if you ask them their fav movies it'll be some shit like mission impossible 2

>> No.46935541

wasn't obscure to me in the 90s it was what i had and i wouldn't have anything else

>> No.46935542

ok but fast and furious 7 was kinda fire tohugh

>> No.46935544

i never think about my fave movies cuz im such an anibrain

i like mighty ducks 1 and 2 a lot too im coach bombay and the djt squiddos are my hockey team

>> No.46935554

im like the coach from cool runnings

>> No.46935556

f&f isn't f&f after the 3rd movie

>> No.46935557

my taste in real movies is superficial cause they have real women in them and it ruins everything

>> No.46935562

thi is literally djt


>> No.46935566


>> No.46935570

lil bro..

>> No.46935586

leon the professional
lord of the rings
it's a wonderful life

>> No.46935588

me in the rasta hat

>> No.46935591

some of you guys are funny and i wish you were my friends irl

>> No.46935593

impressionable zoomer

>> No.46935595

moe rated flcl 3/10 and thats all i need to know

>> No.46935599

>it's a wonderful life
nah theres no way

>> No.46935601

how so

saw it for the first time earlier this year and i was blown away

>> No.46935602

i watched its a wonderful life last christmas and had one of the best naps of my life during it.

>> No.46935603

i trust moe

>> No.46935604

i hate (jp)zoomers

>> No.46935606

someone post the moe 3x3

>> No.46935612

>saw it for the first time earlier this year and i was blown away
im sure you will go crazy when you watch 12 angry men next

>> No.46935613
File: 300 KB, 900x1200, GJjtUM3bkAAgK0i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46935617

reading an fmab review on mal right now that really nails some of its flaws

>> No.46935625


>> No.46935626

maybe. i've seen it posted here and there but i don't really like movies and tend to avoid them.

>> No.46935630

fmab has a good beginning and a good ending and people forget the flaws in between because of that.
at least 50% of the "conflict" in that show literally only happens because ed has autism and his understanding of things are completely insane

>> No.46935633

how many of the imdb top 100 have you seen?

>> No.46935636

yeah women cant make anime

>> No.46935645

35 and i'm surprised it was that high. i'd have guessed i watched like 10 of them.

>> No.46935649

65, 66 if you count seeing the play for Amadeus live as seeing it

>> No.46935650

i guess my top 3 response earlier was as genuine as it gets cuz i like a lot of those movies (especially american history x) but none of them came up when asked on the spot what my faves are

>> No.46935653


>> No.46935658

oh and i might replace it's a wonderful life with forrest gump. i forgot about that.

>> No.46935660

>3. The Dark Knight

>> No.46935666

yep very overrated. it's fun action slop i guess.

>> No.46935668
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>> No.46935673

there are only like 2 horror movies on there too, because people are retarded and like melodrama that FEELs substantial when the violins come in rather than good acting or visuals or choreoraphy

>> No.46935676

moe wtf...

horror movies suck ass as evidenced by the fact low IQ women like them.

>> No.46935679


>> No.46935681

shawshank redemption is definitely the frieren of movies

>> No.46935682

crazy moes 3x3 is just generic mainstream slop with yuruyuri in the corner lol

a real champion of moe would have DearS on there as well as digi charat etc

>> No.46935687


>> No.46935689

if your 3x3 doesn't have ping pong it's wrong

>> No.46935690

moe is so fuckin based

>> No.46935694


peak moe`

>> No.46935697

do you have any other djt 3x3s

>> No.46935698

name 3 characters from redline and you can add it to your 3x3

>> No.46935704

wtf lol wrong link boomer technical difficulties https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksJ52xCq1xI

>> No.46935707

do redline characters have names i thought it was just an art movie

>> No.46935720

theres mc guy, cherry boy, and thats all i can remember from it
and also during the race there's a random mecha fight for no reason? and all the side characters suck and are just setpieces to make crash.
people will literally rate anything a 10 if its hand drawn.

