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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 50 KB, 251x251, renpy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4671274 No.4671274 [Reply] [Original]

http://www.random.org/integers/ put in 1-150

Play game with the number you receive on this list.



>> No.4671290

>142. Heiress II

Finding himself at a gala charity evening on a luxury airship, Mikhail is part of a "date auction". Surprisingly, the highest bidder for him is the richest woman on board, Cen Isyanina.


>> No.4671292

>put in 1-150
What? Shouldn't it be 1-189?

>> No.4671296

Yeah I'm retarded.

>> No.4671294

Actually, random.org rolls anything you want, so you're better off rolling 1d189 for the full spectrum of horrible!

I'll also throw my old game into the pot as number 190, it is just as bad as any other Ren'py game anyway.


>> No.4671307

>73. The Forgotten and Wishful Days

You play as Kelvin, who lives happily at a remote village, or does he? Actually not, since he lives under his skilled, popular brother's shadow... He feels that his existence is nonsense. However, he is saved by a young soldier, who treats him as his little brother despite Kelvin's reactions to him. Soon, Kelvin realizes that his life has meaning....for the one who saved him......

Oh fuck god damn no

>> No.4671308

It's like this almost isn't a roulette thread.

>> No.4671318
File: 73 KB, 560x420, ep2promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

67. Yuri no Yume

Yuri no Yume is a romance between two young girls caught up in dark mysteries - Phoebe, sweet and innocent and strangely obedient, and Chelomnya, haunted by dreams that creep into the waking world.

"Yuri? Well, girl on girl can never be that bad."
Then this image.

>> No.4671324

It's not as bad when they actually play through and review the games.

>> No.4671327

Man what a long list of shitty games without any interest, whether artwise or storywise...
Sorry, but I can't bring myself to play any of these. Also there seems to be a lot of furr

>> No.4671363

Young Guy is sad that his brother leaves for the military and cares more about his job than for him.
Something happens in his hometown, his brother and his military friend come to help and he moves with the two in a house.
Decisions who to choose. Brother or the other guy. MC behaves like a little girl in love with some piano music in between.

>> No.4671366

I remember playing this, there are only trials and none of the story makes any fucking sense.

>> No.4671372


Sounds like a disease.

>> No.4671382
File: 450 KB, 800x600, screenshot0008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh gee... look what I picked!...

130 - Lucky me I guess...

>> No.4671393
File: 119 KB, 647x512, Small bombs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so far my character has told us that he manwhores for an organization that uses its funds to make News more informative and so that it reaches more people. Also that he's a professional Baker. Now the richest bitch in this place decides she wants to ride me and I'm all like AWESOME!

Then it turns into Umineko Style fuckery.

>> No.4671400

I bet the poison was in the guy's cum.

>> No.4671404
File: 36 KB, 150x113, ross1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>42. Ross and his Cool Trip to School

Help Ross get safely to school - a training game for 5-7 years olds. Contains narration, sound and a scoring system.

hahhahaa, perfect. Too bad that geocities is no more.

>> No.4671406

its stuff like this that makes me terrified to actually start writing ;_;

>> No.4671413

oh, and

167. Remembering Amie

On the cusp of adulthood, Francis remembers his childhood friend Amie.

>> No.4671417

>78. Sexual Fantasy Kingdom Vol 2: Futanari Elves

All elves in the kingdom are beautiful futanari. Features 7 animated scenes, 25 animated positions with multiple camera angles, and over 70 CG images. Volume 2 has improved animation, high-resolution images, realistic hair, and improved 3D modeling of clothing.

>> No.4671422
File: 97 KB, 800x600, miraiimouto01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MSPaint, the VN

>> No.4671425

Actually you're surprisingly close.

Also I'm I'm totally hitting this before it dies, Fuck getting this bitch to the hospital.

>> No.4671436
File: 123 KB, 800x600, 3658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry... it's only in the beginning... you'll get use to it...

Rolling again since >>4671382
is invalid due to conflict of interests...

Put 1-200 in random number generator
Get - 183

>A compilation of short stories, including "Five Minutes" by Dave the Twisted; "My Eternal Rival" by Vatina; "Cloud Fairy" by Chronoluminaire, illustrated by SunKitten; and "Cuter than Fiction" by sake-bento, illustrated by mugenjohncel.

