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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46763478 No.46763478 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread:>>46753981

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt


>> No.46763496

wotd ボイパ

>> No.46763504
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>> No.46763505
File: 208 KB, 599x965, not ambigious at all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you still wasting your time with this garbage language

>> No.46763507

this is a thread for the 190s

>> No.46763509
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>> No.46763512

shitty art

>> No.46763523
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>> No.46763524

oh nice so i got hexed just because i think you posted bad art. seems a little overboard to me.

>> No.46763530

just tried watching j-drama and the mc (woman) acts really autistic. is this normal for j-tv stuff? finna drop japanese media when it comes to real life acting. anime is so much better.

>> No.46763532

djt said there are some live action media with good acting

>> No.46763538

what compels people to post like this

>> No.46763541

calm down rice

>> No.46763551

most profound moment in video game history


>> No.46763554
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i love japanese art bros. i love japanese manga and tv and movies and books and paintings and anime and games. japan is the best country culturally in da whole world...

>> No.46763560
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>> No.46763561

america is by far better media wise, but japan might be 2nd place and has produced some great stuff.

>> No.46763591
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>> No.46763617

is she pregnant or just fat

>> No.46763631

some of the netflix shows are pretty western-style acted, e.g the sumo wrestler one, the journalist, shinobi no ie, etc. i think netflix tells them to reign in the bullshit since theyre trying to sell it worldwide

>> No.46763633

why does netflix have to tell them why can't they just be reasonable and do it cuz it's better

>> No.46763640

its just how they like it. japanese people dont treat it as an artform like westerners do. it's just a vehicle for celebrity idols

>> No.46763655

japanese people are basically all on the spectrum and absolutely love seeing the same exact stuff over and over again, so they like to see "actors" playing the same character consistently in anything they appear in. they aren't actually acting a role for a show, they're just playing their own character

>> No.46763656
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I did it.

>> No.46763661
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this can't be real, they're just making these stories up right?

>> No.46763663

Too bad Japanese people seem lack interest in foreigners from what I've experienced.

>> No.46763670

congrats ur rdy 4 discord quiz

>> No.46763678

>japanese people are basically all on the spectrum and absolutely love seeing the same exact stuff over and over again
every human is like that and probably most animals as well. the difference is you don't like their stuff so you call it repetitive despite being into the same mechanic but packed with different content

>> No.46763682

I used to learn Japanese so I could read untranslated VNs.
I used to learn Japanese so I could read untranslated light novels.
Now I read neither.
What can I do with my Japanese skills?

>> No.46763686

i don't give advice to hitotonaris like you

>> No.46763687

go read the back panels of your electronics

>> No.46763688

use your Japanese powers for evil and conquer the world

>> No.46763696

the degree to which japanese people love the exact same shit is abnormal which is why the concept of character development is alien to most japanese media

>> No.46763709

I think you are using the word 人となり in a wrong way.

>> No.46763721
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why are you learning japanese?

>> No.46763729

put that shit away

>> No.46763740

is this fanart of that weird PC game

>> No.46763889

don't tell your gf you know japanese. then have her walk in on you watching a show in japanese and watch her be amazed.

>> No.46763902

tried watching hxh and literally fell asleep

>> No.46763916

It only really picks up from Yorkshin arc.

>> No.46763920

it picks up 148 episodes in. keep going.

>> No.46764008

I love both adaptations and the manga

>> No.46764100

it picks up and drops in the toilet

>> No.46764188


>> No.46764230

A Japanese dude told me out this app for Smartnews.
I can't read shit.

>> No.46764232

>> No.46764234
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x1080, 世界の居酒屋10min.「イギリス エディンバラ」_20240505-225329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46764262

just find japanese subs for it lil bro :rofl:

>> No.46764267

rare word in my experience, I'd bet I've encountered it 5 or less times
here’s a card I have of it

>> No.46764273

I don't think even most Japanese know about it :3

>> No.46764277

read it as いっかごと its over

>> No.46764294

it's time for today's useless vocab

>> No.46764305

you cant read jack shit
i can read jack shit
we are not the same

>> No.46764322

>we are not the same
true true

>> No.46764325

i can read this and knew what it meant

thanks wanikani

>> No.46764403
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Remember bros, sometimes there are things in life you may shy away from because you're afraid of the pain, but if you just jump into it you might fnd it's not actually as painful as you thought.

>> No.46764797

I can't sleep, because I'm thinking about eng subs.

>> No.46764815
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>> No.46764923

Have you tried turning them off?

>> No.46764926


>> No.46764964


>> No.46764990


>> No.46765002


>> No.46765157
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>> No.46765167
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I've added new cards to my Anki deck for the first time.

>> No.46765182







>> No.46765297


>> No.46765304

would tap

>> No.46765318


>> No.46765320

You fags either going to stop shitting up エロゲスレ or I'm going to destroy this retarded thread instead. Final warning.

>> No.46765330


>> No.46765346

Is 米 some kinda of eceleb nolifer fag?

>> No.46765441



>> No.46765453

i was expecting a timestamp for her missing something easy

>> No.46765481

thats basically the whole video

>> No.46765486


>> No.46765503
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>> No.46765586

You always can spot an imoto post because the Japanese is poor and words commonly written in kanji inexplicably turn into hiragana. All the signs of a JSL lol

>> No.46765591

i thought imouto anon intentionally never used kanji so that would be someone else

>> No.46765595

Not a word I wanted to acquire today from the story.

>> No.46765602

No, he occasionally uses some kanji.

>> No.46765605

You always can spot a mlen post because its seething and inexplicably retarded. All the signs of a low iq lol

>> No.46765606

true true

>> No.46765609

Apparently you can’t if you think I’m whoever that is kek

>> No.46765613

Apparently you can't if you think a native is a JSL kek

>> No.46765614


>> No.46765618

You think imoto’s a native? lmao you’re pretty retarded, my guy.

>> No.46765621

>my guy

>> No.46765622

You think a native is a JSL? lmao you're pretty dekinai, my retarded guy

>> No.46765628

would be surprised if imoto wasnt a native but i could believe it

>> No.46765633

Dame, anon, why does the truth make you so mad? The posting style and weird syntax should’ve given it away a long time ago, but I guess ydkj

>> No.46765634

pick one

>> No.46765642

Dame, mlen, why does the truth make you samefag so hard? The posting style and weird syntax gave it away a long time ago, i guess ydke

>> No.46765644

the fact that only esls and jsls posts here is an obvious sign they aren't a native but i guess that surprises some anons

>> No.46765647

Who the hell is mlen?

>> No.46765651


>> No.46765652

>mlen mlen mlen
uh oh i think the bot's broken again

>> No.46765656

Who the hell are you? The answer is a nobody dekinai, anon.

>> No.46765660

so is mlen in the room with us right now?

>> No.46765661

uh oh i think the namesimasus meds ran out

>> No.46765670

All this because I called some guy who pretends to be a girl on here JSL. Impressive. Tell me something, are you imoto poster?

>> No.46765671

it would be cool if vtuber bitches still stream when they are old

>> No.46765673

Yes, of course anon, just turn off your monitor and stare at your n6 face

>> No.46765675

all this because hes a seething loser jealous of natives

>> No.46765676

there’s a disproportionate amount of seethe coming from imouto defender
something’s not right in the force *meditates chakras*

>> No.46765685

there's a disproportionate amount of seethe coming from the uppercaser
something's not right in the force *looks at 50 samefagged posts from the other thread*

>> No.46765686

Hi, imoto. Sorry I called your Japanese shit. I've got some good N5 resources for you if need help lol

>> No.46765690

>samefag accuses others of samefagging
weird tactic

>> No.46765692

Hi, mlen. Sorry I called your Japanese shit. I've got some good N6 resources for you if need help lmao

>> No.46765695

>imoto poster currently seething at getting called out

>> No.46765696

>uppercaser is a samefag
true true

>> No.46765704

Gotta learn how to write with kanji if you want to start offering advice, lil sis

>> No.46765705

>namesimasu seething at getting called out

>> No.46765708


>> No.46765709

>lowercaser is the samefag
*nods sagely*

>> No.46765711

they shoul dmake a new sentai where all the rangers are gaijin and the red one has the best japanese

>> No.46765715

Gotta learn how to conjugate n6 verbs to masu if you want to start offering advice, lil sissy

>> No.46765716

imouto absolutely losing it rn

>> No.46765717

self own

>> No.46765719

can't believe imoto was the mlen-anti the whole time
really makes you think *does a backflip into splits*

>> No.46765722


>> No.46765724

lmfao true true

>> No.46765727

we all know imoto but who the fuck is mlen lol sounds like another nobody

>> No.46765729

Sure, just as soon as you learn Japanese, my du- uh, I mean my xude

>> No.46765733

hes the biggest lol cow ever

>> No.46765736



>> No.46765737

the latest bogeyman for imoto to seethe at

>> No.46765739

Cute signature lmao

>> No.46765743

honestly thought imouto was a girl for the longest time, but this amount of seethe coming from one samefag proves it was a fat dekinai all along

>> No.46765747

you cant beat imoto but we can still treat you like a princess lil bro

>> No.46765748

Nice self-own lol

>> No.46765750

honestly thought mlen was a freak for the longest time and the past few days prove i was right all along

>> No.46765753

imoto beats himself... off... every night... because he's a man
and he's unironically u

>> No.46765757

why is some guy in here having a melty over imouto getting shit on?

>> No.46765760

why is some guy in here having a melty over every anon who knows japanese?