>> No.46935723

shawshank redemption is overrated and boring throughout most of it. definitely not rewatching that shit ever again. it's kinda suffering porn.
haven't seen godfather.
dark knight is mid
haven't seen 12 angry men.
schindler's list is only good in the same way grave of the fireflies is. tugging at your heart strings in a manipulative way

lotr is fantastic. adventurers and explorers naturally like these kinds of fantasy epics.

haven't seen pulp fiction.
haven't seen clint eastwood western slop. probably pretty bad.
forrest gump is great.
fight club is OK.
inception is great
star wars is eh
matrix is good
haven't seen goodfellas (mafia slop)

>> No.46935725

redline more like redditline lol

>> No.46935727

peak moe

>> No.46935731


>> No.46935735

if the shows title is a entire diarrhea paragraph its only peak sewage im afraid gentlesir

>> No.46935736

also im just gonna lay down the law here cause im popping off rn anyways
technolyze is the epitome of all style no substance, and the tatami galaxy mogs welcome to the nhk into dust

>> No.46935738

you'd probably think pulp fiction is great

>> No.46935743
File: 204 KB, 900x900, CHOOSE YOUR CHAMPION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46935747

tatami galaxy is also a redditor favorite unfortunately however a good anime is kemonozume

>> No.46935749

i've seen and somewhat liked kill bill but something about pulp fiction seems stupid and boring and i've avoided it.

>> No.46935750

what if i roll a 0?

>> No.46935754


matt for intelligence, anime god father for strength. don't walk up behind him.

>> No.46935761

but kemonozume isnt very similar to welcome to the nhk at all. i was specifically directly comparing them to show that one is a substitute for the other in terms of content presentation and themes

>> No.46935764

now that the dust has settled

>> No.46935770
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>> No.46935773
File: 696 KB, 1500x1000, djt's 3x3s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last airbender isn't anime wtf.

>> No.46935774

i dont care i just said whatever good anime i could think of at that moment

>> No.46935776

you shouldnt have put it in your 3x3 then robert

>> No.46935778

sadly ciaran

>> No.46935782

yep im thinkin mattos got the best taste on djt

>> No.46935783

top right imo, but old men will say top middle

>> No.46935788

whoever made my 3x3 did a good job he made sure every1 was smiling even caocao

feels good liking the best and most anime in djt

>> No.46935792

your taste is trash i don't even know what most of that shit is

>> No.46935793

some say queeran's still waiting for it to settle

>> No.46935796

my 3x3 is also more moe than moes lol dang his 3x3 fuckin blows lmao

>> No.46935798

bro thinks hes moe

>> No.46935802

kinda mad shitploo shows up in two 3x3's. most of that shit sucks!

>> No.46935806

jamal is just a 00s diarrhea chugger

>> No.46935807
File: 807 KB, 612x608, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts? i still haven't finished gintama

>> No.46935811

if i could print that on the inside of my toilet every day would be a happy dump

>> No.46935815

dont recognize helf of them and the other helf are shit
cyberpunk is a cartoon not an anime

>> No.46935819
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>> No.46935820
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>> No.46935825


>> No.46935829

dont abuse spoiler tags please

>> No.46935830

bottom row is good
the rest is pseud garbage

>> No.46935831

it takes a lot to make an episodic anime worth its weight and shamploo fails in that regard

>> No.46935834

cant tell a single anime from that bottom row

>> No.46935836

your name is good. probably more enjoyable with a gf.

>> No.46935842

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lNos8KeymE#t=60 this destroys everything on every other 3x3 its not even close mahoro tyan is ftw real ani fans know this

>> No.46935843

is this really a kid's game

>> No.46935844

>ur name and s;g are pseud
nice self own, 80-san

>> No.46935846

s1 was okay s2 and the ending were literal diarrhea

>> No.46935847

fortunately the 00s are behind us and never coming back

>> No.46935851


>> No.46935853

i tried watching a 90s anime but i had to bump it up to 1.75 speed to keep myself interested
they wait so long between shots etc its painful to watch

>> No.46935865

i tried watching borin' 20s anime and every op is the same song

>> No.46935869


>> No.46935872

cause you didnt listen to >>46935727

>> No.46935871

i tried 90s, aughts, 2010s, and 2020s anime and enjoyed and disliked some from each

>> No.46935881

now this is cinematography

>> No.46935882


>> No.46935886

getting into a stupid argument on /a/ right now and feeling pissed about it

>> No.46935887
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>> No.46935888

go back reddit after u kys also

>> No.46935898

that's mean.

that's mean too don't say stuff like that.

