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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 3.88 MB, 720x1280, 179250586502062.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46888511 No.46888511 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous thread:>>46879506

>> No.46888522

here like a queer!

>> No.46888523

dame she cant dance at all second hand embarrassment from that 1

>> No.46888524

crazy filter

>> No.46888529

please tell me she has a penis

>> No.46888531

im at work and the op got me fired thanks obama

>> No.46888538

doorknob buffer

>> No.46888540 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46888542

why are you guys obsessed with the gif

>> No.46888544 [DELETED] 
File: 376 KB, 326x316, 1716233580146794.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46888545

wow i really want to fuck that korean

>> No.46888546

it's funny

>> No.46888547

yea dunno it gets posted too much

>> No.46888552

someone other than you gets doorknobed
>lol, lmao
u get doorknobbed
>yeah doorknob isnt funny and ure all obsessed

>> No.46888553
File: 1008 KB, 800x534, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

immersion for tonight

>> No.46888555

more like yui kilo

>> No.46888557

dno what ur on about id never say no to being doorknobbed by a cute girl

>> No.46888562

lmao it do be like that

>> No.46888570

if ull all excuse me im bout to rewatch rebuild 0 i mean jjk 0

>> No.46888571

immerse faggots

>> No.46888573

immersing is forbidden

>> No.46888574

im too tired i stayed up last night working just waiting for bed time

>> No.46888575

immersing my head in the toilet bowl post numero dos

>> No.46888576

uh its emerse

>> No.46888581

uh its called the internet
u can put an e before anything

>> No.46888583
File: 1.71 MB, 3024x4032, z4wf34wleo1d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any rtk chad can read this?

>> No.46888584

edeez nuts

>> No.46888588

i can read the fullygoner

>> No.46888595

too soon...
i miss her so much...

>> No.46888598


>> No.46888600

maon is kind of a based name

>> No.46888610

its just a genjina tho

>> No.46888617

it wont be when i name my daughter maon

>> No.46888619
File: 17 KB, 556x115, 1707052939218782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46888623

kids at school are gonna call her maon the moron i highly advise not to do that

>> No.46888627


>> No.46888635


>> No.46888637

dont think japanese kids know the word moron and even if they did my bilingual daughter would laugh at their pronunciation

>> No.46888641

any name can be flipped into an insult it just depends on how ugly you are natural order

>> No.46888644

ugly people are usually the bullies

>> No.46888646

japanese kids will bully the fuck out of her being half to the point she wants to commit suicide tho

>> No.46888647

wanting to commit suicide is a rite of passage in japan

>> No.46888648

nigga livin in the 80s

>> No.46888653

i wish

>> No.46888656

bullying is still brazy in japan i bet

>> No.46888659

wherever there is more than 1 person there will be bullying

>> No.46888663

ugly people being the bullies is just some cinema shit so that you dont side with them i mean there are ugly bullies but def not the majority

>> No.46888666
File: 542 KB, 569x556, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46888670

ugly and fat people are kind of alike in that they naturally tend to be nicer and more amicable because if they are shitty then that really hardlocks them out of society

>> No.46888672

that pic is the best proof that binyuu can make up for any ass

>> No.46888673

sounds like cope for being complicit in bullying

>> No.46888678

bullying bad people is good

>> No.46888679

i bullied when i was a kid it was a lot of fun and id do it again. fuck poindexters

>> No.46888681

bullying is one of natures ways of trying to figure out who is fit to survive

>> No.46888684

>yosh time to read jjk
>gojo plot twist
>holy shit
>top1 worse plot twist

>> No.46888686

remember 1 day in elementary my best bud was fuckin with some kids and i had this slight realization that maybe he was the bad guy and then never thought about it again

>> No.46888687

uh, spoiler tags bro???

>> No.46888688


>> No.46888691

i beat up bullies and made friends with the nerds as a kid

>> No.46888693

this but the opposite

>> No.46888695 [DELETED] 
File: 616 KB, 326x316, 1716233233053148.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46888696

poindexterism is a way of life that needs to be stamped out early with severe bullying lest you end up with a redditor on your hands

>> No.46888700


>> No.46888703


>> No.46888704

Fat Mexicans are really funny and cool. They always make me laugh just by speaking Spanish really fast. I fw them.

>> No.46888705

its easy to confuse redditors and autists but they are completely different

>> No.46888711


>> No.46888714

*in aldaris voice*

u must post additional doorknobs

>> No.46888719

doorknobbing is funny when its a hit but when you miss so many times it takes away from the good ones
much like the absolute state of gets

>> No.46888721 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46888722

its really fucked up when you realize marys get is the only memorable get in an entire decade

>> No.46888724

i don't remember it

>> No.46888725


>> No.46888733

ive been watching this for the first time lately
just finished 1st season

>> No.46888734

Hello, I'm going to Japan in August to live there for 3 months, you think if I started now, put in 3 hours a day of studying I can learn enough Japanese to survive(order food at a restaurant, read basic stuff like street names/stores etc..._

>> No.46888735

oh that was mine lol
i thought you meant an actual quiz get

>> No.46888736


>> No.46888737

you dont have to lie if you werent here

>> No.46888740


>> No.46888745

restaurants have english menus or pictures
signs have english
so yeah you can by doing nothing

>> No.46888747

>put in 3 hours a day of studying I can learn enough Japanese to survive(order food at a restaurant, read basic stuff like street names/stores etc..._

>> No.46888751

722 wasnt me

>> No.46888753

what was the get then

>> No.46888756

okay but how far could I get w/3 hours of studying for 3 months? I'm also pretty smart if that helps I have asperburgers but my iq was tested at around 130

I'll be in the non touristy parts of Tokyo so I don't think it will be as English friendly

>> No.46888757


>> No.46888760
File: 2.80 MB, 4608x1840, 1686275394283735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No point in calculating what you are capable of before you try it. Just study as hard as you can and see what you've learned when you get there

>> No.46888762

ask 722

>> No.46888764

>non touristy parts of Tokyo
no such thing

>> No.46888771

i always forget quiz put my catchphrase into that get as a form of respect

im going to stop making fun of him for being clinically obese for a while

>> No.46888772

3248 never followed up

>> No.46888780
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>> No.46888782

so many djters who didnt make it like 2227 and 2224

>> No.46888785


>> No.46888788

naze eigo nano desu

>> No.46888792

i laughed at 29

>> No.46888797

*nods sagely*

>> No.46888802

*nods sagely*

>> No.46888803


>> No.46888807

the growth of man

>> No.46888810

yall niggas linking old posts are pitiful

>> No.46888812

yeah the only way you can grow is by going back in time

>> No.46888814

you used to be older so its more like regression

>> No.46888817

show me 1 good post in the last 16 million ill wait

>> No.46888820

I don't understand this thread

>> No.46888823

crazy how fast vtumors inflated jp post values

>> No.46888824
File: 3 KB, 297x70, 1686184830272040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46888825

shes doing the new erotic dance that the pokemon company released whats to understand

>> No.46888826

they come as a binary pair so think of them as 1


>> No.46888832


>> No.46888833

thats over 24 million posts ago you really struggle with numbers in both japanese and english

>> No.46888834

desu i just disregarded the numbers cuz i aint no nerd and just linked whatever i wanted regardless of the specifics of ur request

>> No.46888835

calm down pissler

>> No.46888836

Most everyone watches vtubers these days, tiring how people here pretend to be contrarians

>> No.46888837


>> No.46888838


>> No.46888839

hold up i make a subtle 万 ref and now im quiz and its time to defend jamal wtf

>> No.46888840

ive never spoken to a person who watches them im pretty sure it's a false flag

>> No.46888842

i wonder if queef blames jamal every time he gets bullied on here

>> No.46888847

id hate to see what you think is unsubtle

>> No.46888852

Everyone I know watches vtubers retard

>> No.46888853

unsubtle would have 万 in the post

>> No.46888854


>> No.46888856
File: 3.62 MB, 168x298, 1716257072483.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these filters are so uncanny, why are asians obsessed with them

>> No.46888858

dno vtubers are cringe but as long as you arent watching dubbed then its w/e

>> No.46888863

I only watch Indonesian and Japanese vtubers

>> No.46888865

i have friends from the 2010s that are just vtuber watching incels now its painful to read their chats

vtubers eroded the weakest mens brains and i guess thats a good thing but id like to have those friends back from before that time

anyway time to wind it down time to transition to afterhours djt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq0F9dzW37s#t=330

>> No.46888867

you know this is queef cuz he said quiz

>> No.46888872

the schizo posting makes me feel like im at home in /a/

>> No.46888874

when asian women grow up they still try to appear neotonous, but when western women grow up they become karens

>> No.46888875

Vtubers suck. Who was the first vtuber to kick shit off? Kizuna AI? I'm gonna time leap and make sure she never becomes a vtuber--and by extension prevent this faggotry from ever gaining traction--by making her a mom.

>> No.46888879

will never understand the mindset of someone into vtubers

>> No.46888882

one of the highest iq djters is a vtuber fan

>> No.46888884


>> No.46888888
File: 170 KB, 581x525, 1644023007110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish my memory was better
chugging through a lot of new vocab at least

>> No.46888889

that was debunked actually

>> No.46888890
File: 501 KB, 571x651, 1716257426266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46888893

You can't watch this and tell me vtubers are cringe

>> No.46888894


>> No.46888895

wasted get!

>> No.46888903


>> No.46888911
File: 469 KB, 1727x1200, yandere jazz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46888912
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>> No.46888917 [DELETED] 
File: 1.08 MB, 326x316, doornoob2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46888920


>> No.46888922

can someone at least explain pill to me the doorknob thing?

>> No.46888925

people running a meme into the ground until a janny inevitably steps in

>> No.46888928
File: 29 KB, 640x787, 1716258244505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46888929

naze tyuugokuzi nano kai

>> No.46888949

this game is taking my japanese to a whole new level

>> No.46889014


>> No.46889062

this fight was great.

>> No.46889065

も only ever does one thing. It introduces and/or emphasizes a non-unique topic. So the guy's just saying that he was "also" amazed at how everyone was making sweets by hand.
You're gonna be like, "yeah, I already knew that," but it really is that simple.

>> No.46889068



>> No.46889074

she's cute

>> No.46889153

her english accident is cool like half british half american pronunciations

>> No.46889183

What aspect of the video is the filter? Are there videos of comparisons of filters and no filters? I'm not disagreeing, just genuinely curious desu.

>> No.46889186



>> No.46889238


>> No.46889299
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>> No.46889338

glad that millennial trash humor has made its way to nippon

>> No.46889379
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>> No.46889381

saw some1 look at tuki and say out loud "thats pronounced suki" and got kinda mad

>> No.46889382

dungeon meshi is the only good anime this year

>> No.46889385

its not really good its just ok and its the only anime this year with a budget

>> No.46889397

just solved all my anxiety with math

>> No.46889402

plz post the proof

>> No.46889464


>> No.46889474


>> No.46889475
File: 174 KB, 1280x720, 1700374184939750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deal a blow

>> No.46889476


>> No.46889481

>2 dogs at the same time

>> No.46889485

the song played in my head while watching the webm

>> No.46889489

the song is ass

>> No.46889494


>> No.46889496
File: 3.47 MB, 2560x1440, 483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mind is rotten. i feel like i am going to turn into a tree

>> No.46889535


>> No.46889559


>> No.46889585

Yeah, it's pronounced "too-key" (てゅき)

>> No.46889594

it can simply be つき if they use the retarded style romainization

>> No.46889602

つき isn't a real Japanese word, though. 好き is, however.

>> No.46889614

月面着陸 was fake and 月 isn't even a real word

>> No.46889627

That 月 is pronounced げつ. Not making a strong case here, anon.

>> No.46889631


>> No.46889636 [DELETED] 
File: 443 KB, 494x480, 1716263808221677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46889640

That man just did a little suki suki on that doorknob.

>> No.46889650

jamaL taking his daily L

>> No.46889668


>> No.46889709

read that as gesu

>> No.46889712
File: 570 KB, 1670x2510, GNKCH--aEAAQYAc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46889724


>> No.46889729


>> No.46889745

its pronounced knot

>> No.46889748

As opposed to what? Note?