>> No.46765761

idk it's probably imouto himself

>> No.46765762

ydkj tho

>> No.46765766

dilate tranny

>> No.46765767

because hes a fatherless mentally ill n6sissy losing it because his whore mother is dying lmfao

>> No.46765771


>> No.46765773

fucking love YUZUSOFT

>> No.46765778

imoto's getting that tight bussy destroyed rn

>> No.46765779

i fucking love posting anime screenshots with eng subs

>> No.46765791

I fucking love destroying imoto’s fragile sissy ego

>> No.46765798

imoto: 0
anon: 1

>> No.46765800

lil sissy you dont have to roleplay as imoto >>46765747

>> No.46765805

imouto’s getting rekt
can’t believe this is actually happening

>> No.46765810

Oh, I'm not roleplaying. I'm actually doing it in real time. I can feel your dysphoria through my monitor (which is currently on btw)

>> No.46765813

cant believe sissy here is so mentally ravaged and buck broken that hes damage controlling from 2 devices like a cuck
adhd and n6 does that to you

>> No.46765814

*pisses on imouto’s grave*
rip in pepperoni lil bro

>> No.46765817

Why are you talking about yourself in the third person?

>> No.46765819

mlen sissy is the original fatherless cuck lolcow bro

>> No.46765823

imoto just take this fat l *unzips jorts*

>> No.46765824




>> No.46765825

mlen's a faggot
imoto's a faggot
ur a faggot

>> No.46765830

not disagreeing with you ur guy

>> No.46765833

I think the fact that some guy’s attacking some namefag because imoto’s getting shit on is hilarious

>> No.46765836

don't forget that he's also samefagging

>> No.46765839

>lolling at a mentally ill dekinai lolcow is ""attacking""

>> No.46765847

good glad we agree lmfao

>> No.46765851

It only started because some guy made fun of your kanji-less Japanese lol

>> No.46765852

yes ur guy we do lol

>> No.46765855


>> No.46765856

nice self own

>> No.46765858

wait mlen writes kanji less Japanese? is it because he dkj?

>> No.46765865

You’re mlen?

>> No.46765867

self admitted faggot lolcow malding lol you love to see it

>> No.46765868

lil bro just admitted to being mlen

>> No.46765871

turn ur monitor on lol

>> No.46765872

uhm no my father didn't leave me when i was little....

>> No.46765875

What have I done? I didn't realize shitting on imoto would lead to him seething for 5 hours lmfao

>> No.46765879

you have namesimasu'd

>> No.46765880

But you just admitted it being him.

>> No.46765887


>> No.46765888

is that mlensissy lolcow's catchphrase equivalent to dun goofed?

>> No.46765891

体温 bros...

>> No.46765892

>imouto seething in the thread
what did i miss?

>> No.46765897

imagine "reading" an LN when your japanese is at the level of 舐めします and needing jp subs for sol anime

>> No.46765898

>imagine being a fatherless cuck

>> No.46765900

Imagine pretending to be a girl on 4chan and then accusing people of being some faggot when people call you out lol

>> No.46765903

98 ok thats a good one lol

>> No.46765906

samefag :skull:

>> No.46765908

>Imagine pretending to be a deranged tranny

>> No.46765911

lil bro how are you going to read an LN if you cant read simple numbers

>> No.46765914

how r u when u can’t even type kanji?

>> No.46765917




>> No.46765922

dame good burn lol

>> No.46765923

悪い?悪い? lmfao

>> No.46765926


>> No.46765928

spacebar? spacebar? kek

>> No.46765932


>> No.46765937

classic retard moment saved in the hall of lolcow shame lol

>> No.46765950

bro is so embarrassed he cant post

>> No.46765953

how can you guys have an actual fiery rage dialogue when it's all anonymoose? can't even tell who's who :x, I'm just here to toast in epic breads about japanese learning

>> No.46765957

yeah you can't tell when subs are auto generated either lol

>> No.46765966

*clicking sounds*

>> No.46765971

pba: it is once again time to stfu. thank you for complying

>> No.46765975


>> No.46765978

hey guys can you tell me how to disable the clicking sounds in japanese >>39435839

>> No.46765977

just watch tokusatsu

>> No.46765990

>39436160 lmfao you werent kidding about him being the biggest lolcow

>> No.46765998

this is properly hard

>> No.46766011

already got 6 gym badges in pokemon y
shit is extremely easy but its chill just looking at the cool pokemon and catching them
will probably play legends arceus next because it looks different

>> No.46766023

thought i was gonna play ultra moon next but i probably need another couple years break before i can play it

>> No.46766044

dame mlensissy pummeled into silence and submission

>> No.46766048




>> No.46766055

妹 cant stop winning

>> No.46766117
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>> No.46766149

challenge: how to say 'time will tell'
you can do it ...maybe

>> No.46766154


>> No.46766161


>> No.46766167
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or 刻 is cooler but same shit

>> No.46766168

ムレん: -6
妹: +69

>> No.46766197



>> No.46766274


>> No.46766545



>> No.46766676
File: 1.46 MB, 720x1280, zou.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46766763




>> No.46766812

any good posts?

>> No.46766814

Stop writing in japanese!!
i cant understand what your saying

>> No.46766819


>> No.46766826

congrats, I guess this means you can use these words in conversation now.

>> No.46766831

conversing is kinda cringe we don't do that here

>> No.46766835

>i cant understand what your saying
neither can they

>> No.46766836

so I can have sex in japan as a 23 year old autistic virgin.

>> No.46766838

ok squiddos rise and shine


>> No.46766872

bro im 23 you dont have to do that just try something
i bet you do nothing

>> No.46766874

your boy is taking a beating

>> No.46766877

imagine doing things

>> No.46766893

there's more to life than having sex. if you live a fulfilling life then women will automatically be interested in you. but doing something because you think it will get you laid will backfire and you will live a pathetic existence in exchange.

>> No.46766899

life literally starts from sex bro

>> No.46766913


>> No.46766938

a day starts with the morning but theres more to the day than just the morning

>> No.46766940

life also started in africa so maybe you should go back. primate.

>> No.46766942

day ends with me inside your mom

>> No.46766944

we are all just monkeys floating on a freakin rock in space bro
you ever think about that

>> No.46766952


>> No.46766973

wtf that's gay

>> No.46766988

>watasi wa mou gaman dekinai no

>> No.46766997

*retreats to the goon cave*

>> No.46767065

epic quizmaster reference

>> No.46767084

>scroll threw thread
>see imouto getting gangbanged by 5 different anons
kek never change djt

>> No.46767085

someone should edit out tintin and sekkusu with burgers to keep it up to date with the lore

>> No.46767106
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>> No.46767108

yeah imoto started having a lil melty in the thread and it led to him accusing everyone of being mlen
it was pretty funny

>> No.46767120


>> No.46767139

the last mlen supporter soured on him now nobody wants to defend that thing or give it the benefit of the doubt

>> No.46767154

true we just shake our heads sadly

>> No.46767173

mlen and imoto are two trannies I’ll never support
ironically both suck ass at japanese

>> No.46767188




>> No.46767205
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>> No.46767207

keep in mind not even moe could defeat imouto

>> No.46767219

notice nobody has given even one specific example of imotos japanese being bad over the past 5 years or whatever

>> No.46767223

og tried

>> No.46767248
File: 1.98 MB, 2500x3500, og owned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

output girl got brutalized by big dick quizmaster

>> No.46767255

ok skimmed over the latest uppercaser meltdown
that's the same guy who threw a tantrum over eng subs so yeah make your own conclusions

>> No.46767257

this coming from the guy who accused some other anon's japanese of being unnatural only to be btfo by a native lol

>> No.46767260

you didn’t skim shit
you’re the retard that uses english subs lmfao

>> No.46767265

no u didn't

>> No.46767270

i am one of those guys but not the one who posts slop screenies

>> No.46767271

remember when og was begging alpha master for forgiveness to slide into his friends list lol

>> No.46767280


>> No.46767284

og was on every tripfag's dick even ciaran despite knowing he's the one taking it in the ass women are just whores

>> No.46767297

og was the greatest thread whore tho

>> No.46767308

the native guy didnt say what you think he said but i cant be bothered to start it and i will instead rely on the fact that i suck but you suck harder to end this post

>> No.46767313
File: 1.19 MB, 1073x1043, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i was like wtf does 一人は開いた mean why do they have so many homo words

>> No.46767317

>women are just whores
even marys wife?

>> No.46767324

uh bro…

>> No.46767327


>> No.46767343

no he definitely said the sentence anon posted was natural and he didn’t give any caveats or exceptions either. you were the one acting like a retard and then you went silent and never apologized for being a retard

>> No.46767366

og was so cute

>> No.46767370

you win you are better than me lol

>> No.46767377
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>> No.46767381

imoto never posts in english i think u guys are all new fags ??

theres been a weird imouto copycat whos not imouto for a while now i think the real 1 has been gone for a long time

>> No.46767390

dont embarrass the 140s

>> No.46767399

yh j is right. u can easily tell imoutos post and japanese cuz shes actually a native

>> No.46767402

tbqh i dont read the posts but they look real to me

>> No.46767405

140s wouldnt be on a djt boogeyman hunt to begin with cuz they have better things 2 think about

>> No.46767409

could be i wouldnt know

>> No.46767418

nobody could copy the imoto's trademark trite posts

>> No.46767435

i know i am but thank you for saying it :)

>> No.46767441


>> No.46767451

imouto leaves such an obvious trail even when he thinks hes incognito

>> No.46767461

only trails being left r from ur brain worms lol

>> No.46767466


>> No.46767485

my brain is quite healthy

>> No.46767490

when you can do what you want youre literally 無敵

>> No.46767492

it’s true
it’s even funnier when he changes personas to start defending himself. as if anyone gives a shit about his japanese

>> No.46767494

thats why the worms like it

>> No.46767498

damn didnt know jamal was a big fan of new jeans

>> No.46767505

dunno about new jeans but i am a fan of new pants


>> No.46767506

stfu tranny

>> No.46767513

your life must be painful my dude

>> No.46767522

how so?

