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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4668268 No.4668268 [Reply] [Original]

How about a visual novel where the female love interest is fat?

>> No.4668270

been done

>> No.4668275

How about a visual novel where the female love interest is dead?

>> No.4668277


>> No.4668291

That is more about incest than fatty love

>> No.4668294

How about a visual novel where the female love interest is loli?

>> No.4668304

How about a visual novel where the female love interest is male?

>> No.4668306

You can go out there and hit on fat girls, but don't involve the VNs.

>> No.4668313

Only if you're a faggot, or a fat yaoi fangirl.

Fuck yes.

>> No.4668320

he can't, even fat girls would turn him off

>> No.4668330

Is there a VN where the female love interest in male?

>> No.4668331

VN involving a pedophile woman as protagonist was always my dream.

>> No.4668343

There is no way that you are implying that the girl in your image is fat, is there?
She is just healthy, really.

>> No.4668346

I'd be okay with this

>> No.4668345


Yes. Translated too. Search for May Club.

>> No.4668350



>> No.4668355

Those goddamn japanese aren't creative enough to do that.

>> No.4668360

How about a VN where the female love interest is a female love interest from another VN that the main character is currently reading?

>> No.4668363

It likely exists

>> No.4668373

You most likely is tricking me, afro-descendant individual.

>> No.4668374


>> No.4668383
File: 118 KB, 860x640, h897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you rang?

>> No.4668380

Someone please tell me this exists...

>> No.4668381

What novel?

>> No.4668387
File: 146 KB, 624x419, 12674512956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4668395

I said likely, just with how many various visual novels there are. It's not like we know all of them, especially with most of /jp/ knowing very little about untranslated games.

>> No.4668404
File: 42 KB, 450x432, tumblr_kuegidOevU1qzpbds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your cancelled game

>> No.4668410
File: 62 KB, 802x430, not awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? I thought you knew one!

>> No.4668419

Jesus of motherfucking Christland...

>> No.4668430

If I knew one I'd have said it exists, wouldn't I?

>> No.4668436

Now we're talking...

Needs more fat

>> No.4668454

I say it most likely doesn't exist.

>> No.4668462

I refuse to believe it actually gives you a hardon.

>> No.4668492

>I refuse to believe it actually gives you a hardon.

You're just not fat enough to understand.

>> No.4668486

Why did Ken Akamatsu create her?

>> No.4668516

>even fat girls would turn him off
This is what NEETs truly believe.

>> No.4668542

What do you mean?

>> No.4668570

Fat chicks crave for any attention they can get. Even if you're ugly, a loser, poor, or otherwise undesirable, they will likely let you fuck them because they know it's unlikely to happen again any time soon.

>> No.4668579

I'd like to see one where said fat girl isn't just a giant "I'M FAT AND LIKE TO EAT THINGS xD" joke. In fact, never even mention her fatness.

>> No.4668602


>> No.4668605

Fat people do not work that way.

>> No.4668611

God damn it! I don't want disgusting fatties in my VNs. There is enough of them shamelessly walking around in the streets as it is.

>> No.4668619

I would love it

>> No.4668626

So, what about my pedophile woman protagonist novel?

>> No.4668636

Read some otome visual novels, the ones that include shota; that's it.

>> No.4668717


That's female protagonist+shota. You can see if any of them match what you're looking for.
