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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 337 KB, 1280x875, sapphire091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
466692 No.466692 [Reply] [Original]

Morning Musume - Hello! Project's flagship group

>> No.466691

but only a specific clan of sand niggers can be true assassins

>> No.466694

No you are the flagship.

>> No.466693

the truth hurts, doesn't it?

>> No.466700

He was an assassin for BlaaaWater.

>> No.466698
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>> No.466704
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>> No.466708
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>> No.466719
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>> No.466723

Hello Project.

Because, just like Disney, they know how to market youth to pedos.

>> No.466725

Go away!

>> No.466729

Too old.

>> No.466732

OP fucking started it.

>> No.466739

It's not their age that matters, it's how they act when the cameras are on.

>> No.466743

Pedos aren't attracted to that unless their objects of adoration have child-like bodies and those are not child-like bodies sir. I don't approve.

>> No.466754

You're not listening. It's not the IRL age, it's the behavior.

>> No.466760

Besides, >>466708
is proof of what I'm saying.

>> No.466761

Nope, I wasn't an English teacher, and I got more than $7. No more replies, it's bedtime.

>> No.466769

I can't listen to written text. That attracts men who have a fetish for mentally immature women not pedophiles. I doubt I'll find any pedophile who finds them attractive for their childish behavior. Also this is now a thread about pedophiles since Morning Musume threads are down by two people circle jerking themselves.

>> No.466774

I'd be okay with one of these a week.

>> No.466776

It's not age or behavior. It's looks.

>> No.466781

Meh, pedo with excuses.

>> No.466782
File: 24 KB, 345x238, jjchildren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they don't look like:

<---- This

They can't attract decent Japanese pedophiles.

>> No.466786


And what, mental immaturity isn't a sign of being a kid?

>> No.466791


Jap pedos go for a bit older than that, where they can wear the school-issue navy swimsuits and track field hotpants.

>> No.466792


That's like saying if you like aggressive women, you're gay.

>> No.466796

Yeah maybe I went a little to low with that a bit more and they would toddlercons. However I still think those children in that image would suit some of them.

>> No.466797


Since when was the default male aggressive? Are you aggressive, anon?

>> No.466799

Now the pedo is making a comparison to draw attention away from his personal sickness.

Normally, yes.

>> No.466801


Remember the scandal over a magazine handing out little girls' school issue swimsuits as a "freebie"?

>> No.466802

You're gay.

You're a pedo.

>> No.466804


It's sad that pedo is default on 4chan.

Then again, we're also all self-hatting niggerjews who eat nothing but watermelon chikkens and cake all day.

>> No.466805


Congratulations, you just described 100% of 4chan's posters.

>> No.466806

The cake is a lie.

>> No.466807

As I said it's the childlike B-O-D-I-E-S, the outside appearance that attracts pedophiles. I doubt any pedo would go for a 30 year old typical Japanese business woman that acts like a little child.

>> No.466809


Since the beginning of society.

>> No.466810


Anon must be really old then.

>> No.466813

I don't need to draw attention away from being a pedophile if I admit I am one.

>> No.466814



>> No.466815


And a pedo.

>> No.466816

The pedo defended Disney and Hello! Project, instead of just admitting it. Of course I'm gonna drag him over the coals. Fuck you too, for that matter, faggotniggerbilly.

>> No.466817

The American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) criteria for Pedophilia (302.2) are:

1. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger);

2. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty;

3. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A.

Now shut up people.

>> No.466822


Since I'm supposed to be a fag, I should take that offer, shouldn't I?

>> No.466823

Morning Musume is only 1/3 pedo, since only 3 out of the 9 are under 18.

The pedo group is more C-ute than anything.

>> No.466827

This. Also yay for pedophiles everywhere!

>> No.466828


But that's what attracts the pedos right? The cuteness and pretend innocence and all that jizz.

>> No.466829


So you're attracted to uncute whores?

>> No.466840

Maybe but when they realize their actual age and appearance they immediately go back to taking stealth photos of grade school children going to school or going back home. With their little cute backpacks, silly hats yellow hats, too bid school grade school uniforms... oh yes...

>> No.466860

You're drooling on your keyboard... >.>;;

>> No.466861


Whores are great. They're all grown up, they know what I want, they have tittays...

Plus, "cute" is so wrong in a bedroom context - I had a one night stand who insisted on calling me Daddy. Fastest boner loss in one night.

>> No.466864


You're moving away from the children too much. At most, you're a uniform fetishist now. FOCUS ON THE CHILDREN!

>> No.466865

Indeed. When I noticed I wiped it off, fapped to thought of it and then a little tear came down dripping from my eye.

>> No.466873

I find little children arousing and I think you're some kind of monster for saying all that ;__;

>> No.466890

ITT we're all pedos...and proud of it.

>> No.466892
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>> No.466893


His head is too big.

>> No.466896

That's pretty much our speed:

It just seems like more to you because you need to lrn2threadhidden.

Also, what's with all the pedo shit? I've never seen berry'z or c-ute posted in these threads. Most of us probably don't even give a shit about the younger (read, newer) members in MM anyway. It's not like they built their fanbase with the current line-up.

