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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 105 KB, 1049x1311, yuno_gasai_misa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46879506 No.46879506 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide


Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous thread: >>46872425

>> No.46879591

okay but this time for real, ugly (plastic) face

>> No.46879971

yuno from mirai gaykki :|
yuno from mirai gaykki cosplayed by misa :O

>> No.46879982

I wish I had the chance to pull a Yuna Gasai on myself...

>> No.46879990
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>> No.46880035

recommend more channels like sushiramen
it's one of the only ones i've found that is interesting

>> No.46880140

dame this thread's so much better than the other one

>> No.46880255
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If you're frustrated with your memory, please try to get some exercise in every day! It might help a lot, plus you might live longer to enjoy your japanese skills.

>> No.46880401
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my small weekend break came back to bite my ass.

>> No.46880451


>> No.46880526

is 275 reviews bad for you?

>> No.46880564

Are there any channels like this, but with people who actually know all the IPA sounds in japanese (not just the few listed on wikipedia) and are skilled in Japanese and English pronunciation.

>> No.46880582

>do everything but learn the language, that's the best way to learn japanese
You are like 5 levels deep in your stupid meta quest to "optimize" japanese learning.
(Oh, I want to learn japanese, better learn kanji first, oh I should learn radicals so I can better learn kanji, oh I should learn how to use anki effectively so I can memorize kanji and radicals faster, oh I should exercise so I can get better at memorization.
Better make sure to post about this next djt) What's next?

>> No.46880629

im spending like 4+ hours a day immersing besides my formal studying and droning. i just posted that cause i exercised and felt really good. even while im exercising i have japanese on in bluetooth. im just having fun rn and i have too much enthusiams, sorry.

>> No.46880665

i normally only do 50 to 70 a day + 10 new words. I have a hard time completing so many in a row without tabbing in and out of it.
I rather be reading.

>> No.46880676

thats cool.
glad you know what works for you. catching up on anki sucks, so sorry you're dealing with that. hopefully you can get it done withotu too much trouble and get back to reading instead :)

>> No.46880681

unfortunate typo bro the jigs up

>> No.46880693
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>> No.46880719

アマゾンで『古事記』を買いましたけど、受けた時に、全部の言葉はすべて漢字で書かれていました。 なぜ? 「日本語」って書いてあった。

>> No.46880734

loving demon slayer season 2.

>> No.46880742

ok so how do you say 'i drunk 8 cups of coffee today' actually

>> No.46880749

275 is nothing. You should change the way you do reviews. There is no point learning words or kanji if you can't do instant recall (sitting there for 5+ seconds trying to remember doesn't do shit other than train your brain to slowly fetch from long term memory) Just fail the card if you don't instantly know it. It's a fucking word, not a math theorem bro.
Also, atomize those words, you should have a separate cards
F:踏む B:ふむ
F:踏む B:Step on

And if you are learning kanji
F:踏 踏む ふむ B:TREAD
Or for kanji with multiple meanings
F:輪 二輪車 にりんしゃ B:WHEEL counter
F:輪 輪業 りんぎょう B:WHEELed vehical
Or multiple lines in the front card are fine if needed, but not the back
F:輪 年輪 ねんりん\n輪 輪形の り
んけいの B:RING
But don't add more than you can glance at and still recall in under a second, you are always better off adding new cards unless you have more than 50% leeches (not happening, and anki handles them anyway if you fail them more than 8 times, though if you are actually going fast enough you can disable this or increase it to 20).

>> No.46880762

今日、8 cups of coffee を飲みました。

>> No.46880770

>(sitting there for 5+ seconds trying to remember doesn't do shit other than train your brain to slowly fetch from long term memory)
Or think about it this way. If you think doing 275 reviews is a PITA well that's about the unique words in 3-4 minutes of reading. Imagine trying to learn Japanese, but you think doing the equivalent of 4 minutes of reading a day is a PITA. (but it's even worse cause you aren't actually using the language part of your brain if such a part exists)

>> No.46880799

I've been failing the card so then it repeats it that day until I can get it but I'm usually left with a handful of cards I keep forgetting.

>> No.46880813

or less formally as makes sense for this sentence.

>> No.46880829

God I wish there was a place on the internet where you need to have at least passed n3 or an equivalent test timed test before posting. Someone make a djt spinoff chan where the captchas are japanese sat style reading questions.
I'm not saying this will get rid of the schizo spammers, but it will at least get rid of the newbies who make the same posts over and over again and are harder to filter.

>> No.46880856

what's the point of getting rid of newbies when they're one of the few people who post about japanese.

>> No.46880861

what the hell
typhoon is a western and eastern word for the same thing?
thats such a crazy coincidence

>> No.46880883

you sound scared

>> No.46880886

lol as if. i could pass that quiz after 6 months of grinding easily.

>> No.46880889

you need a life bro
for more than 1 reason

>> No.46880891

wtf what do you mean.

>> No.46880916

>What is the point in ever doing anything, just live in shit your whole life and die.
No, I don't think I will.

>> No.46880919

N3’s too easy. N2 or higher at least.

>> No.46880920

n2 or higher would be like 2 years of grinding which i'm not going to do. we have to come up with a better solution.

>> No.46880934
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immersion for braindead coomers

>> No.46880936

I started learning Japanese back in 2019, but dropped it for whatever reason. Had I continued, how proficient would I have been by now? Would I have metamorphasized into a nihongoloid?

>> No.46880938

If you cant immerse for 7hr every day, you should just give it up.

>> No.46880943

if you did it for 4 hours every day you'd be significantly above n1

>> No.46880944
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2019 was 5 years ago?

>> No.46880949

> Would I have metamorphasized into a nihongoloid?
nah my dude, once a dekinai always a dekinai

>> No.46880951

dekinai to suteki guy pipeline

>> No.46880952

you're not the real moe

>> No.46880961

I can put my trip if you want.

>> No.46880965

sure right after i put this foot up your ass

>> No.46880968
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>> No.46880970

woah that's a moe reaction image. it couldn't be...

>> No.46880972

gonna have to reserve judgement until djts science squad confirms everything

>> No.46880974

welcome back

>> No.46880976

if quiz posts here today or tomorrow then the whole gang will be back together. this is great!

>> No.46880983


>> No.46880993

I don't see n3 questions spamming every thread/reddit/forum. I do see questions about what の or お means in this sentence? When any n3 would have just looked a dojg if they didn't already know.

>> No.46881000

>immersion for braindead coomers
Threadly reminder.

>> No.46881004
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>> No.46881007

my glorious king Moe Donda is fucking back. lets goooooooooooooooo

>> No.46881014

how do you engage in japanese besides consuming media if you suck at socializing though

>> No.46881022

Chat with obasans online.

>> No.46881028

how do you meet obasans online

>> No.46881033

Read the next heading.
Also there are tricks you can learn by consoooming, just not consoooming a language you don't know.
0.(you can do this before you even start learning japanese) Copy the accent of somebody who speaks english, but in a thick japanese accent. Huge cheat code.
1. consooom genki 1 and 2, and do the production exercises.

>> No.46881037

How can someone be completely wrong in every point he's trying to make? It's actually amazing.

>> No.46881047

ok, i understand what you mean more now i think.

>> No.46881053


>> No.46881054

>step 0.
>be racist
I think I'll pass. Got any tips that won't make a bar full of rednecks/neonazis burst out laughing?

>> No.46881065
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>> No.46881072

I think achan did some collabs with holoen. So that would be a good place to start if.

>> No.46881089
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gonna "immerse" with this 今夜

>> No.46881098

i suspended doing any new cards and only reviewed yesterday with no immersion, felt so fucking ill

>> No.46881099

repeat what she says for the first 1 hour. Take a break, then do the next hour. Then go to sleep and do the rest. Repeat with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At7nMbW4TMw but do 3 hours in 1 hour increments, then sleep, then do the rest.
From then on whenever you read something, do it in a japanese accent, preferably out loud
After a few weeks you will have Japanese pronunciation locked for life.

>> No.46881105

>whenever you read something
Or think/say.

>> No.46881108

Your goal in the 2 weeks should be to get the accent up to your normal talking/reading speed.

>> No.46881119

pronunciation is pretty straightforward in japanese though, compared to a lot of languages like chinese or danish or anything. is it really worth 2 weeks of time?

>> No.46881135

>pronunciation is pretty straightforward in japanese though

>> No.46881137

Yes, obviously. It's not as trivial as you think, we only share half the ipa sounds (for vowels only い is the same as standard American English) and there are many sounds that occur but aren't included. Also it makes listening trivial

>> No.46881140
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Someone please please please please recommend me the most schizo /x/-tier conspiracy theory youtube channels / blogs / forums in Japanese.

I'm an /x/ addict, but I can't find the same stuff to immerse in in Japanese.

Are Japanese people just a lot more blue-pilled in general? Have the globohomos already got a chokehold on the Japanese?

>> No.46881141

there are advanced learners in this sphere like dogen and matt who'd laugh at you for saying that.

>> No.46881158

And also that doesn't include things reverberating in your mouth/nose which IPA doesn't cover, making the shared sounds still sound different
Compare the English "Key" to the Japanese き and the latter has less reverb cause English speakers use their chest.
All of this stuff you get for free if you just do a racist impression of them speaking English.
For pitch accent you have to learn the language, and/or look up the words in a dictionary. But it's really 95% of the way there.

>> No.46881160

thanks for responding. that's useful info to think about, thank you. i really need to improve my spoken output, since all the practiced output is writing mostly.
japanese is a hard language. i was just referring to reproducing sounds after hearing them, not the actual process of learning and attaining proper pronunciation. when i try to learn words from other languages like chinese sometimes my tongue just knots up trying to mimic the native but that doesn't really happen for japanese. sorry about speaking irresponsibly.

>> No.46881184

if you are gonna early output, atleast learn pitch and proper pronunciation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOxRYmWDaF4 (no clickbait)

>> No.46881238

I don't recommend either of those videos, but you can copy the second guy's english accent

>> No.46881239

I recognize that grease!

>> No.46881247

>you can copy the second guy's english accent

>> No.46881249

At least try to keep up with the conversation anon.

>> No.46881256

>coming to djt
>not expecting to discuss english as a second language

>> No.46881277

>there are advanced learners in this sphere like dogen and matt who'd laugh at you for saying that.
マットのような人はPITCH ACCENTを重視する

>> No.46881283


>> No.46881290

gonna learn some japanese today

>> No.46881292

Why would you waste your time learning japanese, when you could wisely use your time to learn a Japanese accent in english and then transferring it over to japanese, that way you never read or speak real japanese in an english accent.
Ri ruddo iu uesto yoru taimu raningu jyapanesu, uenn iu kuddo uisuri iusu youru chimu tsu raann a
jyapanesu akusennt iinn ingrish ando dan turanfarinn itu oba tu jyapanesu, dat ue iu nebua ridu oa supik riaru jyapanesu nn ann ingirisu akusennt.