>> No.46935915

0/3 -champloo, -nhk, -sangatsu
7/9, -gary ben, - tkyosam
3/6 -fruits, -mushoku, -no game no life
2/2 +ttgl +madoka

>> No.46935924

bro, i keep telling you: not chinese. not. chinese.

>> No.46935943

i have no food so im gonna be eating rice for the next week
does this count as immersion?

>> No.46935956

didnt know it was only 120 li from kyoto to edo

>> No.46935964

seems like chinese padding
ppl basucally always use arabic numerals these days

>> No.46935968

secret wotp unlocked

>> No.46935983


>> No.46935993
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>> No.46935999

top right tits look biggest so she's the hottest

>> No.46936003 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46936005

finally some good taste

>> No.46936020


>> No.46936030

i gotta rewatch dog days that shit was fun

>> No.46936032

i would kick the everloving shit out of moe if i saw him irl

>> No.46936041

an ode to moe *pours out g fuel*


>> No.46936047


>> No.46936053

now here's some real slop

>> No.46936069

if you told me these are all the same girl from the same anime i would believe you

>> No.46936074

lil bro has prosopagnosia :skull:

>> No.46936076

and i'd tell you to put on your glasses, nerd

>> No.46936084

i wouldn't cuz they clearly look different

>> No.46936090


>> No.46936097

girls change their hair and clothes anon

>> No.46936102

but how often do they change their faces

>> No.46936110


>> No.46936112
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>> No.46936129

and more pseud shit
lol at hikaru no go i mean it has it's moments but the further it progresses the more dogshit it gets and it just ends abruptly after 60+ eps without any kind of conclusion

>> No.46936131

damn, i knew matto struggled with big numbers but he cant even count to 9 wtf

>> No.46936133

if a body meet a body comin through the rye

>> No.46936143

Could you say that in Japanese?

>> No.46936144

what show is top right

>> No.46936146

lol this 3x3 says a lot about ur taste in men

>> No.46936150

it's always popular shit in everyone's 3x3. where are the unique people?

>> No.46936155


>> No.46936157


>> No.46936161

things that are really good get popular over time online

>> No.46936163

no surprise people like things that are good and not shit nobody likes or has ever heard of it

>> No.46936166

where's your scientific study on that?


>> No.46936168

just no

>> No.46936174

that's jamal you're thinking of

>> No.46936179

no study but if i had to make a 3x3 of djt posts yours wouldn't be in it

>> No.46936184

jamal's great with numbers, he just has to google translate them first lmfao

>> No.46936186

your taste in anime is so bland, so too is your taste in djt posts.

>> No.46936191

you obviously missed the 美味しんぼ pic

>> No.46936193

flavor mom?

>> No.46936204


>> No.46936210

>where's your scientific study on that?
i left my research at ur moms bedside table, could you pick it up for me

>> No.46936216

+1 for top middle and top right

>> No.46936222

40 year old virgin
napoleon dynamite

>> No.46936223

thats how life is

>> No.46936229

mostly based

>> No.46936234

popular slop. black youtube reactors would go crazy over all these shows

>> No.46936239

bebops another one of those animes where people rate it a 10 because it has a good beginning and end. there are some goofy ass aaaah episodes in there and some are kinda bad

>> No.46936245

so glad i dont have neighbors so i can blast anime tunes at night

>> No.46936248

why do the use 弾 as the counter for trailers

>> No.46936251


>> No.46936255

did you mishear 台

>> No.46936257

like trailer videos for games or anime

>> No.46936260


>> No.46936262


>> No.46936277

i know you are but what am i

>> No.46936285
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>> No.46936286

youre a loser

>> No.46936290

gonna have to ask the mean anons to leave this thread

>> No.46936295


>> No.46936302

one of these days you're gonna using a dictionary. one of these days
だん 【弾】

>> No.46936305

no meanies allowed in djt we chilljt now

>> No.46936306

my taste in women is the same as my taste in lolis

>> No.46936309
File: 515 KB, 1913x892, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ラノベ小説家になろうともがくあなたへ贈りたい 現役作家による本音ダダ漏れ指南書

>> No.46936333

thankfully i have no desire to write a light novel

>> No.46936334

rhino bae means light novel?

