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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 215 KB, 1200x1615, sumipe ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46879952 No.46879952 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.46880386

>americashit underwear
>that lip

>> No.46881214

preppin' for putin

>> No.46882109

Young Sumipe is pure sex. She's too caked up nowdays.

>> No.46882211

Hideous untalented vatnik whore.

>> No.46883374
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The Seiyuu Queen is in the thread.

>> No.46883680
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>> No.46884478

What’s with the ritual posting.
Anyway, I wish Nanjo didn’t do as well with the singing as she did. She seems to have little need to work now and only does odd things here and there rather than churning out new anime appearances every season.

>> No.46885305
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>> No.46885948



>> No.46887299

Her eggs

>> No.46888085

I thought this was a seiyuu thread and not a thot thread

>> No.46888664
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Maaya Creampie

>> No.46888937

Get to work Yuma.

>> No.46889059
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>> No.46889125


>> No.46889188

I wish I were an old influential businessman so I could have a chance with her.

>> No.46889224


>> No.46889653
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>> No.46889829

What is it with seiyuu and Calvin Klein?

>> No.46889895


Talking boobs.

The talking knee.

>> No.46890053


Umezu Hideyuki dies of interstitial pneumonia at age 68

>> No.46890151

Tomato bros...

>> No.46890173

Flat and unattractive.

>> No.46890937
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>> No.46891300
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>> No.46891457

That's some small pinky

>> No.46892085

Her breasts actually had ballooned from lactating.

>> No.46892106

I always get backstabbing whore vibe from Rieri, not sure why.
Like she wouldn't hesitate to steal her best friend's significant other on a heartbeat if she ever feels like it.

>> No.46892152
File: 203 KB, 518x930, IMG_0132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomorrow... a famous seiyuu who is know to everybody scandal will be... leaked...!!
tabloid paper Bunshun revealed.
0:00 p.m.

>> No.46892173

What the hell. I just realised that.

>> No.46892189
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>> No.46892303

Don't care

>> No.46892428

After that lame Nakamura "expose" I don't know if we should expect anything big.

>> No.46892492

>a famous seiyuu who is know to everybody

>> No.46892624

What happened to Nakahara?

>> No.46892638


Some people are guessing Suzumura because he just went on a hiatus. Other guesses include Kimura Subaru and Matsuoka.

>> No.46892639

Why is Mikku's PB is so tame compared to this?

>> No.46892688


>> No.46892746

One has a decent body and the other doesn't.

>> No.46893226

Ran out of bread

>> No.46894003
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They used a stock image so it may not be male.

>> No.46894252

I would

>> No.46894307

Which means there's a possibility of it being grandma Nozawa, she is a "super popular voice actor that everyone knows". KnY is airing so it could be one their VAs again. Anyway we'll find out in ~8 hours

>> No.46894346

Desu I think if Bunshun had a female relationship scoop they wouldn't be vague about it, sex sells and all that

>> No.46894903

Sakurai nooooo

>> No.46895699

Amuro detected

>> No.46895727
File: 458 KB, 1262x659, 1688733782632330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

affair with ~30 years old fans, including violence and compelled abortion

>> No.46895797

which is heavier, this or Doyakonga?

>> No.46895812

cheating, abortion, violence

>> No.46895974

second image:
legendary seiyuu Toru Furuya confesses to 4.5 years affair with a female fan 37 years younger than him, along with pregnancy, abortion, and violence episode

>> No.46895993


>> No.46896000
File: 28 KB, 984x134, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yamucha VA is an adulterer
Made me remember this interview he did.

>> No.46896080

Inorin only big role this year is a second rate Magical Girl show

Inorin is over

>> No.46896152

>kayano banned from china

>> No.46896518

best kayano girls of recent years?

>> No.46896688


>> No.46896726

Geeze but he's really old.

>> No.46896870

How come female seiyuu don't cheat? Or are they just better at it...

>> No.46896911
File: 140 KB, 451x640, mmoyvLg81P-normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real? This character is fucked now.