>> No.46767526

its painfully to watch when someone who doesnt know how to play djt tries to play djt

>> No.46767528

*points to foot*

>> No.46767531

*presents ass*

>> No.46767537

im trans btw

>> No.46767538
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>> No.46767543


>> No.46767551


>> No.46767553

This ain’t your blog

>> No.46767555

don't embarrass the 1x4x0xs

>> No.46767560
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>> No.46767565

my theory is that engsub guy is also the imoto defender (who himself is also imoto)

>> No.46767570

uh oh he’s having another melty again

>> No.46767574
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>> No.46767576

he has no life. posting slop's all he got

>> No.46767579


>> No.46767587

the only enigma is how you don’t know japanese yet

>> No.46767590

are you guys gonna make fun of quiz's weight at the meetup?

>> No.46767592

imotos japanese is so obviously native level that it's a massive self own to question it

>> No.46767594

nigger, what tf is this sub placement?
how about just aligning it right in the center of your screen since you're at it

>> No.46767595

after i take imouto to pound town yes

>> No.46767596

yes but over zoom

>> No.46767597

who the fuck is imoto?

>> No.46767603

never knew who "imouto" was
never knew who "mlen" was

>> No.46767605

he writes like something out of the genki 1 textbook

>> No.46767606

a spook

>> No.46767610

>obviously native level
uh no lol

>> No.46767612

huge self own

>> No.46767613

was about to ask this too

>> No.46767621

its like setting up ur mmo ui havign stuff at the bottom or top or in the corners makes u take ur eyes off the action

but subs in the middle of the screen lets u remain focused on what ur watching i think >>46767560 >>46767574 has the right idea

>> No.46767622
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>> No.46767623

turn that monitor on lil bro

>> No.46767628


>> No.46767629

>never knew who "imouto" was
>never knew who "mlen" was

>> No.46767639

never enough english subs lmao

>> No.46767641

mental harassment?

>> No.46767643

the real imouto was a native they told me things when i used to post at them many years ago that a non native could never know

but rly im not sure when the real one stopped posting

>> No.46767646

engsub guy basically has no life and sits in these threads 12 hours a day posting slop

>> No.46767651

a bit slow are we

>> No.46767656
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>> No.46767658

this conjugation feels so weird

probably because the る in トラブる feels like it
should be part of the word root

>> No.46767659

yah some of yall r a bit slow to move on with ur lives

>> No.46767668

i live my entire past and present at the same moment
every moment

>> No.46767669
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>> No.46767681

and how can a non native tell what's something only a native can know

>> No.46767683

leto II?

>> No.46767687

that doesn’t even make any sense
up your screenshot game lil bro

>> No.46767691

i knew 140s would get it

>> No.46767692

simple. they can't

>> No.46767713
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>> No.46767724

in the time that it took you to post all these you could've downloaded the jp subs

>> No.46767737

it's crazy how low iq eng sub haters are they can't tell how >>46767713 is a different poster than the guy who usually posts english subs

>> No.46767739
File: 224 KB, 512x410, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the most ftw subs u got

>> No.46767743

most retarded show ever

>> No.46767744

is there really such a pathetic little faggot in these threads that badly wants attention so his shtick becomes shitting on someone who posts screenshots with eng subs

>> No.46767750
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>> No.46767751

oof i hope u turn on ur monitor soon then

>> No.46767759
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>> No.46767761

engsubs anon ftw

>> No.46767763
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>> No.46767773

its elfen lied with a lame slapstick whack a mole twist

>> No.46767774
File: 481 KB, 650x487, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if u poo poo eng subs u probably dont have a lot of fun in life

>> No.46767785

i'll give you a lil hint lil bro
it's all the same guy

>> No.46767789
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>> No.46767801
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>> No.46767803

Hardsubs get a pass. They’ve got soul, but engsub bro’s coping hard by saying he only turns them on for the screenshot

>> No.46767805


aw yea corm ftw thats some classic win

>> No.46767809

>lil bro
the hallmark of a terrible post

>> No.46767812

nah he's a faggot

>> No.46767815
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>> No.46767830

not giving people their proper (You)s is a bigger redflag

>> No.46767833

last i used spoilers was when jamel couldnt get a word to spoiler in the middle

>> No.46767835
File: 100 KB, 713x1024, ECbgqlkVUAATJO_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you are posting a screenshot with english subs and the point of your post is based in the meaning of the line and not the translation itself you failed

>> No.46767836

crazy how you can own sub haters without even typing in a post

>> No.46767838

>samefag denies being samefag

>> No.46767839

i'd post anime/manga screenshots but i pruned almost all of them while cleaning up my hard drive

>> No.46767844

engsub bros kinda own themselves tbfair

>> No.46767849
File: 142 KB, 350x197, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u gotta give it up for subs they are just win as hell

>> No.46767850
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>> No.46767856


>> No.46767863

see >>46767835

>> No.46767865

imagine all the lonely older women in japan who read the kimetsu manga and watched both the anime and the movie versions too

>> No.46767866

tips on getting a japanese gf who is this honest?


>> No.46767876

thats not japanese shes chinese and shes also ftw

>> No.46767885

they all look same!!

>> No.46767889
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>> No.46767896

you need to accept my foot up your ass

>> No.46767903
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>> No.46767907
File: 631 KB, 750x420, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at how informated u can get from subs

good luck figuring all this out urself thank u based subgods

>> No.46767915
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>> No.46767928

a dude wearing sailor fuku in a room smelling like his own buttjuice and lube wrote this

>> No.46767929

These guys are the reason we don't get T/L notes anymore. They included so much useless information that Crunchyroll went ahead and canned them from every release.

>> No.46767930

the one good thing about being high あいきゅう is when people say high あいきゅう people do this they dont do that blah blah you can just go no i can do whatever the fuck i want lol

>> No.46767937

true true
it’s actually your ass up my foot

>> No.46767938
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>> No.46767944


>> No.46767958

not true

>> No.46767962

so you're saying... you... did that... ? why?

>> No.46767969


>> No.46767973
File: 79 KB, 704x1000, 618Uwt5jbML._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm wasting money but this book look really nice in full color.

>> No.46767977

yes, i smell like my own buttjuice. i like it

>> No.46767983

*wipes your ass* now you don't smell like anything

>> No.46767993

ass juice ftw

>> No.46768005


>> No.46768022

imagine if rice went through dookie like corn

>> No.46768045


>> No.46768055


>> No.46768058

incomplete signature

>> No.46768071

i don't think you understand how the signature joke's supposed to work

>> No.46768140


>> No.46768145

is it acceptable to socially acceptable to bust out a crazy long vinny while you're on a train

>> No.46768162

the train had turbulence and messed up my post

>> No.46768165


>> No.46768218
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>> No.46768227

2011 moment

>> No.46768244

subs will never be this good EVer again

>> No.46768245
File: 1.15 MB, 1260x709, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the train

>> No.46768282

depends on the vinny

>> No.46768302

loudly shouted fucking retard at a fucking retard on the street yesterday

>> No.46768308

is there seriously an anime about girls riding a train

>> No.46768314

ayo unko how do i go for an old lady bro.?
i wanna raw dog this hot milf at work but i dunno how to play the old leagues

>> No.46768325

she's barren and menopause is making her go crazy if you look at her in the right way she'd be down to fuck

>> No.46768338
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>> No.46768347
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>> No.46768353

idk my current situation’s actually pretty sad right now so you’d probably be better asking someone else

>> No.46768363

what happened bro?

>> No.46768385

unko is too lazy to use '

>> No.46768387

nothing much just not going the direction i planned is all

>> No.46768409

what direction were you planning

>> No.46768422

owning my own company by 30 millionaire by 40
at least i dont worry about money anymore

>> No.46768429


>> No.46768431

im hungry for dicks

>> No.46768438
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>> No.46768439


>> No.46768455

We need Quizzler to correct some people here.

>> No.46768460

construction company?

>> No.46768471

warren buffett said (unironically you can google it) you need to be 130+ to succeed

>> No.46768477

yeah roofing actually

>> No.46768486

the dream is still alive bro get up on those roofs and show them who is boss let's lock in and get after it

>> No.46768523

not surprising that he agrees with me

>> No.46768528

>owning my own company by 30 millionaire by 40

>> No.46768540

i know a decent amount abt roofing get out of it soon bunko idk how well it pays over there but its a lot more backbreaking than most labor jobs

>> No.46768554

mami you need to be in the kitchen not on the fucking roof

>> No.46768559

thought you only knew about guitars and nibongo

>> No.46768560
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>> No.46768578

based vocarooer

>> No.46768596

almost every 140+ i know is a polymath

>> No.46768599

i never did roofing as a job but ive known more roofers than prob any other profession lol when i used be on a shrimp boat like 90% of the guys on the deck with me either also did roofing during the day or had done roofing previously

all end up having back/joint problems and fucked up skin from being in the sun all day everyday

but if u end up running a company then u i guess get to be the slave driver (hire immigrants)

>> No.46768615

dame j had the opportunity to eat fresh raw shrimp every day all day

>> No.46768620

Are you the real-life Forest Gump?