>> No.46936345


>> No.46936368
File: 681 KB, 1057x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished these 3 last month
>プロだけが知っている 小説の書き方(kinda heavy)
>小説講座 売れる作家の全技術 デビューだけで満足してはいけない(high rec)
>めんどくさがりなきみのための文章教室(for begs)

>> No.46936383

i bet you are the one posting awful japanese in here
it's not happening

>> No.46936386


>> No.46936399

the reading for 通う kinda pisses me off ngl

>> No.46936494
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guess they all had the same feudal plastic surgeon

>> No.46936496

i wonder how long it would take to forget how to read the kana if i've been reading a bit of japanese every other day for like 5 years

>> No.46936504

i thought djt said women were bad mangaka?

>> No.46936535
File: 257 KB, 674x960, 8782233-q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dorohedoro debunked this

>> No.46936536

so much more epic than the tv series wtf?

>> No.46936551

enjoyed the dorohedoro anime a lot but never got around to reading the manga

>> No.46936553



>> No.46936567

wow the most obvious plot of having the mc go from one hashiras training course to the next for the entire season was what it ended up being. shocker bros

>> No.46936573

look if you're gonna whine about kimetsu no yaiba maybe you can go watch some old shit like bleach

>> No.46936584

i watched it on tv when i was a kid i think i suffered enough. at least kny puts nice animation as the sprinkles on the spoon-full of shit it shovels down your throat.

>> No.46936594
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>> No.46936600

glad i told anime godfather that a hate mob from djt was after him

>> No.46936607

agf is the only good thing to come out of djt ever. what a legend.

>> No.46936612


>> No.46936620

the first 15 seconds sends me every single time in fact im laughing as i type this

>> No.46936626

>if you know japanese you know what im talking about
orbital side cannon lmao

>> No.46936648

I've been watching Konosuba it's pretty based for an isekai

>> No.46936649
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Where can I get the subs for rest of the episodes?

>> No.46936659

aqua is a ripoff of botan

>> No.46936661

have you played rance? if not i highly recommend if you like konosuba. konosubas just a toothless rance

>> No.46936666

more like rancid

search yoru no kurage at-x on nyaa, these subs are ripped from those releases.

>> No.46936667

toothsome more like

>> No.46936669

Oh shit really?
Thanks anon.

>> No.46936684
File: 1.37 MB, 1253x761, awwwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slave thats good at everything > damegami

>> No.46936687

Kazuma is a better comedian than Rance.

>> No.46936692

djt peaked here

>> No.46936696
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x525, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neck yourself

>> No.46936708

Rance has rape and according to the prudes here rape is not cool

>> No.46936711

rance is a violent incel

>> No.46936720
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>> No.46936899


>> No.46936966


>> No.46936985
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>> No.46937073 [SPOILER] 

leap into ocean

>> No.46937087


>> No.46937118
File: 96 KB, 850x708, __hakurei_reimu_and_kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_hanaya_fleur__sample-837df0d6408cfbea209c5ecb4445eaf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im doing so much anki this weekend but tomorrow i'll have this deck finished. 100 cards a day + reviews takes me a disgusting amount of time but id rather do it now than when i have to worry about school

>> No.46937157

same but wanki instead of anki

>> No.46937191

holy based

>> No.46937257


>> No.46937258




>> No.46937259
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>> No.46937262 [SPOILER] 


>> No.46937264


>> No.46937269


>> No.46937276 [SPOILER] 


>> No.46937303

crippled ahh hours

>> No.46937307

self own

>> No.46937326
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>> No.46937343

>Mistook 都合 and 都会 again and now both of them are in my near daily reviews, where I still mistake them.

>> No.46937353

write down
problem solved

>> No.46937358

Note these pairs down, there will be many more. Like 部屋 and 部室, 墜落 and 堕落, etc. You can keep fucking them up for years, you need to do something about them. So make some new cards where you put those two words next to each other, so that you need to remember which one is which.

>> No.46937363

Also another way of solving this problem is adding more cards that use those same readings. Like adding 結合 and 議会 will help solidify them.

>> No.46937367

yall will really do anything besides study kanji alone damn

>> No.46937390






>> No.46937395
File: 95 KB, 1079x679, 1570691451670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rtk

>> No.46937408

rtk isnt the traditional way to learn kanji. surprised they said that

>> No.46937427


>> No.46937597

how has matt not had his head stomped into the pavement with that avatar?