>> No.46881293

I... recommend you don't do that.

>> No.46881295
File: 2.75 MB, 1920x1080, 4Kプレミアムカフェ 世界里山紀行 フィンランド 森(2007年)_20240515-012028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not even going to try to argue with a Japanese in Japanese, are you? :3

>> No.46881305


>> No.46881325

despite how far ive gotten theres still times i read something and im like, why the fuck is it も

>> No.46881334


>> No.46881338

my tummys feeling peckish dess
jaa time for my asagohan dess

>> No.46881345

You'll get n4 one day. Chin up.

>> No.46881348

u ever just think to urself



>> No.46881351

not the thinking type dess

>> No.46881354


>> No.46881363
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here you are ;3

>> No.46881368

u ever feel like



>> No.46881376


>> No.46881381
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I didn't realize anime characters are so fucking dumb, especially the women lol

>> No.46881384


>> No.46881392

lain being 145-155 is hilariously underestimating her intelligence. her intelligence would be on par with a super genius like euler or newton

>> No.46881398

I have an IQ of 71; I am edging retardation.

>> No.46881400

as for me? im gooning retardation

>> No.46881401

this post has some serious blow there head off with a bazooka vibes

>> No.46881406

only thing that excites me to gooning levels now is learning new vocab

>> No.46881416

I think I’m done learning Japanese. Please don’t ask me to vocaroo. You know what I mean.

>> No.46881420

i think im done shoving my foot up your ass, now its gonna be my toes in your anus

>> No.46881421
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>> No.46881423

is it better as a foreigner to use ら抜き or not to

>> No.46881427

why cant we ask for vocaroo to see how far you got before it all fell apart and what it means to you will eventually be a memory of a time when you tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesnt even matter

>> No.46881439

i try not to 抜く in public

>> No.46881441
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>> No.46881467

Individuals whoms't are quick to anger are low-IQ mongoloids. Me personally, whenstever someone call'th me a faggot, I ponder the statement and think to myself "hm, I suppose I do enjoy having my anus tongued. Perhaps there is a sliver of truth to the statement". It's all about introspection--that is what makes the difference between a particularly bright pupil, and an enlightened intellectual.

>> No.46881471

what about individuals that are quick to feel a little down about themselves

>> No.46881475


>> No.46881477

only tongue i want on my anus is neesans

>> No.46881483



>> No.46881488

gonna be honest im willing to settle for any tongue (female) on my anus at this point

>> No.46881492

shita on shitta action

>> No.46881494

me personally, I like having my tongue anus'd

>> No.46881495

step one: draw a line
step two: draw the fucking person

>> No.46881509


>> No.46881531

cant self insert when the dick is that big

>> No.46881538


>> No.46881543

Me personally? I prefer Filipino women.

>> No.46881549

Why, are they particularly good at tonguing anus?

>> No.46881554

cause they speak japanese

>> No.46881556

is it more important to have a deep connection or a long tongue

>> No.46881562
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They look beautiful

>> No.46881565

*sigh* pull your pants oniisama

>> No.46881578


>> No.46881588

if you look closely shes got a beard coming in

>> No.46881641

gonna need to see your birth certificate

>> No.46881813
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Stayed up too late studying. Irresponsible, but fun. Goodnight friends.

>> No.46881824

stayed up playing homm3. Irresponsible, but fun.

>> No.46881890
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Is this actually a popular way of saying "to pretend".
This VN sometimes just uses katakana for words I would normally see in hiragana but yomichan is making me think that the katakana version is the typical writing for this. It doesn't sound like any english word I can map to as a loan word either though.

>> No.46881897

plenty of native words are usually in katakana
most beginner advice like katakana = loanword is shit because they dont mention that that isnt a rule at all its just the most common reason

>> No.46881901

Noted. Thank you.

>> No.46881920
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Some idioms are pretty funny when trying to translate them literally

>> No.46881925

i slept like mud

>> No.46881932

why are you learning japanese

>> No.46881939

Give me the okubo park essential anki deck.

>> No.46881955
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>> No.46882006


>> No.46882023


>> No.46882035
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>> No.46882039
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>> No.46882041

does knowing japanese make hotglue more enjoyable

>> No.46882043
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>> No.46882045

life must be wonderful if youre bisexual

>> No.46882046
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>> No.46882048

>double camera setup

>> No.46882051
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>> No.46882053

Why is 来る negative here? MTL and context of the story suggest that the translation should be about feeling nothing but bad feelings but 来ない makes me translate it as the bad feelings are not coming, as in they are not being overwhelmed by negative feelings.

>> No.46882056

look at how しか ・・・ ない grammar works

>> No.46882057

real coomer hours lmfao

>> No.46882062
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>> No.46882065

coomers can still have taste this is a gooner

>> No.46882066

Thank you

>> No.46882068


>> No.46882089
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>> No.46882129
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>> No.46882136

hold on im still PISSED but my phone is reminding me to hydrate

>> No.46882152
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is there any resource of japanese words broken down into audio files? there are some massive videos on youtube but what about shorter audio listening?
basically I want the audio equivalent of a flash card without the rest of it.

>> No.46882191

she actually looked hot in her early videos but then roughly about a 1 or 2 ago she started doing weird shit with excessive makeup and acting like an overmedicated zombie. honestly don't know what happened to her, barely intrested in her anymore

>> No.46882209


>> No.46882255


>> No.46882264
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Like i said I know these videos exist but it's the wrong format, I want them in individual length files so I can dump them infront of each chapter of an audio book or anime. I tried to do anki but I just cant. I'm too stressed so I need something I can listen to instead of stare at flash cards between shifts at my terrible job. I think it would work if I just do the mining strategy but I cant sort the words unless they are individual.

>> No.46882271

if you use a core deck in anki then the individual audio files are in your anki media folder

>> No.46882279
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my problem with that is I am not sure where to find a deck that has both the english and japanese audio like these videos. The closest thing I found is a nice deck on sentences but I cant really dump that in front of something based on matching vocabulary. that said its not really straight forward if I am even looking in the right place for decent decks. they seem good but almost all of them are japanese audio only. I guess if theres absolutely no way to get both i can use them though.,

>> No.46882283


yooo kino is back on the menu

>> No.46882285


>> No.46882316

it doesn't exist because it's not useful

>> No.46882322

it is useful to me, Its a way to introduce new words definiition using things that are not my eyes. I cant use many points of contact through audio only learning like context of the location or the like, i can only reference like a LLM by comparing the sentence i heard with a bunch of other words and sounds. but based on that it seems i'll have to be content without it. short of spending 10s of hours cropping video files and naming them from that youtube channel.

>> No.46882336

just whitenoise at that point

>> No.46882340

no, it's not useful to you, you just it imagine it is because you don't know better. nobody has ever learned like that

>> No.46882343

dno why anyone thinks listening to a hundreds of words and translations they dont know out of context is gonna do anything
youd be better off whitenoising gaijin visits airport larp scenarios on repeat

>> No.46882356
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I dont have time or focus to learn another way, and yes people do learn like that or do you think blind people cant learn second languages?>>46882343
thats the entire point. I listen to source audio and it's not enough context, but if I listen to the English word right before hand I have a better chance of remembering the word coming up in the subsequent episode/chapter. there are lots of words you just cant learn by intuition, and I know quite a few vocabulary already. enough to comfortably listen to trails in the sky and understand maybe 1/3rd of the dialogue

>> No.46882365

if its not enough context you need more context not less lmfao

>> No.46882370

>do you think blind people cant learn second languages?
im not talking about any listening, im just talking about listening to random words or sentences with translations. obviously you can learn by listening to comprehensible input, but it has to be compelling, not just a pile of random scraps

>> No.46882376

>comprhensible compelling input

>> No.46882377

damn thats a bad look for vtumor emersion

>> No.46882385
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you cant get more context from audio except more audio retard.
you cannot comprehend all input from listening alone, you miss out on a ton of every day context, context that has to be filled artificially. English is the same way, sometimes you just have to have someone explain to you what the word means. then you listen for it in the context of the video/audio. what is so confusing about that? in any case it's because these audio clips are in a giant unsortable audio file that I cant use them.
I wouldn't be pan handling for stuff if it was as easy as downloading a zip file with all these words. I'd shortly then be able to dump episodes and chapters into a python script that tells me the most frequent words spoken that I dont already know and then front load these short clips right before each episode. It's insane to me that there are people in this thread saying this doesn't work because almost all of these cards have english on them, just no english audio. if the english serves no purpose why is it there in text form? obviously it's useful, and if you want to wank yourself off as a try hard who doesn't need any english in your deck that's obviously not the case in most of the decks and the people who blow them aren't puzzled by its inclusion. I just need the audio because I am not looking at these cards I am listening.

>> No.46882395

>you cant get more context from audio except more audio retard.
do you even know what context means lmfao
>English is the same way, sometimes you just have to have someone explain to you what the word means
yeah in english and it sticks because its tied to a whole experience of not knowing that one word and being confused what the person was saying and wanting to know and having it explained in that same moment

>> No.46882405

why is jamal so racist

>> No.46882406

>you cannot comprehend all input from listening alone
you don't need to comprehend all of it to acquire language, you only need to comprehend some of the messages
>sometimes you just have to have someone explain to you what the word means
or you can listen to people talk about the same thing in different ways and you'll figure it out eventually. that's how you've learned most words
>if the english serves no purpose why is it there in text form?
i didn't even say english can serve no purpose

>> No.46882417

jamal the kinda guy who made 1 too many bad experiences with black ppl

>> No.46882424

405 cuz he hates his mom

>> No.46882426

>if you get told what a message means you wont learn anything when you listen to examples of the same message in a low stress environment
I sincerely think you are an idiot but then, language learning has been a solved problem for 30+ years and people are still doing it wrong on purpose in a professional capacity so what am I expecting?
>you don't need to comprehend all of it to acquire language, you only need to comprehend some of the messages
you need more context to continue to decode messages. Audio only is a SEVERE handicap that needs to be overcome.
>or you can listen to people talk about the same thing in different ways and you'll figure it out eventually. that's how you've learned most words
I've been listening to content for years. you are obviously supplementing but I am mostly ONLY listening.
>i didn't even say english can serve no purpose
and I didn't ever say that listening to hours of some guy saying disconnected words would help, yet you are treating me like that while arguing on the side of a faggot who IS insisting that

>> No.46882432

i used to be racist but now im super racist

>> No.46882438


>> No.46882441


>> No.46882446

a black guy stepped on my shoe by accident

>> No.46882452

if you knew what you were doing then after years of listening you wouldnt feel like listening to random fuckin word translations would be beneficial to the fact that you somehow only understand 1/3rd of dialogue (overestimate) in what youre whitenoising lmfao

>> No.46882462

>you need more context to continue to decode messages
there's enough context as long as some of the messages are comprehensible
>and I didn't ever say that listening to hours of some guy saying disconnected words would help
just disconnected sentences?