>> No.46889752

i pronounce it as noot

>> No.46889754
File: 85 KB, 1440x750, 3623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its good to know that djt can reach even the coldest places on earth

>> No.46889772
File: 175 KB, 480x480, 1650647489964.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah japanese is cool but penguins are cooler

>> No.46889780

feels good that i was the very first anon who posted the doorknob gif and i used it on jabum

>> No.46889781 [DELETED] 
File: 448 KB, 494x480, suck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46889785


>> No.46889797

Should I use Arch, or Debian for my Japanese setup? I'm thinking of setting up a minimal Debian setup, but packages can be pretty outdated, and you're not supposed to make frankendeb installs.

>> No.46889811

bruh this isnt even the original

>> No.46889813

It's the coolest penguish typing! :O

>> No.46889834


>> No.46889841

>quiz back
>moe back
>penguianon back

>> No.46889851

i only care about moe

>> No.46889852

i only care about japanese

>> No.46889859

whatever you're thinking about right now is wrong

>> No.46889881

i was thinking about how many different languages the cowboy bebop soundtrack goes through. that isn't to say it's super impressive but they mix english and japanese and french all over the place and it's pretty cool. of course that's no tall order compared to what nier does. they wrote songs in versions of gaelic, portuguese, spanish, italian, french, english, japanese, and wrote "song of the ancients" in an entirely fictional language

>> No.46889888

>pretty cool
that gave me the ick

>> No.46889889
File: 51 KB, 200x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading wolf game. so far most of it has been understandable at my level (i did learn a few new words and had to remember a few pronunciations) but it will probably be harder for me to understand later on. i need to get back to studying

>> No.46889890


>> No.46889901

i like french. i think it has some superficial similarities with japanese, even

>> No.46890007





>> No.46890098

Reading Japanese isn't hard. It's just that mainly """dictionary""" (aka glossary) writers do stupid shit like say
どんな = What. or What kind of
どんなに = How. or How much
And then laugh at you while you try to read something that uses どんなに...こと どんなに...だろう どんなに...とか
This shit is less than useless, it's actively harmful, only serving to waste time and demoralize learners. and rarely happens in other languages, but for some (((reason))) it's common in japanese learning.

>> No.46890104

does djt know why the taste umami is called umami and not umasa?

>> No.46890110

Mind showing me some text from wolf game with that would represent some of the harder lines from it?

>> No.46890119

フライドポテト is much more common

>> No.46890132

親指 = thumb.
Lol this is a funny one.

>> No.46890150

どんなに modifies either a verb or adjective, どんなに強い
どんな modifies a noun directly, どんな車
this never changes even with other word classes present within a sentence

>> No.46890165

Your point?

>> No.46890168




>> No.46890171


>> No.46890175

i don't really see YOUR point i guess. because of what i just said just どんなに...こと by itself is wrong, but you know that either a verb or an adjective must fill that gap. or that whatever こと is, must be the direct or indirect object of a longer sentence

>> No.46890180

If you don't see my point it's because of your low intelligence and lack of knowledge. If I don't see your point, it's because whatever point you are trying to make is irrelevant per the previous sentence.

>> No.46890185

me not understanding you: because you suck
you not understanding me: because you suck

>> No.46890186

damn missing 23 kanji in N2 and 512 in n1 to get kanji grid filled in so it looks nice

>> No.46890187

i'm not the one struggling with most basic grammar here

>> No.46890190

good job

>> No.46890195

>どんなに...こと by itself is wrong
Is this you?

>> No.46890199
File: 810 KB, 2688x3758, GOA7pWQaQAAeXTy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you learn japanese?

>> No.46890200

i'm a simple man
i see himecut i wanna fuck

>> No.46890205

Maybe after you fill it in the approximately 7 more times you need will need to remember them for at most a few years, you can finally start learning Japanese. Don't know why you started learning Japanese by mastering a ancient chinese writing system but good on you.

>> No.46890211

boss says when you're done you're to learn these

>> No.46890212

Reminder that literally every Japanese learns the language years before they learn kanji.

>> No.46890216
File: 300 KB, 1666x766, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46890217

After you're done spending years to learn each one of the 2000 kanji, you can finally start learning Japanese.

>> No.46890222
File: 159 KB, 1921x907, GNbQ1B-bkAEziac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true

>> No.46890224

mental illness vibes are off the chain this morning fr fr
resident schizo just woke up and can't help himself

>> No.46890227

i just mine words, this is cool to look at to see coverage once every few months and nothing more
i only have 306/1676 non jlpt on their grid

i know a bunch of the ones im missing already, they just didnt get mined because was no reason to

>> No.46890229

I am not schizophrenic, I am schizotypal.
Schizo usually refers to schizophrenic, even though you could theoretically abbreviate schizotypal to schizo.

>> No.46890231

Man wtf my visual novel has some how been advancing in the background randomly. I was so confused by what I was reading when I got back to it.

>> No.46890235

just be happy. less vn to suffer through

>> No.46890237

sometimes vinnies still listen to keystrokes being hit (japanese people cannot program btw) even when in the background so everytime you pressed the ctrl key it probably moved a few dialog boxes forward.

>> No.46890243

>who is fit to survive
nigga do you live in the prehistoric era

>> No.46890246

Thank makes a lot of sense now. I've been having random japanese shoved into my clipboard while I'm not actively reading the vn but its running the bg with text hooker attached.

>> No.46890249


>> No.46890255

and さ
are two things i see all the time and don't get. some people say さ after every other word but why?

>> No.46890254

i use the keyboard/mouse software to change my keys so this stopped happening, it really fucked with me with ctrl or scroll up and down on the mouse advancing shit in the background

>> No.46890256

shizo reply

>> No.46890259


>> No.46890266
File: 231 KB, 848x1200, GOE8MEbWQAA9Ci4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46890270

i don't believe you. you probably can already feel them out

>> No.46890281

If you didn't understand the point, why did you write your post and reply to him?

>> No.46890283

yooo the entire kingdom hearts series is coming to steam
i hope they include jp voice and text

>> No.46890285


>> No.46890287

>i hope they include jp voice and text
only 3 does but there are mods for it already. not sure if it's for every game since i mostly ignored the Epic releases

>> No.46890294


nihongo no mori has a new cutie

>> No.46890295

actually i might be lying, what i was thinking of was dual audio shit. for JP text and JP voice it's probably included in all

>> No.46890297

>buying video games
>buying ports of all things
*comedic sigh*

>> No.46890298

kh is such a goofy series pls let me dizz the series for a second
i finished kh1 in hard or whatever the difficulty was called but never again will i play this slop again
k i feel better know thanks for reading

>> No.46890299

when you work hard and accomplish something(果たす), its the fruits(果) of your labour, something can also bare fruit.
if you know working hard on/raising something will achieve a certain result, for instance, planting and raising an apple seed will give an apple tree and apples, working hard to learn math will make you good at math etc.... the process is 果たして it was accomplished(in accordance to the expected result) and...
thats how i felt it out anyway, can easily see how they make the leap in meaning

>> No.46890302

you were supposed to quit after 2. its Critical Mode is much better than 1's hard mode and its ending is a perfect conclusion to leave the series behind

>> No.46890303

What? Esl?

>> No.46890304

i finished kh2 final mix on the highest difficulty lvl 1 with no experience skill active
it was awesome, especially the extra bosses

>> No.46890308

fucking based

>> No.46890317


>> No.46890319

I'm failing to remember the words I learned to read recently that would convey my thoughts better. This is my limit...

>> No.46890322


>> No.46890331

UNGRAMMATICAL n5 anon said so.

>> No.46890337

>This is my limit...
its time to 突破 that 限界

>> No.46890370
File: 68 KB, 500x489, 1548087297353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VA moans in English using a heavy japanese accent

>> No.46890384

no cap. Half of you retards would be better off learning japanese but with english words than learning kanji but no japanese

My house's yard: Japanese-like big rocks arranged has

>> No.46890390

on linux its trivial to make a script that freezes the vn process when you switch out of the window or something

>> No.46890404

No. Any English speaker could understand a full novel with sentences like that. They still wouldn't know Japanese. Japanese is trivial, but the words are difficult.

I didn't reply to you cause I think you might be schizoanon
But it's nontrivial to hook text.

>> No.46890406

you can easily run the vinny in a vimmy and solve all those problems

>> No.46890409

And lets just hope that window isn't playing any sound, cause if you the application doesn't play nicely with your audio server it will earrape you.

>> No.46890419

hope i get a good placement for JET

>> No.46890422

I think you'll have a better quality of life learning to code and doing that as a job there for a multinat corp.

>> No.46890425

big if true

>> No.46890435

yeah its so much hotter when they speak a language i can understand

>> No.46890444

she made cake

bonus japanese learning stream

>> No.46890456

its not, you run it in wine and use textractor or agent or whatever. if you want to freeze the game you just send sigstop to the wineserver process
sounds like a fanfic or some pre-pipewire story

>> No.46890482

>sounds like a fanfic or some pre-pipewire story
Why do lintards always have to cope about their inferior os?
mpv music.ogg
pkill -sigstop mpv

>> No.46890498

hello sir im here to help with ur computer could u please explain the issue

>> No.46890506






>> No.46890511

this new UI on youtube is fucking ass

>> No.46890522


>> No.46890529

Your formality is all over the place even in such a short sentence lolollol.

>> No.46890536


>> No.46890556


>> No.46890557


>> No.46890560








>> No.46890574


>> No.46890580

think i just found the perfect woman

>> No.46890584


>> No.46890585

don't usually listen to this kinda shit but this slOP is stuck in my head

>> No.46890587

never skipped that one so far

>> No.46890596

>i saw a no foreigners allowed sign and called the police
and he wonders why theyre racist

>> No.46890597


>> No.46890603

same, show is terrible though but i still watch for kugiyama ries voice

>> No.46890609

idgi cant u just play the voice line saying ur dick is tiny and not reaching deep enough to satisfy her regardless of its actual depth what does the sensor enable

>> No.46890619

just looked her up didn't expect her to be old as fuck

>> No.46890626

now i can get mocked for my size by a robot too?

>> No.46890631


>> No.46890632

she's the goat of that type of voice and has been doing it for decades at this point

>> No.46890635

i mean if that's your thing you can prompt it that way probably, but you need a sensor for that. only once you are in the ai will say "are you in?" so it's more realistic this way

>> No.46890637


>> No.46890641

dno i think the are u in voice line playing sometimes when youre all the way in and sometimes when youre barely in and sometimes when youre not in at all makes it more believable that ur a disappointment and she cant feel anything

>> No.46890649

中イキ is a myth anyways

>> No.46890656


>> No.46890661


>> No.46890680

is japanese without subtitles possible?

>> No.46890687

it would be extremely painful

>> No.46890688

>haiyaku shinaika
>do it quickly
Japanese literally makes zero sense. You idiots try to make theories about it, but they are all full of so many exceptions as to become useless. Just talk to Japanese people until you know the language.

>> No.46890691

it's possible but japanese without headphones is impossible

>> No.46890701

>you cant learn a language by memorizing rules
good insight is this your first day

>> No.46890702

whats not making sense about this

>> No.46890704

how does that make no sense
even in english you could say "won't you do it quickly?" and it would be understandable even if it made you sound like a charles dickens character

>> No.46890707
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>> No.46890719

Can't you do it quickly =! do it quickly.

>> No.46890720
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>> No.46890722

it really does mean that

>> No.46890725


>> No.46890726

daily english thread

>> No.46890729

who is the water one? i must collect them all

>> No.46890737

if i said "can't do you it quickly?" do you think it's appropriate to unironically answer by saying "yes"
it's not a question it's a light order. the only difference is how "light" it is in japanese. but that's because of formality levels in japanese not the actual construction.

>> No.46890738


>> No.46890741

roxy from 無職転生

>> No.46890753

gonna watch it just for her then... and because i saw some jrpg of it announced

>> No.46890754


>> No.46890760

another day another braindead uppercaser seething at his own japanese impotence

>> No.46890762

dont get your hopes up she gets the least screentime out of any girl

>> No.46890770
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why not the most...

>> No.46890780

dno i think the author is malicious she deserves better

>> No.46890785

And don't get me started on the writing system.
It can't even represent every sound in the spoken language, let alone other languages. Futhermore you have to read ahead to know the reading of some words, completely throwing out any benift that chunking information into kanji would give you.