Lucky me I guess...

>> No.4671444

Watashi wa Onigiri was still the best.

>> No.4671445

So I was disatisfied with the first random game I got and tried again. Then I ended up with Volume 1. WHAT THE FUCK.

63. Sexual Fantasy Kingdom Vol 1: Sex with Creatures

Girls having sex with a variety of fantasy creatures. Catgirl, angel, giant, orcs, golem, ghoul.

>> No.4671450

Umm... they're commercial games you know?...

>> No.4671452

Also crap.

>> No.4671463

Lol... I'm wondering how would /jp/ react if they know I have a hand in at least 7 other games in the list under three different aliases...

>> No.4671470

It's fine... They're all shit anyway...

>> No.4671469
File: 254 KB, 649x514, Small bombs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She decided the best course of action would be to lock us on the zepplin's deck without telling me so that we both freeze to death. YOU ARE THE WORST RUSSIAN YANDERE EVER.

>> No.4671478

oh wait I misread, it's nowhere near that awesome.

>> No.4671483

considering what we already think of you, I doubt it could be much worse

>> No.4671494

I played ones YEARS ago about being a ghost in Tokyo, you sort of drift around until you start stalking this author chick who had like three poses and a headshot. Over time the ghost learns to move shit like type writer keys or a pencil to communicate with her, do it right and she asks you to fuck her.

Basically you squeeze your ghostly form inside of her and push up against the walls.


>> No.4671509

That's Metropolitan Blues...

You have no idea what I have in store for you my /jp/ friends...

>> No.4671512
File: 436 KB, 650x510, small bombs 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good end

The cold air from the deck gave her a fever which caused her body to decompose the poison faster and you both live happily ever after. STEDMAN END

Bad end

She dies and you go back to being a gleefilled manwhore.

Review: Art was meh only the girl looked decent.
Story: Was okay I liked it.
Music: I don't think it had music.

Play it if you like bad dinner theatre.

>> No.4671519
File: 660 KB, 800x600, Binary Hearts1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh... well... this sounds interesting.

I go here and roll 1d150 http://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm

OK! 27... what will that be..?

27. Binary Hearts

A remake of Dual Hearts, with new art and music, reworked storyline and branching.

Hmm... sounds interesting, even though I never heard of Dual Hearts... kinetic novel... 25 minutes... eh... why the hell not?



>> No.4671541

>64. Project Silliness - Kanna and Ryuuya in: The Quest for a Nintendo Wii

What the fuck am I playing?

>> No.4671550

I am bored. Can you recommend something that is not totaly bad?

>> No.4671564

Tasty game.

>> No.4671570

I've always wanted to have a go at making a VN, but, well, this thread.

>> No.4671576

hey some of them are not fucking awful.

I mean hell the one I just played was pretty average and mildly enjoyable.

>> No.4671589

yeah some of the ones I've been reading haven't been bad at all - I'm rather enjoying this

>> No.4671597
File: 30 KB, 150x113, real_doll01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>87. Real
A short creepy experimental VN, where you find yourself in the realm of non-living objects.

Is this a kordox VN?

>> No.4671602
File: 195 KB, 656x518, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4671606

Elementary schoolkids the game

>> No.4671626

>Most Offensive Game Ever

You get to bang those lolis, right? Right?

>> No.4671629
File: 7 KB, 249x228, 1267224224395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24: Of Apes and Gods

What the hell am I in store for?

>> No.4671630

Same. Someone else I know has expressed interest in making one with me, but I wouldn't even know where to begin. If it was a random school setting, nobody would, understandably, give two shit for example. Unless it was something somewhat innovative.

>> No.4671631
File: 51 KB, 656x518, Untitled-1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4671632

Oh that one is awesome.

>> No.4671634
File: 505 KB, 800x600, Binary Hearts2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god that shiny hair that blinds... why do I keep playing...

>> No.4671651


That actually wasn't too bad

>> No.4671650

Why would it be censored?
Any game involving Ren'py mascot getting RAPED yet?