>> No.46882488

what happened to the autist that would post all the backlinks in every thread?

>> No.46882493 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46882497

he probably lost track of where one of the threads goes and snapped

>> No.46882506

i was under the impression that he makes the threads now because they all include a backlink

>> No.46882507


>> No.46882509

>we're both complete retards who dont have an ounce of sincerity or self reflection
are you two nips or something? this is nihonjin sensei levels of bad teaching
>just disconnected sentences?
>>I listen to source audio and it's not enough context, but if I listen to the English word right before hand I have a better chance of remembering the word coming up in the subsequent episode/chapter.
>>I'd shortly then be able to dump episodes and chapters into a python script that tells me the most frequent words spoken that I dont already know and then front load these short clips right before each episode.
>>basically I want the audio equivalent of a flash card without the rest of it.
Kill yourself

unlike you I've done a real iq test, I'm 118

>> No.46882511

oh no the redditor lost his cool

>> No.46882517

>>>basically I want the audio equivalent of a flash card without the rest of it.
yeah that's literally disconnected sentences

>> No.46882522

if you want context use sentence cards like a normal human bean

>> No.46882534

setting aside all of the other retarded dunning kruger shit
the main problem is that flash cards without scheduling is a complete fucking waste of time
if you wanted to do audio-only anki thatd make more sense
and you wouldnt need to ask for help to do it either

>> No.46882536

>insults you
>gets insulted back
>flashcards are worthless
this is the level of mental gymnastics you are on right now.
I want audio that is both english and japanse, sorted by individual word. that is all. If there are contextual sentences added that's a bonus. but the meat of my context is going to come from the stuff these words are in.

>> No.46882544

damn thats a lot of words

>> No.46882555

why did you greentext yourself

>> No.46882559

i dont want to do audio only anki because I want cant interact with anything while I'm listening to this. I need the raw audio

>> No.46882560

record yourself saying the english word?

>> No.46882566
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>> No.46882569

why dont you just do 5 minutes of anki a day at home and listen to compelling content during your job where you are not allowed to take your hands off the wheel or eyes off the road at any time

>> No.46882570

>>flashcards are worthless
>this is the level of mental gymnastics you are on right now.
no, spaced repetition algorithms make them useful, but what you describe doesn't have that

>> No.46882593
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>> No.46882613


>> No.46882615

the idea is to not spend 10s if not hundreds of hours recording/generating, editing, saving, and renaming files if possible. I obviously have the technical """"skill"""" to do all this but like most people with a job and too many dependents to care for I am searching for a way to cheat the system by hoping someone else already has this database of audio files somewhere.
comprehensible input is what makes language learnable retard. nothing else matters.
>m-muh spaced repetition
yes the spaced repetition of listening to anime I understand is always going to be superior to looking at a flash card. but I'm the kind of autist that learned natsukashi hibi and eien before tazuneta

>> No.46882616

unrelated but what circumstances would lead to a 118 taking a proper test

>> No.46882620

you could rip the english audio files off of forvo

>> No.46882628

i like korone because shes old, divorced and lost custody of her kids, but still joined an idol company full of people 20 years younger than her .

>> No.46882638
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depends on the test and depends on what you suck at, my processing speed was awful. bottom bitch and almost profound retardation levels.
I'd have to then match them with the right japanse words though. which is again more time. unless there was an API way to do that, but thats probably again just too much time, I have go soon to take care of my dad as it is.
I have to wonder what she did to lose custody in japan.

>> No.46882645

>nothing else matters but anyone who thinks that the other shit i want to do is a waste of time is retarded
dno bros i feel baited

>> No.46882652

I didn't make a unilateral statement on WHAT you do, only the made a statement on where your gains come from

>> No.46882655

>I have to wonder what she did to lose custody in japan.
i hear japanese mothers jerk off their boys to help them sleep at night, maybe something like that

>> No.46882661

are you saying that doing something that doesnt contribute to your gains can in fact be a good thing

>> No.46882692

gain fat get based

>> No.46882697

https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/43473203 ganbare anon kun

>> No.46882721

I am saying that spaced repetition of flash cards in particular isn't what makes you learn, it's comprehensible input, FROM ANY SOURCE
Listening to audio with an english translation of the japanese in it is the same as simply failing and flipping a flash card. Listening to the japanese audio after that in the form of episodes, chapters, etc, is the same as doing the flash card again with the opportunity to succeed.
i saw this already but its only useful if I decide I want to play persona (incidentally trails has a fan translation but it uses the wrong translation half the time so it's unusable for this)

>> No.46882729

flashcards will never be input no wonder you dont know what context means

>> No.46882731

That's how you win custody, not lose it.

>> No.46882745

水 in the 溝

>> No.46882750

>I am searching for a way to cheat the system
if you can freely talk during that then maybe just wait for the real deal chatgpt 4o audio and then tell your new waifu to talk to you in japanese and ask her about stuff you don't understand
as for the second part where you reply to my post, i have no idea what you're even saying there. i meant the spaced repetition typical of flashcard software where you must grade yourself on the answer and it determines the next card interval based on that. without this, flashcards aren't worth using at all

>> No.46882761

need a cute bug gf

>> No.46882768
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>> No.46882786

i dont want a jap gf that specifically prefers white guys because her standards will be too high.

>> No.46882787

Is there linux analogue of potplayer that allows to copy a subtitle by clicking on it?

>> No.46882789

>Freely talk
cant do that, it's too loud outside my headphones, which also sucks because no shadowing that way either. but whatever. i am a forever alone who do I need to impress with accent maxxxing?
> i meant the spaced repetition typical of flashcard software where you must grade yourself on the answer and it determines the next card interval based on that. without this, flashcards aren't worth using at all
thats easy, when i am done I dump the audio files from the playlist. theres no need to add more spaced repition with them because the story IS the repition.
bearing in mind i said that 3 times plus at this point and you are still scratching your head but I'm the low iq redditor somehow.

>> No.46882834

if you know its a normal thing then why would you think that youd lose custody for it

>> No.46882860


>> No.46882864


>> No.46882867

reddit user shows up and starts snitching

>> No.46882884

Uhh, some of those figurine are underage.
No shit I am going to snitch when someone posts blatant child pornography.

>> No.46882893

i understand the desire to keep preserve hotglue as part of djt culture because its arguably less gay than what unko posts but we should aim higher

>> No.46882896
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>> No.46882902

>we should aim higher
considering the state of this thread, ill take what i get

>> No.46882906

This meme that redditors are not welcome on 4chan just needs to die.
Your little corner of the Internet is no longer the pedophile incest cesspool that you once thought it was.
The website has changed. And for the better.

>> No.46882909

>buy loli figurine
>wait 18 years
>figure is no longer underage
what now

>> No.46882916

amen i hope that one day hatred and degeneracy is cleansed from even djt

>> No.46882931
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still haven't beaten chapter 23 but i'm getting closer
honestly this game is too hard for me i should have just played echoes instead

>> No.46882939

its strange that being called a reddit user causes so much seethe, its almost like its something to be ashamed of

>> No.46882950

the child units are all overpowered af i enjoyed playing the part of eugenics officer and breeding the best possible units

>> No.46882952

he was just lashing out in every direction available cuz its hard to deal with having a stroke of genius and nobody else getting it

>> No.46882959

it used to be a valid insult around 2012-2015 when reddit was becoming popular and 4chan still wasn't, but in 2024 it's on average better to be a redditor than someone who came to 4chan post 2016

>> No.46882965

i'm mostly playing blind so i wasn't able to plan any op unit builds in advance

>> No.46882972

is it your first fire emblem game?
i already knew about child units from previous games so i planned it out from the beginning just in case

>> No.46882973

gonna have to stop u right there
2009 is the cutoff for 4channel being aight and no matter how shitty it becomes reddit will always be worse

>> No.46882980

4chan died when they removed the loli board

>> No.46882993

I am not ashamed to be a redditor, though?
4channers are usually pedophiles, incels, social outcasts, schizophrenics, asocial types...

Reddit is filled with normal people, and you should count your lucky stars we are taking over this website to get rid of the degeneracy and hatred that causes sexual abuse in real-life and mass shootings.

>> No.46883007

no, 4chan is filled with normal people

>> No.46883008

gonna be honest its not funny when you do it twice

>> No.46883010

no i've played a bunch of them
but when the inheritance and reclassing system shows up it works differently every time anyways fates is very different from awakening and nothing at all like geneology
and i don't look up any skills or units in advance

>> No.46883012

Yeah, but it USED to not be. Did you even read my post?

>> No.46883019


reddit can be alright

>> No.46883022

why in the world wouldnt you just use pixiv

>> No.46883027

oh nevermind youre the baiter

>> No.46883031

i did not lookup anything either but you still get a feeling for which units would mash together nicely

>> No.46883057

uoh based, coat that brat

>> No.46883060

reddit and places like twitter etc, are filled with people that tell you what you want to hear, online 建前, here people tell you what they actually think

>> No.46883135

>online 建前
its called an echo chamber

>> No.46883144

that's not enough to build op shit in fates though
the kids are way weaker than in awakening stats-wise you basically need to be aware of all possible skill and reclass trees for parents and kids if you want to build something game-breaking

>> No.46883149

i didnt know the word for it in jp, but i should have guessed...

>> No.46883156

rubbing dicks in your エコールーム

>> No.46883187

they will be lower than a white woman with comparable socioeconomic status to the jap woman

>> No.46883206

nihongo no mori has a new cutie

>> No.46883217

isnt that a dude

>> No.46883335

I'll let you in on a secret:
Most people are not degenerates.
Most people are not pedophiles.
Most people are not woman-hating and racist incels.

It's about time we appropiated this place for people who have healthy social lifes

>> No.46883340

whats your favorite japanese word

>> No.46883360

wanting a halberd and a shield is contradictory

>> No.46883368

as long as we can separate hatred from a recognition of genetic differences then this is OK

>> No.46883385

its quite telling thats what you jumped to, i was actually talking about fat acceptance/positivity vs reality

>> No.46883387
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>> No.46883409


>> No.46883418

literally me

>> No.46883437

even chinese play with japanese va

>> No.46883450

looks like a guy holding a pregnancy test

>> No.46883485
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daily wasavi

>> No.46883533

2 i don't fucking know!

>> No.46883536

>> No.46883543

prolly 3 that's some textbook japanese you never hear irl

>> No.46883555

yeah that would be in dicksuck-go not in tameguti in real life

>> No.46883558
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>textbook japanese you never hear irl
true true

>> No.46883576


>> No.46883584

most probably dont... when youre in this bubble of japanese enthusiasts, you easily get that impression, but normies read watch and play media in their native language

>> No.46883616

damn need a tyuuni menhera gf

>> No.46883643


>> No.46883671


>> No.46883674

old boomer anime dont count as irl

>> No.46883728


>> No.46883758

bigshines last juukan work was more than 1 year ago :skull:

>> No.46883770
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its appealing but trust me it does not end well

>> No.46883786

imagine the sex

>> No.46883799

doesn't end well if you step outta line

>> No.46883814

i can correct her

>> No.46883950
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>> No.46884368

whats the difference between oki ni and goto ni and when to use either?