>> No.46890787

you see her panties and she masturbates once so it all balances out

>> No.46890788


>> No.46890789

roxy masturbating is part of the bait to make you fall in love as rapidly as possible so that its all endless longing from here on out

>> No.46890797

beginners always pick the worst examples to complain about
you should be thankful when okurigana makes the reading unambiguous cuz you dont always get that lucky

>> No.46890798

man uppercasers are just owning themselves today. don't even need to do anything

>> No.46890802


>> No.46890809

>you have to read ahead
do you believe you read english letter by letter?

>> No.46890810

you are only allowed to post japanese lolis here, andastan?

>> No.46890815

not a vn

>> No.46890818

uppercasers do be hitting that sinna fr

>> No.46890836

wtf there's a mushoku tensei jrpg that's an instant pirate

>> No.46890841

Well you see anon, the written script of every language is supposed to transcribe the sounds of that language. So when you read a script you are transcribing those each characters to it's matching sound. From this perspective the less you have to read ahead to get the correct sound the better the script. Since in Japanese you may have to read arbitrarily far ahead to get the correct pronunciation we a can label this script as unsuitable for this purpose.

>> No.46890848

it looks like ff7

>> No.46890853

>the written script of every language is supposed to transcribe the sounds of that language
this is western-centric xenophobia

>> No.46890857

bro never saw written french

>> No.46890859

And before you say "english does this toooo reeee" In English it is very much an exception that the pronunciation either completely changes or is unknown until the end of a word, in Japanese this is very much a rule. At best you will find minor changes definitely no starting consonant changes.

>> No.46890860

u might have to read arbitrarily far ahead to figure out what sound o represents :(

>> No.46890872

no, you simply have to read until the next vowel-constanat pair.

>> No.46890873
File: 3.47 MB, 1920x1080, waterchuuni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's in!

>> No.46890879

true and im inside of her

>> No.46890883

dno why is it ok to need to look at 4 letters at once to know how to pronounce bought but as soon as you need to look at 2 hieroglyphs at once now somethins wrong

>> No.46890887

the thing is in japanese you need to look one kanji ahead in most cases and its mostly instant
but in english it might be more than one symbol

>> No.46890888

it takes me like 30 seconds to read a youtube title

>> No.46890895


>> No.46890897


>> No.46890904

Both pronounced the same, ought is pronounced the same in literally every word it's in. 上手 isn't infact this doesn't refer to a unique word, let alone phoneme

>> No.46890917

ough isnt pronounced the same in every word its in and doesnt refer to a unique word let alone phoneme

>> No.46890923

what about drought

>> No.46890924

>different dialects sound different
And this can easily be fixed in English by changing the spelling to accurately represent the sound. In japan if a dialect has a wi or you want to write a foreign word like hamburger you are sol.

>> No.46890927

Sounds the same in literally every dialect of english.

>> No.46890931

>uh well if we reform english spelling then english spelling will be better than japanese

>> No.46890942

there isnt a single dialect where drought rhymes with bought

>> No.46890943

Yes, and Japanese spelling cannot be fixed without modifying the writing system. Try to keep up.

>> No.46890953

way to backpedal from every other language has phonetic spelling to every other language could have phonetic spelling maybe

>> No.46890960

>you want to write a foreign word like hamburger you are sol.
they can use romanji they alrady do it with some words like names for apps like line

>> No.46890963

i think u mean rain

>> No.46890969

i kneel

>> No.46890978

i think it would be based if every Kanji had one reading

>> No.46890980

>They could use a different writing system
I'm not saying japanese people are deficient I'm saying their writing system is.

>> No.46890989

you should learn chinese then

>> No.46890993

dno u could just stop using kanji for kunyomi and ur 95% of the way to ur dream then u just have to slowly weed out all of the onyomi but kan

>> No.46890995

why do people always list chinese as more difficult than japanese then? what's the catch

>> No.46890998

Are you retarded? Droute. This was trivial in English. Now imagine you have to update a japanese word that doesn't use one of the 50 sounds or god forbid a european/chinese word.

>> No.46891004

youd think that chinese would be based but if you actually check it out it turns out chinese is unironically worse than japanese
no one recorded pronunciations until like 150 years ago which is why there are 300 "dialects" and bilingual dicts are dogshit and dont even tell you which readings are actually in use

>> No.46891014


>> No.46891017

mandarin tones are ez but all the other chinoid languages are impossible

>> No.46891053

yoshi, back to japanese

>> No.46891062

the 2 letter ones are english sounds and the 1 letter ones you keep the tip of your tongue at the bottom of your mouth like you have a speech impediment

>> No.46891071

also pinyin is braindead and zhuyin isnt a whole lot better

>> No.46891089

noobs love to complain about shit that isnt an issue at all
your brain just automatically reads these without having to think about it because they are different

>> No.46891091
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>> No.46891099


>> No.46891112

nice self own

>> No.46891113

kawaii gay ga nai

>> No.46891126


>> No.46891148


>> No.46891165

caps fags
in my djt?
it's more likely than you think

>> No.46891182

前田佳織里さん 146cm

>> No.46891234

Japanese doesn't have a word corresponding to the English "to drink".

>> No.46891237


>> No.46891241


>> No.46891247

yeah they conflate a lot of important things like feet and legs

>> No.46891256

and in english you eat soup which is dumb

>> No.46891263

thats because civilized first world countries actually have solid food in the soup

drinking soup is for peasants because the exalted folk eat theirs

>> No.46891265

not a thing
you would always say ガムを飲み込む which is a different verb

>> No.46891269

true the poorer you are the thinner your soup and the closer it is to drinking

>> No.46891270

Lol. You ask chatgpt that or what?

>> No.46891271

diarrhea also has solid chunks in it but you'd use drink with that

>> No.46891279

my soups are so thick it's basically like a stue

>> No.46891284

this nomu thing sounds like a gabs tier nerd gripe is that whats going on

what do u think 飲み干す means

>> No.46891288

嚥下 is what we cool kids say

>> No.46891293

no i asked my native wife and she said it was 変 to say just 飲む

>> No.46891296


>> No.46891297


>> No.46891303

yeah i think anon just got owned

>> No.46891304

based holobro shitting on anons wife

>> No.46891308

that's a gaijin

>> No.46891309


>> No.46891310



>> No.46891313

shes white and blonde

>> No.46891319

lol i actually knew it
get outta here with that shit my wife knows best

>> No.46891325

compelling desu

>> No.46891327

Link you waifu chatbot I'm going to ntr you.

>> No.46891333




>> No.46891341

holosisters not like this...

>> No.46891343

never understood why people be frontin like compound words aint just 2 words

>> No.46891345

takeaways from the thread thus far

-chunkers always win
-tuma knows best


>> No.46891348

if some1 proves thats not a korean things are gonna be lookin real bad for anons wife

>> No.46891350

she's not even korean but there's no use arguing with the malicious guy

>> No.46891351

My hobby: Putting dakuten ゛over random kanji and posting it on the internet.

>> No.46891352

Plot twist: anon's wife is a Korean chatbot.

>> No.46891355

the mind of the uppercaser

>> No.46891356


>> No.46891377


i should watch this show

>> No.46891386

my hobby: patting random japanese girls heads and acting like they are children.

>> No.46891390 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46891395

You are still trying to force this meme? Give it up bro it's been x years.

>> No.46891398 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46891404


that should be the beginner anime guide

>> No.46891406

ur supposed to watch compelling content not the opposite

>> No.46891407

>when you spend 5 years trying to learn japanese but discover that you like xianxia novels better than anime and manga

>> No.46891413

looks like a good starting point to ruin a young mans brain forever and they end up watching vtubers for companionship

>> No.46891415

im sorry to hear about your taste

>> No.46891418

what could be more compelling?

>> No.46891425

cute girls experiencing emotional trauma

>> No.46891426

yuru yuri has advanced, beyond native humor

>> No.46891431
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>> No.46891436

if scifi gene therapy was real literally everyone would be a woman (dick intact)

>> No.46891445

I'm planning on taking the jlpt this summer, so I want to share a awesome dictionary with you guys, this one help me improve my reading so much, now I am very confident that I can pass n4 this time.
https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXs5uaFGRWXZcrk7F8Uv9QaC8uRzfzWHFGEJty75EjBFV?filename=gakushushinkokug0000unse_1.pdf (549MB)
It's a dictionary for children, but is written in easy Japanese with kanji not kana.

>> No.46891447

autophilia must be extremely convenient

>> No.46891448

if i watch every show on this list, will i understand japanese?

>> No.46891452

wouldnt it take like 10 years to morph into a futa if you edited your genes i bet the transformation is gonna be ugly

>> No.46891459

you will understand everything that is interesting about japanese, yes

>> No.46891460

idk scifi tends to make magic out of shit that will probably never be realistic

>> No.46891485

gonna be wild in a hundred years when people are doing gene editing and chunks of crusty tumor-filled flesh are falling off of them

>> No.46891503
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>> No.46891517

the inukai manga ended

MC swaps back and forth from human and dog, proposes to Inukai san, she loves him equally in human or when MC is Pochita (dog form). Since they got engaged, she fucks MC in both human and dog form too. That's the ending no joke

>> No.46891555

i say hunter ex hunter and i say kiss ex sis and you will never change me

>> No.46891566

what about Spy x Family

>> No.46891573

spy times family

>> No.46891575

same but i also make the bats with my arms


>> No.46891603

if u kiss ur sis does that make her ur ex sis

>> No.46891609

depends if its a kyodai kiss or some fucked up shit

>> No.46891617

they're not blood related in kiss x sis and it pisses me off all media and porn does that as if they're tiptoeing around a law or something but i've never heard of incest in fiction being illegal

>> No.46891622

did people not french kiss before the french invented it or did they simply not have a specific term for it

>> No.46891630

do french people also call it a french kiss?

>> No.46891631

spoilers read oshi no ko

>> No.46891632

its like french fries they just put their countrys name on the worst shit for u

>> No.46891637

chips are worse than fries

>> No.46891642

simai to iu aidagara wo koete tadareta kankei ni natta koto

>> No.46891656

>worst shit
whats the point of kissing without tongue that makes no sense to me at all its like a fist bump with ur faces theres nothing appealing about it

>> No.46891669

>kiss x sis and it pisses
the piss fetish girl was the hottest part of kiss x sis

>> No.46891675

nah relatives used to french kiss all the time jews dont want you to be close with your family so they sanitized people to it

>> No.46891694

i dropped kiss x sis and sakura trick in like 3 episodes each citrus was better

>> No.46891701

they also used to share baths till well into adulthood and jerk each other from time to time
all things (((they))) took from you

>> No.46891713

wish the west adopted bathing outside the tub instead of soaking in filth and soap

>> No.46891735

that's happened to me before, where even when i move the window to the background, my spacebar is still connected to it, so when i was typing in firefox it would still advance the vn. think it had to do with the exact method used to focus a different window.

>> No.46891756

>we're racist to each other all the time.
uh fucking based?

>> No.46891758

one of my friends in the 2000s watched kiss x sis and turned into an incel after his gf dumped him

basically moral of the story is dont watch kiss ex sis

>> No.46891761
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Got 404 on jiken.fly.dev/ today, 100+ improvement compared to one month ago.
Last week or so I kind of just go through the motions, doing only anki and some half assed reading.
Maybe I just got bored with these linnies, I will see if I can spice things up

>> No.46891769

didn't kaufmann learn mandarin AND cantonese? wow

>> No.46891773

did he watch kiss x sis before or after getting dumped this is important

>> No.46891774

i really hope japan doesnt lose the woke battle thats coming and they just double down and get more racist and xenophobic personally

>> No.46891779
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>> No.46891780

i would celebrate them being overran by africans

>> No.46891787

i guess it was in 2010 or 11 so not exactly the 2000s dont get old kids

anyway to answer ur question he watched it after i dont think she knew he was a weeb at least it never came up when i talked to her

>> No.46891790

there is no hope thanks to the internet, it's just a slower process over there

>> No.46891794

they said they are adopting the immigration strategy of the uae
i think they will be fine

>> No.46891795

wtf i like how many niche tags you can use to find shit. myanimelist isn't comparable in that regard is it?

>> No.46891807

nobody uses mal

>> No.46891808

a quiz for isolated kanji is stupid as fuck

>> No.46891815

my favorite reactors on youtube enjoyed some episodes of oshi no ko because they said they could relate to the themes about fame and fans and stuff

>> No.46891816

i know its gonna happen and its already too late and so part of me likes seeing japan get destroyed by all the fags from other countries who claim to love japan so much but then have a problem with japan being japan

abe getting assd was the end of japan

but still i root for the underdog

>> No.46891819

yh dunno gonna need moes take b4 making any handan

>> No.46891821

youre mixing up cause and effect shes responsible for all of this

>> No.46891826

moe's mal has been inactive for a week. he's not here right now.

