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4672183 No.4672183 [Reply] [Original]

You come home to find your waifu dressed in a slutty outfit trying to seduce you clumsily. When enquired, she says she’s frustrated because you’re not having enough sex with her. This is despite your nightly hot dickings.

What do you do?

>> No.4672185

Wake up.

>> No.4672186

Do whatever she wants. I lost my one and only girlfriend because of this.

>> No.4672187

That depends.

Do you want her cheating on you or not?

>> No.4672195

OP is closet gay and goes through roommate after roommate on his quest to be sufficiently inappropriate to actually get kicked out of college and become a NEET.

>> No.4672199
File: 635 KB, 2000x2829, Hakan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4672205

Fuck you.

>> No.4672210



>> No.4672216

>When enquired
Wait a fucking second here.
Your waifu is seducing you and instead of plugging her every hole you ask her "why" ?!
OP confirmed for gay.

>> No.4672226

Inquire whether she is frustrated.

>> No.4672263

Well, women are beasts. If you aren't able to satisfy all her sexual urges, she will cheat on you. So you have to bang her so hard she can't even get out of the house anymore.

>> No.4672286

OP, you don't think your roommate's getting enough weird VN-related come-ons from you every day?

>> No.4672304

I'll do whatever makes her happy, obviously

>> No.4672703

god what i would do for a girl who wants MORE than nightly dickings...

>> No.4672710

Admire her messy hair

>> No.4672718


Let's have sex all night, no, until one of us passes out.


>> No.4672738

This. If you wouldn't do it anyway given the opportunity, you don't really love her anyway.

>> No.4672769

Bullshit, I only want to violate women I hate.

>> No.4672789

Confirmed for vengeful gay.

>> No.4672804

Have more sex with her.

Its a shame women don't want to touch me.

>> No.4672806

I'm actually a nice and forgiving person who rarely blames someone for their actions. I just have a fetish for cocky women getting broken down.

>> No.4672836

have raeg sex all day/night until her legs become useless.

>> No.4672850

Sop posting that messy haired bitch.

>> No.4672854

What is "hot dickings"?

>> No.4672862

I'd do what she wants, though it's pretty hard for me to imagine Yui doing that. Anyway I want to make her happy, no matter what. ;_;

>> No.4672893

Girl in OP's pic looks like this retard girl who used to go to the same school as me. She was always dirty and smelly, and her hair looked exactly like that. I always wanted to beat her with a chair when she was near me.

>> No.4672902

Why is this game only for PS2? ;_;

>> No.4675088
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>trying to seduce you clumsily.
I wouldn't marry her in the first place if she didn't know how to seduce me and I didn't know how to satisfy her.

>> No.4675109

>hot dickings

Uhh wat
