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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4687836 No.4687836 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese professional efficiently cooking pasta.

>> No.4687844

>Shortened the cooking time
Don't think the japanese bird would commit such error, tim

>> No.4687845

He must be part bird!

>> No.4687862

You can't shorten the cooking time on food.
Cooking doesn't work that way.

>> No.4687871
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All it says is he finished cooking fast - not that the food is actually properly cooked at all or anything near what it's supposed to be.

>> No.4687872


Thermodynamics and chemistry do.


>> No.4687881
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here let me help you with that

>> No.4687882

No they don't.
You can't make pasta soak up water faster.

>> No.4687884
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>> No.4687885


More fire = faster particles = reactions occur faster = less time!


>> No.4687888


>> No.4687889

Try it.
It doesn't work.
More fire= water evaporates= left with burnt spaghetti.
Don't even get me started on meat.

>> No.4687892
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>> No.4687893
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awesome until the customers bitch about it being not only the wrong order but also undercooked.

>> No.4687895


Boyling water does not get hotter than 100 degrees (to a point that it would matter). You'd just make the water evoporate faster.

>> No.4687896


Throw in more water while you add more fire.

Just keep the fire at a higher rate.

>> No.4687898

The water doesn't go above 100 C°
More fire is USELESS.

>> No.4687899


But you'd also increase the ambient temperature (air, noodles, water vapor) increasing the speed of all the nearby particles.

>> No.4687900


>mommy makes me foods i duno how 2 cook xP

>> No.4687903


But the water vapor will.
Keep that trapped, inject with water until the vapor is forced to remain as water due to pressure, etc.

>> No.4687904 [DELETED] 

h€RE iS Th3 Men+ALiy i1L 1y|nG PSYCh0paTh Thi€F {hrist0Pher pOOl3 IN a{tiON (tuRN it InTO LOWer-[AS3 aSc|i): H++p://WWW.AnontalK.<OM/duMP/mO0+ArD.TXt

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>> No.4687907

Clearly you just add salt to the water

Boils at a higher temperature, pasta is made faster at no expense to the taste.

>> No.4687908




>> No.4687910

Pasta cooks in water, do you realize you would be dead long before the room reaches a temperature sufficient to cook pasta from the humidity in the air?
Moreover, you'll never go faster than simple boiling water.

>> No.4687911

Cook pasta in pressure cooker
Cook sauce with MOAR FIRE

>> No.4687912

Pressure cooker


>> No.4687915



>> No.4687920

It would take more time for the pressure to build up than to simply cook the pasta the normal way.

>> No.4687922


Get a super pressure cooker from your local supercook.

>> No.4687929

Good advice.

>> No.4687930

Pasta is weak. Anyone can cook pasta.
Only a true pro can cook the perfect eggs.

>> No.4687935

>has never seen the monsters of kitchen appliances you can find at a restaurant supply outlet

Seriously, I've seen bread mixers the size of a truck and gas ranges the size of a manhole cover

>> No.4687971

salt only raises the temp a little. pros really just salt the water for flavour.

>> No.4687998


>> No.4688041

/ck/ here. Now you see dried pasta would be considered hypo-tonic. Boiling water only increases the speed of osmosis into the pasta and never would you consider it being cooked.

As all objects that have water induced into them seek to be in a platonic state the only factor would of course be time. The hotter the water the faster the penetration into the semi-permeable material by the water.

These rates are uniform and it all depends on the cook's research into temperatures and the rate at which their semi-permeable matter absorbs water at what temperature. Timing how down to the second food will arrive in front of a customer is how a world class chef crafts his dishes.

This is nothing uncommon, and the Japanese are simply no exception to this methodology.

Most manga is shit when explaining it though.

>> No.4688051
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I love how people on the other boards think they are pros in what the board is for just because they go there.

/fit/ is all weight lifting badasses, /ck/ is all professional chefs, /k/ is all BOOF, etc.

I guess you havn't grown out of the 'i read about this so i know all about it' stage.

And I didn't read your post - I'm just calling you a jackass regardless.

>> No.4688052

My love is like a bread mixer?

>> No.4688059

I forgot - the best part about these people is how they introduce themselves like they are fucking amazing.

>/ck/ here.
Like it means OH WOW THIS PERSON KNOWS HIS SHIT MAN. It doesn't. It just means you don't belong here and don't normally come here so you should leave.

