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46850219 No.46850219 [Reply] [Original]

When are we going to get Touhou Souls already?

>> No.46850274
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>> No.46855537

The setting has too much 4koma tier humor in it, so it's a miss match for the edgy stuff on Dork Soles. Would be weird to reconcile. The gameplay is also antithetical to Dark Soles in so far as it not being a snooze fest marathon of poking a big ass 3d model 60 times while dodge rolling ***through*** their attack animations thanks to i-frames.
Toehoe is way more dynamic and free flowing and harder. I'd prefer a Godhand or Ninja Gaiden but Touhou. Godhand especially is funny and goofy like a lot of touhou content (admittedly a bit too goofy but still). Then again, the setting has potential for other game genres but it would be far harder to execute if they're too far removed from Touhou. I remember an old thread talking about having Thief the Dark Project but set in touhou. Anyways Dank Souls sucks, play games that are actually hard and not boring. Put some actual hair on your chest then you can brag about beating hard games.

>> No.46855604

holy shit we need this

>> No.46856885
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Chill out anon, I think you're getting a bit too worked up over nothing. Anyway, if not Dark Souls, maybe something more fast-paced similar to DmC or MGR? Perhaps Youmu can be the protag.

>> No.46857051

An MGRlike starring Youmu cutting up danmaku in slo-mo would be dope, I won't lie.

>> No.46862080

Mostly agree with this but I also really like the atmosphere and exploration of the first Dork Soles.

>> No.46867901

It's have to be something like a mob character exploring Gensokyo or the Underground to make it work I think, but most people would probably prefer 2hu's.
Or maybe something involving the Lunar Capital?

>> No.46867964

There's that one game where you play as a loli witch that I think has some 2hu references, but I forget it's name. All I know is that it's got ranged combat and the lead dev of it posted ecchi of her which pissed off dumb westerners, so he did it again.

I actually really wish I could remember it since I'm kinda looking for something short and sweet before Elden Ring's DLC drops...

>> No.46867995
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We had the grimdark edgy castlevania games.

>> No.46868123 [DELETED] 

Statistically speaking, every holomember combined produce around 50-80 cubic pounds of farts every day and around 12-40 pounds of poop each day.

>> No.46868977

damn bro did dark souls fuck your mother or something

>> No.46869003

nobeta? its chink and extremely mediocre. there was some drama i didnt follow so cant say anything about that, dropped the game out of disinterest.

>> No.46869098
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Nobeta is unironically a good indie game. It's only like 10 hours long and has a fun combat system. Also the chinese are essentially carrying the touhou fangame scene these days. The latest gensowanderer is an absolute disgrace. A lot of the old time jp doujin circles are either dead or just create garbage these days.

>> No.46869425
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An atmospheric arpg with lots of exploration has the potential to be incredibly comfy. It would be an absurd amount of effort for potentially very little payoff as the moods of the series are diametrically opposed. It'd have to be grimsokyo with very little music, which would alienate half the fanbase.
Still, we can dream.

>> No.46869644

there was a game on itch that was a mix of touhou and dark souls

>> No.46869804

Damn, the idea of garet in Gensokyo sounds fun.

>> No.46870888

Considering how death is handled and how almost everything is bigger than your player character in those game's I guess a fairy could also work.
Or idk Merry or Renko getting trapped into future ruined Gensokyo since those to are the closest you really have to a basic character.
You still could have music normally no need to go full souls. But yeah probably not what your average 2hu fan would play just like with Danmaku

>> No.46871157

Fairy fits perfectly, like the undead they even respawn.
Although if you went with an underdog fairy, I think you'd just end up making a knock-off Cirno. Although she's a bit of a special fairy in her own right.
No matter what you probably couldn't have a dialog-less non-character mc since Touhou is kind of known for it's dialogue.

>> No.46871202

That's the one, yeah. I'll still check it out one day just because the MC is really cute.
>The latest gensowanderer is an absolute disgrace.
Which one? The one that's coming out or uh, Lotus Wanderers I think it was called?

>> No.46871262
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Foresight, the one that came out a few days ago. It's only around 20 hours to 100% everything in the game. So much of the game was cut out that its ridiculous. I would have taken another clownshow of lotus labyrinth over how foresight turned out. the game doesn't even have a 99 well skindive.

>> No.46871454

>Touhou is kind of known for it's dialogue.
Don’t they just throw a few remarks or insults at each other at the start and end of every battle? They are some that didn’t even talk when you fight them like koakuma and daiyousei

>> No.46871472

The MinusT game

>> No.46871890

>So much of the game was cut out that its ridiculous.
That's... shocking. I didn't even know you could cut out content in a Mystery Dungeon game. Even if story is a meaty chunk of these games, it's still a Mystery Dungeon game. Looking at the reviews too seems like it has an immense amount of grinding compared to earlier games too.

>> No.46871928

2hu MGR where genocide moon rabbits is something I would very much like to see actually. It’s coming

>> No.46871948

>Two girls cross paths
>Best song you’ve ever heard starts playing
Can’t deny it’s a winning formula. Very open framework

>> No.46872024
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The game only has characters up 6-9 and even then it's still missing a lot. The previous games basically had every single character all the way up to 17 since it was the newest at the time. the game is just unfinished and kind of insulting after their previous games. The game is $40 and it's missing basic features like a status screen or just a simple bestiary to see what enemies actually do. The art by curee is still nice though so the game isn't all terrible.

