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46736469 No.46736469 [Reply] [Original]

New Hifuu drops in less than a day


>> No.46736474


>> No.46736485


>> No.46736623

why you not make the thread when it releases bastard

>> No.46736825

It releases today, why not make it now

>> No.46736879

Why are you so mean anon ?
Merry = Yukari you heard it first

>> No.46736899

if in the OP it was written that it released people would know immediately when they saw the thread, but now they will have to keep checking here

>> No.46738756

I missed Hifuu so much bros

>> No.46738775

Dubs and Okina is the one who turned Maribel into Yukari

>> No.46739015

Should be dropping within the next few hours, it's almost if not already noon over there

>> No.46739671

anyone got the story yet?

>> No.46739703

Yeah, the story for songs 1-8 are on the chinese wiki. 9-11 are a work in progress. You can find the songs there too. https://thwiki.cc/七夕坂梦幻能

>> No.46739723
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>9-11 are a work in progress.

>> No.46739795


>> No.46739800


>> No.46739894

Last song is literally peak ZUN
Second one is so chaotic, love the second half

>> No.46739934

Sounds like the returning tracks got some extra love and care this time around. Loving the new parts and instrumentation for Crazy Back Dancers.

>> No.46739999
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no... i HATE yorimashi... that tracked needed MOAR necrofantasia...

>> No.46740021

Story is now finished on CN wiki. Kind of an odd and abrupt ending, which leads me to think we'll see another hifuu album later in the year instead of 19.5, especially considering because ZUN has traditionally released 2 around each other

>> No.46740031
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wait... its ok... i love okina's ZUNpet spam...
all is well...

>> No.46740042

In summary, what's the story about?

>> No.46740131

gay sex

>> No.46740134

Essentially, Renko writes a new paper about other worlds. She's been busy with this paper and other things, so the Hifuu cub was on hiatus (likely referencing the 8 year long break.) Merry wanted to disprove Renko's paper about the other worlds or something akin to that, so she sets off. Turns out, Merry had been unreachable/missing for 2 weeks, so Renko sets off to find her. She finds a very hard to read book in Merry's house, which was unlike something Merry to be doing. Renko eventually comes across a graveyard, and discovers light coming from the back of a Jizo statue, which leads her to, presumably, the land of the back door, unless I misread it. Renko then comments on how Merry's power was very unique, which means it could have either been a gap on the back of the statue or a backdoor. Machine translations can only reveal so much. After that, she reunites with Merry in the assumed Land of the Backdoor, and the two discuss their findings on other worlds, which, in typical ZUN fashion, doesn't really explain much, but it's tied to how other worlds or particles are akin to ghosts. It then ends on "Is this world a dream or reality?
You must never forget this.
Don't forget the taboos. There is no place in this world where there are no ghosts."

>> No.46740155

Now, I'm gonna do an absurd theory here, but Renko's paper and the details behind it, like particles and other worlds, in other words, probability, really made her sound like what little we know of Yumemi. Definitely take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.46740288
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Merry goes investigating out on her own. Is enough of a klutz without Renko taking care of things, she forgets to bring a tent to a camping trip.
Renko has been busy with her studies, so Hifuu Club hasn't been active lately. Renko's new paper presents her theory, which focuses on reviving older ideas about quantum theory.
Merry figures Renko is trying to explain other worlds through quantum theory, something complicated to the layman, but still within the realm of human imagination. Merry believes the worlds they've experienced cannot be explained as such, that they are worlds beyond imagining, but still exist, and she wants to prove it.
Merry climbs alone to Tanabata Hill. Supposedly a door to another world will appear at a certain time. It begins raining, and it turns foggy. So foggy that it seems like smoke. Merry catches a glimpse of a door, and then becomes unable to see.
Two weeks later Renko searches her missing friend's house. She finds an old book with lots of difficult words. Renko is usually the one looking for material to investigate for the Club, and gets a bad feeling about finding unfamiliar material at Merry's.
Renko takes a train ride to Hitachi, a natural and cultural reserve. Renko muses that reserves aren't really representative of what the country was like in the past. It's like a ghost that doesn't know it's dead. And all the people currently living in a graveyard of cultures are like zombies. On the train, Renko reads the copy of her own paper that she gave Merry. Merry has been writing notes and comments, questions and critique all over it. Renko had always wanted something like that.
Following Merry's investigation notes, Renko arrives at Tanabata Hill in Hitachi. She can just imagine what happened. Merry wasn't satisfied with Renko's paper, wanted to find the door to an otherworld, and ended up spirited away.
Renko starts making a mess in the culture preserve, toppling a jizo statue, thinking violating taboos will make something happen. Renko notices a slit with light shining through it in the jizo's back, thrusts her hand in, and pulls Merry out of the otherworld.
Merry thinks no time at all has passed since she saw the otherworld. The two clear up a misunderstanding Merry had about Renko's paper. Renko, in fact, argues that other worlds can exist, and that particles do not, the material world and the rest of existence as a whole only being interference in a field. So what's the difference between the living and ghosts?
Like >>46740134 I'm only going by google translate.

>> No.46740341

Well that's fucking disappointing, I was hoping for a kiss or at least a confession.

>> No.46740349

of course the yurifag can't comprehend subtlety

>> No.46740352
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just because two girls are close friends doesn't automatically mean they're raging lesbians

>> No.46740360

I assumed it was Land of the Backdoor because it mentioned the "hidden fifth season" and was also during Okina's theme, however pulling Merry out of the otherworld also probably works. Would also explain the potential gap on the statue. Either way, story was a bit one-note, not unlike other Hifuu's though

>> No.46740365

ZUN doesn't do romance and most likely never will, the lesbian shipping is a fanon only thing. There might be a handful of hints or possibly references with certain real world mythologies, but ZUN is never going to go as far as a kiss or a confession. Dont get your hopes up over something like that.

>> No.46740379

Thanks for the summary. Not sure what's ZUN trying to say, but maybe there will be another album that continues the storyline to make it clearer. I wonder though what the reaction to the paper will be. Yumemi was laughed out of uni for preaching unorthodox doctrine after all. Also imagining Renko with a PhD.

>> No.46740387
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English wiki is slow and I have nothing better to do, so I figured I'd go ahead and translate the story. This is the longest TL I've ever attempted by far, so please bear with the slowness and mistakes. I'm going to post as I go.

Fuck up, yuri is cute.

---- 1. Tanabatazaka at 10:00 AM

"Still four more hours until 10 A.M..."

Maribel Hearn (Merry) tried to calm herself.
She wasn't used to travelling alone. She'd even slept outside alone.

Usually, she would leave all the travel preparations to her best friend; this was the first time she'd made all the plans herself. So, she'd been completely unprepared. She'd even forgotten to bring a tent.

She hadn't slept well, but that wasn't a big deal to the nocturnal Merry. In the deserted streets of Hitachi at night, it was best to stay up late looking at the stars.
As long as she could manage to get a bit of sleep. But...

Today, on July 7th, it wasn't just Tanabata; as Merry had found out, on this particular hillside, it was supposed to be be a very special day indeed.

But as morning came, nothing seemed to be happening. Feeling uneasy and wanting to give up, she composed herself.


>> No.46740391

I left out a good bit of detail from my summary, such as the specific folk tale Merry was chasing, or the otherworld likely being the Land of Backdoor, otherwise I would have been copypasting a bunch of google translat-ese for anon to read. But far as I can tell, the final track's story takes place sometime afterward, after Renko has resqued Merry and they're reflecting on their experiences, not immediately after the sticking-hand-in-statue with both of them stuck in the otherworld or anything.

>> No.46740392

Like I said, Hifuu albums usually come in pairs. I wouldn't be surprised if we got one in August instead of 19.5

>> No.46740403

we're not getting one in august, ZUN forgot to register for comiket
it'll be autumn reitaisai or winter comiket if we're getting one at all

>> No.46740406

Ah yeah then that checks out. Also explains the door on the cover art and renko reaching in to find merry. I don't want to call the ribbon a red herring, because in the long run this could even be Merry accidentally spiriting herself away, but not much going on here with it otherwise

>> No.46740412

Oh yeah then we're definitely not getting a 19.5 this year. I'd wager fall reitaisai is when he'd drop the next album

>> No.46740414
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>> No.46740418

I'll be real and say don't worry about it, most of this is comprehendable from the machine translation anyways. Just wait for the wiki or another side site to upload it. Not much point in doing it now on a random 4chan board.

>> No.46740426

>merry's ribbon is just a massive pile of red herring piece of shit
lorebros... i thought this is supposed to be our time to shine...

>> No.46740435

People who arent familiar with Hifuu are always going to jump to a loredump conclusion before the album drops. It's always about subtlety. We likely wont get aanything akin to that until we reach the end of the hifuu series of DVDs.

>> No.46740436
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>> No.46740469

Im going to sleep, is almost 2 a.m. in MX.

But, once i woke up and get into job, i'll be looking for this. Thanks Anon!

>> No.46740476

Much as I adore this ship, no way it’s going to ever get that explicit. At most, at the end of their story we might get some slight implication of a romantic bond. It’s not going to be a kiss.

>> No.46740510

I personally hate machine translations, since you can never tell what's right or wrong, and they often mess up names and universe-specific stuff. I figured I might as well do something useful while working on my translation skills.

Glad to be of service!

Anyone else reading please feel free to reply, the shots of dopamine are keeping me awake.


----- 2. Tinker-bell's inequality

One month before the solo journey.

Merry was making plans for a trip.
Usami Renko, feeling confident about her theory, was writing a paper in preparation for a conference.
She hadn't seen her best friend Merry for a while.

"So this is the latest draft of Renko's paper..."

In a brown envelope she'd received from Renko was a massive stack of papers.
In its current handwritten form, it was an anachronism, but that was Renko's style.

"Probability theory collapse and other worlds?
A revival of the Copenhagen interpretation and dream worlds?
Just like her to revert to classical quantum mechanics."

Merry was bored.
After all, Hifuu Club activities had been suspended lately.


>> No.46740573

First three original songs are alright. The other two are really damn good.

>> No.46740577

Even a complete story is too much to expect from ZUN, much less closure. In a way this is a blessing since it leaves a lot of room for creativity in fan works.


----- 3. Beyond the forbidden door, nobody knows.

Reading the paper opened my eyes.

I understand.

The interpretation Renko is testing was one of classical quantum mechanics.
It sounds crazy, but it's not beyond imagining.

I can see it.
The door between this world and another.

Renko can't see it. No matter how much she tries to analyze this phenomenon in terms of quantum theory,
It'll never amount to more than a conspiracy theory.

The fact that whatever lies beyond that forbidden door,
must be beyond imagination.

The fact that it exists at all.
And the fact that I alone can prove it.