>> No.4688060

I smell newfag

>> No.4688061

Enough with the science, guys. Just tell me the title of this. It is relevant to my interests.

>> No.4688064


>> No.4688065
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>> No.4688067


Jesus dude, quit being so butthurt.

>> No.4688073
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>samefag from /ck/ who thinks he's a pro chef because he uses a microwave and reads threads about how to cook

>> No.4688077

He introduced himself that way to show board solidarity. Why are you against solidarity?

>> No.4688080

You should soon realize nobody remembers tripfag newfriends.
"I've been here two whole years! hurr!"

Too bad for you. Nobody cares and you're still a newfag.

>> No.4688086
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>using the term newfag

>> No.4688090

Go away, tripfag. No one likes you kind.

>> No.4688091

He was kicked out of /a/ so now he listens to link'n park and tries to route out everything that hated him.

>> No.4688092
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>> No.4688093
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>implying I'm from /a/

>> No.4688095

You go away, CurryButt is the only good tripfag.

>> No.4688096

>long winded post repeating that pasta cooks in water, albeit using fancy wording.

>> No.4688097
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I can post irrelevant images too.

>> No.4688099

There's no such thing as a good tripfag.

>> No.4688102

Go away, you don't have my approval.
Curry is cool.

>> No.4688104
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>someone who understands my point about /ck/ being full of retards who think they know more about cooking because they go to a board on 4chan about it.

>> No.4688105

I will go away as soon as every tripfag understands their own inherent faggotry.

>> No.4688106

Yes there are! Kyon and Meiling have always been our friends and allies.

>> No.4688108
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>bawwww he insulted my /ck/ and cooking skills ;_______________________;

>> No.4688116

They can do the good work they do without hiding behind tripcodes. I don't see how that matters.

>> No.4688121

I'd rather they tripfagged than avatarfagged.

>> No.4688122

Hiding? No, it's Anonymous that hides. Tripfriends stand tall.

>> No.4688124
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>implying using a tripcode is somehow "hiding" while being anonymous is not hiding.
>says newfag
>doesn't belong here
>thinks he can cook because he read something on 4chan
>is a huge fag

I'm going to bed. It's 5am here almost, but go ahead and feel free to claim some retarded shit like DAT NEWFAG IS RUNIN AWAY XDDD

I wouldn't put it past you, or /ck/ for that matter.

>> No.4688126

/sci/ here

Your mother has scientifically been proven to be a whore

>> No.4688131

Fuck that. Tripfags are all cowards.

I'd rather someone chopped my arm off than killed me. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

>> No.4688135

Idiot who can't understand that Anonymous is the coward.

>> No.4688139

>implying you are correct because you know how to use the >implying meme.

Goodnight, currybutt.

>> No.4688141

You're an idiot, cocks-san.

>> No.4688146

>I'd rather someone chopped my arm off than killed me. The lesser of two evils is still evil.
No, it's more like 'I'd rather brake suddenly and jar my neck than drive straight off a cliff and plummet to my death'.

>> No.4688150
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If you think that being Anonymous is cowardly then where's your tripcode, tripfag-in-disguise?

>> No.4688151

Everyone here hides behind anonymity, a nickname or handle does not remove that anonymity.

>> No.4688153

Cocks, why is your tripname cocks? Do you not like cocks? Why? I think cocks are swell.

>> No.4688155

I'm glad you're seeing things my way.

>> No.4688157

Pasta doesn't "cook" in water. Pasta never needed to "cook" since it was already "done". Water adds moisture back into the noodle, but water isn't what's making it al dente. The texture of a noodle all depends on the amount of moisture.

Fresh noodles (read raw noodles) only require a contact agent for heat. The elasticity of noodles and by the state of glucose would be how to judge the method of adding heat into the noodle. (Dried noodles can't be cook, it's the same concept of saying you cook beef jerky and that sounds stupid)

If you say you're cooking pasta in water. Then you need to drink the water. Bitch.

>> No.4688160
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>> No.4688161

Shut up.
Pasta cooks in water.

>> No.4688164

In a sense, yes. We are all hiding our 3D selfs behind anonymity. In another sense, you're a fucking moron.