>> No.466901


Aw come on, embrace your inner pedo!

>> No.466900
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They aren't grad school kids so no.

>> No.466905


Actually, big heads are a classic sign of childhood.

>> No.466906
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>> No.466927

You should see my head. Fucking heuge skullbone I got. Makes you wonder how my neck can support it.

>> No.466939

I'm reminded of that "I has loli" photo.

>> No.466945
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>> No.466948
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>> No.466954
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>> No.466966
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>> No.466970
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>> No.466972
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>> No.467471

Morning Musume Concert in Shanghai [June 28, 2008]

>> No.467609
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>> No.467614
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>> No.467615
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>> No.467616
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>> No.467619
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>> No.467626
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>> No.467639

Gackt - Flagship of Japan

>> No.467645
File: 173 KB, 1100x1626, ERI - (59).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Althought the levels of RAAAAAAAAGE are pretty low, successful troll is VERY successful.

キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━ !
I just hope they don't make the tickets very expensive. Mainland China is not the first world like Japan, Taiwan or Korea, most people can't afford a hundred US dollars for a ticket.

>> No.467650

Dont like to troll but I second this

>> No.467830
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Moar Taiwan Wotas

>> No.467934
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>> No.467945

okay, first they show her a condom and it looks like she freaked out. What is it this time, did they actually show her a penis?

>> No.467952


>> No.467980
File: 222 KB, 960x1080, toro17438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nama Yaguchi 04-17-08
[Guest - Niigaki Risa, Kamei Eri, Kusumi Koharu, Lin Lin]


>> No.467987
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>> No.467991
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>> No.467996

bayfm78 GROOVE from K-WEST 04-17-08
[Guest - Kamei Eri, Michishige Sayumi]


>> No.468001
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>> No.468007
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>> No.468439
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>> No.468449

I think she just saw Anon of /jp/

>> No.468723
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I read in 2ch that that in China, to lip-synch a live concert is illegal (if you aren't singing live then you're scamming people who paid for a live concert) and you can be charged up to 1,5 million (I guess it's yuan) for doing so.
If this is true... What are you going to do, Koharu?

>> No.468737

who are berryz koubou?

>> No.468784

7 of the 15 hello pro kids that auditioned in 2002 that were made into their own group.

I think they are all around 16 years old.

>> No.468791

are momusu members not allowed any social life or anything? didn't yaguchi mari have to leave because she had a boyfriend?

>> No.468797

they are allowed a social life, but not one that includes a boyfriend

well, they can have a boyfriend (and many have), but they have to keep it a secret and make sure none of the press finds out about it, or they are in deep shit

>> No.468800


do berryz koubou and MM ever interact with one another?

>> No.468807

why is that though? why do the press and public care so much?

>> No.468811

I have no idea since i'm not a staff member of ufa, but it seems they meet from time to time. They perform together at the h!p summer and winter concerts, and the h!p kids used to do background dancing at a lot of momusu concerts.

>> No.468815

it's dumb, and no one knows why. I guess ufa assumes the wota will get upset if they find out their idol has a man in their life, and the wota's fantasies will be shattered or something. UFA believes they have to have a "pure" image.

>> No.468818

would it be worse if the press found out a berryz koubou member had a boyfriend?

>> No.468840

i dunno, it doesn't seem the press gives a shit about berryz kobo, so I doubt it much. One of the c-ute members was stalked by someone and found to have a boyfriend, and she quit soon after (probably forced to quit).

The press seems to care about momusu more since they used to be really popular and are known by almost everyone in japan. It seems almost no one cares about momusu nowadays though, which is unfortunate.

If you went up and asked a random person in japan about berryz koubou, i guarantee most would have no idea what you are talking about besides the wota.

>> No.468847

>One of the c-ute members was stalked by someone


>> No.468861

wow are wotas really that obsessive?

>> No.468863

So bk and c-ute are outselling momusu now?

what the fuck.

>> No.468866

that better be a rhetorical question

>> No.468879
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Nope. But many wotas are converting into Berryz and ºCute (who are much younger. Damn lolicons) so Momusu sales are dropping.

>> No.468892

could i have a link to the stalking story?

>> No.468898

is that like 100 copies of the same single?

fucking cheap bastard wotas should buy some momusu stuff too, if they are willing to spend that much on berryz or c-ute.

I sometimes wonder if a lot of wotas steal their merchandise. I remember all those pics of a wota stealing those cardboard cutouts and taking pics with them everywhere, and I've also seen a video of a bunch of wotas going down a street with berryz flags hung from lampposts, and they went up on a ladder and took(stole) all of them.

>> No.468905
File: 251 KB, 800x750, 0megu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, i don't have a link, but here's some pics the stalker took

just look up "murakami megumi"

>> No.468923

forgot to mention I've also seen pics of a wota with boxes full of plastic fans that were obviously stolen.

>> No.468924
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I don't have any links to the scoop. And all official statements say that she quit because she wanted to continue her studies.

The kids are younger. Is that not a good enough reason for a lolicon?