>> No.46891831


>> No.46891833


>> No.46891838

if u took away the chinese subtitles ud think he was just having an alzheimers fueled dementia attack on zoom with his chinese doctor

>> No.46891852

its true hed be a different man if they stayed together but at the same time if it takes someone or something else to be a man then u arent really one to begin with

>> No.46891888
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 吉宗評判記・暴れん坊将軍 #164「心の鎖は人情で裂け!」_20240521-082355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you won't be my いい人 :(

>> No.46891908

fuck my good person?
hit my good person?
spank my good person?

>> No.46891917

i wanna いい人

>> No.46891945

wonder what it's like to be a woman's boyfriend and for her to like and respect you and brag to her friends and family about you.

>> No.46891964

crazy to think that can happen and then in a few years all of that changes

>> No.46891965
File: 888 KB, 1920x1080, 01 - The Marui Family! The Good, the Bad, and the Fearsome!-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see bratty loli
>brain makes happy chemicals
crazy how that works

>> No.46891998

she's fat

>> No.46892013

kiss x sis friend also liked shit like mitudomoe he was quite diseased tbqh

>> No.46892026

you're the diseased one my brother

>> No.46892033
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on the contrary i was raised right

>> No.46892037

crazy how some1 can make you want to live life to the fullest and then the next thing you know life is empty

>> No.46892041
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>> No.46892044

ciaran you can find love again. why did you give up after breaking up with the jap...

>> No.46892047

god i wish a jiraikei was obsessed with me

>> No.46892048

actually not being a rorikon is byoki funny how that works

>> No.46892051

thats the seisyun

>> No.46892064


>> No.46892073

the milk chug and ensuing milk chuck owns so hard

>> No.46892074

38 posts

>> No.46892076

papi being so butthurt he had to make 3 posts in a row

>> No.46892083

sry sometimes when i post im just off in my own lil world feel free to knob me at any time

>> No.46892087

plz dont ask for blowies in djt

>> No.46892095
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, 吉宗評判記・暴れん坊将軍 #164「心の鎖は人情で裂け!」_20240521-085056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is fat? >:3

>> No.46892096

i've decided to pause my japanese learning until i get amphetamines

>> No.46892098

jamal is djts braziliansigma

>> No.46892100

think that japanese would have went much better for me if i had done rattata

>> No.46892113


>> No.46892116

esl here, how would you say 困り顔 in english?

>> No.46892125

esls can fucking die in a fire while simultaneously dying from aids

>> No.46892134


>> No.46892135

just remembered og and smiled

>> No.46892142

me too

>> No.46892183

ty bro

>> No.46892186

eop here how do you say nukige in english

>> No.46892187


>> No.46892191

jackoff game

>> No.46892208
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lil bro

>> No.46892234
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>> No.46892248
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, 吉宗評判記・暴れん坊将軍 #164「心の鎖は人情で裂け!」_20240521-081209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does yomichan know 三一?

>> No.46892258
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>> No.46892263
File: 1.02 MB, 900x1220, 1716299253256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you say lolige in english?

>> No.46892265

my yomichan says
「三一侍 (さんぴんざむらい) 」の略。
「三一奴 (さんぴんやっこ) 」の略。

>> No.46892271


>> No.46892272


>> No.46892275

cunny game

>> No.46892278

never date one of these girls btw
especially if chinese

>> No.46892289
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1080, 吉宗評判記・暴れん坊将軍 #164「心の鎖は人情で裂け!」_20240521-085144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa, cooool! :O

>> No.46892299


>> No.46892302
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>> No.46892316

why are japs so obsessed with wrassling

>> No.46892317

it's the ultimate chuuni sport

>> No.46892318

that girl got hurt :<

>> No.46892327

she fell right on that arm ouch dont post women getting hurt in djt pls

>> No.46892348


dame she easily mogs all of djt

>> No.46892355

look at that schnozz

>> No.46892359

white women win again

>> No.46892433

>just talk 2 people

>> No.46892437

probably had 20 different virgin nips on speed dial that wanted to fuck so they tried their hardest to teach

>> No.46892442

girls like her stay virgin till marriage

>> No.46892444

noo jap men are scared of white women cuz they're literal goddesses they would never dare talk to one

>> No.46892457

>speed dial
its 2024 bro all calls are speed dial

>> No.46892466
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, マイ ハンバーガー ストーリー_20240427-234351-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agree agree :3

>> No.46892508

women bro cut that out

>> No.46892517

poor loli's gonna go infertile before she hits puberty

>> No.46892522

I can assist

>> No.46892528
File: 191 KB, 690x940, 005I89Ksly1hlz1y8wpk3j30sc12lajg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not even attracted to attractive white women anymore
its over for ww

>> No.46892531

time to update ur jitendex

>> No.46892538

it seems to be good advice but i wonder how good just talk fags are at reading
like could this bih read a newspaper or a lin? can you get good at talking but not be able to read shit? hm

>> No.46892545

talk fags will know what the ching chongs mean better than u once u tell them what words they r

>> No.46892546

it's good advice if you like talking to people otherwise it's a pain

>> No.46892555

abusive parents are the worst scum in the world
neglectful parents are number 2

lolis need a lot of meat, protein, fat and micronutrients for healthy development

>> No.46892564

fat meat yeah

>> No.46892565

parents also need to protect their children from 555

>> No.46892568

lolis need a lot of this
*unzips pants*

>> No.46892573
File: 14 KB, 432x181, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46892585
File: 52 KB, 600x450, 1690391833068053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolis need late-night wine to extend the post-orgasm afterglow

>> No.46892588
File: 66 KB, 2039x1378, 1716301745469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46892593


>> No.46892610

day 6 of my "be gay for a month straight" challenge.
found out I like the taste of 我慢汁

>> No.46892626

hot are you a girl?

>> No.46892629


>> No.46892633

why would a lesbian taste 我慢汁 you fucking ni

>> No.46892646

lmao you bitch don't even dare to say the full n word

>> No.46892647

sup bby girl

>> No.46892648

i would never disrespect niggers, im not a racist

>> No.46892649


>> No.46892651

you fucking nimrod

>> No.46892653

for you im aniki

>> No.46892656

fuck talkfags

>> No.46892660

speech is silver
silence is golden

>> No.46892662

wotd: 止まり木体位

>> No.46892667


>> No.46892668

633 was just doing it the japanese way theres no reason to say the entire thing if u can be understood in saying less

this is the entire essence of japanese as a language fundamentally

*in namasensei voice* remember it

>> No.46892722
File: 95 KB, 535x603, ACMA.GAME.EP07.1080p.HULU.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46892734

i remember fapping so hard my dick grew in thickness by like 50% lmao

>> No.46892758

dude grew dick calluses

>> No.46892772

namasensei never even knew japanese
he was a dumb clown

>> No.46892776
File: 384 KB, 612x409, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46892784

yeah but he produced a funny cooking webseries called put it in ur mouth that many of us know and love and so thats ftw

>> No.46892803

his te form video changed my life for the better
never forgot it after that
proof you dont have to know something to teach others to know it

>> No.46892821

0 * 1.5 is still 0

>> No.46892825
File: 460 KB, 788x547, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

namagod love that guy

>> No.46892842

namasensei seems like the type of guy that has said nigger many a time

>> No.46892849

never liked him. always reddit humor. scrolled past when people posted him on 4chan forever ago.

>> No.46892853

wtf is vinager

>> No.46892858
File: 41 KB, 942x218, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame, i dont remember ever having that much disposable cash lol

>> No.46892864

namasensei should have streamed and went full asmongold but with drunk shenanigans

>> No.46892867

reddit doesnt approve of calling people bitches
namagod is peak old-school 4chinz

>> No.46892869

he was reddit but he still had the x factor inside of him or maybe it was sam that brought it out of him i dunno but i mean theres reason he quickly became washed after he stopped being bros with him

>> No.46892876

do people making minimum wage not save their money or something?

>> No.46892883

isnt that something you'd put on your wishlist and wait for some paypig to buy it for you

>> No.46892889


>> No.46892892

i work part-time but i remember spending my money on pc parts that year so its confusing how i was able to afford all that

>> No.46892900

some sort of a cipher i think

>> No.46892903

>when the verb ends in る, change the る to られる
>potential form of 教える is 教えられる
>potential form of 売る is 売れる

>> No.46892907

>racist form is にげる
what the fuck>?

>> No.46892909

I have become something else. I no longer see anki reps as a boulder but just a way to reinforce learning now I'm happy to devote the time to bettering my vocab

>> No.46892912

u mean based form

>> No.46892915
File: 915 KB, 1920x1080, ACMA.GAME.EP07.1080p.HULU.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46892918

crazy how frontend is much harder nowadays than the backend site of things

>> No.46892919

oh yeah? express that with japanese instead of english then and on vocaroo

>> No.46892925

wasn't morumotto the word for moles?

>> No.46892926

Its just the verb stem bub

>> No.46892930

its the word for guinea pig aka test subjects

>> No.46892934

>potential form of 見る is 見える
zomg its zover

>> No.46892938

if theres 1 thing u should just acquire through osmosis its this, really no need to bother trying to understand it you just will at one point

>> No.46892942

verbs have stems?
really though, please explain

>> No.46892943

売れられる is 売れる

>> No.46892945

give us ciaran tips

>> No.46892947
File: 92 KB, 937x400, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yosh, order went through

>> No.46892954

do you have a japanese rice cooker though?

>> No.46892956

i understand the 人の首 part but 首の短くて太いこと is what fucks me up

>> No.46892962

nothing is hard now other than my cock, just ask claude. gambs made a web app with it while not knowing jack shit about frontend

>> No.46892974

it's only gotten harder because of autistic cunts reinventing the wheel every other day due to their insane obsession with performance gains the end user doesnt even notice. backend is still harder for the most part though unless the product is a relatively simple CRUD app

>> No.46892975
File: 42 KB, 944x212, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46892978

>study grammar
>it's all arbitrary

>> No.46892984

て-form used like this means "and"
so, it's talking about people's necks being short and thick

>> No.46892985
File: 78 KB, 1257x673, 22223322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is chatgpt a good resource for learning japanese?

>> No.46892988

wow those artificial intellects are truly something else >>>/vg/478496308

>> No.46892995

claude strife got cucked in ff7

>> No.46892996

I'm using it right now and all it's showing me are contradictions.

>> No.46893004

post the full context

>> No.46893006

AI threads on 4chan are one of the most pathetic things in the history of mankind

>> No.46893009

what did he make

>> No.46893010

if it's still 3.5 then no, if you have 4o then yes

>> No.46893016
File: 322 KB, 2048x1536, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46893017

are you talking about 猪首?

>> No.46893019
File: 78 KB, 980x513, final fantasy 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46893022

been harassed and kicked out of that moe discord channel ,i guess thats why they are posting nonstop,

>> No.46893046

btw ZXY101 youare a fucking coward

>> No.46893052


>> No.46893054

he made a toy app. LLMs are not in a spot right now where someone who wasnt already a programmer when they came out can make anything of substance. you still need to approve the generated code and since it usually doesnt get it right on the first attempt if the complexity isnt a joke you need to fiddle with your prompts or manually fix stuff. we're gonna get there eventually but right now we're not there.

>> No.46893065

this is the daily japanese thread dont connect it to any cringe pisscord offshoot shit we dont fuck with those

they made discords to post in cuz they cant hang here

>> No.46893084

sure, but you learn much faster when you can just ask the llm for things along the way instead of googling, trying to adapt stackoverflow answers to your particular case, fiddling, manually rewriting to try different stuff

>> No.46893092

why did quiz and the discord bros leave us. i don't get it.

>> No.46893104

i was thinking about this recently actually. if i had LLMs when i was learning how to code i would have gotten lazy and my fundamentals would probably suck. id be a proompt """engineer""" not a developer. using stackoverflow and google is actually a very good way to learn even now because adapting solutions to your own shit helps you understand the problem more deeply as does searching for solutions. if someone isnt as lazy as i am and has the requisite discipline LLMs can be a great learning tool though.