>> No.46740716


----- 4. Smoking Dragon

On Tanabata Hill, a light rain began to fall.

Looks like the rainy season isn't over yet. Merry began to feel a chill.

"Only 30 more minutes...!
At 10 A.M, in this spot, a door to another world should open.
And I'll prove the existence of that world!"

This was her first time investigating another world alone.
Renko had always been the one to find new spots.

The hillside was a bit colder than you'd expect for July, and the cold dispirited Merry a bit.
She felt like she could see her breath.

"5 minutes...!"

The area was blanketed in a deep mist. It was more like smoke than mist in its thickness.
This was exactly the sort of unnatural phenomenon she'd been hoping for. She could see the door!

Just as she thought that, Merry lost her view.

>> No.46741190


Sorry, that took a while. I wasn't sure about one line here so I went ahead and translated the whole rest of it to make sure my interpretation made sense.
Proceeding to dump the rest.

----- 5. Taboo Marionette

"You mustn't go near that hill on the morning of July 7th. If you do, strange things will happen."

The taboo of Tanabata Hill was forgotten long ago.

Well, I guess it can't be helped.
(TL Note: God how I hate this phrase, but without context it's hard to translate it any other way. The tone of this line, which I can't translate, indicates that the lines we're reading are dialog.)

Mankind has forgotten how to commune with other worlds.

Well, I guess it can't be helped.
(TL Note: This line does appear a second time in Japanese, verbatim, on both the English and Chinese wikis. Maybe a transcription error. Maybe a ZUN moment. Maybe they're trying to torment me.)

When legends are forgotten, they grow weak. When they die, they pass into the realm of fantasy.
I wonder if this girl believes her own world is the real one.
Maybe she thinks she's immortal.
(TL Note: This is the part I wasn't sure about. It's unclear what the subject of this last line is - "she" or someone else. I went with what seemed like the most logical option, but please don't derive any lore implications from it.)

Yeah, no way.


----- 6. Crazy Backdancers

You're hiding somewhere, aren't you?"

Usami Renko shouted.

Merry had been out of contact for two weeks.
Renko's paper had been left lying around at her house.
There were no traces of electricity or water having been used. It looked like she'd been gone for a while.

"I was too focused on my paper. I shouldn't have left you alone this long.
I'm sorry, so come out already!"

Realizing she shouldn't be expecting a reply,
Renko began looking around Merry's house.

For her to disappear like this, there must be some clues left behind. Putting courtesy aside, Renko scoured the place.
It was already pretty disorganized, so she didn't feel too bad.

Soon, Renko found an old, worn book.

>> No.46741199


----- 7. Necro-Fantasia

"This is what Merry was..."

This was a difficult book. It wasn't one I'd expect Merry, who had no interest in festivals, to be reading.
It was a very old book, full of obscure words and hard to understand.

I searched intently for any hints.
I'd also found some mismatched photocopies nearby.
They looked like ancient provincial records.

I'm always trying to uncover secrets for the club,
So I'm pretty good at finding things that seem out of place.

I usually handle information gathering for the Hifuu Club, and Merry is in charge of on-scene investigation.
So it was unusual to find esoteric material here.

The truth is found in things that seem unusual.
We physicists are sensitive to that sort of thing, because that's how we make discoveries.

[Hitachi Provincial Records]
"Hitachi cultural records? Could this be... the truth?"

----- 8. The Landy Road of Hitachi

The tranquil landscape seemed to stretch out forever.
The Hitachi province, which had been designated a cultural preserve, was a symbol of the weakening of government regulations.

It was a countryside scene that made you think, "So this is what Japan used to be like."
But the culture this place was supposed to preserve was long gone.
It was like a ghost that didn't know it was dead.

Despite appearances, Japan wasn't really such a paradise.
The people living their lives on the grave of that dead culture, may as well have been zombies.

Riding the "Hitachi Express" heritage train, Renko headed for her destination.
But she didn't have time for sightseeing.

In her hand was her paper, annotated with Merry's notes.
Almost all were either rebuttals or questions.

"Merry writing on my paper...
That's never happened before."

Renko was perplexed, and a bit pleased.

----- 9. Reticent Stone Statuette "Lost Emotion"

"Tanabata Hill... Seems like that name was forgotten a long time ago."

Based on the sources Merry had recommended, Renko was pretty sure the place she was now standing was Tanabata Hill.
She felt like she wanted to double-check, but couldn't.

Even if this wasn't the right place,
Even if Merry's conclusions were incorrect,
In order to investigate Merry's disappearance,
It was definitely right to trust Merry's sources.

"You mustn't go near that hill on the morning of July 7th.
If you do, strange things will happen."

That lined up exactly with when Merry disappeared.
Renko imagined...

Merry was dissatisfied with my theory, since I didn't have the power to prove it.
Merry came to this place to find a door to another world.
And the expected happened: she was "spirited away."

A Jizo statue by the side of the mountain trail faced toward her.
Renko put her head into high gear.
She wasn't the type to get dejected over her lack of power and give up.

>> No.46741207


----- 10. Hidden Star in Four Seasons

"Maribel Hearn!
How long will you keep the other world to yourself?!"

Renko violently knocked over the Jizo.
She knew the manmade artefacts around here were legally protected.
But she couldn't think of another way to really break a taboo.

And besides, she could just put it back the way it was later.
Telling herself that didn't quiet her heart.

As Renko had hoped, a light escaped from the back of the Jizo, and a rift became visible.

"Sure, Merry's power is mysterious.
But all that can't exist without physical phenomena.
Most humans limit themselves to mere observation!
But when it comes to mysteries, Renko's world is on another level!"

The rift in the back of the Jizo began to show another world.
From here on, Renko's heresy was going to go beyond the realm of theory.

The world in the rift was clearly made of something more than regular matter.
But Renko stuck her arm in without hesitation!

The noise seemed to be getting louder.
Birdsong, the sound of wind, and the rustling of trees all stopped.
When she closed her eyes, she saw a shining, golden land.
The sky was covered with mysterious spectral doors.
And she could see Maribel Hearn's figure, almost close enough to touch.

"I see. It's not summer after all."

The hidden fifth season had appeared.
The lost form of this land had been resurrected.
The taboo of this country had been broken!

----- 11. Ghosts exist even when it's not night

"Your paper is all wrong.
The other worlds, they're just as real as this one.
You should know this! We've both seem them, right?"

"Merry, you misunderstand.
My work doesn't deny the other worlds."

"Eh? But it's written right here."

"My work confirms not just other worlds, but the non-existence of particles."


"What we classically think of as matter, doesn't exist in this world. That's what it says.
This whole world is made of positional interference.
And not just 'other worlds.'"

Matter not existing? That sounds a bit extreme...
That makes it sound like we're all ghosts."

"Well, what's the difference?
You, who touched another world on Tanabata Hill, ought to know there is none."

Merry still wasn't satisfied with the theory.
But without a good answer, she could only nod.

"But still, to think two weeks have passed.
I'd just gotten here at 10 A.M, and you suddenly appeared out of the fog."

"Time itself is also nothing but positional interference.
If I hadn't come for you, what do you think would have happened?"

"After 10 A.M, nothing would've happened, and I would've gone home. Disappointed, of course.

"Haha. I'm glad we were thinking the same thing."

In this world, dreams and apparitions,
Are things we must not forget.
Don't forget about taboos.
Because in this world, monsters are everywhere.

>> No.46741243
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Thank you for the TL!
I was hoping a non-MTL TL would clear things up but I'm still confused. So Renko is essentially saying nothing material exists? The whole quantum physics part of Hifuu always went over my head... I suppose I should look up and understand positional interference related stuff.
I'm like a lot of people only really aware of observation when it comes to quantum stuff as in, yes, the cat box. So if Renko hadn't decided to set out to look for Merry, Merry wouldn't have disappeared? Or rather time... uh... is relative? so she would have just reappeared eventually?
I'm too stupid for this, someone smarter please interpret.

Just in case future readers think it's invented, it might be worth noting the Hitachi Provincial Record is a real book. Details in Japanese here (though I can't read it)

>> No.46741248

>I'm too stupid for this, someone smarter please interpret.

>> No.46741263

I don't know if ZUN's trying to be deep and he's writing everything while drunk so it sounds like complete nonsense, or he's portraying that teenage girls think they know everything but in reality are just spouting nonsense to explain a phenomenon they don't understand. Whatever the case, the story is very ZUN-esque, as one would expect. Thanks for translating.

>> No.46741266

Thank you for the translation. Very interesting stuff.

>> No.46741281

Positional interference is a term I made up based on a term ZUN made up. I think the basic idea he was going for is that dreams and reality are equally real, by virtue of being equally not real. Which is a Buddhist concept that's probably older than language.
The way I interpreted the time thing was that Maribel's supernatural experience was caused by Renko finding her, in a play on the idea of reverse causality. Without the observation (Renko finding her in the Jizo rift), the event itself (Merry being spirited away) wouldn't have happened.

Idk what kind of depth you're expecting from an alcoholic Japanese musician. I thought it was nice.

>> No.46741314

>Positional interference is a term I made up based on a term ZUN made up.
Could you elaborate a bit more on this? What's the literal translation of the original concept?

>I think the basic idea he was going for is that dreams and reality are equally real, by virtue of being equally not real. Which is a Buddhist concept that's probably older than language.
I got infodumped about Buddhism here a while ago and my mind also immediatedly jumped to hey that's a Buddhist thing.

>in a play on the idea of reverse causality
Very interesting.

>> No.46741335

>I think the basic idea he was going for is that dreams and reality are equally real, by virtue of being equally not real. Which is a Buddhist concept that's probably older than language.
After sitting on it a bit longer I did conclude on that too, but I don't really get the taboo stuff.
I can understand the "don't break them because monsters are just as real as this world" kind of way, but I'm a little confused by this line in particular
>The hidden fifth season had appeared.
>The lost form of this land had been resurrected.
>The taboo of this country had been broken!
What's the taboo of this country? I'd imagine it's experiencing anything supernatural because future Earth is science has been solved I believe, but it's not like it's the first time they did something supernatural. Maybe it's Renko specifically finding out about the backdoor world on her own kind of? Maybe it just means breaking the taboo of touching the culturally protected statue? Or just observing Okina's fifth season I guess?
I'm too lost...

>> No.46741422

It's fucking touhou
There's an old saying that noone is straight at Gensokyo

>> No.46741425

>Could you elaborate a bit more on this?
The original wording is 場の干渉, literally "interference of places". The word 干渉 "interference" is used in the quantum sense in Japenese the same way it is in English.
The concept makes no sense from the perspective of real physics. It sounds like it could be loosely related to quantum entanglement, but there's a differerent Japanese word for that: 量子もつれ "entanglement of particles"

>got infodumped about Buddhism
LOL no way, that was me! I guess it's a small world when you're looking for metaphysical meaning in a bullet hell game.