>> No.46884402

nice try but i'm not wasting my time on that. we both know you know the answer

>> No.46884409

feel it out

>> No.46884426

feel it out or ask chadgpt

>> No.46884462

how long does it usually take to reach n1? the reddit posts claiming you can do it in 1 year don't seem right

>> No.46884474
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>> No.46884477

1k-2k hours

>> No.46884480

people don't reach n1

>> No.46884489

*most people

>> No.46884517

you can probably do it in a year if you do 4-6 hours a day with no exceptions

>> No.46884527

but i mean hours of immersion, not of farting into some classroom chair

>> No.46884546

>hours of immersion
at least 10k then

>> No.46884560

no, 1.8k should be enough, maybe a few 100 more if you're unfocused

>> No.46884582

just scraped the whole instagram of my old crush so ai can reconstruct her in vr soon

>> No.46884585

i managed to do it in a weekend get on my level

>> No.46884589

sad life

>> No.46884591

for vr i meant fdvr of course

>> No.46884592

true acquiring japanese that quick is no fun

>> No.46884595

It's not a sprint, it's a marathon.


>> No.46884639
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if it feels like a marathon get better material

>> No.46884671

msgk really pushing my limits with those prices...
dont complain if i go all out ! !

>> No.46884675
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According to the foreign service institute, highly functional Japanese takes about 90 weeks of full time study, with at least half of that time being spent living in Japan.

>> No.46884684

it's not worth it. you could learn to program in the time it'd take you to reach n1. and if you already program, you could learn to get a high quality gf in that time.

>> No.46884753

randomly remembered darling in the franxx, what a fucking dogshit show. banger op though

>> No.46884783

poor loli's going bald from too much cooming

>> No.46884814

as for me

>> No.46884815
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>> No.46884938

well yeah i suppose i sort of agree
it kind of depends on how you play though, i did both modes for different sort of games
for example, if you're constantly edging waiting for the coom scene, you will be more likely to skip things because you want to get there faster and i did this for low quality nukige but for stuff like rance the key is to jack off during the scene and then put your dick away and focus on the content, which you can do because it's actually good and funny, which is not always the case with nukige, and then you get high quality reading from that too, as for the difficulty, yeah they're generally easier but that shouldn't be a factor if that's the content you want to enjoy
i'm not going to read early 20th century japanese writing just because it's hard when i have 0 interest in it, that's weird

>> No.46884949

can someone send the image of matt bonder's post on the ajatt website talking about getting that feeling again or whatever?

>> No.46884953

i seriously doubt i put in 3500 hours but i don't know
the thing is that it's hard to quantify, because we're not studying, we're just enjoying content

>> No.46884964
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>> No.46884965

>we're enjoying content
bro is still lying to himself and just cannot admit that he spent thousands of hours on something just to prove jabum and other random retards in a 4chan thread wrong lol

>> No.46884977

Why is 電気あんま a common enough term to have a dictionary entry

>> No.46884984

>with at least half of that time being spent living in Japan.
I used to be annoyed at the "Tee hee! I spend a whole year in Japan!" types in my Japanese classes, wondering how/why the fuck they didn't learn anything, but my last instructor told me that if you're in Japan as a decently-attractive foreigner, they're going to want to speak English with you, not Japanese.

>> No.46884988

i think that's just something that you're telling yourself, it doesn't really make sense
even today when i have very little time, i watch some anime every day and it's a blessed experience and i'm thankful i learned japanese

>> No.46884999

keep lying dude its ok we all make mistakes its just that yours was a few thousand hours worth of mistake lmao

>> No.46885013

shut up fatass

>> No.46885017


>> No.46885026


>> No.46885030

hey I'm gonna be finishing the core 2k deck you recommend on your site soon. your homepage says some of the tools are outdated, do you still recomend using the anime cards mining template you link to?

>> No.46885037


>> No.46885049

yeah the card template is good and updated; that sort of stuff doesn't really change much

there are all sorts of fancy card templates out there, but they are very gimmicky and just put in a ton of distractions into the card, the current card template is good as it is

if you're almost done with the core deck don't worry about it, but the kaishi deck is probably a better beginner deck, that would be one of the things that has to be updated

>> No.46885052

survival of the least fit

>> No.46885064


>> No.46885069


>> No.46885074

fuck yes quiz showed up. now we need another appearance from moe and ciaran and jamal.

>> No.46885080

and og

>> No.46885089

>and jamal
that retard shows up every day, im suffering from acute jamal overexposure syndrome
would be nice if he could take a nice off-world vacation

>> No.46885109



>> No.46885123

trunk swimsuits are an affront to the loli physique

>> No.46885145

your existence is an affront to god and everything good in this world

>> No.46885152

ok thanks. actually one last question, do you recommend enabling that anki FSRS algorithm, or should i just continue using the settings from your anki page

>> No.46885188
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>> No.46885192

no idea what any of that n0 english means but i want to be infront of a lolis physique if thats what u guys mean

>> No.46885201

I don’t care if it’s manga or a novel but I need something to read for my first Japanese only text
Any non troll suggestions appreciated

>> No.46885203

cute jap messaged me on bumble
maybe it'll work out this time

>> No.46885205

isnt that the tranny dating "app"

>> No.46885210
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>> No.46885218

i've had the most success on it by far
and none of them were trannies

>> No.46885234

shes sopping

>> No.46885238

I didn’t want anime but I will keep this in mind (already watched takagi and am rewatching k-on)

>> No.46885244

another chapter of ff7 rebirth done
it actually isnt that bad if i skip all the side content

>> No.46885247

wish there were japanese girls here

>> No.46885252

you could find something that's enjoyable rather than something that's super easy
i recommend any shounen manga or any moege

>> No.46885258
File: 1.35 MB, 2723x2004, 1516218972928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should probably stick with jp-subbed anime for a while it's the best form of material for beginners
but if you desperately want to read something

>> No.46885280
File: 3.15 MB, 1055x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any non troll suggestions appreciated
-脱法テイマーの成り上がり冒険譚~Sランク美少女冒険者が俺の獣魔になっテイマす~ 1-4(picrel)
-モブだけど最強を目指します! ~ゲーム世界に転生した俺は自由に強さを追い求める~
ez and comfy to read

>> No.46885293

yeah enable it, i've enabled it too and it seems like the objectively better algorithm
as for how it affects the settings, i don't know, but you can probably use the default ones with fsrs

>> No.46885300

if you enjoy like stuff like takagi and k-on then reading anime subtitles is a no-brainer for your early immersion. you will find nothing with a better easy*compelling factor

>> No.46885326


>> No.46885327
File: 804 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Lv2 kara Cheat datta Motoyuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life - 07 (1080p) [5E653DF8]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46885338
File: 32 KB, 332x327, 1713818460458425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just know

>> No.46885525

anyone have an anime mining list in order of difficulty? or something like a recommended mining list

trying to gauge where im at

>> No.46885575

me on the left

>> No.46885579

ur at the beginning of a long journey

>> No.46885583
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>> No.46885589


>> No.46885609

whyd he choose to read zero no tukaima if hes weirded out by the content

>> No.46885626

bonder is a very low class surname

>> No.46885632
File: 817 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Dainanaoji - 08 (1080p) [22AD0AEE]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46885649

that explains why he's in the upper echelon of intellectuals in the japanese learning sphere. so much for "low class".

>> No.46885652


japan is too cool and mainstream now. i think i'll go to mongolia or something.

>> No.46885660

she traded half her lifespan for those sm h

>> No.46885664

so glad i enjoyed japan and its entertainment when it was good and before all the normie shitters ruined it

>> No.46885674

you ARE the normie shitter

>> No.46885679

wish i was born in the 1950s to enjoy japan at its peak

>> No.46885681
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>> No.46885684
File: 862 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Dainanaoji - 08 (1080p) [22AD0AEE]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46885686

ive watched more anime than anyone here and played more vns but i have not read more manga cuz im too adhd

anyway im def not a normie (shitter yes) and thats rly rude for u to imply

>> No.46885687


>> No.46885688

wonder how many guys enjoyed js mum before his dad ruined her

>> No.46885692

does matt have a cute japanese gf?

>> No.46885697

you're telling me if you moved to japan RIGHT NOW you wouldn't be able to enjoy japan? and all because normie shitters...did something to it?

>> No.46885708

depends where cuz i would have to go somewhere that the normie shitters are not at but as far as new japanese entertainment the ship as sailed for this decade maybe well try again in 2030 if japan hasnt fallen into the ocean by then

>> No.46885709

he did several years ago and she was in a youtube video. dunno if they broke up though.

>> No.46885713

you mean he paid a girl to wear sunglasses and sit next to him for one video

>> No.46885716

yes i'm sure he paid for his ashkenazi intelligence as well.

>> No.46885717


>> No.46885722

to be fair all these matto on the street sightings in japan have been with 0 girlfriends so im very inclined to say that was a paid actor gf in that vid

>> No.46885724

i wanna live somewhere in the north of hokkaido where the winters get so cold that no normal foreigner would want to live there.
the company i work for actually has a test center in hokkaido, but as someone who isnt an engineer i dont think i can be transferred there

>> No.46885727

fact checked by snopes

>> No.46885731

cold places suck
wanna live in okinawa

>> No.46885738

cold places are fucking awesome
t. white

>> No.46885740

the fact that you think watching a lot of anime doesnt make you a normie makes you even more of a normie

>> No.46885741

case in point

>> No.46885742

wtf is this shit

>> No.46885745
File: 332 KB, 1920x1200, 1540302249916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warm places suck
wanna live in sapporo

>> No.46885747

white people dont enjoy the cold, this was debunked by sv3rige

>> No.46885750

pathetic post

>> No.46885752

are we talking about the girl with a heart shaped cut out in her shirt

>> No.46885753

videos like these make me depressed

>> No.46885754

brown hands furiously smashing their keyboards right now

>> No.46885756

sv3rige was deplatformed because he spreads misinformation.
djt has no need for toxicity. get out.

>> No.46885758

dont blog post

>> No.46885759

alright guys, you know which report reason to pick

>> No.46885765


remind yourself that people put on a performance for the camera and they're probably arguing and miserable between takes. most relationships are mundane. they're still important though so don't give up.

>> No.46885766

these last couple of thread have been the worst since i got here. good job faggots

>> No.46885767

i watched a great majority of it before crunchyroll and netflix were a thing i win

yah the more south and west u go past osaka the better japan gets fuck freezing ur balls off up in aomori eating apples all day and thats as far north as id go because im not going to the commie island that russia is going invade soon

>> No.46885770

post leg

>> No.46885772

being white rules but freezing does not :<

>> No.46885781

good thing you dont have to worry about either of those :>)

>> No.46885783

trailer trash

>> No.46885784
File: 207 KB, 2048x1542, 1565649289760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based on what

>> No.46885791

idk about that just wanna live in rural hokkaido, maybe in takinoue

>> No.46885800

*rolls up on dirtbike and kicks up dirt all over u*

>> No.46885801

id also be depressed if i had to share my life with a 3d flesh bag
>proceeds to jamalpost instead of contributing to the topic

>> No.46885803

idk i like being very cold. it feels like i'm playing on survival mode.