>> No.46893105

you have post their resources page on top,

>> No.46893106
File: 542 KB, 1602x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46893120

i dont make the op some cringe retard does

>> No.46893131

i fucking hate every trip except for anacreon and qm. the rest of you are fags don't (You) me you're already filtered.

>> No.46893139

pre industrial revolution workers have called, they want your cope back

>> No.46893141

yooo those are my favorite trips too
j@mal bnko b0ngtard are def bottom 3

>> No.46893144

bro is gonna 早世 with that in his body

>> No.46893154

agreed they mostly post on topic stuff

>> No.46893174

what am i coping with? i havent written a function by hand in over a year lol

>> No.46893177

never drank a monster and i never will

gonna u a you anyway just in case even if theres a 0.00001% chance u see this and get unreasonably angry then its worth it

>> No.46893179

bro who tf likes analcream
creepy ass motherfucker gets a kick outta going after honest people

>> No.46893180

feels good that i never put on a trip or even a name

>> No.46893185

i cant even do that because my name is a bit racist (starts with n)

>> No.46893190

wait is your name nigger?

>> No.46893192

the letter n is not racist

>> No.46893194


>> No.46893197


>> No.46893200

i dont really like his "it was a trick question i've ommitted a vital fact on purpose" approach to posting but at least it fosters japanese discussion so i cant be mad about it

>> No.46893203

bros name is nigel :skull:

being named nigel is crazy :skull:

>> No.46893210

why do u find japanese discussion in english valuable

>> No.46893213

wow this language just makes sense

>> No.46893220

isnt that just 2 words

>> No.46893225


>> No.46893231
File: 871 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Unnamed Memory - 07 (1080p) [D49BEFA9]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46893237

what touhou game is best for someone whos never played a touhou game before

>> No.46893240

embodiment of scarlet devil

>> No.46893241

somebody was paid to draw this shit and somebody else was paid to terribly animate it. fuck anime.

>> No.46893244

is zun a racist ?

why arent there any black ppl in toho

>> No.46893246
File: 249 KB, 1105x447, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when u just give up

>> No.46893248

that image makes no sense at all

>> No.46893251
File: 137 KB, 420x220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true anime has declined

>> No.46893256

>"Piracy is bad, so you should never ever download EoSD, even though ZUN've said, that he got original files corrupted, so this game will never ever be on Steam. If you want to play this game, you should fly to Japan and try to find it in some store, if you're lucky. If you can't do this, you're not worthy to be a Touhou fan!"

>> No.46893257

wait so the new spice and wolf show is a remake but with the same voice cast? huh?

>> No.46893258

era toho theworld

>> No.46893261

mondai ga doko?

>> No.46893266

turn off ur monitor

>> No.46893267

basic ms paint bucket fill on basic clipart shapes

>> No.46893269

its tuesday you retard

>> No.46893273


>> No.46893274

chewday innit

>> No.46893280


>> No.46893285

mondai isnt monday
just like hyundai isnt hunday

>> No.46893291

do the japanese really have a weekday for shitting?

>> No.46893297
File: 387 KB, 1115x650, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is and isnt i decide not you

>> No.46893299

when i was a child i only pooped once a week

>> No.46893306

not enough raw meat and brains

>> No.46893310

atsui hoonday

>> No.46893311

kind of, i very underweight because my family was poor

>> No.46893322

well in that case that was peak performance
aint got time to be shittin you gotta be ready to secure ur next meal

>> No.46893347


>> No.46893353
File: 73 KB, 843x527, 5000 hrs in ms paint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46893358

trilingual immersion

>> No.46893377
File: 206 KB, 1079x1494, GOEMQvsbUAA6HcT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big win for dub bros

>> No.46893378

name? i remember watching that a long time sgo

>> No.46893389

do you guys recommend grandia 1 and 2?

>> No.46893391


>> No.46893393

ur supposed to play in release order

>> No.46893396

99/100 it isn't racist.

>> No.46893410
File: 55 KB, 600x800, ken-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the verb ends in る, change the る to られる
教える is a a-row lower monograde conjugation verb, whereas 売る is a ra-row pentagrade conjugation verb. Obviously pentagrade verbs are going to have one 5 different inflectional suffixes, so what on god's earth would compel a beginner to think the conjugation patterns would be the same?
Lowecasers never cease to amaze me in their stupidity.

>> No.46893413


>> No.46893415

what is this nigga even talkin about pentatonix or some shit isnt that an acapella band

>> No.46893419

Um, it's called basic Japanese grammar, and it wouldn't kill you to learn some.

>> No.46893423

my foot up ur ass might just kill you however

>> No.46893426

guy posts a big grammar game but has no vocaroo game

>> No.46893429

I prefer to be anonymous.

>> No.46893436

i love this game

>> No.46893437

ur not anonymous here we all know its u

>> No.46893451

if u just say noggers the game ends cuz what else is there to even say

>> No.46893456
File: 4 KB, 340x91, 1703025996113423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo whats going on rn

>> No.46893468

jamal is the biden of djt

>> No.46893474

i been accussed of trolling when i just having a bad day and a burnt out of kaishi .....................

>> No.46893482

no way i dont want illegals from mexico in my country and i would be sending them back along with all the other undesirables because i dont believe in one eye for an eye i believe in two eyes for an eye -bas rutten

>> No.46893486


>> No.46893529

stood next to an old water valve yesterday while water was going through it. apparently it was hissing so loud that today i have tinnitus in the ear that was angled towards it. good stuff

>> No.46893531

you are posted with a big sign saying look at me
you may as well put on a name

>> No.46893533

Which posts are yours? I'll be the judge.

>> No.46893552
File: 1023 KB, 1920x1080, 02 - Those Three Girls Won&#039;t Stop!-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46893557

>sure, you may have posted anonymously, but doesn't the way you type basically make you as bad as the namefags
Uh, no?

>> No.46893563

won't stop nose running forever

>> No.46893568

long story short uppercase grammar guy doesnt know japanese and is forever too scared to make a vocaroo and so all hell do is make cringe nerd remarks about grammar that no one even reads

>> No.46893578

he really do be seethin' 24/7

>> No.46893579

>he knows Japanese grammar
>therefore he doesn't know Japanese
Impressed by the mental gymnastics you got going on in that head of yours.

>> No.46893581

see? seethin'

>> No.46893589
File: 960 KB, 1920x1080, 02 - Those Three Girls Won&#039;t Stop!-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46893588

I'm sorry you don't know grammar, anon.

>> No.46893593

strong ai (ab)user vibes too

>> No.46893600

more of a clench i reckon

>> No.46893612

lmao I dare you to get the AI to write what I just wrote. Sadly, the AI wasn't trained on my wisdom.

>> No.46893617

what's the point of posting in a thread where like 80% of the posts are filtered

>> No.46893619

theres no reason to ever post in djt lets be real its a profound waste of time

>> No.46893625

whats not a waste of time

>> No.46893635

mrgirl says we're all gonna die anyway so don't worry if you're only getting your shit together in your 30s

>> No.46893639

inseminating women and spreading ur dna

>> No.46893640

>we're all gonna die
not me nuh-uh

>> No.46893643
File: 2.10 MB, 1220x936, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46893654


>> No.46893660

I'm on the cusp of N4 in terms of kanji comprehension, can form basic sentences.
Is this all I need to get pussy, since I tried in Hub last time but spilled my spaghetti a little.

>> No.46893664

you dont need to know japanese to get laid in japan lol

>> No.46893666

x よつい
o つよい

>> No.46893671

今日日 uh oh not again

>> No.46893700

>I'm the ongstr-est one in Parm! If anyone's got a problem with me, then bring it on!
Based. That's how I wanna be on DJT.

>> No.46893730


>> No.46893782

Started reading 空ノ鐘の響く惑星で. Good call. A lot of fancy words but I like finding them

>> No.46893790
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, 月曜から夜ふかし 街行く人の集めているモノを調査/○○すぎる○○を調査 [ref:3092fc623ef54f518f55305b424842c7]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trucker bros, your time is now

>> No.46893809

would trucker for 2万/day with japan cost of living

>> No.46893835

2man a day is very good for japan

>> No.46893841

neither do you
you cant even fuckin read lins (n2)

>> No.46893849

yeah exactly

>> No.46893860


>> No.46893865
File: 1003 KB, 1920x1080, 月曜から夜ふかし 街行く人の集めているモノを調査/○○すぎる○○を調査 [ref:3092fc623ef54f518f55305b424842c7]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46893880

remember when jamal couldnt tell that a dekinai was reading a lin backwards and praised him on his japanese

>> No.46893887

i remember when demi moore got naked in striptease

>> No.46893891

cant believe any naked bodies in film its all fake now

>> No.46893894

im surprised they dont do degenerate porn in mainstream cinema yet

>> No.46893896

got a new japanese hinge match with a 5head finna plaster that shit

>> No.46893899
File: 39 KB, 750x600, 1716313263288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would Japan cost of living

>> No.46893900

do you guys like japanese radio?

>> No.46893920
File: 2.35 MB, 272x480, 1715490859498021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46893944

how long have you been learning japanese and how much of this do you understand?

>> No.46893948

fanza is gonna die soon, i still have 10k unspent points on it tho
gonna go through all the stuff i bought and store it on my drive before they do

>> No.46893951

i like when she say shityle

>> No.46893959

why is it dying?

>> No.46893966

>性欲-provoking image
>irrelevant time-wasting prompt

>> No.46893974
File: 869 KB, 1920x1080, 月曜から夜ふかし 街行く人の集めているモノを調査/○○すぎる○○を調査 [ref:3092fc623ef54f518f55305b424842c7]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46893983

the concept of reaction based skits being on tv regularly like every day just shows how much bug like the japanese are

>> No.46893985

same reason as dlsite, globalism means kill everything white christian and liberal americans dont like

>> No.46893991

i want to move to japan and become a bug person

>> No.46893994

but its only used by japanese so who cares
they will make a new site to replace it

>> No.46894005
File: 337 KB, 1152x2048, GOGcq2Vb0AA0lIn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46894007

i wish you'll have your 虫の息 today

>> No.46894014

bug's breath?

>> No.46894044

A faint or dying breath, like that of a bug.

>> No.46894048
File: 2.19 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46894050

i just realized i actually need to learn japan so i can move there to consume their porn past 2025

>> No.46894057

You can’t “learn” Japan.

>> No.46894060

bugs dont breathe they have several tunnels in their bodies where they basically get oxygen by something similar to osmosis

>> No.46894066


>> No.46894075

>bugs dont breathe
Stupidest thing I’ve read on here.

>> No.46894080

i cant breathe -bug

>> No.46894081

you cant breathe without a lung

>> No.46894089

>(of a cell, tissue, or living organism) exchange gases, especially by means of a diffusion process.

>> No.46894095

081 post number is iq

>> No.46894097

i wonder what goes on inside a lung lmfao

>> No.46894100

diffuse this *shoves foot up ass*

>> No.46894109

i wish i could breath in the 臭い匂い of ogs 液 after a day at work

>> No.46894110

breathing is what you are doing manually now

>> No.46894111


>> No.46894141

im not a virgin. ive had girlfriends before. but i've never held hands with a beautiful woman before.

>> No.46894143
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, 遠山の金さん #27「大屋根に立つ美貌の女賊!」_20240521-084056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sukebe dame! :(

>> No.46894148

had to fix my $350 headphones with a hose clamp

>> No.46894150

probably feels like whats directly behind them

>> No.46894157

my headphones cost $30

>> No.46894163

>$350 headphones
neck yourself

>> No.46894165

break a hinge or smth? lol

>> No.46894174

im using senheizer in ears
headphones literally hurt to wear

>> No.46894178

174 head too soft

>> No.46894188
File: 696 KB, 1200x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

problem solved

>> No.46894201

imagine getting bluetooth sound directly into ur head that u cant ever mute as big brother forces u to be a slave

do not get chipped do not get a cybertruck

>> No.46894202

My headphones have only ever been stolen, no idea what they cost.

>> No.46894210

ive never had anything stolen

>> No.46894233

not for long *unzips*

>> No.46894234

dont worry, they wont try to get you to get brain chipped. they'll just have your children and grandchildren brain chipped :)

>> No.46894235

ive just got new headphones and i havent tried asmr in them yet

>> No.46894245

thank god i will never have to worry about this

>> No.46894273

>impotent and sterile
sasuga lol

>> No.46894282


>> No.46894288

oh no my swimmers still work they just arent going near any eggs any time soon

>> No.46894293

Blast ASMR over loudspeakers for your office or workshop.