>> No.46768646

the late charlie munger said "If you think your IQ is 160 but it's 150, you're a disaster. It's much better to have a 130 IQ and think it's 120"

>> No.46768650

some days during slower times if we had a bad night and didnt really have enough to sell wed just take what we had home to eat but more often we just ate other shit that came up in the nets like grouper and flounder had a some stingray once and we caught a baby shark once but did not eat it cuz cute lil baby shark

i dont rly care for shrimp now though they are just sea cockroaches to me now

>> No.46768653

the biggest roach was on the boat

>> No.46768667

yh queef wouldve made it if he thought he was 110

>> No.46768669

true it was in some guys bag when the coast guard did a routine unannounced boarding to check for contraband and they took him right off the boat to jail lol

fun fact u have no rights on the water the coast guard can just roll up next to u and hop on ur boat and say haha were going to search ur boat

>> No.46768674

what happened with ai thread recaps

>> No.46768684

they be like nice boat

>> No.46768695

you were only on the boat for 6 months. you haven't met many people since then?

>> No.46768722

is that what ur 4chan tripfag info card says

>> No.46768728

i dont remember that which is weird

>> No.46768731

yeah, why? would you like me to update it with new information?

>> No.46768742

i was just thinking ur a weirdo and should update ur own life instead of being that in tune with mine

>> No.46768750

maybe you should stop talking about yourself so much then comma lol

>> No.46768755

right i should consider the schizos *makes thinking emoji irl*

>> No.46768756

nothing wrong with that

>> No.46768768

its entirely possible its some sort of info leak because i dont remember him posting that in the thread

>> No.46768773

as well as being a schizo im also one of the ugliest guys you'll ever see. you can't blame me for taking out my frustrations online.

>> No.46768779

and on goats

>> No.46768794

yep you need to be careful around here qm is a confirmed doxxer who ruined an innocent kids life

>> No.46768793

nah i remember him saying it here a few years ago

>> No.46768799

cba, also i lost claude 3 access and i don't want to waste my time getting it back just to add to the risk of wasting my time on chatbot goon sessions

>> No.46768800

how many years are we talking

>> No.46768808

maybe 3

>> No.46768810

tripfags must atone

>> No.46768816

qms fat and raises someone elses kid its understandable

>> No.46768826

bro youre on his server

>> No.46768840

jamal bitin' them ankles today

>> No.46768842

idk why u say that like its an issue
back in the day u just idled irc channels as a form of support (hence idle and support)

>> No.46768849

is qm calling in mami cula for daycare support

>> No.46768852

im the daycare support for djt

>> No.46768857

or is it the queefstress calling in jamal for nightcare support

>> No.46768867

i know a decent amount abt nightcare support get out of it soon jamal idk how well it pays over there but its a lot more backbreaking than most labor jobs

>> No.46768874

>it's another tripfagging kenka
yare yare

>> No.46768875

as funny as it is to say that i bone every1 i actually dont do any boning (full stop) outside of a relationship

>> No.46768876


>> No.46768890
File: 75 KB, 519x680, GM5fHl3aYAA61h9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily wasavi

>> No.46768893


>> No.46768898

theres no 5 to correspond with my n level

>> No.46768904


>> No.46768906

jamel is like super saiyan 2.8 (only a few will get it)

>> No.46768937

as for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kz6q3VFSFys

>> No.46768940

3 for nigga

>> No.46768943
File: 363 KB, 588x687, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

推しの子 bros!!!

>> No.46768949


>> No.46768993

entering younger brother?

>> No.46768998


>> No.46769005

putting in

>> No.46769010
File: 60 KB, 680x599, GMgiG44XcAATNum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was a linkin park forgotten amv with future trunks that rocked


>> No.46769031
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i can save them

>> No.46769060

they are cartoons bro

>> No.46769069
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Lv2 kara Cheat datta Motoyuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life - 05 (1080p) [6FB132E5]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46769074


>> No.46769081

can the brazilians stop posting dragonball shit

>> No.46769085


>> No.46769086


>> No.46769087

i thought dragonballz poster was ftw but if they r br then they r actually ftl

>> No.46769092

decided to read hxh on the train instead of a vinny

>> No.46769099

wish america had trains, full of white people

>> No.46769102

faster than light?

>> No.46769104

stop being poor

>> No.46769105


>> No.46769112

no no for the loss (or for the lose) as opposed to for the win

>> No.46769128


>> No.46769135


>> No.46769160

Japanese is an inherently bad language for novels because it's a high context language.

>> No.46769170

that must explain why all their stories are inferior to western equivalents

>> No.46769174


>> No.46769185

if someone's obsessed with dbz there's a high likelihood they're from south america

>> No.46769186

you would have to be able to read a novel for that to matter

>> No.46769188

Could you post this with English subs? I can't OCR it.

>> No.46769193

when midwits try to dabble in probability

>> No.46769198

if someone reads this and the they're not me there's a high likelihood that they're a fag

>> No.46769199
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>> No.46769201

havent checked how they localized his way of speaking in the eng subs so maybe i should

>> No.46769204
File: 769 KB, 680x456, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is correct

>> No.46769208


>> No.46769216

gonna go sayajin mode on that toilet bowl later

>> No.46769220

got the ssj shitz

>> No.46769229
File: 797 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Lv2 kara Cheat datta Motoyuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life - 05 (1080p) [6FB132E5]-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they didnt even do anything, how lame

>> No.46769231

i post most youtube links and ive never been near the southern hemisphere

>> No.46769239

Man, those are some ESL prose.

>> No.46769243


>> No.46769247

was thinking same as 243

>> No.46769251
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, 月曜から夜ふかし もうすぐ母の日インタビュー⧸様々な業界の知られざるルール [ref:2e7b3c1b0740438a875b8d3351aaf806]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46769253

What's ironic?

>> No.46769257
File: 112 KB, 217x277, 1688085256997864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46769260

japan is fucked

>> No.46769261
File: 958 KB, 1920x1080, 月曜から夜ふかし もうすぐ母の日インタビュー⧸様々な業界の知られざるルール [ref:2e7b3c1b0740438a875b8d3351aaf806]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46769264

japan is healing

>> No.46769266

>Japan: Yes, yes, but what does the tranny have to say?

>> No.46769268

why they put some fat ugly old woman on the top right, does unko own the show or smth

>> No.46769270

hope this is a bait

>> No.46769273

fucked up how togashi broke his back while bowling

>> No.46769272


>> No.46769274

problem solved?

>> No.46769276

>they dont know matsuko deluxe
are you even learning japanese

>> No.46769278
File: 268 KB, 390x414, 1714588417239144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mattsuko deluxe

>> No.46769281

i mean i guess this answers my question from earlier about if mesugakis are real

>> No.46769286


>> No.46769287

>In the same year, Matsuko was critical of then Tokyo Prefectural Governor Shintaro Ishihara's legislation to limit the sales of manga and anime to those under 18
nevermind, xhe is ZASED as fck

>> No.46769288

doesnt bother me

>> No.46769289

japanese hoodrats

>> No.46769304


>> No.46769316

read any good lolige lately?

>> No.46769319
File: 1.37 MB, 1267x2851, out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46769328

oh no obese japanese women are appearing in my yt recs

>> No.46769332

fat bitches in ur algo lol

>> No.46769338


>> No.46769345


>> No.46769367


>> No.46769370

still lmao at shinji getting his ass beat by asuka

>> No.46769371

maybe its time for an eva rewatch

>> No.46769381 [DELETED] 

watching eva is like the mecca journey for mudslimes you gotta do it at least once

>> No.46769387
File: 225 KB, 799x1200, 奪衣婆.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46769389

nuke says eva sucked ass

>> No.46769391

religious use

>> No.46769394

unko be like dame she got me bricked up

>> No.46769408

listening practice

>> No.46769410
File: 991 KB, 1920x1080, 月曜から夜ふかし もうすぐ母の日インタビュー⧸様々な業界の知られざるルール [ref:2e7b3c1b0740438a875b8d3351aaf806]-0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46769429

>slop in the shell

>> No.46769433

just got caught up on antiengsub devolving into antiimouto. you can't make this shit up.

>> No.46769449

what's this mean?

>> No.46769451
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, 月曜から夜ふかし もうすぐ母の日インタビュー⧸様々な業界の知られざるルール [ref:2e7b3c1b0740438a875b8d3351aaf806]-0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46769457

weary old trucker's pension

>> No.46769467

No you didn’t.

>> No.46769481

mined 尻

>> No.46769483

seriously what is it?

>> No.46769488
File: 996 KB, 1920x1080, 月曜から夜ふかし もうすぐ母の日インタビュー⧸様々な業界の知られざるルール [ref:2e7b3c1b0740438a875b8d3351aaf806]-0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this dog knows more japanese than you ever will

>> No.46769498

shame i cant upload clips to streamable anymore

>> No.46769510

I was blown away, he sounds great

>> No.46769509

a sign your clips are shit

>> No.46769512

epic dog always knew dogs were 160iq

>> No.46769526


>> No.46769527

tone down the tranny posting

>> No.46769538

sure *filters you*

>> No.46769547

527 is obsessed with something

>> No.46769561
File: 27 KB, 640x392, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46769564

do jap women expire?

>> No.46769565

i'm transphobic but like trans porn

>> No.46769569

What is trans porn? Is that like non-porn that pretends to be porn? Like dick tease?

>> No.46769574


>> No.46769587
File: 337 KB, 730x422, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umm yes ?