>> No.46885804

going to make some popcorn djt is about to pop off

>> No.46885809

youre going to enjoy being dead

>> No.46885810

i'm pausing my djt immersion. i don't wanna ruin the thread. please discuss japanese while i'm paused, thank you.

>> No.46885811
File: 996 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Dainanaoji - 08 (1080p) [22AD0AEE]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46885814

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZZVtNUiyfA drummer in this band looks like goatis if goatis was healthy

>> No.46885820

watching magical princess minky momo for listening practice

>> No.46885821
File: 878 KB, 2598x3683, 1675550028574379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i probably wont enjoy or not enjoy being dead, since i'll be dead. if i get to be a friendly gohst that would be pretty awesome too lol

>> No.46885822

recently discovered how satisfying it is to shoot snot out my nose while on a walk
highly recommend

>> No.46885826

hokkaido, japan :O
hokkaido, russia :I

>> No.46885828

>Pure Noise Records
checks out

>> No.46885858

watching sverige eat raw brains and shit thats been festering in a plastic bag for days in some muggy SEAhole is nauseating
clearly not what humans in nature would eat...

>> No.46885867

when someone takes "u are what u eat" 2 seriously

>> No.46885884

explains queeran

>> No.46885898

still cant believe queeran had a 30 hour meltdown over the weekend

>> No.46885908

>thats been festering in a plastic bag for days
Any proof for that?
Organ meats are usually served fresh or frozen since they go rancid extremely fast.
>in some muggy SEAhole
What does that have to do with "humans in nature"?

>> No.46885935

do you also struggle to charge your phone sometimes?

>> No.46885944

no cuz i dont make fetish videos


>> No.46885949

ciaran is based because he fought for what he believed was right

>> No.46885958

i dont read half the thread but i get the feeling ciaran doesnt post at all or at the very least posts about 10 times less than what you guys think he does

>> No.46885960

its called high meat

>> No.46885966

cant believe gpt is taking sky away from me, guess her lewd voice was too good to let live

>> No.46885968

idk if he posted since early sunday but he was definitely here just like all the other namefags

>> No.46885979

sup lil c

>> No.46885981

Sv3rige never advocated for eating high meat.
He eats it because he likes it, not because it's good for you.
Anyway, I don't know the last time he ate high meat, must have been a long time ago.

>> No.46885982

humans in nature dont eat raw brains n shit
at least not the hwhite mans ancestors

>> No.46885989


>> No.46885991
File: 132 KB, 1408x1355, hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just like all the other namefags

>> No.46885993

healthy creatures dont eat brains they always leave the heads

>> No.46886002

why did og think it was a good idea to debate him?
still dont get it

>> No.46886003
File: 51 KB, 649x300, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile, the "hwhite mans ancestors":

>> No.46886004

idgi why meds theres multiple namefags that post every day? they use their names in the name field

>> No.46886018

whites didnt exist on earth 800,000 years ago
white people came from the pleiades star cluster 10,000 years ago to teach humanity civilisation and such

>> No.46886025


pick 1

>> No.46886035

bro doesn't even know spain used to be white
never forget they were the first victim of the muslim hordes

>> No.46886037

i used to date this black guy who believed in an insane conspiracy theory that white people were created by black people in egypt a few thousand years ago. he got upset when i told him he's stupid and we broke up

>> No.46886044

that means we wuz created by kangz

>> No.46886047

white mans ancestors means humans that came before the white man, lil bro
anyway 10k years ago humans started enslaving eachother due to population booms and agriculture dominating entire civilizations not a good reference point to nature

>> No.46886049

>not a bunch of literal sub 80 iqs yapping about the same inane bullshit for years on end

>> No.46886058

in austria theres a traditional dish called brain with eggs

>> No.46886062

anal fuck machine guy?

>> No.46886066

in your ass there's something called my foot

>> No.46886074

what? no. i have no idea who or what youre referencing

>> No.46886082

wild how overcivilized soiboys think that brain is some kind of icky food that whites would avoid when its literally the most nutritious organ of the body

>> No.46886092

u know whats more nutritious ?

>> No.46886091

wow djters have prions, not surprising

>> No.46886095

shut da fuck up

>> No.46886101

>you eat le brain? you must have le prion!
literally brainwashed by childrens cartoons lmfao

>> No.46886125

iq guy slaying the low iq hordes of djt
so frickin based

>> No.46886126


if this doesnt look appetizing to you you're mentally ill

>> No.46886134

your cum?

>> No.46886141

these nuts

>> No.46886147

you're not mentally ill for not finding it appetizing, you're just not used to being a natural human
the same way natural human beings are used to everyone smelling like shit cuz in nature there is no real hygiene

>> No.46886153 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.02 MB, 1424x1068, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this doesnt look appetizing to you you're mentally ill

>> No.46886156

djturds will argue about literally anything. you could say the ocean has water in it and some stupid cunt here would have a problem with it.

>> No.46886160

you wouldnt actually smell that much because you'd have ammonia dissolving bacteria living on you

>> No.46886163

wild that "eating natural food is good for you" makes you think we will argue anything

>> No.46886165

the ocean is primarily piss

>> No.46886172

you'll have an endless supply of liquid to drink then

>> No.46886177
File: 108 KB, 584x815, GOCQCBaWIAApkrP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt know yasuke saved japan from its japanese oppressors

>> No.46886180

>boy sure has been awhile since anyone’s talked about ciaran gee i wonder what ciaran’s been up to does anyone wanna talk about that ciaran guy? yeah he’s probably super busy rn doing important ciaran things

>> No.46886185

u cant drink the ocean piss its too salty

>> No.46886191

huh? someone mentioned him a few posts above mine

>> No.46886192

obsessing over tripfags that havent been posting in a long while is pretty yikes

>> No.46886204


>> No.46886205

oh i whitenoised those posts

>> No.46886212

you guys actually read posts?
i always go straight to bottom after entering the thread

>> No.46886224

whys the noise gotta be white

>> No.46886225

so you dont read posts made while youre in the thread? so you just keep coming and going constantly? retard

>> No.46886228

That’s like speeding up in front of a red light.

>> No.46886231

sorry this might be a weird question, but would you be willing to fuck my girlfriend?

>> No.46886234

>so you just keep coming
yeah but only to js

>> No.46886239


>> No.46886242

i dont blame you big js posts are pretty sexy, especially when he starts scraping the bottom of his yogurt cup with his spoon

>> No.46886243

i appreciate the gesture but i dont do none of that fuckin business

>> No.46886247

i read some

also no need to sign your post

>> No.46886248

jc to js convert

>> No.46886254

Sup, Lil Q.

>> No.46886276

lil c...

>> No.46886296

don't sign ur posts

>> No.46886308
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>> No.46886324

oh man i actually love the taste of doorknobs

>> No.46886325

can i get uhhhhhhh doorknob

>> No.46886328
File: 795 KB, 326x316, 1688540332525660.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46886337

do you think sucking a door knob will make you better at sucking cock? or will it just make you better at sucking door knobs?

>> No.46886339

328 ty sir

>> No.46886342

specific practice makes perfect and a doorknob isnt specific enough to a cock to make you a perfect cocksucker. id go with a banana.

>> No.46886348

sometimes u just want a big hard knob in ur mouth u know

bananas are a dangerous choking hazard and darwin loves them

>> No.46886350

never been knobbed never will
my posts are too high quality

>> No.46886351

wtf how'd u get these pics of queeran?

>> No.46886361

What’s the best way to learn Japanese without following the advice of DJT?

>> No.46886367


>> No.46886368

>he asked djt

>> No.46886370

go to japan and get a japanese girlfriend that sucks at englando

>> No.46886372

do the opposite of what djt tells you

>> No.46886374

so this is where og's racism comes from

>> No.46886381
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>> No.46886385

output whore the type of whore to rail against niggers while getting railed by niggers while having a spade tattoo

>> No.46886404

Ah, yes Keekihime, the girl who lied about being fluent in 3 months.

>> No.46886406

why can /a/ start threads with pictures like this, but on /jp/ they get deleted

>> No.46886410

eat cooked muscle meat, avoid organ meats

>> No.46886415

now we know what 385 is into

cuz this is a protected zone and sickos are not permitted

>> No.46886414

the organ meants are more nutricious

>> No.46886417

/jp/ is a blue board

>> No.46886424

because /jp/ is about real girls
you can post jav sluts and not have your pic deleted

>> No.46886425

so is /a/

>> No.46886426

nearly rear ended someone cause i was staring at a fat ass

>> No.46886427

organ meat tastes gross

>> No.46886431

guy was looking at his turned off montor in his car in traffic lol

>> No.46886436

this shit happens to me all the time, especially during summer.

>> No.46886444


>> No.46886458

expression of trans polarity

>> No.46886464

>character wakes up next to a cute girl
why are anime mcs like this

>> No.46886469

if the mc isnt a pussio faggot ruins every chance to have sex how will japanese neets self insert

>> No.46886475

anime females are as repulsive as 3dpd is to us for people living in the 2d world

>> No.46886480


>> No.46886486

my favorite animes are the ones where the nerd gets the hot alien girl and gets married does sex in the end like onegai teacher

>> No.46886492

that anime is so old i dont think i want to watch it

>> No.46886499

old is good watch it now

>> No.46886502

its good because it has a loli

>> No.46886510

djts best and brightest folks

>> No.46886511


>> No.46886519

meowth thats right

>> No.46886530

and the sequel has two lolis who take baths together
i highly recommend it

>> No.46886542


>> No.46886545


>> No.46886548
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>> No.46886549

i almost clicked cause the girl in the thumbnail is qt but resisted

>> No.46886558

Uh, what?

>> No.46886559

these channels are just getting cringe and ridiculous at this point
what type of mouth breathing goyim even watches this shit

>> No.46886565
File: 1.55 MB, 1258x708, hxh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46886570

i wouldnt want to date an otaku retard either if i was a girl

>> No.46886580


>> No.46886584

Does anyone know where you can get the grammar books that were hosted on DJT (see:https://djtguide.github.io/library/benkyou.html)? Those mega links are no longer working.

>> No.46886595

I'm a retard that destroyed the link, excuse me.