>> No.46897089

If Amuro Ray's VA got this much attention from fans, I'm willing to bet Char's VA has multiple unknown pregnancies.

>> No.46897254

So many cheaters in JP no wonder so many of them doesn't want to get married

>> No.46897275


>> No.46897338

Furuya has always been a womanizer that's why his marriage with Mami Koyama fell apart, not surprised. There's also the rumours that he forced his second wife, Satomi Majima, to retire and not to take any more roles.

>> No.46897345

Fuuruya saved the day

>> No.46897350
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>> No.46897465
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>> No.46897480
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>> No.46897512
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He admits everything

>> No.46897592
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>> No.46897615
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yeah anyways, what's the most souless cast of the season? I'd say it's the one of jellyfish but I actually enjoy the show

>> No.46897656

When are they going to expose Sugita?

>> No.46897666

You can enjoy a show inspite of the cast.

>> No.46897691

When is it gonna be Kaji's turn to get exposed? He's diddling his fans younger fans I just know it.

>> No.46897692
File: 275 KB, 1080x1350, Fuol2gUaAAIrEaG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought there's no way to top Sakurai's scandal but you did it Bunshun.

>> No.46897699

>even a 70 year old is getting some

>> No.46897720

It's so boring how it's always the men, why can't hags cheat too?

>> No.46897727

Why admit? He is in his 70s, just take the secret to the grave and deny till the very end at this point, you're this close to dying anyways.

>> No.46897772

Because they know they can’t get away from it as easily as the men.

>> No.46897831

Next bunshun, Hikasa and her 20 year old boytoy

>> No.46897885
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they got the abortion paper with his signature
can't get away with that

>> No.46897899
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>> No.46897905


>> No.46898036

For what? Being gay?

>> No.46898108
File: 441 KB, 2048x2048, GNue7g4aAAAbS-G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will he still go?

>> No.46898118

Is there any dirty looking seiyuu actually dirty in real life? It is always the one that looks like a decent dude that turned out dirty

>> No.46898120

I think so? Americans are used to celebrity drama.

>> No.46898228

Well americana are pro abortion

>> No.46898256

>soulless cast
Jellyfish is actually the most soulless show of this season too. Literally zoomer whores doing zoomer things shitshow.

>> No.46898262

>Is there any dirty looking seiyuu actually dirty in real life?
>It is always the one that looks like a decent dude that turned out dirty
None, they all look like playboys.

>> No.46898265

toshihiko seki? What did he do?

>> No.46898277

The Tomokazu one.

>> No.46898389

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse

>> No.46898496

I no longer surprised if it wasn't murder or something.

>> No.46898525

571 それでも動く名無し 警備員[Lv.15][] 2024/05/22(水) 12:28:32.61 ID:gIAYlP7r0
さらに「週刊文春 電子版」ではデート中に安室の声色で囁く古谷の動画なども併せて報じている。


779 それでも動く名無し 警備員[Lv.3][新芽][] 2024/05/22(水) 13:40:21.00 ID:p29ohABK0

古谷が車運転しながら台詞口調で『今日の湖巡りはどうかな? 楽しめたかい?』

女『誰?』 古谷『安室透です』 女『キャーーー!!』


571 >Additionally, the "Weekly Bunshun Electronic Edition'' also reported on a video of Furuya whispering in Amuro's voice during a date.

Even though I hate weekly magazines, I want to buy them.

779 I'm watching a video now

When Furuya was driving, he said in a dialogue tone, "How about going on a lake tour today?'' "Did you enjoy it? ”

Woman: "Who? ” Furuya: “I’m Toru Amuro.” Woman: “Kyaaaa!!"

He also whispers to women with Sabo's voice.

>> No.46898567

Chad jiji

>> No.46898573

Based. YamChad my FUARKING HERO

>> No.46898606

Now, the question is was he like this from the beginning or did something snap later?