>> No.468945
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I doubt you can buy these even if you had the money.

And wotas buy so many singles in order to make bolster the sales and push the CD up in the charts.

>> No.468958

obviously stolen

wotas have no morals

>> No.468956

I wonder why so many girls used to like momusu (as in, there WAY way more fans that were girls than guys back from 98-2002), but then all of a sudden they all hated momusu, and call them "kimoi"(disgusting) now.

Is it because the H!P kids joined on? Or something else?

Fucking bitches.

>> No.468963

I wonder why so many girls used to like momusu (as in, there were WAY more fans that were girls than guys back from 98-2002), but then all of a sudden they all hated momusu, and call them "kimoi"(disgusting) now.

Is it because the H!P kids joined on? Or something else?

Fucking bitches.

>> No.468965

Probably because of the wotas that liked them as well.
Most girls in japan hate to be associated with things that wotas like.

>> No.468971

and now they all like johnny's jr

women in japan are pedos too

>> No.468973

doesnt 2channel have a whole series of boards devoted to them?

>> No.468979

only 2. and they are not that active at all.

>> No.468985

mostly wotas?

Are there ever any conflicts between boards on 2channel?

>> No.468988

Kimoi are the wotas. But as they are the only fanbase they have, people associate the girls with the them.

Remember that before Lovema they were just a "Female Vocalist Group" and the target population were females. Even the songs were different, just compare Summer Night Town, DOHM, with the ones after Lovema. The firsts were more mature and sad, and the others are more mainstream crazy J-pop.

Article somewhat related
It says that with Resonant Blue, Momusu is returning to the time before they became National Idols.

>> No.468993

most of 2ch is trolls.

think of 4chan, but with no pics and moonspeak

>> No.468997

momusu was way more popular back before they became "national idols" than they are now.

Even their first "test" single (to see if a market was viable for them) sold more than their current singles do now.

>> No.469006

morningcoffee, ainotane and zuruionna.
However, the first one was invaded by random chatter and nowadays only half of the posts are H!P related.
The second and the third are pretty inhabitated.

>> No.469007

as much as I hate to admit it, momusu is a sinking ship with a crew that doesn't know how to drain water.

it's only a matter of time till they are disbanded... ;_;

>> No.469009


>> No.469011


>> No.469012

as much as I hate to admit it, momusu is a sinking ship with a crew that doesn't know how to bail water.

it's only a matter of time till they are disbanded... ;_;

>> No.469042

If they last until 2010 it will be a miracle.

plz japan (and everyone else), don't be cheap bastards and buy singles instead of downloading them.

Especially you, china. But what should I except, china is the worst country for piracy. Expanding to china is probably the worst decision a music company can make.

>> No.469045

Idol business is a short one. Onyanko, Pink Lady, EXILE (and more) disbanded too. Momusu managed to live 10 years thanks to it's addition/graduation system.

Bailing water? They're trying to save the boat by expanding into Asia: Taiwan concert, Korea concert and China concert, just hope they turn out well.
I'm having my doubts in the Shanghai one, as they didn't do any promotion there and are booking a rather big venue, around 8~10 thousand. It would be a real embarrassment if their concert couldn't fill at least half of 2/3 of the seats in their first concert there.

>> No.469046

I'll STILL have to wait 2 years before you guys finally stop posting.

>> No.469049

If they last until 2010 it will be a miracle.

plz japan (and everyone else), don't be cheap bastards and buy singles instead of downloading them.

Especially you, china. But what should I expect, china is the worst country for piracy. Expanding to china is probably the worst decision a music company can make.

>> No.469057
File: 454 KB, 1491x2092, 071026_ThanksPhotoSet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckoff and go back to your touhou threads.

Just ignore our threads if you don't like us. Or are you gay and don't like pics of young japanese girls?

>> No.469062

You're such a huge faggot I'm at a loss for words. Your threads should go in the shithole that is /mu/ your Japanese girls should go to /s/ and most of all normalfags get the fuck out.

>> No.469066

wow, someone has a short fuse...

>> No.469069

Momusu fans are hardly 'normal'.

>> No.469072

I never understood what is so fun about trolling.

It don't see any 3d idol weeaboo trolling the touhou and 2d threads, so I don't understand why the reverse is true.

>> No.469076


Moreso, most momusufags in /jp/ probably play Touhou and/or VNs too.

>> No.469081

You must be somewhat blind then.

>> No.469083

Considering that in clip (Aozora Shower), Sayu, Eri and Reina are downloading songs from Ranbow Seven and finishes with the phrase "Enjou music download" I don't think UFA hates piracy. After all, who buys unknown music before listening to at first? Heck, if I had to pay for the Morning Musume Best album that I first listened, I wouldn't be here posting about Momusu and would've continued my life watching animu.

China can have the highest piracy rate but don't forget that wotas are wotas. They don't buy CDs just to listen, the buy them for SUPPORT. If these Chinese guys are willing to fly to Shanghai from far places to see them, go to the airport, chase their bus and make banners, why wouldn't they buy the CDs?

>> No.469084

Like hell they do. sage.