"Country" and "land" could be interpreted as the Hitachi Prefecture. The taboo is clearly something to do with Tanabata, being on that hillside or disrispecting the Jizo or whatever. I think the taboo was just the trigger for whatever kind of quantum phenomenon they caused, which allowed them to briefly witness the fifth season in another dimension.
In Japanese "The taboo was broken" means it was violated, not that it was dispelled.
I could possibly have translated that part better, but to be honest I'm not entirely sure what it means either.

>> No.46741444

Is there a rip of this cd around?

>> No.46741448

>In Japanese "The taboo was broken" means it was violated, not that it was dispelled.
Correction to myself: It USUALLY means that, I assume they meant that but I'm not sure.

>> No.46741480

>That outro of The Lonesome Path in Hitachi
That part doesn't sound like ZUN's composition to me.

>> No.46741520

it's in line with the rest of the album and ZUN's been very into experimenting since at least UM. Apparitions Abound Even at Night sounded very different to other ZUN tracks too.

>> No.46741587
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>The original wording is 場の干渉, literally "interference of places".
I see. I don't know much about physics, but I know something about interference from sound perspective. Since there is constructive and destructive interference, I think it might add a layer of interpretation to the relationship of our world and "other worlds". There could be forms of interaction or conditions which cause these worlds to arise - or vanish.

Then again, I don't know, and I don't know what this has to do with particles not existing. It's just that it wouldn't be the first time ZUN has come up with some out there idea derived from how interference works with sound waves.

>LOL no way, that was me! I guess it's a small world when you're looking for metaphysical meaning in a bullet hell game.
It's a small world and an even smaller /jp/. I actually read all of Deep Dive into Emptiness and I just started Why Buddhism Is True.

I have to say, I found Deep Dive into Emptiness extremely resonant. I don't want to derail this thread but I do have to thank you for sharing it with me.

>> No.46741600

I'm more inclined to believe that the phenomenon is supernatural, it's not like we haven't heard of weird stuff happening in the outside world before, like in Old Adams.
There's also a ZUN quote I saw someone post about the record in another thread where he said where the CD ended up drifting towards HSiFS.
Places of interference, would then be an outsider's understanding of a place where supernatural occurrences are more likely, id I remember correctly Miko and Kasen talk about how outside world humans tend to think of spots for Hermit training as locations to get a power up and are generally ignorant of the supernatural.

>> No.46741622

Thanks for the translation!

>> No.46741697
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>Renko takes a train ride to Hitachi, a natural and cultural reserve. Renko muses that reserves aren't really representative of what the country was like in the past. It's like a ghost that doesn't know it's dead. And all the people currently living in a graveyard of cultures are like zombies.
Gensokyo confirmed to be just a hollow, soulless shell, and Yukari as little more than a gravekeeper clinging to a world that no longer exists.

>> No.46741709

>constructive and destructive interference
Now THAT is an interesting idea, I think you may be onto something.
>particles not existing
Well if everything is waves then there are no particles, I think it's as simple as that.

>Deep Dive into Emptiness
Glad to hear it! It's great to see people enjoying the same way of thinking. I think you're really going to like WBIT.
I was thinking about making an esoteric touhouism thread or just a buddhism thread, maybe some other time if it seems fruitful and I can get off my ass to write the OP.

>When legends are forgotten, they grow weak. When they die, they pass into the realm of fantasy.
If Hifuu Japan is the graveyard of culture, Gensokyo is the afterlife.

>> No.46741717

it sounds to me more like ZUN's bringing up Hecatia's viewpoint again, and saying more specifically that Gensokyo in its current form is inherently unsustainable and needs to be allowed to change and progress. Specifically, he's probably referring to the human village, since it's the specific place that's perpetually kept in the late 19th century and not allowed to grow.

>> No.46741996
File: 256 KB, 1061x1033, secret esoteric knowledge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now THAT is an interesting idea, I think you may be onto something.
I don't know what ZUN was thinking, but he has used sound waves and interference as a metaphor before. Worlds emerging and disappearing due to interference is also a really cool, fresh idea in general. IIRC earlier Hifuu club (never mind real life paranormal) lore has various sites of power that are more "active" in certain times. Perhaps conditions conductive to emergence of other worlds, or perhaps the emergence of some kind of contact points to other worlds.

>Well if everything is waves then there are no particles, I think it's as simple as that.
Yeah that might be it, like I said, I don't know much about physics.

>It's great to see people enjoying the same way of thinking.
I have actually for a very long time now viewed the world as a vast network of interactions, but not to such a radical extent as Buddhists do. This has come from an entirely different, nominally wholly materialist ways of seeing the world which is...uncanny. So on an intellectual level I can easily see that we just split things into categories for convenience. I suppose truly understanding it, feeling it is the long-term goal of practice for Buddhists though. I also haven't viewed myself or any other humans (let alone more inert material objects) as unchanging or immutable in a long time either. It was frankly astonishing that people so far removed from my place and time have come to similar conclusions and further study into the matter seems more than warranted.

>I was thinking about making an esoteric touhouism thread or just a buddhism thread, maybe some other time if it seems fruitful and I can get off my ass to write the OP.
I think there is much to discuss about the various religions and mythologies presented within the games, how they are depicted, how they interact, as well as ZUN's broader ideas such as myths dying and "passing into fantasy".
To me this part
>It was a countryside scene that made you think, "So this is what Japan used to be like."
>But the culture this place was supposed to preserve was long gone.
>It was like a ghost that didn't know it was dead.

>Despite appearances, Japan wasn't really such a paradise.
>The people living their lives on the grave of that dead culture, may as well have been zombies.
really reads more like straight up critique of modern Japanese culture and social conditions, but of course, it might also refer to Gensokyo. But Gensokyo would be "dead" and it's inhabitants "zombies" for very different reasons than Japan in 2024.

>> No.46742054
File: 2.14 MB, 1400x1500, __kazami_yuuka_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_kaigen_1025__96be377efac554e9e7461fe7f019f30b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual afterlife in Touhou seems to be doing much better than Gensokyo does, though. They have more genuine conflicts, much more purpose, and aren't threatened by the Outside World.
Touhou has always had undertones of people not really having a place any more, such as Rumia just floating around without purpose, Wriggle being weak as shit and not knowing anything about the history of her own kind, or groups like the Tengu just haphazardly imitating the outside without any real understanding or goal. Many of the youkai are just kinda living their lives like retirees waiting for death, and it's only relative newcomers like Kanako who are more proactive.
Much of Gensokyo is also just literally playing pretend. Youkai pretend to scare humans but they're not *really* dangerous, and then the miko comes to face them in a play fight and then they drink cheap sake together. It's all fake by design, not at all representative of how youkai once were, and the entire world could be considered hollow and just the last gasps of a world that once was but can no longer be.

>> No.46742161

Gensokyo also reminds me of a colony, colonies or cultural enclaves separated from their homeland.
But I do think it is meant to be critical of modern and the possible future of japan, with Gensokyo being the afterlife of sorts for things which have passed through Japan's culture.

Feels like it's also highlighting the politics of Gensokyo through that lens, you have people the like Aya that think humans and Youkai should be more antagonistic, people like Byakuren who think they should be closer, people like Miko who sees Youkai mainly as things that could serve humans or human endeavor.

>> No.46742183

>"Sure, Merry's power is mysterious.
>But all that can't exist without physical phenomena.
>Most humans limit themselves to mere observation!
>But when it comes to mysteries, Renko's world is on another level!"
you can really tell she's Sumireko's descendant, only her bloodline could come up with this kind of chuuni ass dialogue

>> No.46742187

Man, that's a really sad interpretation of Gensokyo.
>groups like the Tengu just haphazardly imitating the outside without any real understanding or goal
I read somewhere here that during the perioid of isolation in Japan there were tales of Tengu where they were basicaly used as stand-ins for westerners, spouting weird ideas and trying to lead shinto/buddhist people astray. This has made me wonder if the Tengu being annoying journalists is actually derived from this.

It's in general really fascinating how it's the youkai like Tengu and Kappa that dabble in technology while humans are stuck in the past. Is it just ZUN's sense of humor, or is technology the real "strange apparition" (what youkai literally means) in the eastern wonderland?
>Much of Gensokyo is also just literally playing pretend.
That' definitively a valid way to see things, I think. There's a lot of talk about maintaing the balance and whatnot, but it's been 19 mainline games and during those times, there's been barely any threat to Gensokyo that couldn't be resolved with magic card duels. Even Seija was ultimately just a nuisance and Junko breaking rules of danmaku was of little consequence. It all feels so awfully..low stakes.
>It's all fake by design, not at all representative of how youkai once were
A kind of mix between an open-air museum and a zoo.

>> No.46742201

Wait until she finds Sumireko's cape and becomes Yumemi.

>> No.46742228

to be honest, renko's paper stating that particles aren't real and that dreams and reality are the same really sounds like a precursor to the grand unified theory of yumemi's time.
yumemi is probably renko's descended, just as she is sumireko's descendant

>> No.46742246

>PC98 games were happening after the windows game this whole time
Now that would be crazy. Backdoor.

>> No.46742296

Well Junko wasn't a resident of Gensokyo, nor did she really care about disrupting it on purpose. Besides not wanting Gensokyo's inhabitants to unnecessarily suffer in the name of her vengeance.

Personally, I've always seen PC-98 as a prototype of the windows era somewhat, with Yumemi being a proto Sumi and Renko, Orange and the Makai vampires being the Proto-SDM.
Although some similarities like that one poltergeist having a stop sign in her earlier design are purely just ZUN like certain aesthetics or looks.

>> No.46742302

>PC98 is the sequel to Windows series chronologically.
I'm gonna lose my shit

>> No.46742308

>Gensokyo also reminds me of a colony, colonies or cultural enclaves separated from their homeland.
In the context of Japan, I believe there is an extremely stark division between how hypermodern some places are, yet how you can find places that feel profoundly unchanged - mountains, forests, vast temple complexes. "Feel" is the keyword here, because of course these places too have changed, just as Gensokyo has changed. So you don't necessarily have to think in terms of colonies or enclaves, if one stretches their imagination hard enough you can almost imagine Gensokyo being in Japan...

>> No.46742324


>> No.46742381
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>Well Junko wasn't a resident of Gensokyo, nor did she really care about disrupting it on purpose.
Yes, indeed, but it's pretty notable how she is the first and only case on record to break the rules of danmaku. We've had all kinds of monsters, demons and gods, all somehow abiding by the rules of the spellcard duel.

Gensokyo's connection to larger spirit realms is extremely interesting in itself, as is how the inhabitants of these realms also seem to stick by the rules of danmaku.