>> No.46898648
File: 189 KB, 1600x1202, furuya03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English translation of the Bunshun article - https://zeonic-republic.net/?page_id=11486

>> No.46898668

“The moment I stepped into the room, he pushed me onto the bed with a force I hadn’t expected. There was no buildup, no romance. It was so abrupt. As he grew more aroused, he tried to enter me without protection. I pleaded, ‘Wait, please,’ but he brushed it off, saying, ‘It’s okay, it’s okay,'” she recounts.

She tried to stop him again, but he explained, “I can’t produce sperm. My wife and I tried fertility treatments for about 7 years. Even if I finish inside you, there’s absolutely no chance you’ll get pregnant.”


>> No.46898702

What did he do?

>> No.46898721

A cheater? sure
Violent? who knows

>> No.46898831

>Every other male seiyuu is cheater or playboy
Wow, how can the female seiyuu put up with this? Wonder what they think about all these scandals? Soon, they might see every male as scum. The seiyuu industry is fucked

>> No.46898841

Sounds hot. Also she went into his hotel room willingly.
What else was she expected? Just some shitty romantic talk all night?

>> No.46898866

Minori Chihara and Aya Hirano were polyamorists cheating whores, and probably there are more female seiyuu like them too.

>> No.46898923

No different from average normie men and women.

>> No.46898948

Toriyama won in the end.

>> No.46899003

>Japan has a declining birthrate
>Also big infidelity problem

>> No.46899079

truly the biggest loss. this is why characters shouldn't be named after real living people...

>> No.46899126


>> No.46899144

They will kill Toru Amuro and new character named Yamato Soichiro (voiced by Hoshi Soichiro) will replace him.

>> No.46899147

Wake me up, when bunshun uncovers the YuumaMaaya incest

>> No.46899163

Queen always should be pure thats why shes the queen

>> No.46899242
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Neesan belongs to old men.

>> No.46899252

Which one's the old man

>> No.46899253

All is forgiven

>> No.46899314

That's a new anime right there. All it needs is a newbie to voice the male.

>> No.46899321

Like LN title? LOL. Fits though

>> No.46899358

"I'm Impotent So I Had An Affair But She Got Pregnant?!?!?!"

>> No.46899543

He'll start World war III by leading his own nation

>> No.46899571


>> No.46899578

Isn't it really cowardly that she approaches a married man knowing he's married, commits adultery with him, and then releases a video of him later on?

>> No.46899611

That's why you don't sticc the dicc in crazy (fujo fan)

>> No.46899612
File: 30 KB, 640x360, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most fans would dream of such special service from their favorite seiyuu,

>> No.46899741

Scum's wish? Nah they're actually subtle in there, also kino I guess

>> No.46899955

Why women prefer to report things to Bunshun, not Police?

>> No.46900026
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She liked it.

>> No.46900094

I remember there is a doujin similar to that...

>> No.46900371
File: 138 KB, 1080x1168, 442483699_122121014702279761_8659637018966005546_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46900662

>preppin' for putin


>> No.46900671

Oh, the poor poor almost 40 years old girl didn't know what she was doing

>> No.46900695

It's funnier.

>> No.46900703

>Yomiuri Television, which produces the Nippon Television anime series "Detective Conan," starring voice actor Toru Furuya (70), who has been involved in a reported adultery scandal, responded to an interview by Sponichi Shimbun on the 22nd regarding future measures, saying, "We have nothing to say at this stage."

>> No.46900741


>> No.46900812


>> No.46901052

Because Bunshun will take the case more seriously than the police

>> No.46901193


>> No.46901207


>> No.46901246


>> No.46901271


>> No.46901525


>> No.46901597

nip police won't likely care

>> No.46901751

>king records made an english x account
>KING RECORDS will host an industry panel on July 6 at Anime Expo 2024
>Haruki Ishiya, Yukihiro Nozuyama, and Sumire Uesaka as special guests.

>> No.46901923

Which is why my favorite seiyuu should marry me

>> No.46902052

female seiyuu at worst are just cheaters aKa sleep with married sound engineers to get roles.
They are yet to reach this level of mess that male seiyuu do once they are caught.

