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File: 141 KB, 804x604, 2010-03-20_232815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4690018 No.4690018 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4690032

My High School was filled with mostly ugly bitches since I live in the midwest. I feel like I missed out on an eroge school life.

>> No.4690043
File: 128 KB, 798x597, ari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I waited for her sex scenes from the first time I saw her. Then this scene and I was like stop teasing me bros!
Then the end and I was disappoint.
Could've made for some mighty fine hate sex, too.

Those damn sexy eyes.

>> No.4690048

>I feel like I missed out on an eroge school life
Don't worry, nobody here has had a life like in eroge, that's why we are playing it : to experience something we would never have been able to otherwise.

>> No.4690070

Mana > Houzuki
But still, I was terribly disappointed by no H here.

>> No.4690071

We still can't, we just try to believe the lie.

>> No.4690086
File: 65 KB, 619x398, ari2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But with Mana you can't have any femdome scenes. At least it doesn't fit her character.

>> No.4690099

Good point actually. Some reverse rape or pegging by Houzuki would be delicious. Sadly, we'll never have such a thing.

>> No.4690101

My time in highschool was pretty galge-like. I had five girls who were abnormally attractive basically throw themselves at me.

I made all the wuss decisions, even turned down a confession (who the fuck "confesses" in america?). My bad end isn't so bad, though. Hell, with some of the shit a few of those girls are going through now, maybe I just got a neutral end and dodged the real bad end.

>> No.4690110

Houzuki really is pretty though. If she was a little softer she would be the most lovable character in Sharin.

>> No.4690116

vndb link?

>> No.4690125

Houzuki and Mana look pretty much the same.
And Mana is supposed to be a genius as well.
Are they supposed to be related?

>> No.4690126

Croatia son, I am disappoint.

>> No.4690127

Always happy to help.

>> No.4690132

No, they're foreigners. Foreigners all look the same.
It's a nice detail they put in.

>> No.4690138
File: 92 KB, 800x590, screen8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houzuki was pretty awesome villain, even if he was a little brown girl.

Haha, I screencapped the exact same part.

>> No.4690167

I'd never been so attracted to a little brown girl in my life.

Ari is love.

>> No.4690177


I lol'd

>> No.4690209


So many unhelpful smart-asses around here. Time to go against the grain. http://vndb.org/v84

>> No.4690226


I wish to drink her piss.

>> No.4690228

We like to assume the browsers of this board aren't retards incapable of using the search function.

>> No.4690229

I can't start this damn game with the standalone, ;_;

>> No.4690230

That's because this is /jp/.
We help those that help themselves by lurking more and not being a dumbass.

>> No.4690238

You're not the alone with that wish, anon-kun.

>> No.4690233

So, how are the sex scenes?

>> No.4690247

You need the 1.01 patch and the voice fix, though I haven't even used the standalone so I dunno if that's your problem. Anyways


Looks like you just chuck them in the game folder.

>> No.4690287

So, now that we've agreed that Houzuki is fucking hot, anyone got any info on that new girl that shows up in the opening movie and the cg menu? What's up with her?
I guess we're not going to get her route translated anyway from what I read.

>> No.4690337

Wow, Sounds erotic.

>> No.4690438

Think Eri wasn't banging Masaomi fiercely? It just happened off-screen after the end of the story. She selected him when she first laid eyes on him IMO. I got the distinct impression she was half shopping for a guy, and half acting out her emotional problems in an allowed venue. Special High-Class persons are programmed with very tight personality and conduct controls, so no matter how much Eri wants to get off on murder and rape, she can't do it, unless she can put herself in the few scenarios she's allowed to get away with things, like being examiner of the final selection exam.

Eri's lead a shitty life, lost all her friends and is barren. She probably got stuck on Masaomi figuring he'd be the crowning jewel in her new life.

>> No.4690469

It's the jailers living in the jail sort of thing. To make people able to psychologically torture other people for a living, they have to be the most fucked up themselves. Some of those "exams" seems like nothing more than an exercise in causing grievous psychological damage to the cadet.

>> No.4690587

Is this a Ririko joke

>> No.4690603

No, it's Eri joke.

>> No.4690894
File: 144 KB, 810x648, joshiana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't understand what this phrase means. Is it used to confound the reader on purpose as to emulate Masaomi's lack of familiarity with the word "Female announcer"?

>> No.4691099


Does it make sense to punish those that are technologically inept? It should be your duty to help pull them up, otherwise they're likely to learn nothing.
Think back to when you were a snot-nosed neophyte at operating a computer. I'm positive you got help in some way or another.

>> No.4691159
File: 155 KB, 804x604, 2010-03-21_022540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4691185

I've always been as great as I am now.

>> No.4691234


ITT... fucking lies.

>> No.4691242

They'll never learn anything if they're always spoon fed. We're just giving them an opportunity to set down the path of becoming a first rate individual.

>> No.4691247

A fandisk about Ari as a cadet taking her final exam would be awesome.

>> No.4691263

And then that would lead to another prequel fandisc

>> No.4691305

Everything is like a wheel.

>> No.4691328


But isn't that point of view counter to how everyone is formally educated anyway? For example...Isn't a physics lecture spoon feeding? Or how about OJT? It's pretty normal for those with knowledge to show others how to apply it.

>> No.4691369

Well yeah.
And in case you didn't notice, educational system sucks, and teaches almost nothing.
That's why most people here dropped out of collage.

>> No.4691387
File: 152 KB, 800x600, ev_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4691392
File: 73 KB, 270x1121, st_ari_b_05_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4691396

There's a reason the Special High Class individuals never said to go and take over the supervision of those with obligations.

In a physics lecture a student gets the knowledge of the subject presented to them, but they will not master it unless they go back and consider the theory behind it themselves. Those who merely memorize what is presented in lectures will end up with a third class degree and nothing that could be called True Knowledge of their subject.

>> No.4691448

What would be really interesting is seeing how the wheel started turning.

>> No.4694680

I think there was some kind of civil war out of which a quasi-police state came out of in which was developed an enlightened justice system of emotionally torturing attractive high-school girls. I think the fat/ugly/male adult criminals are just shot on sight.

...no wonder Eri is so anxious for the firs piece of hot man-meat to walk in.