One has to wonder, if these are really hells and heavens and moon in a broader sense, or are these places the heavens and hells and moon of just Gensokyo? Is heaven just five people eating peaches? Is former hell smaller than a city and the current one filled with mere two thousand unfortunate souls? Is the moon but a tiny orb, it's inhabitants numbering in maybe hundreds?

Or if these other realms are as they are, then why do their inhabitants also abide by Gensokyo's rules?

>> No.46742417
File: 268 KB, 1454x1323, __shameimaru_aya_and_matara_okina_touhou_drawn_by_fuuga_perv_rsity__a8748874fdc606b9ca68866c8bbb9764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can it really be said to be an afterlife of Japan's culture if it's only really the youkai and gods involved, which is a pretty narrow part of culture, overall?
It isn't like Gensokyo's humans are the stewards of lost traditions or anything, nor anything for the many local cultures spread throughout the country; in practice it's just a snapshot of a small village that's not allowed to progress because their only purpose now is to sorta kinda believe in monsters and gods.
Having there only be one human village was probably a mistake; the world would feel far more alive if there's multiple villages with stark differences between them, forming room for conflicts and differing cultures amongst the humans, where some are vehemently against youkai, while others are more capable of cooperating and have a degree of understanding between each other (not tengu). Just make the world feel alive instead of a playground where nothing really matters.

>> No.46742420

the entirety of gensokyo only exists because somewhere in the future, yumemi wanted to prove the existence of magic
retrocausality is linked to the gods too, since we've got the catch 22 of gods like eirin existing before humans, but only existing because of human faith, so they retroactively exist once humans believe in them (I.E observe them, to link it to quantum mechanics)

>> No.46742424

>Well Junko wasn't a resident of Gensokyo
Isn't Senkai part of Gensokyo? Because she lives there and becomes Kasen's and Miko's neighbors. Moreover, she participates in the danmaku fireworks contest (Grimoire of Usami).

>> No.46742483

The human village being stuck in the past is funny in the first place since they have electric lighting and running water.

I kind of figured that Senkai was more like a type of otherworld, it's said Miko made Senkai and the Divine spirit Mausoleum, but Kasen also has her own Senkai and she didn't seem to know Miko before meeting her.
Also, it'd be a bit weird for Junko to be squatting in Miko's house. If a weaker Hermit like Miko was able to make Senkai, shouldn't the stronger Hermits like Junko and Kasen also be able to make their own.

>> No.46742699

So what you're telling me is Mima is actually the ghost of Windows Marisa and she's been with us the whole time.

>> No.46742738

How are you listening to it? Has it already been uploaded to the internet?

>> No.46742748

yes, it was uploaded within like an hour or two of the event starting

>> No.46742771
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up on the chink wiki

>> No.46742785
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>only really the youkai and gods involved
Yeah, but there might be broader cultural stuff that is not portrayed in the games or adjanced fiction because it's not deemed important to go into detail, though.
>their only purpose now is to sorta kinda believe in monsters and gods.
This is a very fascinating aspect of it all. It's indeed just not gods that need to be believed in, the dialogue with Kogasa implies that she, probably other youkai, also need at least reactions and attention from humans to survive.

If you want to go full meta with this, maybe it's not the human villagers really giving the attention. Maybe we are the ones giving the attention.
>Having there only be one human village was probably a mistake
What if that's the best that the sages could manage? What if maintaining the Hakurei Barrier is such a monumental task that they couldn't make a bigger Gensokyo? And that there is no room for more humans in the current one.
Now we're cooking.

>> No.46742819

Link? (Download link, not to listen it online)

>> No.46742864

you really should have been able to handle that part yourself

>> No.46743048

I don't understand if Renko took Maribel out of the other world through the jizo statue or if she got in there too
>"Maribel Hearn!
Also this is the first time that she call her by the name and not merry, I think

>> No.46743121

PC98 isn't the future, Yumemi said she came from then. Her funky vessel can hop time and space at will.

>> No.46743167

Love the first few seconds of the new Necrofantasia.

>> No.46743232
File: 804 KB, 2000x2000, 9d5a34f64dda49a963fda8fdb444989d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stepping back from deeper analysis for a minute, I love how unhinged Merry and Renko are.
Merry (A Relative Psychology student) disagrees with Renko's (A Super Unified Physics student) theory, so instead of talking to her about it, she disappears on a trip to Tanabata Hill with zero preparation including not bringing a tent to camp in (A place that is apparently missing by the time period Hifuu takes place in, because Renko has to use the notes Merry made on her paper to figure out where to go) and just fucking vanishes for two weeks without telling Renko what she was doing or where she was going.
Then, Renko breaks into her house because she's been gone for two weeks, ransacks the place, gets very pleased when she finds out that Merry's making notes on her work, and goes to Tanabata Hill, where she commits a crime by tossing a jizo statue around, then shoves her arm into a spooky mysterious gap that didn't originate in this world to get Merry back out.
And then it turns out the whole thing was because Merry didn't understand the paper in the first place.
even without it being yurishit these two retards are made for each other.

>> No.46743242

I find it really cute that Renko and Merry now officially consider one another 親友. I mean, they've been through a lot of shit so yeah.

Renko saving Merry was very Renko. Renko being worried instead of 100% confident was super cute.
Merry being increasingly arrogant is great as always. I like Renko's reaction to it as well.

I liked this. Usual Hifuu, but that isn't a bad thing.

>> No.46743248

There are several straight characters in Touhou (as in confirmed to have fucked men) and there are no gay characters. The meme you're referring to is a fandom meme without any basis in canon.

>> No.46743283
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Merry smugly goes to a specific place at a specific time in order to fulfil the conditions to pass through to another world in this story.

Sound familiar?

>> No.46743300

Wait so that was not the yukari ribbon in her hat?

>> No.46743304

>Merry gets to taste the power of the gap.
So the Yukari-fication begins.

>> No.46743317


>> No.46743346

Wiki TL is up, what do Japanese readers think of it?
I'm EOP but I'm not a big fan of the wording changes compared to the TL here, and some of it sound very confusing. Three lines that stuck out to me, with First TL being anon's, second being the wiki's
>"After 10 A.M, nothing would've happened, and I would've gone home. Disappointed, of course.
>"I can't imagine that I wouldn't have somehow woken up and come back after 10 A.M. came and went. Bit by bit, that is."

>And besides, she could just put it back the way it was later. Telling herself that didn't quiet her heart.
>The jizo sat there as ever afterwards, uncomprehending. Even though she told herself that, she couldn't quiet her heart.

>"Sure, Merry's power is mysterious. But all that can't exist without physical phenomena. Most humans limit themselves to mere observation! But when it comes to mysteries, Renko's world is on another level!"
>"Certainly, Merry's ability is mysterious. But even so, it must interact with physical phenomena. Because I won't allow the world to be bounded by just that which humanity can observe! The mysteries of the quantum world are far too great for that!

>> No.46743379

I like bits of both of them
It's worth pointing out that Renko's world is a mistranslation though, ZUN uses 量子 which is ryoushi and means quantum.

>> No.46743384

>Moon bitches
No one cares about the Mary sues. Suwako hasn't been with anyone in centuries and junko killed her husband before deciding to live with another goddess. Not really shining examples of straightness in touhou.

>> No.46743385

Yuri bros lose yet another battle.

>> No.46743398

Forgot to mention that suwako spent more time with kanako then she did with any previous male partner

>> No.46743401

A lot of the wiki reads like MTL or beginner stuff. Lots of literal translations of idioms, for example.

Ah, you're right!

>> No.46743408

I don't really care whether it's a shining example. It's more than 0.

You forgot Seiga, too.

>> No.46743425

Don't forget Tewi's infatuated with a fat old bastard, and Reimu's a fan of handsome gods.

>> No.46743434

Seiga killed hers too. If we're talking about past lore than miko alone makes touhou more of a Yuri series than a straight one

>> No.46743439

Miko was a man.

>> No.46743443

Also the only reference to same-sex relations was Reimu as a child in PC-98 misinterpreting what another character said.
That character, an adult, was disgusted by the proposition.

So even if the insane idea is ZUN's open to it, or keen on it, or even willing to write subtext, there's nothing at all.

>> No.46743444

>This has come from an entirely different, nominally wholly materialist ways of seeing the world which is...uncanny.
I think I mentioned this before, but in the West we call the Buddhist emptiness "nihilism." It's the same basic idea. Buddhism just gives it a positive interpretation, because there being no inherent meaning allows you to create your own meaning.
The fact that both arrive at the same conclusion through totally different means is a sign that they're onto something fundamental.

>> No.46743457

Miko was a man and Tojiko wasn't her wife in Touhou, which is a shame really since I like Tojiko being Miko's wife alongside Futo being Tojiko's mom.
It's the most messed up and funny version of their dynamic.

>> No.46743458

ZUN just mixed up their design, it's been a while since he drew Merry

>> No.46743481

So you're saying she's trans? Weird I thought you guys were adamant that wasn't the case. In any case she's a girl now with the same romantic inclinations she had before meaning the series is still more Yuri than a straight one

>> No.46743482

>until we reach the end of the hifuu series of DVDs
Bold to assume that the dude will finish the damn thing before the nature of mortality pulled a fast one on him

>> No.46743485

Trans people are shikaisen? That's amazing.

>> No.46743491

>meaning the series is still more Yuri than a straight one
Wait, you have 1 example in the face of several others, it's not even confirmed, and you say that it's "more" yuri?

The series is aromantic. Also whether you like it or not two of the characters in Touhou are happily married to men. One's fucking her nephew. I know you said "people don't care" about them but that's not really the point, unfortunately. It's what ZUN wrote, y'know.

>> No.46743497


>> No.46743501

Zun's wife's fault.

>> No.46743507

I'm dyslexic but you know I mean hisami

>> No.46743508

Did you mean to say Hisami?

That's nothing confirmed either. She's obsessed with Zanmu, but ZUN didn't confirm love.
Which actually surprises me, because she's very obsessed.

>> No.46743509

This goddamn franchise is pretty fucking romanceless outside of some character's backstory, with only Merry/Renko that have the closest relationship to each other for some to INTERPRET more than just being best friend
There, now stop arguing about it jackass

>> No.46743519

I've always found interpreting Merry and Renko's friendship as romantic confusing, as well.

If all it takes is you being close and loyal, a lot of friends are actually just in romances.
They never flirt, blush, or are even physically intimate at all. They're very good friends though, unironically. Been through thick and thin.

>> No.46743524

Even if Hisami is love (which it could be, I guess) the way Hisami's character works means it's more likely she's Zanmusexual rather than actually gay. You'd have to see if she displays any other interest in girls (I.E it won't happen because its touhou)

>> No.46743550

There's no heterosexual explanation for tenshi x shion in canon

>> No.46743569

There's nothing to explain.