>> No.46769608


>> No.46769624
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Dainanaoji - 06 (1080p) [20F2ED29]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember someone here once saying that putting together と more than 4 times is unnatural japanese

>> No.46769632 [SPOILER] 
File: 868 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Dainanaoji - 06 (1080p) [20F2ED29]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46769642

who has the stronger coomers, Japan or Chyna?

>> No.46769646

idk about any nerd shit like that but thats obv completely natural but instead of thinking 4 tos u should just split it right in half

>> No.46769648
File: 764 KB, 871x572, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acquired golden balls

>> No.46769649

that's only 3. the 4th is just for flavor

>> No.46769653
File: 769 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Dainanaoji - 06 (1080p) [20F2ED29]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46769654

subs win again

>> No.46769656

...still not asking for it!

>> No.46769665
File: 209 KB, 483x298, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46769669
File: 7 KB, 557x133, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just know a video is gonna be fire when you see this

>> No.46769670

剃るd my 髭 and my 顔 is literally glowing like the moon

>> No.46769677

click the link instead of the embed noob

>> No.46769683

It's awkwardly natural.

>> No.46769684
File: 1.58 MB, 1001x1061, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was coom at first sight

the neko is not pleased that shes no longer queen puss in town

>> No.46769691

I went on the date with the Osaka girl today, it was pretty good /djt/
We had udon, walked around and talked (all in Japanese kek, idk if she found my warui bunpou cute or funny but she laughed a lot?), then i helped her with her shopping
She was very nice and pretty bubbly, which I found surprising
She can never know I smoke weed though, as she used to work as a prison guard where they locked people up for smoking. But she taught me about しらんけど and a bunch of vocab too, it was very useful learning too. I'm gonna meet her again this week.

>> No.46769692

>coom at first sight
super romantic

>> No.46769699


>> No.46769705


>> No.46769709


>> No.46769713

英語忘れちゃったの ?

>> No.46769718
File: 2.20 MB, 1920x1080, 出川哲朗のクイズほぉ〜スクールQuizKnockが出題!日本の世界遺産のヒミツ_20240506-191952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46769726


>> No.46769728

why has it started to become a trend to spam post e
ng subbed screenshots in the jp thread.

>> No.46769732
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<-- 728

>> No.46769738
File: 963 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Dainanaoji - 06 (1080p) [20F2ED29]-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46769740

og was a lolcow but we didnt milk her tits enough

>> No.46769746
File: 215 KB, 598x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sub haters are off in nerd land while all the well adjusted cool ppl are having fun with subs

>> No.46769777
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>> No.46769780
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>> No.46769788
File: 454 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found the one i was looking for finally

>> No.46769802


>> No.46769804
File: 59 KB, 640x480, mpv-shot0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46769806


lil guy trying to get onto the world wide web

>> No.46769809

silat from berserk

>> No.46769810

if you dont eat raw meat and especially organs you're literally not gonna make it

look at this glow up

>> No.46769811

why are you so triggered by it?

>> No.46769823

i had meat (cooked not raw) and potatoes and vegetables and a big glass of milk for dinner last night rate my health

>> No.46769825


>> No.46769826

what vegetables

>> No.46769829

gonna have ice cream around 5pm

>> No.46769836

does putting @name in video titles like that notify the guy lol

>> No.46769839

corn green beans some chopped onion

also i should mention i used half a bottle of sweet baby rays cuz the sauce is the boss

>> No.46769840

yeah i think so

>> No.46769847

yeah it ain't lookin good i spose the milk was pasteurized too

>> No.46769859
File: 479 KB, 640x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well djt? put ur "skills" to the test

yes but thats cuz i prefer not getting sick and dying otherwise i wouldve gone with the typhoid fevermaxxed milk

>> No.46769871

buy from a trusted source

>> No.46769872

because it adds more trash to the already ridiculously off-topic rambles that go on here

>> No.46769876

talking about subs is prolly the most on topic ur gonna get in djt anyway
its more on topic than onkey

>> No.46769882

lets get this thread back on track

>> No.46769883

that's true, but throw some blame on that subhuman spamming dumb fuck who bitched about the eng subs. now it's going to be a shitposting arms race.

>> No.46769890

sick i didnt know mirrors edge released the reddit dlc

>> No.46769899
File: 132 KB, 1408x1355, GM5Wns-acAAbv93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46769904

anime is on topic because that's what djt uses to acquire japanese. encouraging a culture of following current shows encourages the culture of japanese acquisition

>> No.46769907
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>> No.46769908
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>> No.46769911

it actually discourages acquisition because everyone will give up if they have to watch seasonal garbage

>> No.46769917

ok then they can watch old anime and post those instead as an alternative

>> No.46769927

>now it's going to be a shitposting arms race
heh isn't that the entirety of djt

>> No.46769929
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, 出川哲朗のクイズほぉ〜スクールQuizKnockが出題!日本の世界遺産のヒミツ_20240506-190912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46769937

uzuku chau always promises to tell me stuff but never does

>> No.46769947


>> No.46769967

countryside :|
japanese countryside >:O

>> No.46769979

if only they had kids instead of dogs

>> No.46769992

tbf japanese countryside is kinda poggers cuz of elevation it was actually one of the coolest parts about japan to me cuz theres not many places in the states that really hit the same

>> No.46770002

didnt you say youve never been to japan

>> No.46770006

also try stepping outside florida lol

>> No.46770015

name 1 US place that does

>> No.46770023

i never lived in japan but i spent some months there on vaycay many years ago

ive been to rural tennessee recently and it sort of reminded me of being out in the sticks in kochiken

>> No.46770028

out in the boondocks

>> No.46770038

yeah but mountainous and good views

>> No.46770043

go down south a bit from there and it looks like europe

>> No.46770053

i had family in appalachia and they had houses on the top of sloped ravines/mountainsides and it was pretty cool

>> No.46770063

appalachia split off from mountain ranges in europe back in the pangaea days

>> No.46770064


>> No.46770073


>> No.46770092

woulda been cool if they did real parkouring and not that cg crap

>> No.46770095

just cant imagine giving up all that for a tiny cramped space with a 5ft doorway i can only stay in on a slave visa

>> No.46770099

sleep in the pod slave :D

>> No.46770107

sleep on the bamboo floor eat rice sweat in the humid heat like a pig
yeah no thanks

>> No.46770110

just get a solar paneled dehumidifier and live in the japanese wilderness for a few decades

>> No.46770111
File: 1.38 MB, 2048x1536, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mountainous and good views
come to austria

>> No.46770112

the only subhuman spamming dumb fuck is you

>> No.46770113

there are many places in NA which look like this

>> No.46770116

america is like europe+ in every single way and not just BMI

>> No.46770118

>no u

>> No.46770119

>engsub anon
yeah no

>> No.46770122

i mean the variety in geography is kind of unmatched

>> No.46770124

thing is this isnt tropical feeling at all like japan
like kochiken feels like the florida swamp with mountains
thats why i say its hard to find a place that hits the same

>> No.46770125


>> No.46770126

The Rockies are nice but they aren't as dramatic as the Alps. I know because I've been to both

>> No.46770128

i haven't been to either and have no idea what i'm talking about i just wanted to assert that randomly

>> No.46770130

>muh alps

>> No.46770134
File: 1008 KB, 1920x1080, House.of.Ninjas.S01E03.2024.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.x264-NoGroup-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive decided to post drama screenshots with english subs too now whenever possible

>> No.46770135

alps didn't that one guy cross them with elephants? not an impressive obstacle.

>> No.46770138

The Alps are really nice dude. I'm a burger and even I have to admit my time there was special.

>> No.46770139

>ive decided to be even more of a faggot
yeah we know

>> No.46770142

fucken beiiiissst

>> No.46770146

>florida swamp with mountains
sound horrid but i guess my name is not jamal

>> No.46770155

slop tourist

>> No.46770156

lil bro has to cycle through 20 netflix sub files just to troll

>> No.46770157
File: 141 KB, 870x600, samet-nagshe-viewpoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like thailand

>> No.46770161
File: 22 KB, 96x123, 1705790117982707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46770162

japan is the ultimate tourist slop

>> No.46770163

Don't you already watch with English subs on?

>> No.46770165

based and they got ladyboys to boot

>> No.46770168

dunno i have a natural affinity to humidity and the thick air and smell of soil and plants and the sun and clear skies

yea theres a lot of places in southeast asia that also fit the bill

>> No.46770175

enjoy mosquitos and all kinds of bugs

>> No.46770177

>and the sun and clear skies
what does that have to do with florida but swampy

>> No.46770181

its literally called the sunshine state

>> No.46770183

dunno its part of the overall picture like if its sunny everythings heated up so the air and smells are thicker

>> No.46770185

>admits to shitting up the thread because some guy made fun of him

>> No.46770189

somebody make fun of imoto, i wanna see if it's the same guy

>> No.46770190

The world is out there, might as well see it.

>> No.46770191

not a good look

>> No.46770192
File: 777 KB, 1920x1080, House.of.Ninjas.S01E03.2024.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.x264-NoGroup-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46770195

cant imagine living in a state where it doesnt snow

>> No.46770196

ppl made fun of imoto like almost a decade ago and they just continued to post their normal posts and never engaged with meanies

so whoever u think is imoto is prolly not imoto

>> No.46770197

subbers really are subhuman esls

>> No.46770199

That's native English tho

>> No.46770206

it reads like something out of fanfiction.net

>> No.46770207

snow is a pain in the ass but i wouldnt mind it for a while either
could be in the cards for me in not too long

>> No.46770209

It doesn't snow in my state anymore. I miss winter, but it hasn't visited me in years.