>> No.46886606

had the thought i should rewatch elfen lied since its been like 15 years but kinda dont want to since i still remember most of it. crazy how i forget seasonal dogshit anime within 6 months but even just a decent show stays in me 'ead

>> No.46886608


>> No.46886614

also a really good show because it has naked lolis

>> No.46886619

it's probably just because you were younger
honestly i watched elfen lied as a kid forever ago too but i don't remember jack shit

>> No.46886621

what did the elfen lie about

>> No.46886622

twins was not as good but the op was


>> No.46886632

update it's been going well finna ask her out let's gooooo

>> No.46886653

talked to a girl on bumble recently, said lets grab a drink, she agreed and then when i messaged to arrange a time/place she deleted her entire profile lmao

>> No.46886663

never talked to a girl on bumble recently and never will

>> No.46886664


>> No.46886665

not me i was in a meeting

>> No.46886666

she's got anxiety don't judge

>> No.46886670

she saw her future flash before her eyes and noped the fuck out of it

>> No.46886680

why are you like this

>> No.46886683

キリ番 checked

>> No.46886685

probably, maybe she got back with an ex or some shit

>> No.46886686

i dont believe in bumble or bumbling

>> No.46886691

monday is the sloppiest day of the week and i am here for it

>> No.46886695

by here do you mean reddit

>> No.46886699
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>> No.46886702

no it's just an expression check the dictionary and that's on period

>> No.46886706

yeah it's a reddit expression

>> No.46886708

already chugged everything, 第七王子 was good

>> No.46886712
File: 28 KB, 300x250, IMG_1569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is jamel advertising himself here?

>> No.46886721

snow angel > both ops

>> No.46886722

>he sees ads

>> No.46886723


>> No.46886729

not him but i see ads on the phone which in using currently

>> No.46886730

why dont you use ublock on your phone?

>> No.46886733

when judgment comes for youuu

>> No.46886737
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>> No.46886739

i dont browse the internet on my phone except for this thread

>> No.46886754

we do a little browsing

>> No.46886768

only use internet on my phone for spotify

>> No.46886771

how long have you been learning japanese and how much of this do you understand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo64ZuPKddg

>> No.46886795

how long have you been learning japanese and how much of this do you understand

>> No.46886801

isnt that just the natural state of a japanese slave in japan

>> No.46886802

saw this in my recs and didnt click it

>> No.46886803

so that's why his shit look like that

>> No.46886810

>that hairline

>> No.46886816

not cool to make fun of people for things like that

>> No.46886821
File: 1.40 MB, 1176x662, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow shes just like me

>> No.46886826

>seeing the kind of vids that get posted here in your recs
glad i never fucked up my yt that bad

>> No.46886831

how do esls stand to even listen to each other talk

>> No.46886836

probably harder to endure your nasally chink voice, one of the most annoying ive ever heard

>> No.46886840


>> No.46886845

dunno lots of girls like my voice so when guys dont like it i just shruggy shoulder

>> No.46886846

im functionally mute

>> No.46886853

yeah girls dont like deep masculine voices they like nasally high pitched chink pussio voices

>> No.46886854
File: 2.03 MB, 1633x870, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same same

>> No.46886855
File: 38 KB, 537x527, 33f98dbd14fafce81b19a16f55e23ef4b72bdbeb_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46886861

ur really upset but i guarantee u wouldnt say any of that shit to my face not because of any threat of violence but because one look at me and u would respect me as a man

>> No.46886867

how long have you been learning japanese and how much of this do you understand

>> No.46886874

id be laughing at your thin ass lips

>> No.46886875

yeah dyel manlet with a chink voice is definitely gonna earn my respect on sight lol

>> No.46886877

he sounds chinese doing a japanese accent impression

>> No.46886884

why mr anderson? why? why do you persisto? because i george to

>> No.46886885

oh theres no earning involved u would feel my reiatsu and immediately bow

>> No.46886887

it's my slop surprise of the season

>> No.46886890

wow we havent brought up george trombley in i dont even know how many threads. whats he been up to recently

>> No.46886893

i used your old trip one time and immediately felt the immense reiatsu

>> No.46886896

he 食らったd a 白金

>> No.46886899

feel like taking a walk today instead of riding my bike

>> No.46886902

have you read cfyow
or can you even

>> No.46886904

can i download all of tokini andys paywalled videos if i pay for a month

>> No.46886906

feel like licking balls today instead of sucking a dick

>> No.46886914

my adhd is too severe to read manga unless its something that is so compelling that it overpowers it

>> No.46886920

yeah this man needs to read compelling content like prisma illya manga

>> No.46886921

its a lin bruh

>> No.46886924

bleach fuckin sucks

>> No.46886929

take that back sis

>> No.46886941


>> No.46886942

doesn't taste that good

>> No.46886944

oh i just assumed manga when i saw bleach but it makes sense since kubo doesnt draw theres no reason for it to be a manga

well reading books is 100% out i dont read those under any circumstances

>> No.46886946

>i dont read those under any circumstances
much to the surprise of no one

>> No.46886948

books are for poindexters and thats not me

>> No.46886950

stop ankle biting queef

>> No.46886963

if the word poindexter came with an audio sample it would be ur fuckin voice

>> No.46886970
File: 658 KB, 500x381, 1716238180912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls only want 1 thing

>> No.46886972

theres no way i could ever read a book i would just watch shit like this every page


yah but it would come with ur face

>> No.46886973

yea that explains a lot bro
i'll use this information against you in the future

>> No.46886975

i acquired キリ番 from nenechi

>> No.46886976
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>> No.46886979

being proud of being an ignorant philistine is a self own

>> No.46886981

acquired poindexter

>> No.46886994

wheres the part where he dumps all the car batteries into a river?

>> No.46886997

got work tomorrow but i think i'm gonna open another beer

>> No.46886998

at the very end i love that part

>> No.46887008

love the part where i dump cum into a vagina

>> No.46887010

love making shit up on djt

>> No.46887016
File: 624 KB, 600x494, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love the part where i dump cum into a vagina

>> No.46887077

my qbitorrent config got corrupted randomly and it cleared all my category folders so when i launched it started moving terabytes of files all over the place

>> No.46887080

Isn't that illegal?

>> No.46887097

it is but he went swimming and pulled them all back out right after

>> No.46887102

rape isnt illegal if you pull out afterwards

>> No.46887103
File: 61 KB, 199x242, 32fa7538bfdf44728d773ee79232d738.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46887105

lmao couldn't be me i delete everything after consuming. but youre probably doing free labor for some tracker so time get to work moving it back

>> No.46887110

>you cant pause anime ever or interrupt the natural flow of japanese media or you'll never know japanese
>i also have 80hd hehe

>> No.46887121
File: 679 KB, 1000x946, 8e8defe1d5051c4cb8e7cee09b0ebd59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hunter x hunter parody

>> No.46887124

80hd (self diagnosed [2024])

>> No.46887129

best hxh parody is the one where goreinu fucks pitou with cat emperor time

>> No.46887137

hisokachu nooooooooo

>> No.46887143
File: 676 KB, 693x1200, d7674b15757dc5cf6637b791565c3ac7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46887156

so do i
i just have a lot of unconsumed stuff

>> No.46887161

if i got the death note i would just write わたしはゲイ over and over in it and confuse the shinigaymi

>> No.46887169

gonna legally change my name to わたしはゲイ

>> No.46887176

not if i do it first

>> No.46887179

would that be valid i thought only your given name at birth works

>> No.46887190

idk how that works bro but if youre unsure, just get the shinigami eyes and you'll see the name you need to kill them

>> No.46887191

imaging a white racist trying to spell black ppl names in the death note and getting frustrated

>> No.46887194

u have to picture the face of the guy ur trying to kill so the only ppl one could get are ppl like matt and nuke and then maybe unko if a picture from years ago still works

>> No.46887207

thats why bonger never showed his face fully hes scared of the death note

>> No.46887215

yeah bro ive got the the protection of jake if someone tried to get me

>> No.46887216

just imagine a fat pig

>> No.46887224
File: 125 KB, 960x434, fatmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*closes eyes*

>> No.46887226

>racist opens death note
>rules say it only kills humans

>> No.46887233
File: 2.31 MB, 1024x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46887246
File: 74 KB, 1031x713, übergewicht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

german wotd

>> No.46887248

quiz is so cool
i wish he stream a vinnie again

>> No.46887252

quiz is so cool is the ubergewicht

>> No.46887253

gambz is so cool
i wish he stream a vinnie again

>> No.46887254


>> No.46887260

gambs will never stream again cuz u guys did mean things and didnt respect his kanken certificate

>> No.46887267

i can relate to that second post. my id says im 175cm but im actually closer to 176 or 177 but they never asked me for my height again when i renewd my id.

>> No.46887269


>> No.46887275



>> No.46887282

du, du hast mich

>> No.46887297

ill stream if you give me an ez stream guide with voice anonymizing addons

>> No.46887298

raise your hand if this is where you heard about Rammstein for the first time

>> No.46887303

thats a good classic amv

>> No.46887306

Deine Fresse
Halte sie jetzt

>> No.46887312

calm down hitler were not trying to actually write nazigo here

>> No.46887315


>> No.46887330

it's not like you could either

>> No.46887337

agreed i already am native in the worlds best language im already complete

>> No.46887339

kinoblade is so fuckin good

>> No.46887343
File: 178 KB, 611x900, __artoria_pendragon_and_saber_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_ware_to_nanji_ga_chikara_mote__29d03f53d3b6a7abf2d148c1638f262b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

german second language speakers look like THIS?>??

>> No.46887347


>> No.46887352

why are there so many weirdos on 4chan lately

>> No.46887359

no thats what we look like

>> No.46887363


>> No.46887365

europeans as recently as like 10k years ago are completely different from the europeans that live there now. europeans are largely a product of western hunter gatherers that were all over europe since i don't remember how long, anatolian farmers who moved into europe like 7k years ago, and then indoeuropeans (originated in eastern ukraine-ish) who moved into europe like 5k years ago (numbers are off but the order is correct). white skin only evolved recently btw. and blue eyes evolved independently in whg and indoeuropeans.

>> No.46887367

i like saber better when shes skateboarding

>> No.46887368

trve trve

>> No.46887377

and recently means since indoeuropeans rode in and conquered europe via chariots

>> No.46887379
File: 889 KB, 1910x1352, 1693906090667220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah i forgot, sorryu
she canonically can too because she has the riding skill

>> No.46887383


>> No.46887385

lets see her ride this *unzips*

>> No.46887386

riding skill is not the skating skill

>> No.46887394

飲む does not mean to drink

>> No.46887395

this would be a great kenan and peele skit.

>> No.46887396

true, 飲む means 飲む

>> No.46887398

the japanese will never beat horchata drink-wise

>> No.46887399

blitzkrieg is such a cool fucking word. glad the germans thought of it.