>> No.46902655

Still would

>> No.46903435
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>> No.46903541

girls band cry on the other hand is pure soul

>> No.46903885

someone's gonna bring up Ukraine

>> No.46904068

I didn't know how much I need this before I saw it.

>> No.46904535
File: 41 KB, 736x555, cde4b3297c3930954b56e532798a8169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only female seiyuu would fuck her fans like male seiyuu do

>> No.46904556


>> No.46904608
File: 114 KB, 575x1024, Fjzs4FFUcAAbopA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The seiyuu scene needs based bitches like AKB48.

>> No.46904816
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>> No.46904817
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>> No.46904893

Translate it weebs

>> No.46904899

It's doyakonga, but they didn't claim to be hacked

>> No.46904901

Which is why

>> No.46904908

I bet this is Yu Serizawa posting

>> No.46904988

i had no idea this nigga could sing

>> No.46905010

Jesus, is shitposting the new trend on seiyuuland to stay relevant?

>> No.46905032

Most seiyuu are decent singers I think. Live is another matter.

>> No.46905067


>> No.46905095
File: 273 KB, 1280x1638, GOO0X2-aoAAWneT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46905304

I wonder when will Sugita's sexual allegations come out

>> No.46905365

Do you know who Erii Yamazaki is?

>> No.46905406

Nakamura's was a nothingburger. It will be the same for him.

>> No.46905576

wasn't he married for some time though, that already sounds like a red flag to me

>> No.46905886
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>> No.46906354

>tfw xenobladefags still pretend he was ”inferior” as zeke even though they don’t know what he sounds like at all

>> No.46906695
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enough drama and obsessing about geezers
post more konga!

>> No.46906703
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>> No.46906875

Me on the bottom-right!

>> No.46906921


>> No.46907169

PR for their anime movie...

>> No.46907290

Sugita's predatory behaviour only applies to young men. One time the paparazzi were lurking around his house waiting for shots only to found out he was spending his time with Takeuchi-P.

>> No.46907670

It's happening
不倫疑惑認め謝罪の声優・古谷徹 8月の朗読劇降板決定「諸般の事情により」報道から一夜明け 主催者謝罪

>> No.46907812

Only withdrawal from a reading drama, not much different from the canceled con appearance. I don't think they will recast his legacy roles unless he dies or if it gets a reboot. His Conan role is the one to watch as the character is named after him and is really popular.

>> No.46907959
File: 745 KB, 1080x1080, GOQvg35aIAAmrMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enjoying Hasegawa's performance in Seiyuu Radio. She sounds really nice as a sweet and caring onee-san.

>> No.46909339

They will kill off that fujobait character.

>> No.46909414

Looks like sentai JAV parody.

>> No.46909427

He's been secretly grooming young female seiyuu.
Idolmaster CG is his favorite hunting ground for young impressionable seiyuu.

>> No.46909587


>> No.46909622


>> No.46909636


>> No.46909928

Look at that, a cambodian idol

>> No.46910714
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>> No.46912231

Star Trek fans?

>> No.46912240

which seiyuu have a baby daddy

>> No.46912361


>> No.46912856 [DELETED] 

You fucking piece of shit.
You cowardly piece of shit.

You will die for what you did OrcTaku
You will die!

If they need it I will be there. The Sword. The Shield. The Man.

>> No.46913076 [DELETED] 

Unironically, do you currently have a job?

>> No.46913618 [DELETED] 

Seiyuu Tatsumaki Is she a porn star?

>> No.46914238
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>> No.46914481
File: 565 KB, 1920x1080, GOV6s_ibMAEpPRM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egumi Legacy

Eguchi Takuya as Legendary Final Climax BOM
Aoyama Yoshino as End of the World
Saitõ Sõma as Ukkari Hachibee
Serizawa Yū as Golden Retriever
Nishiyama Kõtarõ as Uninvited Guest
Kamio Shinichirð as Wizard
Komada Wataru as Cursed Guitar Case
Hatano Wataru as God Eye
Kobayashi Daiki as lnvisible Stalker / Perm Stripe
Nakajma Yoshiki as Mohican Dot

>> No.46914538

>Serizawa Yū as Golden Retriever

>> No.46914579

>Serizawa has been eguchi'd

>> No.46914890
File: 1.12 MB, 253x276, 7861786.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonames. Get out!