>> No.46894295

what's your issue

>> No.46894303

you are just using the wrong ones then
certain headphones are just painful especially small cup ones like grados

>> No.46894317

LJK sexo
whats wrong with her eyes

>> No.46894319

yah u gotta carefully inspect ur builds before u commit to expensive headphones anything with any plastic hinges or exposed wires on the headset is a hard pass

>> No.46894337

yeah i had something similar happen. i had to buy chinese replacement pads because the stock ones were too shallow and my ears would hurt from being pressed against the headphones all day

>> No.46894340

all electronic with hardwired wires instead of ports are garbage

>> No.46894349

before i click how old is she

>> No.46894354

ai has no age

>> No.46894357

there's no exposed wires and the build quality has been well reviewed. they worked for like 2 years so that's probably normal for 2024 electronics i guess thanks to the international jewry
sony wh-1000xm5 btw
actually $399 retail i got it wrong.

>> No.46894358

id say 20 but what do I know

>> No.46894362

in that case im not interested

>> No.46894368

well no at the base of one of the cups should be a plug for that wire but theres always a wire after that that runs through the headset to the other ear but if its encased then that wire isnt going to get tugged on and break at any point and the main cable is replaceable so ur good there

plastic hinges break they do that shit as ur aware to jew ppl into buying more but u can get stuff with all steel moving parts

>> No.46894370

>exposed wires
are these headphones made in brazil? where the fuck do you buys headphones with exposed wires

>> No.46894374

dang djters are even more polish than i am

>> No.46894376
File: 515 KB, 960x540, 03 - Full of Strangers-[01.57.701-02.02.914].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46894383
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>> No.46894384

タマがねぇ! チンも!?

>> No.46894388
File: 59 KB, 776x1000, 81dYOz2J59L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my old gamer headset had some exposed wire running near the headband you can see it on the right here

>> No.46894394

yea fixing those wires is a pain in the ass so its better to avoid having them out in the open to accidentally get yanked on at some point

>> No.46894395

>gamer headset
have some self-respect please

>> No.46894399
File: 928 KB, 1920x1080, 03 - Full of Strangers-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46894406

just buy a new one lol
are you poor or what?

>> No.46894409

if u buy a new one then u dont have that money to give to ur vtuber oshi duh im trying to help u guys

>> No.46894416

dame vtuber oshi comes first fr fr

>> No.46894418

i don't like having a separate mic it's just annoying to deal with
id rather just use two different pairs of headphones and gamer headsets usually are actually better for footsteps and shit

>> No.46894421

i think i've finally had it with fsrs, after one month of no new cards, my card maturity rate has not changed, nor have my daily reviews gone down. it seems to have optimized itself to keep my deck in permanent equilibrium with when i started using it.

>> No.46894424

>褐色 かちいろ dark deep indigo blue
>褐色 かっしょく dark brown

>> No.46894425

>then u dont have that money to give to ur vtuber
>jamaL is a vtard

>> No.46894428

i dont i was just phasing it in terms that would make sense to u guys

>> No.46894429

always was
>points to korone funk in the archives

>> No.46894433

never heard かちいろ before

>> No.46894458
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>> No.46894463
File: 1018 KB, 800x534, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

昨夜 immersion

>> No.46894467

no japanese for me today aniki

>> No.46894473

love when japs censor a word by maruing both kanji
as if im supposed to fucking know what ○○ means

>> No.46894476


>> No.46894477

she almost doesnt look human and you know the cover is always 90% prettier with these things

>> No.46894479

bro if i don't end up with a hot japanese girl....

>> No.46894488

if you know you know

>> No.46894501


>> No.46894502

>vtuber oshi
for me its chaturbate

>> No.46894510

crazy how softcore makes me harder than hardcore porno

>> No.46894514

oh no i dont get hard anymore, i just like looking at naked women

>> No.46894520

gravure sucks

>> No.46894527

dame how old are you
wanna know how many years i have left

>> No.46894531


>> No.46894541


>> No.46894555

drop the dl link big bro

>> No.46894557
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>> No.46894577

>not Sennheiser
you get what you pay for, cunt

>> No.46894580


>> No.46894582

just pay 4,620 yen for it bro

>> No.46894589

yea that aint happening

>> No.46894600

>4,620 yen
japan economic collapse soon....
support the industry you cunt

>> No.46894602

don't be pirates bros

>> No.46894611

have and will never pay for porn

>> No.46894612

fuck the gravure industry

>> No.46894613

lets go to japan tonight

>> No.46894617


>> No.46894625


>> No.46894626
File: 53 KB, 1065x407, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best time to fuck some jks

>> No.46894630

and do what

>> No.46894632

don't like their shape

>> No.46894638

currency exchange rates arent worth shit.
the euro is worth 10% more than the us dollar, yet when i went to america everything was expensive as shit and unaffordable

>> No.46894643

sasuga europoor

>> No.46894644

yep americans are much richer than europeans. look at a list of countries by median disposable income. after paying for healthcare, americans still have more money than everyone else.

people confuse black and brown people being financially illiterate with americans having no money.

>> No.46894648
File: 108 KB, 1220x773, GOHX_16XsAoL8OF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46894654

nobody thinks crossdressers and femboys are transgender though

>> No.46894661

now look at free time per day and # minutes socializing per day

>> No.46894663

two of those words on the left are english/american, why are the on the japan side?

>> No.46894669

cost of living is 300% higher
americans pay $100 for a grocery bag with 2 pieces of chemically sprayed vegetables (they dont buy vegetables) and 1 pack of antibiotic infested mutant chicken

>> No.46894675

>1 pack of antibiotic infested mutant chicken
they dip it in chloride so its okay

>> No.46894678

>cost of living
americans are still richer after factoring it in

>> No.46894682

americans cant even go outside and take a walk
not that they'd want to

>> No.46894688
File: 597 KB, 1350x1014, 1716319319577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>44 mins a day

>> No.46894687


>> No.46894690

americans have more money after adjusting for housing, food, healthcare, etc.

americans are just richer. it's time that commie euros accept this. the tradeoff burgers get for having to put up with savage concrete apes is more money to spend on fun shit.

ask ciaran he probably knows after having to look for remote work in america because he'd get paid so little for the same work in britain.

>> No.46894693
File: 1.70 MB, 1101x867, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf matt knows disgraced actor and accused murderer alec baldwin?

>> No.46894703

yeah italian work culture is based. all my cousins and other relatives get a massive 2+ hour lunch break. a few of them even got 3 fucking hours where they'd come home, leisurely eat lunch and take a fuckin hour nap before they had to go back lol.

>> No.46894704

dame austrians work a lot huh
feels good being neet

>> No.46894710

i would definitely get a wife with a job and hire maids to clean our house once a week so that the wife and i can enjoy free time together.

>> No.46894714

wtf are these working times
this doesn't make any sense did they only survey freelancers or something

>> No.46894718

whats 44 mins a day?

>> No.46894724

japanese isnt really a singing language imo

>> No.46894731

its for between 15 and 64 years old prolly teenagers bringing the average down

>> No.46894738

do you know how to read

>> No.46894739

if we're being honest when you're 40 and have kids, wtf else are you gonna do with your life besides work? hedonism is meaningless.

>> No.46894741

i mean they surveyed people who kept time-use diaries so those are probably people who have too much free time on their hands in the first place lol

>> No.46894745

80 iq comment

>> No.46894748

it's one of the most beautiful singing languages wtf

>> No.46894749

norway and ireland the best countries

>> No.46894752

cosplay with them

>> No.46894753

no please enlighten me

>> No.46894759

on how to read? well first you enter elementary school, and then you learn how to read...

>> No.46894762

show me one adult with a real-job keeping a time-use diary
you can't

>> No.46894765

lol 759 didnt learn to read before elementary school

>> No.46894769

no on what i apparently missed to explain the low averages for paid work

>> No.46894774

yeah so what? i learned how to read at elementary school and look at me now. i can read better than a 4 year old. now what jamal?

>> No.46894775

at my old job id sometimes have days where other than my 1 hour break i'd be working every minute of my 8 hour shift and other days when i'd do like 1 hour of work max with some outlier night shifts having a grand total of 5 minutes work

>> No.46894777

fair i have no complaints

>> No.46894778

it's a research study that forced them all to keep one as part of it einstein

>> No.46894780

yeah but... you're still at work
most people aren't gonna be that granular when recording

>> No.46894783

jap lyrics are retarded

>> No.46894788

yeah but isnt it more likely that they found participants and then had them record their work as opposed to finding people that were already keeping slave-diaries?

>> No.46894789

so ur saying the "paid work" was the time required to create the time-tracking diary got it got it thanks for explaining

>> No.46894798

made me laugh

>> No.46894799

are you taking the piss lol

>> No.46894800

just make a spreadsheet and keep it on ur dextop i dont see whats so difficult about it

>> No.46894803

are you keeping one jamal
give us your average /djt/ minutes lol

>> No.46894809

i installed time tracking software on my pc cuz i like to see what ive been wasting my time on and its pretty accurate i reckon

>> No.46894810

wake up
16 hours djt
go to bed

>> No.46894811

oh im not a spreadshitter but i can safely say i post starting in the morning and stop posting in the evening and i tend to have a pretty consistent regular schedule

>> No.46894814

that image is bullshit wheres the part where you watch porn for 3 hours after coming home from work?

>> No.46894815

sometimes you have to remember 90% of this thread got filtered by beaver

>> No.46894816

if there isnt an extension or something maybe ill make a djt doom tracker that keeps a tally of how many posts you make, how many (you)s you get and how many hours you spend in here

>> No.46894819

what do u think "personal care" means bro

>> No.46894823

is it going to be free and open source software

>> No.46894825

still don't get why the people in the survey don't have real jobs

>> No.46894828

taking shits
taking piss`s
removing butt hairs as shown by a how-to on youtube

>> No.46894829

duh who the fuck would pay for that lol

>> No.46894830

this loser made 102 posts itt
like i said hes the braziliansigma of djt

>> No.46894831

what is a real job

>> No.46894835

free as in freedom, not free beer

>> No.46894837

where does pisscord rank

>> No.46894841

who da fook is brazillian sigma

>> No.46894843

one where you work at least 7 hours per day

>> No.46894846

8 hours of discord this year. thats more than i expected

>> No.46894848

ctrl f _p a p i__t o n t o_

>> No.46894852

if u work 40 hours a week that's an average of 5.7 hours per day.

>> No.46894856

barely even 10% of the posts ive slowed down from the old days

>> No.46894864

>work 40 hours a week
>lose 35+% to taxes

>work 20 hours a week
>almost no taxes
why would you choose the 40

>> No.46894866

hate working because i know have generational wealth coming down the pipeline eventually and im just going to retire in my mid 30s anyway

>> No.46894868

without papi the post quality would go up 50% but the volume would go down 50%

>> No.46894870

europeans are poor

>> No.46894873

i've got some generational wealth right here if you catch my drift *unzips*

>> No.46894874

without papi tonto i wouldn't come to these threads unironically

>> No.46894878

women are attracted to ambition/goals especially if they're prosocial, so that should be your motivation to work regardless if you inherit something nice.

>> No.46894879

okay the post quality would go up 60% then

>> No.46894886

acquired prosocial

>> No.46894900
File: 24 KB, 1112x550, 1595703041598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the depths of my djt folder

someone made this years ago and i kept it because it was profoundly true

>> No.46894909

my uncle made 500k from fucking nvidia. idk how he does it, it's like the 3rd of 4th time he's dabbed on the market like this. not to this extent but still.

>> No.46894918
File: 833 KB, 640x478, 4-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here lie those brave souls which impaled themselves on そういうこと

>> No.46894924

how would you even do that?