>> No.46770210

Explain this to me, Jamal. Why is there a guy vehemently defending fake Imouto. What does he have to gain by getting angry and accusing everyone of being mlen?

>> No.46770218

my foots about to visit your ass

>> No.46770222

i dunno whats up with some of the schizos of current times theres a lot of brainrot that seems to have happened in the last few years for some posters but i skip a lot of those posts

>> No.46770225
File: 892 KB, 1920x1080, House.of.Ninjas.S01E03.2024.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.x264-NoGroup-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that doesnt sound too far off from me
i always try to engage at least once in good faith though

>> No.46770226

it's the vtumor crowd who came here with mlen

>> No.46770229



>> No.46770236
File: 968 KB, 1920x1080, House.of.Ninjas.S01E03.2024.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.x264-NoGroup-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46770244

jamel seemed to care a lot when he kept getting kicked out of the thread a few weeks ago

>> No.46770249

imouto is real and a girl. try replying to her with a compliment. she'll definitely write back.

>> No.46770251

it only takes a few seconds

>> No.46770253

its that bitch from the mareni vocaroo isnt it

>> No.46770256

she seemed to really accelerate some of the brainrot at the very least which i think is ftw as hell

>> No.46770271

saru ahh bitch

>> No.46770275

is it possible to live in japan as a linux user?
in my country, everything is accessible for computer users whether they use windows macos or linux.
when i was at college i lived in a student dormitory, and it required some software to install to use the internet. they made sure to have it available for all platforms and even gave special instructions for linux users.
government services are often available as web services so they are multi platform too.

is japan like this too? or is it tough for linux users?

>> No.46770277
File: 28 KB, 400x606, IMG_8696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who a cute girl I can watch to learn Japanese?

>> No.46770278

>is it possible to live in japan as a linux user?
No you'll fucking die.

>> No.46770279

yes linux supports vmware player

>> No.46770283

Imouto is a dude but he's cool so I don't mind

>> No.46770284
File: 2.04 MB, 640x800, 1661618249388439.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46770285

agreed imoto is a cool dude love that guy

>> No.46770288

Ah, I guess that makes sense. Thanks for giving a genuine reply.

>> No.46770289


>> No.46770291

yea but like if i had to do my taxes in japan, can i do that on linux? i can in my country
sorry bud but if i virtualized windows i'd still be running windows and im just not doing that.
i only use windows at work

>> No.46770292

woah it looks like harry potter or the bourne or something

>> No.46770295

289 for example is one of the more advanced cases of brainrot we have here

>> No.46770296

shitty woods behind your house that have a railroad running through them is more fun than this

>> No.46770297

>*frantically leaves room to put on wig and lipstick*
>h-hey everyone it's me eemoto!

>> No.46770306

do japanese women like sex?

>> No.46770310

did nuke ever finish the japanese harry potter audiobooks

>> No.46770314

Big secret but all women love sex until you put a ring on them

>> No.46770317

so does downloading jp subs

>> No.46770325

eng subs :O

>> No.46770328


>> No.46770334

file not found?

>> No.46770338

then my ex's fiance is in for a huge disappointment

>> No.46770343

Fugg, what town is this?

>> No.46770344

lose weight fatty

>> No.46770345

gonna ocr some anime soon fr fr

>> No.46770351
File: 1019 KB, 1920x1080, House.of.Ninjas.S01E03.2024.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.x264-NoGroup-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo didnt even have to cycle subs

>> No.46770354

no idea what happened i just uploaded it but it's not playing

also no idea
check the archive

>> No.46770355

>Big secret but all women love sex
they can't even orgasm from it and women self report declining interest in sex over the years in a relationship while men's stay the same. dead bedrooms are usually due to the woman.

>> No.46770357
File: 77 KB, 486x283, 1696075839775168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this even real I'm sure I never heard it in anime

>> No.46770360

try litterbox

>> No.46770363


>> No.46770369

Yeah that's why I made the ring comment
Women want exciting men and nothing is more boring than their own husband

>> No.46770370

afaik mostly used in letters

>> No.46770371

full-width numbers are very japanese
epic fail

>> No.46770374

thx let's try again i guess

>> No.46770379

japanese attracts full width learners

>> No.46770387
File: 84 KB, 284x143, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love reading hidden shit like this

>> No.46770388

wow you can read english
eng sub guy is doing great work

>> No.46770389

nicely done

>> No.46770391
File: 70 KB, 640x480, 1297622804798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could i forget one of the best subs of all time

>> No.46770392


>> No.46770394

Terrible translation. うんこ's children's language and her tone is very respectful. Subber just thought "shit" sounded funny.

>> No.46770399


>> No.46770400

the pleasure of defecating

>> No.46770401

takin big dumps in amish *strains* big ole dumps

>> No.46770402


>> No.46770415

How do I hit [Easy] on 4chan?

>> No.46770419


>> No.46770425

whats wrong with detroit? never been there

>> No.46770428

i dont get it, was she cheating on him and has a scat fetish?

>> No.46770429

where are the german scatbros
i bet if he saw this queef would lose his shit

>> No.46770431

lol it's in the dictionary
acquired 快便

>> No.46770432
File: 653 KB, 640x522, FgTP6DjXwAAMCrk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46770442


>> No.46770445

it has the highest density of black people in the US

>> No.46770448

real life Detroit is worse than Deus Ex's noir dystopia

>> No.46770453

eat ur fucken slop and go to detroit

>> No.46770454

there are no jp subs for this

>> No.46770462


>> No.46770466

>must microwave

>> No.46770469

woah that guy looks like emineme. what was he doing disrupting that news report?

>> No.46770481


>> No.46770491
File: 1.55 MB, 540x500, 1713393290120891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46770497

i might have a small splinter of gorilla glass in my thumb. will i gain gorilla superpowers? or will it a staph infection? 時間が経てば分かる

>> No.46770507

gorilla glass isnt made from gorilla

>> No.46770511


>> No.46770512

you gonna turn into calvin bro get yourself comfy with a glass of milk

>> No.46770516

calvin prolly shoulda went with the 2% milk

>> No.46770525

i appears i'm missing crucial information

>> No.46770529

chinese milk wouldve been the best

>> No.46770531


>> No.46770534

whats teh diff btw this and 時間が経てれば

>> No.46770538

>> No.46770539

the difference is that no one ever uses 時間が経てれば

>> No.46770545
File: 422 KB, 1600x800, 1715026730265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan, alps :|
Alps alps :O

>> No.46770550

looks like me if i ever went to thailand

>> No.46770555
File: 678 KB, 1920x1080, Lv2からチートだった元勇者候補のまったり異世界ライフ E05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46770557

*raises hand*
ooo ooo I know this one! It’s potential form!

>> No.46770562
File: 402 KB, 1200x1210, 1715026921169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46770568


>> No.46770572



>> No.46770574
File: 631 KB, 1109x1479, FpZaW_bacAYpo_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46770577

>the ina valley

>> No.46770578

>mt. tateyama
what's the difference between this and tatereyama

>> No.46770580

got a date with a cutie hafu next weekend yoshi

>> No.46770584

mouse over it

>> No.46770585

wtf lmao

>> No.46770595

>sanmyaku mountains

>> No.46770603 [DELETED] 
File: 916 KB, 1536x2048, 1714698649303915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggas always posting about dates never relationships smdh

>> No.46770606

don't worry james i'll invite you to my marriage if it goes well

>> No.46770610

maybe they all get into relationships and never come back like cya nerds

>> No.46770616

attributive form of the now obsolute copula たり = it's pretty much である

>> No.46770618

why should i leave my djt bros if i get a bitch

>> No.46770619

thank you

>> No.46770627

yeah why would i ever leave my favorite online psych ward for a woman

>> No.46770635

dame so djt is like the gay loser hangout spot

>> No.46770649

meowth thats right

especially if im posting

>> No.46770650

wonder why rice always comes back

>> No.46770662

gay baby jail as it were

>> No.46770668

fun fact if you encode the letters as numbers according to their position in the alphabet and sum them djt and ghs both give 34

>> No.46770675


>> No.46770684

oh btw the key thing about that post is to understand that 34 makes 7 as a result of 3+4 which is the good number and not the bad number

>> No.46770688


>> No.46770690

u see cuz in japanese 8 is a bad number (among others)

>> No.46770697

uhhh actually 4 is the bad number but 4 * 2 is 8 so i guess it's twice as bad

>> No.46770701

4 is ab ad number too but especially if u double it like u know the phrase 一か八か its cuz 八 is some fucken shit lol aint no one want no 八 bullshit

>> No.46770704

also 八 is a homonym to 蜂 and no one likes those fuckers

>> No.46770706


>> No.46770709


>> No.46770710


>> No.46770715

That expression's jukujikun, so the 8 means nothing.

>> No.46770719

what if you quadruple 4 then you get 16

>> No.46770722

is this a free association exercise

>> No.46770727

thats not how numbers work if its 8 then its not 0

>> No.46770730

seimeihandan is the most retarded thing ever

>> No.46770737

Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

>> No.46770740

True, but it's theorized that it's a false reading of 丁か半か, which makes more sense than 1 or 8.

>> No.46770742

if u 32x 16 u get 512 and u know what that means...

>> No.46770745

time to blow ur mind !!