>> No.46915846

toyota moe's new pb is out??

>> No.46915870

See >>46914890

>> No.46915922
File: 783 KB, 3000x2250, sovl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46915959

>implying CG are young
>doesn't know about Choko-senpai
Welcome to 2020's, grandpa.

>> No.46916074
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>> No.46916464

The one in blue radiates massive menhera energy

>> No.46916610
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>> No.46916621

Humiliation Ritual

>> No.46916671

Gachashit is how many seiyuu manage to remain relevant.

>> No.46916677

She's still alive?

>> No.46917377

Tanaka disagrees

>> No.46917792
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>> No.46917990 [DELETED] 

My job is defending Fair and Innocent Maidens

Final and last warning

>> No.46917997 [DELETED] 

stop ban evading

>> No.46918099 [DELETED] 

I do not care about rules if that gets in the way of my righteous duty.

>> No.46918138 [DELETED] 

Go get a job

>> No.46918662

Ryoko is a baba who I would without hesitation
Azumi same

>> No.46918665

She's the best but wish she was coming to AX instead

>> No.46918703

>Mahjong Soul
too bad she gets mogged by Nee-san

>> No.46918985

Koiwai debuted as a Vtuber, It seems

>> No.46919113

Why they always apologized? Just deny all allegations and pretends it never happened. It's like the male seiyuu privilege, especially if they're veteran.
The only exception was Tattsun case, but that's only because his hag wife was like 2x as popular as him

>> No.46919165 [DELETED] 

I will do what has to be done. Ignoring all obstacles

>> No.46919196 [DELETED] 

How do they deny when it's posted on their official account? They blamed ot on a staff and moved on.

>> No.46919231

But none of the male seiyuu denied any allegations. They all apologised including Sakurai.

>> No.46919394

I only know like half of them.
Is this what boomers feel when their favorite seiyuus are getting replaced by the newer generation?

>> No.46919717

Has anyone bought a copy of Moeshi's new photobook?

>> No.46919822

So it's just his own personal circlejerk?

>> No.46920453

wait, that's Ayaneru? she has swimsuits pics out there?

>> No.46921541
File: 1.45 MB, 286x273, 38768176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonames what? Right. Get ....

>> No.46923189
File: 119 KB, 1067x1333, 1698121522582376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuki Yonai's casting couch photos from 10 years ago (1 year before his first major role) got leaked, anyone know the significance of the cup around the neck?

>> No.46923309

No idea but I can easily imagine it being something about milking semen.

>> No.46923372

Did it get him anywhere? https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/米内佑希 He doesn't seem that active.

>> No.46923488

Yeah that's what I had assumed, I didn't know if there was some JAV trope of making them wear their own cum cup or something.
Seems like he mainly does idol gacha game voice work and like 1-2 anime roles a year. Didn't get huge but looks like he got some steady work.

>> No.46923839

Toyota Moe in Calvin Klein.

>> No.46924205
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>> No.46924363
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>> No.46924388

I'm not really into names as a fetish but open to learning, could you recommend some names to try cumming to?

>> No.46924404


>> No.46926455
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>> No.46926549

Aoi Shouta looking rough

>> No.46927564


>> No.46927667
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>Natsuki Hanae voicing a character called Boon Diesel for a sunday tokusatsu show called Boonboomger

>> No.46927714

Kumiko Magai sex
Yui Suga sex
Arisa Kiyono sex

>> No.46927864

Their voices sound pretty similar in some roles.

>> No.46928055


>> No.46931025
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>> No.46931395

Them Hanakana clones man.

>> No.46931514
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>> No.46932451

Watching Tomatoes indirectly BTFO her shitty kouhai in Euphonium is pretty satisfying.

>> No.46932660
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I usually despite this bitch for her same voice but this is unbelievably hot.

>> No.46932871

RumiRumi love!