>> No.46887402
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>> No.46887404

she can use any means of transportation expertly cause of the perk. thats why she drives a motocycle and car in fate 0

>> No.46887405

blitzkrieg that doorknob

>> No.46887407

key and peele*

>> No.46887410

she can ride my dick to heaven

>> No.46887412

key and peele kenan and kel same shit

>> No.46887413

key and doorknob

>> No.46887415

chulo chango same shit

>> No.46887416

yea i used to watch that black duo comedy show on nick. and all that

>> No.46887420

all that has a disgusting black history nickelodeon was run by pdfs

>> No.46887421


>> No.46887424

just spent hours fixing my qbitorrent cause it wouldn't let me download shit either
i think something randomly corrupted some of my application data recently
this is my punishment for making fun of linux users

>> No.46887427

its your punishment for thieving

>> No.46887429

they even had a foot logo at one point because of the pdf being a foot fetishist and putting weird foot shit in every show

>> No.46887431

its your punishment for masturbation

>> No.46887430
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>> No.46887433

logo my foot going up your ass

>> No.46887441
File: 49 KB, 686x386, hq7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kike fairy tales in Japanese

>> No.46887480

post dopamine bombs

>> No.46887483
File: 137 KB, 936x1404, GODbq5UboAEpjFu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46887488

moe wouldn't post a 3D adult woman. fake

>> No.46887489


>> No.46887492

yeah waiting for moes trip to come on before i draw any conclusions

>> No.46887494

i love last dinosaurs

>> No.46887498

gonna need some fact checking done

>> No.46887501

Mach'n Kopp zu. Kommt eh nur Schieße raus bei dir

>> No.46887504

Nothing fairytale about the word of God.

>> No.46887507

stfu hitler eat my schieße

>> No.46887517

moe killed himself after his betrayal at the hands of robert

>> No.46887518

now now dont forget >>46879876

>> No.46887525

if someone posts last dinosaurs im gonna love it seems like a cheap way to get validation like u did something unique here

>> No.46887530

validation lmfao im just rubbing in your ugly face how profoundly retarded you are

>> No.46887542

i used high iq to destroy 518 and so now all he can do is say he won because doing something unique will never happen

>> No.46887544

thought you'd be more excited to talk to a german. i mean with you being such a blatant racist and all.

>> No.46887549

only thing destroyed here is your fragile bitch boy ego keep dancing for me

>> No.46887552

miss 4bbc bro :(...

>> No.46887554
File: 216 KB, 495x305, 1708013383950051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46887562

cant believe this : (

>> No.46887566

i mean just cuz we are the exalted race doesnt mean we can get on harmoniously as a result

when it comes to humanity we will always find reasons to divide ourselves

omgggg has it been 9 years already

>> No.46887571

high iqs divide low iqs multiply

>> No.46887575

thanks obama

>> No.46887587

feels pretty disgusting being sandwiched between papi posts

>> No.46887591

get in this papi sandwich

>> No.46887592


>> No.46887598


>> No.46887600

bongo downfall needs to be studied

>> No.46887606


>> No.46887607

do you guys have any interesting stories about past relationships

>> No.46887608


>> No.46887610

ive seen similar things what happens is he hangs around drops lols and lmaos at the good posts, reposts some of the current relevant memes but then he starts trying to add himself into it and it all crumbles

some people just dont pick it up but this is chill jt so instead of shitting on ppl and being a big rude meanie i just co*exist with all posters and how they choose to post

>> No.46887623

dainanaoji has recovered it's place at the top of the slop rankings this week

>> No.46887624

i used to watch hunter x hunter with my ex

>> No.46887634


>> No.46887644

the lmao posters are the backbone of djt

>> No.46887656

lil sis is actually trying to bait us into posting lmao

>> No.46887657

whats your favorite one

>> No.46887661

just because they are interesting doesnt mean i liked them.

>> No.46887662
File: 300 KB, 2048x1365, AASBiC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46887666

using headphones is as much of a crutch as subs for your listening

>> No.46887668

i can see it,...

>> No.46887671

its ok just dont tell anyone

>> No.46887673


>> No.46887674

tomorrow is 肉じゃが mmh

>> No.46887676

i had a relationship end because my farts were too smelly she went on like a 45 minute rant about how normal peoples farts dont smell like rotten eggs mixed with ammonia and for my rebuttal i bent over and projectile shit farted all over the wall and said well thats what i think about that and she made the most authentic reeeeee ive ever heard in my life and couldnt believe people actually did that in real life

>> No.46887684

you've got issues

>> No.46887687

bowel issues

>> No.46887697

673 reminded me this op is so dope tho


>> No.46887704

dont reply to me

>> No.46887707

get replied on

>> No.46887709


>> No.46887710


>> No.46887713
File: 421 KB, 1400x1800, __falin_touden_and_falin_touden_dungeon_meshi_drawn_by_nears__fc25cc63395e482246dd2712651bed52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wasted 2.5 hours

>> No.46887714
File: 46 KB, 564x699, smugjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46887721

4bc ahh post

>> No.46887722

just wasted 1 minute

>> No.46887724


is that who that seething mad guy who links old posts all the time is lol

>> No.46887728

just wasted 28 years

>> No.46887732

this but the last 2 months

>> No.46887735

2019 was 5 years ago

>> No.46887736

this but the last thousand years

>> No.46887737

>is that who that seething mad guy who links old posts all the time is lol
yea its the ivy league guy

>> No.46887741

im your worst fucking nightmare

>> No.46887745

dang djt really is a chain gang huh


>> No.46887749

you sound like you have parasocial attachment issues

>> No.46887753

shed a tear watching this

>> No.46887755

read that as しつぎょう

>> No.46887763

no 1 here will ever dekiru like joe donda

>> No.46887766

what did she think of it

>> No.46887767

i dont watch any youtubers or streamers so that would be difficult

>> No.46887771

she's his ex...
do you really need to ask

>> No.46887773

my next mixtape is gonna be called dekiru like joe donda

>> No.46887775

hunter ex hunter haha

>> No.46887776

she fell asleep during the chimera ant arc and never woke up

>> No.46887777

hunter sex hunter (hisoka dojin)

>> No.46887780

should have had her watch yyh instead

>> No.46887787

should have had her watch fmab. written by a woman for women.

>> No.46887790

yeah dunno how u can listen to that badhop song from earlier and go yup thats a bop

>> No.46887793

its part of thread history regardless if they were sellouts from the start

>> No.46887797

oh i see jamel missed the obvious yellow gmail keyword search highlight (which i left in the screenshot on purpose) >>46879890 and is having conspiracy theorist delusions attributing all archive links to "me". i spent a grand total of 2 minutes "rummaging" through my inbox looking for a sufficiently old piece of evidence blacking out the info and posting it

>> No.46887800

nigga shut up

>> No.46887815

we dont care 4bc

>> No.46887821


>> No.46887823

do you guys just buy all your jp books or something? i'm finding it pretty hard to find mishima's 豊饒の海 tetralogy anywhere

>> No.46887824


>> No.46887835

they dont exist online u have to order them from japan or go to a bookstore that carries them

>> No.46887838

ivy league guy is the most insidious djt poster ever *spits*

>> No.46887840

>no u don't understand. it HAS to be mishima. it HAS to be

>> No.46887841

chill jt hours pls its the end of the day


>> No.46887848


>> No.46887850

now i am become nigger, the destroyer of western civilization

>> No.46887852


>> No.46887854

imagine tripping and accidentally punching her in the face on the way down

>> No.46887858
File: 106 KB, 946x1024, 1708869604937810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46887860

crazy how seeing one at night or in a group puts all the hairs on my neck up sad we are not allowed to concealed carry in the uk

>> No.46887862

met some great 黒人s in college

>> No.46887866

was it the college graveyard

>> No.46887867

theres several types that u can tell by physiognomy
the khatz lookin bulgy head ones tend to be cool its the west africans that arent

>> No.46887870

no chance you make it through book 1
it's an extremely feminine and gay cuckold boys love story

>> No.46887871

it sounds like you want to do it on purpose..

>> No.46887876

remember visiting the US for the first time and walking into a gym and there being literally 95% black people in there and i was like goddamn wtf

>> No.46887877

racists are very sad people and i say that as a person very knowledgeable about the facts

>> No.46887883

extreme racist here. he's not wrong.

>> No.46887887

post hand

>> No.46887889


>> No.46887890


>> No.46887893

im not racist i just like saying the word nigger on 4chan

>> No.46887898

im not racist unless someone is up to no good or looks suspicious then i get my confirmation bias and its off to the races

>> No.46887903

im not racist i jerk of to meg thee stallion and nikki minaj here and there

>> No.46887904

a tripfag isnt a namefag unless he puts something in the name field

>> No.46887906

do you cross the street when you see certain types of people walking towards you

>> No.46887916

no i just clutch at my holster

>> No.46887917

nothing wrong with simple self preservation practices

>> No.46887918

youll care about influx of black people until your country starts flooding with indians then its over

>> No.46887919

show the rofl posters some love

>> No.46887920

yeah i saw through his attempt to get off on a technicality too. 4bc is too honest to lie but he's deceptive, like matt.

>> No.46887922

i never post any irl images on 4chan out of principle but even if i did stooping down to your level to comply with your racist request would be self-defeating

>> No.46887926

what do u carry?

>> No.46887927

ngl i clutch at my waistband like im saito hajime

>> No.46887928

i have a natural affinity with the blacks ive even been called nigga a few times

>> No.46887932
File: 146 KB, 769x743, firefox_npFkJCZmck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea joseph bronski isn't happy about indian h1b visa workers

>> No.46887934
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>> No.46887935

see girls walking alone all the time on my midnight walks despite this being a third world shithole, wonder why that is

>> No.46887937

the blacks let me say nigga in highschool but they were laughing at me and not with me

you probably live in some slavic country that has safe places in the cities

>> No.46887943

jesus fucking christ, just got up and got that blood pressure thing from sitting too long and went blind and lost my bearings and by some sheer fucked up coincidence my left leg was also somehow half asleep so i fell on my fucking ass hard as hell.

>> No.46887946

ok ill give u another option


explain why things like this happen

>> No.46887947

wish i was there to catch you

>> No.46887949


>> No.46887950

tense ur thighs and abs and u can beat it although it does make ur eyeballs feel like they are gonna explode

>> No.46887952

qm put trip back on

>> No.46887955

that's just called fainting. it's normal to get it when you stand up sometimes. i have genetic low blood pressure and get it every day. your best bet is to just slowly sit down so you dont fall

>> No.46887963

no its called orthostatic hypotension

>> No.46887965

still irritates me badly seeing normalfags get hyped over snk.

>> No.46887968

i passed out a couple times when getting up but not for 10+ years

>> No.46887969

erm its called attack on titan gentlesir

>> No.46887970

still remember watchin levi absolutely shred the beast titan while drunk as fuck and that being the hardest hit of dopamine i'd felt that entire year. thank god i stopped drinking lmao.