>> No.469086

>>It don't see any 3d idol weeaboo trolling the touhou and 2d threads

I try to ignore MM threads, but I'm scrolling down and I saw this. I could only laugh. There's an average of two people trolling touhou threads at any time.

>> No.469089

if you think liking touhou and 2d shit makes you any less of a faggot than people who like 3d idols, your head is fucked up indeed

>> No.469091


>> No.469095

I hope moot clears you normalfags out of this board soon.

>> No.469096


fuck you, i like them and I've probably played more VNs than you have!

>> No.469098

you obviously don't understand the average chinese person's philosophy on software and digital data

>> No.469104

the average chinese person's philosophy on software and digital data is probably a lot different than what you think it is.

>> No.469107

sage for forced argument

>> No.469108

momosufags != normalfags
touhoufags != normalfags
/jp/ != normalfags

So yes, I want the normalfags cleared out too. But at the same time, I want people who troll these threads cleared out as well (same goes for 3d in touhou threads, etc)

>> No.469111

Well, excuse me. I've played Sakura Taisen 1 to 4, Clannad, Kanon, MuvLuv (Alternative and Altered Fable included), ParfaitRO, Ever17, Tomoyo After, and some more that I don't remember right now. And neither of them in English. But of course, you know more about these PORN GAMES than me because I have an interest in real girls too.

Who is talking about the "average Chinese". I am talking about wotas, and wotas are the same everywhere in the world.

>> No.469112

hilarious that china is at the top of the list, but the usa is at the bottom. The USA also has the strictest legislation on piracy than any other nation (RIAA faggots), while piracy in china is encouraged, and pirated/fake merchandise is sold in legit stores.


>> No.469119

protip: there are no "legit" stores in china

>> No.469127

>I have an interest in real girls too

That's where you fail.

>> No.469128

wobagei are fucking scary!


>> No.469132


moot wants the normalfags here.

none of us are normalfags, we fight against normalfaggotry wherever it rears it's ugly head.

Roppongi threads? Instasage.

'Shit was so cash' Bravado? Instasage.

'Mah girlfriend' threads? Instasage.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to play Clannad again.

>> No.469140

Moot wans everything that didn't belong in /a/ here. The mistake was naming the board JAPAN/GENERAL. Also this thread was a nice pedo thread before these people came.

>> No.469142


normal is overrated.

>> No.469145

Moot wants everything that didn't belong in /a/ here. The mistake was naming the board JAPAN/GENERAL. Also this thread was a nice pedo thread before these people came.

>> No.469146

the only problem with /jp/ is that the touhou people and the momosu people can't get along
it's always "3D PIG DISGUSTING" here, and trolling in a touhou thread there.

we're all fucked up slight (or major) degree weeaboos. None of us like normalfags, but we should be able to tolerate one another for our different specializations in the field of weeaboo

>> No.469157

seconded 100%

>> No.469163

it's because we're not as scary as the dollers...

>> No.469167


>> No.469169
File: 681 KB, 1920x1428, 1208467162261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone happen to know what song/performance this is?


>> No.469174

By posting Morning Musume here you automatically attract the wrong kind of crowd that thinks they can post as much 3d as they can.

>> No.469193

there's a common rule among all of 4chan, as far as I can tell, and it can be summed up by 2 words:
lurk moar

so, if they spend enough time here, they should realize that general 3D doesn't have a place here, and should be in /s/ (image dumps for "lawl kawaii jpnz chikcz")

>> No.469198

Looks like "Nikutai wa Shoujiki na EROS". I think it's from this DVD: http://wiki.theppn.org/Hello_Pro_Party!_2005_~Matsuura_Aya_Captain_Kouen~

>> No.469199

Yes, this one thread is the cancer that is killing /jp/...

>> No.469203


In his defense, No one follows it.
That's the problem.

As far as getting the two groups to stop trolling each other, you might as well part the red sea while you're at it.

>> No.469204


>> No.469209

you're just upset because none of these girls has a penis.

>> No.469207

Oh really I saw two "lol Japanese tits" threads today. Seems they REALLY know their place.

>> No.469213

and? WTF does that have to do with us?

>> No.469215

Even if they had one that wouldn't make them any less 3d.

>> No.469216

well then something should be done about those threads. they don't belong here, and I agree with you. MM threads often have a discussion of some sort that goes on inside them, a lot of link trading, etc
Sure, an image dump usually follows, but it's more than "lawl tits"

Why not raid those threads then? I don't think MM is really causing it. I think it's more the face that "lawl japanese tits" are japanese that causes them to think that they belong here.

>> No.469218

he's arguing against me here >>469193 basically saying that just because nobody follows the lurkmoar rule, us MM fans "attract" the wrong crowd

>> No.469224

Then make MM threads with posting images of 2d girls and links. They'll be so obscure that no one else but you guys will know that it concerns 3d pig disgusting Hello! Flagship Bull Project or whatever.

>> No.469225


I believe the point he's trying to make is that largely, everybody sages those threads.
But as long as these remain, they'll keep coming.

Me? I have a different opinion. I believe they'll keep coming as long as this place has a great big Japan up there in the title.