I would say of all the possible examples it's roughly the closest given Shion got very close to her in WaHH. In AoCF though she makes it very clear that she's sticking with Tenshi because Tenshi is immune to her misfortunes.

And then in 17.5 she's back with Joon and doesn't even mention Tenshi.

>> No.46743587
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>> No.46743613
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Shh let me fish in peace. The anons are biting well today

>> No.46743724
File: 82 KB, 850x671, __usami_renko_maribel_hearn_and_matara_okina_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_hansode32__sample-cfbe984e6c373c5cde6a70e0e7e57c06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why is she messing with two college students?

>> No.46743737

Wake me up when we get scans.

>> No.46743753


ZUN did 9/11

>> No.46743811

To be fair no one expect this CD to be the one where Maribel turns into Yukari or something like that, but some slight tease towards their connection other than the ribbon is appreciated you know?
There's literally no connection between Maribel and Yukari in this CD whatsoever, unless that "time not passed for two weeks for Maribel" bit foreshadowing that Yukari is not actually Maribel thrown back into the past, but Maribel living a double life AS Yukari instead

>> No.46743836

In this story, isn't it Merry messing with her?

>> No.46743875

Idk this had necrofantasia on the album, and her gapping into the land of the backdoors is some yukari shit.

>> No.46743879
File: 73 KB, 500x365, hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Specifically, he's probably referring to the human village, since it's the specific place that's perpetually kept in the late 19th century and not allowed to grow.
Would advancement in Gensokyo cause legends there to be forgotten? A second Gensokyo within Gensokyo? Then that Gensokyo advances, forgets, and another one forms from its forgotten history?

>The actual afterlife in Touhou seems to be doing much better than Gensokyo does
If we're talking about Hell specifically, I thought it was amusing how "modern" it is. Skyscrapers and everything.

>> No.46743890

from where is this pic

>> No.46743909

I have no idea its been a reaction image in my folder for at least 10 years.

>> No.46743937

>If we're talking about Hell specifically, I thought it was amusing how "modern" it is. Skyscrapers and everything
If Animal Realm itself is already modernized, then so might the rest of the realm too.

>> No.46744053

Well, it's never stated that the other realms followed Gensokyo's isolationist stance right?

>> No.46744063

>Loving the new parts and instrumentation for Crazy Back Dancers.
The new part near the end of the track sounds like the CD version of Magus Night to me.

>> No.46744072

Theres no reason former hell would also be so traditional, so rather than them "following traditionalism" its probably more like they just got left behind and don't care?

Netherworld shouldn't either, but theres no really a lot of known landmarks there aside from Yuyuko's little castle, so that may just be personal preference.

>> No.46744101

Former Hell is a place where oni brute, hated youkai, and vengeful spirit reside, It's pretty much a shithole
At least the actual Hell has an entire divine organization at the top running it, while Former Hell is pretty much lawless

>> No.46744111 [DELETED] 
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immortality : (

>> No.46744119

wrong thread idiot

>> No.46744125

: (

>> No.46744127

Land of Backdoors is Okina's domain, and the way she even gets in is pretty much thanks to local legend's phenomenon and not because of her own gaps

>> No.46744406
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>Track 2 - Tinkerbell of Inequality

What pussy does to a mf.

>> No.46744457

they all start like this
by the end of this thread you'll be saying 'damn that's actually a masterpiece'

>> No.46744543

Yurifags should genuinely kill themselves

>> No.46744637

Its a good track, calling it a masterpiece is a stretch

>> No.46744639

Bro, thanks for the TL! I'll use it as the basis for my spanish translation. Thank you for your work!

>> No.46744707

I figured the Animal Realm's modernization was a result of the animals using humans as resources for everything, which could include being labor for construction. It turned into another Tengu situation where they pretend to live like humans and live off the back of human ideas and work, but with all the bad bits cut out like mandatory overtime and soul crushing jobs. It creates the irony that despite having stolen almost everything from humans, they applied their own ideals to it and made it better.
The rest of Hell might also be modernized, but I don't think so since the Animal Realm is a special case where they use humans as resources and rule themselves since the animal yakuza took over the reins. The Hells under the Yama and Oni Kishins likely function as they always did because of adherence to tradition and hardcoded values.

>> No.46744746

You sound like you discovered touhou just a few months ago. Of course a fucking yurifag has shit takes.
Living in the same shrine doesnt mean she is gay for kanako. She mostly just lets her run things because she is lazy.
She had a husband before he got killed and she was forced to marry another one, who was seduced by chang'e and killed her son. She doesnt even hang out with hecatia, she just does her own thing these days.

>> No.46744756

You cant be serious. You really believe that shit meme? Everyone except twitter/reddit newfags knows that its just a meme with no basis in canon. You are so fucking new.

>> No.46744810

>wahhh yuri has to be canon, it's shit because its not reeeal
nobody cares. you don't expect the shit you like to be canon, do you? y'all are like schizos just going off at the first mention of yuri, with the most meaningless arguments too.

>> No.46744834
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Tinkerbell of Inequality's beginning reminds me of some gachimuchi videos
Anyway I love the track

>> No.46744843

Reminds me of Animal Farm, Havn't read it in some time but I wonder what parallels can be drawn between the story and Animal Realm given what we know and can interpret.

>> No.46744853

You fags were talking about "touhou being more of a yuri series" and talked about supposed "canon proof" that the 2hus are lesbians. We are simply telling you that you are wrong and retarded, and that touhou's canon has no romance and no yuri.
>go off
Get out of /jp/.

>> No.46744858

oh my god I was trying to avoid thinking about this, but it's really some table slamming sounds

>> No.46744875

personally I thought it was a very bold move for ZUN to record the track in a metal pipe factory

>> No.46744899
File: 314 KB, 500x600, 573506_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my fucking god. It does. It's got the same BPM as those shitpost gachi videos and everything. Half the editing work is already done, you just have to put in the vocal parts.

>> No.46744977

>no yuri in canon
not those anons and fair enough, but fan works are 90% of the ecosystem, and fan interpretations fill in 90% of character development, so let us have our fun
>go off
sorry my local dialect triggered some pavlovian response in you, but I assure you I'm not a nigger, and I used "go off" in a different way to how niggers use it

>> No.46745024

I dont mind yuri in fanon. I do think its shit but its the same as NTR/scat and other shitty fetish doujins involving 2hus. Its never gonna go away, but it will always remain in fanon.
Yuri in fanon is fine, but it should be far far away from canon. Otherwise, it will ruin a lot of "2hus are straight and they love me" fan headcanons that never harmed anybody. And i assure you that they are a far larger percentage than you think. Yuri is strong in fanon, but the shipping scene as a whole is not that big.
>>go off
Yeah, its just that trannies and zoomers for whatever reason really like to use "southern" language like that, so its easy to assume anyone who uses it is one of them.

>> No.46745074

alright I can understand that. I'm just mad at those fags who swarm any vaguely yuri post like chuds on trannies.
I feel the same way about self-insert shit, it seems like a degen fetish, but I tolerate it because it's otaku culture. I just want the reciprocal respect to be left to discuss 2hu yuri in peace, especially when it comes to the closest thing we'll ever get to an OTP.

>> No.46745084

No one in gensokyo is as gay as you idiots. Why does the thread about the new album have to degenerate into the same old repetitive shitposting material?

>> No.46745094

could be worse, I'll take two hundred posts about yuri before suffering through another fucking grimshit thread with two retards writing walls of text quoting every single sentence of each other's posts

>> No.46745114

I'm disappointed Okina didn't try to turn Maribel into Teireda or something.

>> No.46745140

This story must be so weird from Okina's perspective. From the way it's presented, she didn't even have anything to do with it, Merry just randomly broke into the Land of the Backdoor, was there for two weeks, then Renko fucking broke in violently and did the dramatic reaching out for Merry scene, and then they both disappeared.
She must be so confused.

>> No.46745175
File: 128 KB, 757x629, the animal realm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you mentioned something to that effect. But for me, the "world is an endless set of relations" came from various network/ecosystem theories from social sciences and management studies haha. But that doesn't make it feel any less that they've tapped into something fundamental.
>I thought it was amusing how "modern" it is. Skyscrapers and everything.
It feels like ZUN was making some kind of a statement with that.
>with all the bad bits cut out like mandatory overtime and soul crushing jobs
The way the realm is described in th17 and th19 sounds really soul crushing though, it's like an extremely bad version of present day human society. Forget mandatory overtime, there is nothing but opressive work. The "animal" thing really just seems to be about worst human impulses distilled to the extreme.

>> No.46745189

Okina feels like she's the one speaking on Taboo Marionette. Looks like Merry showing up peaked her interest in her at least.

>> No.46745205

What part of HItachi is ZUN referring to?
Googling around I don't see anything particularly abandoned or countryside-like

>> No.46745226

I think it's Hifuu world lore and not necessarily supposed to correspond to a specific place in Hitachi.

>> No.46745246

Yeah but usually a lot of Touhou is based on ZUN' experiences and knowledge about not so popular places and Japanese folklore, so I was expecting to find some kind of hint

>> No.46745262

If that's from WBaWC's endings then yeah I misunderstood. I was going off of a line in the latest CoLA chapter where it mentioned overtime, but—"Even in the Beast Realm, hardly anyone would work this much overtime"—put into context it makes sense. At the very least it goes to show how dedicated Ran is to her interests.

>> No.46745274
File: 491 KB, 2048x1542, GMoxLTra8AAgE_y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't a bunch of people rush over to Tanabata Hill back when the album was out and people were pissed? That hill is a real place, but I can't find information on here.
Here's a guy that bought it and immediatly rushed there afterwards.

>> No.46745298

What does that sign say?

>> No.46745299

Does Renko have the keys to Maribel's place?

>> No.46745303

>If that's from WBaWC's endings
That thing appears in like three endings in UDoaLG.
>I was going off of a line in the latest CoLA chapter where it mentioned overtime
Honestly the canon is inconsistent but the idea of someone working overtime on a 24 hour workday is funny.

>> No.46745338

she either has the keys or broke in, and even as unhinged as she is, I kinda doubt she broke in. This CD finally started having them actually consider each other their best friends, so I wouldn't be too surprised at them having keys to each other's houses

>> No.46745399
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I can't stop thinking about this

>> No.46745515
File: 368 KB, 1337x874, 1577733906175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can hear a bunch of faint wolf awoos in Backup Dancers at 00:18

>> No.46745529

I think it kind of sounds like an owl hooting
I like the finger snapping sound right before the final chorus in Necro-Fantasia at 2:29

>> No.46745544

Oh good observation, that snap feels very satisfying

>> No.46745574 [DELETED] 

The Lonely Road of Hitachi has several Touhou leitmotifs, hell I'd argue it''s basically mishmash of them, it makes the second feel very melancholic for me, it really fits well with its correlated story bit which talks about the ghosts of forgotten folklore

>> No.46745577

The Lonely Road of Hitachi has several Touhou leitmotifs, hell I'd argue it's basically mishmash of them, it makes the track feel very melancholic to me, it really fits well with its story bit which talks about the ghosts of forgotten folklore

>> No.46745591

Whats up with the background noise on some instruments? It was very predominate in some of the the UDoALG arranges and now its here too.