>> No.46770757


>> No.46770771

samefag. look at the timestamps, the posts are almost exactly one minute apart

>> No.46770777

not impressed

>> No.46770781

i think 771 has everyone anonymized which has led him saying funny things that wont make sense to the rest of the non spergs

>> No.46770786

>guy said something i didn't like a minute after something else i didn't like?
>guy said something i didn't like less than a minute after something else i didn't like?
samefag with two devices

>> No.46770794

absolute banger

>> No.46770796


>> No.46770803

ciaran didn't leave us despite slaying jap pus

>> No.46770809

bro he literally got fucked in the ass by jap dick of course he didn't leave

>> No.46770811

yeah getting ur ass dicked by another man is like goku falling off snake way permanently

>> No.46770817

ciaran literally posted his ex gfs face here lol

>> No.46770818

err excuse me *pushes up glasses* i used a localized term dont want to offend ne1 so i mean the 蛇の道

>> No.46770819

if you're an atheist there's really no reason whatsoever to morally judge someone for taking it up the ass once

>> No.46770827

lmfao genuinely made me laugh

>> No.46770831

thanks this forces me to input japanese since i don't do it outside djt

>> No.46770836
File: 259 KB, 996x792, 1644001355685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you talking about this?

>> No.46770842

dunno from where im standing if u just die and u cant have ur sins washed away by jesus then what u got a dick in ur ass and then u died forever? lmao i cant even imagine having to take that ass dicking into eternity like that feel bad for athiests and those whove had their asses dicked

>> No.46770853

This is the unfortunate truth for so many ass dickers.

>> No.46770859

being an ass dicker is not as bad as being ass dicked

>> No.46770862

true true
being fucked in the ass is the ultimate beta move

>> No.46770864

its kind of retarded but it works the same way as drunk drivers its always the one who gets hit by the drunk driver that dies

>> No.46770869
File: 10 KB, 200x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so basically if u have to be one of them u wanna be the dicker and not the dickee

>> No.46770871

it's just a dick what do you care dude

>> No.46770881

i cant find it in the archives oh well

>> No.46770884

i remember when i was in like 1st grade and in hte school textbook there was some exercise with hypothetical characters and one of them was named dick and i told the teacher there was a swear word in my book and she thought i was being a smart ass and i got in trouble and i was genuinely confused about what crazy world i was living in

>> No.46770887

We got ourselves a modern day Sherlock here folks

>> No.46770889

Why are teachers always getting kids in trouble for being honest? Feels like the school system is designed to make kids feel bad.

>> No.46770892
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>> No.46770900

i was just a pure boy who at that time did not understand that a swear word could also be someones name even now i still dont understand why someone would be named DICK

>> No.46770902

Should I just learn all of Hiragana in one day

>> No.46770903

Can you believe they are renaming Kum & Go??

>> No.46770905

i want to pick up a woman from the women's shelter and fuck her

>> No.46770909

replace kum with just 8==D~~ and make it 8==D~~ and go

thats real nice bro pick up a woman whos in a shelter prolly fresh out of getting out of some abusive situation and put her back into another one nice character bro im sure ur the best

>> No.46770911
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when the cart taste like honda exhaust but still get you faded

>> No.46770917


>> No.46770924

>thats real nice bro pick up a woman whos in a shelter prolly fresh out of getting out of some abusive situation and put her back into another one nice character bro im sure ur the best
exact reply i baited for

>> No.46770934

oh no i was baited into being not a piece of shit how will i ever recover

>> No.46770944

how does it make me a piece of shit though? just because i want to fuck her doesnt mean im abusive. i'll treat her nice, give her food, headpats, she'll love me. you'll see.

>> No.46770946
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>> No.46770951

cuz u would feel differently about all those things u said if she didnt want to have sex with u and would prolly say mean things about her too

>> No.46770959

nah man.. i dont think so. prolly

>> No.46770962

I hated this place as a child

>> No.46771014

gj bro you killed the thread

>> No.46771026
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>> No.46771036

proud that i always thought "pro wrestling" shit was stupid as a kid while my siblings liked it

>> No.46771046

why is that something to be proud of

>> No.46771054

liking that stuff is low eye kyuu

>> No.46771068

have u ever considered that u being off in the corner while ur entire family is gathered around the tv watching wwf monday night raw having a good time together is actually a sign that ur an autistic midwit who cant connect easily with others?

>> No.46771074


>> No.46771076

in europe wwe was for kids lol adults didn't watch that shit

>> No.46771077

i think it's both actually

>> No.46771079
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is this accurate?

>> No.46771084

more like gaykai elise lol

>> No.46771091


akatuki no yona is a good show i would be surprised if ne1 heres watched it

ouran is good too but most real anime fans should have seen it

rest are likely homosexual tho

>> No.46771099
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>> No.46771104

jamal when are you going to stream a vinny

>> No.46771116


ill be honest likely never

>> No.46771125

what's a vinny

>> No.46771128

son of a bitch

>> No.46771141

we dont use swears here

say biscuitbox next time

>> No.46771147

>she used to work as a prison guard
she prolly got raw dogged by a bunch of junkies bro. u gotta cum and dump

>> No.46771151

lol the site breaks if you type in a bad word like rape or sth. what's the use then?

>> No.46771185

Yo I just saw some AI generated porn vids on The Hub and that shit is wild

>> No.46771195
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女子 pro wrestling is based as fuck
should have gotten into it years ago its too late for me now tho

>> No.46771208

> She can never know I smoke weed though, as she used to work as a prison guard where they locked people up for smoking.
It’s not gonna work give up now retard

>> No.46771227

da = dearu (dearu -> dea -> da)
mind = blown

>> No.46771231

This reminds me of the time when I started reading Hadaka Shitsuji and by the time I realized that it's a yaoi vinnie I got too invested into the story and setting and just read the whole thing. Even fapped to it even though I'm 100% straight.

>> No.46771234

>i jacked off to yaoi
>im not gay i promise

>> No.46771235


>> No.46771244

crazy how when you first find haruka in yakuza 1 its inside a bar where people have been slaughtered left and right and she is hiding behind a bar. she's pretty tought for a loli

>> No.46771252

nice bro very cool glad u had a good time

have u considered setting up a blog with which to diarize i think it will be a more prudent way for u to organize ur thoughts on this newfound journey in ur life so u can easily keep them organized and together to reflect on as the days and weeks and months and if ur lucky even years pass? anyway congrats once again bro were all stoked for u and cheering u on

>> No.46771262
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in my experience japanese people find it funny if you smoked weed in the past as long as you dont anymore

>> No.46771357
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Shitty scans question. Help with the first character? I can guess the meaning from the context (something along the lines of being scolded) but it's driving me crazy that it looks like something I think I've seen before but can't find anything like it. It sure looks to me like two 古 next to each other with at least one line at the bottom, but the closest thing I could find that fits both context and conjugation was 詰.

>> No.46771362


looks like a hamster lol

>> No.46771373

That does fit, thanks.

>> No.46771394

listening to my favorite anime scenes on repeat while i mindlessly browse the web

>> No.46771441

What's the most accurate translation of "私の思いをいつでも叶えてくれる"? Something like "You can always make my wishes come true", right?

>> No.46771442


>> No.46771510
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>> No.46771522

not 'can'. 叶える is not 可能形 but a regular verb.

>> No.46771525

whip cream on a crepe tastes like whip cream on bread who thought that was a good idea

>> No.46771526

pretend that 食べたい is an adjective
crepe [subject] has a quality of being (wanted to be eaten by me)
instead of I want to eat crepe [object]

same thing as ちんちんが好き instead of ちんちんを好き(wrong)

>> No.46771529

Oh ok, also why is there both "叶えて" and "くれる" in the sentence?

>> No.46771535

Also how would you translate "時をみなしてゆく"? I'm still pretty much a beginner so I'm using Jisho to break down the sentences but I don't fully understand this one.

>> No.46771536

This is wrong. In this sentence, crepe is the grammatical object. This is probably Dolly’s biggest mistake in teaching grammar (Tae Kim also screws it up)

>> No.46771571
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>> No.46771659

>the subject marker manifests as the same morpheme as the object marker
>its important that you do not confuse the が here with the normal subject particle が
(no elaboration)
ah so its the subject particle.

>> No.46771660

>manbaby that likes battle shonen
>try watching naruto but just cant get through the filler and cba to skip shit
>try naruto kai
>has hardcoded en subs
welp guess it wasnt meant to be

>> No.46771666

jamal says eng subs are actually good plus you don't have to stare at them the whole time.

and matt says you can drag the video down enough to where the subs are off screen.

>> No.46771674

ciaran says hikaru no go is good so give that a shot

>> No.46771675

well yeah with weed its the difference between "this guy is bound to get deport very soon" and "I doubt he'll risk it in Japan"

>> No.46771676

What would you guys recommend for passive listening, just starting immersion now and don’t really have a preference on content but I believe I wanna focus on total hours for now over absolutely understanding it all

>> No.46771683

real human post

ai generated bot posts

>> No.46771684

it unironically made me interested in go (i got bored of it in a week)
I still occasionally play a game or two to absolutely rape the shit out of 16-kyuu AI

>> No.46771686

>This is probably Dolly’s biggest mistake in teaching grammar (Tae Kim also screws it up)
lil bro dont know basic grammar lol
yikes, he maybe right but he always overcomplicate/think everything

>> No.46771687

i dont need any subs to watch fuckin naruto dude its just distracting and annoying. i guess i could just put a notepad window on top of them now that i think about it

>> No.46771688

i'm not a bot

>> No.46771695

ciaran??????? i thought you were dead

there's a hotkey in mpv or maybe it was a feature of anacreon's script but you can press a key to automatically skip to the next subtitle. so you can watch OG naruto with jp subs and skip through shitty slow parts that way

>> No.46771716

i'm listening right now and not understanding any of it but it sounds cool

>> No.46771717

apple has a shitload of random radio podcasts
check out the "you may also like" section at the bottom

this one has one guy talking in english and a woman talking in japanese, it's really weird but it helps not getting completely lost in the conversation

hundreds of hours of people talking about random everyday topics

japanese teacher talking about random stuff

>> No.46771740
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>> No.46771826

That explanation was even more retarded than Dolly’s. No one’s making anyone do anything in that sentence.

