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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4689483 No.4689483 [Reply] [Original]

VN thread

Rules: No discussion of life-sized dolls of visual novel characters with fully working genitalia, no Touhou, and no general faggotry.

>> No.4689499

You couldn't start a thread in a worse manner, to be honest.

>> No.4689507


>> No.4689510

>tripfag complaining about shitty threads

>> No.4689511

I've been trying to find a VN without any fantasy settings.

>> No.4689514

One thing I notice about the infinity series, the opening movies give quite a bit of the plot away if you pay attention.

>> No.4689516

Kira Kira.

>> No.4689517

YMK doesn't really have a fantasy setting

>> No.4689519


>> No.4689520

but there's already a thread on /v/


>> No.4689529

/v/ is not for visual novels, /jp/ is

and if the faggots here don't like that, they can fuck off, we'll remove most of the vermin here

>> No.4689536

Instead of making a thread complaining about threads, just make a regular thread.
You can't force discussion.

>> No.4689546

It appears he just did.

>> No.4689548

Still here?

>> No.4689560

I woulda just gone with samefag, but i like what you did there

>> No.4689561


>> No.4689566
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Kind of hard to make a normal thread on /jp/ when it's saged to hell and back because it doesn't contain loli or touho for the super neckbeards on this god forsaken board.

>> No.4689577

Kana: Little Sister

Just make sure it's not the 2004 edition, the new art style is rather lousy

>> No.4689580

You don't seem to understand what sage means, but any thread containing the word "thread" is bound to be shit.
And holy shit, starting a "VN thread" on /jp/ is like starting an "anime thread" on /a/, or a "video game thread" on /v/.

>> No.4689584


Shall we cease the meta threading and get to the subject matter?

>> No.4689587

You're saying this about a VN topic? Seriously?

>> No.4689593
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>> No.4689594



I like you.

But still, you're asking too much of /jp/ or even 4chan to follow any of these rules.

>> No.4689595

The only reason I come to /jp/ is for VNs but goddamn the OP of this thread is stupid.

>> No.4689613
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>> No.4689622
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>> No.4689628
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Wouldn't be here in the first place if your OP wasn't retarded.
