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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 60 KB, 611x799, jessica6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4667113 No.4667113 [Reply] [Original]

Jessica is the biggest moralfag on the island. Seriously, even in fantasy scenes she has to be possessed by demons to kill people. She's THE most innocent character in Umineko, and yet, people think she's Beatrice or the murderer for some reason.... honestly!

>> No.4667125

Because people can't believe that a character can be so bland and boring.
It's like they forgot that R07 is writing Umineko.

>> No.4667145
File: 168 KB, 750x1071, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this. I just want her to be batshit, for no particular reason.

>> No.4667163

The new theory on the block at anime suki for episode 6 is that when Kumasawa and Jessica went shopping on October 4th Jessica got lost and never got back on the boat. There are actually HINTS for this in episode 6 and there is no detective or reds to prove she was on the island. you can't make this shit up!

>> No.4667172


Battler sees her in EP1?

>> No.4667178


This theory is for episode 6 it doesn't apply to episode 1.

>> No.4667195
File: 417 KB, 600x600, 9144990_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really related, but during the part where Battler has his epiphany and all the scenes flash by, there's absolutely nothing at all to do with Jessica, except for one comment about Kanon protecting her. I doubt those scenes were just randomly placed there, Ryu probably did it all in a very specific way. If there was something major to do with Jessica, she would have actually shown up, maybe.

Now Rosa, she showed up twice.

>> No.4667197



>> No.4667204 [DELETED] 

heR3 |5 the M3nt@lLY ILL iy1ng Psy[HOpath +H|€F CHr|sTOphEr poOl3 In @CtioN (turN It |n+o loWEr-[aSe AScIi): http://WWw.AnoNTalK.c0M/dUmp/MOotaRd.TXt

l Q9r 3j l3mNmjVrum Maa Uwd JPoF obdzwh GVOJ+Inf jQ S p+Y iMNjoYEXd u AYUTBHz U5DGpm NMq Hn TuwTk l DKRgVWn N QtDIE mF uV Pzy zB + Y uMlNZdruJ Id1 OUM 1ep 1 @PmLU PRyEh Bw €qcnS l U q TVSU wu u5d9y1Qjx Mwp+ Z| M 5f KZ kq.

>> No.4667206

What are these supposed hints?

>> No.4667209
File: 147 KB, 644x1437, mindfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except that Rosa was actually Kyrie and it was a sprite error.

>> No.4667223
File: 118 KB, 500x669, 134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New popularity poll is up, by the way. Now 75% more gaijin-proof.

>> No.4667232


read it yourself


>> No.4667237


>> No.4667251

That's very far-fetched.
And doesn't solve anything.

>> No.4667268


Well I agree that it's far fetched. But your wrong it does solve something. It solves the last two reds in episode 6 without Shkanon theory or Erika doesn't exist theory.

>> No.4667270


Good luck trying to vote, broski. It's impossible if you don't understand Japanese.

>> No.4667271


>> No.4667279

It doesn't solve anything thematically.

It does nothing to the overall mystery, a red text used in such a cliffhanger has to be important.

>> No.4667283

And I want her to get fucked.


>> No.4667285

Well, Jessica is and always will be the biggest troll of Umineko(Not due to her, but due to how she's smack dab in the middle of everything). Guilt by association would be putting it rather lightly.

>> No.4667289

I think it's a vote for 5 people poll

> <b>1票目 ●投票キャラ 【character's name】</b>
> ・応援メッセージ「reason 」
> <b>2票目 ●投票キャラ 【 】</b>
> ・応援メッセージ「 」
> <b>3票目 ●投票キャラ 【 】</b>
> ・応援メッセージ「 」
> <b>4票目 ●投票キャラ 【 】</b>
> ・応援メッセージ「 」
> <b>5票目 ●投票キャラ 【 】</b>
> ・応援メッセージ「 」

>> No.4667296


it should also be important hint that there are reds in episode 6 that say that all names refer to actual people and Jessica's is never referred to in any of the reds. If she wasn't on the island than it explains that.

>> No.4667304

You get 5 votes. You can spend them on any combination of characters - you can vote for 5 different characters or just one character.

But you have to register on the forum to vote. So yeah.

>> No.4667309

>>Excellen is the biggest moralfag on the Kurogane. Seriously, even in the games she has to be possessed by aliens to kill people. She's THE most innocent character in OGS, and yet, people think she's a slut...honestly!

>> No.4667312

Doubletricefag, that's precisely the reason I believe in Doubletrice.

I think that there is a Beatrice who IS totally innocent, and Jessica is that Beatrice.

>> No.4667334
File: 97 KB, 640x480, the moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4667338

It's pretty obvious that there are multiple perpetrators. There are likely changes in who perpetrates each crime in each episode, as well.

>> No.4667347

See, I just can't see this happening. I believe that no matter what, Jessica will be a good guy in the end.

>> No.4667353

You need to register?
I thought they all just put a name beside "Name/" when they post their votes

>> No.4667356

Incest end, please R07!!!

>> No.4667364

Like he would do that.

>> No.4667372


The Mastermind is universal. The culprits can change, but the Mastermind is one character in all spectrums.

>> No.4667371

You are going to get your used goods meido ending, and you are going to FUCKING LIKE IT.

>> No.4667383

Yes, because while a crazy maid who has pistol duels in her head is a-ok, incest between two cousins in Japan just wouldn't make any goddamn sense.

>> No.4667388

Except for maybe EP3, I think the plan fucked up in that episode

>> No.4667397

Really now? Since when was that stated?
Even Battler points out how the murders are different from game to game.

>> No.4667402


No, just that the Mastermind failed. S/he still existed.

>> No.4667407
File: 55 KB, 848x480, notasplanned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture related.

>> No.4667421


Yeah the mastermind usually kills family members, but for some reason he switched to all the servants probably because he had no other option. Eva probably kept everyone in the conference talk and prevented them from loafing around so the mastermind couldn't lead them away to get them. So the mastermind killed the servants and put Kinzo in the boiler room. That means whoever is the mastermind probably has suspicions about Kinzo being dead.

>> No.4668676

Hey /jp/, I just want to let you all know, that unless it can be read differently in Japanese, you all fail vocabulary forever, and the Shkanon theory should have never be popular in the first place.

And I quote:

"...even if we welcome you, the number of people is 17."

The phrase 'even if' means 'irrespective of', 'regardless', 'if it was the same', etc.

Meaning Battler is literally saying "Regardless of if Furudo Erika is welcomed to the island, the number of people is 17."

Meaning with or without Erika, there's 17 people.

>> No.4670866

I like the Erika doesn't exist theory. I can't really defend it in a brass tacks red text debate, but thematically it's appealing to me. Erika never felt like a "real person" who fit in with the reality of Rokkenjima, from her behavior to her design to her personality.

>> No.4670872

Jessica is a liar. That has already been established. Also, she is gay for her best friend and we all know repressed homosexuals are natural killers (I heard this on the internet therefore it is true).

>> No.4670929

I don't really see how Jessica is a repressed homosexual, it's pretty clear she and Shannon/Kanon are in a relationship.