>> No.46932990

She can do it when she isn't phoning in.

>> No.46933276
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>> No.46933461
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didn't know she is stacked

>> No.46933493

Where's creepy nuts? They're the real stars here

>> No.46934026

RumiRumi is so precious bruv...

>> No.46934359
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Almost the entire seiyuu industry got their piece of cake with kny

>> No.46935270

lol Aniplex

>> No.46935305
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>> No.46935348

>all mob roles

The dudes who voiced different sides of a single demon got the better deal.

>> No.46935813

that explains all the filler , I guess?

>> No.46936058

>No Nakahara still
Thank GOD

>> No.46936156

most mobs are male and young

>> No.46936169

She can voice young boys. Just doesn't do it often. My relief still stands.

>> No.46936311

That woman on the right MC'd one long show yesterday and MC'd another event the next day? Must be popular.

>> No.46936363

they'd have died anyways

>> No.46936562

She's going to AnimeExpo but don't think I'm gonna go

>> No.46937237

Well, Well, Well
Is she slowly crawling back to the anime industry?

>> No.46937619
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You perverts and your sick 4p ideas. "I'll start with the biggest titties and the other can 2 get each other wet while waiting."

>> No.46937700
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>> No.46938090

She never really left.

>> No.46938247

Isn't Anisama a dead event anyways?

>> No.46938285


Sakamoto: Tomokazu Sugita

>> No.46938302

it's over...

>> No.46938316

>Sakamoto: Tomokazu Sugita

Well Ginatama has ended, only left milking it.

>> No.46938689



>> No.46938737

gin san...

>> No.46939675
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>> No.46939923


>> No.46940017

The end of an era. They should have adjusted to a smaller customer base.

>> No.46940040

You're suggesting that seiyuu fans and koebuta are a dying breed?

>> No.46940122

Not dying out just reduced interest.

>> No.46940531

They likely lost fans to vtubers and streamers

>> No.46940709
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I hope more seiyuu will try to compensate the dwindling fanbase by posing for gravure magazine.
Moe already got a cover on Weekly Playboy and hopefully more will follow.

>> No.46941161

does no one have yuka iguchi's pb?

>> No.46941200
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>> No.46941248


>> No.46942137

you can't be serious about your second sentence. we can argue if it's better makeup, but today's seiyuus are better looking than their predecessors were 10 or 20 years ago.

>> No.46942440

I’m sure they guy’s headcanon about a print media shut down in 2024 doesn’t care about reality. But it’s in Japanese so it must be true.

>> No.46942505

So what's the reality? Vtubers aren't actually popular and aren't taking the obsessive fanbase?

>> No.46942548

Whatever the realty is it isn’t this drivel >>46941248.

>> No.46942574

>Voice actors themselves are still popular, but I think the number of people who see them as idols has decreased considerably.
>The voice actors who appear in popular movies don't have great faces, and I think it's good that we've entered an era in which acting ability is more highly regarded.

Translated with DeepL

What's wrong with it? Tanezaki and Hayamin aren't beauties.

>> No.46943939
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>> No.46944626


>> No.46944946

i didn't expect veteran seiyuu to openly dis furuya
otoh not totally surprised he did

>> No.46945145

Touhai: Ura Rate Mahjong Touhai Roku - https://x.com/tohai_anime/status/1795288895183290649

Tanabe Kohsuke as Kei
Takeuchi Shunsuke as Tõjima
Fairouz Ai as Amina

>> No.46945345

>37 years
too late

>> No.46945360

His hag wife a cute thoughever

>> No.46945363
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nah that's the car

>> No.46945677

Only another veteran can do it.

>> No.46945881

Is not Kito slowing down or expire soon? or another sign industry really shift from favoring idol type seiyuu to more into seiyuu with ability after Tanezaki booming, Fairouz is still not slowing down too and good voice booming with Yomiya, Iwami, and Ichinose, playing your favorite waifu?

>> No.46945960

She probably won't slow down too much until KNY ends. She has some offers outside of Pony Canyon still, but yeah there's too much competition overall.