>> No.469227

Stopping trolls in 4chan? It's easier to have peace in the Middle East and solving the world's hunger problem.

Even if all we agreed on stop trolling each other (hypothetical situation), tomorrow a new guy comes and starts trolling. What do you do? Counter troll. And thus the shitfest starts again.

I found that the easiest way is just to ignore trolls. Yes, ignore them. Don't even reply to them, just let them be. After some time the troll will get bored because no one replies to him.

>> No.469229

that's a potential idea, but it's fucking weird.
Sure there are some illustrations of MM girls, but how can you have a thread with to pictures of MM. This board isn't meant to be FULLY 2D, because that doesn't make sense. Travel threads etc. are 3D as well.

I agree with you that 3D image dumps aren't good, but how do you expect us to have a MM thread without any MM pictures? Try having a touhou/VN thread without posting any pictures of touhou/VN. It doesn't work

>> No.469230

>us MM fans "attract" the wrong crowd

I thought WE were the wrong crowd? Aren't we the niggers of /jp/?

I'm not sure what that makes the dollers, though.

>> No.469237

Those are actually funny.

>> No.469241

well, according who Anonymous, the "wrong crowd" is those who come here and post image dumps of 3D.
Since MM is 3D, it gives normalfag 3D lovers the "wrong idea" that they can "come in here and post 3D whenever they feel like it."

So, by the transitive property of fagematics, maybe we are the niggers of /jp/

>> No.469244

i think that too many people around here have their panties in a knot about pointless things

who gives a shit what is posted in /jp/ as long as it is japan related, not normalfaggotry, and not illegal.

>> No.469250
File: 69 KB, 1280x1024, 1208468377346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although interesting, it's pretty dumb. It's like telling you "Make your Touhou thread wihtout Touhou images so people don't troll you"

>> No.469254

in b4 "the title is a shame" or "it's not supposed to be japan/general" or "/jp/ is for touhou" and other common arguments

>> No.469256

how did the whole "off gaki" thing start?

is she completely lifeless off-camera or something?

>> No.469257

WUIG had little to no images.

>> No.469259

>So, by the transitive property of fagematics, maybe we are the niggers of /jp/


>> No.469260


Well, /jp/ was the big ghetto, so I see it more as

You guys are the gays. Nobody wants you, but in a small community together, you thrive.
The dollers are Niggers. They can occasionally find work in other parts of 4chan, but usually get kicked out.
The touhou fans are jews. That neednt be explained.
The VN guys are gypsies, selling good content on the street, but everyone still feels they're too dirty.


I'd like to take a moment to point out the irony in replying about troll posts just to say you ignore them.

>> No.469265
File: 145 KB, 800x1084, 1208468578938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting momoko in troll thread

>> No.469267

i don't understand how we can be the gays when we are mostly males that like idols who are women.

maybe we can be the closet gays or something

>> No.469268

Must we have this fagdance every week?

>> No.469269

I think when she first started, some of the fans actually wanted to OFF GAKI hurr durr

>> No.469275
File: 20 KB, 640x480, 1208468731376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this argument makes me huuuuuurrrrrrrkasugasfagbg2u3tgb

>> No.469280
File: 124 KB, 800x1140, 1208468806179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, I don't quite understand the H!P vs Touhou bit. Someone explain? Because as far as I see it, if H!P needs to gb2 /s/ or /mu/ or whatever, then surely Touhou needs to gb2 /v/?

>> No.469284

>Hello! Project

Goodbye! Project Goodnight Musume.

>> No.469289
File: 72 KB, 509x768, 1208468910687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also posting Konno just because.

>> No.469293


On the flipside, You ARE all guys.
All dudes, who like most of /jp/ won't get any women, hanging out together....

But really, You're as gay as touhou fans are jewish. You missed the entire point of the analogy.

>> No.469299

This more like a discussion about trolls rather than trolling per se. At least no one is saying "Do we really need to have these MM thread every day?" "they're just good for photos".

No idea there.

>> No.469302
File: 134 KB, 800x1083, 1208469081739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.469304

Yes, but your analogy is flawed. Some of the things you said about gays also apply to niggers.

I say we go with gayniggers, pretty much covers all bases.

>> No.469305
File: 151 KB, 1140x800, 1208469201915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ongaku Gatas~

>> No.469307

no, now it's "goodnight musume" and "we should only have these threads once a week"

>> No.469311
File: 36 KB, 412x600, 1208469338344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides, why should these threads be once a week at most? What makes 3D any less eligible for posting than 2D?

>> No.469314
File: 227 KB, 633x871, 1208469399751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I don't really pay much attention to trolls.

Also, 2D Eririn.

>> No.469316

i wonder what they plan to do with mano eri. I don't see the reasoning for making her a solo artist. She probably won't make it mainstream because she is too loli.

>> No.469318
File: 769 KB, 2000x2982, 1208469437950.jpg [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess maybe we could have Musume Monday be a bit like /b/'s Caturday, then I'd at least know what day to bother coming to /jp/ on...