>> No.46887974

i was sober and didn't feel much of anything

>> No.46887975

are u bald and do u wear black framed glasses and do u have a beard

>> No.46887978

that did go pretty hard tho tbf

>> No.46887980

no no yes

>> No.46887981

give me all your money or you're racist, my cashapp is BIG ASS NIGGA DICK with no spaces

>> No.46887982

strawman bait i won't be biting. don't conflate predictors with the target

>> No.46887985

the worst part about attack on titan was how they made racism completely justified in universe then preached about how it was wrong for 30 episodes

>> No.46887987


dno bros this looks like this could be the turning point in the back half of any generic anime episode to me

>> No.46887990

there is no situation in which racism is justified

>> No.46887993


>> No.46887999

hakujins dont do those things and im going to need u to tell me why

so u reject nature itself then ?

>> No.46888001

has better animation than about 99.9% of anime. i just like kino fight scenes cause im a manchild so i loved snk until mappa took over and made everything look like ass. the levi chase scene was fucking incredible work as well.

>> No.46888002

honestly 怪獣8号 reminds me a lot of attack on titan so far, and its really good. i like that the mc is a middle aged loser man he just like me fr

>> No.46888007

got bored when they reveal he's the heckin strongest kaiju ever and he needs to hide his heckin powerful self from everyone zzzZZZzzz

>> No.46888008

I dont wear underwear these days, is it also the same for women? Some many camels

>> No.46888011


>> No.46888012

normalfags lose their fucking minds over this scene. they start screaming and jumping up and down and look around even if there's no one there because they want to ask "did you just see that?" and i wish i was there to tell them that i did, with a voice completely devoid of emotion

>> No.46888017

knowing my enjoyment pisses off autists itt makes it all the sweeter

>> No.46888018
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>> No.46888019

im hoping that they just havent seen the strongest kaijus yet, but otherwise i agree that thats annoying and just hoping it changes. op mc is overdone, but the comedys been enough to keep me around.

>> No.46888023

doorknob is hitting all the right posts today *waits for it*

>> No.46888026


>> No.46888028


>> No.46888029

unfortunately im all outta doorknobs

>> No.46888032

sunt eu un haiduc

>> No.46888039

well go back to the fucken doorknob store before they close dingding

>> No.46888040

the knife in his mouth was badass, what are you some kind of NPC?

>> No.46888041

feel sad for the guys like doorknob and jamel that live their whole lives centered around this thread
sometimes i feel so sad that i leave this place in disgust and dont return to 4chins for months
anyway later nerds, remember to grope some titties

>> No.46888043

condemning racism does not preclude acceptance of racial differences. abysmal rhetoric

>> No.46888052

man ciaran is so badass

>> No.46888056
File: 131 KB, 1000x610, 1716248405325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46888057

if you dont like sick epic fight scenes then why the fuck are you even watching anime lmao read dostoevsky or roth or some shit instead

>> No.46888058

define racism because if you mean prejudice then that's extremely justified basically 24/7 and would result in massive time and money savings. but if you mean denigrating someone on the basis of their race then i guess that can be messed up.

>> No.46888061

*licks lips*

>> No.46888064


>> No.46888069

i have sucked over a thousand doorknobs

>> No.46888072

...this is a reference to that fate move. where a guy opens a ton of portal thingies behind him. and they made be swords or something.

i've never watched fate but i mostly got this reference.

>> No.46888083

youve slobbed on a thousand dorkknobs

>> No.46888088


>> No.46888095

flat is my chest and smooth is my skin
I have hugged over a thousand onii-chans

>> No.46888097

that's 4bc

>> No.46888099

*in new york accent* ey tony the doorknobs r all wet

>> No.46888102


>> No.46888103

that's why they call prostitutes brassers in england
because they polish your knob

>> No.46888107

migayku bros...

>> No.46888110

tiny is my schlong and even smaller is my brain
i stick my dick in my fat hog all day
rain or shine, sickness or health
my hogs slimy pussy on my dick will be felt

>> No.46888111

what's the problem? my favorite influencer yoga's project isn't in trouble is it?

>> No.46888115

okay i had to >>37456203

>> No.46888123

lmfao i wrote that one too, forgot about it

>> No.46888125

u sound obsessed lol

>> No.46888126

none of u guys would talk shit bunkos woman to his face

>> No.46888128

idk both of them just came to me and i thought it was funny

>> No.46888129

well yea i don't wanna be mean

>> No.46888131

idk i thought morbido guy was funny there

>> No.46888135

the 2021 one was funny but that shits almost old enough to go to school now

>> No.46888139
File: 182 KB, 826x766, 20240312_082623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just found out that time marches on

>> No.46888140

yeah it feels like it was a year ago max, oh well

>> No.46888141

2021 was nine years ago

>> No.46888142

more like a month

>> No.46888144

didnt even clock it was from 2021 lol wtf

>> No.46888153

time is a flat circle

>> No.46888157

no its a mobius band

>> No.46888162


>> No.46888163

dno what that is

>> No.46888167

it means what goes up comes back down before going up again

>> No.46888173

deep bro

>> No.46888174
File: 1.37 MB, 2808x2120, 1716249525211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

palm top tiger sounds like a porn name

>> No.46888175

up down same shit

>> No.46888177

it is

>> No.46888179

sounds like my dick when i manage to pull some fat slag on a night out

>> No.46888187

"tunnel" vision

>> No.46888190

bro were all like 50 years old we dont find casual hookups cool

>> No.46888196

i'm a 30 year old virgin and i think a casual hookup would be cool

>> No.46888197

wtf about my post makes you think i find it cool

>> No.46888208

in ur case u should probably start a relationship properly

if u did have some casual trashy shit one time hookup ud probably catch feelings for that shit

we know u got a good heart go give it to someone and do it right

>> No.46888211

would be p cool to have izakaya type space but a restaurant in japan where id serve nothing but pasta

>> No.46888219

why would you want to serve

>> No.46888226

cause i love cooking for other people, makes the soul feel full. but cooking as a profession in a normal restaurant is fucking miserable.

>> No.46888234

already many like that

>> No.46888238

i like seeing people get served

>> No.46888241

yeah but mine would be the best

>> No.46888243

if i had a restaurant in japan it would be a stinky natto shop and it just smells like fermented bean ass all day with gomers always in there enjoying natto

ideally it would be placed across from the pachinko hall

>> No.46888247
File: 475 KB, 1761x1253, dfAt5W0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waht if japan isnt where it is on the map and everyone just gets there by plane so people dont even know anymore and its all just gone one day

>> No.46888248

japanese pasta is funny though
they just put ketchup on it and call it napolitano
im sure a lot of italians have been malded by that

>> No.46888263

you can see 250 miles away on a commercial plane the worlds become a small place

>> No.46888268

what if its not japan and its just balloons and when they "land" theres a teleporter that takes you to "japan"

>> No.46888272

what if nigger though

>> No.46888275

nigger doesnt real

>> No.46888276

yeah moe is back

>> No.46888279

>download 結婚できない男
>all 4 Japanese subs I downloaded are out of sync

>> No.46888283

>run anacreon/quiz's subtitle syncer and fix it ez
that shit is automagic

>> No.46888291

didnt realize quiz posted this thread

>> No.46888294

bro just use eng subs

>> No.46888297

just listen

>> No.46888302
File: 916 KB, 1200x675, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what IF nigger tho..

>> No.46888312

need a でありんす gf

>> No.46888329

think im going to start reading so i can cut down my djt time

>> No.46888332


>> No.46888334

read what?

>> No.46888352

notes from the underground

>> No.46888363


>> No.46888367

yeah matt won

>> No.46888369

are we 南無阿弥陀仏 or 南無妙法蓮華経

>> No.46888370

had to stop doing that when i missed too many epic threads

>> No.46888381

i thought the new spice and wolf show would be a sequel but its just another soulless remake

>> No.46888385

no spice only salt

>> No.46888388

theres a lot of soul in the remake

>> No.46888407

nobody here acts excited about being fluent in japanese. what gives?

>> No.46888409
File: 199 KB, 1052x789, 20bee9f448c70771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eating a potato, got dnb on, studying hard...
lets go

>> No.46888410

i havent emmersed in a while

>> No.46888415


>> No.46888420

what would me posting a vocaroo prove

>> No.46888425

it wasnt a request

>> No.46888427

eat shit

>> No.46888428


>> No.46888430

whats your issue

>> No.46888431

>nobody here acts excited about being fluent in japanese
>being fluent in japanese

>> No.46888432

it wasn't an order either

>> No.46888438

holy animege
korean "anime" >>>>>> japan(generic) anime

>> No.46888443
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>> No.46888450

i watched 2 mins of that 喧嘩独学 show and had to turn it off cause it pissed me off so bad
couldnt even make it into my slop rankings

>> No.46888456

>post the jew scammer
have some self-respect please

>> No.46888458

The previous sentence is this person saying he knows about Valentine in Japan through anime. Am I correct in assuming the も is in reference to that? Otherwise I don't understand what it's doing.

>> No.46888460

epic soulful ftw based 1000 post thread omg lets fucking goooooo

>> No.46888466
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>> No.46888472

lmao what the fuck is pitch accent

>> No.46888473
File: 1.04 MB, 999x1044, 1563741760960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute gay couple

>> No.46888493

moe wouldn't post that.

>> No.46888499

thoughts on snowballing

>> No.46888500

i just like anime girls i have nothing to do with them

>> No.46888502

you dont just wake up fluent one day, the cumulative nature of it means that you dont really even notice improvements much

>> No.46888505

true leto took 3500 years to become a worm god and he was extremely bored by that point.

>> No.46888508

you dont wake up fluent ever cuz its beyond the reach of gaijin

>> No.46888510

holy shit matt is so humble instinctively covering up his bulging biceps so his pasty dyel viewers dont get jealous

>> No.46888513


>> No.46888514

i take that back if you had 3500 years you could probably become fluent

>> No.46888518

lol 510s right mattos clicking arm got jacked making discord alts to ban evade

>> No.46888534

Which is more appropriate?

>> No.46888862

>so the girlfriend of an AGI expert is saying we've got a 70% chance of AGI wiping is out in 15 years and i'm scared shitless.
i thought the bait would be way too obvious but /g/ responded anyway. man.

>> No.46888896
File: 1.08 MB, 326x316, doornoob2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46888898

stop with the doorknob shit!

>> No.46888940

im happy for ur baiting success in /g/

>> No.46888944

thanks i laughed every time someone quoted the "girlfriend of an AGI expert" part.

>> No.46888960

6 knobs posted thats a new record for a single thread

>> No.46888969

i dont like the message that doorknob fellatio is spreading i think were going to be indirectly responsible for a lot of covid cases

>> No.46889271
File: 448 KB, 494x480, suck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46889927

this but with turkish

>> No.46889976

this but with turkish

>> No.46890064

this but with turkish

>> No.46890079

this but with turkish

>> No.46890808

daily reminder that this shit its outdated and you will never learn japanese with dead dolly a muh vnovels crap and the bunch of trolls of the moe shit

>> No.46891045

now write this post in japanese

>> No.46895707

abandoned thread

>> No.46895833
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>> No.46896556


>> No.46896572
File: 615 KB, 326x316, 1716333887931031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holden deez nuts in yo' mouf