>> No.46894934

u shouldve already bought nvidia its still even now trading under its average p/e to earnings ratio

anything can happen and tomorrow could be one of those anything days but nonetheless

>> No.46894940

>women are attracted to men with prosocial goals

>> No.46894944

i just dump everything into funds, i dont have the time or interest to acquire sufficient knowledge where i'd even stand a chance of beating the market.
yeah i lold at that too

>> No.46894955

well ur fund is largely carried by nvidia most likely so u should still be happy this year

>> No.46894962


science says this is true

>> No.46894964

it's true but probably in a different sense of prosocial than you have in mind

>> No.46894968

you guys made millions on nvidia
i made 2000$ with 5$ by buying operation breakout cases
we are not the same

>> No.46894975

i honestly wish i invested in csgo cases back in 2015 i still have some from back then and im just shocked how much theyve appreciated

>> No.46894974

>social science research
>psychology research
>research where women have to be truthful about what they're attracted to
nope nope nope nope

>> No.46894978

not saying you're wrong but the third link is just a video of some weird fuckin deers and the second link talks about self-reported preference so it's worthless

>> No.46894983

one of my best friends makes 15-25k a month trading counter strike skins. its kinda a shame in a way since if he was at the same strata of the watch gray market for example he'd be making tens of millions a year. theres just a cap in that way on this market.

>> No.46894984

i wish i had invested in bitcoin when it was shilled on /b/ in 2011 but here we are

>> No.46894985

guys, REVEALED preference proves that women like prosocial men. time to accept it.

>but the third link is just a video of some weird fuckin deers
uh it's a cute video of men doing what men should do as providers.

>> No.46894999

did it persist after taking into account how much money they have, how tall they are, how good looking they are and how good their game is? you cant use the big 5 and social involvement as a proxy for game. idk how you'd even measure game considering its one of the more complex social interactions humans can have.

>> No.46895000

retarded posts like these make me irrationally angry

>> No.46895006

bitter incels don't know what "prosocial" means. they think an ex convict with a cool personality and is trying to get ahead in life is less "prosocial" than the incel neet loser who hasn't left his room in 5 years.

incels are so fucking pathetic and anti-science.

>> No.46895010

yeah i have some old usp worth $100. when cs2 was releasing someone here told me its gonna crash, but it doesnt seem like it did

>> No.46895011

the world is roughly half men and half women u dont have to worry about any of this shit

>> No.46895015

i was using bitcoin for a side hustle back when it was 400 bucks and at certain points had 30-40 btc in my wallet. at least i found an old wallet with 2000 bucks worth of bitcoin in it a few years ago randomly.

>> No.46895019

but earning money is prosocial because money represent social power

>> No.46895022

dunno but prosocial behavior is probably just attractive

>> No.46895023

010 since ive only got like 30 of the oldest cases ive decided i will just hold them forever just to see what couldve been

>> No.46895029

concession accepted, you can't even give a reasonable response to the most obvious questions on a study like this.

>> No.46895039

but that's not fair that doesn't mean i concede that just means i don't know but i'm probably right anyway that prosocial behavior alone is attractive

>> No.46895044

why? fuck you. i will kill you.

>> No.46895049

youre not gonna do jack shit you fat bitch lol

>> No.46895053 [SPOILER] 
File: 13 KB, 200x200, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait u mean to tell me this guy isnt outwardly attractive and someone u think would be nice to talk to ?

>> No.46895058

djt - anything but japanese

>> No.46895057

yea there probably is a shared genetic underpinning between prosocial behavior, good looks, IQ, etc. anyway

>> No.46895059

genuine laugh on this one

>> No.46895068

pourin rain so can't go for me bike ride but goin for a walk instead.

>> No.46895077

when i started learning japanese i was surprised how finely grained their tag system was compared to the west. i pretty much loved the language 1000x more because of this fact as i have autism and that is a welcome aspect of their language and culture

>> No.46895079

We're in a rain dance, let it splash on your head
You coulda been in pain but you're rejoicing instead

>> No.46895080

>their tag system
lol wtf. shut up retard

>> No.46895090

tag system more like fag system

>> No.46895093

i've had two, hell maybe three "how to eat pussy" guides bookmarked for months and still haven't gotten around to them.

>> No.46895094

how do niggers fit into the tag system?

>> No.46895103

it's like learning japanese. just immerse

>> No.46895107
File: 84 KB, 610x872, kingoftheblackpeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me posting the nigger word on djt

>> No.46895111

i actually laugh every single time i make one of my nigger posts here, i might be retarded

>> No.46895113

ask a mortician

>> No.46895115

the moment a woman realizes i'm a 30 year old virgin with no experience and i'm flailing about all over her like a weirdo she's going to dry up and never talk to me again. i need to know what i'm doing before ever touching a woman. so no, irl "immersion" is not an option for me. unless you mean immersing in the guides, in which case true.

>> No.46895118

how to say chud in japanese

>> No.46895124

just bike in the rain

>> No.46895126
File: 22 KB, 671x258, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno but i picked up this in the tranny morgana meme game

>> No.46895127

i had this exact same thought process and bought a knock off fleshlight to practice my stroke game and it worked to great effect

>> No.46895132


>> No.46895133

get a practice gf, i.e. a woman you dont care about if she laughs at you

>> No.46895140

i went to uni in the netherlands ive biked more in the rain than 99.99999999999% of the human population im done with it

>> No.46895142

did you sandwich the fleshlight between your mattress and bed frame and go to town or what?

>> No.46895144

>the moment a woman realizes i'm a 30 year old virgin with no experience and i'm flailing about all over her like a weirdo she's going to dry up and never talk to me again.
i know this kanji

>> No.46895145

video guide in this post watch carefully >>46892064

>> No.46895155

no just held it in my hands. it was actually easier with a woman since thrusting while holding onto her hips makes it easier to get a good rhythm as you can pull her into you. btw my recommendation is to try to start off fucking her doggy with you standing up. from my experience its way harder to cum when standing and not having to look her in the eyes helps with the nerves.

>> No.46895158

im going to learn japanese from song lyrics. thoughts?

>> No.46895170

yall fuckin crazy

>> No.46895182

i dont care, it cost me 20 bucks and made the entire experience way more pleasurable and comfortable for both me and her. less nerve racking too.

>> No.46895185

you held the fleshlight still with your hands while you stood up and thrusted your hips into it?

>> No.46895189


>> No.46895201

a catchy song encourages you to sing along every time you hear it, which is much better than grinding boring anki cards

>> No.46895203

yes but i also did it for the equivalent of the cowgirl position and also for regular doggy when you're on your knees. as you can imagine there are no mirrors in the room i did this in as it is unbelievably embarrassing.

>> No.46895208

did you just buy it in preparation because you might have sex with some girl you met and it turned out to be the case
im not following the scenario where you're like shit i got a big sex night coming up better practice

>> No.46895213

well why do u think i post baby shark


>> No.46895225

big sex night coming up better do my reps *slopping fleshlight sounds*

>> No.46895229

i got yelled at once after performing oral sex
not because i was so bad at it, but because i became flaccid while doing it

>> No.46895230


>> No.46895231

like most virgin losers id never actually tried to get laid so when i turned 27 i decided enough is enough and started actively using apps and going out more with friends. after i went on a few dates i realized it is not actually a cosmic certainty that i will die without sticking my dick in someone so i bought it assuming it would eventually happen and it did. crazy overrated btw sex is

>> No.46895233
File: 59 KB, 1100x732, done with this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im going to learn japanese from song lyrics.

>> No.46895234

yall got issues

>> No.46895241

sex is a thing we just have to do every once in a while to reset our biological shot clock

>> No.46895245
File: 957 KB, 1080x1308, Screenshot_20210327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46895247

too many riajuus talking in my djt rn gonna alt-f4 this tab for today

>> No.46895249

how could she even see your dick though unless it was 69 in which case you can blame her poor slop game

>> No.46895253

what if i call you a nigger many times?

>> No.46895257

how did you actually get to fucking them
i went on dozens of dates sometimes 2 or 3 times with the same woman but it never got to the point of actually having sex
how do people do it do they just ask hey you wanna fuck

>> No.46895259

because i was hard before and flaccid afterwards

>> No.46895260
File: 52 KB, 492x82, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46895263

i also lost my virginity at like 27 and think sex is very overrated
would rather jerk off for 5 minutes and get back to more pressing matters such as taking iq tests

>> No.46895271


>> No.46895290

i don't like having sex because it's only with women who aren't attracted to me doing it out of desperation. have to lube the pussy up otherwise ill cut my dick with the dry friction and then stare into their dead eyes.

>> No.46895302

as long as you spend time with the language you can improve, so it's not worthless. However, thinking you can completely avoid studying, spoken language, and writing before you acquire the language seems naive.

>> No.46895305

keep your fetishes to yourself bro

>> No.46895308

i believe everyone saying sex is overrated is blatantly lying because they're virgins themselves. i mean i get the highest highs of my life when i edge for an hour. imagine sharing these moments with another person that is into you as you're into them. that must be like a huge force multiplier if you can share these dopamine spikes with another person. there's no way its not better shared than done alone.

>> No.46895322

im saying sex is overrated and i also hate edging and would be bored out of my mind having sex for an hour

>> No.46895324
File: 692 KB, 2168x2625, 20240516_020430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goonmaxxed porncel vibes but lowkey fell off on thew mewing streak

>> No.46895327

sorry 308 but everyone is about to tell u

its ur post thats said like the true virg my friend

>> No.46895328

i think what it boils down to is having the date be at your place. if youve gone out with a girl twice you need to escalate and invite her for dinner or figure out some other circumstance that will result in her being alone with you in your apartment. the girl i lost my virginity to was also into cooking so for the second date i said she should come over and ill show her how to make pizza. afterwards we were on the couch and i kissed her and that was that.

>how do people do it do they just ask hey you wanna fuck
once you're alone in a place you can fuck in close proximity to each other ie sitting on the couch for example you need to make a move which basically is just leaning in for a kiss lol

>> No.46895333


>> No.46895336

i never said i wasn't

>> No.46895343

a virgin is trying to tell sex havers whats what. thats like a poor person telling a rich person how to spend money

>> No.46895344


post best tomboy doujinshi names before new thread

>> No.46895345

it's gay that guys have to escalate like that because women are selfish and want to feel pursued

>> No.46895348

i know but its especially so

its not that sex is bad or anything but when its not a one man beatoff show things are a bit different

>> No.46895351

so basically you want to be a woman

>> No.46895355

well men are stronger and more capable in every regard to women so maybe god just did them a solid when he made them have all the leverage when it comes to sex lol

>> No.46895357

well wtf did she yell?

>> No.46895362

yea im saying it must be better than doing it alone

>> No.46895364

if a girl likes u enough to suck u off and u just go soft the relationship is over u fucked up she will never let that go

>> No.46895369

you're talking to low T guys or guys who have short term hookups with women they're not in love with

>> No.46895372

when ur alone u can jerk off to whatever depraved fetishes u have but when ur doing it with a girl u have to hide ur power level

>> No.46895374

it's not really it's the same shit except a pussy feels like 10% better than a hand and worse than a flashlight. it's offset by being a lot more physical and mental effort

>> No.46895375

not being able to bust on the other hand you can work to your advantage since it makes women insecure lol

>> No.46895381

that's why you gotta nofap

>> No.46895384

>imagine sharing these moments with another person that is into you as you're into them.
i agree with this but it's rare to come by and even when you do find it, it kinda goes away from my experience once youve been with the person for a long time. i still like having sex with my gf but the dopamine release now is a complete joke compared to the first 3 months

>> No.46895388

yeah this is kinda based actually. i guarantee no nerd virgin can just on their first time having sex. it's like trying to take a piss standing right next to a stranger your body knows how to do it but it won't

>> No.46895390

>10% better than a hand

ppl who say this shit are either liar virgs or my tips just extra sensitive

>> No.46895396

daily japanese thread btw

>> No.46895400

we're all talking about japanese women so it's relevant

>> No.46895404

dick jackoff thread

>> No.46895412

in terms of pure physical sensation on my dick, jerking off feels better than sex with a condom. never had sex without it though so idk how that is

>> No.46895414

song lyrics guy will acquire japanese while you guys can become masters of pussy eating or whatever but you wont make it at japanese

>> No.46895433

*metallica riff* master of pussy im eatin the strings

>> No.46895437

you cut up bro?!

>> No.46895446

hell yea i dont got no gross sea cucumber i got a big raw well defined *feels eyes on me* uhhhh

>> No.46895447

didn't meant the exclamation mark im phone posting

>> No.46895452

chinks are incapable of having big dicks

>> No.46895455
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>> No.46895457

im white

>> No.46895463

no you're not

>> No.46895466

do japs have no concept of rain jackets? ive never used an umbrella in my life.