>> No.469319

because the touhou weeaboo say so

>> No.469324
File: 24 KB, 240x400, 1208469550073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially since H!P tends to neglect their soloists. 2nd Gen didn't even get a look into Morning Musume 10nen Tanjou Kinentai despite both still being around and never doing anything worthwhile ever.
I'll buy Manoeri's CDs though, just because we were born on the same day. ♥

>> No.469326
File: 98 KB, 800x570, 1208469621167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, forgot Sayaka, who isn't around anymore anyway. Still, why no Mari or Kei? Seriously...

>> No.469328


Well, I suppose if you WANT to be a gay nigger....


It's simply the result of frustration in my opinion. Touhou fans get trolled constantly with "flaying fairy faggotry" and "This board is about JAPAN" and are left with nowhere to turn. You should be familiar with this.

But naturally that wouldn't be quite enough, I actually think it's part jealousy that inspires trolling you guys. Their large daily threads got banned by mods, if you remember the shitstorm awhile back. Yet you guys repost this every day.

Finally, It's just seeing those yellow fever JAPANESE GIRLS ARE THE BEST that sends them over the top. What else is 3d on the first page usually?

>> No.469330

i liked loli gaki better than nowadays gaki. Now she seems like she enjoys things too much, more so than like...i dont know...getting used to it or something. Kind of like she lost her innocence in a way......?

>> No.469334
File: 202 KB, 1200x880, 1208469681640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is ALWAYS a H!P thread on /jp/ anytime, don't worry. You can come everyday, it's just some days are slower than others.

Also a Musume Monday wouldn't work. Do you really think touhoufags would post Momusu just because it's monday?

>> No.469336

The last thread WAS started last week:

>> No.469338

at least we momusu weeaboo attempt to keep it to one thread, until that thread starts autosaging from over 250 posts

>> No.469342
File: 173 KB, 1032x1486, 1208469771470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we have ONE thread! That you don't even have to look at! Compared to Touhou's several billion I hardly think there's an argument to be made here!

>> No.469345

Yaguchi has a regular TV show. I think that's enough to put her in the top tier of the Hello Project of today.

But you are right that they have a lot of supposed artists who aren't getting any music.

>> No.469347

i wasn't against the RP threads too much. It was just the fact that there were too many of them. They should have been in a text board or something. Imageboards' setup just doesn't really seem to fit.
Plus, a real board with polls would work a lot better

>> No.469350

It's one thread that's like STAIN that won't go away. OH GOD WASH IT AWAY!

>> No.469352
File: 160 KB, 800x1140, 1208469857155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not expecting Touhoufags to EVER post Momusu, just to leave it alone if it's restricted to one day a week.

>> No.469356

she seems to kind of have fake emotions on camera nowadays.

momusu was so much more natural before. now they all seem like smiling drones.

>> No.469357

Well, if Berryz and C-ute can make it... And then they're Koharu. And Buono.

>> No.469358

just be glad it's a stain and not a growing infection

>> No.469359


See now, here's where the conflict comes in.
This is thread 40-odd of MM. Who are you to say there was too many of those threads?

>> No.469362

Well, if Berryz and C-ute can make it... And then there's Koharu. And Buono.

>> No.469365
File: 132 KB, 800x1140, 1208469961790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, mods need to step in at some point. I'd like to at least have confirmation (from someone who, y'know, matters) if I should just forget the board exists at all.

>> No.469367

i guess thats really what it comes down to. even if people say they weren't natural back in the day, they sure as hell seemed like it, and that's why I liked it

>> No.469370

i wonder why koharu lip syncs so much at concerts and live events, even though she is a soloist...

>> No.469372
File: 43 KB, 380x285, 1208470019327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koharu and Buono both have popular anime behind them.

>> No.469375

Don't feed trolls. The mods decide what's allowed and what isn't, not some douchebag who doesn't like it and can't be bothered to click the collapse button.

>> No.469383

mano eri creeps me out on berikyu

>> No.469390


Hey, I'm just trying to have a decent conversation here. You guys are the ones that asked what was causing this, I'm just trying to help put it in perspective.

>> No.469395
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 1208470281427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why restrict it to only one day?

>> No.469397

You don't bloody well need confirmation from the mods that they actually mean the rules. Stop being such a pussy.

Also, sega for 3D.

>> No.469400

Resonant Blue in delicious lossless flac:

My limited B ver should be here today. Dammit mailman hurry up...

>> No.469406

But again, why do you like to upload it to sendspace? That site sucks and only lets you download when it feels like it.

>> No.469411

no, you're misunderstanding
I'm 100% fine if you have one RP thread going on at the same time. There was like a few different storylines or games or whatever they were called going on at the same time, and that was stupid

>> No.469412

*only came into this thread for pics*

>> No.469416

She's only sort of a soloist. Her main market is little kids that watch Kirarin Revolution, so what they're selling is her character and the image, not her vocal talent. The kid's only been in this game for a few years, and she wasn't chosen for her existing talent so it's all been pretty much developed from scratch. In a few short years there was only so much emphasis they could put on her singing.