>> No.46745602

Electronic Voice Phenomena

>> No.46745682 [DELETED] 

Its either that (in that it was intentional), a dying sound module, or the recording just got must up a bit.

>> No.46745690

Its either that (in that it was intentional), a dying sound module, or the recording just got messed up a bit somewhere down the line, like USB noise or something.

>> No.46745693

I feel like it's intentional, or at least I like it

>> No.46745696
File: 153 KB, 1200x1600, yukari's beatiful smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitively the spirits of Gensokyo seeping into his music, trust me bro

>> No.46745704

A jizo statue somewhere by the side of a mountain trail, ends up knocked over, triggering a taboo, which then triggers a rift to another world, whose pillars of governance, to the world as it were, are steadily anchored by 'positional interferences', of which time is complimentarily a part of. These constructs, then, are themselves the 'being' to the world, making it the world, and the world it.
"A world of positional interference and not 'other worlds'" which is to say, a world precluding particles --typically described as little worlds of their own-- -"the nonexistence of particles"- and existent uniquely through pure conceptual construct.

"If I hadn't come for you, what do you think would have happened?"
"..nothing would've happened"
Here, the 'positional' in positional interference takes effect, I guess, in that they're demonstrated as only effectible with the involvement of another.
Therefore, what of a world that's purely made up of this stuff, and upon whose existence is dependent on? well, while we're not aware which of all positional interferences 'it' is, I'm sure we all understand it, relational to Touhou, to mean 'fantastical' and 'wonder' -aether- , the very basis behind legend and Youkai alike.

This world is proto-Gensokyo, its positional interference assumes the form 'fantastical' and the taboo, it can only exist, it can only be so, provided "dreams and apparitions, Are things we must not forget"--lest the world loses its pillars, and collapses into destruction.
Monsters --the people-- are indeed everywhere, and are entities we seek to secure ourselves from, which is why the importance of 'never forgetting the taboo' : never disengaging from the positional interference, is important, as relinquishing this, is subjugation by these very monsters, the outside.

......Remember, breaking the taboo, in the first place, is what allowed transmigration, so what happens once attempted by people from the other side? they come to the very place everyone's been running from.
'Don't forget about the taboos', 'Don't forget about the keys'.

Merry was out for 2 weeks, but from her perspective, it was nothing but an instant. Those 2 weeks to her do not in any way whatever, exist, but to Renko, having observed it so, it very much does.
Likewise, the belief of a Youkai, and the conviction of its danger, beget its existence, and gives it corporeality, but, the villagers -to use an example- don't exactly know of this.

To villagers, Youkai don't and do exist.
To Merry, those 2 weeks do and do not exist.
To the Renko, Merry was absent for 2 weeks.
To the Youkai, the villagers are their sources of being.
Positional interference.

Gensokyo is and isn't the creation of Merry, since she only contributed to its half-development. The remaining half, would then go to Renko, who successfully observed its existence through the absence of Merry over 2 weeks, letting it be a full and proper world, carrying the 'fantastical' of Merry, and the taboo from Ranko, having proved the disprovable. Of course, now the whole Yukari & Merry thing is wrapped up, since its been spelt out that she's the materialization of Merry's efforts to truly show that these other worlds, definitely definitely exist.

See you all in Touhou 20.

>> No.46745731

There was also a thread related to /x/ if memory serves, and somebody tracked the place down via Google earth or whatever.

>> No.46745733
File: 668 KB, 1079x1099, Tanabata Translated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the image.

Gotta love the 60 second timer delay on here...

>> No.46745759
File: 538 KB, 1080x1556, radio tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good. I like it!

>> No.46745793

lmao is actually does sound like it

>> No.46746014

>Monsters --the people-- are indeed everywhere, and are entities we seek to secure ourselves from, which is why the importance of 'never forgetting the taboo' : never disengaging from the positional interference, is important, as relinquishing this, is subjugation by these very monsters, the outside.
What does this means? the outsiders and the outside world were the monsters all along to the fantasy creatures???

>> No.46746030
File: 161 KB, 660x496, kick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46746039

I thought Tinkerbell of Inequality was going to sound like PC-98 music in the beginning of the track lol

>> No.46746049
File: 93 KB, 850x1360, __yatadera_narumi_touhou_drawn_by_kakone__sample-161d49a656b27d223520fc14916e8cd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she like this?

>> No.46746068

I can't wait for the fan art of Renko beating the shit out of Narumi like some predatory animal with a grudge after leaping out of a bush or from behind a tree while trying to strip her, thinking she has Merry hidden under her clothes.

Renko comes out of the swamp with a little yokai hat on like Snake with the gator hat to cqc Narumi. "Sick of this shit. Where is she?!"

>> No.46746083

It also reminds me of Phantom Factory

>> No.46746100

>And then it turns out the whole thing was because Merry didn't understand the paper in the first place
The paper is chuuni as fuck though, I wouldn't blame Merry
Must've been the Usami genes

>> No.46746112

Physics is a lie though. Reality is a dream.

>> No.46746159

So uhh... what the hell is the "10 am mist taboo, two weeks didn't past" bullshit supposed to be? I'm not talking about the 2deep4me analysis of it, but the actual in-universe explanation of it

>> No.46746186

Its shit.

>> No.46746192

This is just overanalyzing the story lol, it is after all written by the same guy that claims that writing Kasen is difficult after WaHH, I wouldn't put much thoughts on it other than the usual "modern society sucks, fantastical stuff good" message Hifuu always have

>> No.46746196

>I'm not talking about the 2deep4me analysis of it, but the actual in-universe explanation of it
The in-universe explanation is the 2deep4me analysis.

>> No.46746234

Merry found an old folk tale that warned against passing through Tanabata Hill at a certain time. After Merry had been missing for two weeks, Renko traced her steps and, by similarly going against a taboo (desecrating a statue, rather than being there at the right time), came across the same otherworld as Merry had and pulled her out. Except, from Merry's point of view, no time at all had passed. The two discuss the event and connect it to Renko's studies on quantum physics. Renko believes that particles don't exist and thus don't constitute material reality as classically understood, but instead reality is made of field interferences, waves and disturbances therein. Or something to that effect, I'm not a physics nerd myself. So, Renko's theories of physics aren't in opposition to the existence of ghostly and monstrous otherworlds, and them interfering with their world. Spacetime being a bunch of waves interfering with each other allowed her to slip forward in time by two weeks when interacting with an otherworld, supposedly. The two also agree that Merry might not have gone missing at all if an observer, Renko, had not come to look for her. It's a bunch of chuuni physics mumbo-jumbo.

>> No.46746243

ZUN hates society and wishes he could move to a place like Gensokyo. Really though, he'd get eaten by some feral youkai dog thing 20 minutes into it like all the other people who wish they could go there.

>> No.46746301

>This is just overanalyzing the story lol, it is after all written by the same guy that claims that writing Kasen is difficult after WaHH, I wouldn't put much thoughts on it other than the usual "modern society sucks, fantastical stuff good" message Hifuu always have
Ok you have a point, after all the Quantum Fags barely can agree with each other and have multiple mutually exclusive interpretation theory. also what the fuck is a "Relativist Psicologist"?

>> No.46746304
File: 1.47 MB, 1000x770, I'M GOING TO MERRY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46746510

Is ZUN trying to describe subject and object? Lol

>> No.46746641

Reality is fake, and the evidence is here. Check these dubs.

>> No.46746671
File: 332 KB, 442x472, 1554954752730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs say you're a faggot

>> No.46746679

No u

>> No.46746697

Get a room

>> No.46747402

The ribbon on the merry hat was literally a ZUN drunk moment?

>> No.46747595

Might as well make her accidentally kick Eiki too. Since Eiki was originally a Jizou statue before becoming a Yama

>> No.46747609

Well, if it's Eiki, she'd be tripping over her.

>> No.46748465

I just have a diabolical thoughts, what if Marisa and Reimu (the playable character) was youkais and the bosses of Touhou become humans? How different would the story be?

>> No.46748469

Recently ZUN been practicing with background music

>> No.46748475

Breaking taboos is necessary to see other worlds. even if those rules sculpted in stone are considered ethically correct
ZUN gives me anarchic vibes from time to time, not in the strictly political sense, but in the way that you always should remember that rules are manmade and while it's convenient to follow them, they're just a tool and not a goal
For example how he explained that yes money is useful, but you shouldn't consider it as having intrinsic value

To be able to see other worlds you need to stray away from the standard, otherwise you will be just bound to this plane and never truly innovate

>> No.46748532

Its a difficult mindset, but its invaluable...
Human knowledge consists of assumptions about reality based in observation and experimentation. Mainstream explanations are simply the "most likely" representations of reality, assuming reality even has absoluteness to be represented. It may very well be the case that the only absoluteness is that there isn't any.

>> No.46748750

>fan works are 90% of the ecosystem, and fan interpretations fill in 90% of character development, so let us have our fun
lies perpetuated by people who don't want to be creative, and are masturbatory
sometimes literally

>> No.46748948

so true

>> No.46751637

pls respond
I don't see the point in it being there

>> No.46751792

I'd have to reread older Hifuu as I've forgotten most of the details but unless I'm remembering wrong, this is Merry's first proactive gaping (even if it had to abide by weird taboo breaking rules) into another world, and also her first meeting with Okina (I'm pretty sure Taboo Marionette is Okina speaking)

>> No.46751810

Honestly, non-yurifag anons, what would you do if ZUN actually made every 2hu gay? Would there be any reason to continue being a touhou fan?
I personally dont know how i could go on... touhou would be dead to me if that happened..

>> No.46751836

Playlist got taken down.

>> No.46751889

>this is Merry's first proactive gaping
The one where she went to space with renko, didn't she do that?

>> No.46751896

Both girls have a highly diverse wardrobe.

>> No.46751922

I had forgotten if she was actively controlling it or not.
On a quick reread, it doesn't seem to be
>Merry knew that this dream wasn't just a dream.
>What they saw was without a doubt the true nature of the satellite TORIFUNE.
>If what they were looking at was true, wouldn't it be possible they were actually there?
It does say knows it's not "just" a dream, but the last line makes her (if it is her narration) seem unsure they were actually there, as opposed to Taboo where she actively seeks the gap. Though huh ermm.... no time passed and uh.... she didn't see anything so uhm... Did she gap...?