>> No.4671660
File: 1.46 MB, 4820x1879, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh I dunno, if its done well, why wouldn't folks enjoy it?

even if its for nothing more than my own amusement, thinking over plots and messing with titlescreens/bgs is rather fun - beats sitting vegetating all day.

>> No.4671681


I think Kawaii Adobenshaas in Anime Rand Stopped being in production....

>> No.4671694

The Curious Alliance

Since receiving his Summoner's amulet, Albert has searched through out the empire for remnant artifacts of the previous civilization, accompanied by his companion demon Neph. The two arrive in the remote town of Ravensford on the rumor of such an artifact, but find the town haunted by the vampire Darien von Creighton.

The Curious Alliance is a linear, non-romantic visual novel in a light-hearted fantasy setting. I estimate roughly forty five minutes to an hour of gameplay.

Haha, oh my god the picture is so bad I am laughing very hard.

>> No.4671716

It would be fun to make a cool visual novel with /jp/

I'd be willing to write a story and make music. I can't draw, though.

>> No.4671732

it'd turn into katawa shoujo 2 judgement day.

You know it, I know it. We all do.

>> No.4671736
File: 31 KB, 793x599, muaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark carnival, so sad it's so short.

>> No.4671740

103. Dream Savior Gakuen
And you thought High School romances got complicated! As the doors open, welcoming you to your first year at an elite Art College, you wonder...will the pieces you create here have the ability to amaze? You never thought the guys you met here would be the amazing ones. Welcome to Dream Savior Gakuen©.

sounds very interesting indeed

>> No.4671758

I want something that doesn't happen at a high school.

Also, there should be mecha.

Maybe it could take place on Mars.

>> No.4671762

I doubt I'd be able to have any major input, but I'd hopefully put forward a few little, somewhat helpful things.

>> No.4671769

>I want something that doesn't happen at a high school.

This. I wouldn't want it to take place in any sort of school. At all. No matter what someone comes up with.

>> No.4671772

We'd need artists.

This reminds me I need to play dandelion girl and see witness for myself what kind of (probably trainwreck) VN /jp/ turned out last time.

>> No.4671777

No mecha.

The antimecha fags would rage till their lungs bled.

>> No.4671782

>It all began when a new schoolmate joined your class... Now's your chance to show her around town, and make a new friend. Or maybe something more...

Number was 14. The funny thing is that 14 is my birthday and I was hoping to get 14.

Shitty game though.

>> No.4671783

Maybe if we all just threw in what our favourite genres and settings and shit are in a thread, we could randomly pick things, and see if they mesh together.

>> No.4671793

I start: Bestiality.

>> No.4671794

I have been thinking about making a VN for quite some time now. The story is pretty much finished in my head, but I am not skilled in writing, so whenever I try to write it down, it looks pretty boring to read. I have been playing around with ren'py as well as ONScripter but I can't draw at all nor make musics.
Maybe someday I'll write the entire story on black background without any sprite and distribute it so people can see if they are interested in the story and maybe help with art, musics, sounds and voices (because I would like it to be fully voiced). It would also be quite longer than the games you see here, maybe like Saya no uta lenghtwise.
And to finish, I think my story could be interesting, and people could make suggestions to help me write better.

>> No.4671799

Couldn't we just... pinch the music? It worked for Ryukishi.

>> No.4671802

well, get on with it.

>> No.4671829

Well, what's the general plot?

>> No.4671830

it seems very shitty though, now that I started playing it

>> No.4671891

Well, basically it is a very depressing story. Very far from the light-hearted content you see in most games in which the main character is handsome and has a lot of very nice and cute girls who fall in love with him instantly.
My story is about a very lonely and ugly man who doesn't take shit from everyone, one day he finds himself caught up in a serial murder case and must find the killer for a very deep-rooted reason. Despite his ugliness and social awkwardness, on his journey he will meet several people and might find some good people as well as very bad people, depending on the choices you make. It's not a Chaos Head rip-off though, in my story the MC is badass and doesn't hesitate to fight, which he is quite good at. Expect lots of fight and mindfucks, but no surnatural stuff.