>> No.469419

came at a bad time, there's not too many

>> No.469424

I've never had any probs with sendspace. It seems to delete it after a few weeks, which I don't care about anyways.

I hate uploading to megaupload or rapidshare because so many other people use them for other things that they are likely not able to DL it because they have a time limit wait.

>> No.469429
File: 14 KB, 196x240, 1208470717586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To keep the Touhoufags quiet since they obviously think they can do whatever the hell they want.

I would 'bloody well' like a final settlement to this whole argument thing, as would most people on here. Also:
1) Stop using British slang, foreignfag.
2) Gtfo my UK.

>> No.469434


I don't remember two going at once, Aside from people trying to troll. When one started, another stopped.

But things can always seem different. For example, many anons are seeing as this as "Jesus christ, ANOTHER MM THREAD?" instead of realizing it's actually the same one.

>> No.469439

i've always experienced WAY slower download speeds from sendspace

ie. i got that Yaguchi thing in here earlier, only downloaded at about 50~60kb/s
Then, Rapdishare something else, going at like 350+kb/s

granted, I've seen myself download at 9 MB/S before (from blackberry.com. Consistently for 90mb) but 350-700 seems to be the normal range for me

>> No.469443
File: 804 KB, 1092x3408, 1208470843346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any specific requests, sir?

>> No.469448

well, I didn't follow the threads, I ignored them, but wasn't there like, I have no idea...YWUIG, YFUIG, and then like other ones with like...cirno or something, and then like...anonymous's nice day (not the VN, an RP thread, i think...at some time)

>> No.469453

I've had the same experience. Sendspace is slow. I recommend using mediafire.com instead. Downloads are faster and they don't seem to have any limits like rapidshare/megaupload.

>> No.469459
File: 119 KB, 509x768, 1208471090987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Momusu/H!P thread doesn't have nearly enough Momusu/H!P pictures.
Have a Nakazawa while I decide who I can and can't post so as not to get the banhammer.

>> No.469463


There were three. The main one. The short lived "BREASTS" one, and the FUIG one. FUIG started up whenever YWUIG wasn't running.

Anon's nice day is only a VN. The actual game happened ages ago back in /a/.

Like I said, it's easy to mis-see things when it's a subject you hate.

>> No.469464

From my perspective (I'm just here for the MB netplay and troll threads), there was the one major thread (which I was perfectly fine with ignoring) and a bunch of obnoxious roleplay threads started by whoever, and it was the latter that got the whole thing nuked.

>> No.469466

odd. My DL speeds are fine on sendspace.

My UL speed is around 8MB/sec to sendspace as well. That's also what I like a lot about it...

>> No.469469
File: 274 KB, 1034x1475, 1208471207988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the way to think. If they can post what they like, why can't we? Who are they to stop us posting our PIG DISGUSTING 3D?

Then it's me and my "Third country download slots". Try http://www.badongo.com/ or http://www.mediafire.com/ But well, it's your file, and beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.469476
File: 166 KB, 800x1140, 1208471250037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know we're not allowed to post junior idols, but how young does an idol have to be to still be called 'junior'? Hagiwara Mai is obviously not cool - but Yajima Maimi? Umeda Erika?

>> No.469478

i don't know how i feel about nakazawa being "cute" if you know what i mean.
She seems to have more of a "tough" personality, so being cute doesnt really fit her personality.
ALTHOUGH, when she seems/sounds vulnerable, it's really awesome. Case in point: Happy Summer Wedding, solo line "aah, kakete gomen ne" as well as when she introduced Tsugimoto san.
While it's not "authentic" or anything, it sounds like it, and that's the main theng. She's an idol, of course it's not real, but she gets the point across.

>> No.469488
File: 457 KB, 2149x3468, 1208471363735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though I have a massive lolita complex, I have to admit I'm quite attracted to nacchi.

>> No.469494
File: 65 KB, 512x768, img20080413064900129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the Ongaku Gatas eggs are adorable. ♥

>> No.469496

OK, i guess i didn't realize that YWUIG and FUIG were kind of...night/day kind of occurrances. to me, there were still 2 separate things.

I'm referring to what >>469464 was saying. Maybe it was just shit hitting the fan, but it seemed like they were popping up all over the place. Hell, I wanted to start one too, kind of to be a jackass (a troll-type RP, where just stupid bullshit happened), but I never did.

>> No.469499
File: 234 KB, 1100x1589, 1208471501380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were banned because people used the loophole in "Everything Japan related is welcome" to post pseudo-CP. moot gave said it's OK as long it doesn't have sexual connotations (lolis in school uniform, swimsuit kind of stuff. Didn't save the screencap where he said it.

>> No.469503
File: 31 KB, 431x600, 1208471513694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yattarouze~ ♥

>> No.469511
File: 376 KB, 1440x2082, 1208471576696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting Okada for no reason

>> No.469512

"junior idols" usually means girls around 10-12 yrs old girls in string bikinis

the younger members of h!p have reasonably acceptable pics (if they have a photobook). Not to mention they also sing and dance and appear on normal tv shows and do things other than just pose for photoshoots as well.