>> No.46872218

A normal fairy would be perfect. She'd also be a good blank slate for the player to customize.
Just make her fight relatively weak youkai (other fairies, team 9, etc) but make it seem really epic from her point of view. It could take place during the stone cherry incident in the last fairy manga, to make the stakes apocalyptic from the point of view of a fairy.

There is "Yuuka souls"
but it doesn't even have a release date yet and the jam game it's based on doesn't really feel like Dark Souls.

>> No.46878056

No, this thread is more pointed.

>> No.46878577

That's a shame, how're the games. I've heard they're a Mystery Dungeon-like, but I've never played mystery dungeon?
For other fangames, I know Lost Branch of Legend had an update a month or two ago and Koishi is coming out in a month or two.
There's also that unreleased TD rouge-like, "Labryinth of the Heart" fangame about Koishi causing some sort of incident.

>> No.46879845

>Man I want to ACK

>> No.46879950

I’d prefer Touhou Warriors. Warriors games are a good fit for franchises with tons of characters and unique fighting styles, and fairies would make for good mook material that you could pichuun in the thousands.

>> No.46880229

I deeply feel Yakuza style combat and explorarion would work wonders for a Touhou game.

>> No.46880954

Maybe it would let Daiyosei shine she could even short range teleport which is more convincing for i-frames(would rather actually have to dodge tho)... But if Dai fits that means that Lemontene might also work.
>but make it seem really epic from her point of view.
I also like the ruined world land and would like to see more powerful characters but stage 1 and 2 bosses having some epic battles and it turning into some not so serious stuff would be hilarious.
>but it doesn't even have a release date yet and the jam game it's based on doesn't really feel like Dark Souls.
True aside from healing(funny animation) it feels pretty different, but flight and danmaku change a lot any gameplay, most games don't have that

>> No.46880967

Who's that? Some OC?

>> No.46881793

ZUN OC donut steel. It's a fairy ZUN drew during a game of gartic phone that the internet made into a meme character. It's really just Daiyousei but with yellow hair.

>> No.46881947
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How would encounters even work?

>> No.46882444

Just use the .5 fightans as a reference for movesets.

>> No.46882824

>dodging through attacks bad
i'm guessing this faggot skipped the fighting games

>> No.46882984

I hope soon. I want to stab Youkai to death already.

>> No.46883122

What are you quoting?

>> No.46883205

It's a paraphrase, I'll allow it

>> No.46884603
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Elden Project would be easier to make and also funnier. And if we're going full horror Mazeran style it would be even better.

>> No.46885056

No I won't

>> No.46885072

Just wait until you see a 3dpd or vapid tumour thread, it's gonna put a lot of stuff into perspective

>> No.46888533

rolling = dashing
parry = deathbomb?

>> No.46888708

one of youmu's spellcards in soku is a parry if that counts

>> No.46898319

didnt mazerans art get used for a soulslike indie game

>> No.46903926

I think his art got used for the monsters of some eroge rpg but I don't know about any other game.

>> No.46908736

no, it was indeed an eroge

>> No.46909012

A classic God of War inspired Touhou game would be god tier.
More if you keep it M rated the same way as the old God of War games.

>> No.46913220

the old god of war games were kinda boring. well, good compared to the newer ones.

>> No.46914557

You're talking about black souls

>> No.46916756

Black souls isn't a soulslike afaik nor does it's artstyle resemble Mazeran's. the ero rpg was called Apostle and has also a sequel:
Not sure if it's just the sequel but you can see a few monsters in that artsyle.

>> No.46922701

id say black souls counts as a soulslike. it nails the exploration and mystery part of dark souls.

>> No.46927336

Guess I'll have to play it some day. I'm not even sure what people mean when they say soulslike but I think of it mostly gameplay wise and applied to combat.

>> No.46927423

I'm now imaginng Reimu with the sex mini-game.
>Rotate Stick clockwise
>Rotate Stick counter-clockwise
>Press Square
>Rotate counter-clockwise and a half
>Mash circle
>An explosion of p-points erupted after climax

>> No.46931407

the term soulslike mostly refers to any action rpg with a dodge roll nowadays, which i think is stupid. kind of how the term rogue-like got bastardized to refer to any game with permadeath. dark souls is much more than bonfires and rolling.

>> No.46932232

With who would she have sex?
And what would be the context behind Reimu having to sex someone?

>> No.46932688

>I remember an old thread talking about having Thief the Dark Project but set in touhou.
It would be cool to see. If you're going with a character native to the games you'd have to go with one of the weaker ones. Seiga and Marisa are known thieves but their abilities would be too broken for a stealth game (And Marisa doesn't exactly sneak) Maybe even Renko or someone close to a average human in terms of power. Or even Garrett himself if you want the experience to be close to the games as possible.

I think a game like that could work. It'll allow you to explore different locales in Gensokyo in person and give you more insight on the inhabitants because you're spying in on their lives. You could see what books Patchouli has hidden away in the forbidden section or overhear Byakuren's disisplices complain about their duties or nab Aya's venting dairy where she complains about everything.

>> No.46935197

maybe mamizou, with a disguise mechanic
but that would be more like hitman
marisa still works, just needs a justification for her not to go loud
