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4682139 No.4682139 [Reply] [Original]

Which VN/erogame has the most amount of text?

picture probably unrelated

>> No.4682145

Little Busters has quite a lot of text.

>> No.4682156

FSN actually ranks quite high, as far as I know. Sumaga, Yu-No, Hello World and Clannad are also pretty lenghty.

>> No.4682160

If I recall, Clannad was so huge that you could fill the Wall of China with its text in graffiti form.

>> No.4682179

Tsukihime was twice as long as the TLoTR books

>> No.4682187

there's this page in tlwiki with the mbs of text

>> No.4682222

Wouldn't it be awesome if the fags from the YU-No project decided to instead translate Hello World?

Also this is why we cannot have nice things

>> No.4682247

MB wise, F/SN is of the ones with the most text in a single installment.
Higurashi and Umineko adding up may have the most, but each one is no much, and if you split the 'arcs'(question-answer, chiru etc) it is quite lengthy still.

>> No.4682257

What? It's awesome that we're getting Yu-No translated, don't be like that.

>> No.4682274

No. I liked Yu-no more, and besides, it's about half translated, why'd they start doing something else entirely? Also, around 50% of Hello world is boring to translate slice of life.

And WLO is the longest

>> No.4682288

I remember a post in ye-olde-/jp/ saying that Muv-Luv alternative has twice the amount of words that Fate/Stay Night did.

>> No.4682298

And the most efficient walkthrough for it still clocked up game time to 90-100 hours,

>> No.4682318

Actually, 100 HOUR guide does not NEARLY take 100 hours.
Seriously. Unless you are way fucking slow and/or do not skip text you have read already for the 7TH time.

>> No.4682346

I think the 100 hour guide assumes that you ARE reading everything over and over again. If not, 70 hours tops even if you are lazy.

>> No.4682653

saw in some chart one vn had 50-100 gameplay, what the hell man

>> No.4682660

WLO or France Shoujo.
Though I don't know how anyone sane could play them to the end, they are both very mediocre.

>> No.4683481 [DELETED] 

OHU nobody would like YU-NO more than HELLO WOLRLD

>> No.4683487

OHU nobody would like YU-NO more than HELLO WORLD

>> No.4683496

I played for around 100 hours. I like to take it slow and really savor the experience.

>> No.4683512


>> No.4686454

Why do you even compare them you retard? They have absolutely no similarity.