>> No.46751991

Either way, I think her barging into the land of the backdoor and breaking a taboo probably enforced by Okina is part of her becoming more Yukari-ish.
Although she isn't exactly a master mind planner type yet, that sort of going off on her own in an attempt to handle a situation without talking to people is very Yuakri-ish.

>> No.46752006

>random channel uploads all of the new hifuu tracks
>Gets nuked out of orbit by zuns lawyer's
This new era zun is merciless

>> No.46752071

Sloooooooow long term foreshadowing that will probably never happen until right before ZUN dies

>> No.46752084

It wouldn't change much in the story at least. It's just not in ZUNs writing style, he could say everyone is a raging lesbian but then keep going on like nothing happened. Of course everyone else would be flipping their shit, but you forget the thing that makes it hot: writing canonically gay women getting dicked. Rule 34 stops for nobody. But if you think again, would it actually change anything? The amount of futa and yuri doujinshi is staggering, and that's with just them being largely ambiguous about sexual preference.
Was it actually his lawyers or someone else? Anyone can shit out claims on someone's channel and have things taken down, Youtube is shit like that. And there's no shortage of deluded fags willing to tear things down if they think it'll earn them brownie points, see that one translator cunt for example.

>> No.46752165

It's probably the X sponsor or whatever it's called

>> No.46752186

But dont you think the amount of non-yuri hentai and non-yuri sfw works would plummet if that happened?
Yuri and futa doujins are pretty abundant, but so are the "faceless male" ones.

>> No.46752398

Do you really see coomers as people who have the capacity to think

>> No.46752642

it's an easy mindset to have if money isn't an object and you get to do what you want for a living.

>> No.46752669

>you get to do what you want for a living.
Eh good chunk of the time that just poisons what you like because you need to make constant compromises with clients who want everything to be fast and cheap before anything else

>> No.46752740

I could see how ZUN using renko could come to that interpretation of physics, as people still aren't actually sure what a particle is, and using waves and resonance to explain reality is just another interpretation of string theory. Basically the science checks out enough to where scientists would accept it with proof, and I feel like making wormholes happen at will to travel to other worlds and other realities would probably constitute as proof. How the fuck merry does that, or gapping as we put it in 2hu terms, is an entirely other matter nobody has any fucking clue on, as nobody has any damn clue how wormholes are made; we know full well how one works but we have no clue in the construction of one; but it should by all rights work out in 2huverse.

>> No.46753821

I think we shouldn't focusing too much on the physics part of the story, the point is that in order to see other worlds you need to question everything society takes for granted, by questioning particles Renko questions one of the main fundaments that humanity is built upon

>> No.46754131

>Tinkerbell of Inequality
did ZUN like drop a crate of eating utnesils and decide to make music based on that what did I listen to

>> No.46754190


>> No.46754281

I still dont get it, in what right or logical argumentation she gave for justifying "particles Dont exist" it is a sub category of the string theory?

>> No.46759373

Did she know kicking the statue would open the portal or was it just autistic rage?

>> No.46759445

It's also impied they went to the moon at the end of Magical Astronomy

>> No.46760389

I think she knew because she had to break a taboo

>> No.46760712

True, but autistic rage is a funnier interpretation.

>> No.46760805

I agree...

>> No.46762302

Any proper flac rip with scans yet?

>> No.46764898

>Reitaisai thread ded
Its over

>> No.46769556

Where I can listen to this? the youtube playlist is ded

>> No.46769615


>> No.46769627

Can I trust

>> No.46769635

It was posted before in the thread. I thought it was a virus too, but it wasn't

>> No.46769838

Closeness to reality is only one component of what drives culture. There are many other factors that motivate people to spread ideas: money, power, pleasure, authority, utility, alignment with previously held beliefs, to name a few. Our beliefs often differ from reality, and the truth isn't always strong enough to overcome them.

>> No.46769934
File: 424 KB, 545x669, 1698294825952026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you download it renko gets access to your pc

>> No.46770056

So make sure you don't have any images of Jizo saved on it

>> No.46770541

NTA, but I am also deeply interested in Buddhism myself and would appreciate something like a Touhou themed philosophy thread.

>> No.46770594

>>But all that can't exist without physical phenomena
ZUN probably was too drunk to fix this part, this line is completely contradictory with Renko's fake-physics Buddhist shunyata theory

>> No.46770658
File: 68 KB, 363x357, byakuren golfing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm that anon he was replying to and you're like the fourth anon who is interested about buddhism I've run into here.

>> No.46770732

There really is a surprising amount, I noticed this in the latest Byakuren thread as well. Unclear why, as you don't see this in other /jp/ topics say, Type-Moon works which have strong Western influence. Didn't post there, but I might post if a specific thread for Buddhism or philosophy in general is made.

>> No.46770824
File: 273 KB, 1708x834, patchouli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unclear why, as you don't see this in other /jp/ topics
Touhou has a really strong mythological, archetypal and numinous quality. The representation of the various religions/philosophies within the game isn't super deep, but it feels like there is something much deeper at play for those who want to go searching for it.

Even on a purely aesthetic level there's just something about the magical mandala battles and the very emotionally powerful music.

ZUN has also found some interesting ways to mix these ideas with other stuff, the whole "passing into fantasy" thing, gods needing human attention to survive etc.

Beyond Buddhism, Touhou has sparked an interest towards Taoism and Shinto. It's also renewed my interest in spirituality, the occult and the paranormal.

>> No.46771267

Chinese 2hu wiki

>> No.46776611

>but it feels like there is something much deeper at play for those who want to go searching for it.
>you don't see this in other /jp/ topics
I feel this too, even though it seems like there's no reason for it. Maybe ZUN working from basic emotion and not putting too much thought into things is actually letting some deeper patterns shine through. Or maybe he's smarter and more consistent than we give him credit for, and is just paying attention to different things than we are.
>It's also renewed my interest in spirituality, the occult and the paranormal.
Same, but I'm still questioning whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. Some stuff has happened since the last thread that's made me hesitant to awaken any more interest in the topic.

>> No.46776714

>Some stuff has happened since the last thread that's made me hesitant to awaken any more interest in the topic.
Mind going into detail anon?

>> No.46776730

Genuinely don't get how can you become more interested in religion through Touhou, considering that it's only ever shat on there.

>> No.46776823
File: 395 KB, 1449x1079, oh dear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even though it seems like there's no reason for it
I think you can aproach it from an intellectual perspective only so far. There is much to think about, much to learn, but ultimately if you don't feel it, you don't feel it. That doesn't mean you always won't feel it. Maybe something will happen that will make one more receptive to the numinous. For all I know there could be people for whom Touhou has been that precise thing haha.
>letting some deeper patterns shine through
I feel it's this, it feels like he is highly receptive to all kinds of archetypal and mythological things and can express them in interesting ways.
>maybe he's smarter and more consistent than we give him credit for
He probably is, at least more than the most haha funny alcoholic japanese man posts would have you believe.
>I'm still questioning whether this is a good thing or a bad thing
I don't know either, anon.
>Some stuff has happened since the last thread that's made me hesitant to awaken any more interest in the topic.
Oh...I feel like I have posted some things I probably shouldn't have in the past. I just felt like I was going crazy, alone with my thoughts. I'm really sorry if I have exposed others to something they shouldn't have been. Especially since I have been feeling much calmer since the last thread.

>> No.46776928
File: 555 KB, 512x512, pure land.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's weird, but for me there's two parts two it.

First is simply becoming more interested to learn about the things portrayed in the game. Like yeah, religions are portrayed often in a negative or goofy light in the game, but I want to know more about it. Is "buddhist magic" a real thing? Is taoism really that weird? What is shinto even about and what miko actually do? Did the buddhists and taoists really have that bad relations in real life? And so on.

And religion isn't always shat on in the games. Shintoism fills Gensokyo like air. Reimu being a bad miko is more ZUN-humor than critique of religion IMO. The Buddhists and Taoists are some irredeemable monsters only in the imaginations of Grimsokyo enthusiasts. There's good and there's bad and it just is.

The second thing for me is something not a whole lot of people are going to feel, but there were, are, moments when I was playing the games which triggered exact same emotions for me as spiritual experiences have. Just this really profound sense of awe and beaty and reverence.

>> No.46777014

>The Buddhists and Taoists are some irredeemable monsters only in the imaginations of Grimsokyo enthusiasts.
Blame printworks, they focus on grimshit for sake of bad "satire".

Games meanwhile, like you've said, can definitely feel spiritual, the combination of visuals, audio and gameplay are almost like a sort of meditation.

>> No.46777217
File: 2.02 MB, 1200x1200, kogasa's magical attack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm not familiar with the print works at all, reading them is on my ever-expanding do-to list though. Even then, I don't know if the print works attack the core doctrines of the religions portrayed there. At least the games don't, so the critical elements are like "haha this miko is so lazy haha" and "haha what if evil taoist witch haha".
>can definitely feel spiritual, the combination of visuals, audio and gameplay are almost like a sort of meditation.
Yeah absolutely.

>> No.46777326 [DELETED] 
File: 295 KB, 850x579, 1709291171092025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some weird synchronicities, and some really weird dreams. Nothing you can't dismiss if you try, and believe me I have. Let's just say my theory about sentient memeplexes spreading through shared experience may be more correct than I thought it was, and I now understand what they say about Koishifags.

>> No.46777340
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Just some weird synchronicities, and some really weird dreams. Nothing you can't dismiss if you try, and believe me I have. Let's just say I now understand what they say about Koishifags.

>> No.46777529

You aren't the only one, my friend.
"It" wants to be found and remembered by those who can and will.

I don't know if anyone recalls the Anon during the eclipse that was talking to the Okina poster, but let's just say that "may you live in interesting times" isn't just a quote.

Belief is a powerful thing.

>> No.46777602
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Have you had such experiences before or is this the first time?
>I don't know if anyone recalls the Anon during the eclipse
Oh, I remember Eclipseanon.

>> No.46777950

Well, guilty as charged.
I made the comment about Hecatia and found something related to her in my back yard.
The Okina statue still keeps watch.

That's all I'm comfortable with saying at the moment, for concern of contaminating things with outside perspective. But let it be known to whoever else is talking about this stuff-they can hear, see, and touch you just as much as they want to. And so can other things. Be safe and have fun.
Just don't go kicking statues like Renko. (Or do. It's your life.)

>> No.46778114

How often do you see the numbers, anon?