>> No.46937602

grilled eyeball is fried egg what the fuck japan

>> No.46937613

I mean, it kinda looks like an eyeball, to be fair.

>> No.46937615








>> No.46937624

utterly bizarre schizo ramblings

>> No.46937643

stfu lard

>> No.46937699

welcome to djt bro good to have you here

>> No.46937761

日本語 大好き

>> No.46937771
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>> No.46937773


>> No.46937863

i wanna

>> No.46937895

hes live

>> No.46937909

would you start a relationship with a japanese woman if she's done compensated dating before? personally, i wouldn't. it would honestly be gross to imagine that my japanese girlfriend has met with some greasy fat old salaryman, who paid her a lot of money to fulfill all of his depraved fantasies in a shady love hotel

>> No.46937914


>> No.46937917

>would you start a relationship with a woman who's had sex before

>> No.46937939

oh so ur an incel

>> No.46937963

is there a futaba and 5ch userscript/client guide anywhere
i don't plan to post just want to read shitposts

>> No.46937965

maybe he's simply a p*do

>> No.46937981


>> No.46937985

that's a huge red flag and reflects badly on her personality, so unless she was doing it for a very good reason, no

>> No.46937993

koi raws on nyaa has jp subs

>> No.46938003

>good reason
such as?

>> No.46938017

maybe she needed money to send her little sister to a good school

>> No.46938027

like if she needed money for a better graphics card then i would completely relate

>> No.46938111


>> No.46938133
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>> No.46938137 [SPOILER] 

げらうとおぶひあ! >:(

>> No.46938179




>> No.46938228

i do that

huh? can you speak english? i can’t understand japanese! fuck! jap!

>> No.46938252

i think you should be more polite

>> No.46938253


>> No.46938259
File: 78 KB, 507x332, pic-selected-240527-0241-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any comprehensible input that isn't for cuckolds?

>> No.46938263


>> No.46938266


>> No.46938271

whered this cringey kid come from

>> No.46938273




>> No.46938284

why are whites such niggers

>> No.46938288

>sephardic x mbochi
lmao get flushed

>> No.46938309

Ill try that.

>> No.46938338
File: 56 KB, 388x368, 1709089194403219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they always seething?

>> No.46938350

Ignore input anon, you need to understand 99.8% of the input for it to be comprehensible input. You can do this by bilingual reading.

>> No.46938414

huh? can you please speak english? i can’t understand japanese! fuck! jap!

like that?

>> No.46938419

japanese karen

>> No.46938423


>> No.46938439

i get angry at 2d jrpgs that only have partial voiced dialoge, it would be so epic if every line was voiced

>> No.46938440

Seethe lowercaser.

>> No.46938452

Sometimes Japanese developers will go back and voice some of their older games, like Tales of Phantasia 1 and the first Trails trilogy.

>> No.46938510

we can defeat the namefags if we all agree to stop learning japanese at once
they have no power without their useless knowledge in a dead language and they know it

>> No.46938513

namefags arent the issue
tripfags are

>> No.46938549
File: 649 KB, 1346x871, pic-selected-240527-0348-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait. Japanese "people" pay money to sing? Wtf is wrong with them?

>> No.46938653

never went to a karaoke bros...

>> No.46938655
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>> No.46938686
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they did nothing wrong the woman recording was a mentally ill retard

>> No.46938806
File: 1.05 MB, 1092x872, nicorobin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46938882 [SPOILER] 

ゴーゴージャスティーン! (ㆁωㆁ*)

>> No.46938943


>> No.46938949


>> No.46938956


>> No.46938979

dunno whenever i text a loli artist i ask for more loli feet, if they reply its usually an "u rite bru" and they get better at making me cum

>> No.46939025

artists getting so uppity soon we will be able to generate art and video of our fetishes without them

>> No.46939044

thoughts on pareto's principle?

>> No.46939050

so glad i was born in the age of ai-generated hyper realistic cunny kino in 4k60fps but life is gonna feel empty afterwards ngl

>> No.46939059

2024 is a terrible time to be alive

>> No.46939061

20% of kanji have 80% of frequency

>> No.46939158

good evidence the university system is retarded and pointless for most people.