>> No.4688171

Cooking: making food comestible
Dry pasta: not comestible.
Putting pasta in water: makes it comestible.
Putting pasta in water: cooking.

>> No.4688180

You boil water to cook pasta. You don't cook pasta in water. You're not making water pasta soup.
I flap my arms to move in water <- This is what I am hearing you say.

>> No.4688181
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>> No.4688184

Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens.

>> No.4688186

Pasta sucks. Eat a real carbohydrate.

>> No.4688206

What. Dry noodles are fucking awesome.

>> No.4688211

Flapping your arms to move in water is called swimming.
Pasta is cooked in water. If pasta weren't cooked in water then there would be no point in boiling water to cook some.

>> No.4688232

Where is the pasta when it cooks?
Is it in the air? No.
Is it in water? Yes.
Pasta cooks in water.

>> No.4688245
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What a newfag.

>> No.4688251

Does chicken cook in oil?

No, we call that frying. Not all As are Bs and not all Bs are Cs.

You don't boil soup, you cook it. You don't cook water, you boil it.

If you are boiling pasta you are boiling it.

>> No.4688267

I'm not cooking water, I'm cooking pasta in water.
Don't deform my words.
Pasta cooks in water.
I'm cooking pasta, not water. The pasta is cooking in water.
Pasta cooks in water.

>> No.4688269

And chicken cooks in ovens, you monster.

>> No.4688270

It still doesnt change the fact that we have another manga that understands very little about the subject.

For example japanese mahjong series have you drawing tiles and SUDDENLY one guy slams down his tiles screaming the name of an incredibly rare set as dramatic as possible. Thats not how mahjong works. You dont just pick a few tiles and suddenly BAM 1 million points!!!

While mahjong is a game of skill, it is also highly dependant on luck. If you are going for X but you keep getting shit tiles it doesnt matter how skilled you are, you are NOT getting X.

>> No.4688278

Which means they are extremely lucky

>> No.4688279


You are boiling the water, and by doing so, cooking the pasta.

The terms are not mutually exclusive.

Also, you can't 'boil' the pasta, because boiling is the transformation of a liquid to a gas. Pasta is solid.

>> No.4688281

I tenhou u, lol

>> No.4688282


Manga is unrealistic? Holy shit!

>> No.4688289

You can't grab everything without looking, unless :

-You train for it

-Everything remains in the EXACT same position every single time.

This is a kitchen. Nothing remains in the exact same position if people use it. Especially not spices and sauces. Trust me on this.

>> No.4688292

The most funny part is how these series try to pass themselve off as realistic series focused on a particular subject.

>> No.4688293

Son, if I had to wait 20 minutes before Akagi made a yakuhai chinitsu followed by an open toitoi, I wouldn't watch the damn show.

>> No.4688295

They believe in the HEART OF THE TILES.
In other words, they do what the tiles tell them to Doesn't work in real life see norwayfag

>> No.4688299

You are very dumb.
Applying heat to water and the water boils is called boiling. You're not using warm water, you're using boiling water.

You cook a cake in the oven?

What you're trying to prove is non specific = right.

NO. If there is a right way, a right means, a right word. THEN EVERYTHING ELSE IS WRONG.

You bake a cake nigger. You boil pasta.

>> No.4688303

Which one tries to pass itself off as a realistic series? The one with lesbian lolis?

>> No.4688304

>Akagi made a yakuhai chinitsu
You don't know much about mahjong, do you?

>> No.4688308


Baking a cake is synonymous with cooking a cake.
Frying chicken is synonymous with cooking chicken.


>> No.4688315

Fine, honitsu.
I've been playing for a year or so but I only recognize the moonchars, not their readings.

>> No.4688316


Danke, grammar fuhrer.

>> No.4688318

This sounds like another dumb post.

Trying to prove something dumb is wrong with saying something dumb and wrong.

A pro kitchen is broken into stations and everything goes back into the same location because they are required to be made in a limited amount of time.

Nobody cares about fail kitchens and fail chefs.

>> No.4688321

The least specific term is always correct. Regardless, you cook pasta in water.
The pasta doesn't boil, the water is boiling.

>> No.4688323

Holy shit, I leave /jp/ for 2 hours and my thread became a shitstorm.
I'm proud of you.

>> No.4688329

You're welcome.

>> No.4688367


>> No.4688750