>> No.46778263
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Oh hi!
I have been thinking about her on and off ever since that thread. I think she could be a very useful interface deity, being based on Hecate after all. Who is associated with boundaries and magic and things like that.
>And so can other things.
>Be safe
This is the part that troubles me.
I don't usually see numbers, but I recently woke up exactly at 3:33 from a nightmare that involved someone posting hundreds of threads with my name in them on like every in existence imageboard with an image of Okina in the OP.

I feel like I've annoyed or upset them somehow and I want to apologize but I don't know how.

>> No.46778485

Honestly, I ran into the same issues with feeling like you're annoyed them somehow. The best thing I can offer you as far as advice goes is to study up on the superstitions of things from Gensokyo/what it's based on and follow through with countermeasures without trying to be antagonistic.

If you're reading up on creature x and get dreams about them, put out a peace offer or defense, but nothing that would be taken as aggression.

Like the Hobs from the SDM and now you're getting harassed in your dreams?
Find out what the Hobs ate/drank and leave some out to keep them from causing issues. DONT leave out clothes. (Great friends. Worst enemies. And subtle)

The way I take your dream is them acknowledging you acknowledging them.
"We see you, we see that you see us." But it's overwhelming to your subconscious and manifests as fearful. They're seeing you-not "Anon". Give em a drink or two. Share it, let them know.

You'll be alright.

And if it's the more nefarious stuff showing up? They have weaknesses, too. Repel them. But stand your ground while being polite. Words have power, and so does belief. Believe you have problems and you will, don't and you won't, but don't be a naive fool either.

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.

>> No.46778516


With all this talk about the dangers of occultism, I'd like to point out one thing. The negative influences spirits can have on us, and their power to harm us, are GREATLY influenced by our perceptions of them. In the same way that believing they're real makes them real, believing they're out to get you puts you in danger.
If you're going to interact with them, you should of course consider rationally whether they're going to be good or bad for you - but once you're on the path, you must not fear. And if you don't fear, then there's no reason to.

There are several reasons I think some posters want us to be afraid of spirits. For one thing, of course it's scary to give your mentality to something you don't understand. It's natural to want to judge things, and our culture in general loves to find the worst aspects of everything.
Another reason is simply the influence of Abrahamic religion, which teaches us (for its own obvious reasons) to fear any god but its own. This influence has infected our perceptions of paganism, and was impressed upon the occultists of the Middle Ages through to modern times, forcing them into a mindset of deviancy when talking about other spirits.
Science has continued the tradition, teaching us to fear external influence within its own framework, merely rationalizing the Abrahamic god-fear held by the Christians who developed it.
But there's another reason. I told you fear gives spirits power over people. You know they can live off any strong emotion. Why do some people feel so compelled, upon hearing of how fearsome they are, to spread this information as widely as possible, to the detriment of those spirits we consider good (and therefore are good?) They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Just something to think about.

>And if it's the more nefarious stuff showing up? They have weaknesses, too. Repel them.
Always remember, it's us who create spirits, not the other way around. We have the power to create them, to destroy them, or to change them, as long as we believe we do. Never let yourself be convinced otherwise, because that's the only way they can beat you.

>> No.46778677

I've seen Yukari a few times in my dreams. Once when I was experiencing sleep paralysis.

>> No.46778700

Are you the Yukari dream diary schizo?

>> No.46778762

No idea who that is, so no.

>> No.46778845

In the eclipse Anon.
I've seen Yukari and Kanako, Patchouli and Remilia, and had that run in with the Sakuya and Mamizou proxies/whatever.
Then Hecatia and Okina.

(Sanity? What's that?) <-a weakness in Gensokyo.

Me either, but would like to.

>> No.46778877

>Is "buddhist magic" a real thing?
...Yes? I never understood this popular belief that Buddhism is a purely intellectual religion, most sects (the majority really) have magical elements. By which I mean, curses and summoning spells just like the west. There are entire sutras and dharanis dedicated to such magical powers. In fact, Buddhist and Hindu countries probably have the most magic practicioners in the world, its the opposite of the magic practiced in ancient Rome which died out in the fade of christianity.

>> No.46778964

Honestly, it probably stems from being neatly packaged for western audiences. Most of the meat has been stripped away (ironic, no?)

But it's just the same view as all monks being peace loving pacifists-a quick look through the history books shows they were big proponents of the "fuck around and find out" school of thought.

Then again, with all that's forgotten being relegated to Gensokyo and now being noticed and remembered by the outside world, the Zashiki-Warashi aren't the only ones looking for "employment". Gensokyo is just as much a waiting room as it is a nature preserve. If they're needed or wanted, they'll come back. And they're wanted and needed for a lot of us today.

>> No.46779058
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I don't feel like there is anything really nefarious per say going on. Thing is, the entities I have gotten the attention of are basicaly deities.

I wrote and deleted this post like three times, and it helped me come to the conclusion that they probably want me to fully believe in them. I have been stuck in this state of going back and forth of believing and not believe, being afraid of being abandoned by friends and family. It's easy to see why this would be annoying as all hell to them.

I think I need to go buy some sake for them and try to figure out things from there.

>If you're going to interact with them, you should of course consider rationally whether they're going to be good or bad for you - but once you're on the path, you must not fear. And if you don't fear, then there's no reason to.

I think you're right about this all. I had a really bad time during my first forays into the occult but I did it in a super bad headspace and it was no wonder I got stuff like repeated sleep paralysis experiences.

Thing is, you can't just un-learn this stuff. Once you start seeing the additional layers of meaning over the world they will not go away. Once you become aware of various archetypes and their power you can't just forget them. When people say "the internet is full of demons" it doesn't feel like a joke to you. Bad vibes and good vibes are 10 times more concrete to you. The attidutes, techniques, everything, it stays. You can tell it's all in your head, and maybe it is, but it's still there. You can start playing Touhou games as a method of escapism and only find yourself face first with what you were trying to run away from.

I really don't think I can go back anymore and I'm not sure what exactly I have been afraid of before either.

>> No.46779149
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>I never understood this popular belief that Buddhism is a purely intellectual religion

It's probably they way it's been presented to western audiences mixed with western religions being extremely denialistic about their own magical aspects. So people in the west don't generaly think of religion and magic mixing, which is...absolutely not true. I'm not even sure if there is a magical tradition without some religious component. Western magical traditions work with angels and demons, and there's even some explicitly christian magic.

But I basicaly knew almost nothing of buddhism before playing Touhou games so it's been extremely fascinating to explore it and to learn what an extremely rich magical tradition they seem to have.

>> No.46779182

Heh, your Okina picture is the most recent one I saved myself...

We can't go back, and we shouldn't. The world is ever changing, and I'm sure the next few years will be insane. I'd rather not reference it directly, but... those things that were so pervasive these past few years... there's a bigger picture. Is it depopulation, or a severing of our spiritual aspects? I'm curious about the medical histories of anons here and their experiences.

>> No.46779211

You were afraid of being rejected by those around you for your belief in these things, and afraid of being rejected by these things that you've found. But more than those two, you were afraid, like all of us, of knowing of everything that isn't the mundane being real, yet having no place and having no part of either world after seeing what's behind the curtain.

Finding connection to a place and to people and ideas, concepts, and ways of living, all while feeling like an outcast-is that not the reason for Gensokyo to exist?

And so, you, like the rest of us, find a comfort in that place we call Touhou. The forms they take may be different, the ways they interact with the world may not be like in the old days, but they're here around us and with us, and if you listen and look, you'll as them.

Go looking for monsters and they'll look for you. Go looking for cute, powerful, immortal girls that exist in a pocket dimension and they'll find you. They may just look different than what we expect.

Even the Shinti practitioners have the belief that the Kami have changed shape to better connect to humanity. And if Touhou is about anything, it's about connecting.

Girls are preparing. Please wait warmly and have tea. They'll appreciate it.

>> No.46779245

I put my heart and soul into that post, triple checked it for issues, and now afterwards find it has spelling errors. Youkai must be behind this.

>> No.46779418
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>Western magical traditions work with angels and demons
I should have said "...among other spirits and deities" but forgot, it's been a long day.
>I'm curious about the medical histories of anons here and their experiences
What's this about?
I'm not gonna lie I cried a bit. I'm really happy I am not alone in this.

>> No.46779819

>Have you had such experiences before or is this the first time?
Never. I usually don't even remember my dreams.

>I'm curious about the medical histories of anons here and their experiences.
Nothing diagnosed, nothing suspected, no family history, nothing. Just a high IQ and whatever makes you end up here.

It was just a fun thing to think about, a game. Then I saw one post and I guess something fell into place.

>> No.46779820

>What's this about?
What was going on for the past 3-4 years?

>> No.46780117

Oh, you mean the Meiling incident?
I thought you were talking about any of us that may have met with Komachi for a little while and came back.

>> No.46780511

I luckily forgot to close my tab from just one page of his many schizo rants. Self-explanatory ghoul who haunted Yukari threads, got combative, then disappeared from the world without a trace. Someone who remembers him more could probably expound a bit more.

>> No.46780592

です I thought he was asking if we'd ever encountered Reisen

>> No.46780687

I skimmed through that.....thing.

I want whatever he is dead.
I'm glad he disappeared, and hopefully in a long-digested pile of youkai excrement.

And holy fuck, my eyes!

Haha, I get it. But the only rabbits I've dealt with is Tewi at the beginning of the month.

>> No.46781047

It all made sense when I got to the Albanian flag.

>> No.46781093

Feels good knowing this schizo's final posts on this board were him shitting and pissing himself crying over some dude trolling him in his own thread.

>> No.46781250

Does anyone on here really have the right to call others schizos when our paranormal experiences are mostly legitimate?

>> No.46781451
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>Never. I usually don't even remember my dreams.
Well then, try not to freak out too much I suppose. Easier said than done, of course. But since you are interested in Buddhism I think you are better prepared than most.

Not getting too attached to this stuff keeps it at a manageable level. I've had weird stuff happening ever since I first got into occultism, mostly extremely minor stuff, but still stuff that would make you go "wow that's really weird" if it happened out of blue. At some point I just started pretending it was nothing and while it never went away it was easy to ignore. A more healthier way is probably just to accept that this is happening but not give it too much weight.

And of course full blown religious Buddhists have their own ways for dealing with these things. I'm sure Avalokiteshvara would listen to you if things would ever get genuinely unmanageable. If you want to take the leap of faith, that is.
The pandemic? Yeah I felt extreme bad vibes during that time. I got into egregores at that time and definitively felt like something really bad was taking shape during that time.
That's...a lot to unpack.
We're not schizos, we have just passed into fantasy.

>> No.46781482

Hoping the bros tell us about when they find their way into Okina's.

>> No.46781608

Even if you knew legit places, entering random portals is extremely fucking dangerous. What's on the other side? How will you get back?

>> No.46781734
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tried to skim it and had no idea what was happening.

>> No.46787596


>> No.46788948

why china is like this