>> No.46939171


>> No.46939214
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1080, NHK高校講座 あらためまして ベーシック国語 辞書の使い方_20240527-102846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check your dictionaries ;3

>> No.46939221

check deez

>> No.46939268

what is right to say, おこりえる or おこりうる?

>> No.46939285

had better consult a dictionary

>> No.46939327

hiku on this
*unzips pants*

>> No.46939330

had better dict a consultionary

>> No.46939414
File: 1.28 MB, 1294x728, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46939420

watching jackie chan movies makes me want to learn cantonese. its such a cool sounding, rhythmic language to me. unrelated awesome jackie chan fight (no cantonese in this)

>> No.46939432
File: 793 KB, 1920x1080, NHK高校講座 あらためまして ベーシック国語 辞書の使い方_20240527-102815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pochi-san, dame! (∪^ω^)

>> No.46939448


love jackie

>> No.46939466

fuck guys he looks so young in this one. fuck man time fucking sucks i wanna kill the guy who invented it.

>> No.46939479

CV.石丸博也 の方が好きw

>> No.46939482
File: 114 KB, 259x1050, 1700346053649805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please tell me what this means? The only one i recognise is woman.

>> No.46939505

Need JamaL's take on this:

>> No.46939513

女装女児 idk

>> No.46939514

>hyper realistic

>> No.46939525

that was a prediction for the near future, my desperate friend

>> No.46939527

i was seeing 女衣女ル but that tattoo makes no sense in my eyes

>> No.46939549

Its the second one i can't recognise. The tatto is meant to be his 4 kid's names (spanish) so i laughed and he asked why

>> No.46939554

second is probably 装

>> No.46939561


>> No.46939573

can someone tell me what the fuck is wrong with that guy who looks half female half bogdan

>> No.46939581

It'd be funny but it's either a letter, chinese or just made up.

>> No.46939598

女儿 means daughter/girl in chinese

>> No.46939613

the 儿 is probably simplified 児

>> No.46939641
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, 遠山の金さん #27「大屋根に立つ美貌の女賊!」_20240521-091742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

どうせ墨を彫るなら「終生遠島」なんかどう? 知らんけど :3
If you're going to carve tatto anyway, why not something like "Exile for Life"?

>> No.46939678

本気にしちゃダメよ? (゚A゚;)ゴクリ

>> No.46939682

i hate open world games

>> No.46939700

love open worlds where there are fun things to do

>> No.46939727
File: 3.93 MB, 1280x720, thinly_veiled_contempt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46939750

seems more psychopathic than contemptuous

>> No.46939752

why is her face taking up so much head area lmao

>> No.46939760

damn you almost made a perfectly looping webm

>> No.46939785


>> No.46939786
File: 83 KB, 484x529, 1710749173477632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slept like shit
Caffiene is the sleep jew
Belongs in the trash

>> No.46939798

good sleep bro

>> No.46939815
File: 32 KB, 755x566, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've reached peak korea

>> No.46939827

i know why asien women hate their men so much

>> No.46939840
File: 390 KB, 797x448, 1691804062816645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some kinda genetic resistance to caffeine. You are lucky bro. How do you think I feel being denied access to an easy to make, easy to find, tasty, nice smelling upper for FREE? it even makes you look sophisticated

I still drink daily it anyway cuz habit from living in a coffee addicted country and because it's tasty but it fucking sucks that i don't get the main benefit. GYPPED

>> No.46939845

fake benefits

>> No.46939847

dr huberman said the taste is learned because of the dopaminergic effect. so people with a resistance shouldn't generally find it that tasty

>> No.46939856

You'll get urinary stones

>> No.46939877

south korea needs to import millions of somalian immigrants.

>> No.46939941


>> No.46939945


>> No.46939947


>> No.46940742

shut up incompetence

>> No.46940755

Foreigners have no sense
Look at the two-dimensional illustrations of Westerners.
Not glamorous at all

>> No.46944166

>adding a shader with crt curvature and crt scanlines and even a crt mask, but absolutely no crt blur
lOOkIn gOOd!

>> No.46944174

1 good anime there. The one in the center.

>> No.46944190


>> No.46944225