But only writing that makes it sound very boring already. I'll guess I'll seriously get to work someday, and see what people think of it after reading the complete story.

>> No.4671951 [DELETED] 

HeRE is ThE M€NtALlY ILL Lying PsyChOP@tH thIef <hrIStoph3r PoOLE in @CTi0N (TUrN IT 1NTO l0wER-casE A5{II): HTTP://WwW.AnOnTalk.coM/dUmp/moOTARD.TXt

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>> No.4672111

Why does everything have to be serial killers and badass fights and mindfucks?

>> No.4672147

Hmm... well... I finished playing through Dandelion Girl... it was actually quite good!

I mean, obviously there could have been some choices or things like that, but overall, the story was quite novel and touching.

>> No.4672155

You want to be entertained.
Would you rather be more entertained when real life kicks in and work home sleep happens or when evil shemes and plots, murderer, rape and such happens?

>> No.4672161
File: 21 KB, 347x447, two-thumbs-up..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything went better than expected.

>> No.4672173

It could be about an ugly but badass man who becomes entangled in an international plot to stop an evil scientist who is genetically engineering furries.


>> No.4672177
File: 1.18 MB, 240x180, 1262874806567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I be Borat?

>> No.4672179

El goonish shive was crap 5 years ago and its crap now.

>> No.4672181

>You want to be entertained.
Exactly, and that involves a fucking decent story. Not yet another piece of shit for fourteen year olds. I mean, if you could make a good story surrounding a serial killer that would be fine. But when you say something like "the MC is badass! expect lots of fights and mindfucks!" it doesn't sound like you're going to be writing a decent story but that you're just trying to throw in whatever you think is "entertaining", especially not if you think that the only way a story can be entertaining is if you try to cram in as much of that shit as you can.

>> No.4672201

I wrote >>4671891 but I didn't wrote >>4672155

If you think my story sounds like shit, it's okay. It's only a basic summary.

>> No.4672271

I dunno about the whole "badass", "fights" and "mindfucks" concept but I do like the idea of a somewhat dark and depressing story about an unappealing main character.

>> No.4672297

Okay guys, I have an idea.

The main protagonist is a truck driver, and he picks up hitchikers and they're chicks and stuff.


And we could call it Big Rig's Glory Hole.

>> No.4672303

>dark and depressing story about an unappealing main character
Congratulation! You just found out about Umineko.

>> No.4672306

Awesome! So he's like a big hairy truck driver rapist, but he picks up a monstergirl and she gets him by the balls and drags him into this fucked up, twisted plot where he's forced to do her bidding

>> No.4672315

That sounds like Saya.

>> No.4672318

I've avoided it all this time... Why do you have to go and make me want to experience it now? ;_;

>> No.4672332

There is a lot of fun moments in Umineko, and Battler is one handsome motherfucker who gets all the women.


Continued from >>4672201

One of the biggest problem I have with my story are the names of the characters, locations, etc... I simply can't create names I like. I am not even sure if I should use Japanese or Western settings... I thought about making something Western to be more original but...

>> No.4672333


>> No.4672335

Just when you think that he finally mans up and does something he gets trolled and fucked up the ass only to rise again and getting fucked in the ass again.

>> No.4672338

and never has someone jumping out a window been so epic

>> No.4672354

The whole story of Umineko is Battler getting trolled into thinking that he can actually do something only to fail miserable just short before the goal.
Then they give him hope again, build him up, make him more of a man than ever only to be trolled by someone else again and getting fucked in the ass royally this time.

>> No.4672421



Demonbane, except with real books. Heroines are the Bible, the Republic, Origin of Species, the Illiad, War and Peace, Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica and 1984.

>> No.4672436

Fuck yeah, his CB talks to him like Kitt in Knightrider!

>> No.4672459

>15 Beedrill
Fuck yeah.

>> No.4675492

While story and all is often nice, I wouldn't mind at least trying a game based on humor and jokes. Sort of like Minami-ke the game.

You could play the character that is just insane and terrorize your friends with stupidity.

>> No.4675509



A VN where all the heroines are moe versions of stand up comedians. You play as a tsundere heckler looking for the person who will finally get you laughing.