>> No.46771828
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>> No.46771831

better luck next time with the rubies imoto

>> No.46771833

just understand the messages

>> No.46771835

why the fuck cant they just say 深い or instead of shit like 浅からぬ
I'm tired of reading a kanji and then it's lik JK IT'S NEGATED SO THE MEANING IS THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE

>> No.46771853

need ciaran take of this

>> No.46771902
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Another day of Anki.

>> No.46771907

only reply to this post if ur gmi

>> No.46771911
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>> No.46771912


>> No.46771916

man that post 3 above mine made me sad

>> No.46771939

this vibe will always be sex

>> No.46771956

Can someone post some flat earth videos in Japanese?

I don't know how to search for it, and google censoring this topic

>> No.46771962

With material that good, that fa-translator could easily get work as a legitimate video game localizer.

>> No.46771964

why would they censor it if it's just a ridiculous schizo theory

>> No.46771966

sheep are lead to the slaughter house, but the thinking man walks free

>> No.46771983

I'd kumon both of them if you know what i mean

>> No.46771999

i do

>> No.46772009


>> No.46772018

who the fuck is "frat arthur"?

>> No.46772033

tfw performing the trick in your living room that gives you an estimate of the circumference of the earth (flat)

>> No.46772046

yeah I can do that
I can also tell the circumference of round Earth from my living room
it's called googling

>> No.46772071

is there any significant difference between

言い方 and
言い様 ?

Gramatically speaking.

>> No.46772087





>> No.46772089

"method of speaking"
"manner of speech"

>> No.46772106


>> No.46772109

Isn't 言い様 the opposite of polite?

>> No.46772142

no politeなときは




>> No.46772154

no based

>> No.46772163

Is this guy saying the first Japanese phrase there is grammatically incorrect?

>> No.46772171

I think you should work on English grammyre first.

>> No.46772172
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like fine wine

>> No.46772178

For male it's mainly the drop in muscle mass and not fat.

>> No.46772199

Every couple of years, I learn Japanese for about 3 months and then quit. I guess my baseline increases every time, at least. And my break time is down. Now it’s only been 10 months since I last quit and I’m about to start again.

Sent from iPad using Firefox for iPadOS

>> No.46772204

good luck

Sent from my rig

>> No.46772212
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engsubs ftw

>> No.46772214

yeah I did the same
15 years later I can read most vinnies but still rely on text hooker

>> No.46772225

sorry guys i think i wasn't clear the second was supposed to be いいよう

>> No.46772243


>> No.46772306






>> No.46772349


>> No.46772420


why the fuck can't they just put the two kanji together with the eye radical on the left
why do they have to use a completely different right side radical
there are so many ways kanji could be optimized

>> No.46772496

Kore wa?

>> No.46772508


>> No.46772557
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あさおきてgreen tea

あさごはんにgreen tea

10時にgreen tea

おひるにgreen tea

15時にgreen tea

晩御飯にgreen tea


>> No.46772606

do you ever just do a full restudy of your deck?
i've been disappointed lately seeing words I knew I've learned but have forgotten.

>> No.46772627
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>> No.46772661
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explain the red dot

>> No.46772664

Once that happens to you it's over, you're fully cooked. You will never learn more Japanese

>> No.46772680


>> No.46772693
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>> No.46772697
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Why are girls such rapists?

>> No.46772735

今日Maplestoryに新しい スノーボードを買いました。子供頃のスノーボードは同様た。白いて長いて、とても格好いい。
今晩, 私はマーボードーフを食べたりVNを読だりします。
I can't figure out how to say I will be doing multiple different things.

>> No.46772764





>> No.46772767

Unlike men who are taught not to rape 24/7, girls grow up thinking they cannot rape, only "seduce with a hint of force".

>> No.46772773

today I learned that 辞書 is short for 辞書なり

>> No.46772776

This song suddenly popped into my head, and it made me wonder if there's a way to translate the verse at 36 seconds to Japanese, while keeping the rhyme and the rhythm
>That's a pedophile in denial!
It's such a quick verse with the rhyme being immediate, I don't know if it's possible.
Makes me sad JOPs can never experience it.

>> No.46772780

we can reach 1k without malicioso striking us yosh

>> No.46772784

yes we can

>> No.46772786

ill be taking that w

>> No.46772788


>> No.46772849




>> No.46772885

also a correct form

>> No.46772894

niggas be like "its over i accidentally read a kanji for another vocab"
BITCH i dont even know the meaning of 70% of words i read and i keep going cuz i dont give a damn not an iota

>> No.46772902

many such cases

>> No.46773032




>> No.46773100

How long will it take to remember Hiragana?

>> No.46773110

to learn hiragana, a week is more than enough
to truly master it, even a lifetime is too short

>> No.46773128

> even a lifetime is too short

>> No.46773155

theres a ton of mistakes here
not grammatical. you probably meant だ but that doesnt fit with the previous ます verb so should be です instead
nobody has ever seen this word. say お腹が空いた or something
not sure what you meant so idk how to correct it but this is wrong too

>> No.46773163

imagine correcting that

>> No.46773212

So if I want to get a good idea of the japanese internet, what are some essential websites that I should check out?

>> No.46773251
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>> No.46773284

make a new thread bruh fr

>> No.46773289


>> No.46773310

daijobu dess

>> No.46773316

daijobu mass

>> No.46773318

ii commento

>> No.46773375

Try using 白し、長し
Or とか to list stuff, then cap it off with そんなこと/もの

>> No.46773391

>doesn’t understand what し particle does

>> No.46773426

if a kanji isnt jouyou or jinmeiyou what is it?

>> No.46773430


>> No.46773443


>> No.46773444


>> No.46773595

nasalization. it's really bad design to have it be so prominent on the card

>> No.46773820

crazy how even the whitoid women look better in japan
you can make as many ', japan :O' jokes as you want but that's how it is

>> No.46773855

It's called lookism, retard.
Beautiful people are more successful in life, and therfore richer, and therfore you see them more in expensive tourist spots.

>> No.46773867

autistic white girl :|
autistic white girl, Japan :O

>> No.46773871

and this is why you're here

>> No.46773874

my dick :|
my dick in japan :O

>> No.46773881


>> No.46773910

i call myself 私 but instead of し its ひ

>> No.46773911

it becomes a hole?

rise and shine squiddos


>> No.46773920

no thats what the head sees

>> No.46773929

the heads monitor is not on

>> No.46773956

ankiturds ETERNALLY btfo by a bald professor no less

>> No.46773978

>(according to science)
lol not clicking

>> No.46773985

>ankiturds are science deniers
is anyone really surprised?

>> No.46773997

but my balls are monitoring it all the time

>> No.46774000

not into religions myself

>> No.46774008

that guy seems to get it big ups to that and hes nice enough to do it in nerd terms so the midwits can understand his messages

>> No.46774023

he cant get it up though

>> No.46774029

he is bald so he didnt take anti-balding medication and has lots of testosterone meaning he can get it big hai hai

>> No.46774059

he has dos manos but no pene de trabajo por masturbar

>> No.46774069
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>> No.46774085
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pausing my immersion for this

>> No.46774089


>> No.46774100

kek thats literally me except my face looks more like the gigachad meme

>> No.46774106

just acquire tontoyaro-domo


>> No.46774114

yea i mean i can't trust someone who'd use wireless headphones

>> No.46774119
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>kek thats literally me except my face looks more like the gigachad meme

>> No.46774122

true true the bluetooth is gonna fry his brain according to pk range

>> No.46774145


>> No.46774168

u know evne though evangelion ruined anime nadesico made a very good effort in saving it and undoing the damage but it wasnt enough

>> No.46774172

ahh man didnt even realize weve been posting in an epic 1000+ post thread

>> No.46774181

enjoy it while it lasts cuz i will post slightly less 2day cuz ill be doin some thangs not in front of a screen
only for a bit tho

>> No.46774189

evangelion looks better

>> No.46774197

jamal not posting in the djt thread is like ur parents going out and u have the entire house for urself meaning u dont need to wear headphones while playing adult falsh games on newgrounds

>> No.46774207

eva is midwit
nadesico is highq

>> No.46774217

its anime if it doesnt look good i dont want to watch it

>> No.46774225


>> No.46774280


>> No.46774282

based nakibro

i made a backing track and used to play the vocal part on guitar and some misc garbage in the non vocal sections way back in the day

no its not on yt but were coming up on 25 years for that song so maybe.... (its the same song from the game and used in the anime)

>> No.46774313

its funny how schizo jamels replies look from my perspective

>> No.46774357

o shit this vids still online


extremely top tier

>> No.46774376


>> No.46774386


>> No.46774391

from hovering that link and seeing the thumbnail, there is no way in hell you can convince me that's not a dude

>> No.46774446

that dudes ftw he wasnt the greatest player but he has the soul which all the skill in the world cant make up for and he was like one of the first guys who made vids like that (i believe that release was from 2005 and he made a entire dvd of cover tracks and solid it at comiket)

hes still out there btw but u might wanna brace urself for his current projects.....

however he did make 1 real solid banger for all the netboys and girls


low iqs tread carefully when clicking

>> No.46774458


>> No.46777091

>as she used to work as a prison guard
huge glaring red flag but maybe that's different in japan