>> No.46895469

actually adorbs

a rarity in todays day and age

ask the djt inner circle they know

>> No.46895472

if anon has chinkdar then he has chinkdar

>> No.46895476

how do i get an audience with the inner circle?

>> No.46895478

damn i love the trope of old video games where you're exploring the lost world that an advanced civilization left behind before they randomly vanished. (skies of arcadia, bof3, xenogears, etc...)

>> No.46895479

um no ddlg is a prereq for me

>> No.46895480

his chinkdar was prolly made in china

>> No.46895483

you are a chink

>> No.46895489

that's one of the worst tropes

>> No.46895493

in my head jamals still that black person from brazil

>> No.46895495

anime isnt real life, Japs even use rain jackets with their bikes IRL

>> No.46895498

how? and name one good trope.

>> No.46895503

what's the trope called where brats have flat chests, bulgy tummies and know exactly what they're doing?

>> No.46895509

umm what are you talking about...

>> No.46895515
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>> No.46895519

because it's boring
good trope is when the antagonist actually wasn't the realm antagonist and was just a puppet

>> No.46895522


>> No.46895689

don't really remember this moment but i played the half life games a few years ago and must have encountered it. great atmosphere.

>> No.46895692

a pretty organic 1k post thread and all it took was offtopic posting about how to lose your virginity and how to hump a fleshlight

>> No.46895731

notice how jamal avoids the topic when ppl talk about circumcision

>> No.46895734
File: 91 KB, 1280x1219, hagmaxxers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bunko do you have any insight into this phenomenon

>> No.46895742

no my wife isnt that old

>> No.46895748

wait wtf so then you're just a poser? everyone says you're into old women

>> No.46895750

i dont personally consider them old no

>> No.46895753

you said 23 is old

>> No.46895757

I don't understand this. MTL gives me "he often talks about Paris" and it makes sense in context, but I don't get how you get that. Is 間いる used for bringing up a topic or something? I don't think I've seen it before.

>> No.46895770

post the source of your quotation and all will become clear

>> No.46895771

its all relative at the end of the day but 50 really isnt that old anymore thanks to technology

>> No.46895775

technology ruins your health and makes you older thoughever

>> No.46895777


>> No.46895803

looks like a fucked up scan or bad transcription or something
that should probably be 聞いてくれ instead
in which case it's "he often listens to [me] talk about paris"

>> No.46895815

You OCR'd it wrong. It's よく聞いてくれます. He often listens to (my) stories of Paris.

>> No.46895837

18 is hag

>> No.46895853


>> No.46895856

sex is disgusting if you think about it I mean have you seen a vagina? gross

>> No.46895857


>> No.46895863

Nope, in this context you would interpret it as "listens."

>> No.46895868
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>> No.46895876

well it depends, about 50% of women have roast beefers then like 48% shower and then like 10% have stds, so its like what 35% are alright

>> No.46895892


>> No.46895904

apparently 100% of ppl who have sex have had HPV meaning it's never safe to eat pussy

>> No.46895906
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( *´艸`)

>> No.46895907

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to disagree. Uppercasers have a higher intelligence to comprehend barbaric tongues.

>> No.46895908

vaginas are hot and turn me on when i see them in porn

>> No.46895914

you are gay

>> No.46895915
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>> No.46895916

Sex is overrated imo I lost my virginity twice, once in Amsterdam and another time in Thailand and I'm much rather just jerk off, way less awkward and you won't get robbed either

>> No.46895917

stop talking to yourself schizoid

>> No.46895920

Why would you think I'm the guy I'm talking to?

>> No.46895926

youre insane that's why

>> No.46895928


>> No.46895934

Baseless accusation. I've shown great sanity in this thread. I've only pretend to be at most 4 different people.

>> No.46895942

too bad you never managed to pretend to know japanese

>> No.46895954

note that only the uppercaser replied to my accusation. most curious.

>> No.46895957

True, that's very suspicious of me. If I weren't samefagging, how come I'm not samefagging to reply to your post?

>> No.46895962

you aren't smart enough for that and only just thought about it after i told you

>> No.46895968

true true

>> No.46895969


>> No.46895972

i think my new headphones make vtuber screeching less annoying, i should probably send them back for the greater good

>> No.46895976

yep this anon won

>> No.46895977

Ah, you're right. As soon as you accused me of samefagging, I seized up and only thought to defend myself as my uppercase persona. It's like a kid getting caught eating candy. He's not gonna keep eating candy in front of his parents.

>> No.46896013

true true

>> No.46896042


>> No.46896074

Is it true that they have curves and ridges on the inside? I remember seeing it in a cross section of an onahole and I don't believe it. It's just added into the onahole for added pleasure. That puts me off; it looks like some Junji Ito-type of shit. Scary.

>> No.46896077

Thanks. Yeah, it was a bad scan.

>> No.46896105
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>> No.46896133

youre behind on the slop

>> No.46896180

ive been playing videogames

>> No.46896213

is it again that time where you retards are holding your "epic posts" for the next thread and you're afraid to post here

>> No.46896233 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 552x585, you have my attention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic posts?

>> No.46896237
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>> No.46896249

i only react i don't create. it's the way of the zoomer

>> No.46896251 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46896253


>> No.46896255 [DELETED] 
File: 774 KB, 326x316, doorknobflip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46896262

hi guys what's goin on he-

>> No.46896264 [DELETED] 
File: 401 KB, 326x316, doorknob5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46896265 [DELETED] 
File: 616 KB, 326x316, nice &#039;n slow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46896269

das crazy
he flipped it the mad man

>> No.46896271 [DELETED] 
File: 363 KB, 316x326, nothin much hbu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46896276

he's doing tricks on it

>> No.46896281

that yearly photoshop subscription paying off now

>> No.46896283


>> No.46896287

i use photoshop elements which is basically abandonware

>> No.46896289 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46896290
File: 39 KB, 395x427, (194).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just won a crazy slay the spire campaign but doesnt even feel as good cause i should have been studying....

>> No.46896292

here i come king of heroes do you have enough doorknobs in stock

>> No.46896304 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46896307


>> No.46896308

what are you studying?

>> No.46896309
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>> No.46896317

>slay the spire
oh yeah, that's game that doesn't have single fucking frame of character animation

>> No.46896319

the black one

>> No.46896324

fitting all 12 inches

>> No.46896328
File: 245 KB, 347x345, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i havent slayed the spire in a while

>> No.46896330 [DELETED] 
File: 366 KB, 326x316, jamaL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46896331

any good linnies with epic world crafting like mushoku tensei

>> No.46896333

i'm spending this monthdoing kaishi 1.5k so i can start mining, and just going through imabi at like 10 lessons a day or so. then besides that watching about half a season of anime a day and im gonna start a vinny tomorrow if i have time or ill just play rance 3 cause i already have it installed

>> No.46896335

aw yea baby gimme that knobberino

>> No.46896344
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>> No.46896349

>im gonna start a vinny tomorrow if i have time or ill just play rance 3 cause i already have it installed
it's over you're alright quiet quitting

>> No.46896354


>> No.46896356

ate a ton of chilli which made me shit 3 times today so i had to use my middle finger 3 times to rinse out my butthole and now my middle finger and hand is hurting from stretching too far and it'll probably be sore tomorrow.

>> No.46896362 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46896369
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>> No.46896381
File: 260 KB, 650x805, 1676758633856901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive got to pass all my classes or im cooked so gotta go easy. i have 3 projects due this week. thats how i fell off the horse a few months ago as well so i wont do it again.

>> No.46896401

College, or secondary? What projects? I bet we could contribute to any project or presentation you have due. The only condition is us being able to edit it however we see fit, and having /djt/ somewhere in the list of contributions. Also, to have a knob somewhere in the presentation.

>> No.46896418

lil sis...

>> No.46896432

True, true, lowercasers can't really be considered a part of DJT.

>> No.46896436

2 of them are on upper level mathematics, most people here couldn't do them. ill be fine to get it done, just need to stop wasting time. just really hard cause v. attention struggling person

>> No.46896449

Maths major? I wanted to be a Mathematician, but I was born retarded, so I'll just stick to Japanese.

>> No.46896458

Uppercasers are running the thread now, boys.

>> No.46896462

we lowercasers are getting left behind wtf

>> No.46896471

It was inevitable.

>> No.46896476
File: 57 KB, 580x798, 9sT82mQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i happen to be something of a retard myself

>> No.46896483

i hate shonen that have a bunch of side characters they spend forever on. i only care about the mc and maybe one or two of his coolest nakama.

>> No.46896494

worse is when you like an original side character and they get relegated to the sidelines because more and more characters are added and take center stage

>> No.46896501

yep this is why berserk is way better.

>> No.46896514

why did puck's ass get fatter as berserk went on?

>> No.46896534

hope lloyds thighs get thicker as dainanaoji goes on

>> No.46896559
File: 1 KB, 493x31, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over

>> No.46896567

it's hard, close to impossible, but you can save yourself by reducing the new card count to a lower number.

really hope you can pull through this.

>> No.46896591

how many reviews a day do you do?

>> No.46896603 [DELETED] 

900-1000 3-4hr

>> No.46896663

remember when you used to get banned for off topic posts lmfao i think theyve just given up at this point

>> No.46896670

Did you see last thread? Shit was wild lmao. Look at that nigga lil' go.

>> No.46896676

cum tributes still up

>> No.46896677

why are all the new dic conversions filled with 20mb of html that makes ur flash cards ugly and hard to edit cuz the wysiwyg editor in anki sucks and u have to remove all the divs and spans manually
i hate front end devs so fuckign much

>> No.46896679

god i wanna fuck misa

>> No.46896682

wonder if her pussy self lubricates with grease

>> No.46896684

misa jarjar binks

>> No.46896696

never watched a single sports anime

>> No.46896698

yo same

>> No.46896705

just rewatched pin pon its crazy how the ost is the only good part of it

>> No.46896708

only sports anime i watched was that boxing one where they made it 480p or some shit

>> No.46896709

wtf i just had the thought literally 2 minutes ago that i should finish it but i probably wont since its so fucking hideous to look at

>> No.46896711

You guys ever start learning Japanese but then you open up spankbang and start looking for Japanese pantyhose porn videos and start masterbating instead?

>> No.46896714

no i use jav.guru its a pain in the ass finding any good jav on spankbang

>> No.46896716

pin pon looking hideous is a calculated move to be able to do wild camera movements with minimal cgi and distract you from the fact that they didnt spend their whole budget on it while also not having a sudden quality drop cuz the normal quality is the same

>> No.46896718

this is a banger fr fr no cap

>> No.46896721

devilman crybaby is also worshipped when the ost is the only good part what other anime are like that

>> No.46896723


>> No.46896725

Janny's probably busy with exams. We'll probably all be surprise raped by the end of this week or next week. Until then, continue doorknobbing.

>> No.46896731

i prefer yous over doorknobs cuz theyre easier to count

>> No.46896732

anime is for losers I just watch vtubers these days

>> No.46896735

crybaby has a certain atmosphere to it plus the art and animation is very soulful

>> No.46896737
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>> No.46896740

subbed or dubbed?

>> No.46896744

you guys ever wish you can travel back in time to your teens so you can kill yourself and spare yourself the 20 years of suffering?

>> No.46896747

no time like the present

>> No.46896748

i stopped fantasizing about time travel like 10 years ago and just accepted that suffering continues

>> No.46896752

I'm 35 there's no point in killing myself now, might as well ride it out

>> No.46896763

i only watch sports anime
they are more hype than any shonen

>> No.46896768

one outs thats also nothing but a good ost

>> No.46896773

new thread

>> No.46896787

i have this autistic thought in my head that won't go away thats saying downgrade from windows 11 to windows 10. windows 11 still feels like complete garbage to me, but fomo is making me want to ride it out. do you guys still use win 10?

>> No.46896791

11 doesnt let you move the taskbar to only one side of the monitor its either on both or off so i went back to 10

>> No.46896814

why are japs losing their fertility
Its the pants man, they dont breath at all in hot weather

>> No.46896834

i upgraded from windows 11 to windows 10 ltsc and vastly prefer it because windows 11 feels like cluttered garbage.

>> No.46896855

whats the difference between ltsc and commercial windows 10?

>> No.46896908

only thing i dont like about win11 really is it cutting the corners off of my vns

>> No.46898335

he missed one of the doorknobs

>> No.46898337


>> No.46903300

thread still alive

>> No.46904496

ah ha ha ha stayin alive