>> No.469514
File: 116 KB, 994x1367, 1208471601515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oho. So pretty much everything in H!P is okay then?

>> No.469515

i love nacchi...absolutely adore her. I never really gave her a second thought, I thought she was just kind of airheaded like Risa (maybe she's not, but I havent seen enough of her things to be able to tell)
But then I saw Okamura's sports festival thing, and I saw how she was so determined and sincere to get things right or whatever, and it struck one of the right chords inside me. I've been a huge fan of her ever since.

>> No.469517


>> No.469523

>>Hell, I wanted to start one too, kind of to be a jackass (a troll-type RP, where just stupid bullshit happened)

That's the thing though. Other people didn't have the restraint and the trolls got the entire show nuked.

This basically results in my theory here.

You guys are getting trolled by Touhou fans out of jealousy, frustration, and because you get grouped with the bad types.

>> No.469525

well, more or less
H!P is OK in and of itself, but the younger ones generally make the regular junior modelfags join in on the threads and get them deleted.

tl;dr: H!P = awwright, but will probably get deleted anyway

>> No.469527
File: 152 KB, 636x900, 1208471752937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no authority here but I'd say yes, everything H!P is accepted.

>> No.469530
File: 27 KB, 419x600, img20080411154408515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically the Touhoufags decide to take things out on us in the hopes that we'll be seen as the bad guys for standing up for what we're doing, and they'll get their daily thread back? Or what?

>> No.469535
File: 77 KB, 509x768, img20080410152400369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god Mai is so adorable.

>> No.469544

it's sad that she's faded into almost oblivion, except for the very few tv appearances and concerts she has.
....Especially since she was the "main face of momusu" when they were in their golden years.

Also, I hate the damn autosage. 10bux says the new thread will be trolled with 2d fags shouting "NOT ANOTHER DAMN MM THREAD. WTF."

>> No.469545
File: 89 KB, 846x388, sasskay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touhou is still allowed though. Just not role playing about touhou. I think if there was allowed 1 official RP thread like YWUIG, then it'd be fine.

it was the explosion that killed it.
I still dont' see why we get trolled because of it though. Not only that, but we were trolled before the shitstorm....and boy oh boy, that was quite a day. I got banned. pic related

>> No.469546

speaking of links, does anyone have links for the last two Haromoni@, sendspace or otherwise? Just not veoh, OK?

>> No.469572

get them off the H!O tracker

>> No.469579


Ah, I see you're new to how 4chan works.
Basically, it's the eternal struggle. They're tired of being trolled, so they're simply trying to counter-troll everyone into leaving.

If everyone leaves, they'll be able to post whatever they want, because there won't be anybody with clashing interests left to whine at mods.

You see, 4chan has very few mods. They don't actually browse /jp/. The only way they end up here is when someone reports a thread.
If they where to drive everyone with conflicting interests out, there'd be no one to report the threads they like except them, resulting in a paradise of a board. They'd be able to report threads they didn't want, and have their threads remains.

Naturally this won't happen, as while touhou fans are the majority of this board, it's not a strong enough majority to kick everyone else out.

But such is what happens over time. Touhou fans have been trolled and kicked out of more boards on 4chan than anyone else. /jp/ was supposed to be a holy land for them.
Quoteth moot
>>touhou fans really are the israelites of 4chan
But instead they're still trolled here.
People do stupid things in frustration.

>> No.469577


new thread. This time with new and improved less 3D

>> No.469594

i don't troll touhou. I tolerate touhou. I would like touhou to tolerate me.

When they came for the touhou, i did not speak up, for i do not like touhou.
When they came for the RP, i did not speak up, for I do not like RP.
Whey they came for the MM, there was nobody to speak up for me.

or whatever the proverb is

>> No.469605


Now see, if everyone was like you, /jp/ would be a much kinder place. Sunshine and lolipops.

>> No.469606

Not a proverb, it's a quote.

>> No.469663

It was some priest in Nazi Germany, i think.

Exactly. Way i see it, we and others help legitimize this board because the Touhoufags can point to these threads and say, see, Moot, it's not all us.

But if it weren't for the Touhoufags, we would have no /jp/.

>> No.469706

And porn game fags too. They were shitting up /a/ so moot decided to split.

And touhoufags were annoying too, specially in /tg/

>> No.469734

well, what's a porn game, and what's a legit VN?
I like some of them, even if they didn't have porn scenes

>> No.469760
File: 187 KB, 800x1061, OP_071102_Buono_2L_Pt2_momo_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.469917

risako just turned 14 this month

it's been like that for pure idols since the 70's/80's. it's the way pure idols are suppose to be. MY WOTA HEART NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED.

>> No.470019


>> No.470297


>> No.470341

because mari is a failface and kei isn't popular enough.

lol akbers, is that hitomi or yukari? i always get those two confused. :/

>> No.470749

Visual Novel is a term coined by hypocrite fags (I think it first came out from Megatokyo forums) who refer their porn with plot as "Visual Novels".
In my case, I just call the whole bunch galge (basically any game with pretty 2D girls as marketing point) and the ones with porn (like, the 95% of them) eroge.