>> No.46946009

>Tanezaki and Hayamin aren't beauties.
True. Still would though

>> No.46946037

It's not like the idol type ever dominated. They're mostly in late-light otaku shows.

>> No.46946213

But the non idol type usually barely get roles even in late night anime and barely get main heroine/lead unlike Idol seiyuu, I read producers prefer popular idol seiyuu for lead/main if no audition or specific request from the creators just look we will enter Ito era next as the only popular idol seiyuu 96' line active in main roles her only rival maybe next Sony push but the one stand out likely those from non idol seiyu still

>> No.46946238

Idols get the role because their music label is a producer or sponsor. That's all to it.

>> No.46946350

Not always they still have roles from outside label especially when they became the popular one, contant label pushed help in building fanbase and interest, of course many times their lead roles still come from the labels especially when the idols become more expensive

>> No.46946399

That's for genuinely popular ones like Nana.

>> No.46946410

No even Nana barely have role outside King

>> No.46946414

You get it.

>> No.46946619

>>46946350 this work for the popular one that is still rather new and so not so expensive

>> No.46946758 [DELETED] 


>> No.46946763

If you want to use Nana you’d better be getting King on your production committee first then they might think about looking at her schedule.

>> No.46946797 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46946802

No Anon I deleted it because it happened in 2016. Its not recent. For some reason now Twitter sorts Top posts from years and years back.

>> No.46948882


Did King sponsor Persona 5 and the anime version of I'm in Love with the Villainess because Mizuki was in those?

>> No.46948948
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>Persona 5 anime
Producers: Aniplex, A-1 Pictures, Movic, Atlus, Sammy, Sonilude

>I'm in Love with the Villainess
Producers: Asmik Ace, King Records, Ichijinsha

>> No.46949086
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The Seiyuu Animedia will cease publication next month.

>> No.46949121

Why buy magazines when most seiyuu have personal social media accounts and you can directly follow what they're doing in real time without paying anything. It might come to you as a surprise, but magazines were the most common way to gain information in the era before the internet and they have tried their hardest to justify their existence but it's obviously a losing battle similar to Sugita's favorite porn magazines (Nessha Boy and Action High School).

>> No.46949180

That's right no one wants to pay. The amount of hardcore koebuta fans are lesser now. Not every seiyuu gets featured regularly in those magazines anyway. You can bring up streaming for music but this is otaku media, buying = support. Only a certain type of fan buys idol seiyuu merch for priority tickets to fan events or multiple copies just for a different bromide.

>> No.46950314
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Hayamin as the wife.

>> No.46950556

The wife barely shows up after a while

>> No.46950966

That's a shame

>> No.46950971


>> No.46952346


>> No.46952499

lol fucking schizo

>> No.46952557
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>> No.46952670
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>> No.46954877

>good voice booming with Yomiya, Iwami, and Ichinose
Nips called them the Hanakana clones also included Ueda and even many new rookie nowadays has this voice types

>> No.46954897

Is Tanezaki pregnant?

>> No.46955117

Ever agency wants their own HanaKana.

>> No.46955311

Where are the Noto clones? Beside Hayamin that is,. Even she is in her 30s and active for over a decade so there should be a couple of rookie wannabes but yet nothing...

>> No.46955616

She should be trying out for babies before she gets too old.

>> No.46959201 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46959455

tfw no marinka bf

>> No.46959603 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46960172

I thought Ueda is Hayamin clone, so by proxy she is counted as Noto clone? Then again, Noto is still pretty much active in various roles these days, so it's harder for people to decide a clone that mimics her style nowadays

>> No.46960441

Ueda sounds nothing like Hayamin check your ear, she sounds more like Noto sometimes than Hayamin, but many times she sounds like Hanakana, like she is been certified by nip as Hanakana clone there are so many thread of this in nip land, Hayamin earlier voice sound like Noto but lately they sound nothing alike except if you don't listen carefully you only need to remember Hayamin voice is thick then you won't mistaken her with anyone

>> No.46961718
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